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This run is dumb. It's not like it's offensively bad or actively shitting on any of the characters or anything but it's still just really dumb.
And that's why it's good.
It's really boring.
That dinosaur arc was the dumbest it's been. Otherwise, it's fine. It's not reinventing the Fantastic wheel or anything, but I like that it's telling (mostly) one and done sci-fi stories. The best part is how creatively they're using Reed's powers.
EeeEEEEeeeeh. I won't pretend there aren't parts I found amusing but something about it feels a bit off all the same. Like it was meant to be some out of continuity younger audience book that can exaggerate the personalities and events to be more goofy that somehow found it's way into the mainline 616 shuffle and nobody's corrected things.
It's bad because it doesn't have enough this cutie
I do like Ben and Alicia's alien kids.
I think it's fun. My only complaint is that Jo-Venn and N'kalla haven't done much even after they came back. I genuinely fear that the next FF writer will just write them out. Ben having adopted alien children is such a cool concept that they're completely wasting by not doing anything with it.
Yeah it would stink for some hack to pull some shock twist bullshit.
does /co/ really hate it that much? I liked the dinosaur issues
It's inoffensive but honestly kind of hollow too. I don't know that'd say it's bad as it did have moments of fun but it kind of feels weightless I guess.
It's divisive. I've seen plenty that like it and just as many that don't.
I like it, but at the end of the day it is just light fluff. Competently done, with nothing offensively awful or frustrating about it, but that's it. In a sea of shit, mediocrity looks like gold. I can appreciate it on that level and I follow the storytimes when it comes out, but I doubt I'm ever gonna re-read the run
Yeah. That's about where I stand. It's something that you won't hate when you read but it's not gonna leave much of an impression either. So much shit out now has been so bad that it gets a lot of credit for simple competence but there's not really any long term engagement or impression.
>We have to go now, our planets need us
Families are dumb. That’s why it’s good.
Are you gonna actually justify that position or are you just gonna sit there with a cock in your mouth?
I like it except it would be nice if Johnny grew the fuck up. Maybe he should adopt a kid or find out that he has one with all his fucking around. Victorious finding out she is pregnant by him would be the funniest shit ever.
Welcome to /co/, fags be insatiable
I’ve hated it. People can’t explain why it’s good without bringing up the previous run.
Johnny having the retarded mustache unironically makes this run even worse.
All I see is Doom’s huge metallic cock.
It's just bad, especially the art.
The art could be better, but it's the best FF run since Hickman's.
The covers are nice, at least.
I’m not even shitposting when I say I dislike it more than even the previous run. I won’t say his name cause some raging autistic fuck will imagine I’m actually him or defending him or even saying it was good (it wasn’t, it was awful like all of his comics). But North’s run is fucking awful.
Imagine doing Death Metal but worse lmao
>Johnny having the retarded mustache
Is this for the purpose of slowly turning him gay? It makes him look really gay.
The stash really needs to go
It needs more Valeria and N'kalla because they're cute!

Also the issue with all the kids trying to hide the fact that they made a universal solvent because it could eat through to the earths core, only for Reed to be like "Oh yeah, I remember when I made that" was a really fun one.

I honestly am not a big FF reader, but I've been enjoying North's run as my introduction to them
I hate Franklin's new hair and the kids being aged up.
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Oh no, characters are growing...please don't do that, comics...keep everything the same forever...
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>the kid characters that have been kids for fucking ever
>are finally made older
>this is a bad thing
Is that dinosaur a Dr. Doom from a dimension where everyone's a dinosaur?
They didn't grow on screen is the problem. Franklin is, and really has been the only, character maybe in all of marvel to show any real passage of time so just speeding him to a teenager is dumb.
This is awful.
People can't explain why it's bad either...
Why samefag?
>They didn't grow on screen is the problem.
Other than literally every story they're involved in until this point I guess.
Yes yes. You're every bit as special as everyone else on this board who hates everything
sorry to disappoint
I liked the other anon's Doom post and did one of my own. Because dunking on dumb anons is never not fun.
>A minute apart.
C'mon now. And everyone knows how to manipulate the (you) message.
Accusing people of samefagging has never made the accuser look good because then you get called out by multiple people that you accused and nobody else cares.
>Is there more than one person who disagrees with me?
>No, there can only be one person who could go against my view point!
>Generally slow thread
>Two people say the same shit at the same time with the same kind of image
We're not stupid.
Not the one you're replying to but I specifically waited to see if the other anon was about to reply. Then I posted and they did a bit afterwards. We're in your walls!
Take your meds, Schizo
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Can we at least talk about how cute Valeria is in this FF thread instead of whatever faggotry you people are doing right now?
Franklin has been a character longer than you've been alive.
Do you like Valeria as a teen or do you prefer that she stays as a kid for forever?
Agreed completely. Fuck Slott, but adding the kids and giving Ben his own family was a great move.
I mean, she's adorable as a kid, doing things like being given a bed time by Doom.

But I like current Val.
So Teen.
Slott is basically the only good FF writer of the 21st century.
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Even assuming that's true, wouldn't the remains just fire off in whatever random direction, not necessarily at Earth?

And "millions of" particles mean jack shit. Like-- what the fuck, who writes this?
The would fire off wherever they need to.
Meaning they can be blown back in the direction the solvent was thrown.

Part of reading fiction is knowing there has to be a suspension of disbelief and a dash of plot convenience for the sake of the story
Shut up, Slott.
Yeah, it being simple, dumb fun is why the book is good. Its basic shenanigans you just chill out to.
I have some issues with North's voices for the characters, Reed in particular, but the book is your basic popcorn book.
Oh, is it /co/ntrarian o'clock already? North's run is widely loved and hailed as one of the best recent FF runs so of course /co/ has to rush to say how much it actually sucks. That's how you show people you're smart.
>North's run is widely loved and hailed as one of the best recent FF runs
Lol nah
It's like Tom Taylors Nightwing.
Yeah it's simple and just giving us Dick doing his thing after all the Ric Grayson stuff no one liked.

But it's still enjoyable seeing Nightwing just enjoy being Nightwing for the most part.

Nothing groundbreaking, but sometimes basic is what you need for a while until the next writer wanting to "deconstruct the character(s)" shows up
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They need to bring Jen back to the FF and make Franklin have a crush on her.
I feel like Taylor's writing is more on the "serviceable, and propped up by the art" side of things, but yeah, you're spot on.
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How do Valeria fags even convince themselves a girl smarter than Reed himself wouldn't smell their intentions a mile away and would date them?
She's a teenage girl
She didn't realize that one prince she had a crush on had a harem until later.
That also means she can hide anything we did from Reed and Sue
Why is this "super intelligent little girl" type so common in Marvel? They are even mostly blonde
>one off
It would have been the most appropriate get I've ever seen
RIP anon
Dang that WOULD have been good.
Sometimes a comic can just be dumb fun. And honestly it’s the best FF run we’ve had in years
Taylor’s nightwing is genuinely, wholeheartedly dogshit anon.

so I think the comparison is actually quite apt.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
The run is good outside of rampant Doomwank and Reed acting ten times more autistic than ever before. Three same niggers whining about it being the worst run ever are trying too hard to fit in by being contrarian.
Kill yourself, Slott
So basically, banking on hormones taking priority over logic and being excited by the taboo nature of the act.

Damn, that's pretty hot not gonna lie.
Such a nice young lady
I'm enjoying the run quite a bit. Disappointed it's held up for 2 months as it got sucked into (pun intended) blood hunt.
Better than something like Miles Morales: Spider-Man

It got tied into Blood Hunt, Gang War, and a Carnage event.

Having half your run being co-opted by events has to be suffering for a writer who just wants to do their run
I'm not crazy about her hair style here, but that's a cute bubble butt
Does he turn into a bicycle though?
>4 tie in issues
>half the run
Shut up, this shit was garbage without the small side tracks.
Oh wow.
Someone who doesn't like Miles on /co/
Who could have seen that coming...
He became an art museum
>They're not vampires, they're just exactly like vampires in every way

On the one hand, Reed being a man of science and feeling like everything has to have a rational explanation other than the supernatural and magic kind of makes sense.

But on the other hand, he's literally in a universe where magic exists.
The Sorcerer Supreme is a thing.
And he knows that Doom knows sorcery himself.

So while I appreciate a genius person trying to find a scientific explanation, it doesn't work as well in a world where magic is a known thing
He just became its wall
>And he knows that Doom knows sorcery himself.
He's DONE sorcery himself AND I can't find it right now but I'm still pretty sure he's MET FUCKING DRACULA!!
didnt read this run but the alex ross covers are great
it's just rusty venture's level of stubborness which is funny
Thing is, even if he didn't really LIKE magic he wa never so harshly adamant that it didn't exist either.
Raul Richards when
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>not being kino
>it's just rusty venture's level of stubborness which is funny
Fair enough
I think you replied to the wrong post, anon.
The only Doom wank I like is when I'm wanking to Valeria, God Daughter of Doom
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>On the one hand, Reed being a man of science and feeling like everything has to have a rational explanation other than the supernatural and magic kind of makes sense.
It always annoyed me that characters living in the universe where magic is a without a shadow of a doubt a proven and real phenomena and magic use is a real discipline that can and has been learned and taught by many and has been observed to produce real and replicable effects is treated by the local """geniuses""" as something alien, unexplainable, illogical and sometimes even outright nonexistent. Instead of just being seen as just another set of physical laws and a scientific discipline that can be learned and understood. The fucking writers can't get in their minds that these are CHARACTERS living INSIDE the narrative and experiencing the setting from WITHIN and not just reflections of pricks who whine on reddit about how magic and sci-fi shit can't coexist in any way. REED HAS EVEN USED THE FUCKING MAGIC HIMSELF. TWICE. Once to he studied magical grimoires to build a machine to depower Human Torch who, thanks to Limbo fusing with real world for a while, got permanently and magically flamed on. And then once again, decades later, after apparently completely forgetting about the Human Torch instance and adopting the "but muh magic is le illogical" outlook because writers are hacks and don't read what was written before them, when powered-up Doom defeated FF and locked up Reed in the magic grimoire library and he, after a lot of whining and with a bit of tutoring from Dr. Strange, managed to learn and use rudimentary magic to escape, free his family and kick Doom's teeth in.
Bitch, your fucking wife was possessed by the fucking Serpent Crown. Your son's fucking babysitter was a real goddamn witch. Fuck, even near the start of this very fucking run you got jumped by Nicholas Scratch (which happened before), who literally inverted every molecule in your body through fucking magic. Stfu.
You know the part that actually bugs me the most? It's not like you need to have him call attention to it at all. In fact treating it that kind of comes off a bit glib given the severity of the situation. If you must have him be dismissive run a "I never like dealing with magic" line or something.
That's my main problem with North's run even though I mostly like it (along with out of control doomwank). Reed is acting way too autistic. Not just about the vampire thing, but him saying that he "doesn't understand art" earlier in the issue is completely retarded and goes against his past characterization as well.
I also kind of feel like he writes everyone a bit too young. I don't want everyone to necessarily talk like they did in the 60s with the "Holy Hanna" and all that but they still all kind of feel way younger than they should be. Which has been a problem for Johnny specifically for a while now but even Reed and Sue come off more like a hip young couple. I dunno. Hearing Alicia say "Babe" just feels weird.
But is it still Fantastic?
>t. brainlet
in a sexy outfit
Four sure!
>a dash of plot convenience for the sake of the story
Throwing anything into the Sun and expecting it to boomerang back at Earth exactly's a little fucking dumb, Anon.
V for Vaginal
Expecting to get super powers because you went to space or got bit by a spider is a little fucking dumb, anon
Contrived origin stories happen once. Contrived dilemmas should happen less.
Well, the solvent boomaranging happened once.
Anon. Is once less than once?
>It should happen less!
>Well it only happened once
If you have to move the goal post for your argument it was a shitty argument
Anon. Anon, think. "X should happen once. Y should happen less." The implication is Y should happen LESS THAN X, MEANING ZERO. I'm sorry your autism prevents this understanding.
No, the implication is that Y should happen less than it normally does.

So again, stop goal post moving about how this world full of gods, magic, super science, radioactive superheores, time travel, and multiversal travel, is some how dumb for saving that a fictional liquid was used by a hper intelligent 12 year old, her reality bending brother, and their adopted alien cousins in a fictional way did a fictional thing
>No, the implication is that Y should happen less than it normally does.
If I wrote it, don't you think I'd know the implication over a parts-making faggot online?
>Trusting anyone on 4chan to not make the meaning what ever is convenient for the argument
No. I don't think you'd know the implication because you can claim it's whatever you want it to be.

You are a dog fucker, anon.
Now what I'm saying is that you fuck dogs.
But I can claim that the implication is that you fuck people as ugly as dogs because they're the only people who will ever look your way, and you can't say i'm wrong, because I'm the one who wrote it.
So the implication is whatever I say it is.
>y-you can't claim what you intended!
You can't claim what you intended more than once. I made it pretty clear. You're so used to throwing around "shifting the goalposts" you forgot what that means. Good God.
Will you faggots shut up.

The put the solvent on a rocket ship and sent the ship to the sun.
Val panicked when she realized that it wouldn't vaporized and they went up and brought it back before it got anywhere near the sun.

So what it would or wouldn't do is irrelevant because it didn't happen in the first place.

You monkey faggots are arguing about how something that

Jesus fucking christ.
Ruining what could be a perfectly wholesome thread about how horny I am for Valeria with your "HURRR COMIC PLOTS HAVE TO WORK EXACTLY LIKE THE REAL WORLD!"
What next? Bitching about the entire baxter building being sent exactly 1 year into the future because time travel is contrived?
Fuck you.
I read comics to see complete and utter bullshit things that are impossible be done.
And jerk off to some of the characters.
I didn't say you can't claim what you intended.
I'm saying you can claim it means whatever you want it to.

Like I can make the claim that you didn't deny fucking dogs, so therefore it's now true.
And you can't say it's not true because you didn't claim it's not.
"Exactly like," no. But some things are so dumb it DOES fuck with suspension of disbelief. If she bolts up at night "realizing" something that'd be improbable even with magic metal owing to the surface area of the sphere described at 1 AU, she's not much of a genius, now is she?
>you can claim it means whatever you want it to
Yeah. Exactly once. Shifting the goalposts is when you keep coming back to settle an edge case or "win." That shit's for children. You didn't understand I implied I have zero tolerance for dilemmas. I think that's settled, don't you?
By comic logic yes. It works.
The fact that you don't like it doesn't make you disingenuous cuck
Then why the fuck are you reading them?

Fuck off you worthless dog fucker
>you can trust me not to change my claim
... Considering I've done it once and not further, yeah?
>I-I always meant X
Yeah, because I did. Sometimes this isn't some dazzling battle of gambits, dodges, and wits, Anon.
>then why the fuck are you reading them?
Dunno, why argue with people you'll never meet or care about? People don't only "like" good things. Some hatreds you nurse into something engaging.
Val is literally the same shape as her mother
>This run is dumb.
No shit.

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