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What's more surprising, that this comic is still going? That it's still written and drawn by the same guy? Or that it's basically turned into softcore porn?
Option three: killing a character off to encourage readers to listen to the experts
One leads into two and really three.
It's still going because it's drawn by the same guy who clearly cares enough to do it- we've seen the power of sheer determinism. And three comes in when you realize he did that to shake things up for himself to keep it interesting.
The porn stuff has been over for ages.
The real problem is that Malcom is nowhere near as interesting as OG Dragon.
Does anybody unironically still read Savage Dragon? I don't think any of the shops around me still carry it...
I buy the trades as they're released, I have 1-140 or so in floppies and i just picked up the 2 HC collections.
They're just about pull list only these days. Made to match previous order amounts, you won't really see it on a rack.
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None of that is surprising considering how old the comic is, how long it's been by that same guy, and how horny the comic has always been. The comic has had sex and nudity in it for years. It just got even more explicit.
>The porn stuff has been over for ages.

Did you read the latest issue
For a sec I thought this was a cover for one of Jab's comics.
I flipped through an issue at my LCS last week. It had the girl in OP's pic fully nude, liquid dripping from her (not obscured in any way) pussy.

How is that "softcore"?
That Larsen is still drawing the book. McFarlane stopped really working on Spawn after issue 30. By this time Cerebus was just essays about whatever insane thing was in Sim's head at the time with no sequential art
>None of that is surprising considering how old the comic is
How so? Literally every other Image OG have either ended their original creations years ago, or those that are still running no longer are directly written by them, example of the former: Witchblade, example of the latter: Spawn.
Wow, those ar some wacky proportions...

Also isn't this the comic that used Mickey for a bit?
No spiky lizard girl, no interest

Yeah, she tried to fuck the girl in OP's pic. Relentlessly.
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Is Larsen a pedo?
The covid issue is the most unhinged thing I've ever seen.
>middle aged writer/artist is bald
>likes shaved pussy
>mail order child bride
>asian woman fetish

Just checking all the boxes huh
The only reason why I know about this fag is because he was in Invincible
You must live a sheltered life then
Larsen has been the consistent one. It'd be a bigger surprise if he stepped away from the comic.
Whu happen?
>How is that "softcore"?
No penetration.
larson was always too punk rock to let someone else be in charge of his comic
and it was always a racy boundry-pushing thing full of sex
i think it was one of the first comics to ever show a gay kiss if i recall correctly, and this was in the 90's when homophobia was still the norm
The final frontier.

Have any of the Dragon girls done anal?
I thought pubes were part of the Asian fetish. Since they're smooth and straight instead of curly

Can I get banned for posting a link to it? I'm hesitant.
You'll be less surprised to know Erik is Image's chief financial officer so it doesn't have to sell a single copy or in any other way adjust to sales or the lack thereof
The biggest irony is that the "independent publisher that don't need to follow no Big Two rules" puts out a black legacy hero version of a popular character, then they're surprised sales tank even with split beaver creampies, amid the realization the Image shared superhero universe has been dead for a decade.
The banter is stupid, the "Mickey Mouse is public domain so let's have him try to rape Malcolm's ugly wife" plot fizzled, the kids are indistinguishable from each other and annoying, and all the interesting villains are dead so M has nothing to do. The art's getting lazier by the issue, it's like there's some contractual reason Erik has to keep producing it to keep his CFO job.
MacFarlane is writing a spinoff Spawn series drawn by someone else, it's in their top 10 for the month
No. Mods just don't like it when you post images directly on a blue board. Stuff like catbox or crossposting on another board is okay.


I swear Savage Dragon used to be a cool action flick.
That's a pretty tame reaction to a cartoon rat attempting to rape your girlfriend. And what the fuck this is absolutely insane. That was just twenty plus pages of mickey mouse attempting rape on a completely naked woman. That has to be some kind of fetish thing. For how long has Savage Dragon been crazy like this ?
No fucking way it was covid that got her. I don't think there were enough Savage Dragon readers I'm 2020 to get any kind of message across.

Mickey is public domain now. Its some kind of statement.
Malcom’s return from the zero zone was the beginning of the end.
>How long
Not long after Malcolm took the reins and started fucking everything in sight with 2 tits and a cooch
Possibly the worst comic of all time.
>No fucking way it was covid that got her. I don't think there were enough Savage Dragon readers I'm 2020 to get any kind of message across.
I don't think Larsen was as fond of Horridus as his readers were and he was happy to get rid of her for a second time
It's a remarkable tribute to the golden and silver ages of comics that went way the fuck off the rails in the last decade because the creator can't be kicked off the book or it canceled and he lost his mind
Writers do not age gracefully in this business
this rules, love to see a creator still having an obvious blast this late in their career.
Guess I'm buying Savage Dragon again...
>It's a remarkable tribute to the golden and silver ages of comics

No, it isn't. It is, and always was, probably the biggest piece of shit in the history of the medium.
Horridus maybe appeared once every 7 months by the last few years. She was never a big character after the 90's, /co/ just kinda memed her because she was posted alot in the early days of /co/(when we were still somewhat influential on internet artists) and being in the Image TMNT issues.
People were outraged here because they just remembered her from cute pages posted here ages ago.
This reminds me of Cavewoman. The creator of that can't go on without drawing big breasted women with tanlines and a bush for long.
Sure thing, Casualgater
Except his Mickey is far off the rails it's obviously a parody and could have been used at any time because it's a parody
Jesus that was bad.
His Mickey is just edgy for the sake of being edgy. It's nothing really special. I highly even doubt there was any messaging there, just "Lul look, I made mickey washed up and a rapist lmao!".
This is the first time I'm reading his stuff and his art just isn't very good.
The sexual content is over the top. Look at this page. This is really hardcore porn it can get.

the chink is pretty hot desu
Mainly because he draws and masturbates furiously at the same time
Something about Larsen's scratchy, rough style is strangely appealing. I think it's cool visually but I'm surprised it feels sexy because it really isn't.
No shot in hell Larsen enjoys his art enough to jack off to it. That's what the terrabytes of BMAF anal gangbang videos are for.
what's to say Larsen doesn't watch porn videos, jack off, and draws his shitty comics at the same time?
Does this look like the dexterity of a multi-tasker to you???
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He is married at least.
The CNN anchor in image comics was based off her.
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I appreciate her upfront nigh-constant horniness
Every single time a page of the series is posted on /co/ people respond by calling it the worst thing they ever read.

The problem is YOU.
Which comic book was he illustrating that Tom Orzechowski lettered
Yeah, this is as bad as it gets. Literally the worst comic of all time.
>I got snipped!
Does Malcolm not have his father's insane regenerative and healing powers? The same power they tried to use to cure AIDS and instead made that one guy explode?
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Spawn 5
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing
Does Larson not know or care that le mail gaze is no longer approved by libs
I can’t understand how on one hand /co/ is full of coomers who keep whining about how everything is anti-sex and you can’t do sexy women anymore and if you would just do that western comics would he saved but then there’s also non-stop pearl clutching over Savage Dragon featuring comedic over the top fucking that’s overwhelmingly done tongue in cheek way and is sex positive.
There is no liberal mono-ideology, as much as you people want there to be.
What's wrong with it, exactly?
I imagine it's an issue of moderation. Savage Dragon goes too far, just in the opposite direction.
>le mail gaze
US Postal Service in shambles.
Politics. Larsen doesn't give a fuck and he's doing whatever he wants. He got a porn artist to do a variant foursome cover for one of his issues. He makes his political stances very known and shoves it into his stories. Meanwhile you got conservative comics and cartoons claim they're going to do some owning and shake things up and they come up with toothlees and sexless crap. You'd be mad too if your wife wasn't putting out and you hear your hated neighbor banging his wife all night long.
What's there not to understand?
Larsen draws in an brutish, grungy 90's art style that doesn't lend itself well to cooming while also being pro-Obama, pro-Biden and anti-Orangeman, all for which 4chan will never forgive.
I mean regularly regrows bodyparts soo...
Idk they mention that the regen powers made it so he was ready to have sex pretty much immediately after the surgery (unlike with a normal person who would have to wait a week or two). Which is what they did. Hence the baby.
I don't think they go into it much more, but with my limited knowledge of vasectomies- they can do it in ways that aren't actually cutting the tubes - I'd assume that's what happened.
I don't usually comment on this but the art style is a turn-off.
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Idk people, the style works for me. I've seen a lot, lot worse in comics to be honest
i see it as a modern day Kirby. it aint pretty but it does what its supposed to. Also short hand fast drawing. It's a harder skill to develop than making things look good.
It's not bad. I've seen /co/ jack off to much worse styles.
yeah its not bad. an anon above said he's kinda punk rock with this comic and he's not wrong. hes drawing so fast he's barely holding it together and i kinda like like it
He's been going harder on the Kirby influences(I'm sure someone will clutch pearls at the Kirby comparison, but it's pretty obviously what he's aping) which is interesting to look at, I do think he has a really cool sense of motion in his art too.
Seems like an accurate representation of San Francisco.
I just found the part where not-Alex-Jones is a conservative supervillain that attacks a pride parade.
Kinda surprised Larson used the term "libtard" and didn't consider it a slur.
i wouldnt pay for this and libshits are cancer but there's something funny about a guy who does this for a living going on over 250 issues.
>of a popular character, then they're surprised sales tank even with split beaver creampies, amid the realization the Image shared superhero universe has been dead for a decade.
Do they even have any popular characters besides Spawn and Invincible?
Yeah! Those damn crazy atheists and darwinists!
Why the fuck of modern pride parade marchers feel the need to get naked and parade around every kink they can imagine?
The original pride parades had gay people march in their everyday clothes and even their work clothes to show that gays were just everyday people. Now these retards running pride parades today are probably going to ruin the hard work those people put in fighting for their rights. Now this shit is about being as lewd and kinky as possible in public, the exact image the original parade founders wanted to avoid.
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>Do they even have any popular characters besides Spawn and Invincible?
If we're pretending The Walking Dead didn't happen...
There's always Bomb Queen.
they are just trying to find excuses to be as degenerate as possible in public
So Savage Dragon's son's wife is eating out her friend's pussy on the night before her friend gets married as she is in her wedding dress.
This seems like a bad 90s porn film.
In part it is an expression of, I should be free to embrace and express myself. It's also because people spent so long calling them all degenerate even if they were well adjusted that they embraced the kink and degenerate as part of their movementnas a fuck you to polite society and it's judgement. Think about John Waters Pink Flamingos irreverent gays. That fuck you, you will never accept us no matter how we behave so we will thumb out noses up at you and insults your concepts of society. Now they can't get rid of that aspect of pride, they sometimes have tried, because it'll make them look hypocritical and judgemental. A lot of irreverent, everything is okay or nothing is, edgy gayness has been replaced by the appearance of normality.
I just was skimming through prior issues.
One issue has his preteen son sleeping with some boy he met:
and then one of his other kids gets killed by some Casey Jones x Elektra knockoff chick. After she stabs his son in the head, Larson draws her flashing her tits and cooch.
What a fucking weird book.
>Savage Dragon's son
Malcolm. Malcolm Dragon.
>wife is eating out her friend's pussy
Maxine and Angel.
Angel, Malcolm's step sister from another dimension.
The surviving baby-mommas of his brood of 4 dragon-hybrid kids. The kids born due to the events of the orgy issue. (The black mama died for some reason?)
>on the night before her friend (Angel) gets married as she is in her wedding dress.
Getting married to Frank Darling of the Chicago PD but whose brain has been swapped with that of Mr. Glum of
Dimension X who was Angel's "imaginary" friend for a decade before they started fucking... and now Glum is fucking her again in Frank's body while Frank watches on helplessly from Dimension X trapped with a juvenile copy Angel from that dimension.

Get it right, pal.
Is this shit just porn for comic fans?
>tfw getting raped by Mickey Mouse makes your gf wet
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All comics are porn for comic fans.
This one just drops the pretense.
Sadly Erik Larsen doesn't like bush
I'm about to nut. This is peak.
I'm more surprised there are still people sending serious comments to the letter pages
I appreciate Larsen's taste in waifus, but she would be much cuter with a bush
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All of this could have been prevented if you only wore your masks and got jabbed, /co/...
Why is everything that touches on the pandemic so incredibly cringe?
At the rate this comic is spiralling, its only a matter of time until he draws naked loli.
Mark my words.
How is that cringe?
Gen X is retirement age now.
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Ha ha ha. Look, it's you!
>his face when BLAPPA-LORTCH!
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They were both pretty shit presidents.
Hey that's the smutty one
How is it not?
>anon literally can't stop sperging that a comic artist doesn't share his fetish
Derpy tits
Horridus had already died, that was alternate-universe Horridus
Okay so how did that lawsuit even work IRL? You cannot legally defame the deceased (there are no damages you can inflict upon the dead) so was the settlement from the surviving members being called actors?
While there's no one there to force you to write dumb shit, there's also no one there to stop you from writing dumb shit. That's the other side of the creator-owned coin.

Still, it's worth reading from the beginning. Just drop it whenever you start to ask yourself why you're still reading it.
A mutated virus that turns people into Savage Dragon lookalikes before then killing them. Oh how cringe!
I mean the Asian flat chested wife is as close as you can get before the FBI knocks on Image's offices
oh no they're great. The nips are 10/10
>The comic about a big lizard man violently punching shit and railing an asian nympho is too anti-drumpf for me to enjoy
2015-16 killed the internet.
Is their HQ in one of those states that's too retarded to tell the difference between drawings and real life?
Berkeley, California?
I don’t think Bomb Queen is that popular, which is a shame, because she’s the best female character made by Image
>shaved pussy
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Yeah, you all talk that shit about covfefe this and vaxx that but where were you all when she needed you most, huh?
When did bush get killed?
>natural sign of female maturity
Shaved is the fucking fetish. Women weren't meant to look like little girls.
Finally someone with sense in their heads
look, man. I just dont want hair in my mouth, ok?
Who cares about Savage Dragon anymore?
>Yeah, this is as bad as it gets
A few pages later this chick is getting publicly railed by her husband in front of all the wedding guests. Except her husband is mind controlled by a supervillain who is basically a little kid maniac.
Honestly the Mickey Mouse thing has gotten me to read multiple issues in a row now.
Should we include mickey in the rape memes?
Her husband is also the father of the half-sister of the dragon kids.
and she tried to abort him, if not all 3.
and what the FUCK is up with the child panty shots

seriously this guy is an unironic chomo
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>its only a matter of time until he draws naked loli.
no shot.
he clearly prefers /ss/
Why is this always the first thing shavedfags jump to
I don't habeeb it
>and what the FUCK is up with the child panty shots
Where? I don't see any posted
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Some dreams should remain dreams.
What the fuck
Is the orange pineapple lady still around?
Why is she Naked?
What the holy fuck is up with that pose in the top panel?
He a nazi?
why is pedophilia the first thing hairfags jump to?
Because girls without pubic hair are prepubescent and your attraction to prepubescent children is... you know. Dictionary definition.
so you believe that if a woman shaves she becomes prepubescent?
You're not making your side look better by pretending to be retarded.
if they are A cups and under 5 feet tall that makes 'em prepubescent as well, m8.
but that is what you said.
>see a woman's bald cooch
>immediately think of a little girl's one
What a weird thing to say
I never got the Horridus appeal. All those spikes are a turn off.
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Why is it connected to a real virus, and one that is practically harmless at that?
Alex Jones supports gay right irl. There are even rumors he's a tranny chaser.
Savage Dragon was never great but at least back then it was fun action stuff.
It's still jam packed with fun action stuff, you just don't care about that shit anymore.
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>we've seen the power of sheer determinism.
This. It was foreordained, it could never not be still going precisely as it is, as the inevitable consequence of all that has gone before.
Over a million dead people is hardly harmless.
It’s still full of fun action
Over 150 million people got Covid, so that's a mortality rate of less than 1%.
You're looking at two numbers there, champ, mortality and infectiousness. A disease that infects ten people with a mortality of 100% is less harmful than one that infects 1,000 people with a mortality of 10%.
I got it twice and all did was mess up my taste buds.
It's a fringe book with a dedicated creator and dedicated fans, many of whom have been riding with Larsen since ASM.
Why wouldn't it still be going?
Fun fact: She gets raped to death by a demon.
I spent 10 days in bed.
Over million died in US alone, buddy. And now we’re starting to discover that a lot of women who didn’t get vaccinated during the pandemic miscarried or delivered dead babies because they got covid and it infected the placenta.
You were lucky, you could have been 1,000 people and spent 1 day in bed.
He accused the parents themselves of being actors
Dart is killing the boy she was statutory raping.
It's her personality. Loves cartoons, wants to have sex.
I looked at the latest issue and

It's about an Alex Jones pastiche in a power armor attacking (I think) a pride parade and fighting a superhero whose costume is just rainbow shit, while Mickey Mouse, not a pastiche but the actual Mickey Mouse, tries to rape a naked Asian lady in the street

Who could possibly want to read this shit? And how the fuck does the guy think this is worth writing and drawing and publishing? And how do they let him go on?
>And how do they let him go on?
It's his company.
I dunno. There are a few panty shots for Kid-Angel.
I’m confused.
I know Glum swapped bodies with Frank.
Both who is this “Kid Angel” hanging out with “Frank in Glum’s body?”
Because only idiots believed the lie.
Glum cloned another Angel that he was planning to raise into someone that could love him. But I guess he got impatient and decided to do the body swap, leaving that Clone Angel with Frank.
>I hate fun

Take that stick out of your arse, mate.
It's either a psy op to sell razors or a psy op to normalize pedophilia pick your poison
Got it.
I wonder will Frank and adult Angel end up raising her.
So with Overlord, Darklord, Cyberface and Dart II dead.
That leaves only Mr Glum as the remaining big bad for the entire series?
Would fug that Minnie...
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>Alex Jones in power armour and SuperHomo fight to the death at Pride
>The actual Mickey Mouse tries to rape someone in the middle of the street
That sounds like the funniest shit alive. Like, this is what I would expect from one of the grimier 90s comix like Kramer's Ergot or Zero Zero.
Well I fapped to the nude run pages
This is literally a bait cover. The entire issue is them deciding to make the move to San Fran, the kids being upset about leaving behind their old friends, and then THIS is the final page of the issue.
I got it once and all I got was 4 fevers that came on randomly in 1 day, UT I felt fine otherwise. If Americans weren't such fantasies on average, covid would have been a non-issue. Meanwhile, people are dying from the Vax that doesn't even protect them from mild flu symptoms.
Funny that Minnie changed her mind and asked for a foursome when she saw Malcolm.
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I am still mad about that. Not because of Covid or anything but that he killed off one of his best designs to make a point about a very breif moment in history.
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He did say they were wanting to spice things up when he first met them.
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Yes and they’re also finding that the vaccines have not only killed MORE PEOPLE than Covid itself, but the I insistence of giving CHILDREN the shots have shown to have potentially rendered them infertile. You corporate boot licking faggots destroy children’s lives and the future of civilization just to give big pharma a few billion
This looks and reads like a deranged right wing parody of what a chud would describe as "progressive goyslop propaganda"

The fact it's played fully straight is astonishing
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Do you have anything to back that up?
I am fully willing to believe that big pharma would do something like that but random articles about cases of heart failure with no confirmation of vaccination are all I have ever seen you guys pull out.
>that top panel
lmao he didn't even try
who the hell is going around testing the fertility of children
You’re the one who just stated without proof that covid caused miscarriages, now while I do see how that could happen, you realize that these shots have all the same shit as the virus itself right? Here’s a bit of it but the full interview is better as it covers more of the lies surrounding the whole thing. Savage dragon COULD be fun, but it’s just a deluded boomer writing stupid shit and CHOOSES to ruin it by pushed open faced propaganda in it

Doctors who are studying the effects of a gene therapy that is technically illegal to be using since the emergency order was rescinded? You understand that the working classes ONLY meaningful leverage against the ruling class is our numbers right? So if you under cut the natural citizens ability to fucking BREED and FLOOD THR COUNTRY with illegal immigrants with no connection to said people, you destroy their ability to uplift themselves and each other and prevent any sort of meaningful resistance of the destruction of our rights and culture?
This is a psy op by gays to create the idea that straights can be pedos.

A 'natural' adult woman would have hairy legs, nobody's accusing anyone of being a pedo for preferring women to shave their legs.

Here’s a shorter video and he also has a video breaking down the “unexpected deaths” spike that coincidentally coincides with the roll out of the shots. Remember mods, savage dragon has a massive arc about the “importance of the shots” so this is all still on topic
>now Glum is fucking her again in Frank's body while Frank watches on helplessly from Dimension X trapped with a juvenile copy Angel from that dimension
I've lost count of the thinly veiled fetishes Larson has put into this comic...
>Bro, they’re intentionally turning people infertile so that they breed more immigrants!!

Okay so it’s just /pol/ brainrot
Thinly veiled? Honestly this guy makes Fred Perry’s comics look downright wholesome
Yes. So clearly having mRNA gene treatments that alter people's DNA with bits of this virus that causes miscarriages is a greaaaat idea. This is as much a vaccine as a space shuttle is the same as the Wright brothers plane. We still don't know the long term effects of this virus, never mind using mRNA therapy using the virus on people. I can't help but thinking this is leading to some Children Of Men shit.
...and then they move that that shithole of a city anyway. Oh wait. They're fairly wealthy superheros. They'll stick to the rich parts. I forget, they have corporate or government funding, right?
>that alter people's DNA

Where is my magnetic powers? I was promised I was going to become Magneto
>bring more immigrants
Why is it so hard for you guys to see that the wave of immigrants being shipped all over the country is done primarily to drive down wages and drive up the cost of house while simultaneously driving down property values on small businesses and residential homes?
Who cares.
As long as our population doesn’t decrease like Japan’s.
Those guys were top of the in the 70s and 80s, now look at them.
Should have put effort into letting immigrants in.
Anon it openly states that it changes your RNA to produce the spike protein, what they never stated was how that actually helped anything. Hell Pfizer openly admitted to the EU in open council that they never tested if the shots prevented reinfection OR spread of the virus, so what was the point of ever getting the shot?
Larson is married to a CNN anchor / employee?
That explains a lot.
So you just believe in the sustaining economic system over the well being of people or the survival of the culture?
So who buys it?
I was legitimately shocked to see he has kids, I can’t imagine how embarrassed they much be about this whole thing. It’s lucky that this comic doesn’t ever sell to anyone besides perverts
Make the symptoms be less severe so that there is no floods of people needing hospitalisation and ventilators. Flu vaccines have never given you permanent immunity from the flu.
Latin America and India have similar vaccination rates to the US, so if it was part of a grand Great Replacement conspiracy, they fucked it up along the way
American culture is all about different people coming together and making new shit. And well being of people is not ruined by immigrants. Immigrants are more law abiding, more hard working, more communal, etc.
nah, just her face that he used as a model.
She was credited on SD early on as an "editor" even through she didn't actually read.
It's Pride Month™ , anon. She is proud to be a slut who shows her dripping wet coochie to all the families and kids showing their support for LGBTQIA+ Pride™.
Please, anon. Don't be homophobic. Think of the children. It takes a village.
>mostly ugly chubby 50 year old guys
This anon gets it
It's a pretty elaborate plan and it's missing a couple steps
Riling up fears about immigrants to get elected is a real simple one-two punch
>look downright wholesome
I mean they are, it's mostly couples fucking.
>Mickey Mouse, not a pastiche but the actual Mickey Mouse, tries to rape a naked Asian lady in the street
That Mickey plot makes sense.
Mickey has always been a rapist.
The guy I’m posting to below buys this drivel
There has never been any presented evidence that the shots do anything you state and it’s been shown that the fatality rates from Covid are hire among the vaccinated than unvaccinated. It’s why they suppressed the use of alternative treatments from proven medicines like ivermectin or outright ATTACKED the idea of natural immunity which


If they can make you think that one million people dying out of a billion infected is a lot, what makes you think they can’t hide ten million dying out of a billion shot?
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Oh, fun trivia about his kids.
The brown one's mom was a black girl Malcolm dated in high school
The two asian looking ones are his kids with Maxine
The one with blue eyes is Angel's. Yes; he fucked his step-sister. She tried to abort it, but a cooch vacuum can't keep a good Dragon down.

Three of them were conceived in a wacky foursome.
Don’t forget his brother is banging his mother-in-law

Is this Larsen's personal fantasy or something?
If they can hide ten million deaths, why can't they hide the "proof" that the vaccines cause infertility or whatever?
Million people dying is a lot when your argument for covid being a nothing burger is “it’s just a normal flu”
>so what was the point of ever getting the shot?
It's certainly mine.
Anything they don't hide is proof of the conspiracy theory, and anything they do hide is proof of the cover-up. Anyone anyone ignoring you or laughing at you is a dumb sheeple, and anyone engaging with you is trying to pull the wool over with fancy-pants intellectual trickery.
>asian, black, white
He has united the races. Through dick, unity.
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>this guy makes Fred Perry’s comics look downright wholesome
Fred Perry's comics are downright wholesome!
Hey now. He was just saying what the government and media was saying back when that racist Trump wanted to close the border because he was afraid of a flu virus causing a pandemic.
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>cameltoe on the cover
Yup. That was part of the pitch for them moving there in the first place.
>>mostly ugly chubby 50 year old guys
CHILL SATAN, but you are right. theres like 3 groups of people at nude walks/runs
>the trampy hippies who live on a boat without a shower
>the oddballs who do it for a joke
>the creeps who are usually 30+ men who go just to be weird because of sick exhibitionism
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Why would they need to hide anything when they own every major media outlet and have actively inhibited any dissent in the scientific community through controlling the colleges and job providers? People like you are fine with just believing what the post or the times says obviously

A million people IS a nothing burger when it’s HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS infected and those dying were largely in their 70s or older with one or more comorbidity cited

You frame this from a 20th century perspective when we not only had standards for who we take in, but there were literally THREE BILLION LESS PEOPLE ON EARTH, you’re just pushing the false idea that mass poverty can be dealt with by mass immigration, when all that does is keep the countries these people are coming from down and reduce the standard of living in the countries they go to
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You say that as if there isn't an epidemic of flu that kills tons of people every year too. Yet we never shut down the American and global economy for that. Funny how during those lock downs we saw the top 1% get far richer than they had in years prior and the poor suffered from the complete collapse of the world economies. The economic collapse and destruction of entire city economies could arguably be tied to tons of death itself.
What amazes me about seeing this now is that there was a cartoon version of it back in the day.
Hmmm... I am a 30+ male... hell... 40+...
Maybe I should look into these things.

Everything got cartoons back then. It was on the same programming block as a Mortal Kombat toon.
Was it a kids cartoon? Because I remember it but have no memory of where to watch it
yeah man go for it. no harm done.
Yes, on the USA Network.
you just said they hid ten million dying out of a billion shot
None of the characters are interesting.
You're not interesting.
I fucking hate this asian bitch.
i bet he is.
Normal flu season kills like 40-70k on average in the US. Covid kills way more people plus causes post-covid symptoms on certain % of people who get it, a condition that we are still only starting to slowly understand.
>you’re just pushing the false idea that mass poverty can be dealt with by mass immigration, when all that does is keep the countries these people are coming from down and reduce the standard of living in the countries they go to
Gee. It's almost as if the wealthy are trying to keep a few small countries and areas of counties wealthy while flooding the rest of the world with poverty so they can have entire countries and states that are poor work forces from which they can profit. Makes me think HG Wells and stuff in his writings like the Morlock and Eloi were pretty much a blueprint. Remember when he wrote about a global pandemic decimating the population and the poor people infected walking around like mindless zombies while the rich and the government rebuilt using giant television monitors to talk to each other across great distances?
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It’s easy to bump the numbers when hospitals would do shit like this to anyone tested with the virus, and remember the PCR tests weren’t designed for this sort of test, and the INVENTOR HIMSELF said that. So it’s hard to take any of this seriously
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Must be a few crazy Gen X dudes still buying them
the only good thing that came out of malcolm dragon era
now post the uncensored version, and in hd
The world is built on the backs of the unheard anon, the best that can be done is to create a system that allows those unheard to lead fulfilling lives. This system isn’t it and the mass immigration you seem to support is designed to perpetuate that system.
He keeps the actual lewd stuff mostly to one offs.
I can’t on /co/
He is based, and does what /co/wards are afraid of being judged for. Slacktivist seething aside.
The OG Savage Dragon got a good sendoff.
Only here to see how far he will take it.
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>100 per cent effective
Do you actually buy it?
>Why would they need to hide anything when they own every major media outlet and have actively inhibited any dissent in the scientific community through controlling the colleges and job providers? People like you are fine with just believing what the post or the times says obviously
You should try to adopt the theory and practice of skepticism. You're paying it implicit lip service here, but you're running on a completely different epistemology, basically the same one you're accusing other people of holding just with a contrarian position, rejecting mainstream claims out-of-hand while embracing claims like "they have actively inhibited any dissent in the scientific community" uncritically.
too ugly and annoying
if at least she was on par with angel I wouldn't complain as much
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Anon they fucking OWN large swaths of the scientific community and most “respected” journals. There are bits and pieces of legitimate information you can still gather from mainstream sources, but until people accept the actual scope of the crime and cover up happening in front of our eyes, and take actions against them as a people, then nothing is ever going to get done.
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>The brown one's mom was a black girl Malcolm dated in high school
The brown one's mom was a black girl Malcolm dated, and his buddy Frank, Angel's husband (currently mind-swapped with Glum, Angel's groomer demon.) also had a baby together-- an older half-sister (fully human)

>his kids with Maxine
Maxine's mom is banging Dragon's half-brother (Kevin, a son of Rapture, Malcolm ex-prostitute-turned-hero mom) He's got a two-colored marking on his dick in the shape of a thunder bolt. We know this because Maxine saw his dick and propositioned Malcolm for a 3-some. (See: >>144474091 )
Maxine has also threatened to bone Original Dragon, Malcolm's dad, if given the chance...

>Yes; he fucked his step-sister.
Several times now, in fact. Made a sex-tape and everything. (Angel doesn't know) Tierra watching this tape is how the orgy happened. She also tried to use the tape to blackmail Malcolm by taking the story to the press. Her baby ripped her belly apart on birth, killing her.
They should let only Beautiful White women in.
youd stop reading after 4 sentences
>a condition that we are still only starting to slowly understand
Which is all the more reason not to get injected with its mRNA that makes your body generate its spike proteins. Never mind that mRNA treatments were still experimental and never had human test subjects... until they rolled out the COVID-19 SARS mRNA vaccine, which many in the government and many businesses forced their employees to get or risk being fired.
Nothing quite like guinea pigs that the government forces to be tested on.
You're trying to argue your point to me. I thought it was implicit, but I'm a skeptic: you are not going to convince me of any empirical claim of any kind in this 4chan thread. Here's a non-empirical proposition for you: wouldn't your aim be better achieved by collecting, evaluating and presenting evidence of your claims in a careful and objective manner so as to force any rational and intelligent person to take it seriously, rather than through emotional appeals, rhetoric and sloppy argument which can be trivially parried in kind? If you're unable to assemble enough evidence to convince a rational and objective person to take you seriously, then what basis do you have to be confident in your own position?
I sincerely doubt you are capable of forming 4 fully rationed and reasoned sentences about why you hate the tight asian nympho cartoon character.
I'm getting Kinnikuman vibes from that comic

Thats an insult to Kinnikuman.
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Rationality doesn’t work in a world like this, where art is nothing more than propaganda only enjoyed by those who support it and our system is so broken by the weight of its own incompetence that all they can do is continue to push lies so THEIR believers can find something to latch onto as reality itself disproves those lies right in front of their eyes, I’ve already presented the evidence I could throughout the thread to back up each claim I’ve made, but when it’s easy to obfuscate it and deny their claims by demanding “official sources” then it’s just talking to a brick wall. But what “seriousness” is in a savage dragon thread? This whole thing is just shit slinging the recent “public claim” while strawmanning out his opponents, and it’s not done in a clever or exciting way either. Its just all so pedestrian and degenerate
You’re replying to him.
i probably could but you only mentioned the positives rather than the long fucking list of negatives about how badly the character is written
whatever helps you sleep i guess
They killed her off during the covid story line. She was basically used to push for vaccines.
We have a government that can’t plans budget beyond 90 days, why should I ever assume those people have the capacity to consider a world a decade or two from now?
It is actually. Your yearly flu claims more than that casually
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She died a year ago because you chuds didn’t take an untested gene therapy
nta but my skepticism is more towards the idea that this whole thing is an actual planned conspiracy to replace the working class and not just... a rushed vaccine not working as well as it could have and having side effects(including yes, death)
Similarly the whole idea that the plan is to use COVID vaccine deaths to replace the population with immigrants falls apart when you point out that latin American and middle eastern countries are also highly vaccinated(to say nothing of the fact that second generation immigrants seem to get increasingly right wing)
I think a lot of conspiracy theories are, in their own way, a comfort for people because it points a lot of shit going wrong and where things are heading into one great plan that could, theoretically, be dismantled, when the reality of it is that it's more greed, human error and incompetence that's much harder to control.
Man its almost like the US killing their premier tech corps over bullshit US laws and destroying the zaibatsu culture so that only the worst parts of it that agreed with puritan work culture remained was a fucking horrible idea.
Man its almost like women's rights like no fault divorce directly correlate with declining birth rates in every single nation.
I wonder why nobody wants to start a family anymore!
>American culture is all about different people coming together
No its not and it never has been. People never came together, different kinds of whites all made their own little communities amongst their own until mutual greed or an even worse race shifted the Overton window.
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I think that it’s all a series of right answers that are all designed to bury the truth, I don’t know what that truth is anymore honestly. I agree that this makes more sense as a lab leak that got out of hand and then big pharma leaped on the opportunity and fear surrounding it to make a ton of cash on a shot they knew they didn’t have to consider the side effects of. But I think the more you scrutinize it the more you can see SOME premeditated plan at work. Is this depopulation? Is this just greed? Is this just a science experiment run amok? I think the question is where is there contradiction in those three potential answers?
Speak English Igor
It’s because the Western establishment is in complete lockstep about the need for infinitely more debtors and consumers as well as the notion that ethnic sectarianism and nationalism are great historical evils that are also bad for the economy. To this end, the political and business elite in the West works in unison with the Left to replace their populations with immigrants. There is no significant political force in the West that is actually opposed to immigration both legal and illegal, because the consensus among elites is that there is no alternative to this policy for both moral and economic reasons. One would think that Westerners might realize that an economic system that requires constant injections of foreign labor and puts such strain on native populations that they can’t even reproduce is a problem, but with the death of socialism and Hitlerian eugenism in the 20th century, there is no one left to make these objections. I would chill with the vaccine schizophrenia though
here in latrine america people die constantly by the collateral of this vaccine, but the media is highly controlled
You can't solve a falling native population by inviting foreigners. It's simply not logically possible. If it were, you could just declare all of Zimbabwe Japanese citizens and you'd have all the population you want overnight. But of course it doesn't work like that.

Anyway, cool comics debate, see ya.
>nta but my skepticism is more towards the idea that this whole thing is an actual planned conspiracy to replace the working class and not just... a rushed vaccine not working as well as it could have and having side effects
You're correct to be skeptical, it's a big claim with very little evidence.
>I think a lot of conspiracy theories are, in their own way, a comfort for people because it points a lot of shit going wrong and where things are heading into one great plan that could, theoretically, be dismantled
I'm inclined to agree. People prefer a plan or a meaning, even a bad one, to chaos.
If our Nippon Government let more foreigners come in with incentives then they could intermix and breed with native population and our declining birth rates will decrease.
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Been meaning to draw these two since I binge read the whole series. Also I really miss Angel's cute little dot eyes so I'll probably just draw her with those.
aint that humiliating?
The Mc looks fuckin ugly, this is just BLACKED shit with a verde flavor.
Could never get into Savage Dragon. Something about the art is just off.
hey, thats pretty good
That's all before Biden won by the way. The second he won you HAD to get the vaccine and covid was worse than the black plague.
Being known as country with lowering birth rates due to young people not having sex is humiliating already.
I always wondered why Japan didn’t try to pick up more people fleeing from Hong Kong

Thatts a good thing. Fuck Shinzo Abe.
>My solution to [Declining numbers of Japanese people] is to [Replace Japanese people with non-Japanese people]
>I’ve already presented the evidence I could throughout the thread to back up each claim I’ve made, but when it’s easy to obfuscate it and deny their claims by demanding “official sources” then it’s just talking to a brick wall
Oh? You're absolute shit at it, then. It's not a matter of official or not, you're just really, really bad at it. That's a skill, though, that's something you could work on and improve.
Will gladly welcome in Beyoncé women who like to have fun and have sex than native women who don’t and think it gross.
Couldn't that story be explained by the Chinese simply working from the same natural human protein (MSH3) that Moderna did? Or, you know, stealing from the patent. Patents are public.
Last weekend I went to wedding from fellow Asian work colleague.
Some Japanese a few Korean and mostly Chinese. One Indian.
No Asian girls wanted to get out and dance and have fun.
Then beyonces all came out and dance with me. Lots of grinding of bodies.
I got phone numbers and Instagram from them afterward.
Been a fun week talking to them. Never would happen with native asian girl.
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Could everyone stop smearing COVID politco nonsense all over this nice softcore porn thread, please?
You do know that the CDC was funding the wuhan lab where the leak happened right?
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I think you’re just afraid of truth and you consider yourself a skeptic like it’s an identity rather than actually taking in information and coming to your own conclusions through analyzing data and actions. Its fine, the writer of this smut seemingly built an entire career around being a “science believer”tm so hopefully you can pivot it into something better
A project of it, not the whole thing. What's scary is there were multiple parallel coronavirus research projects going on there and a lot of it funded through their own military.
>more than half the thread about having a laugh about how stupid Savage Dragon is hijacked by vaxx and anti-vaxx
I really pray for glowniggers to have this site under surveillance if it means less retards on the site
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Anon it’s partially glow niggers making the site less interesting. Its Larsons fault that he made his bitch ass store bought political opinions the stupidest thing about his cuckold interracial porn action comic
>I think you’re just afraid of truth and you consider yourself a skeptic like it’s an identity rather than actually taking in information and coming to your own conclusions through analyzing data and actions.
A conclusion not in evidence. Meanwhile I suggested you're shit at backing up your claims because you said you've done so and yet you posted, like, a couple headline collages, an unsourced screenshot or two and a link to a youtube essayist. You don't seem to apprehend how to assert evidence in support of a point, on a basic level.
How do you present evidence from “official sources” when those “official sources” are by and large suppressing it? John Campbell is a real immunologist that initially supported the vaccines and now is dedicated to revealing what they’re actually doing. Why do you expect the people doing this shit to us to tell us what they’re doing?
I specifically didn't ask for official sources. I'm not actually asking for any sources, I'm just pointing out those ones weren't remotely adequate or appropriate.

To put it very lightly, video essays and unsourced image collages are both resistant to proper inquiry. The former is perhaps an understandable mistake: it's simply that the up-front, sight-unseen time investment required is only suitable for an already trusted source - remember there are a billion other jack-offs with contrary opinions on the internet competing to be vetted, and also that nothing in a video essay couldn't be much more effectively conveyed in text form, with links to video files if necessary, assuming rational presentation of evidence is actually the goal. That also, importantly, makes comparative investigation less of a hassle. The image collages are inexcusable, literally worthless.

Moreover, you need to explicitly link your evidence to the specific claims you make, not simply throw it alongside and waggle your eyebrows suggestively. If you tried doing this, you might discover for yourself in part why the above "evidence" is unsuitable.

It's not about whether John Campbell has standing or not. Your evidence isn't fit for purpose, is designed in a way to discourage fact-checking, and your handling of it raises grave doubts about your judgment.
Can you speak English?
I wonder if it's even worth skimming through this comic for all the lewd moments
Very nice but why aren't they naked?
mah nigga
>Maxine wearing pants.

>Can you speak English?
It's America hours, No one can speak much less read English.
> they control the media
> but not the media I consume of course
>worth skimming through this comic for all the lewd moments
It's fun to note how for about 200+ issues all the demon beast invaders wore pants and at some point they all just show up with their dicks dangling everywhere.
All they had to do was not change. A comic I read recently did this to what end?
Dusty Cooch sounds more like Shapiro.
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They control every major source anon and are currently legislating criticisms against them. Both sides are controlled heavily and assuming you can get away from it entirely is fool hardy unless you’re willing to throw your televisions and computers away. So if you want to compete you have to understand the why to what they say when they say it and to who they’re saying it to at that moment
Except the sources you have. They haven't managed to reach that.
Somebody really oughta do something about all those loafers...
Why would we throw our televisions and computers away? Are they emitting harmful rays?
When did I say that? You have to take information from EVERYWHERE and figure out the hole in the logic

Yeah it’s called propaganda, throw your shit away and live inna woods, raise a family and entertain yourselves by watching the fire
>split beaver creampies
You're lying.
>Who could possibly want to read this shit?
I don't know, from your description it sounds fun at least. Maybe stop being such a pretentious clown.
No, it's because they cover the genitals and they don't have to censor that much in jav.
at this point, anon could compile a compilation of them
>Dusty Cooch
Because you got thoroughly skullfucked by constant anti-vaxxer propaganda for years. You're such an obedient creature it now causes physical discomfort when the danger words are said.
So you don't trust yourself not to "fall for it"? Whenever I speak with a media conspiracy theorist I always get the impression of someone coming from an incredibly naive starting point, who got burnt for it and just careened away blindly in the other direction without stopping to pick up a clue.

Like, I'm giving you shit but I'm also trying to empathise. Genuinely, what is it you mean by >>144480896? You've posted the same paper running three variations of an article under different headlines with different editorial slants. What, in exact words, is it you're trying to say by that? And may we safely assume that Rousseff is out of office?
And there he is, he can't help flaunting his reprogramming.
I know that works wonders on /pol/troons, just barking nonsense to see what sticks, but your pysops are a couple of years late here pal. It's time to get a new script from your handlers.
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Jesus, what a shitty superhero. Died from a fake disease.
>now while I do see how that could happen
Your cranium is full of jello. Shut the fuck up you trailer creature.
Most child abuse happens within families, so I don't know what /pol/troon garbage you're barking right now. Try to shut the fuck up more often, you retarded closet faggot, you sound like you're starving for cock.
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The purpose of the media as it stands is to divide not to inform, those papers are just different headlines selling in different markets changed depending on their assumption about the demographic they’re trying to sell to. While I’ll say I empathize with the business decision to do so, it shows how little these mass media organizations have to say on their own. Its not entirely about disconnecting, but it’s important to allow yourself to come to your own conclusions on issues, and not just watch or read people you like and defer.

Fuck the constant assumption of propaganda is tiring and it ruins a lot of shit I’d like to enjoy, then I remember the top comic book writer working today is a literal fucking CIA agent. I accept the label of conspiracy theorist, do you accept the logic that big pharma puts profits over the health of their patients and EVERY major media organization is beholden to their owners and not the truth?
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I can't believe you lying retards shill on the /co/ board.
Wow, now the glavset is dumping their disinfo memes here. All because someone mentioned covid somehow.
Your rooster agency is a fucking joke, Marina.
Go eat a dick you absolute faggot for not seeing how the worst of Covid and the worst of the shots are the same damn thing
>democrats say
>it's a bunch of publications from all over
>mention Trump for no reason
>racebait and border discussion out of left field
>covid denial and anti-vaxx hogwash
Wow, you really got your feelings stomped on by reality, didn't you? You chugged that Russian antivaxx diarrhea and just decided to go all the way through.
Is everyone who got vaccinated dead yet? I thought we were going to drop like flies in two weeks.

If you need proof that Hiro sold this fucking website to the FSB to spread their agitprop, look at this fucking thread. It's hilarious.
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Not for another 9 years, chum
Okay, that's good
It's clear from the opinions of most medical professionals that the flu should be taken more seriously. This is why doctors go on about flu shots.
Wow, some Russian bot agency compiled a video with PERCENTAGES from news articles and it stuck you so hard you decided to inform the world of it.
They should prevent trailer parks and meth dens from getting internet access.
>Daily Mail
You're getting desperate here, pidorashka.
The truth isn't a collage designed to mislead with barely a point to it. Nor is it a Russian-state sponsored agency producing these images to multiply casualties in enemy states.
>big pharm
All pharma.
>major media
All media.
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>There are people who are not me that like different things and it upsets my autism
Kill yourself
I mean I don't like half that stuff in this issue but I don't get a brain bleed from the thought other people might
That's a simplification, you stupid shit. And to think they drove you into schizophrenia with this facile shit, like you're 8 years old or something.
But the truth is an isrealie or US owned intelligence agency’s opinion to spin?

So what sources would YOU trust? That news is almost two years old now and it’s being done again with this bird flu coming up
Ah, anecdotal evidence, the basis of all scientific knowledge.
/pol/troons really get skullscrubbed by this sort of shit, think about it for 5 minutes.
One thing I like about Larsen is that he seems willing to publish fanart and fan comics. And some of it is pretty crummy.
Like if /co/ wanted to make a Horridus comic and submit it, Larsen would probably publish it
>Rendered them infertile
No that's puberty blockers
No, neither is it barking strawman arguments when you're called out. Or answering with a whataboutism when you feel exposed, Olga.
How does it feel, being the office's rooster, by the way? It's getting pretty late in St. Pete's, you working nights? That's pathetic.
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You got conned. Cry some more about it.
Is this real? It's shown on channel for kids? If I was a kid and I saw it,
1. I'd get terrified,
2. and deeply confused about the Reality I'm living in
3. and WHY the adults would be showing me this scary monster.
>Source: not the article it's citing
Fucking amazing work, thank you for dumping your schizo folder, garbage. Can't wait to watch you die of drone in HD in the coming months.
a bunch of the comic strips being published in the back pages aren't even fan comics. There's a Brandon B comic in there about dating a Transformer.
I am European and I was vaccinated for Tuberculosis when I was a kid and I will ALWAYS show as positive when I am tested. Had to explain that to Americans. Works the same for Covid I guess.
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Go get more injections.
It scares you because you weren't introduced to such people in your early childhood outside of circus tents. Now that we live in clownworld it's necessary to acclimatize the younglings as early as possible.
>source: RT
It's not working out, pidoras. Get up from your desk, go to HR and quit. Jump off of the roof of your commie block. Die with some dignity instead of humiliating yourself in public every day.
Russia hasn't been communist for 35 years, John. Time to update your world knowledge. And BTW, the biggest troll farms were found to be American companies.
Don't look now, but there is a Russian spy under your bed who has been watching you faps forever and taking screen shots
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>muh russians
Is that what They say?
>those papers are just different headlines selling in different markets changed depending on their assumption about the demographic they’re trying to sell to.
So your illusion-shattering discovery was that newspapers have slants? Seriously, that's it? This isn't even an example of factual misreporting.
>it’s important to allow yourself to come to your own conclusions on issues
No shit. May we safely assume that Rousseff is out of office or is that just what Rupert Murdoch wants us to think?
>big pharma puts profits over the health of their patients
>EVERY major media organization is beholden to their owners and not the truth?
To an extent. Their behaviours are somewhat more complicated in reality because even if you assume all motives are purely profit-seeking, there are certain minimum requirements that have to be met to stay a functioning (and therefore profitable) pharma or media company, things it would be risky to do, and outside factors not under their control. For a media company, that includes a need for semi-accurate factual reporting. I think Rousseff might actually be out of office, y'know? To jump straight from "don't copy the opinions of journalists" to "MINITRUTH runs the news" is dumb. Assuming people who don't buy into a given conspiracy theory must be unthinkingly parroting the official line is dumb.
In fact, several months ago he was joined by a Chinese spy too. So now they exchange fap info on the anon too.
I do think that it is possible for some of the smaller companies to be honest. I don’t think that all medicine is just an evil grift

I don’t fully get this, why would a “Russian spy” or ANY foreign entity be in a thread talking about a porn comic with a circulation under 4 digits?
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Holy shit are we still fucking talking about this?
This is why we can't just have a side tangent. Cuz you fucking /pol/tards take over the whole damn thread.
Talk about Savage Fucking Dragon.
>it is possible for companies to be honest
>all medicine is just an evil grift
If the treatment doesn't help then I shouldn't have to pay. If the doctor kills me because he's a fucking hack then he should get into trouble, The treatment for a disease should end after a period of time and I should be cured not be a fucking subscription for life. Etc...
Safety Signals does not mean causation. See:
>Does an increase in cases appearing after the introduction of a vaccine mean the vaccine is causing these events?

>No. In fact most turn out to be false alarms. Experience in the U.S. with the VSD showed that from ten signals generated only one was confirmed, this was the risk for febrile seizures following administration of the MMRV vaccine. The other nine signals were ultimately eliminated after additional examination that found: Temporal changes in coding, confounding by age, inappropriate comparison group, miscoding in the electronic record, bias due to uncertainty of background rates, and chance.
Malcolm busts so hard it sends Maxine flying backwards across the room, she lands unconscious against the far wall on her head, and gouts of his cum pour out of her spread open pussy down her abdomen and into her open mouth threatening to drown her
I dare you to find a detail I exaggerated or made up in that description except possibly where she came to rest
Oh and the onomatopoeia of his jizz cannon is almost identical to the one Larsen used for Heavy Flo
The Americans have been conditioned by their Corporate Owned Media to be paranoid and to ALWAYS fear an imaginary enemy. 20 years ago was Muslims. 10 years was russians. Now it's the Chinese/Russians. Or he is just a glowe. I'd vote for a glowe.
Every accusation is an admission with Americans. They troll so they accuse others of trolling. They invade so they accuse Russia of invading. Etc.
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Go get more injections.
>They invade so they accuse Russia of invading.
The Americans invade, yes, Boris. Now get the fuck out of the Donbas.
the comic is such putrid garbage that people will literally talk about anything else
next time you want to talk about this slop I recommend doing something productive instead, like finally learning how to tie that noose.
>This is not BASED stop talking about it
No, fucking kill yourself just because you had to hear people discuss a book that didn't echo chamber your own opinions on things
Sure thing, retard. It's not like the Russian bot farms are constantly monitoring for any mention of covid, ukraine or the elections to rain down on a board and spam their entire "media" folder. It's because the comic is really bad.
You're the problem with your stupid faggot face and your idiot conclusions. What's wrong with your face?
>If the treatment doesn't help then I shouldn't have to pay. If the doctor kills me because he's a fucking hack then he should get into trouble, The treatment for a disease should end after a period of time and I should be cured not be a fucking subscription for life. Etc...
Maybe you should get to work on fixing your shithole country instead of blaming everything on a spooky all-powerful boogeyman?
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And now, for something completely different...
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>Russian bot farms
Then why the fuck did you click on a Savage Dragon thread?
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same reason I replied to (you), I enjoy mocking rotting garbage
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okay so let's theoretically apply this same logic to men's facial hair
>fixing your shithole country
That sounds like a whole bunch of thankless work that some hypothetical future generation would see the benefits of while I get nothing. That's a big no.
>spooky all-powerful boogeyman
Nothing of the sort. Every human is just a piece of shit. Me too. I will own everything and pay for nothing.
I'm honest to god surprised they didn't drag out Angel finding out Frank was Mr. Glum longer. Kinda happy they're speeding through it.
>It's about an Alex Jones pastiche in a power armor attacking (I think) a pride parade and fighting a superhero whose costume is just rainbow shit, while Mickey Mouse, not a pastiche but the actual Mickey Mouse, tries to rape a naked Asian lady in the street
Extremely kino and based.
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Spoilers He got his hopes up.
I do love Ant's design.
>everyone's just trying to fuck me, they get everything they can while I get nothing
>well, fuck them, I'll get everything I can and they get nothing
Enjoy your slow ride down to the third world.
I know Ant has her own book but I have never read a single page about her outside of Savage Dragon.
>anyone who says anything bad about the gays must actually be gay
How are you even real?
Is anyone really real, when you think about it?
Yes. If I provide you with a service I should be handsomely compensated. For life. If you provide me with a service you should be happy you were useful to your superior. That's reward enough. If you have something I want I'll take it because you weren't appreciating it anyway. If you covet something of mine you will be terminated. Such a heavy burden I bear to be surrounded at all times by inferiors that I generously allow to exist in my presence for they offer the tiniest entertainment with their meaningless struggles.
Why would you create and patent a part of a virus that makes it MORE infectious?!
Ok. I am bullshitting. I know what the reason it. The argument is you invent a more dangerous version of a virus so you can create a cure before the virus (supposedly eventually) happens naturally in nature. I remember learning about this in microbiology and other vlasses for my bio major. The trouble is you risk the virus leaking out of the lab before you have a cure ready. GEE. I wonder what went wrong!
Why would you read the Daily Mail?
Yet pubes aren't even allowed in ecchi anymore
Yeah that's ridiculous. Even if there was material damage (and the media perception around Jones as a schizo idiot suggests there were no major IRL complications for the victims caused by Jones), whatever harassment they might have received definitely didn't warrant 1b in damages. Rittenhouse on the other hand probably does deserve a payout like that because the three major news networks all colluded in declaring him a murderer before his trial and he still can't live a life of normalcy thanks to the resulting media circus.
Oh, and he's not fucking dead, so he can actually be defamed lol.
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Iit's like holy shit you people, "don't trust the media it's all lies and fear-mongering for profit and to divide us... except the Daily Fucking Mail, there's a tabloid you can trust"
How is that relevant when all those posts could have been by the same people nta btw
>there were no major IRL complications for the victims caused by Jones
The defamed are the parents of the victims. They received death threats and harassments over a long period of time, some of them apparently had to change addresses multiple times. Since Jones demonstrated very clearly he'll continue to slander until forced to stop, and had the tremendous bad judgement to keep it up *while the trial was in progress*, a bankrupting payout seems appropriate. I don't know what US law says about how much of it he'll actually have to pay.

Rittenhouse on the other hand doesn't seem to have any defamation lawsuits going on that aren't made up.
She saved the entire goddamned planet
>whatever harassment they might have received definitely didn't warrant 1b in damages
All of the judges involved, including the Supreme Court, disagree. In fact the judges award additional damages on top of the $1b the jury awarded.
It's not just the specific damages that have been inflicted on the plaintiffs, it's also the fact that Jones has gotten filthy rich inflicting those damages which he has been found liable for. Ill-gotten gains and all that.
>I don't know what US law says about how much of it he'll actually have to pay.
>Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
The median US household net worth is 410k at 74 years of age, at the absolute peak of their net worth after a lifetime of earning.
At 1b dollars the court is saying that Alex jones owes the six families that were awarded 950 million approximately 158 million dollars each. Or, going on that previous mention of median net worth after a lifetime for Americans, 385 lifetimes of wealth.
That's obviously not the case. For reference the Sackler family paid 5 billion and they murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans with false advertising and kickbacks to overprescribe opiates to people.
>It's not just the specific damages that have been inflicted on the plaintiffs, it's also the fact that Jones has gotten filthy rich inflicting those damages which he has been found liable for. Ill-gotten gains and all that.
If a criminal is not forced to pay back their ill-gotten gains, it means they have an incentive to continue their damaging actions with the payout being minor compared to their profits. And yes the Stackler family should've been forced to pay more so don't "whatabout" the argument.
You were NOT lying, holy shit.
Jones did not make a billion dollars on the Sandy hook claims a decade ago lmao
He made enough that the jury and all judges responsible, including appeals judges all the way up to the Supreme Court, felt that $1b in damages plus legal fees was a reasonable penalty.
It's not bail or cruel and unusual punishment. Whether it's an excessive fine depends on his ability to pay. I assume he doesn't have a billion dollars in his sock drawer, but I'm unclear on what happens after he declares bankruptcy and to what extent his future earnings may be garnished. If it stops at destroying his business, cry me a river. If he's homeless on half rations in the bread line for the rest of his life with his children turning tricks on the street, that's excessive.
No he didn't lol, that's why even with at bankruptcy and liquidation the families could only hope to get 55 million dollars, spread out over 10 years. And they probably won't even get that much. Alex Jones' net worth is like 10 million dollars (or negative 1.41 billion now, technically), the ludicrous judgement was entirely political theater. It's not like when Spectrum lost a lawsuit for 8 billion, they're nearly a trillion-dollar company and their employee murdered an old woman using his work van to get in her house.
It comes off really faggy that people are seething about politics in Savage Dragon when no one buys this crap. Just one look at it and it's a bunch of stuff so dumb and silly that you can't even take it seriously as a statement or propaganda. It's actually funny and endearing compared to the woke stuff at DC or Marvel. When did 4chan become so sensitive and seethe over anyone having a political opinion that isn't approved by /pol/?
Are you ESL?
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>It's one of the good ones of woke
We share this site with neanderthals
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I'm gonna need to see a source
No, I never said it was one of the good ones. It's funny by how stupid and out of touch it is. I'm also sure enough of my opinions and world view that I'm not sent into a complete rant about politics when a dumbass comic book with shit tier (but funny) writing disagrees with me. I can disregard it as the so bad it's good trash it is and overlook it. Not everything needs to be ZASED KEKISTANI SHOCKTROOPER TND 1488
Erik founded Image and was the fucking President for a few years.

And by his own admission the recent decent into porn was literally just him getting bored and trying something different curious how readers would react, and the books numbers remained the same. He's got a dedicated fanbase that's not going anywhere and it's enough to pay the bills.
>When did 4chan become so sensitive and seethe over anyone having a political opinion that isn't approved by /pol/?
Where've you been for the last decade? When they start fagging up a thread you just have to ignore them and talk around them.
It's just obnoxious. What happened in this thread is the equivalent of having a Bibleman thread where people talk about how weird and dumb it is but then you have a bunch of fedora tipping atheists reeeing about Christianity and about how it's Christian propaganda.
Do you understand the difference between the rule of law and the rule of feelings?
Felt means believed, thought, held an opinion. It means a lot of other things too, it can be a type of matted fibre, but I understood what he meant. You shouldn't pick fights about the definition of words when you don't properly speak the language.
What do you think you're arguing with?
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Good shit, m8.
>Felt means believed, thought, held an opinion.
Primarily, it is (of phenomena or qualia) to perceive, as by the senses (especially of touch), or (of a proposition) to believe by emotion/intuition. Thought is NOT among the common meanings of the word, and denotes the use of a different faculty. By claiming >>144484086 that various people "felt" that something was reasonable, it implies that they were basing that notion on an emotional response rather than, you know, actual reason. You don't "feel" an economic analysis, for example. Whether or not that's what actually happened, the anon is implicitly framing the punishment as something outside the realm of objective analysis, which would be subject to review by outsiders to check if it's reasonable.
the daughters will be future semen demons
>The biggest irony is that the "independent publisher that don't need to follow no Big Two rules" puts out a black legacy hero version of a popular character, then they're surprised sales tank even with split beaver creampies, amid the realization the Image shared superhero universe has been dead for a decade
What realization? There's been no idea of a truly shared Image Universe since the 90's when Liefeld and Lee left. Larsen(that's a lot of "L" names, McFarlane used to call them the "L Boys") nuked his old universe and replaced it with an exact copy just to further emphasize his comic has no solid links to anything else.
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Pedantic AND incorrect is a bad combo. Strive for one or the other at most.
>amid the realization the Image shared superhero universe has been dead for a decade.

A decade? More like two and a half decades.

Like >>144485372 said, Dragon's old universe was destroyed (sometime in the early 00s) and none of the other Image titles acknowledged it happened.

Hell I remember back in the late 00s people were wondering why Invincible and Savage Dragon don't do anything about Bomb Queen and that's because the stuff that happens in Bomb Queen's comic is only canon to Bomb Queen and nothing else. As far as Savage Dragon is concerned, he only had one encounter with her in his ongoing, and you could just assume she died in Savage Dragon's universe or something unless shown otherwise.
IS the ESL bit a projection? That aligns precisely with what I described. Do you not understand that opinions and attitudes can be based on emotion/intuition, and that that definition does not refer to reason, cognition, etc. which is commonly referred to as "thinking" rather than "feeling"?
>believe, think (Merriam-Webster)
>To believe, judge, have an opinion (Oxford)
>to have a general or thorough conviction of; think; believe (dictionary.com)
>To believe; think (thefreedictionary.com)
>To think, believe, or have an impression concerning (Wiktionary)
Do I need also to remind you that this point of pedantry arises from someone reading a very straightforward and understandable statement (that, again, used the word in a correct sense) and attempting to make a meaningless gotcha out of it by twisting a single word into a sense he clearly didn't intend? Go home.
Issue 228
If you haven't figured out how to read back issues yet in this thread you're hopeless
Anon, you're still missing the point of distinction. Maybe that's why you didn't understand my initial criticism.

Let's belabor your fist reference there:
>transitive verb
>1a: to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality
>She felt the fabric to see if it was wool.
>b: to perceive by a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (as of the skin or muscles)
>He felt a sudden pain in his leg.
>2a: to undergo passive experience of
>continually felt the resentment of his competitors
>b: to have one's sensibilities markedly affected by
>felt the insult deeply
>3: to ascertain by cautious trial —usually used with out
>feeling out the sentiments of their neighbors on the subject of school improvements
>4a: to be aware of by instinct or inference
>feel trouble brewing
>say what you really feel
>5 US slang : to understand (someone) : to know how (someone) feels
>Yeah, I feel you on that. I fall asleep every time I'm in the car as well.
>—Scott Sugarman
>When you buckle your chinstrap up, it's with a purpose, dog! Do you feel me?
>—Eric Berry
In all senses, "feel" refers to the act of experiencing something, whether a sensation, an emotion, or an intuition. Some "feelings" are thoughts, but if you check out Merriam-Webster's definition of "think" you'll find that that is not the distinction I was drawing with reasoning vs feeling. Some thoughts are not reasonable, after all, and the word may encompass a lot of things. But something that "feelings" do not cover is the rational analysis of a situation, as by consideration of laws, economic analysis, and the engineering of incentive structures (justice). These things are executive actions taken deliberately, not things that one feels. While it can include other things, the commmon word "thought" encompasses those meanings, while "felt" does not.

>by twisting a single word into a sense he clearly didn't intend
Oh, the anon intended it. Otherwise he'd have used a more appropriate word. It is, as I pointed out, framing the issue as the result of something other than rational analysis. Now, I'm not suggesting that the anon was deviously trying to run public relations or something. Rather, the anon is afflicted by the rather common inability to perform rational analysis, event to the point of knowing what it is or why one would do it. THAT is my criticism there.
>petite flat Asian nympho with freckles
How can a man be so based and cringe at the same time?
It's the duality of man.
are you against the freckles? Those are really good anon trust me
Anon, debating a bunch of autistic horseshit that explains how in your personal opinion a widespread and well-documented word usage is actually incorrect is, I feel, not an optimal use of time.
Concession accepted.
>He got a porn artist to do a variant foursome cover
kindly post it or link it
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Pube stubble >>>>>>>>>
No, I love freckles.
I mean the politics is cringe
>he still can't live a life of normalcy
That may be true but he sure didn't hesitate to jump on "right wing influencer" train. He's probably better off since he'll be able to make bank from podcasting about that time he shot some people.
>When did 4chan become so sensitive and seethe over anyone having a political opinion that isn't approved by /pol/?
>That may be true but he sure didn't hesitate to jump on "right wing influencer" train
He has no other options. No major university, harassed at every job and thus unemployable.
The guy shot a wife beater and a serial convicted child molester and he's the one with the ruined life.
Why didn’t they just release the crime scene photos? Don’t you think that this exacerbates what Jones was saying? If it’s important enough to silence one man with an impossible sum of money to tell the world to never question anything, wouldn’t it be worth it to prove him wrong through the photographs that are in the states possession?
>Why didn’t they just release the crime scene photos?
how fucking ghoulish are you? Some rando crying shenanigans on kids dying for the sake of his own ratings is no reason to release a bunch of photos of dead kids.
Don’t fucking pearl clutch, there is NO precedent that justifies the sealing of public records like this and if Jones was a serious enough threat to justify a completely unplayable sum of money then why is it so out there to just release the direct contradictory proof of the lies the state alleges he’s making? Don’t you remember when journalists punted HUNDREDS of photos of a dead migrant child on a beach? Why is that ok to show to the world but not the crime scene photographs from sandy hook? Do you not want the audience of Alex jones to see his lies out in the open as well?
>What's more surprising
That this thread is still going.
you have a really shitty sense of humor
I wish larsen would just fucking die, he's a boomer after all, he already lived for too long
kill yourself, I mean seriously. and stream it you pampered candyass faggot
>here's your proof
>here's more proof
why are you assholes always like this? why? did your mother never loved you? were you bullied as a kid? did your love interest rejected you? why? I just want to understand why
blaming everything on russia makes you look not only like an idiot, but also pays a lip service for people who not only hate russia, but also support ukraine. kill yourself faggot
>The guy shot a wife beater and a serial convicted child molester and he's the one with the ruined life
You say that like he knew that
>The treatment for a disease should end after a period of time and I should be cured not be a fucking subscription for life

That’s not how biology, medical conditions and medicine works, champ. Most things don’t just go poof if you take one pill because bodies are complicated machines and they’re really hard to understand and fix. There isn’t a miracle cure for HIV, but we’ve come a long way from people having it be a death sentence to it now being a manageable condition as long as you take your medication. Same way you can’t just fix most conditions that come with age but we can do a lot to mitigate them. You have to renew certain vaccinations periodically too, dumbass.
You're right.
>The guy shot two people attacking him unprovoked as part of a riot and he's the one with the ruined life.
He showed up armed, looking to shoot somebody.
Then he cried like a baby when there were consequences
>miracle cure for HIV
How about just a regular cure. And how much are the manufacturing costs for the treatment that gives me a manageable condition? What's that? I'll pay whatever you ask because I'll die otherwise? How convenient. Also HIV is bullshit because you have to really go out of your way to catch it.
>fix most conditions that come with age
Just die you senile old grandpa. You've already lived enough. Euthanize people over 65.
>He showed up armed
Not illegal. Kicking someone on the ground, bludgeoning them with a skateboard, and pointing a pistol at them aggressively are assaults with deadly weapons, justifying immediate legal force anywhere in the US.

>looking to shoot somebody.
...If people tried to torch more cars at the dealership he was there to guard, like they had the day before.

>Then he cried like a baby when there were consequences
The police at the scene released him after he turned himself in, accurately judging that he had not committed a crime. But that was politically unacceptable, so there was a whole show trial, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. And then he's had those career problems mentioned previously as a result. What do you think should happen to you if you defend yourself when attacked by a mob? Keep in mind that video showing crystal clear legal self defense was readily available.
>You have to renew certain vaccinations periodically too
How long do you think this has been a thing? Keep in mind that "periodically" is not the same thing as "once". And also keep in mind a popular definition of insanity.
>immediate legal force
Accurate, but "lethal" is the intended word.
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Is there any picture labelled lineup of ALL the significant women of Savage Dragon Universe?
You're probably right, but something rubs me the wrong way.
this is porn
/co/ is not a single person.
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The mass media campaign that told you how to feel about it?
Cringe and reddit
He does have a really punchable face.
It is amazing to see a prosecutor fumble that charge so easily. Maybe I don't understand what a "lawful order" is.
That's because they are right, everything they say about socialists is true.
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>Is there any picture labelled lineup of ALL the significant women of Savage Dragon Universe?

some of baes should be included...
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Need quick ID of the women in this roll call splash.
>Maybe I don't understand what a "lawful order" is.
A lawful order is an order given by someone in a position of legal authority which they are authorized by law to give, the refusal of which to follow constitutes a crime. For example, police may demand to see a driver's license when you're driving a car, refusal of which constitutes a crime, but otherwise generally may not demand identification from law-abiding people. Likewise, police generally do not have the authority to declare curfews, but some people do, as part of authority to manage emergencies (a governor typically has the authority to do this under certain circumstances). There, the prosecution had presented testimony from a detective that a curfew was in place. This does not constitute a case that:
>a curfew had in fact been declared by someone with authority to declare it (under suitable circumstances for that to apply)
>a police officer had issued a lawful order to Rittenhouse to leave per the curfew
>Rittenhouse refused to leave after hearing that order
Absent any of those, there's no crime on Rittenhouse's part relating to the charge the article is about.
>It is amazing to see a prosecutor fumble that charge so easily.
Not so much when you realize that, rather than investigating to determine suitable charges, they reached for anything they thought might stick. Following the proper procedure barely enters into consideration at all. Remember when Trump was impeached for "obstruction of Congress" when that's one of the President's jobs outlined in the Constitution? Different circumstances, but it's another silly example of why motivated reasoning is bad.
Well I'm still wondering who that prosecutor was supposed to call to the stand in that circumstance. The mayor?
>a police officer had issued a lawful order to Rittenhouse to leave per the curfew
Fair point. Based on how they didn't detain him here maybe they didn't do that either.
>Well I'm still wondering who that prosecutor was supposed to call to the stand in that circumstance. The mayor?
A curfew would have had some official declaration (from the mayor or whoever). No witnesses needed for that, just a copy of the declaration.

>maybe they didn't do that either.
All the other people running around without police trying to arrest them would also support that notion.
>All of the judges involved, including the Supreme Court, disagree.
and they are wrong.
Regarding this, the constitutional protection of peaceful assembly puts harsh limits on the legal basis for things like curfews. The legally-defensible situation is for things like public safety, like riots or natural disasters. There were, of course, riots going on at the time, but that's a crime on its own, and the lawsuit alleged that arrests were targeting protestors instead. That case is at least arguable.
Jannies could (and should) remove half the posts in the thread.
Fucking /pol/shitters ruined the website. Fuck off amerifats.
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I don't care what noone says about dude in this thread this nigga is alright with me
>Spawn murders the guy in cold blood
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The one flying in the top left corner with the red cap with gold trim is called Mighty Man.
She's nice.
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>tfw /co/ would have a colossal shitfit if Mighty Man was introduced today.
modern /co/ is a constant state of perpetual shitfits.
It's almost as if comics made by 70 year olds for 40 year old readers that still think they're 13 year olds is a bad idea or something.
How is that NOT hardcore porn?

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