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Jean, stop putting images of Jubilee and X-23 in my head
Cool but when do I get to fuck Nightcrawler though
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>implying I didn't love them already...
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I love you, boring girl next door.
How could anyone resist mutie cuties?
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Honestly don’t see how anyone can hate Mutants. Sure, some of them are pretty bad, but a lot of them are just like you and me. Also, they’re all hot.
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this is what a mutant hater looks like
Has there been stories where the main antagonist is a human but instead of hating them out of fear and seeing mutants as freaks, they're just seething with envy that they're boring humans who can't have any of the cool super powers?
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Gib mutant goth gf
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Imagine how wild Wanda is in bed
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>headmaster Xavier
>Ororo, Logan and Hank as the faculty
>Scott & Jean are the seniors
>Kitty, Rogue, Kurt and Evan as the juniors
this is still my favorite team structure next to the og 5
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>make the two hottest mutants goth
>this somehow makes them hotter
Sorry, me seething hatred of muties is so strong not even the Phoenix can change my mind.
>I was hoping you could introduce me to Rog...what...what was I saying? Oh yes, I'd love to meet Iceman. He's SUPER cute~.
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Chill out, Willie.
It made sense to make both of them goths. One cannot touch people whereas the other is just unstable. Both got great designs too, shame they don't play into this more outside of what was done in Evolution
Jean claims another victim.
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Oh, god. She's in our heads. She's making everyone gay! Open fire!
>Sees Blob

>Sees Toad

Nah I'm good
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There are probably plenty of girls or gays that would love to find out what Toad is capable of with his tongue.
For me, it's Null Hypothesis dommy mommy Jean
>It made sense to make both of them goths. One cannot touch people whereas the other is just unstable.
Let's not pretend Wanda's defining trait as a character before this cartoon was "being unstable". That's largely on Evo and on Bendis being a retard who somehow thought the ONE earlier comic story where she turned bad had been dropped without resolution.
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What about Toad, Blob, Beak, the guy who's a walking jell-o, and all of the Morlocks?

There's also shit like pic related.

But, uh, whatever. Go found another fascist, genetically stratified ethno-state that's sure to fail and then complain about how the sentinels killed sixty gorillion innocent mutants.
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>sees Toad's tongue
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Mutant sexo.
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Aye I love mutants. I love the sense of hunting them down. I love the challenge of taking them on. I love watching them struggle as they burn and I love watching the light in their eyes go out. There is no greater hunt than mutants and I love them for it.
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That isn't Evolution Nightcrawler.
Watched every episode of X-men Evolution a few months back as well as Wolverine and the X-Men. Still not sure how this scene was supposed to be hot, maybe it would have looked more appropriate in a club setting, but with them standing out in the woods as bait, just makes them look dumb and like Rouge and Kitty are flailing around.
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this is illegal
No. That's what an FBI agent looks like.
she looks like she'd spit on your face and then lick it off
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All i want for christmas is her...and a pack of very durable condoms

Brother you'd need a whole gimp suit
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For her...id be willing to try

Go to bed Toad
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>anon love mutant more than human!
Where's Glob Herman? I am madly in love with that sex machine
>noticably has an erection right after says that
I love Mutant women. Jean, Rogue, Jubilee, Kurt. All of them.
>not wanting to die by her literally sucking your life out through your dick
You're fucking gay.
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Kurt is the best girl
>ha! good try, but psychic powers don't work on people who don't believe in them!
>quarian hands
>Sure, some of them are pretty bad, but a lot of them are just like you and me.
Do you suck the life out of people through physical contact?
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Finally someone says what we're all thinking.
No, just through emotional contact.
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>Rogue...you need to satisfy 3 more.guys before bedtime. For the good of the human-mutant relations...
Loving Hawkeye's new costume
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>go to lick your gf's pussy
>she orgasms
>get sprayed with a sticky white fluid
You're a telepath. Rip the memory from the heads of the one that's already gone and implant it into their brains. You're using your powers very ineffectively

His gross ass Green Tongue?

No thank you
But I already loved mutants. I even applied for the exchange student program several times and no one's contacted me back. You think you could put in a good word for me?
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>think back to that time I got sucked off by the cute goth girl
>realize I distinctly remember my pubes being a different color
>I've never dyed my pubes once in my life
Girl Ranma, you're trying to seduce me aren't you?
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But I already did!
I do... mutants burning, screaming in a pyre, i do love mutants... being killed in droves.
Now? No.
>*drops pants*
>*unzips dick*
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have a cleaner edit
But I’m already a mutant? Are you suppressing my self-hatred? You could just boost my self esteem instead, you know.

I’m just shy about going outside and do heroics… I fear of messing up and making things worse… even if you guys call me KnightLight, I don’t feel that confident.

For those who want to roll

What even is Wanda's personality in the comics?
>There are people seriously acting like anyone would fuck Toad
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>no faction that captures mutants and forcibly breeds them
I've... Always loved mutants? I help run a mutant advocacy group. I even got put in jail for a week for it.
Also, is Jubilee seeing anyone? Like, just curious...
They did fight the latest Hate-Monger in Marauders.
That's sort of the U-Men's thing.


So not only do I freak out literally everyone probably including my own allies but my existence also confirms the existence of the unholy and the unknowable? Great. Hopefully I can at least manifest some tentacles to fuck mutant hotties with.
Imagine turning the tables on Jean and making her thirst for human cock. Begging to be hated and feared all weekend.
Actually maybe if I play it right I could destroy the minds of any telepath that tries to look in my head. Silver linings!
Oh noooooo Jean and Emma have been aheago'd by the horrors in your mind. Oh how awful! How absolutely terrible!
Worry not, you two! Whatever dark force in that mind overcame you, I'llAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
>"You now love mutants, anon..."

Does that include Kevin Costner in Waterworld?

Now you'll also have to fuck Xavier, you fool
Evo Rogue, Evo Wanda, Evo Mystique
they all are so fine
no dumbass, jean was a stacy
You can't fuck those mutants.
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a win's a win
This is a Tau.
No, there is a nose.
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I've got an idea. Why don't we do it the other way around, and mind control the mutants to love humans?
not with that attitude
Thanks for reminding me that I need to finish training Jean's asshole.
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Now I can't unsee it. Do it, Marvel.
Sex sex sex sex sex sex why didn't Hickman make full sex scenes aaarrrrggggghhhhhbb
Checked and based
Game name?
You think I don't know it's a fake nose? That bitch is a motherfucking xeno. I've never been so sure of something before in my life.
The Null Hypothesis
It's still in fairly early stages but it's remarkably fleshed out and incredibly competent compared to the vast majority of other WEGs. They've got Jean, Rogue, and X-23 so far.
Hot. Hope they put in some bitchy mutants to break like Emma
It's not a breaking kind of game like Rogue-Like Evolution. It's more of a romantic visual novel, except with more sex and kinks for each girl.
Storm is confirmed to be one of the next girls and she's in the game already as a teacher, though she doesn't have much to do in the first chapter so far. The devs have said they're loosely following comic canon and are going to introduce any subsequent girls in the general order they appeared in the comics, so I assume Emma probably isn't too far behind.
Well then brother you know what to do. FOR THE EMPEROR
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Like a lot of Marvel heroines, it depends when in her history we're talking about. In the 1960s Wanda started off sort of quiet, awkward and introverted, stuck in her brother's shadow, but with enough moral strength and courage to stand up to Magneto when he was trying to kill people. As she got older and gained more control over her powers and learned magic, she got more confident and assertive, reaching a similar point in Avengers to Sue in FF and Jean in X-Men, where she's the 'team mom', the maternal, wholesome, compassionate, protective feminine one who doesn't enjoy fighting, but is absolutely not someone you want to mess with, or even worse, threaten her family. Before they went off the rails, earlier MCU Wanda captured the duality of the character, how she outwardly seems soft and vulnerable, but is much stronger on the inside. It's what makes it so heartbreaking that both the comics and the movies just turned her into 'crazy bitch' and discarded her. The comics are trying to move away from it years after the damage was done and it may be too late now, it's the casual's perception of who she is now.

I don't know why, but outside of the 80s pilot episode, every western X-Men cartoon considered it really important to include Wanda and Pietro, yet most of them have weird versions of them that were nothing like the comics at all.
people shit from those
Is there even a choice?
I feel lile even if you join the stupid school to get your powers in check, you wont really get to just leave and go under the radar after

>Despite all my rage, i'm still just a rat in the x-men cage
>phases and gets "stuck" halfway through a wall
Mmm correction of a jewess mutie with a nice schnoz.
And her mom too, juuuust to be sure
Like in that Jjfrenchie comic...
Ms Darkholme are you trying to seduce me?
Cause im not gonna lie...its working
You'd think people would generally be awe inspired and accepting of super powered mutants if they actually existed in real life, but then you'd also realize Politicians would accuse them of rigging elections with their mutant powers, lol
I already did, Jean, just not your bloodnut Mary Sue ass
Now remove the supermodel mutant girls from your mind and think about it again.
It's a shame they almost always make her pupiless
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Chocolate mutant mommy.
Im in...
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Is this the general X-Thread?
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used goods
I want a redraw of rogue and scarlet’s slap fights in uncanny avengers with the goth versions.
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They did her dirty
Yes, it seems you are
This joke couldn't be made today , since it implies turning into a girl is humiliating or whatever
it wouldn't get made today because everyone will call it tranny shit and the trannys will hate it too because it makes fun of them or whatever
Mind control and to a lesser extent, mind reading, are evil powers, no matter how many writers and artists attempt to make it seem like it's okay to go against a person's consent and invade their thoughts and even fundamentally alter their perceptions of the world. If mind controllers were real, a genocide conducted against these so-called "people" would be warranted, and there would be no good reason not to enforce it.
>yes Rogue...the wrong hole. I want it
>Kitty please...im already empty...shooting dust...Kitty...mercy...
>At least...be slow and gentle?
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>try to creampie Kitty Pryde
>the cum goes through her
Mah boi Lance got the rizz
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not that long ago, it was common in every cartoon, for a male character to be mocked and humilated for doing anything remotely femenine. Even if he fell in a pile of girl clothes by accident or had to do it to be under cover, or just being a good brother playing tea party for his sister , magical sex changes were supposed to be funny and embarassing for boys, weve lost someclassic comedy becuase get labled transphobia
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>exposed chocolate tummy
Im doomed...
i see the artist trying to make her hair look like storm clouds, why has no offical media done this? its a good idea
After 97 it was a mistake not to have Jean and Storm be sisters.
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All my homies only ride with the REAL hatemonger
She could even try to blend with Rogue and Wanda as a punk goth
Those crossed legs...those thigs...those stockings.
Nnngh...Mystique all the way
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just clean it smart guy, don't be afraid of the bidet
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There's definitely people out there who schizoed themselves into knowing mutant psychics can just alter your brain. They'd have all kinds of precautions.
>"Keep anti-mutant media and items all over your room"
>"Write anti-mutant letters in only a way you could write it"
>"Keep notes to remind you of who you hate"
was the rocky latino cock THAT good that made kitty forget Lance's history?
true, and let's not talk about the design from the season 1 finale

Warm, tender mommy witch with massive tits. She's supposed to be the bustiest woman at Marvel outside outliers like She Hulk. Wanda should have Rangiku sized tits.

Tabitha was severely underused
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Who would teenage Storm in up with in Evolution?
Don't forget the short temper, you just know she lets it all out during sex
I would overuse her
Well shit, guess I love mutants now. I must only breed mutant girls.
It's been a long time and I can't find a clip, but he wasn't humiliated was he? Just initially surprised and then rolled with it?
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I want to yank the tail as I plow that ass.
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>Mystique makes you eat her out.
>Says she's about to finish.
>Just before she does, she grows a cock and shoves it down your throat.
>She laughs and moans as she gives you a hearty load.
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>YWN have Wanda
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sorry but I live in a society, which makes me immune to mental powers and such HAHAHA!
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Which of Wolverine's daughterfus is best?
Kitty is Shitty
Jubilee makes me go Hillbilly
the second one doesn't even rhyme
Logan...like she would in her adult version
Gimme that sweet sweet white trash with hips that never stop
>Dicl suckin lips
She can vent all she wants, im in the principal office daily
Raven wouldn't do that...i believe in her
They are quite plump, and so lovely blue
>imagine being Cain Marko here
That JJFrenchie comic.made blow.loads. Especially Jubilation and Ororo...phew.
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Oh god, she's soo perfect.
A manic pixie white trash...
>What's Wanda's personality?
>Huge natural breasts
Keep going, anon.
>Juggy didn't rape Mystique right then and there
so we know he is as gay as he is in the comics
Smol tiddie is valid too
Would Logan be a teen too or is he chasing African jailbait?
Logan used to be the son of a slave owner you do the math
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But I already did.
You misunderstood.
The nigger jailbait is chasing the old canuck
Evo Logan seems too nice for that, but I guess no one could resist prime chocolate pussy.
I really wanna see these versions of Storm and Jean makeout with each other...
Both, at the same time.
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Rogue > Mystique > Storm > Wanda > that girl Kurt's with > Tabitha > everyone else
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>sucks your dick
>turns into a dude last second
>Turn back...ngh....Raven you promised...TURN BACK
nah, rather stick my dick in pussy
I think I'm remember him being at least a little embarrassed, in the custom commercial shorts where they reuse footage to give the characters new dialogue with each other, the professor jokes something akin to "were going to leave it like that" and female Kurt is flustered and shouts "professor!!! In his new girly voice
You don't like Boom Boom, anon?
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That sexy pijamas...
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only way to have sex with Rogue without dying, the question is would this be considered cuckquean?
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That pic is extremely hot.

Jean link minds for psychic sex if they don't mind her watching. Maybe she'd do that for Rogue and Scott for her birthday since she had a crush on him and it's technically not cheating.
She's too much of a loose
seen a lot of r34 for that three way ship
So, we talkin' gigachad, Mystwink or the dreaded Fat Fuck?
>und ich spreche deutsche?
Why is Rogue so cute?
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FOOL! Your powers have no effect on me. For I love no one. Not even myself.
hung twink is funniest
Kill muties, behead muties, sterilize muties, roundhouse kick mutes, abort muties
Why can't Rogue be real?
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Hold on Professor! I will use my powers of the mind to hel-NAAAAAAARRRRGHH!
Face is nowhere similar enough, she doesn't even have the same skin tone or even the easiest thing right, the makeup
wamp wamp
Gonna kms because she is by far the hottest woman in Marvel. Every other woman feels mogged in her presence.
You get it. Every male superhero she's ever been on a team with is fighting a chub and a crush because of her hotness, giant booba and sweet personality.
>she is by far the hottest woman in Marvel.
90's Black Cat says hello
who cares, head is head
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This is disgusting. Kitty is a DFC queen.
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>time to go to your room
>fap furiously while thinking about Rogue
>Kitty's head phase through the wall over your bed
>cum all over her face
What would you do?
>Tell im sorry
>Mention her schnoz caught most of it
why wouldn't she knock and why am I not using a cum catcher?who just nuts into the fucking air? that's some barbaric shit. lastly, it'd about what SHE would do.
The only substance she can't phase through-Claremont, probably.
Ask her "And what did we learn, dipshit?"
Wipe my cock off in her hair and tell her to clean herself up.
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I feel your pain, anon. If we were living in the Marvel Universe we'd probably have to fight over Wanda, but here, in this time and place we are allies, we understand the fundamental truth of the universe: Wanda is love, Wanda is life.

>90s Black Cat
I know it's all a matter of personal taste and preferences, but have you SEEN some of the things Wanda was (barely) wearing in the 90s?
less clothes isn't necessarily sexier
boop her on the nose
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I bet a spoiled girl like Kitty will love being spanked when she's introduced to it.
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How the fuck do you still have abs with an ass like that?
She's so great. Looking forward to her issue 2 tomorrow. Nvm it's by Orlando. I gotta take what I can get. I wish she had a better artist for her solo book and that Marvel brought back her huge tits. I'd be glad for Schiti on Avengers but that book already seems like it's going to turn into Stormwank. Only if Mackay brought back wandavision would I continue to care.
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Just give us back Wanda/Vision, hard retcon away that anything else ever happened, and get artists and colorists who actually know what Wanda looks like, and don't care what idiots on Twitter think she "should" look like. This shouldn't be too much to ask for, it's literally just asking for characters to be written and drawn as themselves.

Orlando's not great but at least he wants to write Wanda as a heroine, not as a crazy person or a failure. If only he and everyone else at Marvel remembered Wanda and Pietro hated Magneto and were happy to learn they weren't related to him, this 'found family' nonsense is stupid. If Marvel had pushed Wanda right she could've been a much bigger star, and this is just holding her back.
She won't be able to get enough.
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I want to get in bewteen them...
Muh asian jailbait waifu...
The problem isn't the artists and colorists anon. Multiple depict Wanda as quite fair only for her coloring to be adjusted in reprints. Schiti's Wanda is quite fair in Avengers 17 previews but will be browned by release no doubt. This suggests there's an editor ontop of that having her be browned in the art ever since that twitter pandering fag Orlando did Darkhold in 2021 as some pushback against the white mcu version. Unfortunately artists and colorists are terrified of the twitter mobs who harass them and even petition for them to lose work. I'd probably be as well if I was in their position.

If Marvel pushed Wanda from the moment she came to the MCU in 2014 - 2015, like every other MCU character, even the supporting ones, she'd be much better off now. And if the MCU hadn't fucked her over with MOM and done a proper solo they might have a heroine people care about. I'm not saying her movies would do billion dollar box office returns but she had the best potential of every character post Endgame aside from Strange and Thor who both got fucked in their own ways. Although earlier prominence in the comics and movies probably means harder muh whitewashing screeching on twitter which unfortunately filmmakers and normies and marketing departments pay attention to. Now we gotta settle for her next role being in Young Avengers.

As for Magneto, that's xmen writers rewriting history to make him more important than he ever was in her life.
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anon-kun...psychic sex isn't real. {{{They}}} played you.
>muh whitewashing
It needs to be said, Wanda and Pietro should never have been retconned into being gypsies, and no adaptations have ever bothered including that as part of their character, the MCU is not unique in ignoring it. The twins should never have been retconned into being Magneto's children either, and too many people even within Marvel seem to think it's the entire point of them as characters. If there's an editor enforcing the brownwashing it means Marvel actually have an editor even worse than Lowe and Brevoort, and more in need of firing.
There's half a dozen cures. Power inhibitors. Straight up killing yourself. Magic. Praying to Thor.

Secondary or tertiary mutation is big tiddies. Even Jubilee's got 'em now after being an ironing board in the '90s.
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See how Rogue looks at him. She was so wet for Scott all the time in season 1.
scott was fine as hell, she just noticed
It's probably the editor in charge of Wanda. Alanna Smith. I try not to focus on the gypsy retcon too much because it's been there for a long time. It's only now with the twitter lunatics making noise that it's an issue.
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"Now"? I already did...
succ all you want little goth, plenty more where that came for
Enter Multiple HealthBar Man! *biri biri biri* |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is it with super-redheads and turning people gay?
It's fun and easy?
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Rough sketch of that here. I'll finish it tomorrow.

If you have any other ideas I might get to them.
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Could Mystique have seduced Rogue as Risty if she tried hard enough?
Canon. These two have definitely fucked. Claremont told me so.
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!
I'm fine with mutants, aside from psychics. Those go into the wooddchipper. Everyone else, cool.
Unfathomable based. Thanks draw-friend.

When and where did you meet Claremont?
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>start uncontrollably farting
>loosens my bowels and slips a log out onto my bed
>Kitty screams
>start vomiting due to the stress
>get kicked out of the mansion

I could probably make people have mutant kids with this couldn't I?

Shit better keep that to my self or humans would literally lynch me.
Thank her for the fap material
nice. I can work with this.
Call me...eh, Fracture works.
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Just give me a flamethrower and call me Warcrime, let's go.
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Also I didn't really think about it at first but

Bodily Attribute Augmentation
Egg Manipulation
Gender Transformation
Genesis Creation
Hormone Manipulation
Estrogen Manipulation
Testosterone Manipulation
Parasitic Reproduction
Offspring Manipulation
Puberty Inducement
Pregnancy Inducement
Reproductive Cloning
Reproductive Modification
Reproductive System Creation
Super Fecundity

My power is scary if I wanted to misused it, like Daemonculaba level scary if I was evil.

On the hand as a good guy I could ensure safe pregnancies, gender bend people who want it and help people have a bit more mass where they'd really appreciate it.
These proportions look wrong
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That's an old screencap I think, they've updated the art since then.
And then what?
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Probably just let.all that gothness sink into me. And hide my boner
Mystique is wild.
You can have her smurf form.
You can have her milf hot for teacher form.
You can have her british teenage punk-goth form.

She was wild. Probably get you in trouble as thengoth, then scold you as the principal...mmmh
>Uses her authority as Principal Darkholme to coerced students into sex to avoid being expelled.
>Uses her Risty persona to seduce students into orgies.
>As Mystique, forces the Brotherhood boys to service her body whenever she wants.
Like a lot of the problems that befell Wanda, it's something that didn't seem like a problem until suddenly it was. If Twitter and Tumblr have created a situation where we have to make a binary choice between "Wanda isn't a gypsy or Wanda has to become brown", then Wanda isn't a gypsy anymore, just undo that retcon. It's not like they're ever going to let her wear the Perez costume again anyway.
Retconning a colored character today just isn't happening. It's nice to imagine. I'm just waiting for some hack to bring back the disgusting the Wanda and Voodoo ship to pander to the twitter people clamoring for it bc muh poc magic couple who understand each other which is right around the time I'll drop Marvel altogether. My reading list today is already much smaller than it used to be.
I don't care. She's not brown, and that's all there is to it. You can't just change a character's skin color like that, and idiots on social media who don't even read the comics shouldn't be getting to impose this kind of change, especially not when they achieved it through bullying, and what they really want is Olsen fired from playing Wanda. Marvel shouldn't have been imposing retcons onto characters' ethnicities like that in the first place anyway. Least of all when it wasn't even done by someone even thinking about Wanda or Pietro, but someone establishing backstory for Magneto's wife.

>Brother Voodoo
>people actually shipping this despite absolutely zero stories
Jesus, Brevoort really did do that as a way of weaponizing Twitter against a Wanda/Vision reunion, didn't he? And they fell for it like good little wind up toys.

>which is right around the time I'll drop Marvel altogether.
We either need someone brave enough to just ignore social media and start fixing the damage done to Marvel to appease them, or we need to literally go back in time to prevent all the things that seemed innocuous decades ago but ended up getting picked up on by those creatures.
God I want Shadowcat to phase her hand into my jeans and then make it solid, ripping my penis into parts accidentally all the blood splashing across her surprised face giving her the facial she will never forget, I'd scream in pain from how my body wants to make my penis harder but it won't exist anymore my tears filling with tears as I go into shock
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Figures you two won't be strong enough. Allow me to-AAAAAAAAGGGGGHH
Yeah they want Olsen fired badly. They've had some literal who fancast for 5 or 6 six years. I mean Olsen is a couple years off from hagging out hard like her sisters but I still prefer her.

I am not sure Brevoort is that clever but you never know. I've seen some schizos saying he pulled rank to have Storm on Avengers so he could still control the Avengers book. Thankfully nobody gave a fuck about Wanda and Jericho aside from the writer who did the pairing. I remember him seething on tumblr that nobody else gave a fuck about it.

The first would be nice but they're all terrified at this point. Being a Wanda fan really is suffering, isn't it?
>Is that like what does Nazis are?
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Which X-girl squirts the most when she cums?
Note that they specifically send the one mutant who can just phase herself if this dude is about to blow again.
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>Another Thorite stinking up this good Nueva York neighborhood
Don’t you have a a food line to be standing in somewhere else?
Tamara. Magna squirts like a gayzer...but.more like.a volcano so watch out..
100% Boom Boom.
It's implied in the name.
Resident jewess of the institute will take the fresh dark.meat for a spin with the bois
Then she belongs to the redhead....hhhnggh
>You eat out Amara and she squirts boiling hot pussy juice in your face.
Tabitha warned you.
Thats why you need to have a 3some and LISTEN to Tabby's warning.
When she says to pull out cause Amara gonna squirt...you pull out
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>Tabitha no..Tabby please...i can't boom boom anymore...im empty...please
>you can always squeeze one more for ol Tabitha...
>...RIGHT anon?

my favorite of the show.
>Rahne goes into her first heat.
>She's uncontrollable horny, stays in her room all day fingering herself, writhing and moaning in Scots.
>Eventually she can't take it anymore. She NEEDS cock and comes to you for relief.
You'd help her out, wouldn't you?
Risking having claw...and bite marks on my junk...a gentleman would help a lady
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She had a teen alter ego?
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look at this horny bitch.
This makes me think of are the female students that wait until the late night when Logan's been drinking to fuck him while he won't remember.
Kitty, Jubilee, teen Ororo, Tabby dragging Amara along, Jean.. etc.
Logan's plowed his way through the institute's girls and he doesn't even know it.
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Giving his healing factor sobers him up almost as fast as he gets drunk...he knows.
Just.doesn't brag about it
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I'm a magneto guy
Oh fuck, she's making the MCU gay!
Evolution season 4 should've introduced Emma, Madelyne and Betsy so there could be a four way psychic battle over Scott.
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>They've had some literal who fancast for 5 or 6 six years.
It says a lot that they could only fine ONE actress who actually met their criteria, and it was someone nobody has even heard of.

>I mean Olsen is a couple years off from hagging out hard like her sisters but I still prefer her.
I can't imagine anyone else playing Wanda now, and hope she'll manage to defy the aging process as much as possible. But I can't believe how badly the MCU managed to ruin everything.

>I am not sure Brevoort is that clever but you never know.
Cunning and deviousness are different to clever, I think he can be capable of this while still seeming like a retard in other regards. All it takes is seeing one Twitter chimpout about some other comic or show breaking up a mixed-race couple for the sake of reinstating an earlier, more popular pairing, and you know this reaction can be manufactured and repeated.

>I've seen some schizos saying he pulled rank to have Storm on Avengers so he could still control the Avengers book.
And schizos claiming he's a lifelong Avengers fanboy trying to ruin the X-Men from within. Storm being on the Avengers is probably for the reason they gave, all the X-teams' leaders were already picked, and they couldn't bring themselves to make her a follower instead of a leader. So she's back in Avengers for a possible reunion with Black Panther.

>I remember him seething on tumblr that nobody else gave a fuck about it.
I also remember him on Twitter while WandaVision was running, boasting how he was the last person to write a comic with Wanda and Vision in at the time, angling to get given a new book, which was really disingenuous and scummy after what he did.

>The first would be nice but they're all terrified at this point.
So we're just depending on Musk to kill Twitter and nobody to replace it with anything?

>Being a Wanda fan really is suffering, isn't it?
Yes, but you can't choose who you love, for better or worse I'm with my waifu for life.
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You find Kitty waiting on your bed like this. What's your move?
is that game good now
Is that a reference to something? swear I've seen it before >>144526769
All the MC in the world won't make me buy X-Men comics.
Shit, meant for >>144526441
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Mystique; she would be able to drown Shortpack.
Definitely. Rahne is super cute. And underrated
Psylocke has never given a shit about Scott.

Mystique literally shot her own son, why would she care about some random little girl?
Enjoy the gouges she leaves on your back when you make her cum. Hope the school has a medic.
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Mystique squirts so much when she cums that she could kill Shortpack.
She's definitely shown some interest in past.
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Between Rahne and Sabretooth'd Rogue the there's potential for some very feral sex in the mansion.
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Young Storm is always so cute.
Always was
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Rogue has a hair-trigger and is unused to touch so she gushes like a water hose.
Hairy Rogue is.my jam...
>enjoy the gouges she leaves on your back when you make her cum
And love bites. And scratches. And slobber.
>uses his powers
>cums furiously
requesting someone draw Jean with her yellow bikini and a white and red striped innertube making a wave pool
The Jean Pool?
>Rahne and Furry Rogue coating your cock in their dog slobber from their double blowjob.
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>Anon why do you take rabies shots every week
Top kek even
that's a nice pun
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Well this is what I meant
>Kurt about to dive into that fat Jew ass
why did they make her black? she was blonde in the comics. and then the comics go and make x23 not only white but super pale
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You wake up tomorrow morning as Toad. How do you proceed?
Please go buck break Miles, Miguel. Spit roast him with Gwen.
peak laura
you wrote wrong both of her names...
>why did they make her black?
Latina*, because they removed all the Nova Roma nonsense from her background so she is just some random brazilian girl
>doesn't look the same
>doesn't have the same backstory
>she is just some random brazilian girl
May as well give her a different name and not even pretend it's the same character.
do you think he awakened his powers by masturbating
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>different name
That's in X-men Legends, she ain't even south-american anymore
I have spidey sense but only if someone interacts with the air
No. Mutants are a scourge on this planet. They want to kill you and replace you with their own. Humanity will fight back against this invasive species and bring purity back to the human race

Sexually harass the scarlet witch
God I wish a cute redhead would brainwash me
What would the anons in this thread do with Xavier’s powers? Be honest.
Would you care to draw Kitty and Jubilee making out?
Jean Grey owes me sex.
fun fuck in the game
koba weaker

Still my favorite iteration of the Brotherhood
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Real life or the show?
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Just slide next to Rogue on the bench and brush my hand on those thighs...
Well worth the slap and possible drainage...
I am now a cock gobbling super slut cum dump—hey, what the fuck are you doing to me, you crazy redhead bitch?
The show.
Imagine Raven sitting on your face
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I would love to blast a huge load across their faces
So...this is the telepath filtered version of Scott, huh? No wonder those bitches want to slob on his knob. Thank goodness professor X is safe from this menace.
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That dancing animation looks really expensive
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The hell are all of ye all doin' in me wet dream?
It's rotoscoped.
I would force all minorities to kill themselves.
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I'm not to be trusted with any telepathic abilities. My urge to fuck with people would be worse than a crack addiction.
Where did you get this pic of me?
Well, at least you're honest about it.
I don't mind if done right and in moderation.
And Evo dod just that. Crisp
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Guys i'm about to give up, getting through Krakoan age is such a slog.
It's just so bad, i'm really trying here.
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Chocolate mommy...
You could be humane about it. Let's make diversity deport itself.
Anon I'll be honest with how my mind wanders I'd be accidentally turning people into killers or making them fuck by accident
They both are white trash. But they both are cool.
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My lawyer has advised me not to answer this question.
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We don't need to be mind readers to know what you're thinking of.
Wish there were more Juggernaut episodes. Also, how come Mr. Sinister never appeared on the show? Did anyone like Spyke?
Containment thread. NOW.
Ok, finally AI has evolved enough to make my bonner go boiiiing.
>Did anyone like Spyke?
I loked him more in season 1. I find his skateboard stuff very "how do you do fellow kids"

Him and Shadowcat had good scenes together.
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Here ya go

Nude version
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What do you think about a genderbent Gambit?
This is exceptional. Do you have an account to follow? Thanks again.
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>Fall in love with mutant
>Her power is creating sensation with a touch
>She just constantly pokes you in the back and makes you cum immediately
>Walks away laughing
Iconicpants on pixiv, but I update pretty intermittently.
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I really hope that’s not AI
It obviously is.
I'll certainly remember her.
I think is the chant that Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures recited
Null is so disappointing. The sex scenes are so milquetoast and repetitive.
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Spyke was fine. He got unearned hate for no real reason.
>ywn pet rahne and call her a good girl
why even live
They say she has the biggest breast but that still doesn't look that big.
I genuinely want to be fucked by Mystique while my mom is getting double penetrated by mutants and we kiss as the penis-wielders blast their cum.

This is why Krakoa orgy is the best

Spike was fine making him Storm's nephew was weird though

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