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itt: we post and discuss sleek /co/ art of the ages, as exemplified by bruce timm, shane glines, darwyn cooke, and others.

panels, pages, pin-ups, all are welcome
This is Shane Giles, right? The best comic artists are always coomers.
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The right arm looks atrophied, but other than that it’s very nice.
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Imagine if Bruce Timm and Paul Dini had laid the foundation for Marvel animation rather than DC.
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How does Timm's art style perfectly encapsulate a "MUH DICK" sensitivity?
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Liking attractive women doesn't make you a "coomer". It makes you human.
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Always loved Timm's art. I wonder how well it would look if adapted to animation with a higher budget for more more detail and complex shading.
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does toth fit in with this bunch?
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would probably lose some of that iconic feel of the characters.
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God damn, I love Black Canary.
Timm is a know coomer, and at the same time he modified his style so that he could work in the industry.
she's very pretty.
cooke was absolutely brilliant
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Very clean style, not overly detailed. But it just feels timeless.
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and his compositions are just so cool. he frames certain shots with a heightened sense of drama that works so well in superhero comics.
Ronnie Del Carmen only drew a handful of comics but he did cartoon t&a with the best of them.
Alienfags hate these books btw.
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Here's some early concept art for Kim Possible, looks like Shane Glines' work.
We were robbed.
glines' style has really changed throughout the years it seems
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Does this artstyle have a specific name? It seems to be distinct enough to be considered one, and seems to be still used today, even if it's not as widespread as styles like Calarts and such
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I've heard people calling it Timm style. He wasn't the first to do it, but I'd say he did popularize it.
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i don't know if it has an "official" name but someone suggested neo-noir earlier
Jack Kirby rip-off.
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Like, sleek versions of characters? Dark Horror Spawn is such a good design.
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>as exemplified by bruce timm, shane glines, darwyn cooke, and others.
Does Tim Sale count?
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Sleek more as in character design, with a big use of dynamic poses and such from looking at the style.

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Bill Presing hits the same notes, I think some of his new stuff kind of loses that simplicity but it's still got the attention to silhouette
Dan DeCarlo predates Bruce Timm and likely inspired him. Similar sleek art style and notoriously also a coomer.
Damn, that's nice. I'm surprised at how many artists have this style, I wonder why it isn't seen more often in media since the 2000s.
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This style needs a name, it's too good to not have one. If CalArts can be a style, so can this.
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>Poison Ivy straddling hard wood
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It's just the traditional comic book style, it's been around since the 1930s, read any comic book from the 1930s to the 1950s, it was pretty standard back then before Kirby, Ditko, Romita and Buscema started deviating from it a little bit, and then the new generation of artists decided to bring more and more realism.
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We need to go back to this then, it looks way better then a lot of styles used today.
More importantly it’s distinctly American, it’s shameful that most cartoons and comics drawn here in the States today are either beanslop or dollar store anime.
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Because it's a pretty niche I feel, most these guys probably
Last thread basically said that Timm cribbed his style from the character designer Lynne Naylor after . So I think she's probably the biggest inspiration though you can see a bit of that retro aesthetic in his original it just didn't click until she showed him the way.
Meh I don't like trying to force labels, though it's definitely a bit more specific than simple traditional comic book style. Compare this to something like Wally Wood or Alex Raymond and it has this lovely simplicity that those and a lot of house styles of the day don't.
It’s just too good.
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Beanslop is a big issue, since it really only works for certain shows yet it's being used for every animated show, even adult ones. It actually a big reason I feel that what Timm did was make the artstyle fit for animation, but nobody seems to have followed up and made different shows outside of superheros using a similar style.
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Is it weird that it's not arousing to me when he doesn't do the torpedo tits? I look at those and all I can think is "why are their tits round? That's not how he draws them."
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Nah its not, you're used to his style being one way so when he uses softer edges it doesn't work for you.
lmao I love horny boomer humor
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It's the mix of lewd and cute that makes it fun.
>Dan DeCarlo did Archie comics
Huh. No wonder they were so popular. All the girls were top tier.
Presing was the storyboard artist for the Gotham Girls webtoon, you can’t tell in some of the cheesecake-y poses the characters strike.
I mean you can tell.
most of this style is just Archie shit...
beanmouth and John K bullshit is all Americans got going for them.
Great cartoon style comes from Franco/Belgian comics.
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>He wasn't the first to do it, but I'd say he did popularize it.
who was the first?
I’m not sure who was first but there were artists who came before Bruce Timm that clearly had to have inspired his own work, like Dan DeCarlo and other pinup/comic strip artists.
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>clearly had to have inspired his own work, like Dan DeCarlo

oh he does seem like a clear predecessor just from a very cursory image search. even timm's signature seems to pull from decarlo. thats neat. gonna have to look up more of decarlo's art after work.
Steve Ditko gwen stacy is a qt pie
>UGH what a fucking LOSER I bet he's GAY for DICKS
>it's like he doesn't even WANT to ravish me
>oh god here he is again
What the hell is her story though?
what book is this page from?
i think so, yeah
Same reason some of the best manga artists also draw porn they good at composing a character and anatomy
Old pulpy artstyle where the women were babes and the men were chads plus some Kirby.
wow, he's pretty amazing
>those beady little pig-like eyes never miss a thing
holy shit, parker!
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More Presing
niso ramponi a.k.a. kremos belongs here. he drew brilliant curves. i've tried finding scans of his art books for a while now without success.
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Yeah, it looks like he was a major influence on Timm, who seemes to have streamlined DeCano's design style, which if I had to guess was probably so they could be animated and drawn easier and faster. The question is does Timm have a successor like he was to DeCarlo?
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Atompunk/Raygun Gothic is kino, shame art of it is so scarse.
Why do cartoon girls with really far apart eyes look hot but it looks weird as hell in real life? It seems like they should register as aliens but they’re muh dick tier
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Because irl those types tend to have big or flat noses which is the reason their eyes are apart. So it looks weird since most people prefer smaller noses, which causes people to look negatively on the eyes
man, this guy makes some moody stuff
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C'mon. You know why.
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The style goes well with a lot off stuff.
I don't think so, it's more like a mis between those old pulpy babe drawing artists with Kirby in the mix as well>>144469895
Very nice additions.
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have some more kremos
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>men from 50 years ago were also tits, ass, legs, and belly sort of dudes
mankind never changes, huh?
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Jack Cole (creator of Plastic Man)
It's very pleasing to me seeing so many of these boomers were shameless ass-men
The well-formed female posterior is perhaps the greatest natural work of art to ever come into existence. I feel it's rivaled only by a set of perfect tear-drop tits.
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>as exemplified by bruce timm
ITs funny I was looking at his nudie books on sadpanda like two weeks ago,

Dude really likes drawing nakeds womens
I'm a bit frustrated, since his style is deceivingly simple. One might think they can replicate it easily, but this kind of simplicity actually requires quite a bit of artistic skill and knowledge of anatomy. I wish it really was as easy at it looked. God I want to draw my own coomer pin-ups...
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Kremos guy do you have that old school ad of the woman diving? I've been trying to remember who that artist is.
Yeah it's always a bitch. I remember trying to draw Bruce Timm style women with the hip sway. Everyone would always ask "why is she sticking out her crotch like that?"
I know right its why I posted this image.

It looks simple as fuck, but it makes your peepee diamond hard. This is very erotic its simple but perfection.
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More Cole.
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Artist please?
Something I always notice in this kind of art is that the males always look like schleps and losers, they’re never on the same level as the women. Is that the artists projecting feelings of inadequacy or something?
Better for comedy, which a lot of these strips are meant to be. Funny but also sexy.
I love Sue Storm.
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A big thing I've noticed about these that isnt common nowadays is it's not just a drawing of a hot girl, it's a drawing of a hot girl doing something that's not just her posing for a camera. It spices up to everything I feel, makes those posing drawing stand out more
Girl in Void is so common now I could scream
Yeah, a lot of them are the superheroines in action, very dynamic and fluid. Others are more fly-on-the-wall, showing us the girls in the middle of some activity. It feels more natural, even though a lot of these pics are played for comedy.
Absolutely. Plus added points for his catwoman when in Rome covers all being Gruau homages.
>that isnt common nowadays
Because it’s mostly just Instagram pictures traced
its just amazing how he managed to depict a certain firmness
i love how toth drew her hair.
>estrogen soufflés
the vintage ones are like that and as the other person said its because they were comedies. Timm and the other modern guys can draw handsome guys bery well.
nta but isn't it darwyn cooke?
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are these also by presing?
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I love sexy women~
What is the caption for these? Cant find em.
Who’s the artist on this one?
This book was dope
What book is it?
Good thread. I really want to start learning this style so I can draw in it properly, and not just imitate it somewhat.
Same, it's a bit deceptively simple though so it's been hard to get a hang of, but not impossible.
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Batman: Ego and Other Tails
Darwyn Cooke
>bery well
Hot Zatanna
post your attempts?
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Just did these tonight, still getting the hang of it ofc.
I've done Timm stuff before but mostly just using references of pre-drawn stuff - These were done only using skeletal frames & guides, that kinda shit.
Will take a few days to master before I can draw stuff thats suitable in my eyes.
body proportions are looking pretty good! gotta reduce the distance between nose and mouth by quite a lot though.
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True. As I said still getting the hang of it. I'm better with drawing animal / creature types than humanoids in general (Picrel)
Will still try to master this though because I can't pass up the opportunity of making pin-ups of all my favourite DCAU waifus whenever I want.
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human, animal, either way somebody is gonna coom to it
Not bad. Gotta keep at it though
Average Bruce Timm enjoyer.
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Seems like I'm on the right track.
Nice work!
You have a lot of practice ahead of you.
Don't give up.
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I will not fail you anon.
I don't care if it takes me a week, a month or a year.
I will master this style, and when I do,
All the hot bitches will be mine.
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I love curved lines bros
I think tits are more of relatively recent thing. Ancient history didn't really seem to regard beasts much more than fertile/maternal symbols, not really sexual.
They're very enchanting for some reason
The common link is that Timm and Giles understand that peak sexuality is a teenage asian woman
Nice butt.
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Some of pál pusztai aside of Jucika...
shane glines
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I like this type of art.
I have no idea what any of the words mean.
Coomers are people who make stuff like this most of the time, not just occasionally.
L.A.'s Bedroom girls. And with those small mouthed mamas? For greater than 18 years.
Who's this?
We could have had it all...
>he question is does Timm have a successor like he was to DeCarlo?
Shane Glines, Glenn Murakami, James Tucker. One thing people don't realize is that a lot of DCAU designs weren't by Timm himself.
I used to buy this particular brand of comic and fap like crazy then I was a kid
>Glenn Murakami

very nice.
She fucks anons
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To think Timm sacrificed his style for whatever the fuck the Caped Crusader designs are. Sorry to ruin the thread with this thing.
I like when artists not associated w/ this style try it out like the great Kelley Jones here
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not sure who made pic related but i think it fits here.

that's gorgeous
>Is that Empowered?
Kung Fu is a bunch of short stories. One of them is about Emp. Been a while since I read it, but I think it's just one of the first specials.
I legit feel there was some (read:a lot of) executive meddling in that show, and it's sadly going to get dragged down by that bullshit.
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She shits from there
That's kind of hot.
This isn't the best Harley Quinn design but I like the design on the right.
john k!
Artists are fucking coomers
Of course.
oh, thanks! wouldn't have guessed he could draw ladies like the one on the left.
>the great Kelley Jones
Does he manage to keep faces consistent this time?
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Fred Moore
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i assume he didn’t have a riddler model sheet handy
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> Last thread basically said that Timm cribbed his style from the character designer Lynne Naylor after . So I think she's probably the biggest inspiration though you can see a bit of that retro aesthetic in his original it just didn't click until she showed him the way.

…ican see that (sorta)
Wonderful shape design. Good thread
Are you sure? I think that might be one of Lynn Naylors girls
he did work with her. maybe she influenced his girl art
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I just recently picked up the martini edition of Parker. Good fucking shit.
>sweet bro and hella jeff y-mouth
>Can't a woman expose herself completely without a man staring!? The nerve!
Christ, she looks ugly here. I think it's how she's always scowling and those seriously overdone mascara.
Have ou considered just buying one of the artbooks?
You're definitely not better at drawing animals, the leg and head anatomy here is really weak. You need to study skeletons and skulls more and work on layering the flesh on top believably.For this pic, the feet aren't even on the same planes on the floor.
pinterest says pic related is by ronny del carmen but im not sure.

i have. there are a couple volumes available on amazon, but i'm poor and felt it'd be an irresponsible purchase.
>Producers JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves
Yeah, pretty much
It is. It's "The Bet" short comic written by Paul Dini and illustrated by Del Carmen. It's about a bet between imprisoned Harley and Ivy that Ivy can kiss every man in Arkham Asylum.
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thanks! gorgeous inks.
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Nice sketches.
can tell he was an animator right away.
I don't see an issue
What's the issue?
Does art from /a/ artists count?
i'd be interested in checking it out. i rarely look at anime/manga stuff in general.
Fucking hot.
>Straight Harley
Based Timm.
>That Kara pic
She’s mine, hands off Shrek
/a/ posts about this sort of thing a lot. You might be able to find a few threads, if not start one.
Looks cool.
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Bob Oksner, a super talented artist who worked on Angel and the Ape, Lois Lane, Supergirl, and a bunch of humor books. /co/ would, probably, know him best from this panel of his Captain Marvel run.
is it harley or punchline?
His Marvel drawings do look good, but I'm much happier with how things turned out with BTAS, STAS, JL and JLU.
It's supposed to be Harley, but it looks like Punchline.
If you’ve never read the Parker adaptations you’re missing out. Genuinely 4 of the best graphic novels ever made.
Wish that was me.
Are there ANY upcoming shows with sexy character designs?
ANY shows. C'mon.
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he seems really fantastic from a cursory image search. thanks for the introduction.
Has anyone ever scanned the last art collection Timm released back in 2020?
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No problem! It's a shame his runs haven't been collected, especially Angel and the Ape.
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Lois Lane
everyone with a penis is you retard
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Any Batgirl fans?
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And don't sleep on his Bob Hope and Jerry Lewis comics.
Title: "The (female) hard workers"
"You suck with that mouth?"
Rough translation cause this is Mexican slang and is hard to find direct equivalents
A good death is its own reward.
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This is a caracter design style for Justice League Action, just like this is a style for the Harley Quinn show.
They've been verboten since Flapjack's decendents have control of what the industry standard is, and they're not as creative as their predecessor either.
i see. thanks for clearing things up.
not on my watch
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Gentlemen of taste what is the consensus on the work of Owen Fitzgerald?
Nice style.

i wonder if alex toth took inspiration from this guy. something about it feels like toth's work.
more from bob oksner
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Forever angry at what we were denied (Made SIGNIFICANTLY worse with the death of EMH)
Meh even if we did get a Timm Marvel cartoon it likely would’ve been strangled in the cradle alongside EMH during the Disney acquisition
She's a obscure one?
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This isn't Timm, it's Murakami.
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Oskner for the Win!

She is Angel from Angel and the Ape. A short run series from DC Comics' 70s publication line.
Great story telling.
Classic Jack Cole
If you are interested in reading some stories by him check out the comic Starlet O'Hara in Hollywood. It's public domain so it's free online.
>moronica, miss nitwit of 1948

oh god, hah!
kino thread. so much better than some off model lewdslop
It's the legendary Cockleg Monitor, anon.
but where are they'all organs?
Incredible how a few curved lines can create such titillating images. It's genuinely inspiring.
It's the best.
did bruce timm design dcau kara?
Bruce Timm was the main artist behind the DCAU if I recall
That and AI slop breaks the second you want the subject doing anything other than standing there with dead eyes.
another bump
Very nice.
It sucks that her comic will never continue now.
Why not?
Dead people aren't known for their ability to draw. Or write, for that matter.
The creator of her comic died.
Aw, fuck
Yeah, it's sad.
harley sexo etc

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