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What are your hopes and expectations for Craig's PPG reboot?
Got any recent news of it?
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More RRBs
Probably like one episode for them and that's it.
Original VAs
More RRB x PPG moments
RRB doing Berser- I mean BALLISTIC BARRAGE
Still in development according to Craig. He said that few months ago.
The Rowdyruff boys are treated like main villains and get more episodes.
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Craig McCracken is on it and he wants to do this because he can't do anything else. I'm sure this is gonna go fine as long as he's the main guy.
>More RRB x PPG moments
Kill. Yourself.
Edgy violence like the original, and occasional risque gags.
I honestly don't remember how much violence the reboot had.

Very based.
Craig did confirm he would use them in the best possible way in this reboot.
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>honestly don't remember how much violence the reboot had.
Mostly stuff like this.
Fingers crossed he brings Ms. Bellum back. Since this reboot takes place in the same world/continuity as the original series.
>More RRB x PPG moments
Craig hates you and it's not going to happen lmao
The RRBs were cool characters that barely showed up in the original series and didn't show up at all in the 2016 reboot, so of course people are going to talk about them a lot when a new show is brought up.
Thank goodness for Craig. I want PPGs vs. RRBs not fucking PPG x RRG garbage. Shipperfags are so poisonous that Craig had to throw in that bread crumb about their teenaged selves to shut them up.
Talk about THEM then instead of talking about shipping them with the girls.
>and didn't show up at all in the 2016 reboot
wrong anon also
I'm still gonna ship them hold that shit
Good. And then the creator will continue to not give you what you want.
Powerpunk girls
I hope they get a redemption arc and become rambunctious super antiheroes who cause as many problems as they solve.
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>literally matching the girls' race outfits but with edgier aesthetics
>redemption arc
You don't really like them then.
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That it doesn't look like the 10th anniversary special, my favorite style of the show is from Seasons 5-6, which efficiently transferred the style of the movie, at least I hope for a better style than 'PPG Rules'.
I hope the professor adopts them and they end up exploring each other's bodies when the professor is not around.
Well that is kinda the RRBs' thing.
Imagine frictionless goalposts.
Just give me back Ms Bellum and Sedusa.
Imagine retarded posers.
Sedusa is not coming back. She got beat by fucking Miss Bellum. She's not a threat to the girls at all.
right is a noticeable downgrade. way too pointy lines with less detail somehow
Nice delusions clown. She came back even after that.
Yikes. That right side looked a but rushed.
New Jeans cameo.
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I just want Ms Keane to get her boobs back.
I wouldn't mind if the new show looked like this, the 2D parts at the start.
Two words:

>Funny jokes

Say what you will about horse show, it had funny bits for at least 2 seasons. I feel into the trap of liking it because the humor was the closest I could find to PPG but I had the good kind to ditch it in season 3 for not being funny anymore.
What the fucking hell
I want Keane to marry Professor.
wasn't there an episode where they began dating or am i remembering wrong
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That Sedusa's man.
That hussy had her chance.
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Yes and it was awkward and they both decided to never do it again.
It's an official partnership that's still active, so it's possible.
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Yes. And Ms Keane turned into a real slut while dating him for some reason. They were just really bad for each other.
ok so i wasn't remembering wrong. nice to know but yeah. that was certainly an odd couple.
What are the most brutal PPG fights in the series?
ppg vs fuzzy lumpkins
both ppg vs rrb fights especially the second one
Bubbles when she went hardcore and fucked up Mojo.
That it'll have experimental animation. Somewhat similar to the upcoming Foster's home, but even wilder, according to Craig.
Or what? Fucking faggot, cry some more.
yeah. that one was also a real brutal one too.
What did he mean by experimental animation?
Kill yourself.
They tied up the emergency lines talking to each other (mostly because the Mayor wouldn't interrupt their conversation because that would be rude.) Professor became a Chad and Keane became a Stacy until she mentioned her cat and they broke up because Utonium doesn't like cats.
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Bubbles' level 11 simulation fight.


I miss when the older seasons had blood and more badass fights.
>cat killed the romance
shit is too hilarious.
This is going to be shit and the cope is hysterical
Yeah the RRBs were especially brutal to the PPGs in the rematch. They were toyed with and tortured to where they couldn't even fight back and the boys STILL kept beating up on them. Even the other villains would know when to stop.
Thick outlines like the original
It not being episodic and being just a fun action-comedy
>Original VAs
On the fence about this

Probably a mix of 2D and 3D.
Blood as in scratches? Because my memory must suck because I don't remember like actual bleeding on the show from fights even in the older seasons.
So basically 2D characters with 3D animations and with certain backgrounds
>not being episodic and being just a fun action-comedy
Craig did confirm it would be more story driven than episodic which is why they're going with full 22 minute episodes instead of the 2 x 11 minute episodes like before.
I recall Craig saying that this reboot will be different from the original by having more continuity. In short, there will be an overarching story to it this time. I'm not surprised since Kid Cosmic had that. Hopefully the story will be good, but I know /co/ is going to bitch about it having lore.
No the show had blood, even in the intro there was blood when Buttercup kicks Him.

The show wouldn't linger too long on the blood shots, but blood can be seen.
Ah well
I'll see what happens
I remember the second season of wander over yonder was like that
At this point my hope goes into accidently hitting a deer while driving alone so I die and my family gets the life and the ad&d insurance, oh and the car insurance.
Damn. Why is my dumb ass just noticing now?
So a little under the radar stuff then
How did it affect the structure of the storytelling?
I just want Mojo to destroy the PPGs.
Do you guys want Bliss back?
fuck no.
I'm not sure it counts as a fight, but when the girls kicked Mojo's ass for stealing their candy.
That was pretty gnarly
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But why
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page 3 (NSFW): https://myuroca.xjyjxsnptgch.hath.network/h/d49be8607aa20885da36dcfa91c3245f05f5fa07-179710-1280-948-jpg/keystamp=1719978300-13a10558d3;fileindex=54532366;xres=1280/2271493_Blossom_Jared_Shapiro_Powerpuff_Girls_Powerpuff_Girls_2016_SlashySmiley.jpg
Jaredbros why do we keep taking Ls?
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Nigga learn to remove referrals from links.
Still seething over Jared, Blossom/Brick bros?
this level of quality
Has Craig confirmed which characters would be appearing in the reboot yet?
So who were the top 3 most evil villains revealed in the 10th anniversary special?
1. Mojo
2. RRB
3. HIM

Probably Him, Mojo Jojo and Morebucks (most PPG villains were just jerks rather than pure evil)
Anon they already confirmed it. It's this >>144346644
when is the reboot even coming out
Almost as funny was the fact the mayor was just quietly listening to them flirting over the phone the entire time
the mayor is just a lonely guy
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It didn't and yeah classic ppg was embodiment of the edgy beatdown
The PPG/RRB rivalry is always nice.
Craig has already made it clear that he won’t be going back to hand drawn animation and has been using 2D tweening puppet riggs since fosters for his 2D shows after PPG since it’s more cheaper
Yeah and animation has gotten more modernized since then. Makes me wonder the styles he'll go for both the new PPG and Foster shows.
You know, love is everything.
>When the kids grown up
I'd rather have Bunny return, desu.
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Ms Keane is a sassy teacher.
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well they showed the first look of the new fosters. nothing yet on the new powerpuff
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Teen Powerpuffs should have a reboot too.
>despise each other as kids and have a rivalry with each other
>want to bone each other like crazy as teenagers
You know CN would find some way to yuck it up. Like one of the girls has a black boyfriend or something.
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Even teenagers wants to have sex you know.
Why yes. I want one of the elements of the shitty first reboot that helped make it shitty to return for the new reboot.
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Come on, professor. Kiss her.
I hate how they still have amputee hands
You think Professor tapped that?
Why wouldn't they? They and the RRBs aren't normal humans.
But their history was beyond toxic. Killing each other, attempting to kill each other, etc etc.
So I guess Mojo got took back full custody of his boys or did he and HIM come to some agreement in having 50/50 custody?
I am scared of this already.
we knew it would have cgi elements to it. also it might not be what you're expecting given the target audience for this spinoff is pre-schoolers. i doubt bloo will be as much of a cunt as he was in the original.
Gen alpha kids don't even know what the original show was, why market it towards them Baby Looney Tunes style? Also, I just wanna see Frankie again.
>the boys fuck up the girls' recess
>the girls plot to get revenge through brains and not direct brawn
>their plan was....to trick the boys to head back to mojo's just to show them that mojo ate their candy and got the boys mad enough to destroy his laser
ok??? how does that constitute the girls getting revenge on the boys themselves? are they that afraid of fighting them?
Only if they can make her do something novel. I'm going to say play up the space cop angle by having her only ever show up when doing things way more exciting than whatever the girls are up to.
>why market it towards them Baby Looney Tunes style?
because that's the market CN has been trying to target for years? even if they know nothing about the original, they'll probably still watch this one if they've been watching the other baby shows. plus despite grumbles from the og fans, they'll likely watch this too. even if it's just to bitch.

pfft. we'll be lucky if they mention her. but even if she does appear, she probably won't be as hot as before.
So it implies the boys do go to school sometimes but like to ditch all the time? I guess that's one way Mojo could get them out of his place so he can create evil plans in peace.
As Buttercup said, it's easier to just make them beat themselves up since they're really dumb.
You see why shipperfags have so much power now?
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>girls came out of nowhere to bug the boys
>decided to double their cooties and chase after them kanker style for some smooching
Why are the PPGs like this?
they want those boys dead by kisses
>Ancient Cootie Power
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Maybe we'll get another music video. I remember when they did this shit on TV, thought that was pretty cool.

They still get stuff like that.
Yes and now the PPGs are stronger than ever and ready kiss the life out of the RRBs.
I want Ms. Keane fanservice.
I meant having it premiere on TV, unless?
You guys think the new PPG show will air this year or next year?
Ms Keane is hotter than Ms Bellum and I am tired of pretending otherwise
>the boys got mouth to mouth by the girls
With the way things are going, next year at the earliest.
Hey. Keane is hot but Bellum is the original sex symbol for a reason.
It'll be ugly feminist shit
Craig will not allow that.
I wonder if this reaction to high doses of salt is exclusive to the RRB (because they are part snail and snails are weak to salt) or if it affects the PPG and Mojo.
Hard to say because the comics aren't really canon. But if RRB are affected by these components, the PPG and Mojo are probably in a similar boat.
The girls are sugar, spice, and everything nice, therefore:
powerpuff girl bathwater is actually tea
??? is there a page missing?

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