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Which is the sexiest? Who's underrated?
Ty Lee
>Most underrated
Joo Dee
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June is definitely underrated
Separately, they're nothing special but together Asami and Korra are perfect.
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as a package deal, they're 100% the best whores in Republic City
>Goes for Joo Dee
>When Joo Dee was clearly there
What did he mean by this?
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Ty Lee was made for breeding a new generation of Airbenders.
Sexiest is kind of hard
underrated? Mai (gets to much hate and some bad angles) or this
That's Amon's mom, right? She is pretty underrated. I've never seen her brought up in an Avatar thread.
Azula is the sexiest and the most underrated is Suki.
>Most underrated
Toph (old)
I wouldn't say sexiest but I'd still choose Toph
I bet Old Toph still fucks like a champion and could put young men in their prime in the hospital.
Considering she's probably going to remain the most powerful earthbender as long as she lives, yeah. But besides that she still seems to have a lot of stamina, too.
Azula and >>144518528
is she? Basically everyone who watches the show seems to think she's hot
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Teen Lin needed to be brat corrected so hard.
How bout you Joo Deez nuts amirite
shame all the guys in Avatar are too wimpy for something like that
Too bad we never got to see the legend who canonically got to put a baby in Toph.
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Since Tenzin and Lin clearly broke up because she didn't want to have kids, she should've had him fuck Suyin and get her knocked up. That would have solved 2 problems.

Tenzin and Lin get to stay together and Suyin is too busy being a brood mare for the next generation of Airbenders to get into trouble.
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Old Toph sucks. ATLA-era Toph is way better
Toph is Toph, I don't discriminate based on age.
I always wanted to see Katara, Toph, and Suki versus Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee 3 on 3.
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Ty Lee
For sure, although outside of Korra, the water-tribe brothels would only be the second best in the city.
>Which is the sexiest?
>Who's underrated?

I still can’t decide who’s the sexiest between Ty Lee, Katara and Toph. Help.
>ywn get a footjob with her crusty, gilf feet
Mai's mom
if you imagine each of them giving you a lapdance, who does the best job?
Lap dances aren't sexy, they're vulgar, barely above twerking.
>barely above twerking
You can't be serious
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Obviously Katara is best girl.
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Katara needs to be hypnotized
Hot take, i'm intrigued
Intrigued how?
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mogs every girl in the whole avatar universe
I remember ages ago finding a fanfic someone made where that monkey idol thing was used to hypnotise Katara it was porn, of course
only cause I imagine it would be a pain to search for yourself: fanfiction.net/s/4637216/1/The-Idol
She really does. Anyone who says otherwise just has bad taste
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>built for being tamed and civilised like the Water-Tribe savage she is
I'd let Korra snu snu me to death. Without hesitation.
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>I'd let Korra snu snu me to death. Without hesitation.
>Which is the sexiest?
that's a kink for sissies
One of those is not like the others
Ssshhhh let them find out
Seriously. When it comes to sexiness it's not even a contest.
>hottest body
>flirty personality
>flexible acrobat
>knows her body better than any other girl from the show
>can block bending using martial arts so it's entirely possible she can block you from fully climaxing and have crazy tantric sex with you

Hou-Ting easily takes the crown for both, hands down.
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Fire Lord Zuko should've disciplined Hou-ting back when she was a princess. Probably for bullying Izumi and Kya.
>Which is the sexiest?
A tie between Jinora and Ikki.

>Who's underrated?
I like the fanart of her all grown up and smoking hot
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>grown up
Well the sexiest is obviously Ty Lee. But for me it’s always been Mai desu
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full: https://files.catbox.moe/j8w43q.png
>baby air bison
kek how
damn they made him an ugly bastard
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On Ji is 4 me
She was 100% dtf
I would worship Korra's body
Toph's toes...
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Mai was my favorite of the ATLA girls. Her only competition was Suki.

But if we're going for both series, then Zhu Li Moon, Izumi, and the unnamed pro-bending Fangirl who cosplayed as Korra are all top tier.
How can she be underrated when she is literally non-character? All she did was marry a criminal and give birth to Amon and Tarrlok. She doesn't even have any speaking lines.
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How is it possible that you seriously missed the most sexiest and the most underrated Avatar girl ever?
>Which is the sexiest?
whichever one has the biggest bush
she has about 5 minutes of screen time and gets talked about constantly, she's the definition of overrated
I dont think you know what that word means, lad.
Suki is pretty sexy, It's odd she's only being appreciated now.
The most underrated girls are the ones you never knew about.
Discount Azula?
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Sandy Muscle Mommy Dommy
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If Zuko and Mai stay broken up in the upcoming film It will be my new headcanon that Xi is Firelord Izumi's mother.
>after seeing Zuko's dance
These are interesting. The character art has been floating around since the Avatar rpg came out, but I didn't know they had backstories. Got anymore?
The woman one
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Appearance-wise I like Mai the best, but personality and appearance goes to Toph.
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Xi is a fujoshi

Im collecting more rn.
the avatar wikia is so huge.
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So I got told I was like Katara from the serie. Is it bad?
The worst
He probably just wants to rebuild the Air Nomads.
She's very bossy and kind of a bitch.
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You are best girl
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Toph's mom was pretty hot
The Walmart version
>brown fire tribe girl wants the zucock after seeing his moves
holy based
into the trash she goes
The avatar universe is a blend of all kinds of Asian and native cultures from around the world.

My headcanon is like this:

The Fire nation has Newhalfs like in japan (Sun warriors would have Muxe)

The earth kingdom has Kathoey(ladyboys) like in south east asian cultures (mostly thailand)
(Si Wong Desert would have a different thing culturaly but I dont know much about lgbt stuff in a cultural equivalent so maybe someone else can chime in.)

The water tribe have twin spirits like some native cultures. It would be a little diffrent in the foggy swamp but I dont know much about vietnam.

And the air nomads have Hijra like in indian cultures.
>The avatar universe is a blend of all kinds of Asian and native cultures from around the world.
In the most superficial, rascist caricature kind of way sure
You can't just bring it up and not share it. Unless posting it would be against the rules of this board, of course.

The Kyoshi Warriors' aesthetic sure has changed since they moved to the Fire Nation
Yes, but that's true of any depiction of a fantasy nation. They're always a mishmash of different cultures and aesthetics across massive time periods.
Fair enough.
Where does the republic city fall in your head cannon then?
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What would it be like to rave with Korra and Asami?
>grew up in a compound and a prissy rich girl
neither of them know how to party
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so long as Asami's paying, could be fun
I dont know but I know what it looks like when asami catches korra using her work laptop for 'activities".
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Fire Nation school girl who had a crush on and the Earth Kingdom transfer student.
hypnosis is based
would drunkenly grope
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Azula and Korra are tied for #1 spot for me.

Ty Lee is a close 2nd below them.
On Ji wad prime breeding material for Aang. He should've gone back put a few kids in her.
Korra>Asami>Azula>Ty Lee
Smellerbee is incredibly underrated.
> the unnamed pro-bending Fangirl who cosplayed as Korra
A man of taste
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Who else
Honestly ATLA should have ended with every female gravidly pregnant and Aang with a shit eating grin
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>Who's underrated?
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Yeah she's cool and deserves more love
Girls only.
post more Toph or Katara
What a weird name for a boy
Can you tell what all my LoK favorites have in common?
As much as I don't like her, Korra is the sexiest by far followed by Asami and Azula
toph is cute
If Sokka hadn't messed up that last haiku he would have fucked the entire class.
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This one. Her titties drive me crazy, and I like that toned body.
Azula and Ty Lee are the most attractive and it's not even close. They're a tier above all the others.
I'm frankly stunned that people are arguing for other candidates.
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fuuuuck Onji is so cute.
looks like a man.
Some of the users here aren't attracted to kids, anon.
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>is now spending eternity having lesbian sex with the ocean
she never even got the chance to get Scorched
With a name like that she probably stinks
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also azula
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I kinda like the nomad chicks from the tunnel episode.
Fire Nation girls are obviously the hottest.
*Water Tribe
Air Nomads > Earth Kingdom > Water Tribe > > Fire Nation
Ok degenerates, give me all your creative ideas to use bending in sexy times.
Water bending stomps all others and it's not even close
True. And Azula is the hottest Fire Nation girl
tribe > nation > kingdom >> nomads
Fem!Zuko would've been the best girl.
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Nice of the AI to give r63zuko a second face scar before erasing both
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you should show her in her proper outfit
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Didn't you see the memo that leaked? Toph did it to herself. Formed a baby out of clay in her own womb, using pure willpower and orneriness.
I love her.
There's a naked edit of this btw
Nah, it's the glasses.
Her and Lin are hot as hell
Lin broke up with Tenzin when being a cop she did homework and realized they're half siblings; she decided it was better if he never found out his sainted dad fucked around behind Katara's back.
By the same token Su Yin is probably Sokka's given how much Katara bitch she has in her (not to mention the Water Tribe coloring).
It took Morganagod so long to complete the doujin about that, his art style changed twice throughout it. Still fucking hot though.
>he said while posting a dogshit picrel
NTA but i wouldn't talk
That's the joke you absolute semi obese mong of a tripfag
I've got an absolute semi
I think you might have an urinary infection
you should stick an umbrella in your pee hole
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it was nice to see art of Azula having non-incest sex for a change
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Oh, I didnt notice that you mentioned Zhu-Li and Izumi.
Mai's (apparent) genes hit hard.
Many thanks my good man!
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Speaking of Izumi, she deserves some love too.
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How fucking dare you
And posting that tripe
>silly,cartoon face with foam on grin
This is not MG at his best
His father dying last year must have really broke him
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Tuyen is underrated. I hoped Meelo went back and smashed that.
Azula, or any fire nation girl. Fire Nation genes are peak
It's Part 3 where he goes all-in on gradual shading, not realizing his high-contrast solid coloring was what distinguished him from other artists. Now it just looks like a retarded imitation of FreeGlass in his "serious" style but all his anatomical flaws are glaring.
MG, you gotta go back to flats, high-contrast and thick lines. This is not a good look even if you quit hentai forever.
>Implying he still comes here
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>check this comic
>most of it is just gangbang or futa
>the style is not consistent either due to the artist status going hiatus way too many times
you guys seriously like this garbage? those last few pages are AI tier.
>Hay guise I'm being a huge newfag
We know
Me being new or not to this website doesnt excuse the guy for not finishing a comic old enough to go to high school.
Heck, he even made a separate patreon for it and still didnt get shit done.
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I liked her in elements trainer.

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