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What does it say about the state of the industry when you’ve got people saying “can we get our stories turned into anime?”
The world is going to change today. It will happen at the Dodgers stadium. And it will mark a turning point of greatness for /co/
uh based
Bout damn time because /a/ is mostly battle shonen and isekai shit we might get more good stories every now and again that better cater to western taste.
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I am looking forward to the exportation of idol culture to the global stage through the medium of vtubers, especially English vtubers. Part of the reason why Japanese voice acting is so lauded is because of the established structures for dubbing, and the idol culture is very much a part of it. Many famous female Japanese VAs had a history as idols - contrast that with the washed up theatre actors and literals whos which make up the English voice acting scene, especially anime. The additional appeal of vtubers, especially those of Hololive, is the focus on the voice, as opposed to the real life look of the actor. If things work out, idol vtubers, like the ones from Hololive will start voicing Western animations, making animation and voicework more profitable and attractive. The exportation of idol culture beyond Japan will be a good thing, especially for /co/.
also Fourth Post Best Post
Aren't a lot of western shows already animated in places like Korea and Japan?
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Christian Walker is the new /co/ mascot? This would actually be so funny.
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Actually its Shohei Ohtani. And he has just done a massive service for /co/. You're welcome.
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it's pretty much colonialism

americans just can abuse their power and rob japanese stuff while giving them lectures non-stop and it won't even be considered a problem
that's colonialism
But they want to call american canadian cartoons 'anime'
What does it say about the state of the board when jannies protect east vs. west shitposting?
>How Shohei Ohtani has brought a new wave of Japanese tourists to LA

>/co/ mascots
Might as well make it official then. Any drawfags on call?
Scott Pilgrim was already weeb-core in the first place.
Unironically the only way the industry will survive is if the artists do what the Japs do and start their own studios, build a new scene in some fuck off city in the south/Midwest where the cost of living is low and can survive on subpar wages.
They also need to follow the jap model by making coomer bait miniseries every other season and paywall the explicit scenes behind Blu-ray.
Dubs of truth
This can’t be guy, he would never say a take this reasonable
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It says western animation, and the American entertainment industry in general, has been fucking killed in pursuit of ballooning budgets and ponzi scheme expectations for returns. Schlock like The Acolyte might seem harmless until you realize the budget was *180 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS.* Expensive flagpole cartoons cost about a million dollars per episode. So a garbage, overbudgeted series sucks up resources like a fat pig and as such, far less projects get produced. Every single dollar wasted on that piece of shit is a dollar that didn't go to another season of Molly McGee, or producing the next Gravity Falls.

Meanwhile, the anime industry, for its many faults, knows exactly how to manage their budgets (most of the time, don't come at me) and get the most out of what they have. That's why you see multiple new anime series come out every single year, while western studios are lucky to put out *one.* That's why you see fucking *lolicon fetish hentai* with more production value. How fucking big could the target audience for that be? Apparently big enough to stay in production while multiple western products die a quick yet miserable death.

Velma was a show absolutely no one liked and cost ONE MILLION dollars per episode. I'm not saying you have to go as low as ATHF, which made entire episodes for only 60k, but FOR FUCK'S SAKE you should be able to figure out how not to blow the budget of a small film on something that flopped completely.

Fucking shit man, maybe Japan should just buy out our entire industry and take it over.
Your right, I was arguing with him in another thread and started using his name just to piss him off.
It took me like 5 minutes to realize what he was bitching about, who the fuck cares lol, it's what they look like, a all the black female artists I know draw themselves with big lips and no one bats an eye kek
Anime has been a blight on animation.

The post-Roger Rabbit animation renaissance was killed by Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z.

Anime sucks.
Some of my favorite cartoons of all time came out after Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z.
Buddy I’m used to random cute posters using my name to tease me, you’re just a gnat in school with 0 imagination.
There’s no reason to settle for subpar wages when cartoons are wildly popular when they are actually good. Hazbin Hotel evidences this with the good designs, songs, and other stuff
>Hazbin Hotel

Bait used to be believable.
Checked and true.

Denied and false.
Do you have any stats on Hazbin staff wages? As I I know most of the Hazbin hotel staff are freelancers who work remotely, very different from the traditional in office set up which is bloated by the fact that most of the animation scene is set up some of the most expensive cities in the country and budget have to account for the cost living(and thus the talent still suffers as even with their bloated salaries they can barely take care of themselves)
The spindlehorse model still has allot of draw backs vs the traditional set up, though I do think it can work with time.
It, like anime, is a gimmick. This is not some transitional phase into total animefication like animefags like to stroke off to. Western things being adapted into anime can only be exotic because the things weren't anime in the first place. If you made a new anime you can't do that with it.
Again, the normalization of anime does not scare me. When it stops being exotic, it stops being worth looking at. It's simply the most acceptable form of "nerd" culture outside of marvel shit, that's it.
>Schlock like The Acolyte might seem harmless until you realize the budget was *180 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS.*
Ouch. I didn't know it cost that much. It's like they are trying to make a loss
It's only reasonable until you realize he thinks he should be running a studio
Its not the big lips, its the color
90% of cartoons are shit. Even worse than battle shonen.
Why do you care about what some random twitter fagot says?
>It, like anime, is a gimmick.
What does that mean?
>like animefags like to stroke off to.
I guarantee that no weeb wishes for western cartoons to be adapted into anime.
anime website
We should do the opposite then.
Id like to see the West try to replicate idol culture
Spindle has a revolving door of employees constantly and allegedly bad working conditions
Dey terk our jerbs!
>noooooo anime fans can't make anime because.... they just can't ok????
>Meanwhile, the anime industry, for its many faults, knows exactly how to manage their budgets
Satoshi Kon woke from the dead to come to my house and tell me to tell you that you're a nigger.
I don't get it
Every single time one of these 'western cartoon into anime' adaptations comes out, it was animated in Korea
Regular western cartoons are already animated in Korea

So how in the fuck can we not cut out the middleman? Why can't Americans draw, time, and board in anime style? Are they too retarded?
>Satoshi Kon
Better than every western director ever.
>Why can't Americans draw, time, and board in anime style?
But they can
There are plenty of western cartoons that resemble anime. Look at Studio Mir
They just don’t want to. Simple as
Helluva Boss has burned through about 500 animators across it's 18 episodes
Yeah, and it sucked, and it ruined an entire generation of women.
>They just don’t want to. Simple as
But why would a big US production company want to inflate budgets by employing a middleman studio?
Let's be honest, they were already trash
Women were never good
Guy saying something reasonable? We really must be in changing times.
why did you censor the username pussy lol
Anime website retardbro.
Correct and it's only gotten worse.
Maybe on planet retard.
fuck you it started playing in my head
>”le porn” is your idea of being reasonable
Why not just give up on having anything interesting to say, are you waiting for your addiction to neutralize more brain cells
sorry could you elaborate?
it wasn't about porn tho
western porn animation is not te part of industry that has problems we are talking about
Earth is planet retard.
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Mori doing the SS ending is just the start.
Why is it always about the Sword of the Demon slayer? waren't thare any ather manga that achived something simular?
or was it just flash in the pan
British theatre actors are pretty good they just never get hired for anything due to cost or other practical constraints. I hear that a lot actually, theatre actors are usually really good but they don't get VO roles as often as they deserve.
Weebs aren't people/
In two hours it will be more than just a flash.
why would they ever try to replicate something that retarded
Could you elaborate?
Well despite been kinda paphetic (and moraly not that great) it is sucssesfull in a way
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>one of the top teams in baseball is having a HOLOLIVE NIGHT
what a strange world we live in
>Japanese Thing
The future is one-man armies armed with unlocked local AI solutions with no budget and a lessened social media attack surface making cartoons of ant and every kind. "Social risk" needs to be reduced to allow for riskier and therefore more interesting storytelling and artstyles, meaning budgets needs to be reduced AND the woke twitter crowd has to have less ability to destroy people involved.

You will see episodes of a series just drop on twitter, experimental in design and format, rendered and voiced entirely by AI from the outlines and sketchy storyboards provided by the one-man-army artist. In this world where production quality is easy, the attention economy will focus to favoring novelty and/or uniqueness, which will both be easier in a world where failure has less severe consequences.

It's not "about" anime inherently. It's that anime managed to avoid the moral outrage censors in both production and consumption until fairly recently. That may change soon as foreign companies invest, but it won't matter as long as we have the training data.
>defending AIsloppa

t. techbro
The funniest thing is that they can never make it look as good as anime and then they fill it with the culture war shit people are sick of in cartoons anyway, it's honestly sad to watch
God, don't tease me. Everything about what you just said has me rock fucking hard. Imagine a world free of executive meddling and pearl clutching moral bait faggots.
It's like how people bring up Boondocks being anime style but ignore the writing that carried the good seasons.
Thing is, effort will still be needed. Too much of ai content is slop. I think its possible, but it will not be in the way the techbros are pushing it.
There will definitely be hiccups, as the non-local solutions that corpos initially have access to will look better than local stuff. But the barrier to entry for "a cartoon" will be low enough that maverick professionals, reasonable hobbists and total amateurs ("idea guys") will be able to put their creative desires to animation.

There are going to be a LOT of generic filler productions, deviantart-level harem isekai power fantasies whose only notable feature is whose self-insert happens to be the protagonist. But there will also be insane auteurs freed from the penny pinchers who can just make whatever insane thing in their heads alone, and no company will be able to control the creative output to fit their agendas. That said, they're still going to try, probably through pressuring social media companies to manipulate the discovery algorithms. So we're going to have to start figuring out private networks of likeminded individual.

But I can see the Promised Land.
I think people are missing the big point, it's not that anime and manga is the style to always strive for (Faux anime sucks most of the time, either shit like Castlevania or High Guardian Spice), the lesson to be taken is to expand out and allow variety. Sports anime, battle shonen, deep philosophical dramas etc. etc. are always being made on a semi-regular basis but western either has slice of life with wacky adventures, wacky adventures with slice of life, edgy "adult" humour or edgy "adult" fuckgorefests which blend in with each other.
Say what you want about something like Hazbin hotel, I don't personally like it, but I appreciate it exists being different enough to stand out (The way it does is bad but I digress).
>The future is one-man armies armed with unlocked local AI solutions
aaaaaaaaand you've already cocked it up. Nothing made by AI will ever be worthwhile, Anon.
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Oh its going to get stranger. MUCH stranger.
Mehicans have no shame

Last year I drove past a Danny Trejo-looking motherfucker who had a fucking Houtengeki Egyptian catgirl bumpersticker. Just some 8-inch custom decal of a fatassed anime catgirl just plastered there in front of God and everyone
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the Zone brainrot is real
>Western animation has debased itself to the point it needs to start calling itself anime
It's really sad
Pop culture has been a thing since the 60s
>erasing your name

Everything changes now. The canon event has arrived.
I said IDOL culture. Japanese idol culture is not the same as pop culture.
Mexican weebs are uber-based, having no shame is almost like a superpower these days.
Black weebs are hit or miss, they're either giant annoying faggots or chill bros who mainly watch shonen.
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The fuck did I just watch?
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Its too late now.
From Software's games are voiced by British theater actors.
Japan won the soft power war
The End

Our End
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>when you’ve got people
Who? You mean terminally online people? Nah, they shouldn't have any say on any matter. The world has gone to shit because of them.
>he says this on a board filled with terminally online people
Blackrock is planning to invest a ton in anime so you can rest assured it's gonna be just as pozzed as cartoons which will make it quickly lose lustre

Has any /co/ character been as cute at this for the ball game?
I'm already noticing the rot setting in on videogames that should have been insulated from this crap. It's only fair animation should start rotting too

After all, it's important to force behaviors using vast piles of money
>/a/ is mostly battle shonen and isekai shit
(not true, by the way)
What the fuck are you on about? Even decent theatre actors blow the fuck out of regular VAs. Good theatre actors blow everyone out of the water. Games lauded for their voice work almost always have trained theatre actors doing the heavy lifting. I'll never understand why more games don't use theatrefags.
Why indeed. But its going to start changing now
Cute but why hasn't the dodger make their own v-tuber yet?
Why should they? They just got the biggest fucking vtuber on the planet to sing for them.
Its something to cash in on that they will own outright wwhh. Eventually her being there will be old news and as she gets bigger whatever she gets involved with will be less special.
Think about Fortnite collabing with everyone. Back in the day it used to be a big deal now they have to have special skins from multiple IPs to have the same outcome.
I'm assuming that they are planning to introduce their own girl and have her be there with her as they slowly phase her out.
Of course this is assuming that this wasn't a one time thing
>suits see their line go down
>suits see the anime line go up
>suits decide to make anime so their line will go up
Don't overthink it.
Japs suck. Anime's 50/50.
TikTok, dude.
That bitch did Lean.
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Buddy I hate to break it to you but western women in general are pretty busted so those washed up theater actors and literal whos will just become idols.

In fact it will be even worse because they won't have to "act" as a certain character. Being a VTuber is literally just being yourself with a mask so you don't have to face any of the consequences of putting your real identity out there (usually).
Didn't the guy in charge of that admit that the PC shit wasn't working?
>black dude is a loud ass priest with an afro who likes little boys and bdsm
>but it's the lips that make this character racist

did these people not see the show

But /co/ doesn't want to hear it because this board has an inferiority complex.
And Ralph Bakshi did marijuana. Your point?
Sounds like a skill issue
You're right. It's more like 70% battle shounen and isekai shit, 20% slice of life shit, 5% blatant fetishistic shit, and 5% things actually worth watching.
Name 1 thread on /co/ right now about things worth watching.
I'll give you two
Those are general threads that might contain things worth watching or things not worth watching. I'll give you the 2nd at least but the first one is only mentioning stuff and not discussing it(also fuck the digital circus thumbnail)
So I gave you at least one then. But I do agree with your point
>So I gave you at least one then
Yes, you did.
/co/ has always been in /a/'s shadow. This is a website based around japanese culture. Logically moot should've deleted it before it became a tumblr tranny hive.
/co/ had threads on /b/ before that. If /b/ hadn't degenerated that much I think it would have been ok to keep them there.
Literally the exact opposite is the case.
Television killed the initial trajectory of American animation, anime was given enough time to compete, developed its own version of limited animation apart from the Hanna-Barbera school of thought, and helped prop up the post-roger rabbit wave with co-productions.
That era died to innovations in CG and puppet rigging + the 2008 financial crisis.
Anime is the bearer of the torch for traditional animation, the western industry is struggling.
I liked /co/ better when it was a place for anime otaku to discuss western comics and cartoons instead of a place for cartoon otaku who perpetuate outdated shitty takes on anime.
Seriously, I hear false stereotypes about anime that are as old as the beef the two fandoms had in the fucking 1980’s.
The unique cultural blend of anime fandom and cartoon fandom here gave rise to a lot of modern conventions we take for granted in the cartoon scene at large, namely waifus, our own doujinshi/fanworks culture and concepts such as harems or “best girl” rankings. Had that blending never taken place the landscape of internet cartoon appreciation would be different.
Anime is garbage
>People would rather see a version of what they like but animated by named, skilled animators and written by people who would rather make something cool instead of navigating a minefield maze of representation and messaging.

Uh, duh? Outside of some films, the best director we have in /co/ right now is Genndy. Most cartoons are flat and carried by “good enough” writing.
60% of animated television is anime. To deny anime *anything* positive at all is to reveal one’s lack of experience, illogical bias, or distaste for animation itself.
Isn't one of their new talent a big MLP artist?
Dunno how she got hired by Hololive considering they'd consistently hired mid 20s zoomers since their forst gen
I’d argue that american animation is ultimately still plagued by its original problem that started when Fantasia didn’t sell well.
Disney were the industry leaders and the example in the American consciousness, and the medium itself has had the “family friendly/for kids” connotation associated with it ever since. Despite evidence to the contrary, past a certain budget animation must be simple and a wide appeal for kids because that’s what normalfags think animation is for. This has only recently started to shift as anime grows more and more normalized over here with younger millenials, gen z and now gen alpha.
Japanese women are incredible whores. Especially idols.
I liked /co/ better when it wasn't full of Eurotard white supremacists and autistic tumblr rejects who get butthurt at anime.
I don’t really have an issue with weirdos of all political alignments as long as they are here to appreciate cartoons and comics. If there here to not do that, then fuck off.
it's infested with dipshit weebs
>I am looking forward to the exportation of idol culture to the global stage
idol culture is bottom of the barrel garbage and the only thing vtubers are good for is porn
Someone's mad that they didn't get to sing at the ball game
The problem only got worse after 2016, when the site overall became more /pol/ But prior to that old /co/ was a great place to talk about western cartoons and animation. Hell, many animators, cartoonists and webcomic artists had their start on this board. /co/ is one of the better boards because it actually fosters a more productive and creative culture.
i just spammed them with gore and porn
And the male protags are usually wimps who can't be in the same room as women without blushing like mad. Japs and their culture are weird as fuck and they do lame ass shit like that.
/vt/umors are leaking out of their containment board...
Animation has been taken over by communists. They hate the idea od entrepreneurial ship.
Retarded take. All major animations are made by corporations. Your stupid cultural marxism argument doesnt mean shit when the real problem is vestigial ghouls in cliques defending their shitpiles. (((((((they))))))) are the ones trying to push the woke agenda. You want a real communist animation, theres Nu Pogodi. And even that stopped being commie under Putins capitalist Russia
He's right though.
They're real cocky for a bunch of guys who bent the knee to losers wanting to enforce Handmaid's Tale-style rules on women. It's like a bunch of pic related, but yelling at anime women for interacting with men and talking about "idol culture" that they know nothing about. Fucking wapanese jackasses, slurping up "idol culture" which is just Hollywood-style exploitation including the mob/Yakuza running the show and horrific abuse of women behind the scenes.
>Hollywood-style exploitation including the mob/Yakuza running the show and horrific abuse of women behind the scenes.

Sounds based
>/co/ is one of the better boards because it actually fosters a more productive and creative culture.
Ironically /co/ is the one board that has failed at every single project it has started.
Somehow they figured out how to combine the gayest aspects of capitalism and communism into one machine of awful.
What the fuck is this /pol/-tier schizo babble?
The entire point of becoming an Idol is to create a fantasy for your audience. The rules are there to create that fantasy. Don’t like it, don’t be an idol.
I used to genuinely hate idol culture but I've unironically come around to it based entirely on how angry it makes feminists and their twitter allies.
Actual idols interact with men all the time on Japanese variety shows. /vt/'s conception of an idol is a doll that does nothing but figuratively suck the dicks of the audience and pretend other men don't exist. No respect for their abilities as entertainers, or singers, or anything like that, they just want to call a pretend anime online girlfriend "cute" and harass anyone that dares try to find another path.
>Actual idols interact with men all the time on Japanese variety shows.
V-tubers do the same. What's your point?
There's actually a small burgeoning art scene growing in Texas, lots of small studios popping around Dallas and Houston. But there's abit of culture clash going on between the local artists and the transplants from the coasts. Unfortunately, the Californians in particular have an upper hand since they're coming with industry connects and more actual capital to throw down just from the fact their coming to a place where the cost of living is halfed.
>yes this is shit but it makes people i don't like angry so i support it
you are a fool

I never said it was. I said I hated it at first, I never said it was shit

>it makes people i don't like angry so i support it

Yes. Feminists and twitter troons have made a lot of things worst in the recent decade. If idol culture means curbing on them, I will support it.
Anon, what do you think you're doing? I'm going to assume you just missed the quote chain.
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Then why is there consistently enormous outcry and targeted harassment campaigns when Hololive vtubers interact with men, even ones from the same company? You'd think people championing "idol culture" would understand that sometimes idols show up on screen with men? Or are they just posers, completely ignorant of the culture they purport to defend?
They hate it when they interact with the EN Stars because most of the EN Stars guys are politically brain rotted.
They don't give a fuck if they interact with someone outside of the company, like during Rust collabs, or being on a TV show with male hosts.
Barely anyone gives a fuck if they interact with JP Stars like Roberu, Oga or Aruran.
So, you're going full cancel culture on these EN Stars just because they don't share your political views? Do you not see how incredibly hypocritical you're being on this? You do understand you're siding with the bad people on this, right?
Depends. If you count webcomics they do quite well.
Nta but
>60% of animated television is anime
I think its based. The fact that there is more anime means that there is a wealth of content the mainstream is not aware of but should be.
Anime is garbage, though. So it's not a wealth, but an abundance of garbage the mainstream will eventually eat up.
Poor take. I'd argue that current /co/ is even more rubbish than what anime has to offer.
Doyers suck dick
Enjoy jobbing to Philly in October
It's unironically better than 60% of it being western cartoons.
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It's not anime's fault your Industry chose to shill for blacks and trannies instead of developing

Stop fellating Tyrone and learn how storytelling works for once
Not him, but it's called gatekeeping.
If you don't gatekeep you end up like the comics and cartoon industries.
No one benefits from political brainrotted retards infesting a community.
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/co/ bros what will we do about this?
Cute Yin
I want to see a Yoh's Jenny action scene
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What's the point of making an anime about this show if it's already inspired by one? Do people not remember Astro Boy or something?
I don't want a whole anime. Just an animated fight or something similar.
You're actually saying this on /co/, of all places? Gatekeeping good? Gatekeeping, like the Comics Code Authority which imposed moral gatekeeping on comics from the top down and snuffed out everything in America except for capeshit and the industry has only very recently started to recover from?
You're confusing gatekeeping with censorship since you're retarded.
Gatekeeping political retards is what keeps your medium pure; if you have something to say, say it in your art, otherwise shut the fuck up.
Leftoid autism just attracts rightoid autism and turns the entire medium into political retards flinging shit at each other and making garbage, which is what we currently see in all American media, which is why it's so shit.
Censorship is gatekeeping, and you're a fucking imbecile for not understanding that. But I also see you don't actually care about censorship/gatekeeping, only keeping out people whose politics you don't personally agree with. You're a hypocrite. Concession accepted, have a good day.
>Censorship is gatekeeping
But gatekeeping is not censorship you fucking moron.
You're just a retard who doesn't like that people you agree with are being gatekept due to their retarded behaviour.
Typical brainrotted American.
this is gonna sound weird but jenny doesn't have that many action animations. just... the other kind.
I hate how THE WORLD is changing right now. And i don't like change.
Why can't the US just make their own anime?
I never said I agreed with them, and simply pointed out why the reason you gave was not the full picture. There's a reason I said "they".
Stop acting as if anyone who doesn't automatically agree with everything you have to say is your enemy.
Is this about Gura?
>60% of animated media is anime?
Masturbate before posting on /co/.
>If idol culture means curbing on them, I will support it.
you are a fool
>Had that blending never taken place the landscape of internet cartoon appreciation would be different.
>read: better.
Nah, you’re retarded and seething.
People aren't ready to admit this, but the Comics Code was a good thing, the industry moving away from it just brought garbage On Average everything during it was so much more enjoyable and well put together.
I love animu desu
Nothing good...
Fuck the dodgers and fuck weebshit. Also Go braves
He shouldve never left the angels
>Staying with the angels
Are you insane?
Yes it is
Good will come if you're kind hearted.
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The code had the consequence of bringing about diamond publishing, so I wouldn't sing its praises too much. It would be like praising Crisis on Infinite Earths for cleaning up DC continuity and coherence. Which it did, but at the cost of a few decades of characterization.
>What does it say about the state of the industry when you’ve got people saying “can we get our stories turned into anime?”
People been suggesting that since the fucking existence of anime. its just retards connecting different things together thinking its cool. Just like those faggots who wanted Platinum Games to work on everything.
Powerpuff Girls was inspired by an anime, and it inspired its own anime. PPGZ. Nothing wrong with more back and forth.
I'm surprised /vp/ hasn't been nuked in entirety. It's not even that effective of a containment board when compared to /pol/, and the latter leaks tourists all the time.
I know you actually meant /vt/, but I would love to see /vp/ get nuked. Mainly because I fucking hate how overrated Nintendo has become.
>diamond publishing
I'm curious as to how that was the Code's fault? I know they had monopolistic control over distribution but that should be left at the feet of our shitty anti-trust enforcement.
A platinum RTS would be cool
>and it inspired its own anime. PPGZ.
I think you mean Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.
Ehhh, I think is better to just let cartoons die.
"JMC2-ify" them is dumb, people think is like working a diamond from a rock but it just means they were never good from the start.
>Just let cartoons die
its very, very hard to draw, cartoons exist because making them is actually quite easy and cheap, it's the whole middle management that makes them expensive.

Ai will change everything, cartoons have no reason to exist when AI can assist you to actually make appealing visuals and not flat blobs or poorly detailed geometric figures.
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it's total Anime take over, just look how different the ppgz look from the originals, Japan laughs at Jewish garbage like Klasky Csupo.
it's because american companies are forced by law to make investors money. that's why everything turns safe and why everything has to be THE HIGHEST GROSSING THING. you can't make small shows for niche audiences on a low budget on the side, everything has to be BIG and make A LOT of money. or at least pretend to be so, investors are retarded, so you can trick them by talking up how big and how much money it'll make.
Why blame the investors when a lot of it has to do with the studios and creatives themselves?
God dang it bobby that wasn't a very neighborly thing to do at all!
Anon its not specifically the studios and creatirs. Its the ghouls that run these studios, as well as the ghouls who are the investors.
Except the supposed talent are themselves untalented hacks who got in through nepotism. The investors are the reason why these projects even get off the ground to begin with. They're the ones getting pissed that their dough's funding bullshit that can't make a profit for shit. Quit simping for worthless creatives who put their ideology over making solid entertainment .
Anon you're acting like the investors are not the simps. The investors are ALSO part of the problem. Yes they're not getting their dough and are pissed, but why do you think they're not bankrolling the projects thata re actually popular. Because they are the simps themselves. Its all part of the system. Its why crap like Velma keeps getting made.
Yes, Eilemonty. She's now ERB

Its actually a pretty big deal. ERB has been interacting with a lot of the Holostars, which has been going against the unicorns, but her karaokes are doing obscenely well.

>Dunno how she got hired by Hololive considering they'd consistently hired mid 20s zoomers since their forst gen

I think Yagoo is taking a gamble. Aside from picking a talent thats friendly with the Holostars, said talent is also more well-verse in singing English songs. Most of the previous talent ahd focused on doing JP orisongs and anisong, but this talent could be the beginning of Hololive putting out more English music content. It will be interesting to see where this goes next.
>nobody itt is even pretending to care that this is replying to a year-old post
>from a thread that this is a duplicate of from a year ago
This place really is a graveyard.
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>all the boomers and normalfags in the audience
Oh, huh. Does /mlp/ know that's what she's doing now?
>Trying to shit on EEnE which has more soul than that generic moeblob
Kill yourself.
Ed, Edd and Eddy is shit! SHIT
I like the idea of giving a long running western property over to an anime studio if only to see how another culture would interpret it. But I'm really mixed on the idea of western studios trying to make their works more like anime. Does that mean they're going to try and tackle more mature themes and make more intricate action sequences or are we going to get even more fucking homages?
They'll just slap the anime label on normal cartoons and call it day, like they did with Scott Pilgrim show and Castlevania.
Western garbage cannot ever become anime.

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