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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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>faces the embodiment of fear
>doesn't have a panic attack
my fearless hero
I'll never comprehend how that scene utterly mindbroke so many of you faggots
Because it's character assassination and faggotry.
If you haven't been displayed the cognitive function to understand the meaning of that scene or the movie at large over the what, almost two years since the film came out, I won't waste the time trying in vain to explain it again
You WOULD know all about faggotry though
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Old Puss was such a chad.
You probably think that every fictional hero should be John Wayne or Conan (which by the way, you’re neither of them).
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Shut up fag, TLW retconned his entire legacy for a stunning scene but you weren't there
Panic attacks don't make you weak. Refusing to get treatment for them makes you weak.
Only women and nu-males have panic attacks
This. Panic attacks are for people who have never experienced actual real shit that's worth panicking over.
You probably love steven universe and shinji ikari
The truly splendid aspect of the matter is that the mongs squealing about a fictional character's lack of composure are themselves flying into incoherent emotional tantrums at the slightest inconvenience
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What's with the constant panic attack threads?
Some kind of extremely subtle reverse psychology way of getting me to watch Inside Out 2? Just one autistic Anon? Or just "Look, guys! I noticed a trope!" thing?
He absolutely slept with pajuna off-screen
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Puss hit his head after the first movie then hit his head a second time after shrek 4, that's the only way to explain his backwards progression
Both of you are idiots. If the day comes that either of you experience a genuine panic attack, you will keep it entirely to yourself out of shame. You will choke on your words here, and you will despise yourself for what you falsely believe to be weakness.
I won't have a panic attack because I'm a man who doesn't drink s-o-y milk.
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Why do you need validation from cartoons? What's wrong with you?
Bet you eat onions too.
>actual real shit that's worth panicking over.
How is death not worth panicking over?
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>panic attacks bad
Contrarian bullshit combined with "I hate everything modern".
Sissygeta btw i don't know if that matters
and what are they gonna do when they experience "shit that's worth panicking over"? NOT have a panic attack??
I'm just saying, everyone I've ever met who's dealt with "panic attacks" has been some pampered middle to upper class pussy who's never experienced real trauma or hardship and now freaks out whenever they have to buy a pint of milk because they don't want to "let everyone down" or some shit.
Of course the shitper zoomer loves this
Oh fuck off, I'm an anon, anon. I don't know you, you don't know me. I could be an alien. I never ever said I liked this either.
I'd think having death chase you and being reminded of your own mortality at the same moment would cause anyone to panic.
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opinion disregarded. Go choke on a big mac you retarded amerimutt
one of these isn't like the other
I don't. Especially when a lot of these cartoons are made for children. Kids don't need to be shamed for experiencing anxiety or panic, and some of these shows give them concrete ways to manage those experiences when they come up. I think that's wonderful. Why do YOU need validation from cartoons?
>Kids don't need to be shamed
Yes they do. They need to be strong.
Strength comes from facing and overcoming fear, not pretending it doesn't exist.
>cartoons didn't have faggy panic attacks in them for decades
>suddenly they do
Kill yourself
Many therapist don't agree with that. Why is that? Why are emotions tied to gender and age?
>cartoons had characters smoking cigarettes for decades
>suddenly they don't
Kill yourself
Joke profession, psychology is not a real science. Got anything else?
I agree, hot bitches smoking is SMOKING HOT
The how are people suppose to get better if they can't do it on their own? pills? pray to God?
For all of /co/'s whining about panic attacks, they've been having them ever since this movie came out.
>Same "no u" response over and over
Get new material faggot >>144343687
How many animated movies had panic attacks (and by thw way Inside Out 2 doesn't count since is an axiety attack) in recent years? Can you name 2?
Suck it up, touch grass. Life goes on.
You know we're not talking about the end of the movie faggot
No one has answered yet. So I was right, these are complaining about nothing.
>People who are shitting themselves on at least a daily basis over cartoons try to assert that they know what proper masculine behavior is
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Dulcinea is _____
How? Puss begged and grovelled to Shrek to spare him after Donkey suggested they neuter him. Of course he's going to be afraid of the literal embodiment of death coming for him.
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fine too
Damn nigga, get over it. It's been almost 2 years.
The movie could've ended with puss getting married to death and you faggots would still defend it just to be contrarian
Do you even know what that word means?
>/co/ is one person
Breathe, anon.
Of course I wouldn't
Death should marry ME

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