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>ITT /co/ autism/shitty /co/ art
>>ITT /co/ autism/shitty /co/ art

So, every /co/ thread?
>Birchy thread

Fuck off
oh boy here we go again
lol his threads get sadder and sadder the more of /co/ starts to recognize his posting style and behavior
>pic unrelated?
Can someone explain to me the weird hateboner Birchy has with this artist? Did they not draw free fetish art for them or something?
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Birchy has used the name “Leaf” before. He’s not fooling anyone.

She told him to fuck off because he wouldn’t leave her alone and he thinks that’s harassment. He was straight up threatening to KHS on Twitter once because she was “mean”. I also this he made up this weird rumor she physically abused her classmates sometime back, if I’m not mistaking. The sad part is he’s 27 years old.
Oh did you know she's also harrassing Kuckyweck now?
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What is wrong with this man?

>The sad part is he’s 27 years old.
Woah woah woah buddy, how do we know THAT?
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so fill me in on the birchyverse
i know about this girl and the fixation he has on her, how he insists she comes here and harasses people, how he's medicated for manic depression and apparently the pills arent doing him any good
i also heard hes connected to that greeny-whatever ugly looking mspaint... thing? that some anon posts sometimes? is that him? and i think he's also mad at a guy named jake or something that likes to use TF2 reaction images?

build me a criminal profile of this guy this is fascinating
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Joey*, some guy in his life I guess, he once sperged out in a thread assuming a buncha different anons were all this guy names Joey and proceeded to post his art (?) to pwn him
Birchy is generally obsessed with the concept of identity, he thinks posting someone's art is hurting them, he thinks taking their reaction images and using them is hurting them, he thinks people have designated reaction images that define them and thus believes anyone who posts the same images is the same guy, ironically HIS images are super easy to tell because they're usually wide cap screenshots from a very specific anime, since I guess he thinks his image folder is his identity he chose something super obscure to maintain that identity

Also sent dick pictures to an anon on here once
It really isn't, you're most likely Birchy himself desperately acting like people actually give a fuck about you
>birchy being able to change his typing an speaking style this effecitvely
no way lol i've been around observing this guy for ages, he is literally incapable of that, sometimes when he gets noticed too much he might just remove the period or the ^_^ from the end of his sentences
he's too retarded to switch like this
Birchy isn't like Purple-Loudhouse-Girl-Media, he's not here to be the next big lolcow

He's just a mental homeless being weird and people knowing things about him makes him sperg something fierce
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>I believe it's "mental homeless-itis" that's the medical term
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So, what is wrong?, its a nice draw with a cartoonish style.
>he doesnt know about birchy
wheres dr eggman when you need him?
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>bad/autistic art thread
>look inside
>it's average
I know it's summer and all, but seriously?
I want this stupid inrelevant and confusing birchy drama gone so i can't be associated with this.

Oh my god, I'm fucking sick of this why you anons don't do it now.
Don't worry, you're not associated with this, absolutely no one cares about you
Then detach yourself from it. They can't do anything if you ignore it. And that's even better than insulting them.
Well, I guess OP got a cringe thread after all. Just not the way he thought it would play out.
Shut up Birchy it's so obvious you made the thread
no idea who you are, just draw more cool shit
>I don't know who you are but I know you draw
Retardation that can only be found in a Birchy thread
if you dont draw then i dont care if you exist
Anon artists don't exist anymore because of this namefag. He drove them all away.
Birchy is a notorious local lunatic, a COVID tourist newfag, an obsessive, manic-depressive stalker and ex-namefag. He used to go by the username 'Birchyfunbags' on /co/ and his posts ranged from typical nonsense to downright mental episodes, to just straight up annoying spam. Nowadays he typically only comes to /co/ after a particularly bad emotional breakdown which he will usually extensively document on his Twitter, after he which he will begin posting art made by one very particular artist with a recognizable artstyle, typically art of the characters from Star Vs, Kevin Spencer, or most commonly the pairing of both. In said threads he might also imply or pretend to BE this artist. The reason for this obsession is his stalking of the artist after she rejected his romantic advances which mindbroke him so bad that he was determined to "make her look bad" on /co/ by spamming her work.
When asked or accused of being Birchy, he will usually respond by pretending to be confused at first, and then eventually accusing the accuser of being crazy or a schizo, and insisting that "There's no such person, Birchy doesn't exist and never existed."
He will usually respond to himself by agreeing with himself, or respond to the same post several times pretending to be different people.
On the rare occasions where Birchy has been thoroughly found out and has no more newfags to lie to about being the artist of his carnal obsession, he will shift his focus to attentionfagging. Do not humor or engage with him in any way besides informing other people in the thread of his true nature. If you see a thread by him, report it, repost this message and move on. If you see him trying to derail another thread, repost this message, report him, and continue using the thread as before.

This has been a public service announcement.
Can we ever mention Kevin Spencer without the association to this prick again?
No because the mods hate it now.

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