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>it's real
Why am I not surprised?
>Cancels an artist and blacklists her from the industry for drawings.
>Is a disgusting freak himself.
why are jannies trying to cover this up
one thread at a time you faggos
You know shit is bad when cartoon brew even does an article.
Kyle. That is why. Wouldn't surprise me if he's buddies with them.
The same Kyle who ousted Vee for drawings was indulging in the real thing? Many such cases.
That was Vee right? I guess she feels vindicated. Getting someone fired over shota drawings only to have the real shit is just par for the course.
Does anyone still remember "Mighty Magiswords" beyond "I refuse to wear pants."?
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The last thing he ended his career on was the FOP reboot.
What a way to go.
>That was Vee right?

Who's Vee?
I knew being a fan of kamen rider past age 15 was a red flag for anyone being a scumbag.
Was he a creep before entering Nick?
Man, that's sad.
>it's real
fucking hell
yet another win for judging a book by its cover
inb4 deleted/autosaged again
An artist /co/ kinda liked. There was a time when you would see her art on here somewhat often. She had a runaway comic and would make /ss/ art. She has some pretty bad mental illness, one day she came into a thread and all the posts there (in particular Birchy >>144498486) freaked her the fuck out. I think around that time she needed enough money to avoid homelessness or something. My memory is fuzzy. She also had some weird delusions about aliens. Anyway, I'm sure someone here could tell you a much more detailed event of what went down.

I liked her stuff and I heard that she came back. Anyone have a link to her current twitter?
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*Camp Snoopy
He also storyboarded 124 episodes of Adventure Time apparently
Fucking look at him this doesn’t surprise me at all
any specific works of her? preferably the non-/ss/ ones if any
What a day this has been
meant for >>144498570
Link cause OP was being lazy
You're next Birchy, you should be thankful you're irrelevant beyond a name tag on a cambodian rice cultivating forum.
Also Camp Snoopy, which was his last Facebook post before the porn bust.
Some of his former likeminded buddies like Tony and Jane are trying to save face, but some on the internet will never forget.
>Birchy freaked her the fuck out.
Yeah my bad I didn't know about the whole story. Now that Kyle is a definite creep now I'll have to work on an apology.

Still crazy Kyle is a fucking disgusting piece of shit.
He’s already ugly enough as it is, why did he give himself that facial hair?
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But guys, HE'S SO QUIRKY!!
I hate that the ass kisser Nico is basking in his 15 minutes of fame again talking about how terrible of a person Kyle was.
Anon Kyle has actual evidence and hard proof. All I do is post cute characters and you automatically assume the worst. You're no better than Vee's haters. But let's not make this about me. For once.
Angela Vondra, a former co-worker of Kyle's who drew Invader Zim yaoi and Frankie/Mac art. Vondra had a falling out with another animator, Holly Meadow Disch, who proceeded to out her lewd account to Kyle and he showed up in her DMs to chastise her about how she'd make him look bad. He then spread the porn to others, and the ostracization of Vee unfolded from there.
>that facial hair
I'm not surprised
Few people looked and behaved as much like a pedophile as he did. It's really surprising this didn't happen sooner, really.
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I have no interest in underage characters, lolicon, pedophilia, etc. and I've never indulged in that sort of pornography. And yet for some reason I feel irrationally paranoid that I'm going to get "caught" or "outed" or "cancelled" over something similar, and I imagine scenarios where all my friends disavow me and my career is ruined and etc. etc. Why is this?
This shit still scares tf out of me
Nico is a cockroach. He goes after every little crumb of attention.
>everyone on Twitter suddenly being all like "I can't believe he tried to ruin someone's life over drawings"
You guys say this now but the second you see some artist doing that again you're gonna do the same thing to them
Vee's drawings were no worse than the stuff Rebecca Sugar did way back in the day. Kyle targeted her as a way to distract from his own misdeeds
Maybe you have an undiagnosed mental condition
Fuck, I dunno, OCD?
She's on a certain Mastodon instance these days, and of course YouTube to post her videos about dancing and alien possession. Others on the former bird site say she's well aware of Kyle's porn bust, and that many of his friends knew but chose to attack her to cover up his doings.
extreme paranoia and anxiety

if you know youre not into it then you can tuck away those fears as best as you can
World of Warcraft gamer-ass guy claimed to be triggered and traumatized over Zim hentai, while he's out liking real children.
I’ve only specifically seen the dedicated “pro fiction”/ anti “fandom police” accounts defending Vee and talking shit about Kyle in that particular way.
It's funny that this faggot thinks he's any less of a creep that people don't like being around. He's repulsed by Kyle because he's exactly like Kyle, and he's virtue signalling extra hard because he knows he's got shit just as bad hidden in his [Totally not CP] Folder
It’s projection at its finest, no different than ultra homophobes who are caught with a male sucking their dick.
You post here, which means you might have a thumbnail saved automatically in some temp folder without your knowledge, and that's all it takes these days.
Someone should call this man out too, dude is trying too hard to look like a hero. Did he speak out when a story about Kyle being abusive came out years ago?
You got a link? I do actually like her stuff. And I feel sad when I remember what happened to her. If not it's fine. It's just that desuarchive is down for maintenance so I can't search myself.
Maybe you have a cringey interest in even adult fictional characters that Kyle and other sorts could exploit, amidst your paranoia.
Do you have a hankering for Dagwood Bumstead?
He's definitely hiding something.
i think is just ocd/anxiety of this times
dude, get offline, find another hobby not related to computer or drawing. and don't be a pedo that donwloads cp. like this. just be a average decent person and you will be cool :)
She has it linked through her twitter "afairmaidenvee", which has yet to update but you suppose one of her accounts might issue its own statement soon.
can a anon have a quick context?
If you have muttonchops and your name is not Isaac Asimov it should be legal to arrest you first and find out why second
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i know it's a lame thing to do but he always weirded me out
He definitely wasn't a storyboard artist for adventure time.
what did nico did besides being hypocrital? i know he owns a lot of ren and stimpy stuff and drawings john k did. but besides it he is a bad person too? just curious.
You need to use the internet less, go to better websites (no culture war no gossipy drama bullshit) and get better hobbies a more balanced lifestyle sleep better dont jerk more than once a day etc

Internet brainrot man
I always had a feeling.
Nico is an annoying faggot for sure, but I think if he really had skeletons in his closet he would be keeping quiet instead of gravedancing

This is a QRD
Caps of Kyle's repulsion should be floating around somewhere. Kyle, Disch, Jay Goldstein, Jera Patterson, and Jane Amber took part in the whole slander game and iirc some of them had a server dedicated to finding dirt on Vee and wishing abuse on her.
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ofc the faggot janny deletes the ballmastrz thread right before this happens
That's a shame.
He's so fucking next
Vee does good bellies.
All a cop needs to do is plug a USB stick into your home computer. Who will believe you over them?
What's a real crime is his hairstyle and those glasses.
You may not be a pedo but you can still get dogpiled for breathing the wrong way in this cancel-happy world. Do one wrongthink at the wrong time and your life is over.
>gets lucky with his Slayers ripoff
>has to ride on social media clout for his 50 other failed pilot ideas
Nothing of value was lost.
It's the nature of deviants to loudly decry the exact things they're doing in private. Pedophiles especially have a habit of going on and on about how everyone else is a pedo or a groomer or a child abuser, or that all the code words and fed-confirmed terminology and tactics that pedos use are totally not real. Then they got caught with a ton of CP, like usual.
Inordinately harping on impossible terrible scenarios like that is a symptom of OCD.
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Is there any person who is legitimately apart of the old guard of nineties American cartoonists, or is a c list cartoonist who imitates the 90’s Saturday morning cartoon artstyle, who isn’t some kinda pedo, or sex pest, or deviant art fetishist, or bitter sanctimonious lolcow with skeletons in their closet who can’t even draw that well half the time?

Maybe the guy who made Pizza Tower?
He had some clout chasers hanging on to him from his lewder Deviantart days too, which he tried to clean up to avoid the messes he'd call out others over.
The odds of Nico being next aren't zero.
just paranoia. I imagine you have similar fears of getting outed out as a neo Nazi even though you probably haven't done anything particularly racist.
>/ss/ with a fatty

Unfathomably based.
Is she a fellow architect or is it just in character?
Genndy and Craig both seem to have a good head on their shoulders
i mean yeah but is there literally a smidge of proof at this at all, any sort of real bad vibes or implied skeletons in the closest
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>go to his timeline
>first displayed post is about cheese pizza
what did xwitter mean by this
Gaz is a fat drunk for a bunch of the show, so Vee took advantage of the fatness for kink
>Adapting to different environments for fetishes.
Oh yeah that's cool.
Vee bros we can’t stop winning
Any leads of Magiswords? I heard rumors that it was originally supposed to be aimed at adults
X automatically lists a user's profile to their most liked tweets first when you're not logged in
>Accuse someone of pedophilia because of drawings
>Be a pedo yourself
>Genndy and Craig
I wouldn't call these guys the old guard, if anything they changed the animation landscape from imitations of american theatrical animation to more constructivist art styles.
Maybe the Waybackmachine could have something from "TVskyle", it depends how much his DA got crawled.
He also voiced the MC of Magiswords and his wife voiced the cutey witch with the Brooklyn accent. This is so errie because Brian Miller was just talking about the series a few days ago on twitter
>Maybe the guy who made Pizza Tower?
McPig is just some autistic Quebecois guy who loves french comics and Wario Land that got fed up with Nintendo not making another Wario Land game so he made it himself.
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I've never heard of this guy, but I could've told you he's a pedophile.
Birchy please STFU. Fuckin attention whore
Don't start.
Vee won.
>OOF, a bunch of us in animation circles, YES THAT's RIGHT, in ANIMATION CIRCLES, JUST heard right now
It's so transparent
Guess it was a good thing I kept procrastinating on watching Mighty Magiswords.

Anon wasnt lying, seems like Vee truly lost it.

This is what straight shota does to woman
Kind of strange that he knows that. Some rather specific knowledge
Carrozza Kyle
Disgusting Pedophile
Your cartoons are shitty and juvenile
You hate John K but you’re just as vile
I hope they feed you to a crocodile
He probably read the Kiwifarms cartoon industry thread lol
Pretty fucked up.
she looks like she’s doing pretty fucking good
to be fair, it's only tangentially /co/ related
Maxwell Atoms, as far as I'm aware
Whether you watched/enjoyed that show or not has absolutely zero impact on Kyle's hard drive, what he's jacked off to, who he may or may not have abused, or his arrest. Plus, TV shows aren't made by just a single person, either.
He's an obnoxious asskisser but you can just look up the penal code
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what's gonna happen to all his Kamen Rider stuff
It always looked like dogshit to me
The WORST puppet rig animation I’ve ever seen
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yay Vee thread
The real deal or just a bunch of drawn stuff?
I checked out the credits for business time episode and he wasn't there at all. Did he just lie on his imdb page lol
Apparently is real children *and* BDSM???
This aged like milk lol. Replace Meekie with Kyle and then it's accurate.
I would be more surprised if this guy didn't have cp
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Bastard giving a bad name for the cake and loli enjoyers out there. One thing is being called a pedophile, other is people thinking I dress LIKE THAT.

Best of luck for him, really, for what anons said he is probably a faggot and kinda deserves that trough karma alone. But I don't really like wishing harm on people I don't even know, and looking like that he wound't last a second on any prison without being raped. low security or not. Godspeed for the guy who rapes him too, because god damn.
If you want a normie artistic fields is the wrong place to look.
So when's Shmorky's arrest?
Where's Frank when you need him?
Want the pink haired thing has a name?
Vee is still a dumb bitch and derserves the hate.
you can't arrest a dead man
I found it, thanks friend.

I agree but watching the show knowing that many characters, including the male lead, was voiced by someone who collected cheese pizza is hard to swallow.
He got arrested, so what the fuck do you think?
i mean, do you have to "sexy anime bitches" without checking their age? cuz most of them are underage but most people don't really give a fuck specialy if said girl got double D for tits
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Yeah. Silly lil creature.
>if anything they changed the animation landscape from imitations of american theatrical animation to more constructivist art styles
60s H-B, UPA and the games episodes of R&S were doing that earlier
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>Arin's only real VA credit is on a pedo show
So this is the thread
I thought he got on Bee and Puppycat, too
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Turns out he was arrested a month ago....
I have yet to see any definitive proof that Shmorky's dead. Though I do wonder wtf he's up to. Him and Andrew Dobson.
At least Arin still has his FAS wife
thats EVEN LESS of a real VA credit lmao.
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Jesus fucking christ
Not a real show, not a real VA credit.
I recall it mostly being Ranma and Mario 2 fanart. Nothing really amazing there.
Nuts l liked his work a bit
Thanks, yeah, I did a little bit of research and it does kind of sound like that. I can sometimes ruminate on it for a while and it gives me a lot of anxiety even though the fear isn't rooted in reality at all. Doesn't anyone else get these same sorts of intrusive thoughts?
He also voiced some characters on The Owl House
wasnt he on rick & morty

or does that also not count since its a wifebeater show at the time he voiced
It was called Mario Madness dumb faggot
>Not a real show
?? Define "real show"
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You are not a friend of justice, then you are mankind
i used too, and also a lot of self harm shit, and i just improved my diet and my habits, try exercise and just going out even if you don't go with anyone.
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I wonder how internet only just caught on now?
Apparently the rest of the Magiswords crew are coming out to say how much of an asshole this guy was too.
*mankind's enemy
LMAO get fucked Kyle
yes we do, this type of thoughts are normal. but the bad thing is when this stuff start to rule over your life and behaviour. its normal but don't let it command your life. live without be commanded by fear. be honest with yourself.
Was it drawings he was arrested over?
oh its a real show, i am just being dismissive cuz its even shittier than mighty magiswords by orders of magnitude.
Schmorky's alive, he's just laying low
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.....he's not a part of any circles
rarely, cause i just remember that i am not into that junk and i am fine and nobody will try to cancel me for that and shit

just remember youre know awful, youll never be awful and youre chill
Yeah that's gross but there's no hard evidence against her like Kyle. So idk where that falls. I've seen weebs and degenerate furries say FAR worse.
Random nameless background characters are also not real VA credits.
The equivalent of tree nr. 2 is not a real role.

Any show that exists purely on the internet is not real, because the internet is not real.
That’s a shame and I actually liked Mighty Magi-swords when I was a kid.
Probably, he's got to beef up his resume to look even more impressive if it wasn't one of his whiteknights adding fake credits.
no, it was real cp and the kind with kids being beat up and shit.
Well one possible cause could be that you THINK you're not going to get caught for underage stuff because you have nothing saved of characters that are children or teenagers, but then you're livestreaming or someone just uses your computer for some reason and sees you have a picture of a girl who's 21 or 22, and even though she's legal, you're probably in your 30s or 40s, so "the age difference is so creepy that Anon is probably a pedo but hiding it" since we're currently in a bit of a cultural revolution-type mindset about this stuff.

That, or some hacker gets your IP address, downloads legit CP on it, then threatens you to send them bitcoin or else they'll alert the police, but that threat went to your spam folder and you never saw it so all of a sudden, the FBI's raiding your house and you're booked on CP possession.
u talk like a bot
Having intense mutton chops doesn't mean you have CP
But it is one of those warning signs
It's funny how Cartoon Network stans on Twitter were weaponizing the Dan Schneider documentary against Nickelodeon fans, and then a few months later this happens
Probably not.

Rebecca Sugar drew Ed Edd n Eddy porn and she's avoided trouble all this time.
he was in the Advance Wars remake, the Double Dragon reboot and Omega Strikers
>used to follow artist my age back then (14 years old)
>drew lots of stuff for kyle carrozza
>mentioned a few times that her family was friends with his family and shes been to his place and hung out with him
>she wanted to get into the animation industry and kyle was likely her way in
>after i followed her for a few years, she later said she was groomed by someone and was leaving the internet due to her bad mental breakdowns from it

kyle likely hurt her i fucking hope shes seen the news so she can feel some sort of justice.
He googled what that meant.
Cartoonbrew even praised her for her lewds back in the day
Does that ever really happen in the US / California? Canada sure. Never once heard of it happening in the US because I think there are court cases that make drawn pornography, no matter the content, legal. Think about Shadman, he was arrested for drugs, never his art.
If by some weird reason it was, that would be pretty notable to include in the news articles considering how batshit insane it is (in addition to rare). Pretty sure he had the real deal.
Didn’t she want fuck her brother and her dad?
Yeah, there are some people that have mentioned knowing younger fans on DA that were messed with by him that wound up afraid and ran out of fandoms because nobody would believe them.
>Any show that exists purely on the internet is not real, because the internet is not real.
entertainment is the internet. tv is essentially dead.
>no, it was real cp and the kind with kids being beat up and shit.
Oh, so we're talking the Ian Watkins, Josh Duggar, Peter Scully-type CP, oh shit
Don't jerk it more than once a day? Is there a significant loss of energy?
I can fix her.
I think that was a rumor started by her haters. Or it could be that other artist who drew comics about it that I forgot the name of.
nice house
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Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had possession of "that" Scully video among the porn, and Vee's drawings hit a nerve because it made him paranoid of his own demons coming out.
that's what having rich grandparents in califronia will get ya
Kyle's been in the animation industry and online animation scene since at least the 1990s. I can't believe this legit might be the end of his streak.
It’s really fucked up. I don’t even want to know how this creepy fuck got a hold of that shit, Christ
>might be
in high school some random autistic kid interviewed him. i thought it was weird. guess i was right.
No, it IS the end of not only his career, but his life.
Wasn’t he in the og Animaniacs?
I remember when the first call out post of hin was from deviantart and called him a manchild who cannot take criticism well.
His style does attract a lot of autists, from the more mild to lolcow/horrorcow levels so it's not surprising. The real litmus test will be to see how many of those turn on him while others be contrarians and insist it's a conspiracy to frame their idol, as many such cases go.
Supposedly, Andrew Dobson's family told him to get off the internet because it was affecting his brother's employment. He complied.
He worked on the last season of the OG Animaniacs I think.
Everything I know about the guy says there's a high likelihood of him being a sexpest at minimum and a pedophile at worst.
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still mad she left right as she started posting her "i can fix him" comic
I think the specific charge he got refers to CP with prepubescent kids. Sadomasochistic CP is a different sub-sub-section or whatever it's called
He managed to work others to be his whiteknights to defend him, since raging on Twitter would clearly cost him his animation king crown.
theres something about that anime/western fusion that just attracts them like moths. its such a weird phenomenon, actually.
His work sucked anyway.
The mutton chops are just an affectation. It's the general dysgenic malformed nature of everything about him. He just chose to try and cover some of that up with neckbeardchops.
God I hope Law&Crime Network streams his court hearings like the Depp/Heard case
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>literally never heard of this guy
>google to see what he looks like
>"I had no idea"
I know you shouldn't judge a book by its covers but just fucking look at him, of course he had CP on his computer
>Already switching sides
God you really are one of the most pathetic posters on this god forsaken site.
Why can't they be like female autists and be obsessed with obscure Friz Freling/Hal Seeger cartoons.
If just being a fat old smelly looking nerd were enough to initiate a pedo bust, conventions everywhere would have their gaming rooms raided and we'd see a bunch of Kyles trotted off in a line. Someone must have known too much about him, or Google acted on a cybersafety report.
Oh, hey, same post
Somebody give Prohyas a new voice actor.
Jesus Christ...
I can at least sort of understand how someone might be okay with simple nude pose CP, the type of stuff that's just them naked and smiling, not being too bothered by it, even if it's still clearly exploitative and wrong. At least then your brain can sort of fool itself.
But stuff like physical abuse where the kid is clearly not enjoying it, I'll never fucking get.
Like, would they be okay with videos/pictures of real (as in not acted) rape with adults?
I flipped because of the evidence against Kyle. I misjudged.
>If just being a fat old smelly looking nerd were enough to initiate a pedo bust
Have you not been paying attention to what's been going on in Smash Tournaments and speedrunning?
Chris Savino had been in the industry for 25 years before he got took down by *accusations* that have never even been proven (he wasn't even expelled from the animation guild), and that was enough for CNN to compare him to Harvey Weinstein.
Effectively his career is over all because he kept his room dark and cheated on his wife.

Kyle is fucked beyond all belief, and that was before I even learned what kind of CP he had.>>144499458
Why? The show's been cancelled for forever.
Why do you say this beyond general delusion that comes with thinking everyone around you is as bad as you? As in I am curious about what you have heard
>but then you're livestreaming or someone just uses your computer for some reason and sees you have a picture of a girl who's 21 or 22
Or you're livestreaming and your recent files show a filename that couldn't be anything but CP, I remember that happening a few years ago.
Yeahhh, when you're caught with videos of real kids being fucked, that's kind of the end.
okay just gotta ask HOW do you get caught with CP is he like showing it off all the time or what I just don't get how they find these guys.
He was the titan in Owl House, the basically the god of the entire setting.
dude is up there with Ian Watkins now
Maybe he was chatting with somebody in a sting.
Do you have OCD?
Bottom of my heart, kill yourself.
The police got a tip about it, either from Google which can scan its cloud for possible CP, or somebody reported him manually.
I made this thread earlier and it was deleted by jannies.
Trump status: alive

Pedo faggot status: going to jailed
Love you too.
They were really keen on deleting anything about him, but let's see how long this stays up and if they're as hammer-happy as other blue board curators.
what made you think this was a good idea to post?
No matter, we can re-dub the episodes with new actors to replace every Kyle's character.
Are you famous by any chance or work in some sort of big industry?
I seriously doubt it. If that were true, we'd have endless cases.
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Was curious enough to look up his apartment.

It's an incredibly tiny garbage 550sq foot apartment that looks like a converted motel. My place is nicer and much larger and I am significantly less successful as Kyle.
Salty, isn't it bedtime?
Move along now.
Honestly it's probably too /news/ for /co/. That's my guess. I don't even use this board so I'm not mad. Just saw it online and wanted (you)s
Should have said anything after Showa Rider.
He graduated high school shortly after it ended. His career in animation did not really begin until around 2010.
Mighty Magiswords bros...
>obnoxious faggot who weasels his way into any animation adjacent job he can get so he can pretend to be an industry veteran
>male feminist
>lover of trans kids and promoting trans shit for kids
>literally cannot stop trying to start internet slap fights to prove what a moral and progressive person he is
Probably government operated honey pot. X pedo site is actually run by the feds and they track which IP uses said site. They start building a case against the person, get a warrant and search his PC.
>imagine the smell of that man cave as Kyle the cave troll pants while his wife begs him to come to bed already.
Those mutton chops are disgusting and clued me in on him being a pedo.
Before then, he was just some Flash animator into making parodies of One Piece and Pokemon and singing about his lust for Ukyo from Ranma 1/2.
Bro, who are you, Suzuki Kenya? Lewis Carroll? The fuck?
where you can see it?
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You're not important enough to cancel you fucking dingleberry
Run the arrest address in Google and it'll show you photos of what a unit there looks like.
I remember two images he made of his wife cucking him with Showa Riders.
The real funny part is that after years of memes, jokes, speculation and accusations the worst thing about Dan is just that he's a big, fat asshole. The real pedos were the people nobody ever heard of.
Dawg that's like a storage room. Man Cali is that bad? Shit.
This is what ovulation and an unchecked breeding drive can do to a woman. Somebody slap her.
It's why a lot of animators are homeless these days if even a dinky place like that is expensive.
reminds me of an apartment complex I grew up in
Anyone remember the MooBeard pilot?
He's absolutely a creep, but somehow despite not having the self control to not abuse and harass his employees and actors, he was smart enough to not ask for anything worse than a backrub from adult women. Still a giant fucking scumbag, but at least he's not a child molester too
quintessential 4chud post
I don't think anyone would care.
>1800 a month.
Here you can get a 3 bedroom home for that much a month.
Aaah what could have been
Also...I hope those Mexican Mafia motherfuckers tear your ass inside out you fat creep
Yeah, the bird was hot and the only reason I remember it.
Are you fucking retarded? Genuine question
Cali apartments are a special brand of shit because they are all 1940s-1960s old as fuck, barely kept up with hellholes, that still cost anywhere from $2K-3K a month any damn way.

But yeah any typical apartment in Burbank, Glendale, or North Hollywood is going to be a dirty 400square foot, 1960s era wood panel closet. With a window unit shoved into a square shaped hole in the wall for air conditioning, coin op laundry machine the entire building shares, and 30+ year old carpet with a wide variety of mystery stains that go back to the Reagan years.
Thanks, Anon, this made me smile
I kind of thought a guy ten years into his career with a series under his belt would be doing better than this. This looks like the kind of place someone just starting out on their first gig moves into.
What Kyle did was fucked, but Ian Watkins actually raped a baby
am I supposed to read this in the Grinch theme
He's pretty annoying, but I'm not gonna throw criminal accusations at him. It's not like Mr Enter where he has his epic Henry Darger fucking pedo bait series he only recently figured out was a bad look and tried to cover up
There's always a "degrees of X" defender in these discussions, isn't there?
pedophiles are not smart, and they tend to become addicted archivists. The mroe stuff you have the easier it is to catch you. Kyle accumulated 600 pics or so
Wasn't that short that never became a real cartoon about a pirate cow?
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Loli/Shota is pretty lame, but why is it that actual pedos are so mad about it every time?
>creator of a CARTOON that aired on CARTOON network
Yeah, tangentially.
Commiefornians have gaslight themselves into thinking living in the pod is a good thing because big house is le evil capitalism
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>gets caught with child porn
>it's of the fucking BDSM variety
>dickheads are trying to grift it for "owns"
>a mentally ill woman's caught in the crossfires

i don't even have anything snarky to add here
what the actual fuck is wrong with this guy
You know, I looked at the pictures and I got to the bathroom and I immediately thought about how you'd have to use that toilet knowing Kyles fat, hairy ass has sat on it and probably jerked it there.
Kyle said associating with somebody into that would get him into trouble and his career endangered, as if that and not all the copious porn on his PC would do it.
Tell me this guy was just living below his means or something.
he was holding a burlap sack filled with it and the police shined a big floodlight at him, his striped attire and black beret gave it away
Is he trying to cover it up now?
..I was looking into moving to a place almost exactly like that in Glendale, for the same price. Also starting out. With the assumption I would move up to better accommodations when I become at least somewhat successful.
Was it real or drawn?
His last words before they cuffed him were a "Sacre bleu! Knowing Vee has doomed me!"
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I want to see his mugshot photo so badly.
Just to laugh at how pathetic he’ll look in it.
His wife would've had to for sure.
Kill yourself
did she not died?
she has some disease and can't find treatment right?
I didn't mean that I think it's even remotely okay.
Just that I can sort of understand how someone could justify/excuse it to themselves, since they can then use more mental excuses like "Oh they're not even touching them" or "She's clearly smiling. It can't be THAT wrong, right?"
even if both of them are still clearly still wrong.
But when it's just so clearly visually fucked up, that it would also be obviously wrong if it were adults, I can't even remotely wrap my head around how anyone could even begin to try and justify it, no matter how fucked up they might be.
Both are clearly fucked up, but at least with the former my mind can at least picture the stupid excuses they might make to themselves, while it's completely blank on the latter.

Then again, I know not everyone tries to, or need a rationalization for the fucked up shit they do, and I'm probably over analyzing the people who are into CP in the first place.
I don't believe that.
unlike a lot of other animators like alex hirsch, kyle doesn't come from big money. It makes sense for the average animator to live in a shithole nowadays. You can just check animation twitter, they are desperate for work and always looking for contracts. The medium in america only survives in expensive 3d productions ala pixar
>L-look Zach, I'm sorry for all those things I said in the past...Please, I need this!
>It's an incredibly tiny garbage 550sq foot apartment that looks like a converted motel.
This is how your average animator in the industry lives btw
fuck California
Chronic fatigue/myalgic encephalomyelitis is what she claims to have, although people have speculated she used the donation money for the apartment and all the new merch in her videos than anything to do with getting better.
Got dogs, a porch, having fun
Women really do be living life on tutorial mode
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Why are you fucked in the head?!
Can't blame anyone for not wanting to try something because the main person involved did some fucked up shit. Likewise for having watched something and then finding out the creator or whatever was a piece of shit. Just taints the whole thing.
And didn’t Dan do the theme song?
The hit dogs holler
Eh it was just a fanfic version of FLCL, she made her own Haruko and Naota
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Dude was mentally unhinged from the start.
No wonder it took him decades to get his own show.
No surprise he’s a kiddy diddler too. Seems like the most petty people are the most pedophillac.
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I can imagine this twat necking himself in prison while hallucinating his cartoon characters like black noir in the boys
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Just don't be surprised when you see him eventually arrested for the same exact shit.
Shit, I completely forgot about that. But you're right, NSP did do the theme song.
I think I understand the general sentiment, but I'm amazed you were retarded enough to type it into words, read it over, and post it
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Just saying, that's not the guy you should be getting mad at right now...
The real one's right in front of ya.
Kyle's Facebook says he has his Wall turned off for safety reasons, but that hasn't stopped some of his friends there from turning on him and calling him out in his last post about Camp Snoopy.
cmon man, everyone knew she was gonna chimp out at the FIRST sign of criticism, as usual, and this shit would never be finished.
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>Mighty Magiswords
garbage adhd shit with designs ripped straight from slayers
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>SHOCKER hands typed this post
>In his 40s
>Acts like a child
>Dressed like a child
>Still watched cartoons and anime
>Got butthurt all because someone didn’t like the show he worked on.
No surprise.
I honestly don't know, if this is what a former showrunner that has near consistent work from Warner Bros lives in then I don't think I want to be a part of that world at all.

Maybe it's just WB people? Disney showrunners seem to be living in nicer places.
No, if you read the article that faggot nigger OP was too lazy to link, you'll see that the California law specifically does NOT apply to drawings. Kyle had the real deal, and it was BDSM type stuff, too, according to the penal code.
i don't think there is a getting better from that.
He sings his Ukyo Kuonji song while going mad and hallucinating his underage anime chef wife
I mentioned him by name early in the thread, but I’m still pissed about the creator of Galko Chan looking at German nudie magazine of kids or whatever it was. The Japanese responses on Twitter were weirdly nonchalant, but for once western Twitter was justifiably morally outraged. I never actually got around to reading the manga, but it certainly ruined for me, so I probably never will, now.
still wish she made it more then like 3 pages
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Dude has always ripped off anime.
I guess the old veteran Japanese artists don’t need to sue him anymore.
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ShampooGODS stay winning
Didn't it turn out the premise for Growing Around wasn't even his own idea, or am I thinking of something else
Most people that know him do say that he is incredibly arrogant. Even people that like him still mention the arrogance.
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Even worse is when you realize Kyle had better designs too, before he ruined them. Also, the puppet rig animation was balls
I agree, but there are lots of news stories about people who are "nobodies" losing their jobs or being ostracized for missteps or unflattering videos. I remember an article where a teacher lost her job because she had pictures of herself in a swimsuit when she was at the beach with friends on her Facebook profile.
Bro that's straight up just copying.
I do not know how true it is, but a friend in the industry was very firm in saying she is just a schizo and is lying about being terminally ill for sympathy.

I have no desire to stand up for an internet strangers, but I also think people like Kyle need to be shot and that whole situation pearl clutching over shota art was really fucking stupid either way
He seems like a dork that watched a lot of anime in the 90s, and then that influenced all of his work forever after. He could never get over doodling fanart of the Scifi Channel Saturday Anime he saw that week.
>Trump gets shot
>Richard Simmons dies
>Mighty Magiswords creator arrested on CP

All of this happening while I was out with my family celebrating my sister’s birthday
This is literally true. However, for something like that, you would generally need somebody to find it on your computer. Most of these CP busts occur through monitored torrents - they find an offending torrent and track down all the IPs. Accidentally viewing something on 4chan isn't going to summon the Party Van, but if your computer were seized for some reason and it were found in your cache, then theoretically I guess you could get busted for it.
It's pretty terrible yea, and he had his own schizo whiteknight that'd fake death and illness for sympathy in Jane so it's like a clown like him attracted that madness either way.
I think he was always open about him taking some weird mediocre pilot and concept and using it for himself. I have always wondered why the fuck he liked the idea so much.

As a mediocre wannabe artist and wannabe show runner/comic book artist myself, it sort of reflects a creative fear of mine: becoming extremely attached to a shitty idea for comic/cartoon/story/character and desperately trying to develop it and get it off the ground even though the biggest barrier you have to success is actually the fact that the idea you’re so attached to just fucking sucks.
I remember this from ten years back, he led a flood of harassment because someone didn't like Fanboy & Chum Chum. This was the first time I ever heard of Kyle acting strange, ridiculous or impulsive, and it was detailed in a DeviantArt journal.

Dude, that’s just Lina from The Slayers
Judging by >>144499996 he was designing Vambre while a junior in high school. And used it when he was nearly 40.
more like an odd amalgamation of Lina and Naga
The fuck? Even before it registered that's Arashi, I thought that was a Timmy Turner knockoff. Bold
>Captcha: KMKM
Didn't Warner Bros already scrub everything related to Magiswords for tax reasons after it got cancelled?
Yeah it's he literally takes designs from obscure animes (I know Slayers isn't obscure) and either changes the colors or makes them more "cartoony".
the fact you know all of this is concernin
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I still like Magiswords.
I remember him being all eye emoji when somebody said Osomatsu-kun got subs, and now I have to think he'd be some closeted lolicon for Totoko but still that'd be nothing compared to the worst shit he's been doing.
The best part about creating is even if you kill a shitty concept, you can still rip out the pieces you like and put them somewhere better
Enter wrote like 4 seasons of 22 minute scripts for a show that was a confusing pile of shit.
Some insane person is making a comic about it since he no longer is actively working on it: https://www.deviantart.com/nayolfa
I still think it's shitty regardless of its creator, vambre was hot but I guess now she's a no-no character
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>the fact that the idea you’re so attached to just fucking sucks
aw no, is this comic totally canceled? i can't find it anywhere anymore.
I'd honestly like to live in a place like this... not at that price of course, how the fuck are americans paying 1800 dollars on rent alone, no wonder they're always in debt for something
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Someone please tell me this is not a typical dwelling for a showrunner and director on a lot of things.
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It's tough to beat the Goof
That's Cali. Now if you wanna save money and if you're brave enough Louisiana is cheap.
Kill yourself
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Depends on the rider
$1500 a month for a single bedroom is common now. Rents flew up around 2019-2020 and never went back down again
if you think you're on the verge of wanting csam, take a hiatus from porn for a few months. block sites that have it and hide all images by default
I'm a legit schizo, so sometimes shit can sound way better in my head than it does to everyone else.
I also know that my tendency to overanalyze and try and find a reason for why someone might think or do the things they do, can come off as me agreeing or defending them, since most people don't do the same thing, at least not to the same degree.
But it's really just me trying to understand and find some logic in the fucked up world I exist in.
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What the hell that's on par with my childhood apartment
Are these the standards Mighty Magiswords creator and Kantpronounci critic Kyle Carrozza holds himself to
Good now he can stop spamming his soulless pitches>>144498459
Once you see enough of these CP bust stories, it becomes very obvious what they're doing.
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I just hope Vee is enjoying herself in this moment she's probably celebrating Kyle getting busted. Guess those lil aliens protected her.
I knew he was not making Hollywood type money, he makes fucking cartoons. But I thought someone at his level would be edging into six figures at last and living in a nicer 3K a month kind of place.

Union gigs are typically $2K a week at minimum.
For me it was Nobuhiro Watsuki and Buso Renkin. Was pretty interested in checking it out once upon a time. But after hearing the dude got arrested for having child pornography I never bothered with it. Shit like that just sours everything.
No police organization would really care about drawings alone, anyone who tries to find an example of loli/shota being brought up on CP stuff usually leaves out that the person was actually arrested for either an unrelated crime or for having actual real deal stuff with the drawings just being a footnote the journalist felt like mentioning. Like a couple years ago, some guy in I think the UK got arrested for having actual CP, but a bunch of journo articles that talked about spent more time talking about the Marge/Bart /ss/ drawings he had alongside the real stuff, leading people into thinking it was the Simpsons porn that got him arrested.
He could only afford a shoebox because he blew all his money on child porn.
no that's not what they do, they actually put cp underneath a box held up by a stick tied to string and wait for a pedo to fall for the trap so they can pull the string
America only goes after real abuse, not drawings like backwards euroshart countries
It is. Burbank average rent is $2000/mo these days. Animation pays like shit, showrunners own nothing and get no residuals. Nothing is being done about it. You can imagine why the industry is absolutely fucked right now, the end of the streaming honeymoon aside.
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Honestly I'm kinda glad the animation industry is imploding. Because nobody currently in it cares.
A lot of people who get caught with CP are also trading it, or they store it on a site like mega or dropbox, or they download it from Telegram channels advertised on social media sites. There's also the dark net where all the pedo sites nowadays are honeypots and the ones that aren't are invite-only.
Where did you find this pic? It’s olddd. His chops aren’t even fully grown in yet…
if there is nothing new then i'm going to sleep.
Union gigs are more like $1000/wk at best unless you're a director, and they're all contract and only last a few months. Animators burn through savings inbetween gigs.
his chops made him evil
: (
You’re next
I am not giving Cartoonbrew 1 view, anywhere anyplace that has sources?
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>arrested for cp
how bad was it. just curious cuz it's not gonna change my favorable opinion on magiswords. I can like something without liking the person responsible for it.
They needed a pretty big box to lure Kyle, and made sure to put Ranma and Slayers hentai beneath it, above the real life stuff that allured him.
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>Retard who complains and attacks people for lewd drawings turns out to be an actual pedophile
Many such cases
How do you guys think Vee is gonna respond?
It’s not lame, sometimes there’s just intuition.
>1800 dollaridoos for 550 shoes squared
I live in a bigger apartment, for a third of the cost, and I'm jobless in a country with a higher cost of living.
How do I become an LA landlord? I want in on this scam.
I want Vee to be left alone. She's dealt with enough.
here’s some videos she made
He sure didn't Watch His Chops
Everyone does (even though who claim to hate it).
It was pretty fucking bad. Like Peter Scully bad, as in it involved BDSM and sadomasochism
Dude is fucked in the head and deserves to burn
according to posts it was bdsm
>muh Vee
pathetic simps
dear god..
>But I thought someone at his level would be edging into six figures at last and living in a nicer 3K a month kind of place.
Even if that *is* true, don't forget where he lives.
$3K a month in a Californian city is not going to go anywhere near as far as $3k a month in bumfuck Tennessee
She knows, and claims many knew about Kyle's addiction but stood by it.
And meanwhile I'm here looking for small apartments below the equivalent to 400 dollars
The charge has to have one of these factors
>The matter contains more than 600 images that violate subdivision (a), and the matter contains 10 or more images involving a prepubescent minor or a minor who has not attained 12 years of age.
>The matter portrays sexual sadism or sexual masochism involving a person under 18 years of age. For purposes of this section, “sexual sadism” means the intentional infliction of pain for purposes of sexual gratification or stimulation. For purposes of this section, “sexual masochism” means intentionally experiencing pain for purposes of sexual gratification or stimulation.
Goodnight bb
This faggot is not this important to have a thread move this fast. That faggot sword show was so shit I can't believe people even recalled he was involved in it.
If no one even mentioned that he worked on that I wouldn't even know who this faggot was. But I will say this, he looks like Ken Penders so it's not all too surprising. All of these kinds are subcreatures. No normal person looks like that.
It's hurtcore stuff. I don't recommend looking into what that is, though
I don't know, I wouldn't consider "getting dealt such a disgusting hand that you mindbreak yourself into elaborate alien fantasies" a happy ending, but all the more power to her... or them, I can't understand what she's saying.

Unrelated but anyone else know whatever happened to Lincar rox? Haven't heard of that guy in a dog's age
A piece of media being tied to a criminal makes it more interesting to me.
Well anon she is pretty cute. So naturally people will fall for her.
>man child
It all makes sense now
I threw up in my mouth. That's vile.
She's probably im hoping more at ease knowing Kyle is busted. Hopefully she goes back into finishing that comic. But idk.

Also idk who that is.
nigga he was caught with BDSM child porn
I think even the most desensitized would have pause when hearing that
Watsuki got a slap on the wrist, is still making money, and still has the respect of his peers.
Ah, well, have you ever heard of someone called Ian Watkins, from Lostprophets?
It's about that level
fuck I forgot this
Wait, one of? So it's not confirmed if he had one or both requirements fulfilled.
Guy who stalked Kyle some years ago and modelled his whole persona around him. Whole documentary on him but it's quite old. Wonder how op of documentary feels about that now
Cp aside, I forgot that BDSM is technically illegal in California, even if both partners are adults.
Nigga she's like a 4/10
It's a good thing Kyle hasn't had kids with his wife so far, could you imagine having to grow up with a dad like that?
Oh no. That artist must feel like absolute shit now. I imagine it's his Syndrome moment. Gotta throw the whole art style away.
I never liked Mighty Magisword, the pacing was way too fast and there wasn't a second without someone yelling ever, it was as annoying as the creator himself
Need art of undercover loli cop cosplaying as naga the serpent on walky talky with other officers as she's luring a sweaty visibly conflicted Kyle into a shitty box held up with a stick trap.
Correct. People are saying he had BDSM/hurtcore material but it's entirely possibly he just had a lot of "regular" CP.
Richard Simmons was alive?
Spoken like a true retard Birchy
She looks ugly and sounds annoying
I guess now I can tell the story of how back when Kyle and I were in the same social circle, a big group of us planned to go to a restaurant and immediately had to change plans and go elsewhere because John K was seated at a table when we walked in. Kyle refused to be in his vicinity. Always thought that was funny
What kind of life choices lead people to this shit in the first place? Tons of animators (even Walt Disney) are into loli but they don't go looking for CP.
total veectory
They did not do this shit when John K was caught with the same shit
I feel like even people like Julia Pott or Owen Dennis lives better than this. Though Pott probably gets paid artsy Don Hertzfeldt royalties.
And yet John K is still free.
I genuinely feel sorry for Vee. She was abused throughout her childhood, didn't hurt anyone, and he career was de-railed by an actual pedophile for no reason other than cruelty.
She deserved better that what she got, and I hope she comes back into the spotlight.
I don't see any tattoos or lip fillers.
They lure him to the box trap by using a blow-up doll of Ukyo on a fishing line, and other such distractions to nab their diddler.
I remember Kyle used to be a fan of John K until he made fun of his drawings in his blog.
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Long live the rizzler queen.
Oh yeah and he made that dumbass comic.
As multiple anons already said, this is likely OCD. I know because I also have it. In fact I’ve had the specific type you’re talking about for years, the constant nagging fear of being “found out” or “outing yourself” can get really strong, sometimes overwhelming when it flares up- one time I had to leave a store because a cop was in front of me in line and I had the strongest urge to confess to a nearby gang shooting that I wasn’t involved in.
Only because of the statute of limitations. His GFs knew he had CP and waited too fucking long. Glad the same mistake wasn’t made with Kyle.
Probably just need poor impulse control so you go for the real thing, plus convincing yourself you’re untouchable and no one will find out.
there's fucking nothing like that in the cartoon brew puff piece and comparing the two is extremely disingenuous
He had CP?
Hope she bounces back. I may not agree with what she draws but she deserves another chance. Like damn fellas I've seen people say things that were worse than what she said.
Why is the industry filled with pedos? Live action I can understand because they're interacting with children regularly, but why animators?
He's tryna strike a cord and it's probably A minorrrrrrr.
When backlash first started about Kyle last October, somebody pointed out how he did some edgy porn joke animation of Brock, May, Max, and Meowth from Pokemon in an orgy together. His fans defended it as being dark humor that he moved on from, but he had his own skeezy fictional stuff for sure before this worst news broke.
Psychotic, persecutory society breeds paranoia. Who knew?
A guy /co/ has had a beef with for years now getting outed as a pedophile is a pretty big deal regardless of whether or not you think it “deserves” to be.
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If the documentary showed him having his Syndrome moment, this is where it probably actually hits and he becomes the baddie
just going off of famous people, i assume most of them do it just because they think they can get away with it. Weinstein and Epstein are both major examples of that. I imagine this is the case for pretty much every retarded criminal, they get away with something once and think that means they can get away with it forever until they don't.
This, its typical OCD. There’s even a specific subset that involves an obsessive fear that you’re somehow a pedo without realizing it. The brain is a crazy thing. Glad I don’t have one!
Before that I would have been hyped for a RK sequel.
You know shit is fucked when even John K never went to prison
Because all cartoonists are scum, ALL OF THEM
I don't even get what the appeal COULD be. Have you ever seen a child before? Who looks at one and goes "I wanna fap to that"
Sounds about as appealing as getting aroused by a dog
Then again I'm asking /co/ so I guess I already know the answer
damn he made the bitch schizophrenic
John? Yes. He had pics of Robyn and apparently a bunch of other shit on his PC that was found by Katie Rice and later Kali Fontecchio. I get that they were scared but they lost their chance to actually have him charged by waiting too long to report him.
No, union minimum for storyboarding is about $2200 a week, storyboard revisions is around $1800 a week. But they are usually 4-5 month gigs so it's not consistent work at all.
If I had to wager a guess it's because "cartoons are for kids" is something that's fairly embedded in the minds of many people, a bunch of kids want to be cartoonists when they grow up, a selection of some of those kids get exposed to some ugly shit, porn addiction gets thrown in the mix, so once they grow up they use cartoons as some sort of lure once they see other folks who wanted to be cartoonists as kids.
Something closer to that. I think someone else can describe it better than I can
John K was a creep and a dick, but as far as I know, he never actually did anything illegal.
Kyle's cry of "betrayal" before he went on his dox mission shows he was concerned for his own ass.
Oh please link that
Sounds like me before I got medicated. My anxiety was so bad I was an insomniac as all I could think about was how my life would be over for things I would never do and would rarely sleep. I would also have nightmares when I did mostly about going in the train which is something I feared a lot as a autist, until I got on antidepressants for my anxiety.
CBD oil is my go to back up and chills me the fuck out like nothing else and it's legal were I live so no worries there.
Be careful, suggesting pedophilia is bad is grounds for secretly being a pedo!
Oh ... That makes a lot of sense now. Wow he really was trying to cover his ass huh?
Porn addiction can be a slippery slope. Just like I'm sure a lot of people who get off to chastity cage wearing trannies getting brutally buttfucked by black dudes started off watching interracial straight vanilla sex, lots of child porn viewers probably started off with "barely legal" porn or suggestive jailbait.
Sleep tight, anon.
It’s crazy how getting caught with drugs there will get you smited on the spot. While child pornography will essentially get you a tut-tut and that’s it. Unless it’s changed since then.
This gives me hope anon.
Also autistic and pedophiles
Who has the better smile?
He was charged under 311.11(C)(1)PC, which is the 600 images/prepubescent kids bit
>Sounds about as appealing as getting aroused by a dog
How will modern women recover from this?
I don't think there's really any kind of industry that naturally attracts pedos, I just think it just feels extra gross and you remember it more when you find out there's a pedo in an industry for something that's mainly consumed by kids.
Both of them reek
Musty ass mfs.
Explains this board. Why can't we have normal creatives like in /v/ and /tv/.
>Search up article
>It's real
When are we getting the mugshot?
Trannie detected. Just like how E-celebs isn't video games, this isn't about a cartoon nor a comic. Kill yourself.
Is this that creepy Malcolm Thomas guy?
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I imagine when things get to the cops showing up at your house to arrest you stage, you got a lot of pretty bad shit on your computer. That's a little more than visiting a site a couple times or watching a questionable video or two. His IP was likely sending local law enforcement notices of visiting certain sites and collecting certain files over a period of time.

That is the level of cops have been watching and cataloging your activity for weeks until they have built up a case against you and then went to a court to go get a warrant. They know they can nail you when they take these steps.
I haven't seen a $400 apartment in 15 years...
The video
They have em where I'm at but it's like small ass hotel sized places. Still for 400 it's not too bad.
Shut up, birchy you hypocritical pedophile. I hope police show up at your door because I know you have CP on your harddrive.
Definitely not in LA…even a room in a shared house/apartment is at least 1k now.
All of you are the same
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this is how it went down
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Kyle created my waifus so I forgive him.
yeah, it's like how apparently some stores like Target actually will sometimes look the other way when people shoplift until their security catches them enough times to where the amount they stole adds up to grand larceny
Justice for Vee.
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Pedophilia aside, this faggot's mutton chops make me sick.
Daron Nefcy took her Star Vs money and bought a Glendale house with it.

It's a typical 3 bedroom normal sized suburban house mind you, but in Glendale they go for 1-2 million.
No, but video game creators are /v/, directors are /tv/, musicians are /mu/, writers are /lit/.

Comparing ecelebs and creators are two different things you nonce sympathiser.
its kafkaesque
Here is some cute designs she did.
If you ever saw his early stuff, it was almost entirely imitating John K style. Everything looked like stretchy exaggerated Spunco drawings.
What made the fbi and cops look for Kyle now?
And who first reported him?
Not defending him I want to legit know how it went for them to catch the fat fuck pedo
Go CP Magisword
Pedo mags were legal in Japan until the 90s iirc. The Rurouni Kenshin dude was busted for having some a few years ago but didn't go to jail since the old magazines were still legal to own. So there's probably tons or pervy old Japanese dudes with a vintage collection. Thinking about it, didn't the same thing happen to Pee Wee Herman? I think in his case they were buried under a mountain of porn he'd bought
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>no actual nudity
wow is fucking nothing.wav
Billbob are next.
>nigga he was caught with BDSM child porn
Again, I'm not subhuman, the word porn and child being together in the same paragraph is all the same to me; degeneracy filth where all that matters is the predator's death. nothing else matters.
So like, did he talk to an officer posing as an underage fan or some shit?
Rumor is he was tipped off by at least 2 in the industry including a former employee
Anon, you made me a little less sad. Thank you.
I think legally if you're innocent, and a fellow american is canceling you over something that isn't true, and it's ruining you're career I think you can actually sue for defamation. So basically if you get cancelled take it to court.
God this is worse than the apartments I'm looking at and I'm on disability with a part-time job
The best part about this is /co/ can't say "what about" and say he's innovative.
>But she's 17, that barely counts as a minor
I'm not saying he didn't, but he got caught with CP.
>But it's just a drawing
Nope, real CP and abuse CP at that.
>What about-
He's a pedophile and he's getting locked up for a while, even if he gets out his career is ruined.
either one of his former co-workers gave the drip, or a google cybersecurity alert happened. rumor has it he was locked out of his google account last fall.
I lived near Atlanta, the apartments on the outskirts used to be around 500 or so. But that ended in the late 00s. Now finding one for less than $1500 is impossible.
I assume if they got him on the charges they did, they were probably building a case for him for a while. Probably at one point he went into one of their honeypots and over time got enough evidence/he got enough on him that they could make sure they can put him away for a long time. I assume that's how they do it most of the time like >>144500490 says. In cases like Jared Fogle, I refuse to believe they didn't somehow catch on until he had the bazillanbites or whatever file size they had to create for his case amount he had
/co/ wouldn't say that anyway because they already hated him.
This is the book propogonda guy right
>Let's finally get into kamen rider
>DL the only thing on nyaa
>It's lame book propoganda with dogshit backstory to get kids to read books
*Innocent. Stupid autocorrect. Of course I don't condone his actions.
>still perpetuating a meme from a mexican obsessed with bugchasing
what if somebody reposted that to his fb now
Also because this was back in the 90s and 00s.
There was no social media, internet was still small. Nobody had access to iPhone cameras to take pictures of evidences.
That’s how he got off the hook
looking at MM always made me think "This looks like it was made by a John K fanboy", same with Nico's show.
Once again, wrong guy you should be mad at...
Usually his ISP, they send monthly reports when people download questionable shit. Police take notice when it's a lot of it.
>that creepy Malcom Thomas guy
I've seen him and his art around for like 15 years now (mainly in my teenaged years lurking Deviantart), but I never knew he was a creep; can you give me a rundown on him?
No, peewee was caught masturbating in a porn theater.

...which is weird since I was sure that is exactly what happens in a porn theater.I also question ever wanting to sit in a chair in one ever. Damn place has to be permanently yellowed walls from years of splooge.
He wasn't even charged with anything serious. He just had some big collection of old photos and stuff he bought and they found a couple of very old, grainy photos of kids running naked through sprinklers or whatever. That kind of stuff. He basically bought some big lots of random old photos.
Jared only got caught because his business partner was caught. That's how a lot of pedo busts happen, one pedo slips up and then police follow the breadcrumb trail.
Dumbass should have used VPN honesty it’s like he wanted to be caugjt
Jesus Christ what would prompt someone to be a pedo like Kyle?
Was he molested himself and exposed to porn at a young age?
So he tries to relive that trauma through taking it out through children?
pedos aren't smart, they can't even figure out what age is legal to jack off to
I genuinely don't understand what in the fuck pedos see in it at all.

at the same time, I never want them attempting to explain it to me either
You can't rationalize it. Pedos are mentally ill.
>gloated about doing disgusting shit on Facebook
Fill me in, please
He looks like that fat writer guy on 30 Rock.
Idk if it's the guy. But there was this one Deviantart guy gloating about him living out his fantasies and got in deep shit over it.
The stuff with Robyn yes, but they found cp on his pc in the mid 00s
Kyle appears to be one of the Brian Peck variety, networking with so many people that can just see how goofy he is and think nothing of it. Except those who'd have to be exposed to his ego rage.
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This guy?
Also, deets please; was he talking about pedo fantasies, or just weird fetish stuff with adults?
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Possessing CP was legal in Japan until 2014.
Huge autist and a huge Kyle fanboy. Have heard a few stories about him being creepy with women and them refusing to be alone with him but I don’t think he’s dangerous, just socially inept. Also has a huge ego for someone with no skills whatsoever.
Reminds me of someone.
this guy was 24? oof
Christ, they always have that exact kind of face and expression.
That sounds about right (certainly in line with everything I remember him posting back in the day), though I never knew about him being creepy with women 'til now
The smug "try and catch me" grin that lasts up until he finally gets booked
As a Cali native you options are to live rural of be rich. Anything in between is a meat grinder.
What no, it's Kuuga.
Why is it always guys who call out others for being pedophiles who end up being the actual real pedophiles?
What if they just flattened a bunch of the single family homes close to the highways and built commieblocks, then did the same for empty parking lots and big box stores?
Deflecting and hiding, to distract from their own stink.
>All the downside's of Ohio with none of the upsides
I fucking hate living in this state.
I heard Crescent City isn't too bad.
You call other people bad to distract the crowd from how bad YOU are. Many such cases, for example just look at this site: over 50% of all insults here are projection.
I think rebecca and all of cartoonbrew need their hard drives searched.
>On 06/04/2024 in response to the statement "Stop downloading all that cee pee Kyle, you're just asking for it" being posted by another user on CARROZZA'S Facebook page, CARROZZA wrote "WELL TELL 7 YEAR OLD GIRLS TO STOP SUCKING DICK SO SEXY." CARROZZA claimed this post was a joke.
he gave some tumblrites bad vibes which is a crime punishable by death
They tired doing that in Sonoma (Santa Rosa Avenue was a failed push to expand the downtown that was taken over by poverty that they are in the process of doing just that to) and it barely made a dent because the going price is like 2k before utilities for a studio apartment still. And the HOA's are dead set on not tanking the property values because then they can't reverse morgage their houses to pay for an extra 5 years of low quality living.
Bad day for /co/mblr trannies overall huh?
>lives in an apartment with a porch and an ocean view
what fucking sidequest did she get into so she could afford that?
She worked at Disney obviously. Don't they get paid a lot if you're the showrunner?
Supposedly, rich grandparents paying for it.
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Gonna guess he's a diagnosed autistic? Idk seems like he just is trying to latch onto whoever he can to get into the industry (Vivizie pop, Kyle, etc.).
Don't know him, but from what he's admitted, sounds like he brushed off or excused Kyle's behavior even after people told him personally.
>His villain arc begins
How do you figure that? Everybody hated this bastard. This thread is a celebration.
mindrot clouds your comprehension
>Burbank California
there's you're problem you should've moved to more desert areas with scorching hot weather, cheaper
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>Ian Watkins, Josh Duggar, Peter Scully-type
I don't know these names.
I have a happy life. Ignorance is such bliss.
To be fair, CP as an actual concept didn't exist until after porn was legalized in the first place, and that didn't happen until 1969. And even then it still took a few years before people actually started treating it as its own thing.
That's only 45 years for the concept to even form, let alone for laws to be made and passed, especially since sexual acts with children was still illegal anyway.
In the grand scheme of things it's impressive and commendable that it got outlawed as quickly as it did in many places.
>he who shall not be named
normalfags are so corny holy shit
>Gonna guess he's a diagnosed autistic
I’m pretty sure, but he was Kyle’s insufferable attack dog for years and absolutely knew about all this. He also threw a huge fucking fit when Vivzie ignored him at a con or something. Considers himself “in the industry” after taking a few pity freelance cleanup jobs from people like Kyle Nico Viv etc
The entire LA scene is fucking disgusting and deeply degenerate and needs to be cleansed in fire
I remember that along with him defending Jake Goldman’s self insert in the Powerpuff Girls reboot as “a joke”.
I suppose what's needed is a state agency or other bill staffed mostly by non-Californians (follow-through and dealing with complications is not the forte of anybody in California) who are competent administrators who can eminent domain HOAs out of their absurd power while building universal public housing and throwing lots of bones to private developers. Essentially the uberYIMBY.

It seems unlikely, but considering the power of Silicon Valley is being broken as we speak I think anything's possible.
It's probably in the rare case some defender tries to come to the tweets and shits it up with "he didn't do anything wrong!". Case in point those John K guys who spend a little too much time recycling "own" arguments to people while name searching.
>Gonna guess he's a diagnosed autistic?
I remember years ago he had a Deviantart journal saying he had Asperger's; sad that he used the power of autism to be an obese pedo cartoonist's lapdog

Also, that fucking PR-ese damage control tweet, top kek
It really is, count your blessings everyday anon
Gotta throw the entire artstyle away now.
My dad grew up in Pacific Grove, CA. A quick check on Zillow shows the only things available for less than $1 million are a 30'x70' empty lot without any utility hookups, and two double wide mobile homes in a senior community - both of which are 50 years old.
The issue is that CA has legislation that was signed decades ago by Regan during his "do things to spite the hippies" phase which has turned the housing market into a nightmare jenga system which will tank domestic value. It would be for the best but it would cause a micro recession in the process.
Why are you niggers more worried about how he could only rent a shithole than how he liked pictures of child rape
>Oh, so we're talking the Ian Watkins, Josh Duggar, Peter Scully-type CP, oh shit

I don't know who these people are, but now I'm concerned how you guys know.
That means that all Mighty Magiswords' fanart past, present and future will be drop or prejudice after this?
Its cut&dry on the child rape and there isn't much more to say on the matter.that also ins;t being talked about.
Talking about Cali's price of living in any detailed discussion is rare on this site.
>Lincar rox
Isn't this also the guy who stalked and extorted hazbin animators??
>I'm concerned that people know about several highly publicized prosecutions for child sexual abuse.
Even normies listen to true crime podcasts, anon
Did it get any in the first place?
I don't know, I've always felt like California needs that correction, because if we don't de-Reaganize it quick it'll spread to the whole country more than it has and correct itself, and we'll be in hell. The crazy part is that I don't think that it would affect California's actual value beyond the housing casino; the majority of taxpayers (California's biggest draw) would benefit from lower housing prices, and the tech and industry that makes up the rest would actually benefit from housing being zero. Certainly it would hurt the little Californian homeowners that plugged their ears and sang while their state became even more of a Latin American dictatorship than it always was, but they're the reason we're in most of this mess to begin with.

At the very least, an economic crisis is much more doable than the Big One, and we now have the political will to actually do stuff that isn't Reaganist all over the country. Things have to be bad if we get the will to bail out all of California, but at least we know that bailouts must serve the public good now.
Yup. I imagine guy's probably mindbroken right now
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I know how you feel, you have those nasty intrusive thoughts that you know you won't act on but you still have that paranoia, I remember drinking alcohol for the first time and getting really scared because it felt like I was gonna act on those thoughts and hurt someone, thankfully I kept my cool. Even though I would never do it normally non drunk, I still have that paranoia, since then I avoid alcohol and drugs. I still get those thoughts, worried and paranoid. Don't worry about it anon.
Hell posting this reply is making me nervous lol
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1) It's extremely easy to fake possession of anything illegal, like a cop planting a baggie of weed on your person, and very difficult to prove "it's not mine"

2) >>144498839
If you browse chan boards or boorus you WILL have thumbnails of child porn in your browser cache

By the way the facial hair should have been a dead giveaway
Is Mr Enter next?
>t's not gonna change my favorable opinion on magiswords. I can like something without liking the person responsible for it.

It is what many of us omit, whether by conscious or unconscious decision; since it's not easy to disassociate the work from the person, not from the artist since it is from the vocation where the creation of the work leads; in addition to the fact that if it does not reflect, show or is being used as a means of expression of what is criticized is may possible that's could be apreciated.
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>Please know that being accepted as a FB friend is a privilege and not a right. If you're thoughtlessly rude again, I won't hesitate to unfriend you on FB. Do I make myself clear?
Jane's their own can of mixed nuts if you look into their history
So pretty much anyone that browses 4chan is fucked?
Josh Duggar was the eldest I think? Son from the TLC show "19 kids and counting" (which then became 20 kids, etc), which was about a family in the christian natalist movement (IE we need to have a fuckton of kids so there'll be more christians) who well. Had a fuckton of kids. I forget if it was after the show had ended or if it was what caused the show to end, but it came out that Josh not only possessed CP, but had touched several of his younger siblings, which was covered up by the family and local church. There was a huge media storm about it.
damn thats fucked
It will be once Trump wins. You, we are all fucked by association. Lumped together with actual sickos.

To me he always seemed like a phony and an egomaniac. Any creepiness seemed like a side-effect of his desire to be a "human cartoon".

Guess I should just be more cynical and judgemental, eh?
Can we arrest Jane Amber too, for being a gender abolitionist?
Her ex-friends have come out about her being some groomer sicko which is bad enough.
>Jesus won't even protect his own church
Not the smartest way, or the best of times to bring up Orange Man.

You ever notice how consistent it is that these self-consciously progressive types turn out to be monsters behind closed doors?

God. He looks like Tiny Tim in this photo.
I hope the most vocal proponents of the LGBT+-=≠? marxist movement are exposed sooner than later. I ain't saying being a fag makes you LGBT, but the movement is rotten to the core.
We just have to see if Kyle has a secret diaper fetish stash along with his pizza
not really
regressive types try to cover their crimes with friendly, traditional values the same way
people are always gonna want to cover their ass if they're a freak it doesn't really matter what side of the aisle they're on
Bet he wanted to do more than tip-toe through the tulips

That's what I did. I live in the burning wastes north of the city where it's typically 20 degrees hotter in summer than LA or the Valley.

Ah... California.
Cheeto-Man is always relevant. Who gives a fuck?
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>Gigantic Tim

I always thought he had a rotten personality, but it was a reflection of his unchecked ego and unearned sense of self-importance. I never expected it to be something like this.
>that guy falling off bike meme except it's kyle's fat ass on a tiny tricycle
>"fucking vee!"
Vee won.

The thing those two groups have in common is that they're both sanctimonious moralizers.

All true morality has its roots in humility. Anyone who sets themselves up as a moral arbiter is inevitably a hypocrite.
And did she ever
It’s all those times you jerked off to pictures of anime girls without looking up their age first because you were too horny to care.
Yeah like I knew he was a weird ass way back in 2017 but I didn't know he was a full on menace. Jesus Christ.
There's a term for that. It's called "pyrrhic victory"
This is why you never go in the industry.

Somehow I ended up internet "friends" with this... creature. I did not like them in the least, but I was only motivated to unfriend them when they angrily ranted that anyone who disapproved of "sex work" should unfriend them, so I did.

It's amusing how much these types are hell-bent on enshrining everything that was once considered shameful. Of course they cling violently to whatever taboos they still follow, because they still have to convince themselves that they're moral people.

It's all very performative.
Wasn't there some tinfoil hat theory that some South Park animators made him into a creepy fanboy in an episode?
Why the fuck would Trey and Matt know who this fucking dude is. They didn't even know about Drawn Together mocking them.
I can remember Jane before they deleted one of their many times, making posts encouraging anybody who hated them to come to their location and beat them up.

They'd post where they'd be and what dates, and would say how hot it would be to be assaulted. Absolutely bonkers.
Although that being said it would be a good South Park episode.
It's a scary rabbit hole all right

Never knew about that, but it's wild.

Definitely a broken, twisted person. Too pathetic to hate, even.
One of the times she deleted and remade, she put in her bio that she was a proud murderer of Vee. Ow the edge.
Fucking wow. What a bitch.

Holy cannoli.

Well, that all aligns with my expectations for that type of person. Between this and Kyle's arrest, I'm not feeling like I'm overcoming any of my prejudices right now.
Janes definitely a lowcow lmao.
They got a thread on the farms, it seems they go way back but managed to worm their way into connections with Kyle, Holly Meadow Disch, and other animators who took part in the Vee shunning.
She legit looks like a girl that liked me in HS
I'll look into it. Crazy ass mfs.
What you get for ripping off one of the best.
Kyle's basically a cheap hack who got as lucky as he did with Magiswords, but thinks nobody wants his pitches because he's a misunderstood genius.
>Thinks he's a genius.
>99 percent of his shit is taken from anime.
Lindsay Carrozza just nuked her social media. Probably either going to file for divorce or double down on her weirdbeard pedo hubby.
Twas a good ripoff tho.
Cara is still up but she's now "Lindsay Smith".
That sounds like good news.
Oh shit.
She waited this long?? I looked her up too and assumed she deleted when he was originally arrested
I hope so but it could just be to avoid association until she figures out her next step. I really hope she didn’t know about any of this but they were/have been together for a long time.
She might have purged them around June yeah, but some other users swear she still had a few accounts up til now and was acting like everything was normal. Her Cara shows something's changed anyway.
Her tumblr (linzillaart) is still up, and has proof that she went by her married name as recently as early June. My cap won’t upload but here: https://www.tumblr.com/linzillaart/752216085853618176/i-joined-cara-hoping-this-will-make-me-want-to
>According to Carrozza’s Linkedin page, he had most recently been a board artist on Nickelodeon’s The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish and The Casagrandes Movie.
God damn it, not even ‘The Loud House’ is safe.
You get rid of one predator, and another steps up to fill the void
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Here. Looks like she took the mention of MM out of her Cara profile as well.
this reaction reeks of "please don't assume I was one too"
Also, he had a podcast with Luke Sienkowski:

Has he reacted yet?
He scrubbed any specific mentions of Magiswords off his resume, simply referring to it as '11 minute comedy series at Cartoon Network Studios'.
Fun fact: I listened to it, and USUALLY liked it. Then got tired (and it got a little less interesting). and stopped listening about 3 years ago.
MM is now bound to become the cartoon that can't be named to those who worked on it
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Bonus …Kyle’s last Cara post the day before his arrest. Life comes at you fast
Was the squirrel gonna screw the acorn?
This just proves that he knew, if you ask me. Everyone in this industry knows that a job is just a job and a show runner’s misdeeds aren’t a reflection of its crew…so this is suspicious to me. At least that Tony Goldmark retard had the gall to publicly disavow him. Fuck Luke.
Fucking damn.
guy probably shit his pants when he was interrupted from drawing cartoon squirrels and the police came knocking at his door
Just need the bodycam footage of the Burbank PD crashing his pad
Wow, nobody could've imagined he was a pedophile looking like that
It was 7 am…do you think he sleeps in that puffer vest of his?
Its been a funny and depressing thread, lads. Don't let the OCD intrusive thoughts get to you, anon. >>144498772
Gee what a surprise
was this guy at least involved in anything remotely decent? Mighty Magiswords was terrible, a literal brainrot cartoon, dunno how tf it got greenlit by CN
you could say he was gonna nut in the nut
i know who you're talking about and yeah we were mutuals and talked every now and then. i was so fucking sad when it all came out because i knew what was happening and couldn't stop it or anything only for fucking daft pina to make a shitty drama video of it all, and now this shit with carrozza happens.
some people can not catch a break jfc. i hope that artist is doing well nowadays.
Until it gets caught, too.
>no twitter
plz screencap for fun and profit thx
This has been the happiest thread of my life
>The Go team
She has based taste
An earlier anon mentioned that his assistants found actual cheese pizza on his PC (and he distributed pornographic images of Robyn Byrd to his employees). The only difference between him and Kyle is that the statute of limitations had passed
>Robyn Byrd
The only thing I can think of is Brad Bird having a daughter.

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