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> supposedly knows all martial arts in existence
> on screen always uses the most basic punches
What is even a point.
> supposedly knows all martial arts in existence
Afair only Lady Shiva and Karate Kid knows all martial arts in DC
I always kind of thought he just didn't need to pull off too many of the flashy looking shit, and out of universe it's probably easier to draw
When did Batman become some sort of martial arts grand master in the eyes of fans? He was never the best fighter, he was just the most well rounded.

He has working knowledge of a wide variety of martial arts and is highly proficient in a few of them... but he supplements this with tools, gadgets, stealth, etc. He's not trying to win a karate tournament, he's just trying to neutralize the threat. He will frequently employ dirty tactics when facing a better martial artist by relying on weapons or whatever. He will absolutely fight unfairly if it gives him an edge. He's more akin to a traditional ninja than some sort of Kung Fu monk or honor-bound samurai. A smoke bomb and right cross is efficient enough.

Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger, Cass Cain, etc. are all better martial artists.
Always amuses me how retards who nothing about fighting think fight scenes between martial artists should be like those retarded kung fu films from Hong Kong.

Fighting is about doing the most efficient thing, not the flashiest thing
>He's the most well-rounded

This is a recent thing just to give Nightwing something to be good at. Old school lore Batmam trained with various masters across the world to learn various techniques and not just fighting but meditation as well
Why would he use martial arts against an opponent that doesn't know martial arts when a simple punch will do?
The most effective martial art in any street fighting situation is a solid punch to the face. Anything flashier is for retards.
There's a very good reason why every martial art has the most basic punch in the world

It's a really good move
All fights should really boil down to MMA, the most efficient fighting style.
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>knows the spirit bomb and resorts to using punches and ki beams. What is the point?

See how stupid you sound?
>When did Batman become some sort of martial arts grand master
Since the 70s.
>Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger, Cass Cain
A better question is when did thos happen? Shiva's own creator said Batman's the better fighter so when did silly feminism solidified so strongly in the eyes of the fans? Or something as dumb as a 90 pound teenage girl beating a grown man in a fight, this is some real anime tier bullshit.
Nobody wants to watch some boring ass hugging contest unless they're gambling on it
Ted Grant taught him as well
Being a martial artist in comics means doing a block and punch or kick and saying its Mega Kung Fu from Mars UNLESS you're fighting another martial artist in which case your block and punch will be "something i learned from a street brawl in a dockside bar"
>When did Batman become some sort of martial arts grand master in the eyes of fans?

Around the same time the general batwank started, Morrison's JLA and later Tower of Babel.

I don't personally like Batman as a martial arts god either. I think he should be a gadget main. Like, he can fight hand to hand, but it should never ever be his number one plan and currently it's always the thing he does first (usually the only thing he does).
MMA is a meme designed to scam idiots. Oh yeah the most effective form of combat in a street fighting situation is to just roll around on the ground with a bunch of debris grinding the guy's limbs against your balls while his friends have free reign to kick your face in.
It's funnier when people act like it's some sort of advantage against other fighters. Knowing fewer but more effective styles is always going to be better, knowing esoteric shit like legless- or armless-style fighting just so you can use it as a flex is just retarded.
>MMA, the most efficient fighting style

MMA as you know it is only efficient in an MMA cage with the constraints of MMA rules. If the contestants were allowed to kill or cripple each other the fights would look very different.
In a visual medium looking good is infinitely more important than being realistic
And an MMA fighter is going to be even more effective if he can do all the illegal moves on top of what he knows. Some people think they're going to outperform a pro fighter just because they can poke his eyes, when in reality he'd still be able to poke yours better once the restriction is gone. A trained fighter's level of experience and conditioning is far beyond non-fighters. If you can’t beat him with rules, what makes you think you’d stand a chance without them? The rules protect you too.
At some point if you fight long enough you're going to the ground whether you want to or not. Best to know what to do there.
Grappling is effective 1v1. It's far less useful when fighting multiple people. But then again, so are most things.
For one, comic artists aren't likely to know much about martial arts or how to draw realistic fights or much beyond basic cool looking punches or kicks. It gets the idea across well enough. But in-universe, Batman doesn't need to do much more than simple stuff on most people. There's also cases where Batman is fighting some martial arts master and is shown using more, because he needs to use more.
>And an MMA fighter is going to be even more effective if he can do all the illegal moves on top of what he knows
You know how an MMA fighter reacts when facing someone with a knife? They run.
I was thinking illegal moves but still unarmed. Yeah, obviously if you're unarmed against someone with a knife or gun you want to get the hell out of the situation however you can. Yes, a weak untrained woman could kill a UFC champion by shooting him. Nobody disputes that weapons change everything.
Extremely retarded for any superhero other than The Flash to even be the greatest grandmaster of ONE martial art honestly.
Hell the Flash doesn't need any training to punch someone quick and hard. How are you going to avoid getting hit by the Flash?

t. has never read a Flash comic, maybe they explain how some villains do it
He's dressed as a bat fighting a guy dressed as a calendar or ketchup bottle or a clown
Kill yourself anon
To add onto this, >>144338230 is right too. Realism isn't the goal. Even when the artists do know how to draw realistic fights, they might not want to, since this is a unrealistic comic to begin with.
I was on /v/ once discussing a woman who stabbed a guy 100+ times, and some retard actually blamed him for not instantly john wick disarming his high girlfriend who suddenly lunged.
Death of the author is a real thing in comics
The trinity of the fist in DC, the top three normal martial artists, are in no particular order
Lady Shiva
Bronze Tiger
Richard Dragon

Cassandra Cain is gaining on them. But her fighting dyslexia/body reading thing is a hack that is slowly being undone as she learns how to be a human being.

Interestingly enough, Nightwing is apparently the best fighter in the entire batclan and when Cassandra Cain tried to read him the first time she got a bit of a panic attack because every move set off could kill cripple or cause serious pain instantly alarm bells.

That's just the Gracies shilling their trash ass martial art that even they won't really use to defend themselves or fight anyone in real confrontations.
IRL if you want a grappling martial art that will protect you and end shit bruttaly and swiftly you should take up Judo or Catch Wrestling. Catch wrestling is litterally what the wrasslers use and if you grew up watching it then you already probably understand and practiced the basics.
There's your problem. But seriously, a lot of people have silly ideas about these things. Maybe I shouldn't have wrote "nobody disputes." It's more like "nobody that knows at all what they're talking about disputes."
Ah yes, judo throws to neutralise a threat are well known for having a 15 minute charge up period.
These comics and media has subconsciously trained all of us to wrong think about a LOT of shit.

Most notably fighting.
How many of you actually think watching MMA adn rolling or watching John Wick or watching some boss bitch shit talk a guy and beat him up with her sweet kungfu makes you indirectly a bad ass?

It don't.
It makes you a punch magnet or a missing persons report.
then why doesnt he kick more goons in the nuts
The answer is that Batman comics aren't about fighting. There's fighting in them. The climax is usually a fight. But the story is usually a detective noir or focuses more on the villain with Batman stopping them being an afterthought. Batman being good at fighting is moreso a narrative device. That basically says "once Batman shows up, he'll usually succeed in dispatching the bad guys. Most of his villains arent even fighters. Most just try to shoot him or something.
These. It's not a comic about realistic fighting, Batman being a martial arts master is more of a narrative device than the focus of the comic.
Comic creators don't work very hard at their jobs.
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Boxing and wrestling are unironically the best, that's why.
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> If the contestants were allowed to kill or cripple each other the fights would look very different.

Why do you retards always say this stupid shit? It's like the MMA fighter is going to follow cage match rules, while you'll be gouging his eyes our and kicking him in the balls. No, he's going to do the exact same shit you think you will, except he'll be much better at it.

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