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Not gonna lie, I miss her.
You can just search for her porn
Her show fucking sucked and was so boring
Who cares. Nobody even talks about it other than porn of her.
Yeah, Hilda is very boring story. That is super suck.
Not gonna lie you're a retard
Porn? Isn't she like 14?
Go back to Twitter
Do not come here again until you are 18+
>the show canonically ends with Scott getting cucked due to the cancellation

This will forever be the funniest and most memorable thing about Hailey's On It.
People judged this show waaaaaay to fucking harshly imo.
I miss hiding her threads. Speaking of which
this is like the people who say something rude to you in a game and then instantly put you on ignore
>Flopped so hard they didn't even get the immediate Season 2 greenlight most modern cartoons get nowadays regardless of success
I don't anymore. I liked it when it started, but it didn't feel like anything was happening by the second half of the series until the finale. That cliffhanger just killed my interest in rewatching it. What's there to go back to?
I miss her mom more, but yes her too.Though admittedly I'm not too bummed about her series being over considering how it wrapped up. I fell off near the end and seeing where it went tells me I didn't need to bother to keep going.
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It does feel like the show just came and went without much fanfare. Disney didn't try 1/10th as hard to advertise it as MGDD. I'm surprised Kiff got a renewal and this didn't because Kiff's ratings were atrocious. Both Hailey and Kiff do pretty well on the Disney's shorts app, and I can't believe for one bit this show had a budget that even reached into six figures (not counting whatever they paid Moana which was probably 150% of it) so it's more confusing to me that Kiff got renewed and this didn't.

I think Molly, Amphibia season 3 and TOH flopping so hard meant this show was just collateral damage and wasn't ever going to get much of a chance.
they never do, is always a two season order from the get go, and usually it means one season divided in two for marketing purposes.
making a Trans time traveler was a mistake. Should be a talking dog or a male soldier.
Well it didn't even last a whole year
I think only Hamster And Gretel got less support from Disney. Moon Girl got quite a bit and Molly had almost all the support Disney could give it. Though Hailey still got some support, multiple Theme Song Takeovers and shorts, but in comparison it comes up short a bit. It failing I don't think is entirely it's fault as it came right when Disney was making some of it's most cut throat moves. Kiff seems like it's in the same lane as Big City Greens in that their ratings are garbage but they do very well in rerun retention which is something Disney also values since they need something to fill out time slots and keep people tuned into Disney Channel.
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Funnily enough they could've easily cut Hailey's 30 season order in two and just passed it off as a ghetto 1-2 season order.
Rearrange some of the episodes so that it ends the "first" season on the Scott-Kristine breakup.

I think the problem with this show mostly was that it was just standing around talking. Especially in Hailey's room. There wasn't much conflict, they didn't even introduce a proper bully to Hailey until late in the show, everyone just sort of otherwise tolerates her being a sperg. Then she shows up with the streetshiiter at the dance and everyone stops to fawn at her, even her girlbully is giving her compliments. You coulda told me this shit was written by Daron Nefcy and I'd have believed it because the show ended up being some nerdy girl's revengefic.
It was given a chance, it didn't catch on. That's not harsh.
it just wanted to be a fun sitcom show but it was crucified by twittertards for not being the next Owl House
No it wasn't
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What they did to Hailey will forever curse the Disney Channel....
In all the porn I see she's always 18+ and consenting. What kind of shit are you into?!
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They all look bully-able.
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I miss her in particular.
I don't understand Disney, they get a good formula for loretoons with Gravity Falls that everybody loves and is super popular.
Then they make like 3 more of them running consecutively and everyone still loves them and they're a huge success.

Then they just cut and cancel them for not fitting their vision and instead pump out some tv sitcom-esque half-lore half-family-guy fusion that looks like a generic adult cartoon but has the depth of a show with 0+ rating and see not a single person watch it and it die drowning without even a wet far of a whimper.

And then they just go "Oooh yeah baby now that's more like it, that's what we're talking about now this is on brand, more of this please! This is out identity now!"

Can anyone explain the rationale behind this?
It's just that it wasn't really that fun.
The only character with a decent personality and design is Hailey herself, but his friend feels bland and the support cast barely gets to do anything interesting.
While the show could have had a good second season, it didn't really had much to work with.
This brats give me boners
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>part action show, but had terrible animation / non-existent choreography
>part comedy show, but most of the time wasn't that funny
>part romance show, but just teased a will they/wont they that ended up with NO payoff
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I would miss her, but they managed to perfect and completely cram what Star vs did with three seasons of relationshit drama in the last five minutes of the season finale. And if the crew has the full confidence to pull a shit cliffhanger like that and think it will guarantee to leave people begging for more and them getting juicy deals for season renewals then they fucking deserve to have this show cancelled.
She looks like she'd grow up to do porn
best episode
Was it so hard for the showrunners to stick to their premise? "Do your to-do list, kiss Scott, and save the world" seems to write itself but they fucked up royally. Everyone involved who didn't call this out should be blacklisted.
She was the only good part of this show. I will genuinely miss her.
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Only thing I liked about the show was the designs.
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Yeah, the writers are morons.
But the premise is also rather boring and it was never explained why doing her bucket list would save the world and it screams "chosen one".
So, as long as there is no S2 and we are left with the cliffhanger, my headcanon theory is:
>Future Hailey is actually an evil mastermind who wants to destroy the world with her Chaos Bots.
>The Professor is in some type of Terminator resistance to alter the past.
>Not being able to complete her list was the reason for Hailey to become evil.
>The Chaos Bots want to restore the original timeline by preventing Hailey from completing her list.
>This will forever be the funniest and most memorable thing about Hailey's On It.

At least it's better than Star Vs finale, which it sucked.
It felt like it was over before it even started.
This shit is fucking repulsive
he's not talking about your face though
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I wish this image template was more used
out of 100
In the final episode it confirms an anon's theory based on the way that a chaos bot reacts to A.C., showing that they're his, so his future self wants to sabotage Hailey in the past to change her future or whatever
Anon I…
I sincerely feel that this show would've been slightly funnier with a laugh track. The show already does all these awkward pauses and has this cheap sitcom like feel.

That one episode where they do the laughtrack just proves my point.
You need to be at least 18 to post here
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Hailey was truly the most show of all time.
I really miss Molly McGee. It instilled some kind of fetish/longing in me for quirky brown genki girls that love life and are way too friendly to be realistic.
I like that they pretended she farted
It'd be a interesting twist if future Hailey made the Chaos bots as some bitter femcel who never finished her bucket list and is preventing the rebels from helping past Hailey finish the book so that future evil Hailey doesn't cease to exist as this persona.

Just have the messages to herself be AI fakes.
Opinion discarded, especially if you're only retort is to talk shit about some other show that wasn't even boring that wasn't even boring
You just miss her attractive face and voice. Her character is dogshit.
Ok Kyle
That did feel like it was the case. The last few episodes after the Christmas one felt like they finally had an idea of how to write these characters and the humor they wanted to go with and were some of the best of the series. It's a shame the show ended right when it finally found some kind of groove.
File deleted.
>Show ends with Scott being cucked and Hailey letting Earth burn because she has currynigger cock

I enjoyed the hell out of this show, and coming on this board today was a mistake ;(
It's sad but there's really nothing for it anymore. Who was your favorite?
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I wish her cheerleading thing wasn’t a one-off deal
Same. I mean the joke of her joining a sport literally at their last game of the season was kind of alright but having an ongoing thing with Hailey doing cheer could have been neat. At least it would mean she'd wear the outfit more and we'd have a natural in to more Kristine and the other girls they could have explored.
She is a fictional character
You're right. It's Becker who really needed more.
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Good, Scott was an annoying faggot.
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I miss AC and his fat ass
He cute.
Gravity Falls fags and their various spinoffs (TOH, Amphibia) did a lot more damage to the cartoon community and DTVA in particular than Hailey's On It. Shows like Hailey were always the norm, wacky kidcom shows with maybe a hint of lore.
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To bad the writing usually sucked, too silly. Because otherwise, this show was a screenshot goldmine
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>Show caters to my nerd fetish
>Gets cancelled
I simply live with the pain.
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She won.
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Shouldn't Anne be on Hailey's side?
People wanted her to lez out with Sasha, plus, she died and didn't end up with anyone.
>People wanted her to lez out with Sasha
Yeah but she didn't lez out with anybody.
Did she ever teach the cat to play the piano?
Amphibia doesn't have a main boy
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Now this is cope.
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She was ok and kind of looked pretty good in other outfits. Also skirt shot sort of. It does the same thing kim possible, star vs the forces of evil and other shows with the character dynamic and story which is ok but the animation style sometimes the humor and shipping was just off though. The animation really with the rich villain kid.
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>Primos is flopping and will be widely panned by audiences
>HOI had a sudden Jeb! surge in its last few episodes and its streaming release has been doing well
We're so back.
It implies that.
Oh fuck off, 2000s Disney shows takes the fattest of shits all over the standards of this crap. Even Molly's show shits all over this and it's not even that good either.
It would be a genuine miracle if Hailey comes back from the way her show wrapped up. We never got official confirmation from the crew that things were over but they've never really had much of a presence anyway.
Eh didn’t care for her show it was boring.
We'll see
See what?
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People who make these are mentally ill.
Final episode up on Youtube for free

If it's back
keep your fanfic shit out of this discussion
Yes? Why did you think he wasn't?
Is miraculous still the most watched show on Disney channel despite it being mostly reruns from 4-9 years ago?
90% sure yes
Yes I believe so. Though there are five seasons and a couple of specials that they consistently rerun so there's a bit more than just old reruns.
goddamn his junk is tiny
There's Sprig. But no one except furries ship her with him.
I feel like the lack of male human characters is a major restraint on the quality of filth produced for the series.
It's just that.... that's a name I haven't heard from in eons
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Scott was a loser who acted more feminine than any woman I ever seen, glad it ended with him getting nowhere honestly.
Can someone explain the appeal of this cunt to me?
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I have to say Hailey did a bit of power play in the end with her decision.
Ok still not going to watch it.
>Still posts artworks, webcomic pages, and updates on a near-daily basis
skill issue
I felt bad for the crew at first. Then I read the leaked script for season 2 episode 1 and I don’t care anymore.
What was wrong with it?
Clearly it wasn’t good anon, I mean you can’t even find a spot to defend it. >>144550888
Underwhelming plots
Dragging the love triangle
Use of an I Hate Fairyland tier anticlimax to undo the season cliffhanger Beta cannot say the list item of kissing Scott so he never finds out.
That's ridiculous.

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