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Can Yooloo fix her?
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highy doubt it, elma is broken beyond repair and as she said in red snow she is fighting (and most likely losing) against the monster on her head
also forgot to say in this message, i want to redo this drawing, any suggestion for a better pose?
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Maybe something like this?
....She need to punish Rinny first.
Good luck Yooloo
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I wonder if he would have stumbled upon Rinny's murder house if Elma wasn't there.
here is an early wip of what im working on

furry shill thread
>everything I don't like is a shill
>Relationship ended with Carl. Now Yooloo is my boyfriend
You really love to ship those two.
The only thing I dislike is shilling and tourists
Hello Horrorfag
Friendship doesn't exist anymore
Have you taken your schizophrenia medication today?
>every poster I don't like is the same made up schizo
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Is the Malino world that utopian, or was it more or less have some short of dystopian feel about it (like they never have a warning about that man eating plant).
They have the happy go lucky life but danger still exists.
Yet it feel a bit unnatural, don't yah think? I get the premise of a childlike universe being slowly twisted by the darkness of sin (especially when it comes to the underground syndicate that was Pretty Blood). Part of me wanted a social commentary of elites ties to human trafficking, but (at the same time) I wanted a combination of Detective crime drama and vigilante to come out of it like some Anime/Manga I watched.
I guess, but we rarely do see how Malino society really is. You can also make your own series that fits more your taste.
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She needs more art
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That bullet proof jacket at the end of JaN2 make me see her work with the police, dealing with the shit PB pulls behind the scene; oblivious that her own brother is a member of the syndicate (selling limbs and and parts to the highest bidder).
Furry slop belongs on /trash/
You also belong there
I'm not into furry slop, why would I want to visit the containment board designated for furry slop?
Because you are unwanted, just like the threads there
If it's animated and not Porn, it belongs here.
>If it's animated
>not Porn
I see two things happening

1.) Elma massacres the entire village of polar bears in her delusion

2.) Elma barely keeps herself from going insane, and Yooloo decides to accompany her on her mission.
i hope that in the red snow continuation, elma continues to hallucinate the four dead survivors from the cabin.
Something tells me that is going to happen.
yooloo will be elma's canon love interest. i am extremely confident in this.
She'll probably skin him alive, but I do hope it comes true since it will piss off all those Carl x Elma shippers
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>puny recoil of mp5 makes her fall like a twat
i headcanon that your version of carl is actually a femboy
its ok, now build from that headcanon and make something amazing
Something to piss people off
I'm turning 20 this week
Don't try to reason with it. Just ignore it.
Why don't you act your age and just filter this thread if it angers you that much.
>discord discord discord
is that all you can fucking say?
Isn't that all you retards talked about for the last few threads?
If you are only talking about yourself then yes.
Says the guy constantly screaming about a non existent “discord raid” and “shilling” despite the fact that this is a fucking cartoon board where people go to TALK about cartoons.
So act like an adult and accept that the world doesn’t revolve around you.
Stop replying to the schizo and talk about what the fucking thread is about you retards.
Sounds like you need to take your meds
its gonna be garbage isnt it?
I desire Yooloo x Elma /ss/ funtime.
You know exactly what it was implying.
nono is easily the cutest character in all of pretty blood. technical should have been about her more than bin.
when can we expect something new?
Who knows, somewhere between a week to a few months.
Elma must suffer
Sad but true, everything is now sex
where's she going bros?
>bans "horrorfag"
>pb thread suddenly dies
Really makes you think
Better to die a good thread then bump long enough to see it become a schizo flame war.
To kill Rinny.
Wasn’t he the guy yelling about discord and shill?
*get killed by rinny
Both are correct.
you should make elma a vampire bat
So they both fatally injured themselves in the final fight?
NB4 Elma severely wound Rinny, but the bear kills her; only to be found out by the authorities to be a serial murderer and got a price on her head. This would lead to series of animations where she have to fight against Bounty hunters that were after her.
Now that I thought about it, wouldn't it make more sense for Rinny to hire more mercenaries to find and kill Elma since she's a witness?
After further thinking, I could see Elma being chased out of society after being framed for the cabin killings; leading her to both struggle with the trauma of her torment while being hunted by the mercenaries that wanted the award for her head. This would lead to her adopting a vagabon lifetlstyle.
>Rinny to hire more mercenaries to find and kill Elma since she's a witness?
That’s going to end the same as Red Snow
Good, point; better option is for Rinny to frame Elma as >>144519719 suggested.
I want Yooloo to accompany Elma on her quest.
So did LTC actually do some shit in his discord or is it just /co/ being /co/?
We don't really know, it's private and we usually get some leaks/news from some anon anyway.
He might as well as a guiding spirit, along with her fallen comrades.
Wait, does he actually die?
Hopefully a hospital.
there's a good chance he might.
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ew fnf mouth
straight to page 10
Who made the OP?
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LCC/LCT I believe.
>This would lead to her adopting a vagabon lifetlstyle.
Honestly, even if she wasn't framed I don't think Elma can successfully go back to normal. It's probably the best choice for her.
What kind of faggy Happy Tree Friends shit is this
Cute art.
Sanrio, but with a mix of Human Centipede and Saw.
>Human Centipede
I get Saw but why that?
What do you think they force fed those malinos?
whatever's cheap probably.
reminder that nappy was canonically concieved via marital rape.
Good eye
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I would like to see Elma freeing Lilly from her mind control and the former ends up traveling with the latter as her adopted daughter.
Didn't she die?
from what I read, she's still alive.
I do not remember this character in the slightest.
A victim of Rinny and the Pretty Blood organization.

She was knocked out and implanted with a chip that control her every movement; Rinny used that to kill her own parents before she let other consumers use her.

However, we don't know for sure if she's still alive after the Human Division fell in the Technical Series.

here's her debut episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs8JwEWPg8Y

And a follow up short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrH6Sm3QX9w
Oh no wonder I didn't know about her. It's not on the YouTube channel.
yeah, thanks to the Tubebots; thank god for reuploads.
>Human Centipede
More like Fear and Hunger
So Yooloo was canonically petting Elma?
>Elma freeing Lilly from her mind control
That's going to be hard.
a stab in the right spot should do the trick.
That would likely kill her but okay
That's kinda cute
That would be a good way to end it off.
Demonphobia would be more accurate.
Nah. It should end with Yooloo and Elma being married.
What’s that?
elma is definitely going to mercy kill yooloo.
would (you) subscribe to luny's youtube channel?
if you want people to give a shit and care about your shit start posting more lewd art of the bat
or more images or something like how the i cant sleep and lacey threads do it
What do you think will happen?
No she’s dead
for all her viewers know, she's just on extended hiatus.
where did you get this?
cute girls humping the ground is so hot.
She’s crawling
wait, there's an ost for this? i thought he just used songs from other media?
don't care. i can still fap to it.
She came back as a ghost. Anything’s possible.
I wonder if his village is Rinny’s birthplace, since he’s the first polar bear we seen outside of her family.
What are they running from?
Relatively popular shock game that was made by a gurofag in 2007.
There's no demons though.
what about elma
Rinny says she's possessed by one.
That's a lie
I mean probably, but if there's at least 16 dimensions in PB that one of those could be Hell.
>there's at least 16 dimensions in PB
Yeah it's in technical.
Dimension 1 is the human world and dimension 4 is where the malinos come from I think.
She’s more like a tragic monster
This implies that Sady Bin is from a dimension different from both of the worlds we visited this far.
man, i still don't understand a single thing about technical besides the stuff relating to the raid on pretty blood. is there more techical stuff that explains it that just isn't on the youtube channel? or is it just weird?
Not sure if all of the unedited shorts were on Newgrounds, but those might help.
Probably either dimensions 2 or 3.
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I could imagine her goes into some short of spasm every now and then since the incident.
could be, this could lead to more of her backstory and why she was stuck in a loveless marriage before PB came along.
>why she was stuck in a loveless marriage
Rinny was always evil. I think it was even confirmed that she had a kid specifically to kill her.
They remind me of the hooded enemies in COTL
your work?
They meant to their faces, since they're both framed for murder and hunted by PB for being witnesses.
Can you draw Yooloo and Elma together plz?
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final sketch for the day (spoiled for feels)
its very nice to see drawfags who aren't sorrow around here
Thanks, I figured that Elma will also developed the ability to see those who refused to passed on, which is why she have the ghost of YooLoo with her and Lilly by the campfire. It's also how she spared and freed the cat, and even take her in as a promise to her dead parents
Hell, one of his guinea pigs thought they saw the human world (earth) before he succumbs to the environment that the suit failed to protect him against; only for Bin to correct him that just another world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXdgmpgtV5U
>16 dimensions
Imagine the possibilites...
For suffering...
Malino society was fucked up before they met humans.
>have to wait another year(s) just to find out about ancient malinos
>in exchange of more Elma
Errrrr, i'll accept it
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Any request ideas around?
elma without her hood cape and crown.
elma self-harming
luny wearing a duel disk
sitcom starring the red snow _mercs__ when?
Rinny, Batrick, Ronny, that Porcupine Gift Taker, and the Doctor, in a Pool party with blood of their victims.
Yooloo hugging a snarling Elma.
The Red Snow survivors in Yolo’s village and subconscious freaking out due to their trauma with a polar bear
Wasn't Elma's the last one standing, or you're talking about the protagonists?
They survived in this scenario
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I guess I have to change up pic related a bit then
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>Madness Combat
An au where instead of Elma, some other victim survives instead of her but are the last one standing.
Never. They're dead
I mean it could be a prequel
I just noticed Elma has both eyes.
I think Red Snow never happened there.
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hey retard when you take requests post your own art
Its impressive how many fell for that, its not even the first time this has happen in these threads
I'm now imaginig a Paul Robertson esque movie were Elma, Lilly, Nono, and Eluca's Sister team up to fight Pretty Blood and their goons in a short of a mash up between shoot'em'up and Beat'em'up.
update bros
wow its almost nothing
why the fuck does he care about sadny so much? i dont like him at all. he should focus on elma only
where did he find that?
That’s his art though.
At least it's something with Elam & Yolo
but not his post, aka not him
They have the same file name
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nta but sorrow, i have 4chan plus, when i make a post it is surrounded by a dotted line, that post has no dotted line.
i know some people have a hate boner for me but this is hilarious
>BB and Flippy sitting together
>same file name
>grammatically confused
literally me trying to make sense of his broken english in the old animations
Its neat how his artstyle changed since the last red snow animation
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thats an oc, not a real character
nah, elma isnt the type for incest stuff
What's her name again?
Nevermind, it's Elisa.
the funny thing is that kuromi actually does have a sibling
so elma having one herself wouldn't be too out there, but it would be better that it would be a younger one so it is different enough
>kuromi has a sibling
you didnt watch the story then
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>mfw my big bat sis turns into a schizophrenic murderhobo
>and i have to take care of her medication
anon, its an OC, it wasnt a real character, its a mockup made by some user on the discord server
The voice credits in the description.
I kinda want to see that.
But its a fun mental image nonetheless.
I wish he didn't put the game footage
The Cabin of Elma and Emmroy
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can't blame her tho
he's upping the production and also making pretty blood capable to stand on its own legs instead of pulling over other's stuff.
so far nothing has been posted but considering that he does his own original music which is decent enough, i think it will be good enough for what this is going to be.
also he might call out for some fan support on this
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I just had to give her an assault rifle.
I wonder how she was able to play possum while her brother (Who she was close to) was being skinned alive.
It had to be done
Is she like an OC or something?

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