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apparently nudity by itself is hardcore for /co/ kwab
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A mother really shouldn't be weirded out by her daughter seeing her naked.

Especially when she's definitely looking at the horsecock instead
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I remember wanting to try to find this clip a while back, but then it occurred to me that searching for "Simpsons hardcore nudity" probably wouldn't get me what I wanted.
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That's because "hardcore" refers to things that explicitly show people's genitals as they have sex. This thread is for censored nudity, not even softcore.
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How the fuck did South Park get away with an episode where a 4th Grader both jerks off and has sex with Ben Affleck?
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that fucking duck
Same way they get away with everything that happens to Butters: because its male.
SMUG DUCK: Are you mad?
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The pant shot in young justice and sissi undressed in code lyoko are probably the closest to seeing actual girl butt that’s done well on western animation
That's the look Star makes upon seeing her brain damaged and age-regressed mom taking a shower?
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What a huge ass
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Uncensored nudity with sex can be found in:
Chester 5000 xyv, sex: male-male, male-female, female-female and robot-female
The Gloaming
Nudity without sex:
Cochlea and Eustachia
Spirou magazine
Titeuf comic books, and animated series both have genitals uncensored
Soleil's Peter Pan
One Betty Boop short had Betty as a completely naked baby with no censoring.
Sit Down Shut Up uncensored leak of Miracle Grohe's dance
Marilyn's dance from Suicide Shop
Only/mainly topless nudity:
Many French/Italian comics, some examples:
Melusine comics
Mirka Andolfo's Hot Paprika (Italian)
Speciale Le Storie-04 Lavennder
Sky Doll
Many animation shorts, e.g. NYMPHOPOLIS series by Bobbypills
picrel, uncensored version: https://boards.4chan.org/aco/thread/8331189#p8385555/aco/8385555
>uncensored version
typoed the link, should be: >>>/aco/8385555
Here's the Making Of, also with nudity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuxPLFEDfqs
Another example is the animated series for children: Il etait une fois (Once Upon a Time). webmrel only safe clip I have, rest are all NSFW
Fritz the Cat (1972). Nudity, but no genitalia and the sex is offscreen
It's not hardcore nudity unless the genitalia is exposed. The Movie knew that.

>Nudity, but no genitalia and the sex is offscreen

I think you saw a different movie.
I always appreciate these lists/collages, euro nudity anon
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there should be a yt channel with a clip archive or something
when are we gonna get an animated movie where the punchline is uncensored girl genetailia
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What's funny is Lil was pretty chill about seeing Tommy because she was used to seeing Phil's pee pee.
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What comics are the forth and fifth images from on the top row?
You forgot Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon
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>Ameriaprudes thought this warranted a fucking PG-13 rating when it would be G in other countries, even if his wiener was visible the whole scene
4 is Barracuda - T01 - Esclaves and 5 is Blacksad 1 Somewhere Within the Shadows 2003 page 13.
It's only a quick collage and list from memory, not meant to be comprehensive, so many more could be added that it'd be unreadable.
The profanity, drug use, and violence (including suicide) may have had something to do with it.
>when are we gonna get an animated movie where the punchline is uncensored girl genetailia

Hey, you can't even do that in animes.
Tenchi Muyo. Kinda.
Ebichu shows pussy hair as a joke twice
>Another example is the animated series for children: Il etait une fois (Once Upon a Time). webmrel only safe clip I have, rest are all NSFW
Maybe catbox some clips?
It's 2024. We need a cartoon version of Miss Machikko. If we can have such stuff as the Super F* Friends, Big Mouth, and Game of thrones over in live action, then they can get away with something cheesecake like Miss Mach.
There should be but YT seems to have a hangup on most animated nudity. But all those weird hyper-specific fetish clip channels are fine apparently
Well done as in more realistic proportions?
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I don't even think my other screencaps of this show are blue board safe
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Trolls de Troy - Modesty is the best policy - Episode 41

Yeah, another french cartoon
Rock-hard nudity here in Marcell Jankovics's 1977 Küzdők (The Struggle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79uQDQE9hAY
shorter clip in 1080p: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMQO1LWUUdA
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Probably has the most actual nudity in the the west
Yeah they’re made well and the yj one is actually cool too
Man I wouldn't be able to resist some browntown eskimo strange either, but having sex in the middle of your buddy's ball game is kind of a dick move. Damn she-vixen!
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Female nudity in cartoons is always a treat.
Why is accidental nudity/accidental peeking/etc always treated as some world-ending taboo in cartoons and comics (and anime, for that matter)? I've never been around people in either western countries or Japan who wouldn't react like "oh, woops, hehe!" and be adults about it.
Hilda and the Mountain King
The clover looks edited in. Is it there in the actual scene?
Richard Williams could also do rock-hard. Or stone-cold, I dunno.
Those asses are pathetic.
What's funnier nudism or enf?
ENF, nudism is boring.
An ENF scenario has funnier potential than a woman being casual with nudity.
It's also hotter.
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>Richard Williams
The better quality 720p version without watermark: https://archive.org/download/RWprologue
A NSFW WIP for just animaed examples: >>>/aco/8386420
picrel censored Chico and Rita
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Naked moments in cartoons always stuck out to me. I've always had a strange fascination with them.
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>Puerto Rican
>Alex Schomberg
Something don't add up here...
he's from that race that can take any form, shape and nationality in order to survive and destroy their host country
Same here. Scenes like >>144505593 and >>144511245 always made me feel funny as a kid.
Okay, but like, why would she pull back the curtain?
Aren't the girls minors? Wouldn't those guys just get arrested for filming her in the shower?
It's not "actual nudity" unless the genitals are fully visible.
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MWAHHHH, the... french...
No it wasn't. In the original she's been turned into a troll, but there obviously isn't any sort of visible anatomy.
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I literally paused at that scene and jerked off
It felt great
I've seen all of those things in shonen anime.
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nipples and butt
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I blame this scene for my fetishes
I wish there was more female nudity in cartoons
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Only time Lisa's butt is shown is in a french commercial. Go figure
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Pic related is a very famous French film that I recently learned got almost zero release in the UK and in the USA because a lot of the characters are completely or partially naked throughout the film

I'd recommend watching it, good film, gorgeous visuals.
Why are the french such pervs?
fine, I'll do it myself.
because they're french and you're not
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oh my!
It’s from a show called “Tripping the Rift”.
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>i like seeing naked people
>i'm so weird
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simpsons comics took it to another level
>only wendell isn't skinny dipping
Is showing ass okay for children's cartoons?
Why do Americans refuse to show nudity even in things made for adults
bullshit, look at big mouth.
Show was french despite being made in canada, and it was always implied they were like juniors/seniors
Why was she looking so long?
That was kind of funny since they’re together
In the west, yeah, or used to be at least. But mostly just male characters for comedy. Female rear nudity is super rare by comparison
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There's no reason to have scenes like these unless it's some pervert working on it. She's talking while getting undressed and it never cuts away to who she is talking to until she's dressed. Plus notice how long it took for her to undress compared to how quickly and instantly she puts on her outfit in one move.
called off the group W bench to be injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected.
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i know /co/om is all the rage but do ducks really do it for anyone?
nobody notices her bow changes color between camera angles
It's a toon bow. It matches whatever her current outfit is.
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Clearly you've never been in the Ducktales threads.
>Nudist villains are french
How about a hairy ass?

Because furry characters never are "naked", they only wear a tee or short dress, never underwear, bra or shoes.
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I never liked this because you can very, very obviously tell her clothes are still drawn on. Gunball is clearly naked in his scenes. Just another case of boys naked acceptable girls naked unacceptable.
>her clothes are still drawn on
Her underwear is drawn on. She's not naked, but she would still be embarrassed to be seen like that at school.
>still has underwear
>mosaic still put on
heh, westerners.......
Heather loses her top in total drama, Izzy loses her bikini, Owen walks around with nothing on and there’s a few other characters
i laugh every time. damn that commercial blooper
Do you know the sources for all those screenshots?

>gets all that from two lines placed far enough down they could just as easily be socks
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All censored but yeah those shows had a lot
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...what's the context for this and why are three of them "presenting" themselves? This looks like a well done deviantart fake screenshot.
It's weird to think that at one point in TTGO Robin was actually a woman magnet considering how he's portrayed now. He's getting sexually assaulted in this episode.
It's a cutaway gag. They're discussing the scariest costume they can wear for Halloween, Raven says she has a suggestion, but they won't actually be wearing costumes (meaning she'll turn them into real monsters). Beast Boy interprets this as trick or treating naked, and we cut to that single shot as a gag before Raven explains what she actually means.
... wow, John Berry? Who's that?
This thing did unrecoverable damage to fetishist on Deviantart that now can't get aroused by anything else but a character getting pull by a giant hook up their undies. Truly a sad story
What the hell is that? It wasn't a fever dream??
Not our fault a cartoon gave us fetishes we didn’t understand until we were older what the hell can you do about that
Gumball should've stay in Europe, where it was made, never tainted by the America's sensibilities
>The Money episode starts
We love the yankees!! Never leave please!!
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Don't we all
Now... Post the unfinished version.
>This thing did unrecoverable damage to fetishist on Deviantart that now can't get aroused by anything else but a character getting pull by a giant hook up their undies.
I've seen multiple people act like those who have weirder/specific fetishes are limited to only jacking off to said fetish, and I have to wonder where that mentality comes from. Do you only have a single kink yourself?
Like yeah, it's typical that autists are going to hyper-fixate on something they're interested in, but it's not like it blocks off being interested in anything else.
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The NSFW list is at the linked /aco/ post >>>/aco/8388757 - the SFW list is:
Alix 13 - 19
Artemis Fowl 1 00021
badmachinery by john allison 2024-06-17
Barracuda - T01 - Esclaves - 040
Blank Slate 022 by Boulet
Boulet's Ilmavunue
Brindille - c001 (v01) - p007
Cochlea & Eustachia
Cybersix #05 - Angels And The Damned 034
Cybersix and Lucas 048
Esmera zep et vince dpd 023
Gunnerkrigg Court page210
Glorious Summers 01_ Southbound - Zidrou 035
Glorious Summers
Navis JJ_M&M_navis03-03
Leo Cassebonbons page7
Hot Paprika
Ogrest T03 73
Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk by Lang and Poinsot, Clair de Lune page 18 vol3
Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk
Sorcery/Sortileges S02-023
Sky Doll Sudra SKYCE044K030
Sorcery/Sortileges S02-023
spirou T304Nø3665p02.DGH melusine
Technotise T_011_cropsq372.jpg
The Incal - What is Above v4-046
Cybersix Volume 2 - 124
picrel is from the English scanlation of Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk by Lang and Poinsot, Clair de Lune
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why are hungols so horny
Thank you greatly
so far there's One (1) episode showing pussies (in non humoristical way) compared to dicks in many episode.
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I think Drawn Together is the only animation on television I've seen with canonical female butthole.
I think so. It would be nice if there were more female buttholes in animation
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It's weird that even adult shows are afraid of a woman's butt
The Simpsins
Like most of the stuff in TTGo it's disguised as "comedy" but there's really no reason to include it except for being someone's fetish
Male yes, female rare
>female rare
Is there an example of a female butt in a kid's cartoon? excluding babies
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Picrel from Captain Flamingo. There's some butt cracks in Total Drama
I looked up the folk tale this is from, what the fuck is wrong with Hungarians
are you blind?
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>more female butthole
I wonder why the change
The Big City Sneeds movie.
butts are funny
why are ENFfags so insufferable
>Plus notice how long it took for her to undress compared to how quickly and instantly she puts on her outfit in one move.
She took off shows and the dress, compared to just putting on 1 shirt.
Besides, they skipped the socks and just removed them at the same time when she took off the dress. There’s a chance the creator is horny for cartoons, but that’s some lame reasoning.
TV censors are a plague, but I can KINDA get it since kids are watching TV (though a parent should monitor their kids TV time). I doubt an ass will cause irreparable damage. Maybe it's a blanket ban so they don't have to check if the ass is just out or it's a sex scene so just ban all asses.
I wish streaming didn't have these restrictions either, but I guess uncensored DVDs are here for a reason.
great movie
The bottom right one isn't a fair example because they were specifically referencing those naked shows
I think casual nudism around clothed people is pretty hot.
Why does Bart have such a shapely dumpy
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In the episode where Captain Hero is going to get married to the stretchy superhero that's obsessed with him there is a scene where after they fuck he sees she has a tattoo on her ass reading "I'm Marrying Her" and he spreads her cheeks to get the "O". It was a cutaway to his face on TV, but the DVD shows her balloon knot.
*inside nude painting of Goldie Duck which I can't FUCKING FIND FOR SOME FUCKING REASON here*
have not watched close enough for a while
what the fuck is the context
Watch the video and look at the clearly black parts for yourself. Hell around the 0:24 second mark if you pause it right, the censors disappear when she jumps and you can see her shirt.
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My awakening
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Why are you lying?
I wonder if the town of Springfield liked what they saw?
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Ralph sure did.
Oh yeah, this episode. Does Lola even notice or seem to care that he's naked at all?
I think now with Project 2025 and the attempt on Trump there's lots of executives in the studios ready to fire those Hays-Code pushers
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Not him but I almsot exclusively get off to one fetish and a very rarely deviate from it and said fetish was also the first thing I ever jacked off to. That being said, the idea that it's only possible to jack off to one thing at all sounds very ignorant
Robin must be bringing the goods.
it was when it came out
Actual sex and nudity from Lastman NSWF: >>>/aco/8390853
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>This thing did unrecoverable damage to fetishist on Deviantart that now can't get aroused by anything else but a character getting pull by a giant hook up their undies. Truly a sad story
i think the gag is older than that
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No, this tame-ass shit was never "adult". American't just has extremely retarded standards for what they consider "kid friendly".

If your show gets fucking Burger King toys and one of its most notable running gags is a character mooning people, it was never an "adult" show.
That's from Bunny Maloney. An old French cartoon from over 15 years ago. I've never really understood the interest in it, but /co/omers keep the memory alive.
Kids weren't watching Tracy Ullman, anon.
What' you're describing is what started happening after the show became a hit, following its first full season.
>Kids weren't watching

I don't even care what this is followed by, it's almost always wrong and retarded.
>I am an ignorant retard by choice!
But enough about (You)
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Fine, if you consider the Simpsons a "kids" show (family show at least), then there's some in there
>Kids weren't watching Tracy Ullman, anon.
can confirm, kinda. The show aired during the "stay in your room and get ready for bed" hour when I was a little kid. I heard Bart's voice three weeks before I learned what he looked like. it was really frustrating.

eventually I did see the Tracy Ullman show with Simpsons shorts on cable, and it was all SO much tamer than Married with Children, which aired at a much earlier timeslot, and had "America's Most Wanted" leading into it for a long time. American TV standards were weird.
Exactly, The Tracy Ullman Show was airing when kids (especially little kids) would've been going to bed, early Simpsons was not targeting the kids demographic at that point. I don't remember there being anything risque in Tracy Ullman, but it wouldn't have been a show that would interest kids which is probably why a slightly later primetime slot was chosen for it.

Sure, the Simpsons was not deliberately trying to be "adult" in the sense of being filled with sex and violence and adult-only content, but those early Simpsons shorts had little to them that would interest children. Even Season 1 I'd argue was not written to appeal to kids whatsoever, the storylines were written to be relateable to parents. It wasn't long before the show became a cultural phenomenon and exploded with toys and merchandise everywhere, which made it much more appealing to kids.
If it weren't for that duck, the scene wouldn't had made it into the series, so be a little more grateful
>Kids weren't watching Tracy Ullman, anon.
i was
can't say everyone in my neighborhood was but i sure was
did you watch it by yourself or with your parents?
usually myself but it was mainly for the subshows in it
the reason i noticed the show originally was because it was somewhere next to another show i was watching, forget what
and then i just kind of stuck to watching it
They showed Tommy's butt a few times too. Not Lola's though
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Why are americans so afraid of female butts?
Nowadays they are afraid of big boobs
Is that horse cock?
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I wish there were more of them
We all do
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You have to understand, this was before they turned your entire generation into hooting ape men..
What's the reason for there being so little nudity in cartoons?
*FEMALE nudity
Americans are prudes.
wat episode is this
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This is pretty much the only episode that has a naked female butt
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Sorry, I meant
>character getting pull by a giant hook up their undies, AND THEN thrown a high speed naked towards a glass wall
It's funny how homer is always portrayed as ugly, and yet, his ass/tight game is the best out of every simpsons character
you're describing two gags in sequence.

if your fetish gets this complicated, it's time to take a break from e621 for a while. don't fap again until you can coom to softcore.
>Female gooning in cartoons
Somebody should make a thread about that
No, they are just afraid of their children/teenagers having thoughts about sex. They also think cartoons and animation are exclusively for children. Both combine to make a nation full of retarded sensibilities in cartoons
>they're not prudes, they're just prudes
Most cartoons would rather show penis than a woman's bare ass
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there were always people looking to censor media, especially cartoons, even back when Disney was first getting started.
How many cartoons have shown uncensored pp? I think it may not be as many as you think it is.
Boondocks has one in the first minute of the series
The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, Big Mouth have all shown penis at some point
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>no Archer posted yet
Dude went fucking insane upon seeing her wife and daughter naked.
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So, if we could combine that scene with the uncensored rough version and picrel, could we make a full version without that smug duck?
They really went out of their way to cover Lois's butt in that one scene
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Fine I guess I'll post it so you don't have to, coward
>This chick does anal
wife material
that looks odd.
What's it doing all the way up there?
This episode quite something. Panda rape and Homer naked in public. Gotta love it.
It looks like you need the sketch for all the animation frames. If i remember correctly only the uncensored storyboard sketches are leaked.

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