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I want to push Kelsey!
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Well I want to kiss the Sewer Queen.
Go cry to your mommy!
Post your favorite CotC screenshots

Literally all of them were from the new Ep
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I liked a lot of the visuals in Summer Wish. Dark shadows, warm growing bulbs of light, imposing rain and wind, and a final wash of fire flies. Add in some trippy fever Craig fire fly visions and it made for a nice spectacle. Also cool just to see the creek at night along with all the other creek kids there as well meeting for something like that.
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Now that's some good stuff. I like that bit of extra tummy on that Eliza. Good seeing ya Smeet.
She can't help it anon. She's a half orphan.

Is this one new Smeet?
Can you draw something that isn't the same ol' thing? Also fix the nose.
Muy Beuno, Smeet Papi <3
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I want to bathe with Sparkle Cadet!!!
Drunk Eliza. Unexpected but heck, after how high strung and on it she is all the time I think a little drink may actually help her chill a bit. A whole bottle may be a bit much but she'll figure that out later when she wakes up. After the Off The Clock Eliza we got in the Bobby episode this feels fitting.
What did she do to deserve that?
Same, she'd make sure to get extra fanservicey I'd imagine
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Yeah a lot of the backgrounds in this show are top-tier, especially when they just let the Creek come alive on its own. There's a few from their imagination sequences that are also pretty neat.
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Candy-fueled orgy at the creek WHEN?
>woodstock but with calarts kids
Honestly kind of hot
Nice Smeet, plan to draw any sparkle cadet or marie. If you are still in your boy phase maybe the femboy craig concept from a few threads ago
Bobby has to bust out the good stuff for that anon. It's got to be a special occasion. But when it does happen it will be a time of which no one will be able to forget.
It's honestly kind of surprising how much attention to detail goes on in the background of some of these shots. The sets are genuinely pretty fantastic at times even if they'll almost never be visited again. Speaking of which, did they ever really visit the ninja kids garden after the one time when Kelsey was looking for the overdue book? I remember them being one of the least explored groups of kids at the creek.
Think they got revisited once or twice during and after the capture the flag arc.
Same. Though I imagine she'd probably be one of the cleanest creek kid anyway and wouldn't really need much help.
I want her to squirt in my mouth.
Septic shock imminent
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Yeah yeah, heard that one before.
Well, who's to say there's not a special time of the year where Kit sells the candy concoctions Bobby had? Well shit now I wanna see a Breaking Bad episode with Bobby where in exchange for Candy for Bobby Specials Kit just sells those things at the Creek.
But for a rare time and yes the orgy ensues...
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is there a full version to this song?
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The coolest sewer dweller.
Have the crew released a soundtrack yet?
That or I could see Bobby trying to squirrel away a bunch of candy he got off her until he's able to make a multiple trip bars. Hoping he doesn't get caught. Either way, once the bars start being handed out and the wild time begins Kit is absolutely going to be there to sell them supplies to fully throw down. Well, at least try to. If they aren't too much of a messy in incoherent pile to barter with.
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Thats why she is the queen.

She washes off her sewer stank.
Maybe, but it works for her.
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Any new cucksey greens/ideas???
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>Be Eliza
>Be the richest kid in the entire creek
>Live the highest standard of living compared to everyone else who is your neighbor
>Despite this, you have an overwhelming hatred for the very notion of people lowering their standards of living but still being content with life
>Your standards are so impossibly high the only real joy you get is making the poor miserable
>Host a lavish slumber party
>Your entire plan which you put next to no thought into is to educate these "peasants" that the worst punishment imaginable is to be within each others company
>To you, this makes sense
>But in their minds theyre all in a basement full of real cool stuff
>This angers and sickens you on an unspeakable level

Where do people get the idea that Eliza doesnt have depth? She has lots of depth. Her plans are stupid but the comedically extremes she leans deep into believing there is no possible chance her stupid plans dont work exactly how she pictures them in her head only for them to inevitably fail shows she has more character compared to a bunch of other people in the creek

There is at least 3 seasons worth of exploration you can play around with her fractured state of mind but they wasted it on 4 seasons involving the Creek King which was finished in less then 2 but they just kept going
Naturally. The queen has the biggest and coolest hair. Along with a surprisingly shapely rear as well.
They did? Cool. I had hoped they'd show up a bit more throughout the show.
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Her hair is kinda crazy the more I look at it.
Absolute cutie. Would do anything to become her consort.
When she focuses it she can turn her hair into a dangerous weapon.
Eliza is a little hook-nosed (b)rat and I love her for it.

>C'mon Craig everyone has a best friend, mine's Jane

She said it without hesitating too. All those years of servitude to Eliza only for Eliza to not value them at all

Best villain disgustingly under utilized
It was absolutely fucked George was genuinely like "Wait--What?" and Jane who hasn't had a line at all, or maybe since S1, was just enjoying it.

Oh it gets even better. When Eliza orders them both to watch them not only does George give them free reign of Eliza's mansion to do whatever they want he then lets them leave with zero conflict

The fact that Jane gets in on that implies that Eliza's friends are both expendable and they're only affiliated with her likely thru family connections. Again we should be exploring this as well but were at the end.
I'm really pissed that CN decided to delete Craiggyboi Adventures, but TTGO! will run for 20 or so more years.
It's genuinely baffling. Craig has been going on for so long that I was really starting to think it was going to be one of Cartoon Network's evergreen projects. Besides that though, I'm not even sure I'd say GO is completely safe. After Cartoon Network's return to their older shows about a year ago it seems like they've been pulling back on almost all of GO and it's like and just rerunning Regular Show and Gumball when they aren't running their checkered past blocks. Starting Adult Swim and it's early 2000 Cartoon Network shows sooner and sooner in the day. I wouldn't say GO's days are numbered exactly but I do think there are changes going on over there and the Cartoon Network we see not long from now may be different. I'd like to think this may mean something good for our Craiggyboi, but I admit that's mostly wishful thinking.

Ben once said he made this show because he wanted to make a show that could theoretically go on forever which is insane because there is not nearly enough material in a show like this to push that idea. Most of this shows strongest aspects are entirely character driven but since this show has a gigantically bloated cast, an enormous super majority of characters are introduced, never spoken about again or are then regulated to cameo status

You know how long it took for them to start doing things semi regularly with the Tea Timers? Almost 3 seasons. There is also blatant favoritism for certain characters because whole ass arcs were dedicated to Xavier and Maya and no one asked them to be redeemed. They were not redeemed in a deserving way they were redeemed to do away with the concept of councils and higher authority figures

However by doing this Eliza now stands put even more because not only is she directly antagonistic to Craig, his friends and everyone else in the creek she stands to be the perfect foil for Craig's ideology and its been the case for awhile now they were wanting to do more with the Tea Timers but they wasted too much time on everyone else

Looking back it felt like they were planning a redemption arc for George because all of the pieces and evidence suggest that connections to Eliza could not be worth being treated the way that she was treating him. First I thought George had a humiliation fetish and was very much attracted to assertive bossy women. Then when it was revealed that George was gay this made me think that George strictly views his companionship with Eliza as business professionalism

But after the Sleepover Ep its just the Sunk Cost Fallacy. George exists to be Eliza's sounding wall and inevitably he wouldn't wanna take that anymore and with George gone Eliza would then start using Jane as her sounding board which would then lead to Jane redeeming herself

See it's story elements like this that needed more investment
Just a couple months and it's all over bros..
Time to rev up those Creeksonas.
Now Yustice appears more often, though they definitely de-emphasize her ninja attributes. Goes to a talent show as just regular old her, branched out into Korean comics during the CtF arc and we see the end results afterwards.
>Waste a character redemption arc on a blatantly shit character
God sugar really sunk her garbage writing deep into CN, didn't she?

I love George. He's funny. His loyalty to Eliza reminds me of Team Rocket because he is very clearly suppose to be the James of the group

However there come a point where he cant be doormat forever
Well the format of always just introducing a new kid or group of kids or a new area in the creek is a very reliable way to make a near infinite amount of stories. Obviously not genuinely infinite but that was the same mentality a lot of pulp fiction like Tarzan would use. There's always just one more new hidden city, or people, or cult of freaks, or remnant of crusaders, waiting for Tarzan to discover somewhere in the depths of the African jungle. It's simple but it works and is a proven formula. As long as they kept exploring and revisiting old characters I think this show could have gone on and on. Maybe even introduce another over arching plot line as they go to hold attention. It's a sound enough plan. Though I guess that doesn't exactly solve the favoritism thing since even if they had all this time there are always going to be some kids the crew probably didn't care enough to revisit.

That has been something I do like about Eliza. In a creek full of kids that mostly mean well and are almost all nice deep down, she stands out a lot by being someone who remains wicked throughout.

Look i've lost all interest in the creek as a whole because Ben never makes it clear how huge the creek actually is because the creek has actual building structure inside it. Like the most Non Osha compliant abandoned factories randomly in different sub sections of the creek. One Ep they find what looks to be an abandoned paint and playdoh factory that kids have taken over like that one Ep of Simpsons where Bart buys an abandoned factory for $1.

Then in the end of Heart of the Forest they found a run off pipe behind a waterfall which led to an abandoned soda factory and the soda seems to mutate plant life since one trees somehow survived in a pool of the stuff

Hypothetical ideas for later seasons likely would have came back to these concepts but realistically these should have been introduced way sooner. Look at the Heart of the Forest arc as a whole and realize all the worthless crap you could have cut from that season and you still would have had the extra budget, time and resources to maybe get one more proper season out of this show

Again, there is all sorts of stuff Eliza should know about. Like how the Creek King chair is pretty much unoccupied because Xavier, now redeemed finds himself unworthy of it. Or how Eliza would love to know how there is a giant tree even grander then the one she claims ownership of that matches her hair color.
Does amaze me that had not one, but two Team Rocket homages in modern western shows.

I guess Jane is kind of cat like with her expressions so she'd be the Meowth
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I guess that's fair. I kind of like the seemingly endless nature of the creek myself. It and the more fantastical elements as well. But maybe that could be a strange point for some. A breaking of suspension of disbelief maybe. Especially with how we get a general idea of the creek's size and geography with Craig's map almost from the start. As for Eliza figuring out all that stuff you do make a good point. She does seem to have eyes and ears everywhere and knows a surprising amount about all the creek kids even if she rarely seems to leave her tree canopy. She has her methods and I could see how those would lead to her trying to stake a claim on some areas. I guess this is a consequence of her being set up as a side and general supporting character instead of a recurring antagonist. Perhaps had the show gone on longer and they had more time to set up things that could have been a mini arc like the sleepover stuff was at least.
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I was never a fan of Eliza joining the council. The Tea Timers need to function like a sort of micro sovereign group of creek kids that seem to have the best connections to everything and everyone in the creek because Eliza's rich she doesnt need to settle for less or play pretend like everyone else. In a comedic sense her being apart of the group likely led to her wanting to get all the best gossip fresh as it happens but the reason the council failed was because everyone defaulted to Craig either being the reason a bad thing was happening or the solution on how to solve said bad thing. Thats why is dissolved near the end of Capture the Flag

You'd think with no real actual power dynamic even less so now that the Flower Scouts no longer function like a standing army for Xavier anymore now would be the best time for Eliza to start asserting herself more forwardly since everytime she gets an Ep is based around her needing to come up with some machlivelian scheme to ruin Craig;s good name or reputation but eventually this should evolve into something greater

If Eliza truly hates everyone in the creek and just wants them all to be miserable what is stopping her from "buying" the creek. We already had a whole Ep based around how "Dibs" is the penultimate method of claiming ownership over something you want so wouldnt that mean her version of dibs would be something like an enormous land deed?

Like how is the time to flex and see how rich Eliza actually is. She is way richer then Xavier. Xavier is comfortably middle class.
Maybe they should have done a parody of 'Falling Down' with her.

It would have to be with George.
I get what you mean. But Craig did try to set up a council of all the groups of kids, or I guess the ones that mattered, and she is definitely one of those groups. At least as much as the Ninja Kids are and they were invited too so her being there, even if just to see what is going on makes sense. And I mean, the show is called Craig Of The Creek. What with the title and the opening song it's clear Craig is supposed to be the guy when chips are down and there needs to be some kind of hero. Most of the time at least. Not saying I like that everything defaults to him a lot but it's clear that was the intent from the start. As for her taking over, I think the main thing that would keep her from expanding is that it's probably just too much effort for her. She'd rather just laze about in her willow and do nothing but be fabulous and better than everyone. I don't know if I'd say she exactly hates everyone, the sleepover did show she was willing to let a kid out of her group join up with the Tea Timers. Which was not something I'd have expected from her unless it was a new kid like with Jacob Of The Creek and only something she'd do if she was willing to at least play ball with other creek kids. Even if she puts them through the wringer first. That all being said I still would have liked to see a run of Eliza letting power get to her and try to fill in a power vacuum bit. Even if it was only for an episode and played more for a joke once she realized how much work would probably have to go into actually taking over.
It is. A whirlwind of wild activity that doesn't stop until everyone is passed out in a messy heap.

I think the whole idea is that while there are occasionally middle to upper middle class kids in Eliza's neighborhood you need to commit to being a Tea Timer even if you don't essentially come from status. Craig is the most well known kid in the whole creek who is friends/business associates with everyone. In Eliza's mind, him not directly associating himself with the tea timers makes him an enemy and the fact that people would rather affiliate with his ideology over the Tea Timers pro classist beliefs only further divides them

Like to Eliza this is personal now. There was a power play of her inviting Craig over to her house. You notice how the first thing Eliza does when she gets on camera is break one of her tea cups to set the mood. This is to demonstrate how expendable everything is to Eliza. She doesn't value her nice things she only shows them off just to make people less fortunate then her feel crummy about themselves

That was the whole point of the Sleepover ending. Eliza wanted George to have all her gusts simply sit in the basement and do nothing but since George was insulted by Eliza the moment she leaves he allows them free reign over Eliza's stuff

It's all the little details you think about. Eliza will not understand her own principals let everyone else just be happy and content with life. Being born into prosperity gives Eliza zero mental conception of struggle and is actively nightmarish of it believing it to only be deserving of all the other people in the creek
Faraday is cute.
That and draw more creek kids in general. There are probably some who could use a little love.
She's honestly grown on me, even if Wren is superior.
This is the face she makes when she gets flashed.
Wren does take the spotlight more. She's naturally more built for it and has had more focus. Especially with her sleepover episode.
What a bitch!!!!
How curious, this reminds me of a idea for a fanfic I had after watching "the popsicle trio" (sorry if i got the name wrong) episode where instead of just only blowing soap bubbles, SC invites Mark to her home to make a "defenitive" bath on him to take out his incel stinky and she gets all giggly and excited on doing it while Mark is quite desesperated and confused in hiw he got in the situation and why he let himself be dragged to a little girls house hahah. By the way I headcanon SC are workahilics and rarelly are at home before 7pm so SC has the whole day alone to take care of herself
* I meant "SC's parents" in the last sentence btw
>my SC x Mark autism has spread
Today is a good day, honestly really like this approach to it too. Probably led him to her house while holding his hand and he's constantly looking around since he doesn't want people to get the wrong idea. Also how fitting that the first time he's ever been naked around a girl is just him getting a proper bath. First of many odd yet endearing escapades I'm sure.
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Shit, I was about to greet you, but now I feel stupid.
Yes and I'm very thankful for it. Their chemestry is not explored yet so is fun to play with them. I like their contrast a lot.
> Hey, Craig.
> *Craig looks at Frank*
> Nigger.
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Just as surprised as you are kek, but it's more than welcome at this point!

Yeah it works oddly well to the point if they were closer in age I feel like it would've happened sooner. Little ray of sunshine trying to help someone she views as very much in need improve themselves. Plus I just really love the idea of two weebs having a few tender moments that feel straight out of some sappy 90s anime romance, it's adorable.
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Indeed she is. With wren, it's cuteness overload
She certainly is but she puts on and orchestrates such a show that's she's hard to resist. And judging by that file name, she set up another wicked show. Even brought out the finest disposable cups for this one.
It's meant to imply she wants George to do a good job and condition it as well.
A cute alternative ending for that episode. I like it.
>tfw CraigAndTheCreek Wixsite gets taken down
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Nobody wants to kiss you cause you smell!
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What's she smell like?
more like cucknessa
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He's still my peanut head.
Please, Eileen and Craig are barely even friends. Besides, he already has Wildernessa.

Says the girl who rides a dog all day.
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She cleans the dog everyday so smell isn't an issue, Elieen hangs out in an actual place where the whole neighborhood flushes their waste.
And yet none of her family member seemed to notice for multiple years, which means she either takes really good care of herself when it comes to washing up, or she never smelled in the first place.
Also, don't lie, Wildernessa would probably say that giving Cheesesticks a bath would "take away his natural wild scent".
It's craig of the creek so you can of have to believe in a best of situation. She hangs out in a water cleaning facility, that goes out into the creek. So considering the water goes into the creek I assume it's clean but if it is dirty water than the whole creek is dirty.
Post the images of the queen taming the puppy
You know, I kind of thought Kit and Craig were being set up as a thing.
Jesus you really can't have male lead character talk to girl character without someone shipping them.
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Forgot pic
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the Mackenzie one is a stretch, he only wanted help to save Maney.

plus we all know she's into Handlebarb.
It had all episodes, and all the (known/publically released) turnaround models and tons of concept art and shit.
>inb4 the wiki
I hate webP
Wait that one site shared a couple of threads ago went down? Damn I knew I should have saved what I could from it. Some of them were a little shrunk down but it was still a good resource.
Yeah, it really bummed me out, it's not even archived, the episodes I can do without but it was nice not having to convert the WEBP to JPG or PNG myself.
Damn. I had planned on saving a bunch of it later. Didn't think it would all disappear so soon.
I kind of dig this alternate look for Tabitha. It's weird but it works for the style.
I can still access it.
I'd ask how but I don't wanna blow it up for you, try to get what you can if possible, please?
Wildernessa sure has a lot of girls she has to mount to assert her dominance. That's the way of the wild.
I can still acess too! https://craigandthecreek.wixsite.com/english .
Huh, so can I. Maybe it was just temporarily down then? Or it was area specific. Either way, probably a good idea to archive it and save what you can as a back up.
Saved on the Internet Archive.
Right before she begins her analysis.
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she'll play and win the long game though
I might prefer a lot of other Creek girls, but she's got her charms, especially in the time skip episode.
I think my favorite was the cheeseatick mystery episode. Especially that part of them exploring the forst together. It's very much a boy and a girl alone together. Most shows would subvert that or have the girl be the one it's focus on. Especially that part Craig accidentally notices her ass, anon posting storyboard that's what they meant to do.
I barely watch this show, but since when did this girl have dreads? She looks a lot cuter with them
Casual wear in her origin episode.
Her introduction episode showed her with them. Though it was only in her transformation sequence and in the comic styled backstory she gave herself so they kind of went by fast. While I do love her little hair buns, the dreads do work for her pretty well.
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We also got to see it in more detail in the Capture the Flag arc.
I didn't know this show had fans.
Ah, that we did. Pretty cool. I haven't gotten to that point yet so I didn't know about that one. Always liked seeing characters in their casual clothes.
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Y'know if you really think about it, out of everyone who went to Eliza's sleepover, Sparkle Cadet likely would have accepted Eliza's offer to become a member of the Tea Timers because she wants to be a magical girl and while Eliza cant buy actual magic she likely has access to Hollywood level special effects and she can manipulate Sparkle Cadet into thinking she's actually magic

Everyone else I cant see becoming a Tea Timer. The Science girl would join if it would allow Eliza to give her funding for research but she doesnt have the visual appeal that matters a lot to the main trio

See the Tea Timers are all nepotistically obsessed with public image. Sparkle Cadet can fit that empty slot.
Ah, apologies then. But yeah it's nice to see how they present themselves ordinarily, probably wouldn't recognize her if you saw her just walking down the street.
same can be said about eliza
mud pug
God I love in cartoon products
where does she rank in your top 5?
I'm the only one who Eliza remains of White diamond?
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She has similar expressions to her but then again a lot of Sugar's crew including Ian have or continue to work for the show
Seriously though, what happened to Kelsey?

What do you mean? Her personality has been the most consistent compared to everyone else in the creek. Granted her willingly wanting to pick JP's nose was a little gross but then again she queef'd once in her "Day off" Ep
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Not even in the running kek, this is mostly counting current Wildernessa, future one seems more chill and would be in "Fun" probably.
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>Brigid all the way in SSS tier
>Eliza all the way at the bottom

Very much
I need that "Daily Dogfucker" twitter cap with Brigid.
Eliza deserves her spot, right next to the honeysuckle faggots and that weird groomer-looking kid that runs the daycare.
You know, I can see what you mean I think. Though I don't think Sparkle Cadet would really vibe with them considering her angle of spreading positivity compared to Eliza's whole everything for herself and trying to start conflict. Almost an opposite of each other but just as colorfully dressed. But I could see an episode where Eliza sponsors Sparkle Cadet giving her all the glitter, glamor, props, set pieces, and stages she could ever want. Making Sparkle Cadet think she's getting a better way to spread good vibes and positive all while actually advancing Eliza's own secret machinations. Or just being a rival Magical Girl herself if she thought it was a field she could abuse and manipulate through. But with her money instead of the raw hand made positivity Sparkle Cadet has. Like a Princess Morbucks to Sparkle Cadet's Powerpuff.

I do like the idea of how some of these kids would look like had they became Tea Timers though. Some what if scenario could maybe come with that. Or just see what snazzy new outfits they'd get put into.
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I meant that in a sense how a magical girl in a cosmic sense is like a princess with magic fantasy powers and since Eliza considers herself a real princess and not someone pretending to be a princess the way Sparkle pretends to be a magical girl there would be some common ground they could find.

In a lot of ways its like how George enjoys high society but secretly also enjoys the company of the less fortunate because despite his upper status among them he's still a kid and (especially now) the tea timers dont really do anything. Like it might have been fun at 1st to make poor people miserable but how they've been writing George lately he seems bored. Like he actually would enjoy a good adventure with Craig

You wanna know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of those novels where it would open with some Victorian Era gentleman born from old money but these people arent actually doing anything to help maintain or expand their fortunes they're just spending money to go "exploring" and writing it down as a business expense. That is George. Everytime he is brushing Eliza's wig or pouring tea he's thinking to himself "Can I go one moment without being screamed at? What is Craig up to right now?"
The Queen diving through the endless depths of the sewers and meeting new wildlife she never would have guessed were down there. That's a pretty cool scene. Good stuff anon.

You notice how we havent seen him in awhile? You remember how he gave Craig one job and that was just keep them inside the playpen and when Craig couldnt do that he told him to eat shit and never speak with him again

Add him to the list of people who exist for 1 Ep and then never seen again
Thanks it was a color of a previous pic I did.
When she throws it back, your pelvis will crack.

Would you do an Eliza one?
Not sure

I need a funny Eliza picture. I need a "All around me are familiar faces" expression from George as he is quietly malding while pouring Eliza's tea both bored and indifferent but still demanding George do his job

Nah he's popped up a few times, not often but still
Not to contribute to or revive the QB Kelsey discussion from before, but I remember I used to ship Eliza and Kelsey early on in the show and this thread plus that idea reminded me.

I liked to imagine Kelsey larping as a dutiful knight, doing quests for her Queen in exchange for a kiss on the cheek. Except because of the crush Kelsey is completely blind to how cruel Eliza is and how immoral her requests are

Seconded it, with planning for an expensive sex comic commission pages. Content warnings will be included first from the start.

I love when Craig after having sex with Eileen (Sewer Queen) in the late follow-up episode in comic form, then followed last with Wildernessa and Kelsey at the end of it. Expect bigger loads from him with a long cock.

Fanfics can be made easier, while wait for searching sex comic commissions for COTC. I have several ideas to come up soon. Consider the inspiration with JaviSuzumiya and Ardidon as an example.
That's an unexpected duo but I like your reasoning for it. Seeing her try and brush away any concerns about Eliza because of how appreciated it makes her getting to be someone's knight and feeling funny from the compliments and little gestures of affection she gets for her service. And Eliza could use a bruiser which Kelsey could work as. It's cool seeing possible dynamics like this theorized on.

I always kinda wanted a dynamic where more was explored with Kelsey's mom who passed away whom she keeps all her strongest positive memories of despite it being a sensitive subject since JP has a mom and so does Craig.

I thought it would be cool for them to do a long term story arc where Eliza starts acting more sinister towards Craig and company but namely towards Kelsey since Eliza preys on people's deepest insecurities. When Craig almost fell in that talent competition and could have seriously hurt or killed himself, Eliza wasnt worried, she laughed. Craig could have died and her 1st expression was joy.

That is not normal behavior that is what sociopaths do. So since that is "on brand" for Eliza so would be her saying terrible things to Kelsey like "What a shame to not have a complete family to come home to. Sure my parents are on business trips all the time but I can call them whenever I want to, They love me in a Upper Class way. Your father cant even make time for you and he's in the lowest class."
Naturally. Only the best for once she goes out on the creek.

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