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Is X-23 the only good Marvel legacy character?
she was good until she became female Wolverine
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Ketch and Robbie are good.
Come on bendis came before that.
Hawkeye is pretty good too
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Thats true, I do like her as well
I like using a.i. to make lewd sets of Laura
She wasn't good either. She's always been cheap waifu bait. Every book they forced her in fucking died.
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Scott's pretty good.
human torch & mayday
Do you think they will shoehorn her into another relationship? Sow her oats like Logan? Or just be single for a few years?
Favorite comics?
Not OP but I like her in XForce
Target X
Asking in general. That book was great.
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She was cool. I always hoped for a x23 and Hope book back in the 2000s. Never got it but two girls both trained to be a weapon from childhood would have been great.
She sucked after putting on the black and yellow.
Hope is a bit boring to me
I like how she has little tantrums. And hope fighting moonstar was pure gold.
Legit the best one. At worst, he scored his place as an inevitable legacy, at best he became the default version of Ant-Man
Just post the Wingbat pics already
Johnny is indeed one.
I mean, NYX has hellion (well not confirmed but its all but confirmed) and the writers talked about them having a dynamic, so like it could be likely? Especially if they want to get easy good will for this book.
Target x is her best, innocence lost, her stuff in new x-men and x-force is fantastic too. Mixed on liu's book and avengers academy. Taylor's stuff is meh outside of some particular stand outs.
Wingbat died
She's not a "legacy character".
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X-23 sucks.
>Wingbat died
I refuse to believe such libelous slander!
Johnny Storm and Jonathan Blaze. They embody "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." simply because they supplanted the original Human Torch and Ghost Rider as the definitive versions.
Why is Marvel's heroes mostly super human assassin's or professional killers, this chick is just a expy of a meat grinder butcher black ops specialist
X-23 works better as a child soldier and daughter to Logan like in Evolution or Logan
Miles Morales and Kamala Khan
OP said good.
Is X-23 the same as Talon?
Which one? Laura during the 2000s used that name even if some writers forgot it, then recently there was the old woman laura thing which while nominally it was the main laura it didn't act anything like her (neither did the wolverine one).
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Because Marvel is the edgy superhero company.
They are.

Cope more, timmy.
Her 2012 solo run with Gambit was great
Who was the artist who drew her during the Hellfire Gala? I found the rounder shape of her face pretty appealing.
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I just looked up her latest shenanigans and read that her future (original) self died

Really like her as a street level hero
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Dunno, while those versions are good, the older laura allows for the bigger contrast with her unawareness of social norms and more potential for dynamics
Russel deteurman. Its the same face shape that choi gave her.
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Mixed on it personally.
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Such a small image.
Yeah, it's pretty fucked. She got trapped in some time warp so the X-Men cloned her using a memory backup, but then a few years later the original Laura escaped the time warp after a thousand years or something had passed for her so now there were just two Lauras hanging around I guess. Then the original Laura died for real and now it's just the clone again.
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She was good while she was still drawn by Choi and written by Yost.
Yeah it's so pointless. This feels exactly like when Logan died, "oh no, this popular character died FOR GOOD"

We'll see her in 2027, I'm sure.
I mean the new laura is her for all intents and purposes. While old laura was just turned into an oc.
Actually its not that dissmilar since there they had old man logan, but here its even more of a not-death cause young laura is just laura from the last time we saw her.
Old laura also was a nothing-character that just existed around boring synch.
Yeah, I guess I'm like, why even have the poor girl go through all that just to end up at the same place? the only difference is that ResLaura has the metal skeleton right? I feel like the entire sage could have been simpler.
You see, duggan wanted to give laura the "no memories" of something thing because she's wolverine. And the character he actually wanted to write was synch so he made her accessory to that (hickman wrote the first story, but there it seemed to be that it wasn't going to be revisited and was just to mature up synch but even then it was random). Then he brought old laura back when laura was going to be used by percy's x-force, and then killed old laura to clean his mess. And now we have laura for all intents and purposes but with a random metal skeleton
Thanks to her all the fanboys can COOOOM to their fantasies of fucking Logan without it being gay

Mirin' those abs
She wasnt the first attempt at a female wolverine spin off, just the first people liked because the concept actually was good, even with how much marvel's fucked stuff up.
What is her bodycount?

Since current Laura is a Clone she has all the experience but is technically a virgin again
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I have coom fantasies about Laura but it doesn't involve Logan
Man, I know Wolverine would get in first but if X-23 gets into Rivals, instant main, right there.
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remember daken? yea me neither
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brb gonna go re-read x force
any tips to get a x23 look for stablefidd prompts ?
I use pony model autismmixSDXL_autismmixPony
Pony zonkey realism
What about Johnny Storm he's such a good legacy people forgot there even was a Human Torch before him
Post that one panel from X-force, you know the one
It's funny how she was presented as being a clone despite being a girl and possibly a different ethnicity
I always thought mixed Clone not 1:1
Well she looked like her doctor, and a clone could be female desu.
gabby was a mistake
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i get such a boner at this part
should've stuck with the age and aesthetic
God why
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as a red-blooded male, i like seeing women hurt, captured, and dominated
Bit weird ngl.
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its natural cave man instinct
see hot women, bonk her, take her to cave, breed her until she submits
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Anon, she's litterally the single fucking dumbest legacy character we've seen in a long goddamned time.
Even her origin is indefensibly fucking retarded.

No seriously.
She has being hot going for her and can and should be replaced with 20 year old asian psylocke while mid brit betty takes up her role of being an unfuckable incestuous loser.
x-23's design totally sucks
Then why did the movies turn out campy and comedic?
>Why is Marvel's heroes mostly super human assassin's or professional killers
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it does NOW but back in the day she was cool
when im writing stablediffusion what are some key words to include to make the girl im proompting look like x-23 ?
The facility makes more than one weapon. And after Laura they instantly were making more of her too. You understand you have more than one scientific project at a time..right

Dunno what the fuck you on about Psylocke. Kwanon and current Betsy are both boring rn
616 Laura isn't a clone at all. She was born like any other kid and looks exactly like her mom, Sarah Kinney. Wolverine's her pop.
the one where she's a 14 you prostitute
wait thats her canon first appearance too ahahah
imagine liking this character
>x23 and Hope
unrelated but i took up some xmen issues a week ago and i found out that Psylocke, Rachel, Hope, Magik and Laura are all lesbians/butch/bi
what the hell is going on?
neither Laura nor Ilyana are the real ones
they haven't been for years dude
>Then the original Laura died for real and now it's just the clone again
it's fucked up how much the x-men fuck with clones and resurrection, just because they can't stand death and loss
even resurrection by the 5 is fucked up.. just think about all the clones and souls of the clones or timetravel bullshit
it's torture for the original ones and copies
i want Marvel to come out and say "please everybody ignore NYX 1-6 thank-you"
Her creators consider her a clone, she is one.
Psylocke and rachel are bi. The others arent.
>only applies for one comic while her first appearance was in a cartoon
>has two excellent oirign minis made by her creators
>good roles in two team books
Yeah cant imagine why people like the character.
They largely have, the cover is like the most they've done in a while
>They largely have, the cover is like the most they've done in a while
in some recent issue (with Gambit it think) a character asks her what she was doing for a living in New York and Laura is shown mortified and mute
Magick is absolutely bi
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It is weird that they are even bringing back the NYX comic name.
Joe Quesada what an absolute clown
not even fuck your 16yo girl above his mom Austen is such a clown
>storm not being in sex goddess
>emma frost is
No, they didn't.
The entire origin was that basically all of their money went to a wolverine clone.
A fucking wolverine clone with conceptually speaking Sabretooth was superior in every way.
Wolverine was leaving unprotected bastards across the planet and would continue to leave bastards across the world.

It's retarded.

And if they wanted a hot slinky ninja girl, they should have had a de-aged psylocke. The time of the thiccc/instathot hot asian ninja bitch is here!

And no one likes betsy braddock or cares she exists. I think we need to face facts.

They started taking the wrong lessons from Claremont. And this is why I said Psylock should get the 05 from the future/AU treatment and get a hot college aged version that's not a dykes fingerpuppet or bulldyke.
That issue was in 2011.
Sabretooth didnt have the sucessful bonding of the skeleton under weapon x by the time the clone development started and was more of a consistent loose canon. Wolverine makes more practical sense.

He didn't have a single one publication wise by then, and the only one later who had his healing powers was already a free agent.

Laura isn't a hot ninja girl. Its just something else. Narratively she accomplishes more of the cold weapon learning to be a person. And design wise her looks tend to lean more towards urban than ninja.

No one cares about kwanon or captain britain betsy I agree. People liked the mix of the two ideas. Without it its empty
We dont really see it, so I wouldn't count it.
When is it even mentioned?
That was 20 years ago man
we don't see her doing the most depraved shit with limbo demons either, but she literally talks about it
>Sabretooth didnt have the sucessful bonding of the skeleton under weapon x by the time the clone development started and was more of a consistent loose canon. Wolverine makes more practical sense.

She's not 60. She's 15 and they successfully bonded adamantium to sabertooth soon after wolverine.
Secondly, Wolverine is not controllable at all he broke free and even went back to destroy them.

Sabertooth is a superior choice and is a mindless savage weapon easily controlled.

Also Laura is "le hot martial arts" girl and her whole TEACH ME HOW TO BE A HUMAN thing only makes her MORE of a rip off of cassandra cain but with a dumb backstory.

Lastly, I want a hot thicc 20ish asian ninja girl with purple hair goddamnit.
If both of those shitter characters have to be made their own and take up valuable space on the page to get it. So be it.
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Betsy and Rachel are a couple and Magik, well, i just posted the panel. Kitty also kisses a random woman at some point. As for Laura, there's some subtextual stuff and possibly unintentional chemistry with a few girls here and there but nothing's explicit, and I have no idea why Hope was brought up- has she ever shown interest in anyone at all??
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Didn't Hickman write that comic? IIRC it was really weird since everyone was dumb as hell.
and that's another one for my folder
i miss her old fashion sense.
Rachael has always been a bulldyke who dies childless and alone in the future
And Betsy has always been a slut that fucks everything and has a thing for little boys(canon).

As long as hot asian psylocke is basically a seperate character now. I don't give a shit.
As for Kitty, let's be honest. No one fucking likes her.
I can't think of anyone who says WHERE'S KITTY PRYDE!
scuse me what was that about Betsy
No? Sabretooth only got bonded to adamantium in the 90s, with according to marvel's timeline means it happened AFTER laura was created.
More controllable. Its relative.

She is marvel's cassandra cain, sure?

Sure, just that psylocke without the British accent hasn't been popular yet, kinda showing its the combination that makes people like the character. Its why the Japanese game still had her with the accent.
What, betsy has had kids with franklin consitnetly.
I liked rachel and kurt personally.
Mass market appeal + Whedon writing
It's a retarded clone baby that should have mascarried moments after it was created and implanted.

It is in effect a fucking clone.
And them gestating and growing their multimillion dollar weapon in a dumpy doughy middle aged geek and her being born like any other kid is fundamentally the most retarded shit I've ever heard

They have a tube to gestate a human being and constantly look it over and care for it and enhance and mutate it.

Fucking Damian Wayne was built like this.

It's...fucking dumb.
Look the only thing I will accept with this character is that she's in fact the first successful clone of the unborn child of wolverine and silverfox and her entire nonsensical backstory are poorly written and thought out memory implants with the lead of the x-23 project positioning herself as "their mother".
She's not even the first one that she's given that origin. Hell the grandmother her handler kimura is wining about is probably dr.kinney as well.
that's rachel
Thats' all you need to know.

>No? Sabretooth only got bonded to adamantium in the 90s, with according to marvel's timeline means it happened AFTER laura was created.
According to real world timelines he was bonded in the early to mid 90's right around the time EVERYONE had to get adamantium this or that.
And if we are going by timelines being canon then Laura should be nearing 50 correct?

No. They had all the time in the fucking world to course correct to Sabertooth. I mean the fuck were they hoping to do with a fucking 15 year old female clone of wolverine?

>More controllable. Its relative.
The fuck are you saying?
No, Sabertooth could have easily been given a few memory implants and had his conscious mind supplanted and replaced with a compliant one.

>She is marvel's cassandra cain, sure?
No, rip off of cassandra cain. And she's not even the fifth female sho doesn't understand normies in the xmen.
Hell Rahne did the girl who doesn't understand normals and has a wild savage side she can barely control and didn't have a stupid origin or had to sell her self.

>Sure, just that psylocke without the British accent hasn't been popular yet, kinda showing its the combination that makes people like the character. Its why the Japanese game still had her with the accent.
Anon, you do realize that accents aren't ENTIRELY genetic and can be picked up correct?
Hot Asian assassin girl with british accent who goes full hot thicc thot mode when freed fom the control of the hand.
She's an in canon average looking mega skank with a thing for little boys.
Fuck i meant rachel. Yeah rachel has had au kids with franklin and dated him in days of future past.
She got with the random female with these powers and background stick that you people here bitch about constantly .

She is in fact a canon butch lesbian who dies barren and alone in the future.
I am talking in marvel time. in marvel time by the 2000s the 80s were not even 10 years ago, so laura would have been born before sabretooth got the metal.
No? She was 15 by the 2000s, she'd be what in her 30s

They weren't gonna change it once theyalready had her born lmao.

If xavier couldn't change sabretooth, the facility wouldn't have been able to.

She is similar sure. But she is also popular.
And rahne was more similar to kurt than laura id say. And laura doesn't have a "savage" side, the stuff with her is all more calculated outside of trigger.

I am saying that people like that specific dynamic, and kwanon doesn't have it. She's just blank as a board or muh kids.
What? Rachel is one of my favorites, always was. I am fine with her dating betsy as boring as current betsy is. I just liked the idea of her and kurt. I also like her and kitty.
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now that krakoa is over what book is laura in ?
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just looked it up and holy shit this looks bad, Laura's costume looks bad and why is she being put into a book where she is seemingly the only adult? every one else is teens
No, everyone else is college age too. Anole is running a bar, prodigy is in a college course, the cockuo is in college. It might actually be the first thing that remembers that they are supposed to be laura's age.
Just grab a lora
what about Kamala ?
wait so what happened to original laura ?
Died then contained in Synchs brain then let go

Clone Laura post vault is the one we have now
wow ive now been reading comics long enough for a tony stark heroes reborn type of retcon for a character that was brand new when i began reading comics kek . original laura literally doesnt exist anymore ?
what happened to gabby ?
She is 18 now apparently?
Didnt exist during krakoa either desu, it was just an oc wearing her skin.
Killed by shadowman in New mutants book and resurrected
dammit i was hoping they would get rid of her for good
She isnt in any book. So you might have gotten your wish.
They gave her some kids to play sith
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Zebra Daddy owned.
I made a.i. porn of this
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They were cute together and would have made a better couple than Laura and Warren.
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X-23 would have been better if they kept her autistic and edgy instead of turning her into single mom le quirk chungus saddled with Gabby whose dialogue was written to mimic Joss Whedon.
Every good story or character will eventually be passed to a writer who will completely repurpose them for whatever story they want to tell, and then the character can no longer go back to what it was.
Now she's just female Wolverine, and we'll never get her back.
Plus opportunity for trolling old Cyclops
I've never read a comic involving her. Is it true that Quesada turned her into a child prostitute, whose hymen gets healed by her mutant powers, so every client gets to feel like they're fucking a virgin?
Healing factor is based on body image so no
>Hymen doesn't work like that
according to WESTERN studies
populations that put pussy on a pedestal while celebrating whoring
While i prefer laura and julian, laura and scott could have been fun.
She had no chemistry with any of the guys, especially fucking Gambit that one fujoshit tried to establish
I liked her dynamic with julian under yost personally. It was fun.

I think the gambit thing was just supposed to be him as the perfect father figure. But liu was too much of a gambit fangirl and it comes off really too perfect.
She needs a guy a few years older that can handle her, a Jason Todd type would be perfect
That's dumb
I like grown adult on teenagers as much as the next guy but she needs someone who went through something similar to her.
Homeless Mutant Quest did this really well with crack bitch JJ
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More like 25 year old with a 19 year old but Laura getting dommed by someone like Warpath or Sabertooth would be fun
>Warpath or Sabertooth would be fun
no failures and no furries
Booba to big
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what if mid booba and big ass young but big booba and big ass adult?
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Her claws coming out between her fingers is the real problem.
Anyone who is twice her size is best
Making her partner just like her kinda defeats the point desu
Small booba and slender when prostitute

Nice bum, medium booba and abs as current, she should be as big as Sakura from street fighter
also really weird comparison
deeply traumatized people will always be strange and offputting to normal people
someone who has moved on from trauma can actually understand where she's coming from and why she behaves so strangely
Most fighting games have a boob scale, Laura would be in the middle a little back
So she should be a dyke?
Because you people like her completely fucked when it comes to relationships and easily manipulated and keep putthing her with same aged girls and older women.
Ah there we go.
But that's the point, if you have a relationship between two characters who essentially act the same..there's zero contrast whatsoever or the characters growing from the trauma because its someone that doesn't need to. Like if its someone just as offputting as her there's no real point in having two characters.

Altough honestly, its more about the fact the trauma shouldn't be the same, it should be someone with some frame of reference of normality but a different POV on it. Again, I am biased here, I think julian under yost did all of that and the dynamic was fun. Just cut too short. Then again, they are doing a reunion in NYX it seems?
I wouldnt mind mercury i guess. But not particularly. I just don't think the same background works for relationships. Parells and contrast absolutely. Just not too 1 to 1.
In-between we got that Weekend at Bernie's issue where No-Girl psychically puppeteered her corpse.
sorry anon, you're dumb
>Ah there we go.
it was literally perfect
the best laura was ever written and it's in a fucking 4chan quest
I don't mind if Gabby gets in a young teen book
Maybe you mean something else, but characters in relationships should contrast and compare, not just be sueprfically similar. Maybe your example is that, tho I wont deny I kinda doubt it.
Laura shouldn't date anyone for a bit, give her a break from raising Gabby and let her go wild for a little bit, college aged Laura should be like the Xterminator girls and fool around before settling down
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That just doesnt fit any characterization of laura, even the worst ones.
Characters change
bad writing
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Slut crew
Absolutely, im just sayng its not the most fitting.
The sad thing is that this book was the krakoa book that wrote laura the most like laura. She was serious but not aggressive and she occasionally did her overly formal speech thing.
It was a fun but dumb book, would read more
I more so mean the standard for laura during that era was so abysmal even the fun dumb book by a writer that is iffy with characterization did a better job than duggan. Let that sink in.
It sucks gomez only drew this ugly outfit.
would you?
I'm good, rather have fun vs picking everything apart and getting mad
Yes but she might hunt me down
She was in a witch costume for a bit
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Yeah that was cooll.
I am speaking positively of x-terminators comparatively.
Gay term.
And yet the actual story presents her differently.
>Look the only thing I will accept with this character is that she's in fact the first successful clone of the unborn child of wolverine and silverfox
Why not just take the clone bullshit out of it and make her their actual kid? Logan just didn't know about her until recently.
I mean proper costume. But man that dialogue is the most laura laura has sounded in so long.
The specific wording is genetic twin, which sure.
Because the point of her character Is that she's created in a cold and sterile place to just be a weapon
Oh hey its your weird fanfic guy
They are so short
>Because the point of her character Is that she's created in a cold and sterile place to just be a weapon
Eh. Just have the Weapon X guys find and train her.
The thing is that its from birth, every minute of her life was in a controlled situation, even her "mother" was part of it and the two people who treated her like a person she had to kill due to trigger taking any choice away from her. If logan struggles with feeling like a wild animal, laura struggles with feeling like a robot with no concept of choice.
I'm slowly working on an X-23 fanfic, 3 chapters done and 3 more planned
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his only fault is that he doesn't get many stories. There have only been miniseries with him lately, and on one hand, I get it, but on the other hand they could at least add him to an Avengers team or something if he's in that realm of popular-unpopular to make him relevant again.
What are you doing?
Taking my time
Coming up with different lewd scenarios for each chapter, will end it as the Krakoa age starts and Laura goes into the vault
>doing krakoa at all
Fitting it in chronologically

Living with Gabby in NYC era
what the fuck is wrong with you
Nothing, no lewding the Gabby just Laura adjusting to breaking up with Angel and having a little sister now
Just dump her in the new Avengers Academy.
With Molly Hayes
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>ugly outfit
Yeah her only good wolverine outfit was the grey one.
>NYX writers confirmed laura is getting love interest plots in NYX
>Hellion is almost 100 percent the krakoan
Man, sure being subtle are they?
I liked this episode
I think pic related is where it's add. Slim but athletic with a bit of muscle, and slightly wider in the bottom part.
She's a dex build with a little str sprinkled on top.

Now she just needs a vampilee bff/gf and a reboot back to pre-gabby era X-23.
holy shit the nyx outfit looks terrible
>the two people who treated her like a person she had to kill due to trigger taking any choice away from her
her mom and who else? whos #2?
>her mom
way too many people give this bitch a free pass
she knew the entire time what was being done to her and only does anything when she's in her teens
The martial arts instructor guy, I think?
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Yeah it's crazy how the writers just gave her a pass, and when they met her clone they just pretended like she didn't bring Laura just so she could help torture her for over a decade.
holy thicc who is this one of the Benes?
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Leo Matos
i want her like this
i want to fill her up with so much cum she can't even muster the will to try to escape
Her sensei RIP
Yes, its the point. She literally writes that laura should NEVER forgive her.
except laura did
and it's never brought up again
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i enjoy mike choi/sonia oback team so much
>killed her off in the shittiest fucking way
also, she never looks this young again
Choi is so kino.
Brooks drew disney laura. Hopefully this means the other nxm are soon since he also helped design them.
so she raped her, right?
way too many rapey subtexts
bitch outright licks her teeth when cutting off her arm
he only released like 3 last week
And he still hasn't done Magma, Husk or Skin

feels like he's starting to wrap up
she even abuses her like lesbians often do
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What are your chapter ideas?
i like how casual she is here>>144524991
she's just used to roughplay
She's a doomer before it was cool
I hope he does at least some other new x-men, he designed them for god's sake :(

And I doubt it he keeps getting a ton of content from it.
I wish she'd go back to whoring.
It'd be funny if she just gave up on trying to be Logan 2.0 and got herself an OnlyFans account instead.
I'd like closure

Have a short with Laura thinking about her past and how she us grateful for her current life
Could do what she did in liu's run (as much as I am mixed on it) her hunting some people who do that would be cool.
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She's too busy girlbossing and getting compliments, much to the chagrin of the CHUDS on internet message boards.
Maybe have a short with one of the psychics like Emma or Betsy remembering helping a damaged but brave young girl get over her tragic past.

Or a princess bride type bedtime story with Laura telling Gabby about a captured princess who was a slave all her life who escape and had to learn to love again
if they're keeping her cringe ass nu-self, it should be her getting raped back into a slut
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It can only get worse from here.
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I have some trust the NYX writers at least mentioned her past stuff. I doubt its gonna be this bad.
She need to have hot lesbian sex with magik
Laura seems like the type who will maybe kiss another girl on a dare or slap Jubilee's ass but is pretty hetero although if someone she respected like Jean said "Laura Strip" she would do it.
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Do you prefer blue, brown or green eyes for laura?
green eyes obviously
even her porn gets it right
Green, I lol when the official art gets it wrong
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I prefer chois wide eyed more innocent eyes.
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Eh wouldn't be a top 5. Top 10 maybe.
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Better example of the same artist
it's crazy how there's so many options for the new avengers academy and they chose all the worst ones lol
different each chapter
older male x Laura first chapter
teen boy x Laura for the second
gangbang for Laura for the third
planning flashback chapter for 4th
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"her mom"
Implying that bitch is her mom and she was ever born and birthed.
She was grown in a tube and fed lies.
I dunno I thought it gave her a really solid characterization and I liked the role Remy played in it. You can argue it got a bit lost once Jubilee was added in, but still
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i have complete faith in their ability to fuck it up
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Green is the best choice.
Blue eyes and black hair is better for the evil office lady.

webm related, what 3DPD Laura would look like(maybe a bit too brown but pretend she's been tanning)
Didn't her creator hate this?
I don't like her being sexual
>all of these are, technically, legacy versions of Marvel heroes
Her handler being indestructible was weirdly brushed aside like why wasn't that a bigger deal
Kyle and Yost didn't agree with it but cashed the cheque anyway
I agree with this but Gabby said she had feelings for a girl so that could mean Laura is the same but it could just be a Gabby thing
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Man, I would be fucking pissed if my angsty but cute Wolverine clone got turned into a child prostitute for cheap pathos. I don't know how writers do it.
nature vs nurture, if you cloned anyone some of them would be gay
they get paid everytime a character they created gets used, Liefiled just gets Deadpool money and hasn't worked on him in 30 years
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I liked Female the boys better, she's cute. Meanwhile X-23 is just an OC that didn't work out. At least she's fun in MVC3
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Someone needs to remember she used to have friends.
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She was sacrificed on the girlboss altar so we could have the female Wolverine that is as good as the guys pretty much.
Now she has the same cut and paste personality as every other female X-woman.
It was pretty important.
They need to stop with the Wolverine mask, it just doesn't look good on women.
She's one of the only tolerable examples.
She was allowed to exist for over a decade before becoming Wolverine, and she actually had a biological and even emotional connection to him to justify it.
The issue isn't that she became a female Wolverine. It's that modern comic writing is dogshit, especially for most of marvel. If it was better written and wasn't shoehorned in along with a dozen other legacy character pushes, it'd probably have been better received.
>Cold fish
Nah. When you're horny as fuck for at least a decade before you can finally touch somone, you're not going to be a dead fish.
Like, imagine you're the first man Rogue can touch safetly. Imagine the sheer enthusiasm and willingness to do any depraved fucking thing you want because she's spent years fantasizing about every sex act imaginable.
Isn't there also a third Laura clone around that's a little girl becausr Weapon X cloned like 6 more Lauras and the child one is now basically Laura's little sister?
Or did they kill that child off too?
it's so fucking stupid
They did kill Gabby but then they brought her back
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Rogue is especially not a cold fish after gaining control over her powers.
That's gabby. Wasn't weapon x tho. Laura wasn't created by weapon x either
Evolution Laura was about that shade.
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oh no
i miss her autism
And she still is a better roommate than noriko.
I'm surprised nobody is mad at the a.i. images ITT
If we ignore them they go away
Yeah but I mean how indestructible, how'd they do it, can it work on other people? Stuff like that. It just seems like a more impressive power for an assassin to have.
He's made stuff recently
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How long should her claws be? 7 inches at most?
Hope she is in Deadpool & Wolverine
She might not be
However long logan's are i guess.
Weird how her claws looked like they grew while being incased in adamantiam but that could just be how some artists choose to draw them
Should be smaller than her forearm
That's not true. Royalties agreements at Marvel and DC have differed over the years, and all depend on what contracts the company was offering at the time. Books like Deadpool, Cable and X-Force need to sell over a certain level for Liefeld to get any royalties from them, we learned this when Marvel replaced those books with Agent X, Soldier X and X-Statix in the early 2000s, and people thought it was about preventing Rob from getting royalties, he admitted he hadn't been getting any in years because the books weren't selling well enough.
Lol, sucks to be them
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A reminder that todd macfarlne got paid more for stargirl using artemis than for any of the venom movies.

And as far as x-23 goes, kyle has commented on some stuff and not being fond of it. The prostitute thing definitely being one. Which Is why the origin minis he did with yost largely ignored it.
it happens, he created a character based of another character, If I created Son of Joker I can't really get upset when DC does stuff with him
I mean, coming from the same person who thanked you for creating the character. You do have a right getting mad. Especially when they came to you then to write them properly.
yeah but if they decide to take my son of joker and make him trans for sake of sales it's out of my hands, my opinion doesn't matter it's just business
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Id say it still matters.
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>And them gestating and growing their multimillion dollar weapon in a dumpy doughy middle aged geek

Real life cloning uses real mothers. Korean cloners have a breed of dog that exists just to give birth to puppy clones. Realistically they'd have 100 mothers giving birth to wolverine clones and most of the mothers would miscarry or die in the process. The reason laura kinney was used was because zander rice is a cunt who wanted to fuck over the person getting in the way of his project.

this is the guy who's concept of revenge is cloning some one then torturing the clone.
Sarah, but yeah.

And man people sleep on what a good antagonist he is, and how that ties to good cycles of revenge thematically.
"terminally online" male, you mean, desu
What is this slop. Is this comics? Old or new?
newish within the last 5 years
>But she is also popular
She is hot, not popular.
She can easily be replaced with vaguely 20ish thicc asian british former hand assassin Psylocke from an AU and she will have far more fans and easy iconography to start from.

Hell Psylock did what x-23 is failing at doing right now when she died and was resurrected with the ebon dawn and was far cooler and hotter while doing it.

Laura is objectively inferior as a character and only emo losers like her.
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She cant, becuase they've been trying to and kwanon isn't the one used in media outside of the comics.

I don't know what you're even saying, but you're also the silverfox guy so your stuff is legit bizarre. Rn it wouldn't be a stretch to say laura is more popular than psylocke, she has logan to her name, that's more than psylocke has lmao.
Anon, litterally everything and I mean everything about X-23's origin is indefensibly fucking retarded.

They have a luke cage level indestructable class 10 who is under their complete control and she's treated like something they just whipped up with ease.
And they are spending all of this money and effort on fucking barely functional female wolverine clones?
Let the sheer idiocy of that sink in.
The logistical incompetence at play.
Even Wolverine was more of a proof of concept prototype and a one off soldier to put into wars as a shock and awe one man murder machine soldier ala captain america that could be disposed of.

The fuck does x-23 have?
They could litterally get a low-tier marvel boy level psychic to crush the windpipe of anyone from a half mile away for not even a million bucks per kill and still come out cheaper then making a fuckton of x-23 clones that they keep in line with apparently easier and cheaper to create, far more powerful and objectively superior 100% controllable basically indestructable class10+ super soldiers.

The math isn't fucking mathing!
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Laura has alot of nice lewds
It's comicbooks, there is squirrel girl
Yes just like weapon X has SHIVA, and yet they waste their time with wolverine and sabretooth.
Okay lots of wrong to unpack here
1.They've been trying how?
2.No one knows who kwannon is, no one gives a single sideways fuck about betty. They care about hot asian chick with purple hair and psyblade that appeared in xmen movies and xmen 90's era stuff like the wildly popular xmen vs capcom.
3.Shes wolverines creepy retarded origin clone that has appered in a shit cartoon, as an uncared for extra in a now noncanon wolverine movie, and an not very popular addition yo st vs capcom.

You mean the android that was built later and is a one off?
kimura is built into x23s origin. you cant unfuck this
What? How? Which comic confirms this?
She went to college. She's 18.
The adnroid built with the ability to kill all weapon x creations yeah. That exists. And yet they don't mass produce it.
1. kwanon
2.Yes that's the point, their attempt at keeping the visual without the character has not really done shit.
3. In the most popular wolverine movie which is considered to be one the best superhero movies where she's essentially the dramatic heart. Yeah lol. And she was a very popular addition to MVC that helped her popularity immensely (much like shuma, but didn't work for marrow).
>hates character
>has nothing to add to discussions on the character
>constantly talks about shitty fanfiction instead of character
Why the fuck are you on a thread about the character?
The driving force behind x-23 was Zander rice, who just wanted to clone wolverine for the purpose of torturing him. That’s it. An undetectable child soldier with the ability to sniff out targets was a side benefit.
There is nothing stronger than spite is there?
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Nah. Fundamentally flawed. Should not have 2 claws per hand. Should have 3 and no foot claw. They were trying to make her unique but it always looks worse than just having 3. Also, if she is supposed to be Logan's clone/daughter she certainly looks nothing like him.
Who that
The foot claws are modeled after lionesses, and they are more useful than 3 desu.
They easily could have worked around it like her having a low level control over metal. Nothing as strong as Magneto but enough to repil Luara. Or she could just be a really good fighter.
doesn't matter if they are practical or what they were modeled after. It's a shitty design choice
retard take. the 2 claws plus foot works
I mean. Both are still great.
Especially when mom clothes are hiding some truly slutty lingerie underneath.
>both work
Dude laura has been not greatly written in that period. Then again the other example is bendis, and that was the beginning of the end for her.
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Need more pinips
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New book is fun, has the sisters back together
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I hate nu-Laura. I want X-23 back.
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I misread that as pimps.
Fungus baddie controls people with spores
what he do with x
Control her with spores for 2 or 3 issues
i meant specifically
Touched her boobie
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they ruined her
they have her dress up in her dad's clothes and pretend its empowering or interesting or some kind of character growth
also Honeybadger is cringe
shouldve raped her though
If you want to see cringe look up LGBT x-23 on tumblr, a few artists turn her into female Nathan Explosion
From what people working there have said, it sounds like Marvel contracts in the 80s and early 90s were better on royalty payments for comic sales than they were for royalties on reprints, or characters you created getting adapted into live action, cartoons, toys, games, etc. DC being owned by Warner since about the early 70s meant they had much better royalty deals in place for characters getting adapted into TV and movies, there's that story about Len Wein revealing he got more royalty money from the Dark Knight trilogy using Lucius Fox than he ever got in royalty money for Wolverine.

IIRC Jim Starlin got some payout from Disney and a lot of work from Marvel to keep him on board with the MCU using Thanos, as the royalties he'd have been entitled to based on the contract he signed back in the 70s would have been virtually nothing, like nobody at Marvel back then seemed to think superhero movies were going to take off.
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Will we see her?
She's doing some other Disney thing, But she will almost definitely be in that young adventures thing?
90 percent. If not in DP3 then in SW.
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Hope so
Nice tummy
I love professional/autistic women casually wearing thongs.
it feels appropriate
like they just wear what's comfortable but it's odd as far as anyone else sees
You see her underwear in her first solo book when she meets Danken
i remember
pretty sexy
How would she look in the classic costume
Curvy with a thicc ass
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Laura is back to NYC, back to the street, seem she's dragged back to being a teenager again.
Thought ?
Isn't she dead now?
i feel like writing something where some random somewhat dubious schmuck takes her in
He sees her wandering lost on the street and tries to hire her as a prostitute for her to ask if she can just stay at his place in return for whatever. She's like a pet and a wife. When there's a chance for him to get a promotion, Laura proposes that she assassinates the other possible candidates. He accepts, not knowing she's completely serious, and is actually okay with it when he figures out, having been fucked or at the bottom of the ladder for as long as he can remember. He keeps moving up thanks to Laura until he's rich. Something like that.
>Marvel legacy
You need to leave.
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Laura is back on wearing midriff again. Seems without her sister daughter Cabby around, she's back on wearing her " before kid"
Id say nah, but laura should be autistic again.
Honestly somewhat intrested in her actually getting to interact with characters she has history, for bloody once.
she somehow grew older than everyone in x academy despite being the same age as them
>she somehow grew older than everyone in x academy despite being the same age as them

How old Laura is anyway? At the beginning of her year as the female wolverine, she said she couldn't drink beer yet. But now apparently she could. So 18 ~20 maybe?
They're very much the same age now. And it was debatable prior desu. Anole runs a bar and prodigy is in college. They're all 18-20 now.
Laura was the oldest of the New X-Men
Jubilee was the youngest of the 90's crew

Anole was in Laura's class then deaged into Gabby's friend group now looks like he's back up to older teen age
Laura wasnt the oldest,s he was about average.

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