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"so 'huuuuuh' are you hungry at all? i got this 'huuuuuh'... chips."
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when will my boy be vindicated
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damn shawty packin it
I look like this.
Ironically all he had to do was walk her home and he would had started his life right on the dating scene. He already bullied the conspirator of the stalking incident. The faggot just could not walk her home?

Epic fail on this fag's part.
This motherfucker pulled a girl just by caring about something and being confident
Also he made the right choice, getting laid isn't worth getting stabbed
that is beta cuck mentality
you will never attract a woman like that
Perfect timing, I watched all of these for the first time a couple days ago and desperately wanted more.
>watch this series once
>this is boring
>decide to give it another shot
>ok maybe its not so bad
did anyone else have this experience?
I'm in the first half of that pipeline
Maybe I'll watch it again and see if I feel the same
Daaaaamn, dawg! This episode, more than any ep before, shows us that Fugger is a real piece of shit.
A REAL piece of shit!

He won't be, he needs to be less weird and murderous.

Lars is wholesome and chill, and he's my boy. His brother is cute and I want a plushie.
Skid is a very nice guy, and clearly Moe is a bad influence.
Lars and Skid, a dynamic duo.
They shoul hang out more.
I can't think of a bigger simp thing to do than die for fucking pussy
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Lars is a rare character without flaws.
>getting laid isn't worth getting stabbed
Yes it is.
At the very least it's worth risking the stabbing. That's the mindset of those who actually get laid.
this episode was probably the most boring one, not many great jokes.
Yo you're bein cunty bro you're serving cunt dawg
Not many jokes period.
You're fucked
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>yeah I guess I'll have one
>takes two
bridge kids needs to blow up soon and get the recognition it deserves
Funnily ive been watching since nearly the beginning and thought this episode was pretty boring, so the reverse.
Insatiable lust.
I mean it did with the Stranger Danger episode showing up from recommendations. Most of the other episodes have around half a million views so I`d say it`s been fairly successful.

i thought their interaction was cute this episode. Skid and Lars are pretty similar as that they are the most chill and easy going of their respective duo. I bet the dynamics will shift a little and their engagement will be more frequent.
I wanna see Marc Anthony.
I didn't really like it much at first, I really hated Moe. But I watched a few more episodes and it grew on me.
If Lars went to my school I would have been friends with him.
How could anyone hate Moe? He's the funniest dude on this show.
He's obnoxious and reminded me of some asshole kids from school who acted like him.
Eventually I got over myself and realized that's just how his character is written.
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>Shiit I'll clean yo litterbox, dayummmm
Why on EARTH did I wait so long to watch Bridge Kids?
I would prefer it if you didn't find out about Bridge Kids. It's the only underground indie cartoon I have left anon.
This will never cease to make me lol
Can anyone recommend some more indie series like this?
No. Stay away from my indie youtube cartoons. Go watch your mainstream slop.
Moe fumbled hard.
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He's absolutely killed someone before. That thing under his mattress is not looking any better now.
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>that little ramp for Skid
It's the details
This character isn't carrying the weight I feel he's intended to.
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Fuck, Marry, Kill
Neither, they're too old to even talk to.
Fuck middle cus White chick
Kill right cus Latina
Marry Asian woman because I'm a western man
>Kill right cus Latina
She's Latina?
Where's blondie's nose?
i don't remember to see a indie cartoon in this same genre. sorry. probally you can watch satina its slice of life too. if no stick with ed edd and eddy or smiling friends.
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I love the thick scratchy outlines they use for everything. The style in general is interesting 'cause even though it's designed to make it easier to pump out episodes (limited background art, characters in 3/4 view, mostly dialogue-based), you can see that so much effort still goes into stuff like the smooth mouth animation or the timing for certain jokes. It's mad impressive how consistent and professional it looks despite being handled by a small team of art school friends.
>I'll take the knife for you mlady
>Why are you dating a black guy instead of mourning me forever after I died for you?
She's got none. Where are Fugger's ears?
Skid's name comes from "special kid".
I wanna see Strockette again.
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I would love a couple free Strokes from HER~
Do you like Ska, /co/?
Anon, your obsession with miscegenation is unhealthy.
I kinda wanna see these chsracters on TV and with a bigger budget... But I know this would probably ruin it.
The good kind.
Get Strokin'!
thought they were going to become buddies : (
not a series but https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/890920
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Is it not just because he's sporting some sick wheels? Y'know, wheels that can SKID?
I kinda like that he's such a dork and a loser that is constantly made small and pushed to the background. People who are shooter types think their suffering is unique and horrible and their big 'retribution' is going to be remembered forever and be the talk of the town for generations when really it's just small time bullshit that no one is going to remember.
I wanna fuck Marc Anthony
I had two Lars friends in high school as I hung with the stoners. I didn't toke but was just introverted with a few close friends and they were nice to meet me hang with them. I miss those days, I love Lars
you ain't feelin' it right
Lars and Skid are also the "followers" of their respective friend, but Moe and Skid seem like they're more on the same page of support for each other.
goated thread
thank you anon
Could be a dead pet. A lonely individual like this without a pet around the house just raises more flags.
Is this even legally binding? I'm pretty sure Lars is a minor after all.
Yeah pretty much! Moe and Skid are the main duo for this reason, but was interesting to see the dynamic shift for a episode.
>Fugger is a real piece of shit.
>A REAL piece of shit!
I think his just socially retarded and cannot compute that someone would want to interact with a person who bullies him.
No matter why we do things, what counts is what we do. Fugger is a piece of shit.
I'm not buying that anymore. He's a murderer.
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indie animators be like already ripping off smiling friends dialogue style

it doesn't work if you're not witty about it, it only works when there's something batshit insane happening and characters treat like normal occurence
Go back to your rick and morty/roosterteeth thread normalfag.
These shorts were being made before Smiling Friends.
Everything about the series is supposed to feel realistic. It's not just like that for humor, that's just the whole style of the show
He's a kid.
You're an actual retard and probably underage.
A Bridge kid.
I love that there's not really a "this character is cooler than this character" type thing in these episodes with the exception of some side characters. All the main ones are losers in different ways
How come I've never seen a bridge kids thread before
i don't get it
They both just have the same style of animated improv humor from newgroumds. Stop trying to look for problems when there are none.
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Is it Marc Anthony or Mark Antony?
He worships dogs and reptiles. He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute. He dances and plays the cymbals in vile nilotic rites.
I love Amphibia
>creates a cuckold fantasy out of nowhere
what the fuck is wrong with incels
He seems completely dissociated from the world around him. His reaction to what he thought was his baby brother's mutilated corpse being found in a dumpster seemed downright sociopathic.
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There are no reptilian women posing as humans on earth.
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He'll probably never make another episode of Laura and Ralph
i can feel the search history for bbc shemales coming outta them.
They're not WingsOfRedemption
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his cat is fine
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That nonchalant mention of stalking does not bode well for the hypothesis of what lies under that mattress.
>captcha: PTAH
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we out here
He also comes with the flaw of having beavis syndrome where he just blindly follows the main character with no extra input. He very rarely does anything on his own
Sorry but I can't be aroused by those tits when they're attached to that face.
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why are you gay
Forgive me, I'm a Christian.
>indie animators be like already ripping off smiling friends dialogue style
No, I think everyone is trying to riff on Home Movies which seems to be the only adult cartoon to do loosely scripted casual dialogue and do it well.
oooooh they fuckinnn
Are you talking about the massive forehead?
This has to be a shitpost, right? Normal-ass talking goes as far back as AT LEAST Family Guy.
Bridge Kids makes me laugh throughout because of the second-hand embarrassment and tone, I can't get enough.
Pretty good anon but a pepe would have really sold it more
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I was just like Fugger growing up.
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I hope for your sake that you got bullied plenty back in the day
Nope, at least not directly. After puberty nobody dared make fun of me in my presence. I was one of the biggest kids in school.
and the fish lips.
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Maybe that's all Fugger needs, to be intimidating on the schoolgrounds.
Unfortunately, Fugger is a fat manlet.
Pretty sure the black guy is gay.
That sounds exactly like something fugger would say
It's not my fault that that the black ones are the only ones who get boob jobs and all the other shemale videos are gay guys in women underwear
Please dont try to speedrun the smiling friends audience into the rick & morty audience
He's not supposed to carry any weight, his existence is a joke.

Fugger has always been a huge piece of shit, even in the early episodes he was always a bit of an asshole loudmouth with a propensity for exaggerating or lying about shit.
Sublo and Tangy Mustard is pretty great.
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Sublo and Tangy Mustard is straight up kino. I finally got into Bridge Kids thanks to this thread, but it also made me wanna do a Sublo rewatch afterwards
I don't care what anyone here says but the Rap1st bit was fucking hilarious.
Fuck Britney Spears
Kill Ariana grande
Marry Asian chick
Yeah I knew a fugger kid they just tend to be like asbergers kids that’re smart enough to avoid any sort of special class but are incredibly socially retarded and kind of overly focused on people that bully them even though they’d be left alone if they just stopped making their own sort of irl highschool or anime drama from their lives
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The blood and gore isn't funny
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>Fuck Ariana Grande
>Marry Ariana Grande
>Kill Ariana Grande
This. Great series. I wish it was a whole-ass TV show. Feels like it easily could be.
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I'm fine with it as is. Aaron Long seems really dedicated to making more episodes despite having to do practically all the work on what little downtime he has, so that's enough for me. I also fear that giving it some backing by a major network and a larger budget would take away from a lot of Long's particular artistry. The intentionally crude drawings and chaotic roughness of the animation is what makes Sublo and Tangy Mustard work. I wouldn't wanna lose that
So Slavs was the friend of Rome?
>I'm fine with it as is.
I'm not asking it to change, I just want more of it, on a regular basis. Also, nothing about the current format seems like it would require network meddling. It's already very "safe" content, and if anything, being passed through a network would degrade the animation, not improve it. Networks only pay college grads or sweatshops to do this shit.
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>being passed through a network would degrade the animation
Exactly what I implied. A big reason why Sublo and Tangy Mustard works is because Aaron Long is animating it all himself. It wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE to have a larger team recapturing his style, but I doubt any major network would be willing to fund high-quality animation as opposed to just simpler, more uniform episodes that can be shat through the modern TV production pipeline rapidly.
You know that's crazy dawg, because i've been to every single wheelchair basketball game in the past six months. And i ain't ever seen you there.
Moe is objectively the best adjusted one out of the bunch.
He's a dumbass yea, but at least he'a good with people and passionate about his hobbies.
Fugger is LITERALLY me.
Aren't they gonna be part of that new indie animation streaming thing with Cyanide and Happiness?
Kind of actually, but only the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire. There's a reason why Russia is Orthodox Christian and claims to be the "Third Rome". Historically, after the Bulgars, Russians, Tatars, Serbs and other Slavs were Christianized, they became strong Byzantine allies. Before that, they were barbarians who regularly sieged Constantinople and attacked the empire. Also, Slavs were settled in the Balkans both by invitation and by migration, and ended up filling the void of people left after the third century crisis, the Huns, various civil wars, plagues, and lack of births depopulated the region. That's why the Dalmatians and Thracians are gone, and why there are such things as Yugoslavs.
Is the entire main cast in special ed, and that's how they know each other?
>Fugger seems like he's on the spectrum, right down to the squeaky voice
>Moe could very well be autistic too, and just hiding it a little better: he stutters, he's extremely fixated on rap, and he has bizarre posture.
>The weird instinctual hatred between Moe and Fugger reminds me of how autistic people can get on each other's nerves.
>Lars has inattentive-type ADHD
>Most people seem to think Skid has downs, but it could be palsy too. Or maybe Skid's the only non-special person in the friend group.
My take: They're all relatively normal (except Fugger), awkward middle/high schoolers, Lars and Fugger quite literally only met at the beginning of that year, but Fugger is a possessive egotist, so he sort of claimed Lars and cut him off from his already small friend group. Lars is just a chill dude who gets along with everyone, but naturally goes it alone most of the time. Skid is easily the most well adjusted, moral, and friendly person in the main cast, and literally has no glaring personality flaws, only bound by his disability. Moe is also a good guy, but is often short-sighted, flaky and quick to anger, not to mention, just kinda dumb. Skid and Moe basically have nothing against Lars, but hate Fugger because he's actually a complete prick and (morally) the worst character. (He's the funniest and most important character to the show's dynamic though) They're all weird because they're low class, but other than Fugger are just good kids living in a weird world.
The girl is hot
I've been asked if he has gone mad. For he has been bewitched (having coupled with a sorceress.) For he is wretched, consumed by the abominable, the detestable and unclean.
Michael Cera was workin' with the fuckin' pigs, dawg!
that would be really cool but i just think they should look like the most normal/down to earth kids you could think of inicially.
I love how Fugger is the worst character in the show and he doesn't even know it.
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He 100% thinks it's the other way around. I've never seen a more delusional character. His trying to make Joey out to be the bad guy just to then mumble like an idiot when trying to get a word in with Strokette had me dying
My manifesto!

It's missing!
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Will Sawikin puts his heart and SOUL into every line read, and I love him for it.

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