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God I want to fuck her so bad
I'll never get why people look at lilo when all this is ripe for the taking.
Praise Chris Sanders and his design philosophy
O que?
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I like her big brown feet.
The Lilo obsession on this board has convinced me that those people just have bad taste. Lilo's a fun character but Nani's literally built for sex.
Literally chris sander goes in when he designs his adult females. I'm cool with it but it is quite interesting I feel I see a lilo thread at least once every two weeks but we rarely get nani outside of milf or butt threads. Like she needs more love why not love both sisters at least lol.
I like both myself.
Theoretically, isn't Lilo gonna grow up to look a lot like her sister?
No, we see adult forms of her in various media and she basically just looks like Lilo but taller and curvier.
HIDEBU-- *pop* *jibbed*
It's criminal we didn't get more teen Mertle.
It's almost as if pedos are retarded
Respectable, I was more just saying sad we rarely have nani threads.
lol damn, wouldn't go that far but yeah they are passing up some prime thickems
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she only craves BAC
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It feels appropriate that Lilo & Stitch--one of Disney's greatest works--features one of the greatest characters in all of film.

Also yes I would absolutely break the bed with Nani
Fucking this, Lilo's a cool kid but wanting to fuck her is genuinely weird. I want to smash Nani and then help her raise Lilo, I don't get how anyone could look at someone like Nani and go "Nah I'll take the kid". Fucking insane.
sorry, she only like Fit. Hawaiian. Surfer Chads
The least believable part of the film is that the girls don't have a massive extended family to support them.
Polynesians have a ton of kids, and a ton of aunts and uncles
I want to fuck Nani so bad.
Turns out she can sing too.

/co/ is full of /co/ntrarians, and obviously nobody outside of the most disgusting crevices of the internet wants to fuck lilo, she looks like a toddler. nani is very popular outside of /co/. this one of the few places you can talk about fucking lilo without shame, so i assume thats why shes much more prevalent here.
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>You will never go to a karaoke bar in Hawaii with Nani and be blown away by her amazing vocals while she gives you bedroom eyes from the stage
Huh potentially could see though feel I see a lot of lilo outside of /co/ as well. Lolis aren't /co/ exclusive everyday is a fight to see what will win lolis or hags lol. But yeah you aren't wrong maybe i'm the outlier, as you are right it's just way for others to express themselves us nanibros have so much and lilobros have so little why ruin their fun.
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The Wild Robot looks like a total snoozefest, and that was before I found out it was a book adaptation and not something totally original from Sanders
>Nani working for you as a maid to make some extra money.
>She's willing to "go the extra mile" for a tip.
You wouldn't take advantage of her, would you?
It's not taking advantage if she came in with the mindset that's what she wanted to do.
That's clearly an alien cyborg trying to infiltrate the human race, but they fucked up the number of fingers. Nice try Hamsterwheel.
Just cause she's desperate for money and offers herself doesn't mean you should accept.

That said, I definitely would. Repeatedly.
I wouldn't think to do it on my own but if she offered I couldn't refuse
You asked this in the big Lilo thread already. You have a weak mindset if both aren't desirable.
I actually didn't lol, first time asking this. I haven't been to a lilo thread since the first time someone posted the doll. I can accept that though prefer nani but my question was more weird she doesn't get a lot of love on /co/ when she literally perfect girl.
light soles
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She'll never live down fumbling that life guard

yes. especially if she wore this outfit >>144452917 and was all done with the chores.
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Must take back from the machine
>when ai slop looks better
It's over.
At that point, why not just marry her and make her a stay at home mom?
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I want to feel Nani's fat pale soles on my cock and balls
>using me as the bar for all artist
You fucking what?
Nice stuff smeet, would love to see more nani from you. Don't think you've ever draw her tons of lilo but never nani kek
Why did they give lilo and the bitch girl pant shots but not her? Her name is even hot
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>big calves
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Unrelated but kind of related I was on Spirit looking for reference to french maid outfit.
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I've got like maybe 4 over her total and I think I might a bunch for this thread.

>The only thing the french got right
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Ok, think I'm done with this one.
Don't forget about kissing
Why are you so attention starved?
I'm not, otherwise I'd be in the creek threads where I'm actually wanted right now instead of here where I want to be. Also now that I know you're here, I'm gonna stay.
Reminder that they aged her up.
God I would trample 20 men just to lick those lips.
Nice bro, also why do you reply to that hater guy? He shows up so often and usually just schizomaxxing. You could just ignore him kek.
N ... N ... Nani???
Why do you guys find her hot?
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We're straight.
No bust.
We knew that already.

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Smeet draw her big feet pls.
her feet look so delicious
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Smeet, do one of her being embarrassed about losing her bottoms please, but not TOO embarrassed because she's somewhat used to it.
I like women (fictional)
Absolutely not, I might catch whatever disease causes her to have 6 fingers
I would love to fuck boy Nani
Its part of the package deal of becoming an artist.
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cute but to black looking
this is good. If you want to make it pop a bit more, tint the background every so slightly uniform grey, or the same shade as the iris of the eye. It layers the character away from and into, the body of the work, and creates a little psuedo-3D effect.
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Neat, I'll keep that in mind
Draw her and that lifeguard making out
When I first saw this movie as a kid I had this weird innate feeling of "I want to hug her and have her spread her legs and press my hips into her and ???" She awoke something in me. Her and Chel.

This is why I lift
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>but Nani's literally built for sex.
This is Sanders' sketch for Eep Crood. If he'd been born 30 years prior he would have been an illustrator for Playboy.
Kim Plappable
And here's a character from American Dog, the Sanders' project that got turned into Bolt when John Lasseter took over Disney.
Salty bush
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I don't get the appeal of this chick, she can pass for an alien herself.
Nani only encourages Lilo to become a snowflake worse than Mertle. You will see Lilo fuck any animal or wild alien just because she sees it right.
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If you had to choose between Nani and Chel to fuck, who would you choose and why?
Hard Mode: No saying "both".
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It's reeeeeeal close, but I choose Nani cuz she seems like she can put up in a fight and cuz I think her big nose is cute
Autism is a hell of a drug
Wider hips, a less intrusive nose, and for some reason her DSLs seem just a tad more plump than Nani’s.
Nani if I get Lilo as well Chel if it’s just those two.
>long-ass tumblr post
The fuck?
Her pussy would be so sore..
It must be painful to have disjointed hips like that.
Am I the only one who really doesn't find Nani attractive?
Like sure she's not terrible or anything but her face looks weird and uncanny, like an alien.
It's just off putting.
Honestly, I just don't like her large round nose, everything else seems fine.
It's the eyes for me, too far apart and tilted.
The series in general has a strange look for the people. They look alien. Which I guess is fitting since aliens play a big part but it's still strange.
Fucking retards anime is more your speed
>omg why ethnic people have facial features different that the ones I have? Omg wtffff
American moment
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>people look at this and be like uuunnnngh yeah baby so fucking hot 10/10 prettiest girl i ever seen
i'm dead bro
Where are these ethnic features that include having your eyes on the sides of your head come from exactly?
The island of Sids from Ice Age?
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She has thick thighs and long legs.
If it's just fucking Nani, if it's a relationship....doubly Nani.
To be fair, even white girls look like that in Chris Sander's style.
human roxanne
>what is stylization
Again, anime is more your speed
>looks like a toddler
Tot con fags are on the rise yes
anime characters look like grey aliens
the fuck are you talking about
Body is fine it's the face I'm talking about.
literally. Sanders had an animation/anatomy guide he did, and the uterus is a key circle on his body building step.

Chel. She is into white dudes.
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I think it's cute, but I'm a fan of Sander's style.
Nani always feels like a much more successful adult than I ever have, even now that I'm ten years older than she is.
She's genuinely inspiring to me.
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Sanders is incapable of drawing women who aren't smoking hot
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>>big calves
Marry Nani, Fuck Chel. Chel is hot but trouble, she seems flighty and passionate and a bit saucy. Nani is responsible and realistic and hard working. She'd be loyal and loving as fuck.
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>American moment

>In 1999, at the age of 18 Lü was discovered by stylist Li Dongtian. However owing to Lü's unconventional appearance with small eyes, a flat face and freckles she did not meet traditional Chinese beauty standards and found getting work difficult.

>While in Beijing she was seen by model scouts from France who asked her to go to Paris to model. Lü who spoke no French or English eventually agreed to go to Paris and started work. In the same year she came second in the 2000 Supermodel of the World competition.

You're never low value you're just in the wrong environment. China found her ugly and she went on to win world stage supermodelling events.
Nani is relationship material, Chel is for an outrageously lewd romp. So Chel if it's a one time deal but Nani if it can actually end up going somewhere. It's really fucking close either way though, I'm sure Nani's far from a slacker in bed and Chel would be a fun girlfriend.
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Chel would basically do you all night long in every position you wanted with the enthusiasm of a complete and utter nympho
Nani would give you tender loving all night long and make sure you were completely satisfied with the enthusiasm of an emotionally-charged lover

Tough call
I bet Nani's pussy is, like, really tight. Her cunt would squeeze you like a python.
True but would Chel's really not be?
Would Nani offer Lilo as part of the deal for a big payday?
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No you fucking weirdo, what the fuck
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Good point. Nani is more muscular, I think. Which one has harrier pussy?
Chel easily since she's from an ancient culture. And yeah Nani's definitely more muscular but Chel's got curves in all the right places. Either way you'd end up being totally satisfied, again it's a hard fucking call.
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Aaaahhh I can't decide...
It's between Nani squeezing my dick off as she fucks me like a fighter jet in both cowgirl positions, or watching Chel's body ripple as I plap her furry muff from behind. It's impossible.
I'd literally just flip a coin, either way I'm not losing and neither my mind nor my dick's mind can decide.
>Nani's tight pussy and muscular body milking you dry like an Amazon and she tenderly caresses you like a lover
>Chel's native pussy milking you dry while you get to play around with her perfect body and she acts like an absolute freak

My penis has never been more confused in my life
>Have access to thousands of artist styles
>Make it look like sloppy Incase
Chel is a scammer that wants money and freedom. Nani has a little sister to care for and would be more family oriented.
>Nani spends the whole movie making sure that Lilo never feels like her ideas are wrong
That's... not good parenting. You know that, right? There's a difference between "recognizing important habits" and overindulging a child's imagination. Making sure that a child believes that "anything is possible" is actually extremely harmful. Why would you painstakingly raise a child to be completely incogruent with reality? It's almost cruel and is only going to send Lilo spiraling into depression when she gets out on her own and realizes how little the world gives a fuck about her.
Yeah be we're assuming this is just a fuck and not a full relationship, Nani is the obvious pick if you want something stable and long-term.
>Nani is the obvious pick if you want something stable and long-term.
It's crazy to me that people think her devotion to her sister would somehow also translate to devotion to a partner and being "family oriented". Losing both parents probably fucked her up bad, too, even at the age of 19. A 19 year old is really only technically an adult. Psychologically, she's still developing.
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Who's more fertile? I'm guessing they're equal there, too.
t. never fed a sandwich to a fish
t. will never have a stable job or be competent at anything
Probably, they're roughly the same age and seem to be in peak physical form.
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bodybuilding is homosexual propoganda
health IS important but being a gymcel is worse than having a dadbod because of the tryhard multiplier

a simple lean body will get you the most grills. 30 minutes of running, calisthenics, good quality food and water is all you need
>no bush
so close to perfection
Shut up you childless nerd
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Would Nani make a good waitress?
Dammit you got Proud Family stuck in your Lilo and Stitch Slop.
That's implying you're starting off as skinny already, besides never get a bodytype for the sloots. I'm sure there's just as many fags who fell for the ottermode schtick and got no bitches because they were the same insecure losers in their head who'd never make an attempt at getting where women are. The moral of the story is genuinely be the person you want to be, when that's the case you're usually confident enough to muscle through any social interaction. If you're a tryhard meathead because you want to be you'll probably still attract women who
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You think Nani ever went back and tried to fuck her?
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>live in Hawaii
>the Hawaiian population consist of mainly just quarter of Nanis and a fuckton of old Asian dudes/chicks
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The lifeguard went back to try and fuck Nani
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Teen Lilo and Myrtle are very fuckable.
Whenever she's moving, the lifeguard just looks like a bimbofied Nani
Dude, Lilo's like 5, who cares if she's being allowed to believe some weird stuff? It would be one thing if she were like 10 and at the point where she ought to know better.
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I'd imagine Chel might be more fertile, given her much curvier physique, not that Nani is lacking, but Chel is full on VA-VA-VOOM
And that's a good thing.
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I'm pretty sure the fact Lilo is literally an orphan and her weirdness is a coping mechanism for the death of both her parents has more to do with it. Nani is doing her best to make Lilo feel accepted and comfortable with all the feelings she needs to go through as well as never feel like she's a burden on her with stuff like her losing her job. Is it the perfect approach, no, but Lilo is a good person despite everything so it's not like she's doing a bad job.
Well yea, it being part of her cope is a thing to consider. Either way, it's not like she's a preteen/teen who ought to know better and not be escaping into fantasy. And given there's the alternate canon of the anime series to consider, we know Lilo grows up to be a pretty well adjusted adult in that.
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She was made to have her head crushed by Lifeguard's thighs while she gives her cunnilingus!
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Because there are at least 4 incase loras and no Chris Sanders one
Khyler has like NINE which is insane
If Lifeguard's character sheet does not explicitly state this I will be VERY surprised
do we have the official character sheets?
For a movie set in Hawaii there's very few actual foot shots.
Her nose is an underrated part of her I would love to glaze it.
I need to impregnate Nani.
so fuckable
M-Moon runes!?
I want to give Lilo a baby niece/nephew so badly.
Uhh what if she was mind controlled hahaha
you guys ever notice that everyone in this series either has a big nose or no nose at all
i just thought that was funny
Picture waking up laying on the beach with her giving you mouth to mouth.
ew why would I have a fake lifeguard vs a real one saving me
Can we stop with the AI, please? It's impossible to masturbate to.
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Nani's armpits.
Why is she eating whistles?
She's going to have whistle breath when giving mouth to mouth, yuk.
Omae wa mo shindearu
>That middle face
That's definitely her orgasm face.
Does anyone have chris sanders nani concept art?
I love her belly so much
no no no, bro think about it... she'll be like a slide whistle everytime she give head
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You're talking about Nani, right anon?
...right anon...?
Why did they give lilo and the bitch girl pant shots but not Nani? Her name is even hot
David is fucking winning at life dude
What were these three's names?
Would God let you to?
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I forgot I'd made this. I should actually get around to publishing all my random 3D models at some point, someone could probably use them. I have a Mirabel in here too for some ungodly reason.
Yes actually
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Do you have a Luisa
that, or she's taking a really fat shit
What would you call this outfit? Warp top and towel skirt?
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Pretty sure it's just a bikini top and a sarong
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>Be Disney
>Make a movie
>Have the character pawed at by an animal slightly pulling their pants down
>Have to make a choice
>Either specifically animate underwear on a Disney character
>Or show only bare skin which implies a lack of underwear entirely
What would YOU have done in this situation
What COLOUR would you have chosen if you went the underwear route?
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You now remember there's an 85 episode anime spinoff that replaced Lilo with a random Jap girl
I mean, it's technically a different canon, so not like it matters to anybody who just stuck with the original movies and the TV series
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And a manga where Stitch hangs out with a samurai.
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>I mean, it's technically a different canon,
It's actually a straight up sequel. Lilo appears in one of the episodes with her daughter.
yea, because they later try to wedge into the original canon even though the series clearly starts off like an AU where Stitch learns how to behave from a different girl
If you're using continuity errors to discredit it then the Lilo and Stitch TV series shouldn't be considered canon either.
There were hardly any errors in the TV series
But bikinis are warps like that.
>bikinis are warps
I'm no scientist, but the only kind of warping I ever see is what goes on with muh dik when I see girls in bikinis
implication you could potentially see clam through those loose thin jean shorts is crazy.
Elena, Teresa, and Yuki
I want to pull her jean shorts over my head and suffocate
Imagine you're just hanging out, lying on the beach and she's on her back and as gravity pulls her mid section down, her hip bones cause the top of he jeans to bridge, leaving a clear and unobstructed view right now to her perfect mound.
I would not be able to contain my boner.
How does Kida compare to Nani and Chel on the scale of sexy brown girls?
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Definitely sexy, same with Audrey from Atlantis as well
Imagine the threesome
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She's definitely up there.
I'd rank Kida just above Nani, but below Chel.
A very smug amputee.
I'm having troubles imagining this, for some reason.
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How about her?
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nigga she's a drawing
How? she's not a mom and she's a teenager.
Does Lilo appear at all?
For one episode where she is a mother with a daughter look alike.
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Chel is top tier. As good as western 2D girls can get, in terms of appearance and personality.
that being said, there's absolutely no denying how great Kida is. A fusion of an exotic tribal princess and a techno-mage. She might no be as overtly sexual as Chel, but...
I mean she milf esque I suppose, like her being thicc and curvaceous. But mostly just sanders style
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She's also over 100 years old.
Don't know if that does anything for anyone else, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
>over 100 years old
More like over 8000 years old
in her butt.
Finest wine
Like this.
nani and Chel change places
I wouldn't put Chel at "beginner," that feels like wishful thinking.
I mean I wouldn't complain if it were true, I just doubt it.
Keep up the good work Anon. One day soon, you'll have all the slop spammers crying their eyes out.
it's easy to put her there because ancient/Savage places are willing to give up their beautiful ones fast and our citizens are harder because we have to take time be for sex
what a pretty odd name .
Distant 3rd, unless there is a 4th contender.
I honestly can't see any of the lilo and stitch characters in a sexual way. Funny, cause I can fap to any other Disney cartoon no problem.
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I'd rank her to five, but I wouldn't have Chel or Nani at the top spots either. For me, its:
1. Esmeralda
2. Pocahontas
3. Chel
4. Kida
5. Nani
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but guys
poop comes out from there!!
Great minds think alike.
That's kinda hot!
1. Chel
2. Nani
3. Tiger Lily
4. Esmeralda
5. Pocahontas
6. Kida
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Pocahontas is super hot. It's a shame she basically never shows up anymore.
>A cute Native girl will never fall in love with while spying from a distance.
>That cute little slut dance
I live Pocahontas' design. She just hits on so many things I like:
>Long Legs
>Wide Hips
>Big Tits
>Long Hair
>Caramel-colored skin
I thing she's hurt by being connected to a real person.If she was the main character in some fictional story about Colonial America she'd be more popular.
I just can't resist Lilo's feet.
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Giving her a different name and perhaps set her in fantasy North America with the sailors coming from a fake European country would be perfect.
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Sex with Angelru
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Her friend Nakoma was also cute.
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Esmerelda is exceptional.
Neither, if Chel was unshaven you'd see it given how slinky her outfit is in >>144464160
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>if Chel was unshaven you'd see it given how slinky her outfit is
Damn, you're right.
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This moment was cute. I wish Pocahontas would spit in my face.
I wish Chel would hip-check my skull.
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>black lipstick mark at the base
I want to lick and suck it
this is really good art.
>those lips
can't Google it

artist comes back as "Pears". no website listed.
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You're gonna need paheal for pears.
So there were what, 3 movies? The tv series. A japane and a chinese-Lilo series each.
They should get back to space adventures.
this the kind of pathetic shit that makes me come back here. god bless you, you fucking absolute failure fuck
Horny bastards

But yeah they did do a good job mixing the cartoon-y with realistic so you could imagine things like her hip bone and the beach concept. I think she'd have one of those more flat mounds compared to the more bulged ones some girls have.
No woman talks like this
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Mogged by Helga unfortunately
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yes it's an edit.

no i don't care.
>Apache loli not in loincloth

One job
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Tiger Lily is insanely cute and breedable.
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Pocahontas was too Asian looking, it confused people. I know native Americans were Asiatic but they were different enough on a visual level by the time Europeans arrived. Meanwhile this bitch looks Chinese.
She was unbelievably hot.

Also a villain and femme fatale.

Also you can't fix her.
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Need to fuck this Hawaiian ass.
It's either her or Chel from Road to El Dorado
>David gets to tap that
Fucking jelly rn bros
Probably Chel because my name is actually Tulio irl.
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Nani is new to this whole parent thing. You try to care for your younger sister after both your parents die in a horrible accident. All things considered, she's trying her best.
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>Herm, she's le hecking badass!
I miss when that word had meaning.
I wish she survived.
Nice edit.
>be with Nani
>doesn't care that you're fairly older than her, she just wants to be with you
>playful banter
fuck my life
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ai slop
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Where do you rank Moana?
1. Chel
2. Nani
3. Tiger Lily
4. Moana
5. Esmeralda
6. Mira
7. Pocahontas
8. Kida

The takeaway from this thread is that brown native women were put on this earth by God to be colonised and bred by White men.
It's a screenshot edit btw.
I wish to be the surf board.
no lilo?
No Shanti? For shame
Post the interview with the animator who was talking to Disney, and he said something like, "That's one sexy little girl-"
Anyone here seen Lilo and Stitch recently? Considering rewatching it but not sure it holds up.
>not sure it holds up
It does
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Some of the best dialogue not just in animation, but in movies in general. It's very rare that I've seen someone able to write a kid that sounds as natural and real as Lilo. If you do rewatch, pay attention to how people talk in this movie, it's so good.
How old is she anyway?
Me too
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The series shouldn't be considered canon just because of how badly written it was at times. The series most likely wasn't even an intended thing by Sanders.
Imagine bending Pocahontas over a log, flipping up her skirt and just going to town on her until you flood her with hot European seed.
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One guy got that experience at least, and saved the Jamestown settlement to boot.
This would have been perfect if it for the fucked up eyes.
Does she have pierced nipples? Cause I kinda like it. Seems in character too.
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I know she's not brown, but where does Mulan stack up compare to the other girls in the thread for you?
Well that too, but it should go without saying
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Mulan is easily one of the best. I'd argue she goes toe-to-toe with Nani.
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on god bro
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She seems like a cool dude.
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Yes. I will make her eat all the eggs.
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I liked how good he was with Lilo
Makes sense, all the best boyfriends are great with kids and make for awesome brothers-in-law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUQckI_NqgY
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Mulan has arguably the best soundtrack out of all the Renaissance films, fight me
She's way up there but below Nani because Nani as more raw sex-appeal. Mulan can literarily pass for a boy. For Nani, this would be impossible.
To be fair Mulan wore a padded man's armor.
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I thought that was Bill in the thumbnail
Lilo's toddler face on an adult body is fucking awful, barf.
Yep. Definitely not designed by Chris Sanders. He wouldn't have allowed this to happen.
There are too many flesh wrinkles, makes it look gross.
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Where's the uterus mentioned here? I just see the building block for the hips and that's standard, like really standard: a cylinder for the chest, a curved box for the hips. Not specific to Chris Sanders.

Also, drawing the arm like this makes her forearm look like some kind of weird chicken wing.
you look gross
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it says "womb" not uterus
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Is that Tiana show still happening? Feels like they announced it ages ago
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In a perfect world, Chris Sanders would be invited to aid in developing more female animated leads.
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Is Nani a bad cook, or was she just stressed and overwhelmed at the time?
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In the proposed sequel to Atlantis, she was supposed to come back as a Steampunk cyborg villain. It didn't happen but I can suppose you can take that to mean she survives the movie somehow.
got eem
>steampunk cyborg
Would have been hot.
I would have liked this version of Mulan more.

Disney really needs to cut it out with the remakes though
>God I want to fuck her so bad

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