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Main character is a female teenage duck with vitiligo
It's joever
You can't fucking make this up
What the Howard is this?
>crippling anxiety
>self esteem issues, possible physical flaw, freckle, mole, etc.
>Is ignored/shunned/ptsd/drama trauma.
>Will stand up for his friends- which are probably someone who said "excuse me" once, and a stuffed toy.
etc etc. This hits as many tropes as Owl House, and seems to be all the sacksack ones.
Not only they made the duck black, they also gave her vitiligo. No. I refuse to believe this. It's too much.
Is a Duck named Duckie like a human named Humanie
im sorry frank, please give me spicy latinx goslyn
All modern cartoonists, writers, and storyboard artists are all AO3 veterans and you cannot convince me otherwise because you'd have to lie to do so.
Okay but how many cocky looks does it take for her to destroy a fragile ego?
Makes sense, everything feels like a bad fanfiction now. Basedlennials are a menace to society
>when she talks fast she digresses and editorializes off topic
I fucking despise this type of thing with every fiber of my being. Does anyone actually like this shit?
>AO3 veterans
So smut writers who specialize in the most depraved kinks and fetishes
What is wrong with people these days? Lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
All the random spelling errors which are consistently capitalized vaguely reek of being suspicious. I'm leaning more towards disbelieving this
and you highlight this because?
This is confirmation that one leaker was telling the truth then, nice. Thanks for sharing OP, I feel good about being right lel
why is seth rogan obsessed with the uggo tomboy high schooler type
Black Duck wow they took it literal.
One Duckie, Two Duckie, Three Duckie, Four!
How many Duckies are in my store?
In not sure they're spelling errors since they're consistent. Everywhere that's supposed to have a 'ti,' it's swapped out for a single capital B unless it's starting a weird, then it's a %. Double letters, regardless of which, are swapped out for a single capital B. The only thing out of place is the one g swapped out for s capital Q. It's not like the %/B thing where j can explain it away that the one % is because the 'ti' in question is at the start of a word or because it's an Italic 'ti.' It's at the end of a word and there are other words ending in G. The only other thing I can think of is that every other instance of G is preceded by N (ie words ending in 'ng'). The one that became a Q is preceded by an E.
Sorry if it's weird that I notice patterns easily.
This is quite literal AI art (note the unnatural lines that wouldn't be drawn by anyone, inconsistencies around the eyes, top of hat, neck, etc) supposedly a few years before AI would be good enough for even that
If you believe this is a real leak you are unironically too retarded to be on this website
looks like the disney interns are starting to wake up
I thought it was supposed to take place in the universe of Ducktales 2017
>bluh bluh blu muh intern
Just read this shit lmao
>Unfortunately, a recent aDack by a FERAL CREATURE in the swamps near her home has leQ a scar on her bill and is causing her to second-guess herself in stressful situaBons -
>1. Duckie 2. Duckie etc.
This isn't even half-assed enough to come off as ESL. OP (you) are a faggot and you need to try better then literal underage shit
woke dei cartoons are just parodies of themselves
doesn't look like AI art to me and I've generated a lot of AI art
Yeah no this is clearly AI generated.
Don't you culture warriors have actual news to talk about for once? Why do this?
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A man named "Manny"?
people have put real photos into these “ai detectors” and it detects it as AI
they don’t work
not a fan of girl power shit desu
What the fuck is with the sudden push in the past year or two to make vitiligo so visible and also seen as "beautiful"?
I think white girls unironically think its neat looking but don't know how to enjoy that without saying its progressive or stunning or brave.
it’s probably machine transcribed from bad handwriting that’s why it’s full of weird spelling errors
Feels like a hoax, but if it's not, the vulnerable/fighting heartache portion is the worst part. The few times DW felt that way in the original series he'd get quieter and more passive before hardening up and getting shit done (arrested in the pilot, giving up in Duck Blind and Days of Blunder, bartering in Steerminator, etc), which felt appropriate. This just seems like they're afraid to give a female version a similar character flaw.

The cynical part of me wants to say it's because it's the black version of freckles on a redhead.
Why did tumblr get attached to vitiligo in particular? Why not shit like psoriasis or dermatitis if you're wanna be so accepting of skin diseases?
OP likes to suck cock btw
See >>144501876
>psoriasis or dermatitis
Those are serious medical conditions. The worst thing vitiligo can cause is a tendency to be more prone to sunburn in the affected areas. That's it. It's barely anything more than just a cosmetic difference.
Why is the spelling so bad? Was live transcription software used to write this?
I can't even say this is AI-generated, because AI wouldn't make these mistakes.
Why is vitiligo, of all things, one of the go to diversity checkmark boxes?
That's a different Darkwing Duck Reboot.
See >>144501876
*hides under the earth's crust from cringe*
So is this new Drake or new Gosalyn?
Neither. As it's the main character, it looks like it's a new character becoming Darkwing. Drake or Gos would likely get a pilot ep cameo.
Everything about this is an embarrassment.
OP is legitmately a terrible person for trying to continue this larp and lying about it just for /pol/ bait
What's sBgma?
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>What the Howard is this
It's fake, is what it is. ESL tier English and spelling errors/weird capitalization for no reason is a dead giveaway.

OP is a didneyshill damagecontrolling the recent 1 TB leak by trying to make it seem like it's a huge load of cringe and nothing, so nobody bothers actually looking through it. You can expect many more threads like this one, astroturfing about how it contains nothing but fujopandering garbage or is a giant nothingburger. Shills will do anything to make a topic seem uninteresting.

pic unrelated, but posts with pics get read more often
>an image editor totally fucked up the formating and made random spelling and capitalization errors guise
OP (ie: you) confirmed for shitposting gisnep shill.

I’m guessing this is fake troll b8???? I admit this makes me really fucking angry, what the fuck is this shit and what the fuck does this have to do with Darkwing Duck?!?!

If they actually wanted to make Darkwing Duck with a POC girl character, what the everliving fuck wouldn’t they just use FUCKING GOSALYN!?!? She wants to be a superhero in the OG series and even has her own superhero personas (and it would take two fucking lines to explain her deciding to take up her Dad’s superhero name instead), she already always WAS a feminist strong female character, she’s adopted and can be Latina Black Asian Arab or whatever the fuck you want (not to mention they are fucking DUCKS and have no race anyway!!).

You win I guess for the successful troll OP because this makes my fucking blood boil so goddamn hard. The idea of them nuking Gosalyn in favor of an incredibly shitty self-insert OC of one of the fucking nepo baby writer or executive is some awful bullshit.
Damn yeah you guys are right, I got got good here>>144506734 despite knowing even while posting that this is a fucking obvious troll/b8.

I’m so primed to believe the worst about these shitty reboots that I could believe the worst about this, that the people making the Darkwing Duck reboot not only have never seen or heard of the show before, but start making it having no goddamn idea that Gosalyn exists. I feel like that’s about where we’re at with reboots and revivals where writers actually mention purposely avoiding learning anything at all about franchises or shows to keep their vision “fresh” and “pure.”
>retard believes "AI detectors" aren't a scam
See >>144501876

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