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Mike is a fag edition
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Preview. Daisy has something to say
Amaya :D
Why is Abbey sitting like that? Is he disgusted from Mike or something?
Mike's in total sperg mode, you would be too.
That shitty wojak meme incoming
I mean, Abbey is sitting like a girl, or he's disgusted of Mike for some reason. Wonder what Abbey is thinking. Maybe the word "Paulo" is making him think Mike took it up the ass, and is stuttering now
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Daisy's psychic powers aren't enough to charm people like Mike or Lucy but they do cause her mannerisms to be infectious. Same way that Paulo started sitting like her. She's probably turning Abbey gay like she did Paulo.
Holy crap, is that why her color keeps getting whiter and whiter? I mean, look at that! Moving from yellowy orange to white. That's fucking crazy.
Her gay waves are depleting, turning everyone in that room fucking gay. I see what the author is trying to subtly do. Damn
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She imported Indian shampoo to look more like Lucy in the hopes of attracting Augustus
If you’re in a group with all girls and Mike you are a definite homosexual and sit like one too
If she wears a big ping bow, do you think Mike might have a think for her? Since she KINDA has hair?
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Think about it, when does Paulo's bi arc start?
>Boy Toy
Kisses Abbey, with Daisy present. Mike is confused by how out of character that is, Paulo freaks out.
>Casual Outing
Crush on Mike shows up out of nowhere as he's scoping out boys, at Daisy's prompting.
>Fair Game
Paulo fantasizes about Lucy but it warps into Mike as Daisy approaches. It's only after this direct exposure to Daisy's sexuality-warping field he harasses Jordan.
>Track Meet, Good Enough, Date Night
Every time James comes up with Paulo and Daisy's around Paulo's feelings get amplified as if she's putting the whammy on him. It's even warping Paulo's recollection of events: Paulo claims he's had a crush on James since May, but that was BEFORE Boy Toy, so why does he act like attraction to boys was completely new to him?
Paulo's bi arc is always advanced by something to do with Daisy, because it's something Daisy is doing to him.
Is there a rule63 version of Abbey? Since he's being so feminine here?
Or do I have to make something?
All the male characters practically are Rule 63'd, Taeshi can't write boys so they behave like genderswapped girls.
>Fuck them Somalis
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hey look! a better comic and more interesting dialogue!
>"I knew I smelled Paulo the second we got in here! Axe body spray, he always wears half a can."
>Daisy randomly pops off and starts talking shit about Paulo to ingratiate herself to Abbey and Sue
Seems two-faced enough for her, but it's still clumsy writing.
232 did one in his CoC-crossover phase. Make love, not war! Breed imps!
Why is Fauna so awful
>Abbey has the smallest cock
>Abby has the smallest tits
It's stunning how little nuance this comic has
Mary continues to be a self-isolating weirdo
Maybe it's like "Clarissa" and Fauna got molested, thus she became bitter and hateful internally
Damn... I like Abbey now?
>smallest tits
That's Amaya. Maybe Daisy. Abby probably has the puffiest vagina or something

The story behind this pic is that Daisy convinces Abbey to eat the pink egg of genderbending so they can both be bred by imps. For peace, of course.
>Instead of turning into his father Abbey turns into his mother
Abbeys too big and strong to ever pass, plus if he ever did troon out his dick's too small to get it turned into a frankenpussy
He won't Anon. I like Rule 63 better. It's like a female version of you from another universe.
Maybe... Abbey x Rule63 Abbey hmmm. Would they like it?
Have you ever tried to mix two different spaghetti meals? Its not nice, they'd be just trying so hard to follow whatever imaginary set of rules they made up on their minds
Taeshi's inability or unwillingness to draw non-femboys.
Either she's insecure or her mom has instilled her with an unhealthy need to be the best person in the room.
or maybe she's just a spoiled brat... I doubt she will intro CSA as a topic, unless she wants to end a bigger lolcow then Taeshi
Is this comic about cute gay boys yet?
I miss waiting for a new SC chapter every thread, the story actually moved in that
I mean it wouldn't be surprised if the topic comes up at some point in Bleating Heart. We know for a fact there's going to be child murder and infidelity, what's one more heavy topic to the pile?
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No, she's just so repulsive it turns males off women.
>hey look! a better comic and more interesting dialogue!

If you think this shitty 4th grade tier writing between children qualifies as interesting.
But in reality, both are shit.
Abbey has a good taste I see. And Mike too

And yeah, I didn't manage to say it in the last thread but that Stacy fanart was amazing. Edits giving a lot of good material to work with
Based bisexual Mike.
>Dorito dust Daisy
>Slut wear Stacy
>And to top it all off Mike molests Amaya to prove he isn't gay
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this is the face of a boy who is turning 17 soon. is there anyone taking this comic seriously
Mike and the rest of them looked way more mature over a decade ago, before Taeshi's "artstyle" shit the bed hard.
You're not fooling me anon, that's a squash that someone drew a face on. Perfect for roasting or being made into soup.
He's actually 15 in this chapter
But anyway Taeshi hates Mike and prefers him pathetic and emasculated
Reminder Taeshi hates men because they're evil pigs, but loves rude asshole alpha type characters while she gets off to shitting on "nice guy" characters like Abbey and Mike
Jesus Christ how old are the characters currently? All I know is that they're highschool age, anything beyond that is nebulous.
they are all underage you pedophile
How does it keep getting dumber and more homoerotic? This current page is now gayer and dumber than the first page of those "retard boyfriend" edits.
Yeah, at least one. In the last spate of r63posting, anons decided the name was Abigail, or some variation thereof. She's either a knife-wielding proto-yandere who threatens to cut Lukas and Paula (A little like Mary from BH, actually), or an emotionally-suppressed aspiring tradwife. Opinions differ.
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There's no reason Abigail couldn't be both. Has violent tendencies from living with an extremely abusive father and having to protect her little brother Macky, but also has desires of eventually being with a man that's everything her father wasn't as well as acting on those maternal urges that were acted on early in life.
Taeshi insists most of them are straight
if you do you better do it goddamn right, or you invite REALLY bad people at best
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honestly I prefer the old big head style over the new stuff, it looked more lively and the weeaboo shit was a benefit to the comic, now we are stuck with a slice of life circlejerk of years old characters questioning their sexuality over and over and over again
Makes sense. Abbey already has tension between the desire to be a gentle, kind man, and the seething rage towards bullies and braggarts. Abigail would probably be similar; caught between the desire to be ladylike, and the sense of needing to defend herself and others through violence.
Let's not forget that Abigail is going to have an extreme complex over her mother, and be even more affected by the death of her than regular Abbey.
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damnit forgot image
What flavor should Daisy plow through a bag of next?
Classic Nacho Cheese of course
Flaming hot, I want to see that cat sweating from all her orifices
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wait in this case wouldn't the mother be the one who abused and killed her father?
Well that would require some pretty extensive narrative changes to work. So in this instance Abigail's and Mackey's parents are the same as in the original story. And it perfectly fits with the character of Abigail that was thought up.
>Fem-Abbey is Francine
I love her already. Just imagine how much damage she could do before anybody would stop her. Even regular Abbey was a menace, Abigail could probably get away with knifing someone and she wouldn't go easy on girls like Abbey did.
Daisy's so unattractive that she literally turns Paulo gay.
ok, what about Paula? her mother is still the drop-out
This. Is. So. Fucking. CRINGE. Oh my Gooooooood!
Why does he has to ruin everything? Was it so hard to keep his filthy little mouth shut?! It's gonna be so fucking awkard when Paulo's found out.
The only way to salvage this shit is to make one of the guests assume that Mike has had Lucy over, or just mention Lucy, which will immediately derail the conversation.
Paula being raised motherless leaves her desperate to be "one of the boys" - all of Paulo's desperate false machismo and hypersexuality, but in a girl's body, and directed towards boys instead. Plus a bit of reflexive misogyny on her part, since her mother abandoned her.
I see what you're doing, anon. Next page someone's gonna say that this proves nothing because Amaya's as flat as a boy.

> Verification not required.
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A lot of discussion was had about Paula being raised by a single mother leading to a whole slew of issues. Like promiscuity and desiring a masculine figure to take care of her. Essentially Paulo's desire for motherly loved but flipped around.
things sure get more awkward with her boyfriends, I mean Richard (Rachel) relationship sure feels even more exploitative now
He's not going to be found out, they'll start furiously talking shit about Paulo, Daisy will join in, Mike won't. Paulo will cry, they'll leave, Mike will try to comfort Paulo, Paulo will shrug it off, run away and seethe about how Daisy thinks so poorly of him and vow to never speak to her again. Taeshi's not only predictable, this is a prequel to an arc that's already finished so who the fuck knows why this needed to be over thirty pages.
Hard to claim that she was over when she's far away to who knows where in everyone's eyes. At max someone like Daisy could be polite enough to derail conversation herself. And THEN it will be shitting on Paulo, him being sad, Taeshi liking that he is sad yadda yadda

Or Mike gets a second black eye. Unless Amaya loves it unlike Sue
Next page: Following Mike's retarded exposition, everyone sits around in awkward silence while Daisy attempts to eat various inedible objects found about the room.
Next next page: After eating all of Mike's food Daisy attempts to eat the silica packages and fights off everyone trying to stop her
Next Next Next Page: Paulo comes out of the literal closet and he watches how Daisy is trying to eat the silica packages and fighting off everyone.
At least bonsai tree is safe from her as she doesn't eat green
Next Next Next Page after Taeshi retcons it again for the Omni-omni-bus: McCain pops in out of nowhere to tell the Gen Beta audience not to eat silica packets. Sue asks what he's doing there and he tells everyone he's gay btw.
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I don't even know whats happening anymore
Nothin's happening. The comic's lost propulsion and the rudder is stuck.
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Yeah, possibly the last thread I'm coming to, the meme has always been that you can't stop reading bcb, but this is just another low, there's nothing I'm agreeing or disagreeing with but it's so boring to the point it feels like Taeshi's screaming "STOP READING" at her audience. Which is what I'm kind of doing, I come here for the memes but this threads infested with /pol/cucks and shitcord zoomers and pedophiles.

>img unrelated
None of what you said is accurate.
I don't understand all this secrecy. Why is Paulo even hiding?
Did I miss something?
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He a pussy
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From day 1 people told Luke to open up, yet he only responded with insults and/or violence.
Was the smack necessary since Charlotte/Charlie removed her hand already?
(Old edit)
You know presented like this is seems that Luke is a manlet that gets babied by everyone. No wonder he's such a spite filled piece of shit.
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Yeah it seems like it's actually just halting instead of going in a cycle now.
Would you want to see any art before you go for good? Been trying to make one of Paulo calling Sue autistic but it's been going slow because I suck at drawing legs.

>also that album seems interesting
Looks great! Draw a Daisy and I'll reconsider not leaving.
I'll get on it, might not have it ready by the time this thread dies though so you may have to hang on for a while.
Also thank you RetardedBoyfriend, this has been the funnest part of these threads. I see that Mike's sister is still filming, though I wonder how much storage she has left on her phone lol
why does abby look so fuckable on this page i mean holy fucking shit look at that figure i want to pin this cat down and force him to impregnate me
Taeshi uses female refs for her male poses
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Sandy is cute! How rude of Mike to ask her to be exclusive when she's this pretty!
NTA, but Pendulum's great; one of the classics of the 2000s. My favorites songs of theirs are "Slam" and "Granite".

>Paulo calling Sue autistic
A touch ironic, but not inaccurate
Your arts getting better p quickly, good work buddy
It will never not be funny that the community backed Sandy after EF, and not only that like Francis more than Mike when his only character trait is he fucked Mike's girlfriend lmao
Can you imagine failing so hard at writing your MC
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find a webcomic with a community that respects you
they don't deserve your autistic ass

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