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I think it's Fairy time.
i thought that was swift for a moment.
Why are fairies wo hot? For me, it's not a size thing. I just think pretty, whimsical women that wear leaves and shit is sexy.
because they are pixie like, have childish features but on a mature body.
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I enjoyed how fucked up this comic is; if feels like what every attempt at a "gritty" Peter Pan adaptation wanted to be before flinching immediately and just doing the same thing with a less saturated color palette.
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Who here likes the Tinkerbell films?
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How did Loisel create one of the hottest, yet bitchest versions of Tinkerbell on planet earth?
Through hard work and tremendous intellectual insight on the mind of the read he determined Making a Female Character Look Really Hot tends to make them popular.
WHAT?! REALLY?!? No fucking way.....
hes lying dude, make them look fat and ugly with a bright coloured hair if you want them to get a fanbase.
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A fellow man of culture, I see.
B-b-but I thought most people W-WANT want sexy ladies in their media!?
It's only fair

Here, the shorts were funnier, same it was the last of a dying saga/IP

If anyone wants something slice of life fairy-like story I recommend hakumei to mikochi, it scratches the itch for me
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I love jean-Baptiste Monge. I met him recently
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Needs more cannibal fairies.
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Kinda an one-trick pony. But it IS a good trick.
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Most good artist are, you cant overextend in art without losing quality in the way, Kim Jung Gi did everything undee the sun but his art was boring it had no substance it was nothing but a display of super human skill, his old art when he did comics and whatnot that were topic driven had a way higher quality, could there be a middle ground? I suposse but I dont know
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That's his trade mark but he can do various stuff too. Some are darker and he worked as a chara designer on few films. He said he like to draw animals but to sell them better, he decided to add fae and gnomes.

>Kinda an one-trick pony.

Well every artists has their niche.
one finger
Oh, I just picked up that series in HC recently. Someone tossed it out.
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They're nice. Not really amazing, but the last two films were starting to get pretty good. Sad to see them quit and move everybody to other projects.
I guess the books are still running, at least.
I just remember an old collection of illustrations in a book you could had bought at Hot Topic back in the 90s. Wish I snagged it when I could.
I loved how it could get genuinely twisted and disturbing, yet it also never really came off as completely mean spirited, honestly it comes off like an old German fairy tale bersion or even the classic version of Peter Pan.>>144364538
What's this?
moth wing fairies>other wing types
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>No one posting the Nymphs from Rayman
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We're not on /v/.
I was just about to ask if Neopets is/co/ given its two decades of webcomics and decade as a viacom property. I still have no idea why it never got a show
Need more fairy twinks
You mean Tink.
Nah, I guess he's just gay
Thick mama's and bbws. God that game is kino.
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Why not both?
It's not gay if they're feminine
Nice thighs.
I think I may not be doing this right.
Think isn't even barefoot in the film...

The 1 major flaw in her design
An easy /co/ cross over. Stop making excuses.
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Definitely something Loisel's tink got right.
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I'm just gonna dump a bunch of Tinkerbell.
True but the face is weird. Its kinda like Chris sanders style but off
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True. Loisel is really good at anatomy. But his face's can be hit or miss.
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Thank you.
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No prob.
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larger scan
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En bon point
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Loisel definitely refined her face later on.
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last of the extras
>it also never really came off as completely mean spirited
I dunno man. She murdered Rosie and celebrated and then ran away from everyone until they just forgot Rosie ever existed. That was pretty dark.
fox peter pan’s tinkerbell > tinkerbell
mute characters aren’t cute
>mute characters aren’t cute
Shit tier opinion
How do the French have more balls than us?
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>that fat juicy ass
Ass legs and feet are all wonderful and I’m tired of pretending otherwise
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Would you let a drunk fairy fist your peehole?
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A quick 3x3, NSFW: >>>/aco/8364104
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They're significantly smaller and have less people who'd bitch about "inappropriate" material for kids.
Something french with good art.

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