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how would you fix her?
by having her sitting on my face and then strangling me with her thighs
lean into the BDSM and polyamory angle
I don't know, I don't read her comics enough to know what to do with her.
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She's bisexual put her bisexual freeway relationship where sees the dominant one underneath her is a relatively normal combat-wise Amazon probably an existing name superhero character and Steve trevor.
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Maybe controversial but Id embrace the Xena comparisons and have her on fun adventures with a cute companion dealing with gods and monsters.
How would that fix her? What exactly would that fix?
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I'll turn her underwear into a nice long pair of pants I will.
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This. Just have her going on random villain of the week stories with Donna or Cassie or any other of her supporting cast.
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already happened
You inherently can't without fixing the entire cape comic industry, because every problem with her is directly caused by every problem with the industry. So I'd just give her an ongoing that fits my personal tastes and mine alone because it can't be anything worse than what we have now.
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give back her personality
Tom King's WW is okay, probably the only thing by him I liked. Its decent, but just short of being good due to his bad habits.

I don't care for WW's future daughter or her storyline with Damian and Jon. Those pages could be used to develop the story in the present.

I'm glad he's making an effort to include the Wonder Girls, but their dialogue is off.

Sovereign is an interesting concept, but inconsistent as a character. Sometimes his narrations are interesting, other times they're dull.

Hyping Grail and Diana as rivals. To be fair, King isn't the first writer to do that, but it's a forced rivalry. DC needs to stop trying to make Grail a big deal (or try to make her a big deal in someone else's rogue gallery). Everything she brings to the table is done better by Ares, Circe and other WW rogues.

I don't hate Cheetah or the idea of her being redeemed, but WW has other Rogues who could fill that role and bring something unique to the table. The Wonder senpai lacks a tech based hero and Silver Swan is Diana's goddaughter...

King's weird obsession with suicide and broken heroes also drags the story down. What was the point of Diana eating a rat? Was it really necessary to have Sovereign mind rape a soldier into suicide and blame the suicide on 'emasculation'?
Dan Mora can only draw one female face.
That's most comic artists.
She needs to fight fun campy villain of the week, she needs to have a loveable naive personality, she needs to have themes of femdom and bondage, and all of these things are essential you cant just take 1 and leave the other parts out.
Play up the angle that she feels somewhat estranged from the other Amazons and thus feels the need to explore Man's World. Also, it'd be neat and funny if Diana the Champion of the Amazons was the only one among them who has a hard preference for male lovers.
For the monthly book she needs a secret identity, I'd personally pick Air Force Captain Diana Prince. WW really needs Etta Candy and Steve Trevor, she needs characters she can bounce off of and the military angle in DC comics is unique to her. I was reading some pre-crisis WW books from the 80's this week and I was shocked how well the three work with each other.
being WW 24/7 doesn't work you need breaks to let scenes breathe and Paradise Island crew just aren't good supporting characters.
Her mainstream appeal would skyrocket if they actually did this. They really need to lean more into the mythology angle of her.
counterpoint: send her on globetrotting adventures that sometimes involve the divine, but other times pit her against regular evil scientists, arms dealers, or military masterminds
They make her way too serious for some reason.
More BatxWond sex
Bring back the Wonderdome. Give her a place she can call all her own.
it was lame
Himbo Steve Trevor boyfriend
Fat loud friend Etta Candy
weird villains of the month (not always mythology based)
WW should be warmer/friendly and have a bit more of sense of humor compared to her more stoic/serious male hero counter parts.
You can't because she sucks.
Is she finally back in her classic costume?
Sadly no, that's from World's Finest, which takes place in the past.
Give her a city to call her own. Make it like a resort/tourist city close to a military base with an 80s Miami-like beach and nightlife.
First I would get her away from Steve Trevor. She's been like his little puppy for the past 5 years.
Almost every post in this wrong is terribly incorrect.
this is the main problem, she was originally pretty funny, and whenever they make her not a stick in the mud it's regarded as a good depiction
It always felt like the opposite, unlike with Clark and Lois, I don't remember Steve having that much influence in WW stories overall.

Make her cuter. Not sexier, cuter. More naive and innocent.
Here's a good rule of thumb: if you can't imagine a female character ever blushing, that's a shit character. Make me a Wonder Woman who can blush in a cute way.
hypnotizing her into being my mommywife
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The companion needs to be a dude.
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Marika is a strong woman from a matriarchal society done right
Honestly wondy as a queen would be fun. Especially if it opens up to the world for the first time.
Better yet, delete her from DC.
>how would you fix her?
>amazons are weird, almost alien level of inhuman magical/demigod race created by greek gods in ancient times
>no one remembers why they were created or are all female and only still exist because the gods always move on to new things without cleaning up their messes
>extremely insular and xenophobic to the point there were eras where they denied a world outside paradise island and olympus actually existed
>not immortal but don't age past adolescence when they remain on the island so they maintain their numbers by just not dying
>time may or may not pass the same as the rest of the world as on the island but they wouldn't know
>last amazons reproduced, mostly with mortal human soldiers and sailors but also some with legendary and historic greco-roman figures, around the end of antiquity and even knowledge of human reproduction may be lost to them
>diana is the youngest one, has no "sisters" who would have all been conceived and born at the same time due to amazons being present in some historic or mythic event, and no one can quite remember where she came from
>is very "human" among amazons and doesn't fit in with amazon society, rejected by others except for the oldest amazon and "queen" hippolyta who understands her and her human emotions but could never let on that she does or lose her position and the respect of the amazons
>call to adventure comes when one day a ship wrecks on the island
>18th century merchant sailing ship, all crew are dead, hold full of trade goods from across the globe
>diana comes across this alone, both frightened and exhilarated, curiously searches wreck and sees both men and evidence of a world beyond the island for the first time
>as she's doing this hears voices of the winds and sea nymphs discussing how the barrier between the island and the world is fading because the gods have forgotten about the amazons and how they'll be destroyed if they don't regain the favor of the gods
Wonder Woman doesn't work as a character because she revoles around just being a woman.
100% this
What needs fixing? She's an action hero who kicks ass. How can that formula even go wrong?
What was her weakness again?
Have her fight naked
She needs to peg a new foe every issue/episode etc.
bring back the wonder thong
and me
Diana's problem is that both of her most well known origin stories are starting points that need to be progressed from. She can't be the wide-eyed naive newcomer to man's world forever. And as ambassador, she's expected to be the one to build bridges between the two, which means she needs to grow into that.

So I'd flip the script. Make Diana the Queen of the Amazonians. Make Cassie the new Wonder Woman. Her new story arc is that she's so used to being a superhero in the normal world of men as Wonder Girl that she gets thrown into the Amazonian end and is out of her depth because the gods don't play by the same rules as mortal supervillains. Diana takes on the role of experienced wise mentor, but it's Cassie that grows into the role of bridging the gap between the two worlds, being of divine heritage but growing up in the mortal world.
Wonder woman represents everything wrong with America right now.
You know what's wrong with this character? She's coddled by fans and DC because she's a woman. It's not because she's a good character, no it's because simply she's female.

She never had any standout comics like Batman and Superman yet she's forced into the trinity just because? Green Lantern has had a better line of comics, but he's barely given the light of day. Not to mention Batman and Superman go through an insane amount of humilation rituals. What's the worst WW gotten? Oh she ate a rat?

And Batman gets treated like absolute dogshit by WB at times and he's the most popular characters. He's only used for quanity and merch not quality. SSKTJL was the biggest example of this. Batman got it the worst out of the entire cast of men while WW was treated like a hero despite being a dumb bitch thoughout the entire game in his GAME SERIES.

What did Wonderfags say? Oh she deserved it because WW is a goddess while Batman is a lowly human.
Darwyn Cooke.
Feminism and DC Editoral
Not being important.
>diana overwhelmed and panics, afraid no other amazons will believe her if she tells them
>decides she will have to leave herself and go to regain the favor of the gods to save the amazons and this will finally grant her acceptance among the amazons
>tries to ask her sisters as much as she can about the outside world without letting on that she plans to leave
>hippolyta eventually gets to her, asks what's going on, diana has to be honest to the "queen" and tells the truth
>without knowing to fully believe her or not hippolyta agrees she should leave because she already doesn't fit in and seeing men and artifacts from the outside world has irreversibly changed her
>diana prepares her to leave for the outside world with a small boat, minimal supplies, a map of the world taken from the wrecked ship, and hippolyta gives her coins to pay charon because she doubts diana will survive
>hippolyta sends diana off and tells her she can't return until she completes her quest to save the amazons
>diana for the first time is determined to do something which makes her feel happy for having a purpose
>second she leaves magical barrier protecting island she is caught in a storm, which she or no other amazon had ever seen anything like because the island always has the same weather
>diana assumes this is some kind of test from poseidon and tries to remember how great heroes passed tests from the gods, but it's just a storm and she has no clue how to sail
>knocked out in storm clutching map and pouch full of coins
>washes up unconscious on coastline, discovered by peasant shepherd men
>peasants assume she's dead, puzzled by mystery of beautiful girl in rags washed up on beach
>she regains consciousness, jumps to her feet immediately in fight mode, realizes she's encountering two living human men for the first time and is flustered, confused by them invoking "the lord" and crossing themselves
Her fans are nastiest group of emotionless bitches you'll ever come across at DC.
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my wife
Why hasn't she dated Etta Candy? She's been gay in a few continuities and adaptations already, and it would both be pandering bi rep DC could finally point to, while also being true to Diana's character that she values the inner beauty of someone more than "common" societal perceptions of physical attractiveness.
Good point.

Wonder Woman never really got her own Doomsday or Bane. She never really got anyone who broke her.

And no, I don't count the Tom King run as "breaking" her. I mean, just defeated to the point that she's either dead or retired and someone else is filling in her shoes, like what happened after Superman and Batman got killed and broken, respectively.
Because everyone who's tried has been someone who either fails to grasp the depth of Diana's character, or is just an outright misogynist and went for the easy play like the infamous attempt at the Rape plot.

If you want to break Diana, you'd need to have her utterly bested by someone she trusted implicitly, and never once had doubts in the character of. You'd need someone like Steve Trevor turning on her and very nearly killing her, or Cheetah completely and irrevocably embracing evil in a way even Diana believes she can no longer turn away from.

But there's a lot of risk in that kind of story and needs careful approach to not just be shock bait.
>is just an outright misogynist and went for the easy play like the infamous attempt at the Rape plot.
There it goes. I'm so fucking sick this shit infesting DC.
>Man can't write woman well because he thinks less of them and can't grasp how to portray them
That's the appropriate word for the situation, anon.
>But there's a lot of risk in that kind of story and needs careful approach to not just be shock bait.
Be careful? Be careful with what?

Has WW ever been shot in the head like Batman? Raped in a camp like Superman? Or Raped by a woman like Batman or the time Batman peed himself or got raped by a punkrock guy when he was young? Has Wonder Woman ever got her spine ripped out in an elseworld or died mutiple times in a hilariously?
Careful anon, you're on the verge of a breakdown.
So when they write the male characters like shit are they sexist?
this is a DC shill btw
Disingenuous question. When men are writing about men, obviously opposition of gender isn't a part of the fucking discussion. But you've also tried to shift the question to be just "writes them like shit" and erased the mindset involved, which is what makes it sexism over just being bad at writing.
>What did Wonderfags say? Oh she deserved it because WW is a goddess while Batman is a lowly human.
nobody said this
>Man that hates women questions why his views aren't considered when writing women
This is why DC will continue to fail.
No, to you people it's:
>Bad writing = sexism!
If DC is so sexism then explain all the bullshit Batman and Superman go through.
You're genuinely devolved.
>If DC is so sexism then explain all the bullshit Batman and Superman go through.
What kind of fucking idiot thinks all bad writing stems from the same exact cause? Because that's what you're trying to say here. Things can be written poorly for different reasons.
>Things can be written poorly for different reasons.
Yes, the reason is that DC treats their characters like shit.
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Bring back the Io lesbo relationship.
That is such a broad umbrella of a statement it's meaningless, and sexism falls under that umbrella. You've stated nothing.
nta, but there was a bit of discord about this on a few sites when the game came out because it was an apparent counter to batwank.
It absolutely means something, because if you were looking at the entire history of DC you would think they were sexist towards the male characters for fucked their stories are.
You don't know what sexism is, is what we're discovering here.
Neither do you. Apparently only Wonder Woman suffers despite not getting anywhere near the amount of BS that the male characters do.
Sexism doesn't come from the SAME SEX you fucking moron. If an Irish guy punches another Irish guy it's not fucking racism.
You can very well be sexist towards your own sex.
So your one of those "people." I've should've known. Man entertainment is fucked.
Make her arch-enemy from the Gods Hera instead of Ares.
>Ares is the Patron God of the Amazons, they all worship him and he's honestly as far from a sexist as possible and loves his kids so damn much
>Hera despises any kid that isn't hers, made Hercules slaughter the Amazons, Ares is the way he is entirely because she's his mother, queen of all bitches
>peasants scared by this girl suddenly coming to life and screaming at them in barely intelligible archaic greek
>begins rambling about her quest and how she's an amazon to bewildered peasants, peasants don't know if she's insane or hysterical from miraculously surviving a storm
>peasants are able to communicate enough with her to get her back to the village
>everyone in village is shocked by this beautiful girl wearing almost nothing and the two shepherds' story of how they found her
>diana awed by taking in everything and being the center of attention
>village takes her to most educated man in town, the priest, to make sense of her
>priest can better understand her archaic dialect of greek and hears her story and doesn't know what to make of it
>for having a nautical map and a bag of coins the priest is afraid she was a girl who ran off to live with pirates to avoid an arranged marriage and was raped and left for dead and lost her mind
>for her knowledge of the ancient world, strange dialect, and fantastical story he is afraid she is demonically possessed
>some peasants begin to suspect she is a witch or a bad omen
>unrest follows as peasants demand answers from priest who is still overwhelmed
>village woman steps forward, says she knows what is going on
>woman had prayed that god would send an angel to save them from the ottomans taking their sons to be forced in to slavery because they couldn't afford to pay their taxes
>diana barely understands what's going on but grasps that this is some kind of test for her from the gods on her quest
>gives bag of coins to the priest to pay taxes, villagers celebrate
>family of woman takes her in to live with them; priest teaches her modern language and about the state of the world
The last good WW run was Azzarello
I feel like this character has few defining traits if any
Bro he's dead
>hippolyta is the leader of a rape gang that sells bastard boys into slave labor
You know what would actually help Wonder Woman's standing actually getting a freaking cartoon series. It doesn't need to be good it simply has to be a multi season series if only because it would adapt Wonder Woman onto a medium that people will go for. No one wants to read shitty comics!
Is it me or are Batman fanboys incredibly insecure? It’s like the humiliation rituals replay in their head and they have to vent on here by shitting on WW and SM to compensate.
I didn't know.
So basically have Wonder Woman be like Harry Potter. There's a regular human world and a dimension of wizards and magic that has fantasy creatures like unicorns.
Yeah it's pretty crazy how the most recognizable female superhero in the world never got her own animated show. I always thought it would be cool if she got an action-adventure show and every season features a different world mythology that she battles gods and monsters from.
Yeah when even Non DC super heroes like Ladybug has a multi season long series and a theatrical movie there is simply no excuse. Either make a fucking series or simply fuck off.
Make it so unless someone creampies her once a day she will revert back to clay ( well everything except her pussy, so she can get unclayed )
It's too late. America is done.
This is what I would have argued 15 years ago, but it's too late now, nobody watches cartoons.
Harley's shitty cartoon series seems to have an audience.
>months of hijinks ensue
>culture shock as diana learns about living in early 19th century greece and is puzzled and intrigued by everything from christianity to greece being conquered and ruled by "persia" in this time to the existence of the new world
>helping with housework, farming, etc leads to displays of super strength, reflexes, invulnerability, etc
>eventually gets used to being around men and is fascinated by a society with sex roles
>begins to understand aging and mortality which she just knew of in the abstract previously
>enjoys experiencing change of weather and a community built around the passage of time with planting seasons, herding seasons, festivals, holidays, etc
>happy to be with the villagers who celebrate her as a divine gift and takes this as a fated stop on her quest
>time to pay taxes to the ottomans comes
>ottoman soldiers and magistrate arrive in village to collect taxes, villagers are happy they can finally afford to pay taxes this year
>magistrate surprised they could actually pay, still needs slaves to send to the capital
>magistrate announces that he knows the story of the angel girl is a superstitious lie to cover up the fact the villagers resorted to banditry to pay taxes, will be taking the boys as slaves anyway
>diana announces herself, proudly states she is an amazon warrior on a quest and the villagers are under her protection
>magistrate is bewildered and amused, decides to rape her and kill her right in front of the village to set an example
>magistrate sets on her with sword drawn, diana squares up
>diana easily disarms, takes sword herself, and forces magistrate down to the ground
>soldiers alarmed and aim muskets, magistrate shocked yells for them to fire
>ensuing orgy of violence sees diana eat several musket balls like nothing, easily maim or kill all soldiers present
>ends with bewildered, traumatized magistrate running for his life out the village
Wonder Woman will never have a cartoon. Give it up. And Gunn doesn't care about WW either. It's all PR and WB still has say in what he can and can't do.
The game will unironically sell millions as long as it's a middle earth reskin. Seriously it's nearly impossible for them to screw it up.
>The game will unironically sell millions
Oh dear I don't want to disappoint you but....
>Dies by falling out a window
I laughed my ass off at Batman getting cucked so hard in Suicide Squad. They lost their minds at Wonder Woman getting better treatment than him for once. Add onto that, he got his shit kicked in by Superman in Justice League and had to get rescued by Catwoman in The Batman. Don't forget he was called a fascist in the Blue Beetle trailer.
It is a middle earth reskin right?
monolith got shadow hijacked like Rocksteady. I don't expect anything good.
Fuck. That must be where the gow knock off rumors came from.

welp dc is fucked I guess. Not even gunn making a 10/10 superman movie can save us.
>diana is celebrating believing she's won some great victory and passed another test on her quest from the gods
>villagers are shocked and scared because of what's happened, know there will be reprisal, ottoman soldiers may destroy the village
>diana doesn't understand
>priest and woman who took her in tell her what she did means they may not be safe and try to explain there will be more soldiers, enough that diana may not even be able to fight them
>they love her and believe she was a sign from god but has to go to now for her own safety, and that even if the villagers suffer they would now rather martyr themselves in her memory than continue to be oppressed
>priest tells her of "bandits" who she needs to seek out who can hide her and would want to know she really exists and isn't just a peasant myth
>she leaves sad and confused but taking this to mean this is the next part of her quest
>travels in to the mountains and finds hidden "bandits" who are greek revolutionaries organizing to throw the ottomans out of greece
>participates in greek revolution as semi-mythical figure, responsible for many stories of angel or personification of hellas appearing to save soldiers and sailors
>this kicks off life of traveling the world, showing up in various wars, major events, etc all as part of her quest to save her race while also trying to do as much good as she can for humanity which she feels closer to than the amazons
>by beginning of the age of superheroes some time in 20th c she has aged in terms of both maturity and slowed amazon physical aging has advanced her physically from early adolescent to late teens early 20s
>lived through victorian adventure, pulp, etc eras of heroes but nothing about her stuck beyond disparate pieces of myth and folklore of about an immortal warrior woman on an eternal quest who protects the weak
>very few know she is actually real, surprises early supers when she shows up and is who she says she is
DC has been dead ever since the release of the new 52.
Just realized if it's another SS they'll prolly end up shutting the entire gaming division down entirely. I wonder what'll happen to mk.
They deserve it for bad brand management.
>Crtl+F "Futa"
>zero results
Sometimes the answer is staring at you right in the face ;)
would appreciate feedback on my take on a ww origin,
all posts:
even if just to call me retarded. admit my familiarity with the character is lacking and this is going from the broad strokes of what i know. other stuff i would tack on:
>contemporary era she finally looks in to origin of map from shipwreck which she's kept as her only memento of both her homeland and first contact with the world
>finds record of the captain named on the map, he has one living descendant
>tracks down steve trevor (idk if this is always ww's love interest/male companion name) the fifth, he's a young graduate student who had to give up dreams of being an explorer for a quiet life in a university because his parents died when he was a child and an associate of his father stole his inheritance
>diana shows up one day and tells her life story, he only believes her when she presents the map
>he's humbled, confused, and flattered that this mythical immortal thinks he's someone important because of his ancestry and it inspires him to finally go on adventures of his own, many with diana, and becomes a pro adventurer
>beginning of early age of superheroes
>one of the few young female heroes takes inspiration from myths of warrior woman on an eternal quest, digging as much as she can in to these finds out her only consistent name is "diana"
>begins calling herself this and adopts pseudo greco-roman attire and fighting style
>diana shows up one day at superhero hq, challenges "impostor" to a fight because this is the kind of thing the gods would do to challenge her on her quest
>diana wipes the floor with her and handful of low level supers and sidekicks, before diana can land a killing blow on the "impostor" she begs to be able to explain herself
>diana flattered by imitator and realizes the test may be training this girl, doesn't quite understand being a superhero but takes her as a sidekick and debuts to the world as a super
I’m not reading any of that.
>I’m not reading any of that.
your feedback is appreciated
There should be a visible bush
Probably by making her a team leader, so focusing on her nurturing style, and maybe how it would clash/not work with everyone on the team.
First half and call to the aventure looks good, I wonder which is the plan by making Wonder Woman the odd one, I like more when she is if anything the best one, like Aquaman, Batman and Superman
So far good
I feel it would be better if the monk just spoke latin and while not the common language of Themyscira, so did WW to remark another quirk of her, I like how she is a bit dellusional about the quest
I wonder how much does she realize of the magistrate intentions, given her naivety, I also would like to know if the muskets sting at the least, as a warning if the dangers she IS soon to face
I wonder how she feels her about her quest, by this point she must realize that the goda have not been very present in the world since the ages of old and that her powers are growing slower that humanity does
It would be cool if she's kept a Memento from the ship for Steve that helps him reclaim the inheritance/reconmect with his ancestor's spirit for exploring reasons. The Sidekick feels like one Bad writer away from "the death of ___" but is still Kino, does she ever find something across all of this? It feels like too much of a fool's errand at some point, even more if she is not going back to her island from time to time
Overall 9/10 would read if it was an OC, it also scratches the WW itch
Because DC knows if they depict that now, they're locking Diana in to only be in relationships with women because of online crazies
Futa Wonder Women holding hands with and dicking Steve (her male wife ofc).
It would be cool if her "city" was the museum she works at, much like Flash keeping tabs constantly with STAR labs
Eh, I think something like Constantine but nicer would work better: She is never sure if the danger is a case of human greed or a legitimate mythical creature and the constant switch keeps her second guessing all her decisions
I'd be okay with this desu.
I can't unsee the porn actress pose like the one Greg Land traced.
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Total Diana death
ditch the sword and shield and just start having her beat the ever loving shit out of people

also make her more connected to the magical side of DC
have her interact with more magicians and wizards and deal with god troubles while keeping her human connection kind of making her the bridge between the magical and the normal worlds in the same way superman's kind of the bridge between earth and space

but mostly the ass beating
My biggest problem with her is that she's not sitting on my face, and her sitting on my face would definitely fix that problem. Seems pretty straightforward honestly.
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>how would you fix her?
Can't fix what ain't broken, faggot.
hire better writers and artist
also no crossover and no events until 28 issues had already been made.
You heard of the lasso of truth? Get ready for the rod of wonder.
So like timmverse dcau. But this wondy was a shameless batman fangirl.
not like that at all
>I don't care for WW's future daughter or her storyline with Damian and Jon.
Yes, about that, Trinity wasn't even her real daughter, I can't say that she was her adopted daughter either considering that Jon and Damian spend more time with her.
>But this wondy was a shameless batman fangirl.
I question people who say this because the ship was only hinted at in a few episodes and that’s it. Everything online is exaggerated to such an obnoxious degree that I sometimes believe the chronically online come from another reality…on another planet.
They gave her Superman’s old school personality in a way. I guess if they made her funny/ friendly they’d be accused of sexism
>I guess if they made her funny/ friendly they’d be accused of sexism
By who? Supergirl? Harley? Ratcatcher? Cat Woman? Black Canary?

Wtf do you mean?
It'd unironically be better if Lizzie was her real daughter and they did interact, because then Diana would get an interesting new aspect to her character. But modern media sees actual motherhood as a character flaw, so all they did was "hey look Wonder Woman has a daughter so we can have a SuperKids trinity except it's not her real daughter so lol!"
maybe it's the fact that nothing else she did in the show was relevant
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It took 4 seasons for her lasso to get the power to make people tell the truth and nobody even noticed
So? None of the characters had all their powers. Superman never used freeze breath nor did Flash ever use the speed force all that much.

MM - the reason
Batman - the sasuke
Superman - overarching narrative surrounded him
Flash - The Heart of the Team
Hawkgirl - had an entire arc to herself
Wonder Woman - uhhhh….the woman?

You know what you’re right. I have no idea what her purpose is.
That's her main unique power
Did Superman not fly or Flash not run?
I’m sure the bracelets are the main iconic power.
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Alright /co/, rate my pitch for a Wonder Woman run. Tonally, I'm going for "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" crossed with "Xena: Warrior Princess."

As the daughter of Zeus, Wonder Woman has earned the ire of the goddess Hera. In order to save both herself and Themyscira, Wonder Woman must earn redemption by performing 12 labors, just as Hercules once did.

Wonder Woman sets out to complete the Twelve Labors, all while Hera sabotages her. Near the end of the run, Wonder Woman will get her own Doomsday: the Adversary, a giant, mechanical monstrosity created by Hephestus, and fueled by Hera's divine wrath. Wonder Woman slays the Adversary and saves her people, but dies in the process.

In the final arc of the series, Wonder Woman escapes the Underworld, and climbs Mount Olympus to confront Hera. However, it doesn’t end in a big superhero punch-out... Wonder Woman, knowing that she could never defeat a goddess in a physical confrontation, instead uses her lasso to help Hera see the truth: all these years, she was never really mad at Zeus's mistresses and bastards, but at Zeus himself. Her love for him just clouded his judgment.

After coming to this realization, Hera divorces Zeus and vows to restore her honor not only by being a better patron to the Amazonians, but by living among them.

Wonder Woman, having proven herself wiser than gods and mightier than the mythic Hercules, is made the queen of Themyscira, and marries Steve Trevor (who accompanied her during her labors) shortly thereafter.
>rehash the only Greek mythology story anyone knows because Disney did it, but make her a super cool girlboss
Trash. Even shit like Class of the Titans had a better understanding of Greek myths. Branch out and expand your horizons instead of limiting yourself and your ideas.
>>rehash the only Greek mythology story anyone knows because Disney did it
I'm going for iconography, it's easier to sell. With that being said, Wondy's 12 Labors would be very different to Hercules'.
>Circe uses magic to slowly turn ww into a man
>funny jokes about her getting a boner and growing a beard
>Steve says they should just be friends and they become wild drinking buddies who go out chasing bimbos
>ww realizes she can’t go back to paradise island as long as she’s male
Fights Circe and turns back into a female
Also she fights cheetah at some point and gets turned on. Implying they possibly had sex off panel
It could be like Walt’s Thor run where Loki turned Thor into a frog
I don’t know much about Amy Reeder but I liked her short Wonder Woman stories since they featured holiday girls and Etta candy
If they gave Wonder Woman a warmer/ friendlier /caring personality the useless Twitter drones will say it’s sexist
What part didn’t you understand ?
>what about these other characters
What about them? Terminally online comic book talking heads don’t read comics anyways
>who cares what they think ?
On that, I agree
>As the daughter of Zeus
Stopped reading right there, the only valid WW origin is the clay origin, DC should never have changed that.
Give her a futa cock
That's cute.
They would never let Diana get visibly pregnant.
The clay origin is dumb as fuck. Shit like that is exactly why few people take her character seriously.
No it’s not .
Make her buffer.
>how would you fix her?
Make her gay.
Because girls loving girls is cute.
The clay origin is fine if a) they make that the origin for all Amazonians and not Diana specifically, and b) they explicitly tie it into the Greek mythological origin of man being forged from clay by Prometheus. If you don't want it to be a male titan, it can be Prometheus' wife Hesione, which would also tie into Themyscira being hidden from mankind, under the power of Hesione's father Oceanus.
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you're overcomplicating it for no reason considering it was always tied to the gods
and the "tweaked" version already exists
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Making Artemis Diana's gay tsundere rival would be great. You could do "will they, won't they" stories for decades.
most of the stuff people complain about is not the problem and only superficial or only deal with stuff around the character
Making Diana gay is a shit idea.

Diana should regularly be having threesomes with Steve and Etta.
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Not as cute as girls loving boys.
Lesbianism is so boring and overdone. Diana and Artemis work best with Steve and Jason respectively.
I don't think you can?
>Superman has a bunch of archetypical underpinnings.
>Batman is similar.
>People get those characters fine.
>Who is Wonder Woman apart from "the girl one".
>Mystical stuff? Sexual stuff? Peace and love I guess...
>They tried to change her so much in the comics in the 1970s precisely because the concept was difficult, even though the TV show did well.
>Whatever changes you make last for a couple of runs and it begins to feel like it has already been done.
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Get editors that give a shit about her character. I don't want to have solo Diana being the real Wonder Woman and crossovers Diana being a cunt that kills and can only be tamed by Superdick or Batdick.
Also use her already existing rogues, stop trying to give them others for "the epic final villain of WW" and finally don't give her more supporting casts or reboot the estabilished one.
Because Etta as Poor Man's Waller and Steve as Poor Man's Flagg fucking sucks
Also have multiple writer deciding what she is, it damages her own book by the fact people knows she only has "Xena of JL". I hate how JL comics Wondy is nothing but a bitch that kills.
It's polarizing how in the solos she is for giving everyone a change so much she lets Cheetah runs free after murdering random people but in crossovers if it isn't for the JL she would murder all the criminals in the world.
Just stick to one characterization, if you go with "cunt that kills" it sucks but at least is only one thing, but you should just go with benevolent mother type of warrior that uses love as sword and peace as shield.
>Nothing that ties her to Dr Psycho or Cheetah as the villains in the labors
Yeah no, by going too greek you create a version that doesn't spouse well with the feminism symbol of the character.
>WW being a Shazam
Yeah no.
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what a dumb retard
>Skinny Etta
This should be considered a crime
that was considered comically obese in the 70s
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Etta was fatter in a 60s comic, what is this anorexic injustice????
Her hairs were blue in comics but in real life it was considered brown black
"The Amazonians are formed by the gods from clay" is simple as fuck, if anything you're the one over-complicating shit for no reason.
It's a tranny concept, because it implies that you can be born NOT A WOMAN and still be considered a woman later
artemis and jason are pure kino.
>"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
>"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”"
Christianity is a tranny religion then.
That was a metaphor.
No it’s a mockery of Christianity because elites (who have been here since the beginning) are obsessed with hating Jesus and God.
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Not if the Bible is the infallible word of God.
Actually jews believe in golems, so it would be like saying Diana is one of them, so the clay origin is jewish.
The gods that created Diana were pagans, so devils
Wondy's archetypal thing is supposed to be loving bondage and domination but incorporating implicitly sexual themes into serious stories is difficult unless you have the fetish AND are a talented writer with a lot of self control
Have her take Cheetah's curse into herself. Now every time she gets too close to killing, she gets teh fuzzy. Downside...she is more prone to murderlust.
Inferiority complex so they cranked her power level such that she can trivially solo the entire DCU with her bracelets off.

Every complaint you've ever heard of Superman being boring because he's too OP is actually true of Wonder Woman.
I don't remember if the phallic weakness was a meme or real
A meme, her weakness was being bound by a man, but she had a habit of being bound to phallic-looking objects like rockets. Likely intentional, given who the creator was.
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I'm not sure who am I supposed to like in that discussion but internalized sexism is a thing when women decided that pornstars were sexists against themselves as women.
It really depends, sometimes they do it because they hate them without sex based reasons, like Ennis Batman getting puked on because Ennis hates Batman for edgelord reasons.
ACTUALLY Wonder Woman being turned into a bimbo in that Ennis comic would be the closest thing to that kind of humiliation. So at least it's fair.
Every wonder woman should roll with a member of the bat family.
>trinity: ok damian, since Jon is gay, that leaves you and me.
>damian: Trinity, I changed your diapers.
>trinity: that could be our foreplay.
>damian: 0_0
>trinity: 7w7
>steve trevor
don't care one way or the other
don't care one way or the other
>amazon warrior
don't care one way or the other
>truth warrior
don't care one way or the other

Wonder Woman is a bondage character. Her character is a more defiant Dejah Thoris. Every issue should be one Aeon Flux level bad ending after another.
One no one cares or reads comics.
Two she’s been jobbing nonstop for years in mainstream. In those animated movies she’s either getting her ass kicked or just existing.
>He doesn't want a gang of rapist amazons killing him after collecting his jizz
>He only wants bondage sex and dismiss everything else of the character
This thread is very Two Faced like
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You know how every new Flash writer invents a new way to use the speed force or in Green Lantern case a new way to how Will works?
Well, in Wonder Woman's case for years she didn't have a real solidified core that people wanted to explore. They mostly used Perez's run as example like Miller's Daredevil and try to shake things up to make something interesting.
But the only thing you can do with it are always
>Wonder Woman thinks men world bad
>Amazons proves themselves horrible as well and bomb some civilians
>Diana becomes Goddess Number 8
So once a while a new writer tries to reinvent it, either with greek mythology as it's core or edgiest feminism as the other.
Happened in Silver Age too where they made Diana the survivor of shipwrecked amazons, or when she is made of clay made from Zeus blood or even Hercules daughter.
>I wonder which is the plan by making Wonder Woman the odd one,
the amazons being a weird, decidedly non-human thing with ww being the one exception makes more sense to me than how i've always seen it played in comics. makes her have a stronger origin and characterization. mysterious origin plays as both an homage to ww origin stories being a mess and adds a mystery that would be added on top of her quest.
>I feel it would be better if the monk just spoke latin and while not the common language of Themyscira, so did WW to remark another quirk of her, I like how she is a bit dellusional about the quest
going from an ancient, archaic dialect of greek to the contemporary one makes more sense to me and i think would make more sense in the setting, or they speak another language no one except a priest would know in the modern age like aramaic or hebrew adding another layer of mystery as to who this is for the initial people she encounters. definitely want her to be naive or unsuspecting about her quest, only maybe losing faith or thinking things aren't as they seem as she slowly matures over decades or a century+ in the wider world.
>I wonder how much does she realize of the magistrate intentions, given her naivety, I also would like to know if the muskets sting at the least, as a warning if the dangers she IS soon to face
being raised as a warrior she would know what being approached with a drawn sword means and could probably pick up some further context from the reactions of the people. i think invulnerable enough a few gunshots would hurt but not slow her down, at least while she's young and inexperienced, would fit this version of the character.
>I wonder how she feels her about her quest, by this point she must realize that the goda have not been very present in the world since the ages of old and that her powers are growing slower that humanity does
as stated in >>144511511 i think it would be a long time for her before she begins to think the world and her quest may not be as she initially thought, partly because she matures slowly and partly because she's incredibly persistent and refuses to give up. not sure what the initial reveal wrt/ the nature of the greek gods or if she can actually save the amazons would be, maybe hinted at but never resolved fully.
>It would be cool if she's kept a Memento from the ship for Steve that helps him reclaim the inheritance/reconmect with his ancestor's spirit for exploring reasons.
think the map could serve that purpose, has places the captain stashed little troves of treasure all over the world and his first adventures are hunting those down
>The Sidekick feels like one Bad writer away from "the death of ___" but is still Kino
every sidekick story potentially goes there but i think it would work in terms of forcing her in to a mentorship and somewhat maternal relationship with a normal-except-for-superpowers human for the first time. could be used to display how she is and isn't close to humanity and there's still a gap despite being the "most human" amazon.
by trimming her labia so she can no longer have orgasms.
>does she ever find something across all of this? It feels like too much of a fool's errand at some point, even more if she is not going back to her island from time to time
as stated i think there needs to be long periods of time where she just chugs along assuming everything she encounters is part of her quest. maybe only with the guidance of more mature, wiser heroes once she reaches the age of supers does she begin to think she might have to do something different or has doubts. i think it works better this way, the real nature of what's going on and her quest kept mysterious, and her continuing to still go on even if she has doubts as testament o her heroic character and perseverance. not being able to go back until her quest is completed would definitely have to be part of this. not sure what the reveal at the end of it all would be or if it would be meaningful to even get there, i think that would contradict the point of a character who would be the embodiment of eternal youthful perseverance.
>Overall 9/10 would read if it was an OC, it also scratches the WW itch
thanks, glad you liked it.
By giving her 2 shotas as her love interests so she can get double penetrated by shotas regualrly.
Not hot
Marika is barely a character.
All we know about her is that mass murder was her number 1 way of solving any problem.
Make WW into a supervillain amazons are an order of lesbian rapist cultists who worship athena and other greek gods.
The Wonder Woman is the name of the thing that looks like a human woman they created. Ala Serpentor form GIJoe and has become it's gendercidal ruler promised one/messiah

Cheetah is a globe trotting Lara Croft+Carmen Sandiego adventuress who stumbled upon and gained the curse of the Cheetah.
In her full bloodlust state she is able to fight on par with superman.
In her just hanging out state she's got easy to hide kitty ears and an interesting choice in make up.
She's Cheetah superheroine adventureres shameless 100% het slut and hottest woman on earth.

Or my favorite Idea.
You don't.
You say Hippolyta is the one and only Wonder Woman.
Diana Prince is the super powered grand daughter of the old superhero Uncle Sam.
That's where here patriotic undies comes from.
Uncle Sam and Hippolyta had a tryst resulting in a son. Which Hippolyta wanted nothing to do with.
Much to Uncle Sam's eternal rage. He ended up becoming a powerful supervillain due to their failure as parents but he ends up having a child with a normal human woman who he was in love with and was his lois lane/mary jane when he was a hero.

Diana Prince. She's got a thick southern accent, patriotic leotard and is basically a gymnast/cheerleader gone fighter who takes on the bad guys.
Straight up rootin tootinest merican girliest woman. Hippolyta meets with her ot see her daugther and tries to recruit her into the Amazon way of life. But all she gets out of it that her grandmother is indeed a sexist lunatic cunt and she's a better fighter then she lets on.
The gift she gives her is the lasso of truth. Something Hippolyta never wore or dared to touch again after her son was born.

Her laughing her head off and screaming YEEEE HAAAA while riding on the back of a giant armor wearing kangaroo and swinging a lasso over her head will be her having fun.
Not creepery.
That's a nice backstory for Lady Liberty
Pornstars shave and they still orgasm (when it's bwc)
I'm torn about World's Finest because Mora's art is so sexy but Mark Waid represents everything I hate about the contemporary comic book industry.

Back to the thread question, I'd do a more approachable version of what Morrison attempted with Earth One and lean into the original S and M vibe of Golden Age Wonder Woman. I'd even go so far as to make Steve a very competent, kind and heroic guy but make him very tall and slender while having Diana built like a bodybuilder to show the domme/twink dynamic visually.

Also these
Whenever the next universe reset starts, her volumes need to be about her growing. Fighting, earning cool toys and magical weapons. Sell toys of her with recent mythological weapon she earned.

A mix of god of war and megaman. Eventually is "good" enough to be a justice league member, and just keep it rolling from there. A series about growth would be fun.
I am talking more about superheroics archetypes. That is why Wonder Woman fails all the time because she is a hodge podge of grafted on themes and just "the girl one". Leaning into those themes would be far too specific for her to ever be anything more. Grant Morrison did that stuff in his Earth One book too. People just instantly get who Batman and Superman are.
>Her mainstream appeal would skyrocket if they actually did this. They really need to lean more into the mythology angle of her.
They already did that with Historia and guess what, failed.
Lot of casuals assumes WW would be succesful if they did that when they already did and she keeps being boring and pedantic
Then it's not Xena lol
Wonder Woman did get her own Doomsday in the form of Genocide in the Gail Simones years.
It was
>Only way to stop it is to kill it after you promised to never kill again after Maxwell Lord
Which would have been good for real if she really stopped killing after that
Her origin is meaningless
It’s one story
They need to fix the type of stories they tell with her
They gave her a male personality most of the time instead of being caring and light hearted she’s always serious

Have her fight her wacky villains in one or two parters and then have a big year end story where they all team up to fight Wondy together as Villiany Inc
Her working at museum isn’t a bad idea for her civilian life. I could see her being a teacher at Holliday University
Have Steve Trevor be her love internet and Etta being her loud fat friend
Don’t rely TOO much on myth stuff. It gets old after awhile
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Skimming through Twitter the other day I saw that back during Death of Superman/Knightfall Millar proposed the Rape of Wonder Woman...why is he such a genuine Edgelord?
Like stop it, they used that story for Artemis.
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I mentioned it because I unironically didn't know that, I always wondered why she never got something along the lines of those stories and after finding out why she doesn't have one I'm glad it didn't happen
You will have the same thread again and again until you realize that nothing will change. You will die complaining.
But ultimately this, she's condemned to being the red-headed stepdaughter of the Trinity
Not making her a real mother really make Lizzie a wet fart of a character. We could have played with the idea of "whose the father" but King chose the cheap way out.
Pornstars aren't human and are so drugged up and brainfucked that their pleasure is all a farce.

Trying to equate their..."life" to normal pleasure and sexual pleasure is sick.

She LITTERALLY spent half her time being raped and raping in the original run.

There is an unstated rule in DC. She can't have any kids unless it's by a 1% male or by "true love". Same way Damian is a rape baby rather then a bastard Bruce the manho Wayne sired with a villainess.

Leaving the door open for things MUCH WORSE then you can possibly imagine. Like the stuff with Terry being Batmans' son. That was so deeply evil and fucking stupid I can't even begin to comprehend what made them think this was okay.
But Pornstars made Wonder Woman XXX, the objectively best WW movie
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Give her a little girl as a companion that has a crush on her but Diana is oblivious while also constantly accidentally flirting with her.
Well sorry, but you see these threads usually go overboard with the rape of wonder woman story, so we're more picky on talking about the rape of WW by Millar
Personally I'd want Diana to be a mother the same way she was born: sculpting her own daughter out of clay, and then it's blessed with life. She honors her mother and the love she held for her, nobody has to fight over who the father is because there isn't one, it just works.
>inb4 somebody actually thinks the Zeus origin is better somehow
Zeus origin is better, this is single mother propaganda.
Shitty feminism and tranny things, you need a father
Make her feminine again.
I dont mind the clay origin, but Diana should have her own child naturally. Literally fusing her world with ours is ultimate bloodline Kino.
>Zeus origin is better
Fuck off, it's boring as shit. The clay origin is iconic. You're the right-wing equivalent of those faggots who wanted to change Superman's "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" line because it wasn't in line with your political sperging.
needs a fun personality and should be even taller and drawn like >>144496808
also make her female companion cuter and tall so we can see how big WW really is
Anon, that was a joke about New 52
Orion was the ride-along dude teammate
If she has a child with another person, I think I'd still prefer the clay option but they form it with her. That also leaves on the table the option of the other parent being a man OR woman, which could potentially be both interesting theming, and a great way to get certain autists screeching in rage
She should have kids with Steve, none of this homunculus nonsense . Make Donna and Cassie be their daughters and give them a chadling son that can be friends with Damian and Jon.
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Bring back Lyta
WW with another woman
Being Zeus daughter is more redpilled, means her powers came from a man
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Have Azzarello resume his nu52 run exactly where it left off with no indication anything happened since.
>Inb4 fake WW fans says Azz run was bad
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I never really thought about Wonder Woman in that light but that would be kinda perfect. I wonder what a Lucy Lawless Wonder Woman was like in the other timeline.
>I never really thought about Wonder Woman in that light but that would be kinda perfect.
It already happened in New52 when she was written by Johns and Venditti.
What's up with people never reading WW comics assuming it would be cool if they read WW comics?
>The clay origin is iconic
not really, it's actually ignored in the more relevant forms of media and nobody cares
Wonder Woman's origin is leaving the island after Steve crash lands
How she was born is irrelevant, and originally it wasn't even how she got powers
So who is Trinity father?
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WW isn't her real mother, she's adopted. She is going to follow Gotham Girl in to oblivion after King is off WW.

There are already as many Wonder Girls as Robins, and none of the the former have ever been able to carry a solo book.
>she's adopted.
Tell me it's not said but implied in a really easy to retcon thing
Why is she such an insufferable bitch? Does the writer seriously think creating a new character and having her talk like that is going to make anyone like her?
>insufferable bitch
Wonder Woman isn't all that different though.
The Amazon girl who killed some guys to start King's run was revealed to be pregnant.
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She should get addicted to fast food and gain a little weight before someone mentions it and she becomes embarrassed.
Wonder woman is hot af
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Why do they hate fun? Pregnant Diana was what I anticipated the most.
Wonder Woman is the least attractive. She looks and acts like a tranny.
Does she ever Wonder if she's a Woman?
>We wants the bratty girls enjoyers market without knowing what makes them hot
-more enduring supporting cast
-more cheesecake imagery return for prominently presenting prettiness
-make her deservedly QUEEN of Themyscira for as long as Thor is King or at least 1/2 as long as Dick has be Nightwing
-throw her a couple of bones: ie. more memorable male repeat villains and not all female rogues gallery
-clear up all the chronolgy confusion around Trinity (or remove from Prime Earth reality)
-be more distinctive unique about the 3?4? Wonder Girl identities cuz all these legacy heroes concurrently copying the same codename is illogical and annoying as heck
Isn't Zeus Diana's father? I mean, he gave life to her clay.
Wouldn't it be strange if he was also the father of her granddaughter?
(although this would be normal for zues)
>Not hot
Trinity looks like a weirdo in bed.
I didn't realize it after 100 times it was discussed here
>basing your creative decisions solely on annoying people
It's no less valid than /co/'s strategy of doing things because it's your fetish
>Wonder Woman had her Doomsdays and Banes in the form of Genocide and First Born
>/co/ says she needs another because they failed to be memorable
Does it really matter if no one remembers it?
Maybe Genocide and the First Born would be remembered if they were pushed in other media
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Give Wonder Woman a ryona peril segment to showcase her tenacity
>-be more distinctive unique about the 3?4? Wonder Girl identities cuz all these legacy heroes concurrently copying the same codename is illogical and annoying as heck
Donna Troy - Donna Troy/Troia
Cassie Sandsmark - Olympia
Yara Flor - Bunda
By giving her memorable foes.
God when has this ever worked? They pull this shit all the fucking time
>you know what will make people love my new oc? What if she passive aggressively lectured the more popular older characters about how much better she is
I think they were just trying to enrage the heckin chuds and considering this is my first time seeing it, it didn't work.
Flight is Captain Marvel's main power. Superman just jumps around
>God when has this ever worked?
Damian Wayne, the very Batman that she is talking to and helped raised her.
Except damien was actually played as an obnoxious arrogant little shit. The writers wanted you to like trinity at face value.
It's Tom King buddy, so her being annoying will be played as a mask for coping with being raped by her father
Nice cope but nothing King wrote will stay
>nothing King wrote will stay
If that is the case the why care about how she is right now? It's not like anything in a WW book remains that way with the next writer
You can't. You have to reinvent her.
make her a loli thats into bondage
by being my wife
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Those Jon/Damian/Trinity after-stories take place 15-20 years in the future, so, there is probably going to be some time travel fuckery at some point to bring Trinity to the present. That is when King's WW run is going to go from boring to truly insufferable.
>You can't. You have to reinvent her.
>make her a loli thats into bondage
All Wonder Woman threads be like
so maybe thats WW's essence?
Her fans not knowing what she is supposed to be and either hating her or be horny for their headcanon of her?
Yeah totally.
I miss this Diana as i miss Daedric Prince Azura being her on the TV show
which makes me hate DC even more for erasing her two
Can Wonder Woman be fixed? I mean, she's basically just a placeholder for the "female superhero" category.

Superman is is the last survivor of a dead planet. Batman is a kid who watched a crook murder his parents and decided to take vengeance on criminals. Those are both compelling tags. What does Wonder Woman have? Amazon princess who decided to go out a see the world? No wonder they keep changing her backstory.
I liked her characterization as the "ruthless" amongst the trinity. The only proper soldier/warrior that was willing to be aggressive and direct with her fights and combat. It is a good counterpart to Superman's optimistc, almost pacifist approach and Batman's pragmatic/analytical approach.

Make her a naive, young woman learning about the world but that is also aware of how serious real war and combat is and is willing to switch on a dime to do her duty.
You’re not wrong. Especially lean into Diana being a fucking normie and incapable of understanding what the foreign monkeys think.
Wonder Woman 2 was a humiliation ritual
Nah, that's the wrong approach. It's failure from the outset to define her character solely by "fitting her in" with Batman and Superman. These are three separate characters who are stood together, not two separate characters and then a third that has to jostle in like a puzzle piece.

Wonder Woman is MORE geared towards peace than Superman. Superman strongly believes in fighting evil to protect the weak, but Diana only fights as a last resort; her preference should be in uplifting the weak and helping them find their own strength, while at the same time attempting to change the ways of those who would do them harm.

She forgives those who seek it, and stops those who refuse it, but she's not a ruthless killer.
What about this
Peace by optimism
Peace by control
>Wonder woman
Peace by love, not really sexual love but love as willing to die for it
>was only hinted at in a few episodes
I don't think you watched the show, she overtly liked him and wanted to date him and had a conversation with him to that very extent. Either you didn't watch it or you don't know what a hint is. Or you don't understand hyperbole.

They'll be defined by how they fit in together so long as DC keeps pretending the Trinity is an actual thing, so you might as well roll with it. Otherwise you get stories where Superman and Batman work together but Wonder Woman might as well be a giant piece of cardboard.
Are you stupid or just shitposting? Cartoons are arguably more popular now than they ever have been.
I don't know about all that but it makes my pp hard so I'll take it
I've only read a few random pages of the trio from random threads, but I hope in the futureverse, Trinity acts all prim and proper and heroic echoing Wonder Woman when she's in public and doing superhero shit.

But when she's in private with Jon and Damian she reverts to her spoiled bratty nature cause she knows she can get away with it.
Ah, indoctrination of little girls into the lesbian/amazon way of life.
Just like in the coochie snorcher that could!

Truly this is the type of story that Marston and his Wife/mistress wanted.

And you're...precisely why WW is popular but also a fucking loser of a heroine that no woman or little girl TRULY likes but will eternally be forced to deal with because of spinsters, feminists, sisterhood types, and gay broads.

She's never going to get out of her niche trash character that is elevated well above any station it has any reason to be because it's just a clusterfuck of pervert, misandrist, femnist, queer nonsense prettied up and slightly sanitized.

Go for it.
Give us lesbian WW with her lesbian clay butt baby. I want to see it and have it be 100% canon like faggot jon and timm playing for both teams now.
She's mid, has a retarded costume, isn't WW's bastard child, and who ever is writing her is DESPERATELY trying to be Whedon but doesn't have the charm or wit.
Either you’re trolling because I rewatched the show multiple times. It existed but not as exaggerated as the idiots online who blow everything out of proportion. It was only a few episodes.
That was litterally your not even slightly disguised fetish/shlick fantasy but you masqueraded it as ANNOYING THE CHUDS in a cowardly way because you refuse to be honest about it.
I thought the idea was that she's sorta Jon and Damian's bratty little sister. She is annoying on purpose. Neither of them rise to what she says because they're adults and they and by extension the reader shouldn't take her that seriously.

That's the only explanation I've got for this writing.
Her foes are memorable and to be honest hotter then her 99.9% of teh time.

Let's be honest. Cheetah would be a better heroine then WW.
Circe has queen bad bitch and potential league threat written all over her
Giganta could be a fun reoccurring character elsewhere.

She's kind of keeping most of her rogues gallery as well as every female in DC stuck in a ghetto.

Look at every representation of Harley quinn after Margot Robbie made her slut appeal hot.

Full on obviosu attempt by "them" into making her a mouthpiece for the degenerate broken sick feminist/sisterhood/strong woman cult.

Look at the BoP movie and Harley show. It's done more damage to the Harley Quinn character then you can imagine. It's basically toxic waste at this point.
She's the walking lesbian/feminist power fantasy and cuckold/lesbian sub
Conner and Palmiotti too, their Harley Quinn run made her Deadpool
Cheetah is such wasted potential. Sucks she’s stuck to a boring ass bitch like Wonder Woman. She’s so much more interesting.
I guess after Palmiotti's Deadpool run ended up being the worst Deadpool ever put to page he decided to do a better job at TRYING to do deadpool with Harley Quinn

And deadpool was an annoying shit heap re-occuring character for x-force and wolverine was a shitty one off hulk villain.
Here's how this works.
You can put up with the foibles of an annoying as fuck family member or someone you care abut.
But a stranger we know fuck and all about?
We don't have to put up with that piece of shit.
wrong reply lol
Wondy's immortal, isn't she? Why not split her chronologically? You can have her with Steve in the fifties or something, new to Man's World, and you can have her in the modern day, with Superman or Batman or Constantine or whoeverthefuck, an experienced hero, fighting gods and monsters. And you could have her hang out with the old heroes, like Alan Scott.
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Wonder Woman's comic should return to its roots and go back to being a bondage fetish comic.

Wonder Woman started out and originally became popular as a fetish comic.
Unironically make her more feminist have her battle villains that represent things like radfems, patriarchy, incels, male feminist. An instant hit and a run that will stand the test of time
Grant Morrison already proved that sucks
/co/ this is the 100th time in a row you have said this in the same thread
There's no fixing her. She has been a flawed concpet from the beginning (tho, she does have few "good" stories).
Dr Psycho and Sovereign are that, Psycho was in the milking WW arc, and Sovereign currently
well, also don't get Tom King as a writer, that should be the first step
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This is literally just Carol Danvers, if they're going all in on the Greek angle I'd want them to do fun stuff with it
Hades is absolute ass tho, anime tier writing and the same level of understanding of myths.
not even close.
It's funny cause out of the Trinity it feels like no one gives a fuck about Steve in fact going on Twitter they actively want him out of the picture so Diana can be gay or something
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Wonder Woman's main appeal is the bondage potential, but I fear not many have the skill these days to sprinkle that fetish in a subtle way.
yeah, there should be way more ryona, writes already play fast and loose with her durability they should maximize on that bro
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superman is sci-fi
batman is pulp/noir
wonder woman is fantasy/adventure
>superman is sci-fi
Except when he is also fantasy adventure
>batman is pulp/noir
Except when he is sci fi and fantasy adventure
>wonder woman is fantasy/adventure
Well, I guess
Batman fans are doing their best to force them to keep it noir and shitty without fantasy
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>I'd do a more approachable version of what Morrison attempted with Earth One and lean into the original S and M vibe of Golden Age Wonder Woman. I'd even go so far as to make Steve a very competent, kind and heroic guy but make him very tall and slender while having Diana built like a bodybuilder to show the domme/twink dynamic visually.
What American artist would even be able to do that in a sexy way in current year?
Honestly amazes me that is the status quo, Hera has always been a massive hater (even if Zeus gives her reason to be that way)
Not American, but someone who's drawn Wonder Woman before. You know who.
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Yanick Paquette?
He's Canadian.
If this is a reference to some porn artist, I DON'T know who
I feel like her not getting one alongside Batman and Superman's respective shows back in the 90's played a massive part in why so much about her nowadays is the way it is, her rogue's gallery never got the face lift/public awareness B/S TAS gave their villains and now most people think she just fights the Greek Gods and that's it with the occasional appearance of Cheetah
This bitch has been around for damn near a decade and they already tried to fix her multiple times. If it hasn't happened by now, it's never happening. Shitty rogues gallery. Shitty supporting cast. Always struggled to to get a movie, and is still struggling to get a animated series. This is all because she barely makes any money. And you have to be dumb as hell to think her game won't flop. That bullshit's gonna be woke as fuck and will just be compared to the Arkham games anyway. She'll never be on the level of Batman or Superman. Should've been left back there in the Golden Age with all those other random ass patriotic heroes. Wonder Woman is literally still here just to check a stupid feminist box, masturbate to and shoot cum on.
>This bitch has been around for damn near a decade
Big if true.
Cel drawn Giganta circa 1996/97 would have given SO many boys giantess fetishes.
Try EIGHT decades, my guy
I was thinking Sejic, since he literally did his own BDSM comic. The sameface will get annoying, but he can do the bodies.
I forgot about him. Loved his Witchblade.
I wish Otto Schmidt's futa stuff hadn't been scrubbed from the Internet
fake fans
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>He has faith in WB Games
Because you've only read stories from when they started throwing him out of the picture
>remove her personality
>remove her supporting cast
>remove her rogues gallery
>give her book to the superman editorial
>only do something with her every 40 years
>"dude why does this character suck"
and we'll do it another 100 times until it happens
It's not faith as much as it was thinking that even they couldn't fumble the easiest win of all time.

Like the amount of effort, it would take to screw up a royal flush they had is staggering.
I respect it, may comics or ai give you what you want
Who id artist? And why gave Diana these ugly masculine pants and not a fancy femme culotte like the golden age one?
Goddam it. Repost: This bitch has been around for damn near a century and they already tried to fix her multiple times. If it hasn't happened by now, it's never happening. Shitty rogues gallery. Shitty supporting cast. Always struggled to to get a movie, and is still struggling to get a animated series. This is all because she barely makes any money. And you have to be dumb as hell to think her game won't flop. That bullshit's gonna be woke as fuck and will just be compared to the Arkham games anyway. She'll never be on the level of Batman or Superman. Should've been left back there in the Golden Age with all those other random ass patriotic heroes. Wonder Woman is literally still here just to check a stupid feminist box, masturbate to and shoot cum on.
She's a really bad character and only seems to attract broken people who are obsessed with being politically correct. Everything about the character is fake. She's anti-female actually. Characters like pic related are far more feminie and better written.
>shit, japan
Stop looking at east vs west and just look at the quality of the damn characters themselves.
Like not even trying to be overly negative but they are rapidly becoming the type of company that could figure out how to fuck up boiling water
Make the Amazons a female-only alien species that goes from planet to planet searching for compatible males to enslave and then breed with. Diana was sent to earth as a child to determine if human males are compatible with Amazons, but after experiencing the love and care of men she comes to love earth and her men in return, and so designates herself as the protector of the planet from those who seek to destroy/conquer it, terrestrial or otherwise. Including her own race. Fights should be crazy with things like punches so powerful that shockwaves shatter glass a mile away and energy beams that can blow up city blocks.

Do away with the goofy stuff like the bracelets of power and the invisible jet, make the 'lasso of truth' into more like a whip she can control with her mind. Turn it into a staff or a whip or a lasso or a sword or any similar style weapon instantly just by thinking about it.
Women are easy to write. You just think of a man, and then take away all sense of reason and accountability.

No, it's black on black violence. Which is caused by white supremacy
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At the risk of sounding like an asshole, Wonder Woman feels like one of the highest profile "Nothing Characters" in mainstream capeshit, she's everywhere as this big deal character but has no huge deal stories of note AFAICT, where's her "For The Man That Has Everything/For All Seasons /All Star/vs The Elite/Long Halloween/Year One/Dark Knight Returns/Knightfall" she's always out on the same pedestal as Batman and Superman but doesn't seem like she has anywhere near the stories they've gotten over the years she just seems like a third wheel
>"Nothing Characters" in mainstream capeshit
Reminds me of Nightwing whose DC is trying to push right now.
Increase subtlety and savoir-faire by at least 20%
based and bitter truth pilled
This is from McHale's Navy. It's a show that aired from 1962-1966.
Doesn't he use his freeze breath in the Flash crossover episode?
>in the legends of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and in Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece. In each case, the dragons are present and breathe fire. Their teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors.
You'd think they'd had used the Dragon's teeth thing from Greek mythology
So...less hot but more powerful Maxima
>Women are easy to write. You just think of a man, and then take away all sense of reason and accountability.

You actually just get a flaming faggot or a manbun/maga hat wearing simp.
>proceeds to name stories that were made after Batman/Superman were already permanent A-listers anyway
like usual
>how would you fix her?
Make her ditzy + turn her comics into fetish fuel
Unironically this. Her original core audience were gooners.
Isn't Ares (and therefore Hera) the progenitor of the Amazon race? Hippolyta is the granddaughter of Ares and great granddaughter of Hera so why would either have beef with Diana and the other Amazons?
best idea in the thread
steals Wonder Woman from the feminists, and creates a character that's actually worth rooting for.
comic book Amazons were originally created by Aphrodite and later by Athena and other goddesses (except Hera) to fight Ares
Hera has been an sporadic antagonist (not just on Azzarello's run) before
Hippolyta has never been Ares' daughter in comic book lore
what is?
>Wonder Woman never really got her own Doomsday or Bane. She never really got anyone who broke her.
Artemis took the bullet for her.
Wait who is that?
More like
>female Goku with mild femdom elements
Also, I never said make her unsexy. I wasn't thinking of specifics when I wrote the post but saw >>144505834 and it captures the exact essence of what I was imagining. A mix of impossible beauty and impossible strength in a woman, befitting an Amazon.

That's what I was going for, a soft (but not overt) critique of modern feminism whilst still maintaining a vaguely femenist undertone (a woman fighting and saving men definitely isn't 'trad', after all) Saying that female power doesn't have to come at the expense of men. That men and women need each other, and that taking snipes at each other helps neither.
Wonder Woman actually has plenty of shitty 90s tier villains like Doomsday or Bane that were meant to 'break' her anyway, they didn't stick because there was no forced marketing push to do so
they did kill Diana in the 90s, Hippolyta replaced her, apparently nobody remembers that
>Saying that female power doesn't have to come at the expense of men.
even better if the story progresses some years and we learn that female power didn't have to come at the expense of motherhood either, an ode from whoever the father is for the way this WW treated men(not like shit), and an offspring that becomes one of the strongest men both physically and mentally as a result
>A mix of impossible beauty and impossible strength in a woman, befitting an Amazon.

Anon...steroid addled women...swole lipstick lesbians...are shlick fantasies of lesbians and cucks
There is no impossible beauty. Just a fetish.
You're describing a mid tier hangeron character that will never take off as a solo and would at best be a space level character introduced in a Green Lantern comic.

A lot of the ideas would require one of two things. Rewriting the character from scratch when you don't even really need her after that.
Acceptance that WW is borked from the ground up and is a e lister that works best as a villain
>Diana's POV when it turns out Hippolyta wasn't lying about the clay thing and the Clay Diana sculpted start moving
Most of it was post him, he was more creative.
Wonder Woman definitely has better stories than Knightfall, not her fault if people prefer to read crap because it's Batman
She is pretty adventurous and competitive in the original run.
>steroid-addled women.. Fetish for lesbians
In the same way Superman's physique is fetish porn for gay men. C'mon man.

>you're describing a mid-tier sidekick
I was literally describing Goku from DBZ but genderbent. Also, I looked up Maxima and holy shit it's exactly what I described, I had never even heard of her before lol

>it requires rewriting the character entirely
Yes, isn't that the point of the thread? To reimagine Wonder Woman? That's what I did. Half-seriously mixing WW's origins with Goku from DBZ (himself heavily based on Superman).

A Gohan-style character would be interesting, a half Amazon-half Human who can combine the strengths of both races and serves sort of as her successor for protector of Earth. Even though she doesn't want to put that responsibility on him, she recognises it's his desire and his responsibility due to the circumstances of his birth, and so she chooses (as a good mother should) to support him and nurture that ability within him. Or her, could be a daughter rather than a son, to keep with the 'female power' theme.
(I'm assuming in my idea that WW's universe exists outside of the rest of the DCEU, so Superman and the like don't exist concurrently).
>I'm assuming in my idea that WW's universe exists outside of the rest of the DCEU, so Superman and the like don't exist concurrently
people won't like admitting it, but that's how ideas like this one would really take off. at most, maybe you can allow the Lantern Corps to exist out in space, but even that sounds like a bad idea
The redhead.

Yes, Doomsday is pretty shit, and Bane is just a dumb brute most of the time.
Make her a mother. Don't make her Superman tier powerful.
Crossovers only work when they're fun non-canon one-offs like the Marvel vs Capcom games. Otherwise superheroes by and large should exist in their own continuity.
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>This bitch has been around for damn near a decade
Honestly the fact that she's existed for a century and has little to show for it is kinda insane honestly
If Diana is Clay she should get Magic Clayface powers
She was never popular at DC. She had one random live-action show and instantly fell off. That's why.
Got 'em
What if she takes on the WW namesake to honor grandma who sacrificed to save everyone
The webm you posted
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Invincible Viltrumites ripoff
Just like Will Smith slapping Chris Rock was caused by white people? Lol. Coon as a term exists because blacks got pissed off of blacks that defended white people and were racists against other blacks.
And women HATE each others, an island like Themyscira would last 1 week before all girls turned into each others because one said the other was fat in gossips.
bring her back to her core premise: an Amazon sent to Man's World in order to bring justice for women and children.
I would give Themiscira full U.N. nation status and Diana official ambassadorial office and powers. I would set the stories on a global stage based on political machinations, something that Diana can't quite handle as a warrior so maybe that could be a role for Steve Trevor.
Trevor could also be liaison to the UN army or an elite branch of it and provide back-up for Diana as well.
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Still is, at least the core audience.
>he didn't get the joke
I was subtly calling Irish 'niggers'.
Didn't Jason fuck her?
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Comic could learn from Japan about Ryona
There's some good western Ryona too! https://www.deviantart.com/pippl/art/Wondra-02-887778401

(too big to upload unfortunately)
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Artemis took over as Wonder Woman for a bit because Hippolytia heard a prophecy that WW would be killed. That arc was 90s as fuck.
>how would you fix her?
with my penis
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Here's your Absolute Wonder Woman /co/
Ew gay
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>tfw not stranded on Themyscira and forced to get drained by hundreds upon hundreds of Amazonian babes without interruption
Why would DC curse me with this tragic realization?
jokes on you
they're rabid dykes
All three of these designs are crap
Another look. Looks bad.
How many times do we need to do DC but EDGY
All three seem like a mishmash of other designs we've seen but worse
Why make her look like a Dyke?
>Greek tattoo
>Greeks that hated body art
So black panther except ww is incompetent?

Stop beating around the bush and go for it.
Besides they made jon tim and half the females in the entire company bi or fag.
Why not go for it with the one that's most likely eaten more pussy then grapes.
Did the Amazons count as Greeks?
i'm surprised lobo hasn't gone after wonder woman or power girl. with how they look and how they fight he would love them
He went to Starfire, who is both WW and PG
Yeah amazons are now a melting pot of black, brown and asian dykes and even the greek gods just some shade of mocha
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Better pic
>Magic arm and tech pants
Are they...
WW is really a dead horse
focus more on her titties and ass
hopefully this bitch isn't even Diana
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Oh my god, it's an edgy kanga from hell
Since the absolute universe is meant to be shaped by the eyes of Darksied I can imagine it's going to be something like this
did he fuck her?
Give her a fucking Event that ACTUALLY FUCKING FOCUSSES HER, rather than her having to guest star in other characters events.
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so what else is new?
her events rage from bad to worst ever, no wonder they don't try
good whore woman
Wonder Woman's hairy Themysciran snatch.
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hers is bigger tho

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