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So whatever happened to this guy?
Did he leave drawing behind all together or did he join the dark side?
This dude has no love for his work. Just wanted attention with that added praise for being original.
this would be funnier if he was holding up a drawing of dickbutt
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He wants you to play his game.
He wants you to play his game.
He wants you to play his game.
people saw his original characters and realized he wasn't getting attention because they sucked
The dopamine that i get from my own self when I slowly develop my shitty OCs is enough to keep me going. I've only shared them like 10 times in my entire life and about 5 of those times, i got fanart back.
it was worth it.
Nothing. He still active
No… no it wouldn’t
Now go back to pleddit
Ugh… pure white Aryan art free of evil Jew corruption
No wonder they try to put our brother down
who literally cares

Kill yourself bored faggot
Dipper never takes rejection well
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Slop has more soul than deviantart furry artists who refuse to improve
Ok coomer
neither of those characters are very rapeable
i bet that guy pops a blood vessel when he looks at classical nude paintings.
If you took the date off this you could pass it off as a webcomic from 1999
>This dude has no love for his work.
You can't read his mind anon
Holy fuck this is only a week old?
Artists with autism are so strange. Some are IMPROOVERS and others can literally never draw beyond what they already do.
>noooooo you can't just want to have people notice and like your art
Thinking you're entitled to fame and adoration simply because you're one of the millions of artists churning out uninteresting slop is a sign of narcissism.
I think most people who actually are artists/creators were sympathetic but yeah it just looks bad to come out and say it, of course people will make fun of you.
Much like with non-artists, improvers are the minority
Fuck I meant non-autists, although the same logic still applies
>Rips his own creation apart because he didn't get the attention he felt he deserved
It's obvious from the comic
I really don't get OC culture
I can tell it's a self-expression thing but I don't really know how people get so invested into making their edgy OCs that are never going to have any kind of story told with them (aside from 10 paragraphs of edgy backstory posted in the comments)
The closest I've felt to that was making a CaC in Dragon Ball Xenoverse but that's because DB has a gigantic world with cool shit that's stuck with peepee poopoo Saiyans 95% of time so it was cool to play as other races, I think I only liked it because the source material was so lacking in attention to them
>Slop has more soul than-
No, no it doesn't.
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Weird non-sequitur
I don’t get the argument here. Mediocre artists deserve recognition because they’re "white"? I think spending your formative years on /pol/ gave you brain rot.
OCs for existing properties are:
a) a means to self-insertion
b) a way to transition from doing fanart to doing original art
c) a way for giga-autists to experience new stories without leaving their comfort zone
What about creative self expression?
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Yes, it does
Would you still like this image if say you lost your dick in a car accident
why? it's quite relevant to the original comic.
You'd also have to divide the resolution by 10. Which he really should do anyway because there's literally no reason for this garbage to be that fucking big.
No it's not. The guy is mad that porn is popular despite being lowly compared to his scrimblo OC. Nude classical paintings are not seen as lowly, they exist in a completely different cultural light.
Looks like something you'll find in a cereal box.
That's just ego-stroking narcissism
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Stay strong, Toucan Henry.
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More parodies please?
There are times when you can feel bad about something, but you can't complain about it publicly because you will look like a whiny bitch.
Like having a small cock or getting the wrong videogame for christmas
38 years old btw
I felt bad for this guy but his art is just so bad, also he's almost 40 years old
It's all the fun of having a character with a complex story you want to tell without actually having to write and draw hundreds of pages of comics.
soul vs soulless

What's wild is that his 2003 doodles unironically have more soul. Imagine practicing for 20 years and getting nowhere while endlessly drawing the same simple characters. The only explanation is that this man is actually clinically retarded and sliding left-wards down the bellcurve.
Just because you put effort and emotional energy into something doesn’t guarantee it will be good or others will see it the way you see it.
too polished for soul.
yes it does
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Never go digital.
Better than JoseRamiro ironically.
This is maybe a weird thing to say, but this a drawing only an artist would draw. You know the self inflating, self important, "nobody understand me and they're all wrong for it because it sure as hell can't be because my vision and craft in uninteresting!"
This makes it seem like he has exactly what that kind of audiance would like but
Is just a innoffensive newspaper comic strip
Is he retarded? People don't want your garbage character.
>but this a drawing only an artist would draw.
As opposed to drawings only a consoomer would draw?
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This is incredibly sad.
someone post the davinci one
>have art friends so obsessed with likes and follows
>they're not even drawing for cash
>even the ones with high followings and frequent online interactions tell me it's not enough
>they feel insecure about their personal interests not having mass-appeal
If you're not trying to monetize it, what the hell is the point of a big following? More zoomers telling you to kill yourself?
Draw what you want, and the people who share your interests will find you. Even if it's only a few, aren't they still valuable?
>Zeurel be like...
Some artists have no self-awareness. They'll complain about having "only" a few thousand followers and talk about how big artists should be more grateful for the audience they have without seeing the irony.
Can we get a fat edit?
I guess likes and shares are currency for those people. Also sometimes viral hits are hard to turn into money, for money to come it needs to some sort of series, that has consistency. It's hard to do when trends and viral hits live and die so quickly.
Number goes up. Same thing that gets people to blow thousands of hours playing Factorio.
Looks like the autism of low expectations. Like he’s been stuck with shitty cartoons so long he doesn’t actually understand they’re supposed to be funny. I mean don’t get me wrong, not every comic is a laugh riot, but you can really tell this guy just fucking doesn’t get it. He thinks drawing is just for making Kid Cuisine and Icee mascots, and he has completely lost the plot as to why someone might find a drawing interesting or funny. Like he was trapped as a child with the back of a bunch of cereal boxes and the worst of the DiC cartoons, this guy is fucking brain dead when it comes to what a comic is. Please, try to use your soul and make something that isn’t more of the filler media you were brainwashed as a child into believing was funny, but that never was.
This guy has been an adult for 20 years and he still draws like he's in first grade
As others said back when people first found this guy, he's never going to improve the way you want him to. You can't model him as "basically like you, but stuck in a really weird rut," even if you yourself are autistic or whatever. The core of the matter is that he saw some dumb like newspaper comic when he was 5 and his aesthetic tendencies permanently froze in that state, and if it wasn't that it would have been something else. And a lot of guys like that are hovering around the margins of mental disability, so idk to what extent "lock them in a room with only Shakespeare plays and Moebius comics" would work, even if it were ethical.
Another Fred Gallagher.
Both are true. He has autism and doesn’t have a clue. Its cute how he draws like a child expecting a reward from his mom
I feel bad about being a late bloomer when it came to drawing but I remember j won't be this bad when I turn 40 and it makes me feel better
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Jesus fucking christ, this shit looks like something from a cereal box in the late 1990s.
these characters in this art style look like 90s, budget kids meal mascots
trapped in a nascent web comic from 1994
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Alright faggets here’s the plan
We meme this retard into popularity by baiting him into doing something extremely racist online.
We could have our very own cwc in the rough.
>let's make le next Chris-Chan guise!!!
Not your personal army, faggot.
>2 months later when other anons did all the heavy lifting
>uhhh guys can I join the fun too
He just blocks people immediately.
Nice work with lighting. Interesting character moment. But yeah, it's boring and a little confusing.
He's well past the point of being an interesting lulcow. He's just a sad retard attempting to make comics that play at being witty or deep or meaningful because he is too dumb to form meaningful connections with other human beings.
At least with Factorio you get consistent output based on what you put into it. Being psychologically dependent on social media retards sounds like hell.
>and follows
>>they're not even drawing for cash
>>even the ones with high followings and frequent online interactions tell me it's not enough
>>they feel insecure about their personal interests not having mass-appeal
>If you're not trying to monetize it, what the hell is the point of a big following? More zoomers telling you to kill yourself?
>Draw what you want, and the people who share your interests will find you. Even if it's only a few, aren't they still valuable
idk man, why post on this board of dipshits instead of just staring blankly at a wall? people are built for socialising and sometimes it becomes drug.
sorry for quoting your entire post, i'm pre-coffee
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You know, I play old online video games where I see other players that have like, 10k+ hours in the game and they're fucking TRASH. I often wonder to myself, "How the fuck can you be this bad after playing for several years? You didn't even improve accidentally!".

That image makes me feel like that.
I will give him this: he's really nailed that specific 'coloring page on a kid's menu for a mediocre regional chain restaurant' vibe.
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>meanwhile, popular artists:
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Ironic that Mr. "DRAW MY OC" aka Krekkov shat on this guy for complaining that NSFW does numbers on Twitter while also whining about his own audience. Nobody cares about your Monster Hunter screenshots, faggot. Fuck this egotistical indog piece of shit and the fags on this site that overrate his mid art.
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>Hey fellas. Krekkov here once again after a few months to ask that you please stop pointing out the obvious real pedo horniness that was in the comic's creation. You know for GreasyMeta's comic... wait uh I mean Eigaka and GreasyMeta's limited time only, premium only, totally-not-shota porn comic that was available on Gumroad!
>Draw my OC!
>We also don't like when you point out that it was limited time to get as much FOMO profit as possible and also to avoid reports and trouble due to the content so if you can stop mentioning that too it'd be great
>Draw my OC.
>Also please stop reporting GreasyMeta's twitter. Also I should make sure not to mention that Eigaka's bannings were set up on the inside since I'm supposed to not recognize that and act like it was a natural hater
>Draw my OC! Draw it!!!!
>Again please stop reporting GreasyMeta his on Twitter @GreasyMeta
>And lastly please stop pointing out that everyone affiliated with this comic has been hypocritical about the content or even interacts regularly with children.
>coomers are bringing back webrings
Based, honestly.
turns out the guy was right
and retards who doubted him were all shills in these people's cliques or wanted to join their cliques
and it's not even about porn it's that twitter/discord has caused this shit
the homoginization of social media and the refusal to use anything other than twitter or twitter clones
the sooner twitter bans porn the sooner the internet will heal
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He was right, porn artists are circlejerking egotists that think they're hot shit for having over a certain number of botted followers.
You're not doing shit.
Based Krekkov, the only cringe part about him is never shooting his shot with that anime twink rage baiter in bed.
This is like when the middle school newspaper club lets a student submit their comic to go out on the newsletter
What the fuck is this garbage? "nsfw art community"? Just draw your jerkoff material and fuck off. Artists becoming pseudo e-celebs was a mistake.
>being a hypocritical clout chaser is based
You realize it's not chris' lack of art skills that made him what he is? If anything his inability to draw is one of the least effective ways of baiting him into rage.
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Improvement requires a sense of self-awareness and the ability to reflect, two things a lot of autists struggle with.
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your post is soulless
did he ever factor in that he's just not that good of an artist?
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Hey it's NotImportant.
It actually looked better twenty years ago.
>and retards who doubted him were all shills in these people's cliques or wanted to join their cliques
The guy who started the meme against him was also one of them.
Having talked to and seen the inside of some of these circles you start to understand why they're like that. Alot of these big artists literally got nothing else going on in their lives, this is all they've got.
Are these RoboRoach OCs?
You get to make new friends and boost your popularity by joining a community of artists.
damn where did you get this photo of me
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this is great art, but i feel like this is kind of playing into the 'pandering to coomers for fotm attention' mindset. you gotta draw what you want to draw, even if it's a non-sexy cartoon bug
Reminds me of that dtupid Dobson face
What the fuck are you talking about?
>but this a drawing only an artist would draw
>this is a building only a builder would build
>this is a baked good only a baker would bake
>this is a carving only a carver would carve
>this is a painting only a painter would paint
Who is this guy
Lol, no.
He could work at Spindlehorse desu.
Man why would they hate Nicholas Diorio like this?
>big tiddy muscle women don't get attention
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if he wants to be ignored he should try drawing something with no naked chicks or romance in it. both men and women don't want to know
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>acting like a literal toddler
You've been living in the internet pervert bubble for too long. It's actually way less than you assume. The muscle babe fanbase is actually pretty small, which results in low monetization in the female muscle building circuit, which results in them giving up, because staying competitive is pretty much it's own job, which is impossible to do when working full-time, or seek monetization by doing fetish shoots for weirdos.
Why is gaslighting a man into trooning out and raping his demented mother "fun"?
>his drawings only got stiffer after twenty years
This is actually scary.
Damn that's pretty sad.
Those people have fallen for the trap of social media and are fundamentally not free any more.
Everyone on this thread, please watch this video, ever since this guy got infamous for posting this and later watching this animated insanity, i'm really feeling empty about the purpose of drawing in social media
>I think most people who actually are artists/creators were sympathetic
No they weren't they were the first ones to make fun of him because they felt called out
Let's be real, even though this guy was being a fag about it let's not pretend all the popular artists nowadays didn't also cope and seethe before they "made it" and/or resorted to clout chasing to get there
What once was shall be again
Hell there are popular artists that regularly get tens of thousands of likes on a post but the moment they get a thousand less likes than usual they freak out and think they've become nobodies oh the horror
Unironically them drawing what they have has lead the algorithms on social media to become so unstable
They deserve it for making art communities into slopcentral
Can't speak or him specifically but there's literally zero reason to create something and release it publicly if you're not looking to get a positive reception from it.
Bodybuilding in general is pretty sad. Even the more popular male bodybuilding is only financially feasible at the very highest levels. The sport is absolutely full of sad stories about people who spent lots of time and money to compete and got nowhere. Or worse, people who destroyed their health by training and holding to regimes, or even using steroids.

Ironically, there's more money in fitness: just looking kinda buff, posting online and selling your followers workouts and supplements. And even that has lots of sad stories and scandals.
My dick doesn't enjoy hold close a plush lover, my brain does.
This looks like a dude I knew back in highschool. I hope this isn't how he turned out
What a lot of these guys don't realize is that you can't bulk your joints. Your ligaments. Your spine. They fuck up their knees, backs, the works when they're not even thirty. Or guys like Rich Piana, I'm sure you know about him. It's important to be healthy, it's more important to stay healthy as long as you can.
Honestly the worst part is that even with porn/fetish shit putting in effort feels like you don't get rewarded.

>do fetish story for my semi-niche fetish
>want to write an actual story with a core fetish element instead of simple low effort porn
>write it and I actually like it
>decide to link it in a /d/ thread because people link/post their stories in said general all the time
>get told straight up by people that they're not going to bother reading it because it's not a shallow porn
Shit is completely demoralizing even in that space. More broadly, if it feels like you're doing things for an audience of yourself it'll just make you wonder what the point is? Admittedly I'm probably more acutely sensitive to that kind of stuff than most though.
How can you draw cartoons for twenty years and not get cartooning?
>because it's not a shallow porn
Fucking link it because I hate those kinds of faggots
Nothing can ever be elevated, it all has to be fucking bare minimum bullshit or silent image dumping thread after thread
Of all the porn board threads i've been to i can count on one hand the number of exceptions
>>do fetish story for my semi-niche fetish
So you're a webcomic author, I see. If it's for a fetish you have at least you have a divining rod in your pants keeping you motivated.
Was it OC or fandom based? Sometimes people are more likely to care if it’s a fanwork.
Shut up low test faggot you just gotta not be lazy and hit the gym, I will totally look like a supermodel in a year just you wait and see!!!
Fetish work with story > shallow fetish drivel
>Not shallow porn
Fuck those guys. I'm honestly getting tired of everything being pin-ups or four panel crap. I appreciate it more if people give something of substance with build up and pay off.
unironically put it on archive of our own anon, there are people who do like that kinda longform shit so long as you tag it right
Did you make it a core worldbuilding element or is the fetish part light compared to the story? Maybe posting it on /d/ is the problem, they just want to get their rocks off quick. It's kind of like making fics of character ships instead of just seeing them bang
I never really find it sad for people to fail at something like that considering almost everyone else including me has to just... do actual work 40 hours a week for a living. Like, thats too bad for you if you werent able to get paid enough for looking good, but im not going to cry myself to sleep over it.
I mean no offense, but when people go on /d/ to jerk off, they're probably not in the mood to read a story to go with the picture. They can make up all the context in their minds and it will be hotter for them. I am usually only willing to see a supplementary story if I REALLY like the picture and consciously want to see more context. And If I want a fetish story, I look up fetish stories specifically.

If you really want something, you can write like a few paragraphs of text (though more than one is probably pushing it) giving the picture some context.
And yes people are a bit more eager to read supplementary stories if it's a fanwork, though that doesn't guarantee anything either.

I'm sorry that's just how it is

You should probably post your story separately somewhere an attach a picture, a story with a picture as a bonus is more likely to gather attention than a picture with a story as a bonus.
>do actual work 40 hours a week for a living
Speak for yourself. I do 20 hours max
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I see what's wrong. It's line weight or lack there of. I can't imagine drawing for over 20 fucking years and not understanding how important it is. I understood it at the age of fucking 14.
Also the colours are so bad and saturated. Its just awful.
I'm a awful artist but at least I know I will never stagnate this bad
>fetish with a good story>fetish with single caption/comic strip>fetish that's just single image>fetish with bad story
Sometimes I think I would be happier if I learned how to draw, but then I read stuff like this thread and realize I'd probably be more depressed
Nah drawing is great. Just pick what you want, to draw for fun or draw for a skill. Just know that drawing for a skill is hard and grueling like any skill. Very rewarding to see how much you grow. Just don't let crabs drag you down
His only hope for success is making a point-and-click game in the style of Pajama Sam.
Do you want to draw because you want to express yourself or because you seek approval? This is an important question. If it's the former, give it a spin, it's hard but very worthwhile. If it's the latter, you should be doing it for yourself.
Drawing is freedom. People are in this sense always free when they draw. The mistake being discussed ITT is the timeless one of becoming a slave to others' whims and not ones' own. If you wish to be free and draw as you like, I always encourage people to do so.
I think for every popular drawfag I still see sticking around after 20 years there's been a hundred more who came and went, usually shit talking their fans on the way out.
Not just the line weight. Most of the poses and expressions are stiff.
Honestly I get this feeling. Redraws or just oh wow I drew this character really bores me honestly
>simple low effort porn
But drawing takes effort, more effort than your thing
/co/ hates art
>the fags on this site that overrate his mid art.
His art is pretty good though
I'm starting to think it's true. Several posts dedicated to complaining that people prefer visuals over their elaborate setups for stories. And who cares if the subject is shallow? You didn't spend hours for a year + trying to create a figure that looks semi accurate, with colors, shading and everything.
>make a community for NSFW artists
>"Oh, okay, that's fi-"
>Minimum 25k follower entry fee
>literally just the Cool Popular Rich Kids Club instead of anything that could help out artists
>artist spends years trying to make a decent
>anon farts out a few paragraphs in one night and wants to get more attention
Fucking burn in hell you piece of shit
i can't lie, i usually just skip the plot stuff to get to the fetish bits. but i'm an impatient retard and anon should not let that put him/her off making longform content.
I fall into a weird category where I know I improved because my old art was absolutely garbage but my art is still shit so it feels like I never improved at all
>paid for looking good
Oh fuck off. Any competitive level sport is extremely physically and mentally demanding. Doing it professionally is objectively harder than most jobs. And unlike most jobs, they only get compensated for their effort if they're the very best.

You're free to not like sports or think professional sports are a waste of time, but only a cretin wouldn't respect their effort.
First of all, you're an idiot for expecting the average /d/ poster to appreciate literature and not just fapfics, and then you're also an idiot for letting that get to you. All my favorite stories are either slow burn or very story-heavy. And those also have the most actual engagement in comments. Most (even good) fapfics get is the verbal equivalent of thumbs up like "nice", "hot" or "more" or request like "have these characters have this type of sex". Also let's see your story, writer boy.
>appreciate literature
It's some shitty chan posts
Did you read what he wrote to assert that? And their problem with it wasn't quality, but the format. They literally hated it because it was literature, as in a story, rather than just a sex scene. Maybe it's bad, I don't know as I haven't read it, but that wasn't the point.
Not gonna lie,watching this made me want to draw shitty Reimu and Marisa doodle and call it a Cookie to see if something happens
Learn to love the process, enjoy the activity of art not the end result and problem solved.
nigga him and dobson both draw better than you billy, be humble
>Fucking link it because I hate those kinds of faggots
No, this was a few years ago and the actual story isn't important at this point.
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This is deep AF
How can you produce such fucking trash and then bitch you get no attention.
Is it normal for an artist to get worse as they age?
What was the fetish?
I feel like being a drawfag around here would be easy validation and a way to polish your skills while you get good enough to expand to other art sites or twitter or whatever
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It's fine to be honest, i've seen worse by older.
This is a comic series drawn by a man who I believe is now in his 50s, who's apparently been making it since he was in the 4th grade.
I first found it in the archives of a college newspaper from 1990, and was surprised to see it still going (with not much change in the art), the most recent ones only being a couple months ago. I actually like it
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lmao i knew it, no one is paying attention to this faggot because he sucks, simple as. like it's fine if you do this as a hobby in your spare time but if you're actually bitter about getting zero attention maybe take an actual good hard look at the garbage you're making
Bootleg Peanuts
toucan henry is unironically miles ahead of anything appleyard could ever conceive
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as an artist, this shit actually fucking scares me. i never ever ever want to be or end up like this guy, please god
the left looks decent imo
Nobody owes you attention.
4chan hates everything.
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He's not at even that far off to that generic 90's cartoon look he wants, he just needs to loosen up a bit and use some more curves here and there. Also, not doing uniform lines would help tremendously. Doesn't need to be Genndy Tartakovsky extreme, but just not this "pencil tool in Flash" look.
I dont understand, what is this?
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The only way you could tell from the image is the color coding on the names. Even for a typical "character sheet", it's pretty vague and the characters look interchangeable.
>people prefer visuals over their elaborate setups for stories
As a smut drawer AND writer, I prefer visuals over elaborate set ups. I would prefer to draw a comic for fetish stuff over writing it, but I don't think I'm skilled enough for the comics, so I stick to writing for now, but I wish I wasn't writing as much.
I want to do non-smut too, but not non-smut writing because I'm just not that type of guy.
That's every artist. My art is pretty shit, but compared to my earlier pieces, I can tell I improved in one way or another.
The video is about the subculture of Touhou "Cookie" content loosely based on the creator's experience with it.

Basically how easy it is to do low effort doodles and tagging it "cookie" to bask in the absurd feedback yet feeling empty because it's derivated work rather than their original content

They also criticize how "cookie" culture is based around using voice actor's personal lifes and using it as material for their videos since everything is fair game, extreme gatekeeping and trend chasing
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lmfao I've done the exact same shit. I say plow through, some audience is gonna find it and that's all you need. It'll pay off.
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Just keep drawing anon, improve for yourself. Also, I always say this, you need to be the biggest fan of your own creation, you need to put (or attempt to put) your best foot forward, because no one is inclined to give a shit about your OCs. Taking Kevin and Kell. Comic's been running since 1995 and the next big event for the main family is the son finally marrying his highschool sweetheart.
I like this. It's interesting and somewhat thought provoking, at least.
>defending Dobson
New low for you, diaperfag
You jerk it to AI slop means you're brain is rotted. You are a literal npc now. Congratulations, you played yourself.
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The bug guy is definitely his own biggest fan because no one else would be a fan of him
>literally zero reason to create something and release it publicly if you're not looking to get a positive reception from it.
Holy shit there are people who actually think like this
Now thats some lighy comedy
I would actually argue he's not a fan of his own work.
I would never, ever consider tearing up a drawing I was happy with. Even if nobody else ever saw it. Even if people saw it and nobody else liked it.
I started drawing 6 months ago and the more I progress the more I lament that I'm not as good as I want to be, but the more I love my own drawing and the process of drawing itself.

This is a person that views their work as a product.
Eternal Permabegness is real...
>This is a person that views their work as a product.
A product that isn't selling, no less. At the very least the currency he desires is validation, which he's not getting (because his work just isn't that good or interesting).
Pitiable, to be sure, but it stops there. He's a victim of himself, and his best recourse is to just quit.
Cant believe the artist deleted this
The reduced resolution really added to the appeal.
they're considered pornography to a lot of people.
Delusional. But, all artists are, and I could never imagine deleting my works either. Good point anon
Gay Peanuts
This is pathetic
Cute and sovlful
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You need to take a lesson from furries and not give a fuck
I think this sucks
>tags: live decapitation muscle suit multiple personality
You know, this is kind of related to the massive loss of Toucan's in the Amazon rainforests. Over 34,000 Toucan's are killed per year for their valuable beaks, with no end in sight. We can stop this madness however, with Resistance 34. For more information Google Toucan Henry r34
>tfw I draw my shitty OCs and post them online I don't expect nor want them getting lots of love and they're mostly for me to draw at a later date in a lewd/funny situation
I don't know, if you're not drawing for yourself you're not drawing.
Funny Peanuts
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Literally Andrew Dobson 2.0
Dobson actually had 100k followers.
You get it anon. I still have some drawings from all the way as back as 2014 , and while I'm not the best by a mile, I appreciate how far I've come. That and making art isn't y main job.
Having a bit of drawing experience really helps with note taking. Or diagrams when you need to explain something visually can be a real life saver. This >>144537908 is also true.
I don't even get what this would help with for nsfw artists specifically. Would all the advice you get basically be watered down into "draw the boobs/butt bigger and more curvey." It's tailored to stagnate an artist into a 1-track mindset. Also clout chasing is just funny to me.
Being bitter doesn't exclude a person from making observations on the social circles around them, but yes he is bitter.
Then those people are giga retards
Nah, middle school newspaper comics tend to be edgy strips about people dying in funny ways with Mad-inspired art. This is the kind of filler shit you get on cereal boxes, family restaurant activity pads and similar shit where the priority is not offending grandma in case she takes a look.
>TFW you spend days on some drawing and it ends up looking like dogshit anyway and you realize you should have stopped at some point
SIR abandoned us /fit/izens… I’ll never forgive him… ;_;
In my experience, you should never stop, especially if you're excited about the drawing. Getting better takes time, anyways, so you may as well develop patience for yourself in the meanwhile too.
>make a deviantart webcomic about furries in bathing suits
>its SFW and not really sexual at all
Say what you want about this guy but I find this respectable
Could be various reasons:

- people often say that good art makes them feel something, therefore, if your art doesn't seem to connect with [many] people, it's bad
- the artist has some internal metric on how popular someone of their skill level ought to be, so if they fall below that, they panic and conclude that they're actually terrible and just stuck in an echochamber where nobody tells them the truth
- artist craves a social aspect to the hobby, and because of how art is mainly distributed nowadays, that doesn't happen in small cliques or friend groups, but the megacorp sites where your social neighborhood is faceless followers. It's like how videogame communities used to be forums and community servers where you got to know people and nowadays it's reddit randos and matchmaking queues where you remember nobody - but people crave the social aspect of their hobby anyway, so they eat the slop.
- artist hopes they'll make it omegabig so they can skip the commission grind step and immediately reach the level where people will throw money at them to basically draw whatever they want
Sounds like 99% of "artists" on Twitter, just a bunch of vultures with no soul
Should you just take the blackpill if you haven't been drawing constantly ever since you were a small child?
Now that's an improvement desu
Your self-improvement is reliant on you in the now, not what you could've done in the past. David Finch was only drawing for 3 years before he got into comics.
Just start drawing and then keep pushing past the thoughts you'll get convincing yourself that it's not worth it because everyone gets those, even industry professionals. The one thing that separates them and nodraws is just that they've worked hard to earn the ability to enjoy their art for what it is in spite of those intrusive thoughts.
Tezuka never considered himself an artist, rather a cartoonist, and he ended up being one of the most influential creators of all time. This guys a moron that has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.
>its SFW
I wouldn't show this to anyone at work.
This guy may be a dumbass but he's a harmless autistic dumbass that just wants to draw silly bugs
At least he's not a guy like DeputyRust who sucks ass at drawing but thinks he's a big dog of comics even though only Twitter retards like his drawings and he actively ruins any community he's a part of
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nah. I didn't start drawing till the pandemic when I'd posted some crap "high schooler discovers anime" phase stuff in a discord server for laughs and got encouragement to keep going. I'm not amazing but I'm glad I did. The inherent joy of creation keeps you drawing through the times you think it looks crap. Then a few years down the line you look at where you are now and think, "holy shit this is way better than what I was drawing a year ago"
I've certainly seen worse but im gonna guess this guy is like 45
This guy knows what he's doing
His name is Natura Lecti dummy
It reminds me of the rabbithole of guys on youtube despairing that they can't reach pewdiepie numbers from filming a whingy rant like its a vlog from 2007

It's unfortunate sure, but you're not offering anything at the end of the day
So many artists are just like "i wanna draw this cool thing" and then do a stellar job at it
>making a literal caste system for NFSW artists
I doubt that many gives a fuck about this list
45 or 15
I would almost agree with you, but 15 year olds born in 2009 would not have gotten much influence from saturday morning cartoons and garfield, they'd be drawing a mix of anime and beanmouth styles
That polar bear 100% is rapable
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>15 year olds
>born in 2009
fuck off!!
fuck off!!!!!
No the fuck they weren't, they were brutal to an almost unnerving degree. It was the prime example of the top artists only really caring about themselves while bullying anyone they consider "beneath" them.
>You've been living in the internet pervert bubble for too long
I hate that you are right. Please stop being right.
I'm not familiar with him. Does he really just beg people to draw his characters?
I'm pretty sure he loved what he did. It's not wrong to want attention from something you enjoy doing.
He just isn't a good artist so his cringe whining came off even worse
>but 15 year olds born in 2009
tfw your style develops
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take the valsalia route.
make a serious comic with the story and some very mild hints about the big fetish, then draw smut on the side
I've seen other artists like OP, who've drawn for 15+ years and never improve. But he's incredibly autistic and low iq. He has the desire to draw and make something he sees in his hand, but no ability to follow through and deliver. Must be a literal hell.
Clout is one hell of a drug
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he legit draws like he's making art for an obscure, forgotten PC CD-ROM game from the late 90's
What happened? I know that there was this issue with puh, but may I get a bit more info? Was he lifting to impress?
it will never not be funny seeing people react like this
reminds me of those lame bugs from Phineas Ferb
they really thought those characters were funny enough to be part of a spin off
You'll be feeling it soon enough zoomer.
still can't get the fingers right, wow
I know.
Still gonna take in the laughs before it happens though :^)
nah nothing like that, during that whole weird non binary gf cuckquean event thing, he just said he wasnt gonna do the yearly /fit/ comic anymore since he'd lost the passion for it.
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I don't mean to be a killjoy but the first mistake you made was advertising yourself on 4chan. This place should expressly be used for advice and direction on improving yourself if that's what you desire, if you post your stuff here you are effectively opening yourself up to have the piss taken out of you and worse, risk becoming a lolcow in the process.
I'm not a big artist, but some of my art has been posted here before from third parties who discovered me naturally, because I never wanted to force my creations upon this place, and the reactions I get from my art are monumentally more interesting when people naturally find out about my art instead of me begging for advice and asking anons pretty please if my art is good or not, that's just opening yourself up to weakness and ends up becoming a bad look in the end because people will very easily turn from critique to outright maliciousness in an instant.
I really don't mean to be pessimistic about this, but you really shouldn't be looking for validation on here. 4chan is more of a worldviewing device then a interacting one.
why do you look like a statue

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