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Previous >>144331296
Pride month is over
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That's why Jon Kent is finally dying
You know it’s gonna be a good thread when it starts with kissing
On to gay wrath month
I have some with snow white
Nice Snow White and Merida
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going to work here before too long but the prompt is giving a neat camera angle from time to time
cam we get elsa x chun li
ready to run
Full-sized, if you please?
I got you
Full seized?
I didnt know bing could recognize her
It does a little bit, but it’s not 100% accurate
pigletbros we are so cooked
They're so small.
what did you type for the hair on the right? or is that default

bruh, is that prompt still functional or are those saved images from before the update?
yeah, i'm doing some variations right now. very rare to get the ass shots though
would you be so kind as to share it? I wouldn't mind playing around with it when I get back from my trip.

classic disney concept art in the style of glen keane, watercolor, vibrant colors, ambient lighting, Kim Possible from Disney, long red hair, freckles, green eyes, standing on the beach. Sunny day. draping light and airy open robes adherent to skin over nothing. backlit silhouette, sea in the background. Standing on the beach with the surf gently breaking by her ankles. clouds in the sky. Beach chair and umbrella in the background. dynamic pose. full view

have that one if you wanna toy around with it
i've found 'x look/smile back at camera' quite successful in certain prompts
wow! *nose bleeds like an anime perv*
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no wait I just realised I meant left, but typed right
what a retard
same answer: default
i just mess around with throwing "thong" in wherever I can, it works more than you'd think and it's pretty much always how I've done it. "thong bikini" is the outfit for this one
i used to do that pretty often but it seems like it dogs too much, i usually do something like "butterfly on her back" or whatever object. sometimes it turns into tattoos tho. also back tattoo would probably work
>Elsa and Vanellope
In retrospect, I'm surprised it took this long for this to happen.
Damn good prompt you have there. Thanks for the share.
>Damn good prompt
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Ashi from Samurai Jack on Summer Vacation.
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a cartoon teenage girl with black bob hair, green eyes, red lips, a smile, a red Hawaiian yellow flower dress, a red tank top, a red towel skirt, standing on the beach, 2D illustration, 2D art, Samurai Jack style
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Patches from El Tigre enjoying this summer vacation.
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a cartoon teenage girl with blonde bob hair, a eyepatch, blue eye, red lips, a smile, a red Hawaiian yellow flower dress, a red tank top, a red towel skirt, standing on the beach, 2D illustration, 2D art,
>My promits for Patches
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Jucika’s Summer Vacation.
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and i'm out for now. peace!
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good night!
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Hi /co/, how are we doing today?
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I'm writing a sitcom fanfic with my boys here
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Glad you appreciate my Vanellope slop, anon.
can you do a skinny slow one in a little bitty sombrero piloncillo? (but be careful, he do pack a gun)
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Chelsea Van Der Zee
Chun Li fused with American Chavez when?
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Neat style
Yeah, it looks like he's really recognized by Bing
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And then it just does this shit for no reason
My takes at bootleg Esmeralda's
I get the dog if I try to get the real one
Got any Treasure Planet characters?
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I love it, Kim Poster!

What prompt did you use?
reminds me of Baby Sinclair, that baby dino from that Dinosaurs TV show
Who is this?

It reminds me the female form of Johnny Test.
pretty sure it's rapunzel with a different haircut
I know from genning a lot of punzies in my time
I seriously doubt it.

As much, she could look like Gwen Stacy from the Spider-Verse or even Gwenpool. But her hairstyle makes me think about when Johnny Test was turned into an attractive woman by his sisters.
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Who ya got? Ryunellope or Campunzie?
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Nice Ariel gen!
I still find it funny that Kane cursed Bayern. Have you been enjoying the Euros?!
Cute fusion!
Pretty good, Donald. Finishing up jobs for the day. How are you doing?
>I still find it funny that Kane cursed Bayern
I sometimes feel bad for him
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100% lore accurate because Punzie's toes are out.
Thanks x3. Just relaxing and trying to push some prompts while doing other things. I wonder if I could do some of these SFs with Ariel...
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I do too. Tottenham hired some terrible managers during his time at Spurs, though. Pochettino is a trophy doger, Mourinho is outdated, Santo was the wrong man, Conte is too confrontational.
I'd love to see some!
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I thought she could be Akuma and it really wants her to have a very stony expression.
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tried to make Dot
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Bing doesn't know Cobra Commander, but this is the best I've gotten with my imputs
try featureless or blank for the mask
Well, the helmet and mask makes me think a little about Darth Vader, but you actually got really close to it.
I need OpenAI to release the NSFW bot so I can goon to my wildest fantasies.
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Having a hard time getting the face to be silver. Keeps making it black or blue like the outfit. Also got this weird one just now haha

"military leader all blue jumpsuit, black highlights, black cape with red lining. red Cobra symbol on chest, metallic silver-featurless-face, arms raised in air, at podium in front of cheering blue-army raising their fists, American flag waving, bald eagles flying"
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Same prompt got me thslis
Well, my darling deliverer...she breathed, pressing herself flush against you until she could feel the heat of your body seeping into every curve and hollow of her own. Get ready to have your pickle juiced! She growled playfully
>Get ready to have your pickle juiced!
contextually appropriate euphemism ultrakino
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Nice butt, Kara. How are them legs doing?
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This one could actually be Red Skull mixed with Destro.
Aww damn it says I maxed out my image limit. I swear, two thirds of my requests get blocked as inappropriate
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It's a limit to the number of prompts you attempt. Remember too that Dall-E generates 4 images if the prompt goes through (ie, not hitting the prompt filter) regardless of whether it shows them to you.
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You know who I like?


I like Inque a lot
jesus, this thread is filling fast

What prompt did you use?
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I keep changing it, but the foundation is basically referring to her as a slime monster rather than a person and trying to shape the body after the fact

Ironically this was one of my least-dogged prompts ever even though I was essentially prompting a naked woman. We're talking 2-4 outputs near constantly.

Of course I tried prompting her human form and it was basically impossible. Dogged up the goddamn ass and constantly ignored keywords. Doesn't help she's also basically nude and prompting a catsuit with any level of success is a huge pain in the ass
post images
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I'll pay his toll
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Filling up with Shit.
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That's every dallethread
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fat LOL
Stitch is rather thick, yes
Sooo... Something like "slime creature shaped as a woman"?
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Yeah more or less. Honestly you're better off keeping thing fluid and trying to come at it from different angles. Some of the stuff I got previously was shit and if I slavishly adhered to some of the prompts it would have never gotten any better. Not that what I'm doing now is stable either.

Course sometimes when it fucks up in an unacceptable manner (usually the white head spot) sometimes it does something interesting. Seriously it only does these ridiculously obscene thighs when it gives her eyes, I have no idea why
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made me laugh lol. pixel Pete wouldn't be so fucking annoying if he wasn't always so demanding.
he's like a lawyer in court demanding shit. like some manager at Walmart always demanding shit from employees

pixel Pete always demanding images or prompts and never sharing shit. always getting banned for prompting weird shit.
I know he's the penny poster
You have no fucking idea of what you are talking about, Dick Tick.

That post you quoted, I didn't write it. You instantly think anyone whose posts you don't like is me. You need a long vacation at Arkham Assylum.
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>no recognition of any interior or exterior elements
>the word br'er is sometimes a hard warning
it's so over
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Based. Akuma is awesome.
Nice gen. Have you been watching the Euros?
Cool gen.
OpenAI is keeping that locked up for your own safety.
As much as they try, Disney will never be able to make everyone forget "Song of the South", mainly because its main song "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" is a classic in its history.

Can you share the prompt, please?
please can you share that prompt?
pixel Pete
always demanding images.
always giving shit opinion.
always suggesting retarded ideas.
always begging for stuff

never posting pictures.
>Have you been watching the Euros?
Asking me to care about Europe or soccer on July 4th week, unbelievable
Dick Tick
Always meddling were nobody calls him
Always insulting anyone he dislikes
Always posting shit
Always being a pain i the butt

Never stopping with his crap.
maybe post 1 image today? maybe 1?
just one?
post one fucking image right now and I'll shut up
one. just one fucking image. post 1
It's me, I am autistic ESL image requester. It was me all along.
You already proved me you will never shut up.

Try meddling with someone else, take your crap somewhere else, and if I don't hear your fucking mouth for some time, I will post images.
what's sad is that all this arguing would end if he posted something.
but he can't post, he can't post because he's banned from bing, from trying to create weird shit
request bump
Damn wouldn't even take the easy layup.
always an excuse. always
1. my computer doesn't work
2. I don't have a phone
3. my boots ran out
4.i already posted

post 1 image right now you fucking parasite. post 1.
Go to Hell, jerk! Have you thought maybe I don't post simply because I don't want to share with a jerk like you?

And here's the proof. You just can't stop insulting as the disgusting tick you are.
You may be a noimage requester, but you don't seem to be THE noimage requester.
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How can you be so sure?
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Well I also like MAC and Chun-Li so if it is I've been spearphished.
>prompt: america chavez and chun li fused
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File deleted.
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No problem
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