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File: 1720784384883631.jpg (490 KB, 1532x1646)
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490 KB JPG
>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread: >>144464398
File: Miguel's poor rectum.jpg (481 KB, 2559x1600)
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481 KB JPG
Requesting Miguel O'Hara having trouble sitting after being broken by Gwen Stacy's BWC
Requesting April and Karai showering.
File: freeza and Riley.jpg (603 KB, 2158x1720)
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603 KB JPG
Requesting Riley hanging out with a real nigga.
File: mai kujuku marcy.jpg (650 KB, 987x1074)
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650 KB JPG
Requesting Marcy dressed like Mai
File: beast boy cat.jpg (1.18 MB, 1026x1974)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB JPG
Requesting Beast Boy petting cats
>using an edit instead of an actual reference
File: half alien fusion.png (477 KB, 1576x1744)
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477 KB PNG
Requesting fusion
File: JuliaBenny45LSRDNHS.png (2.74 MB, 1940x1600)
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2.74 MB PNG
(Reposting this from last thread) Requesting Julia dressed up in Benny's suit while holding an AMT Hardballer in a pose similar to what Robert De Niro's doing.
File: Untitled-1.jpg (397 KB, 2065x1500)
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397 KB JPG
Requesting Caitlyn from Arcane dressed as the right pic.
File: toffee should punch star.png (743 KB, 1280x1628)
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743 KB PNG
Requesting Toffee punching Star in the gur
Requesting Lorelai Blyndeff twerking
File: Mini.jpg (1.52 MB, 873x1634)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB JPG
Character birthday request here.

/r/ing the modern version of Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine (top) being born fully formed from the earth in England on July 31 2013 (middle) like her Cretan version (bottom).
File: Edgy Reboot Jenny.jpg (808 KB, 2059x2245)
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808 KB JPG
Requesting edgy mid-00s misguided marketing/Bomberman Act Zero version of Jenny
Requesting Starfire drinking beer from a barrel
File: Beast Flower.jpg (474 KB, 1053x2808)
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474 KB JPG
Requesting Arkham Asylum Poison Ivy version of the top two images
File: download (12).png (2.63 MB, 1500x1374)
2.63 MB
2.63 MB PNG
Requesting Slave Stephanie Brown chained to Cluemaster from The Batman (2004).
File: ulrika vampire.jpg (539 KB, 1500x1012)
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539 KB JPG
Requesting Ulrika as a vampire.
File: amity x boscha.jpg (1.09 MB, 1582x1923)
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1.09 MB JPG
Requesting Amity under a love potion effect hugging and kissing Boscha
Requesting Wanda and Eowyn experimenting.
File: Oogie Boogie.jpg (125 KB, 938x916)
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125 KB JPG
Requesting Oogie Boogie reimagined as Oogie Boogie2988.
File: april measure.jpg (1.21 MB, 2079x933)
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1.21 MB JPG
Requesting April measuring herself
File: encanto.jpg (1.62 MB, 3462x3462)
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1.62 MB JPG
Requesting Isabela Madrigal from Encanto bound and gagged with a cloth gag over her lower face like in the reference, fully clothed. You don’t have to add the flower designs to her dress if too meticulous.
File: VenomWilhamena.jpg (1005 KB, 3794x1440)
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1005 KB JPG
Requesting VenomVamdemon/Myotismon version of Wilhamena
Requesting the South Park girls hugging
File: 1701300396030976.png (1.33 MB, 1384x658)
1.33 MB
1.33 MB PNG
Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito
File: RIP Charles Deetz.png (1.6 MB, 1617x1143)
1.6 MB
1.6 MB PNG
Requesting an animated version of the bellow image. Wednesday, as I imagine with the rest of her family, would be acting as if she's attending a wedding.
File: mr popo raven starfire.jpg (1.13 MB, 2121x1640)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB JPG
Requesting Mr. Popo training Starfire and Raven
File: fang true form.jpg (2.29 MB, 1575x2739)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB JPG
Requesting Fang taking her true form.
File: babysitter bikini.jpg (1.32 MB, 1112x2204)
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1.32 MB JPG
Requesting the babysitter in a bikini
Requesting Shanti riding a dragon.
Requesting the mods amend GR15; cross out MLP and replace it with DBZ.
File: butterbean caviar.jpg (897 KB, 1000x2543)
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897 KB JPG
Requesting Butterbean licking caviar.
Requesting Princess Bubblegum turning into a mermaid after drinking the wromg potion, having her clothes ripped in the process
File: lukushi jazmine.jpg (623 KB, 752x1004)
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623 KB JPG
Requesting Jazmine dressed like this
File: The Spinaching.jpg (299 KB, 849x579)
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299 KB JPG
Requesting the right image recreated with Olive Oyl.
Requesting this poster with Gwen.
File: nerd raven.jpg (1.16 MB, 2054x984)
1.16 MB
1.16 MB JPG
Requesting Raven becoming a nerd
File: superman miracleman.jpg (1.22 MB, 2034x1332)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG
Requesting Superman vs Miracleman.
File: cammy sari.jpg (986 KB, 1708x890)
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986 KB JPG
Requesting Sari dressed like this
File: karai invisible cloak.jpg (598 KB, 1176x1721)
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598 KB JPG
Requesting Karai wearing an invisible cloak.
File: Raven Gwen Tennyson.jpg (1.77 MB, 4657x2437)
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1.77 MB JPG
Requesting Raven and Gwen Tennyson in American bikinis holding a US flag
File: Corrupted Gattai.jpg (298 KB, 2700x2126)
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298 KB JPG
Requesting /co/rrupted fusion
File: Valerie and Tack.jpg (964 KB, 700x1550)
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964 KB JPG
Requesting sexy Valerie (right) wearing any sexy swimsuit licking an ice pop of Tack (left). Both are from Kate & Mim-Mim.
File: Looking.jpg (736 KB, 1936x1913)
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736 KB JPG
Requesting Ron Stoppable on date with Kim Possible getting distracted by thicc Bonnie Rockwaller
File: Gabi Hernandez.png (3.51 MB, 2409x1575)
3.51 MB
3.51 MB PNG
Requesting aged up Gabi Hernandez (Vivo) wearing this outfit and doing the same pose from the right pic.
File: Susan Quinceañera.jpg (2.08 MB, 4492x5000)
2.08 MB
2.08 MB JPG
Requesting Ginormica wearing a puffy quinceañera dress of her own because of her movie's 15th Anniversary.
Requesting the bottom pic redrawn with Yang in Sasuke's arms.
File: nocedabods.jpg (657 KB, 1120x2400)
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657 KB JPG
Requesting Luz and Camila Noceda doing the bikini pose from the bottom picture
File: borrowed.jpg (640 KB, 1600x709)
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640 KB JPG
Requesting a recreation of the right image with Eda letting Camila borrow a similar dress from
File: Eddy Lee Kanker.jpg (708 KB, 1719x1820)
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Requesting Eddy hugging and also grabbing Lee Kanker's ass
File: 1514320910198.jpg (542 KB, 1280x1707)
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542 KB JPG
This is the second time I am posting this, should there be anything I am doing poorly than I trust that a fine chap would spoke up forthwith to point out any inadequacies I may have, to my shame, inadvertently committed.
I would like to request the ladies from the the show entitled "My Life Me" to be drawn in a clearly heightened state of arousal, so I may spend the rest of the day in bemusing myself by gazing into the pixels of their moral decay.
To any artist who can deliver on such a request, you will be rewarded with my eternal gratitude and a definite thumbs up (or even two), assuming the delivered picture is of, at least, agreeable quality.

Cheerio and toodle pip.
File: 1720715340481470.jpg (270 KB, 1624x644)
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270 KB JPG
Requesting Booster gold(left) punching Skitter(middle) like the guy in the right pic is punching the kid.
File: Mac Harem Request.jpg (815 KB, 2604x2852)
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815 KB JPG
Requesting Mac playfully getting his cheeks pulled by Frankie and Goo, or I suggest either one of them gives him a peck on the cheek while the other pulls on his face. Make sure Mac's face is blushing, maybe give him kiss marks too.
File: take it off.jpg (1008 KB, 2286x1080)
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1008 KB JPG
Requesting Mrs. Boonchuy getting undressed by Sasha and Marcy
Thanks for properly sourcing the images I uploaded.
File: 6876236285_e266e71768_h.jpg (191 KB, 1600x950)
191 KB
191 KB JPG
Requesting Flame Princess with pigtails.
Out of curiosity, how many posts in this thread have been in every thread for more than 90 days?
File: haley long dress.png (2.75 MB, 1475x1729)
2.75 MB
2.75 MB PNG
Requesting Haley Long in a Chinese cheongsam dress. Include dragon parts (wings, tail) please.
I don't get it
Most of them
File: torquemada.jpg (2.56 MB, 2000x1400)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB JPG
Requesting Torquemada hefting a giant weapon and saying
File: frosta cicle.png (1.17 MB, 980x964)
1.17 MB
1.17 MB PNG
Requesting Frosta eating ice cream or a popsicle
Requesting Wonder Woman fighting Nezuko, probably trying to restrain her.
File: wolf kipo dolls.png (3.94 MB, 2005x2005)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB PNG
Requesting Kipo and Wolf dressed as Shadaloo Dolls.
File: oni gf kirika dress.png (3.62 MB, 1893x1893)
3.62 MB
3.62 MB PNG
Requesting Kirika from Oni GF in a dress similar to this.
Requesting classic Steamboat Willie era Peg Leg Pete, with Peg sitting on his lap
Bonus points for drawing Peg in a time-period appropriate art-style
File: Monster arm.jpg (1.15 MB, 3060x2153)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB JPG
Requesting Marco's tentacle monster arm singing the whisper song by the Ying Yang twins into Jackie Lynn Thomas's ear.
Feel free to pick and choose whatever bits from the song you want for the pic.

Hey, how you doin' lil' mama? Let me whisper in ya ear
Tell ya somethin' that ya might like to hear
Got a sexy ass body and ya ass look soft
Mind if I touch it to see if it's soft?
Nah, I'm just playin' 'less you say I can
And I'm known to be a real nasty man
And they say a closed mouth don't get fed
So, I don't mind askin' for head
You heard what I said, we need to make our way to the bed
You can start using your head
You like to fuck, have ya legs open all in the buck
Toot it up, slappin' ass, girl, the sex get rough
Switch position and let the dick get down to business
So you can see what you been missing
You might had some, but you never had none like this
Just wait 'til you see my dick (ooh)
Ayy, bitch, wait 'til you see my dick
Wait 'til you see my dick
Ayy, bitch, wait 'til you see my dick
I'ma beat that pussy up
Ayy, bitch, wait 'til you see my dick
Wait 'til you see my dick
Ayy bitch, wait 'til you see my dick
I'ma beat that pussy up
File: dennis winnie snuggle.png (1.66 MB, 1657x1548)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB PNG
Requesting older Winnie snuggling Dennis.
File: PegLegPete.jpg (1.74 MB, 3637x2524)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB JPG
forgot reference
File: gwendemon.png (1.79 MB, 1627x1292)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB PNG
Requesting a Gwen Tennyson that's been magically corrupted into a demon Gwen.
(Uploaded to the booru)
File: Baxter Nation.png (2.94 MB, 1939x874)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB PNG
Requesting Mirage, 1987, 2003, 2012, and IDW Baxter Stockman trying to pose menacingly and staring at the viewer, please. Keep 1987 (white Baxter) noticeably shorter than the rest but otherwise treat him as just another one of the gang.
File: lady jane uniform.jpg (309 KB, 826x500)
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309 KB JPG
Requesting Lady Jane from G.I. Joe dressed as Lady Blackhawk with modern G.I. Joe eagle symbol
File: jade summer dress.png (2.25 MB, 1099x1918)
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2.25 MB PNG
Requesting Jade Chan in something like this, maybe with a swimsuit or whatever underneath
File: FB.jpg (379 KB, 1474x1615)
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379 KB JPG
Requesting Bloo under Frankie Foster's skirt
File: Gaz comic.jpg (835 KB, 2018x1543)
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835 KB JPG
Requesting a parody of the comic on the left, but with Gaz becoming a Hulk-sized version of BigDad Gaz because some Iggins-like weirdo stole her [insert Steam/Switch parody here] of the Gameslave
File: vee titties and beer.png (1.23 MB, 1278x970)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB PNG
Requesting Vee in this shirt.
File: Frolie chill.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1215)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
Requesting Frolie sitting in front of the Very Important House
Requesting Abbey Posey as a dinosaur monstergirl.
File: propain hill.jpg (411 KB, 848x1098)
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411 KB JPG
i want a smear of propain hill like the refernce
maybe add some catchphrase like my "fuel is far cleaner than yours"
File: it's glomer.png (345 KB, 1024x768)
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345 KB PNG
Requesting glomer being grabbed from punky's pov
File: 1571637237472.png (719 KB, 1400x1000)
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719 KB PNG
requesting a pregnant Amelia Bedelia telling an anon about the bun in her oven
But that's backwards, anon. Amelia interprets idioms literally. You say you hope to put a bun in her oven, she makes for the kitchen and starts baking.
File: Dev Ken.jpg (511 KB, 2330x1063)
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511 KB JPG
Requesting Devlin Levin and Ken Tennyson aged up
File: wolfwalkers family.png (3.93 MB, 3117x1430)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB PNG
Requesting the Wolfwalkers family on a beach outing.
Requesting Kenny and Michael Jackson (in his decomposing state) on a swing set
File: 1720850086125067.jpg (95 KB, 500x750)
95 KB
Requesting Puss in Boots Jack Horner and Fables Jack Horner doing the spiderman meme
File: Tipella.png (2.66 MB, 1709x1242)
2.66 MB
2.66 MB PNG
Requesting Tip Tucci as Barbarella.
File: pac-man ghost harem.png (3.48 MB, 2222x1492)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB PNG
Requesting Pac-Man surrounded by a harem of the Minus 8-styled ghosts.
Oi, I got ya bruv. long live the king!
What's with all that fucking text wall?
Best delivery and the thread just got started
oh then anon says it about her and she's confused by it
Excuse me, point of order, but Austin's teeth are fixed at the end of the Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, remain fixed for all "modern day" stuff (which the girls would be part of), and there was no place in the first movie for him to have realistically taken part in a scene like this. You may want to fix the teeth.
The girls are cute. Austin is horrific. Good job.
Could you post just the girls on a blank background?
File: hilda frida uniform.png (1.41 MB, 1200x1650)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB PNG
Requesting Hilda and Frida in something like this.
To quote Joe: God save the Queen, man.
eh, why not. I'll spare you a few photoshop minutes
That's neat, they're cute
File: SPOP sitting.png (3.14 MB, 2000x1432)
3.14 MB
3.14 MB PNG
Requesting the She-Ra crew posed like this.
What the hell is that uniform even supposed to be?
File: Red Archina.png (3.92 MB, 2017x1315)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB PNG
Requesting an "Archina" version of Archie's "Red Andrews: Soldier of Fortune" persona.
A definitive two thumbs up. Excellent work my good friend.
I did have a concern regarding the Austin Powers fella to be, despite my great respect for him, rather unnecessary for this image, but by the time I have correctly formulated my thoughts, you have already provided an alternate version. I would certainly give you three thumbs up for the quick service, but alas I only have two thumbs to give. Cheers.

>What's with all that fucking text wall?
I deeply regret if you consider my humble penmanship to be unnecessarily eloquent, but my upbringing dictates that when one asks of another to do work for them, the very least one must do is to be polite, especially so (but not exclusively) if no monetary exchange happens. How could one ask another to embark on an artistic endeavour, without showing that he is a cultured gentleman capable of properly appreciating not only the end results, but the effort put into creating a work of art? After all, good manners cost nothing.
Or to put a finer point on it; a properly worded request resulted in a higher quality delivery, from one gentleman to another. This is perhaps something you may consider to reflect upon.
File: Nut Tsukino.png (292 KB, 783x768)
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292 KB PNG
requesting Nut dressed as Tsukino
>unnecessarily eloquent
The complete opposite
Requesting tomboy Supergirl sitting and possessively holding Brainiac's Daughter/XTC and Lena Luthor.
File: 1720841210544996.jpg (96 KB, 500x750)
96 KB
Request Etrigan and Parappa the Rapper rapping
File: Embarrassing!.jpg (275 KB, 1174x1291)
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275 KB JPG
Requesting MAWS Kara sneezing off Lois Lane and Vicki Vale's clothes.
File: 1720709519295253.jpg (216 KB, 1200x1073)
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216 KB JPG
Requesting Rat Queen taking a bath.
File: katara office.png (1.14 MB, 1227x1029)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
Requesting young Katara dressed as an office lady.
>young Katara
Lol wtf?
File: Lotta_Gerald_Rabbits.jpg (350 KB, 765x974)
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350 KB JPG
Requesting Lotta and Gerald from the Little Lotta comics redrawn as rabbit versions of themselves making out
File: purpleviolence.png (19 KB, 291x297)
19 KB
I will draw a silly ms paint picture for you.. just ask!!!
File: 007 gwimbly.png (831 KB, 1456x580)
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831 KB PNG
Requesting a Gwimbly parody of the 007 Goldeneye boxart cover.
File: 63465435646.jpg (379 KB, 1872x1304)
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379 KB JPG
Requesting this Mandy putting Hoss Delgado in a headlock with her thighs.
File: 74287t48.jpg (659 KB, 2638x1330)
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659 KB JPG
Requesting the Eds being recruited by the KND after being impressed by one of their 2x4 scams the Eds built.
File: Lulu's gonna.....jpg (81 KB, 1497x699)
81 KB
Requesting Lulu telling Arnie that she's gonna go fuck his cousin
File: IggyAlex.jpg (314 KB, 1593x1019)
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314 KB JPG
Requesting Alex the red haired girl bridal carrying Iggy the glasses boy from Camp Candy
File: sheena tattoo.jpg (111 KB, 768x1024)
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111 KB JPG
Requesting Sheena getting a new tattoo.
File: Fadlfu2.jpg (256 KB, 828x1264)
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256 KB JPG
Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay
Pull the trigger, Piglet.
File: tigerdance.jpg (997 KB, 1755x1356)
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997 KB JPG
Requesting Tiger Lily dancing like this.
what happened to the booru?
The old booru was faulty and outdated so the functionality was counterproductive.
But also mainly because there was a vandal moderator who kept arbitrarily deleting posts from things drawn outside drawthreads and also from artists he randomly took grudges on without a reason, and since the main admin went missing years ago there wasn't anything to fix this.
We should make a .txt file of this, I'm getting tired of all the people out of the loop who show up just to ask this
File: human independence day.jpg (547 KB, 2200x1300)
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Requesting a 4th of July beach party drawing of the girls from The Owl House with each wearing a different kind of American flag swimsuits
File: Satinaphobia.png (563 KB, 1236x698)
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563 KB PNG
Requesting Sakuri from Demonophobia (Guro game) being scared of Satina or having a picnic with her in hell
File: file.png (1.4 MB, 622x1076)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
Requesting a pinup of Rikki Barnes.
File: TDI.jpg (116 KB, 637x795)
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116 KB JPG
Requesting Cody and Eva from Total Drama Island making out like Axel and Ripper from the reboot
>4th of July
It's July 16. You can stop now. America is over.
File: download (0).png (569 KB, 648x451)
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569 KB PNG
Requesting Miles saving Felicia from The Salem Witch.
I'm right with you but you know they will ignore it and will still ask
File: Casey X Carlota.png (3.57 MB, 3085x1873)
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3.57 MB PNG
Requesting Casey Calderon and Carlota Casagrande sharing a passionate kiss at the beach.
File: jonny last supper.jpg (644 KB, 1280x1224)
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644 KB JPG
bravo parody supping with these women
File: 1714655825432352.png (1.02 MB, 1600x900)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference).
File: 1713049353680429.png (1.1 MB, 1600x900)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy
File: Benfrog.png (1.24 MB, 1752x2000)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB PNG
Requesting a young Ben transformed into an Incursean version of himself, basically appearing more humanoid, like Attea.
Preferably with the sunglasses.
File: finn bummed.jpg (408 KB, 1452x588)
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408 KB JPG
Requesting Finn getting bummed out.
Seconding. Remember to group them in threes.
File: download (9).png (364 KB, 624x294)
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364 KB PNG
Requesting Elsa and Lute dueting Defying Gravity at a karaoke bar.
Leftmost is hottest, sorry!
Joy and Sadness getting ready for bed
File: juri hun.jpg (730 KB, 1280x1920)
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730 KB JPG
Requesting Juri vs Hun
File: mj gwen boob push.jpg (2.04 MB, 3000x1866)
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2.04 MB JPG
Requesting boob push
That's seasonal requests to you. Don't worry, if it doesn't get delivered by the time the month ends you probably won't see it posted again.
File: stitch bar.jpg (294 KB, 636x848)
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294 KB JPG
Requesting Stitch in a bar.
shit nigga if you replied to my post I'd have figured that shit out. Passive aggressive motherfucker.

I'd even find out that my request was done months before.
File: may.png (1.12 MB, 926x778)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
Requesting Mary Jane's iconic "Face it Tiger..." scene but with Aunt May replacing MJ
File: Snake Hunt.jpg (3.19 MB, 2005x1500)
3.19 MB
3.19 MB JPG
Requesting Conan and Jiraiya teaming up to kick some sorry snake tail.
File: ice thing marceline.jpg (649 KB, 2248x2384)
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649 KB JPG
Requesting Marceline trying to figure out if the Ice Thing is edible.
File: meme.png (1.28 MB, 1298x736)
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1.28 MB PNG
Requesting the "Oh? You're Approaching Me?" panel with Lara-Su approaching Sonichu.
File: ribaru fusion.jpg (470 KB, 2048x2000)
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470 KB JPG
Requesting fusion
File: casey.png (2.06 MB, 1727x939)
2.06 MB
2.06 MB PNG
Requesting Casey Krinsky wearing Princess Zee Zatara's outfit
File: dress.jpg (209 KB, 1100x800)
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209 KB JPG
Requesting Odalia Blight wearing this dress
File: 1705067606475095.jpg (130 KB, 1024x927)
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130 KB JPG
Requesting a New Team Titans or New Outsiders team featuring these characters.
File: download (52).png (900 KB, 1700x724)
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900 KB PNG
Requesting Adam in the Netherworld waiting room.
File: beta ray bill you should.jpg (587 KB, 1363x1004)
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587 KB JPG
Requesting Beta Ray Bill in this meme but with the words of encouragement
File: request19.png (870 KB, 1440x1080)
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870 KB PNG
requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse in her swimsuit and being nudged (maybe have the dolphin lick her like it's a puppy dog?) by a dolphin like Flipper nudging Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper
Requesting Rankin Bass girls sitting in front of a fireplace
Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.
File: DexterMeeMeeZigaZag.jpg (257 KB, 1000x1068)
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Requesting Mee Mee kissing Dexter similar to the kiss Scary Spice gave in the video Wannabe
Oh, behave.
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File: Otis & Bob.jpg (299 KB, 1108x566)
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Requesting Otis and Bob just chilling.
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Requesting a recreation of the painting of the Creation of Adam with Johnny Bravon as Adam and Mary the red hair girl on the right while she touch Johnny’s Hand. Along side of Mary is Jungle Boy, the little pigtail blonde girl, little Suzy and Carl
File: cavemanfaceoff.png (1.16 MB, 2090x802)
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Requesting Spear and Dexter Caveman facing off in Unga Bunga.
File: Superior.jpg (596 KB, 1249x1920)
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Requesting this illustration but with Olivia Octopus as Superior Spider-Gwen
File: Couldnt let this die.jpg (1.03 MB, 6006x1504)
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Requesting Kim showing off her bikini not noticing that Bonnie is standing behind her in an even sluttier sling bikini making lewd hand gestures.
File: Reference 1.png (642 KB, 781x477)
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Requesting Punished Beast Boy telling a confused/ concerned Terra that 'Dr. Hate made me go NUCLEAR!!!'

Reference for punished look is attached.
File: Simp.png (3.52 MB, 1450x2229)
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Requesting a redraw of this scene with Marge and Mindy, from Homer`s perspective
File: Jasmine in Wonderland.png (2.01 MB, 1378x1592)
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Requesting outfit swap
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Requesting Xavier recreating the cover of Meat Loaf's "Renegade Angel" album. For the chick on the cover, it should be the blonde that Xavier meets in the very first episode that he thinks is his girlfriend.
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Requesting Eva crushing a watermelon between her thighs, preferably in a bikini
File: KHAN FUSION.jpg (63 KB, 635x500)
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Requesting fusion
File: Monkey Sword.jpg (550 KB, 1503x479)
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Requesting a version of the "Monkey with a Gun" meme with Abu and the Royal Guard.
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Requesting Wonder Woman as a Canadian Mountie.
I'm not sure if this upload was made on /co/. I can't seem to find anything on desu, and it seems to be low resolution. You can barely make out the artist signature.
I wasn't gonna say anything, but yeah, I agree with you.
File: DnD CARTOONS.png (3.32 MB, 2374x2091)
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Requesting Jack (samurai), Courage (rogue), Johnny (bard), Gwen (wizard) and Buttercup (barbarian) eating in the dungeon.
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dumb request time: Beachcomber combing the beach sands. So far, he ain't found shit.
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Requesting Ayane from Porkchop n Flatscreen eating ramen
File: Hailey Banks.png (2.06 MB, 2956x5066)
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Requesting Hailey Banks as a DJ.
File: Cheerselfie.png (1.42 MB, 871x1189)
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Requesting one of these cheerleaders from Kim Possible taking a selfie like the woman in the reference. (From top to bottom: Bonnie, Kim and Tara)

For some extra ideas; The girl is more confident the higher she is placed in the reference, so Bonnie looks very confident while Tara would be a blushing mess. Also a snapchat caption mentioning Cheer Practice just being done would be a nice bonus.
File: Princess Tabitha.jpg (1016 KB, 1387x1432)
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Requesting Tabitha Vixx as the new Princess Kashmir.
Requesting Livewire firing off a corrupted version of Baou Zakeruga

So many Johnny Bravo request, that we don’t know how we’re going to pick.
File: speedy time.jpg (351 KB, 1445x986)
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Requesting a Speed Buggy take on this meme
With Speed rearing up, his antenna grasped like a whip by one tire yelling
"No Gods! No Masters!"
With Tink recoiling and cowering
"No Speed! No!"
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Requesting Sam keeping the dragon necklace and making her new dragon form goth.
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Requesting art of swimsuit Miss.Bellum.
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Requesting G1 Soundwave as a triple-changer with his satellite mode from RotF and stealth bomber mode from Cybertron.
How? He's made of walkman parts, there's no room for anything else.
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Requesting a Ted poster parody with Harley Quinn
requesting artwork of an axolotl kaiju. design is up to the artist, but she must look very cute.
found the source
Any Lord Dominator requests?
Definitely not from /co/
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Lord Dominator sleeping and anon covering her up

Have her in this pose but with both having a BHC tattoo and on her panties. She is looking at the viewer with both hearts in her eyes and blushing.
File: Know your place.png (255 KB, 730x480)
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Requesting a smug Catra standing victorious over a beaten-to-death Goku.
Draw her eating this axolotl >>144533927
Draw her in dolphin shorts and a tucked in white shirt
Not opening that crap
That's a crime in my country
Requesting this poster but with bloo(Foster's home for imaginary friends).-
Dominator taking a bath
File: Karai_cartoon.jpg (20 KB, 275x306)
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Dress her up like Karai.
Naked rear shot of her tauntingly slapping her ass
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Dominator fused to Wander
File: peridot and yotsuba.jpg (492 KB, 1356x912)
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Requesting Peridot as Yotsuba holding sunflowers
I got a question, how you ever felt of doing the same character again in doing requests on the draw threads? Like example doing requests again with Charlene from Victor and Valentino?
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Requesting Odalia Blight and superwoman doing a body change like the ref seen below.
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Requesting Groundhog with earbuds dancing to Kenny Loggins "I'm alright."
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Requesting a Genderbend/Boy Version of Bunny (Murphy and Mitzi)

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Requesting Baby Darkseid here getting a visit from Deadpool
Any requests with two characters doing this? It could be two girls, two guys, guy looking at girl, girl looking at guy...doesn't really matter. I'm partial to DC and Star Wars EU characters but I'm open to suggestions.
If i like the character, i'l fine, but i will get bored if i start doing it daily.
Ok I can see that if doing daily and what about my suggestion? (>>144534714)
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How about pic related? I've had the idea of that meme with the Hawks in my head for a while, mainly because Carter usually goes around with his boobs exposed.
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Requesting this image with Jessica Jones and Anne Marie Hoag
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Slappy and human Slappy
Requesting Ahsoka and Aayla
Oh yeah, i forgot to reply to it. I have to do 9 counting yours, so, wait for that
>Carter usually goes around with his boobs exposed
fucking whore
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Holli Would staring at Jessica Rabbit's boobs.
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Requesting fusion.
Ok, just making sure.
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Requesting Ms. Frankie posing like the ref on the right.
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Requesting a Lightsaber duel between these two.
this but younger squirrel slappy with even bigger tits or her using toon powers to give herself bigger fluffy tits
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Requesting the Goon playing checkers or chess with Brock Sampson in an (implied) shadowy basement.
maybe using a barrel for a table for the board and sitting on crates.
Requesting Samantha trying seduce Finn into mating.
Requesting Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable wearing MGS sneaking suits. Bandana's are optional
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Requesting Ms. Carmichael like the bottom pic.
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Requesting Saiyan version of DCAU Maxima
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requesting hilda pulling david by the tie, forcing him into a new adventure
wearing the haruhi school uniform while doing so is nice, but their regular ones are fine too
Requesting the X-Men in Paper Mario artstyle.
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Requesting Lackadaisy but instead of the setting being the nineteen twenties, It's Cyberpunk
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll work on these two for now.
Nice work, dbaru.
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Requesting the Power Pack in formalwear.
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Requesting Galaxy lending out a hand like the right pic.
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/r/ing Pre-Crisis Supergirl sitting at a booth like Don 'based' Rosa. With the sign saying something like;
>Sorry, I'm not "Power Girl". I'm Superman's actual cousin.
Power Girl can be replaced with 'Goo alien',' 'Angel/Human Hybrid' , 'bad CW show' or 'Genocidal Bubblebutt having destroyer of worlds' I actually like that Kara <3

Now this might fall into headcanon territory, but I always imagined Silver Age!Kara having some freckles
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Dana Tan.
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I want an alternate ending for the Death Battle episode of Lucy vs Carnage where Carnage takes over Lucy's body, leaving only her head exposed.
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Requesting these two sharing a couple of cold ones.
Sick request. Why that kind of people look do similar
Who are these characters
The Bad Touch Bros. They love 2d lolis just like 4chan
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Requesting these two on a date.
Requesting Raven doing magic for her friends.
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requesting american chibi from astrocity getting super-sized
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Requesting Maid Marian and Lady Kluck
Requesting Lucia getting turned into an angel, with a complete 180° personality filp
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Requesting this with Katara being possessive of Aang.
File: Alfie and Midna.png (1.57 MB, 978x1151)
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Maybe dancing.
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Blossom Bellum and Bubbles Mayor
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First request and I got the best one. Thanks, Billy. Love the visor you gave her and the embarrased expression, and those killer thighs too.
Thanks Billy but the panties also have BHC on them but overall looks good.
Very gud.
very nice
File: download (8).png (1.5 MB, 1121x1437)
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Requesting a Netflix style version of the top image.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Requesting an explanation of the corporation's plan.


I guess that settles it. Can an admin take care of this?
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OR Here. Thank you, it's great. I took the liberty of adding some colors.
Are the Wander details noticeable enough?
Enough? Yes.
Cool, cause i thought it was too much of Dominator, but i guess that's most fusions. I kinda want to draw her in Gogeta's outfit now
File: darkwing shadow-1.jpg (1.04 MB, 1666x1680)
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Requesting a pulp magazine or comic cover influenced by the Shadow magazines and comics.
Or possibly in a special "team-up edition."
- with Duck Savage. Duc a l'Orange (the Duck of Bronze)
Go for it. (OR, the BHC one)
Where's Jean?
File: toph.png (117 KB, 333x250)
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Requesting that one Pregnancy Test meme with Toph but she's showing the wrong side due to being blind
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Requesting Ziggy taking Garfield to the vet to get fixed.
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Requesting femboy Double Trouble in a bikini flashing his nips like the girl on the right
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Requesting a reimagining of Peg Pete as Paul Ruddish Peg Leg Pete's Redneck maiden. Maybe have the peg on the opposite leg of hers. Bonus points if you include backwater hillbilly versions of PJ and Pistol,or Heck,even Trudy Van Tubb as "City Pete"'s wife as well. City Pete and Dixie Pete are two seperate characters anyways why not have a family reunion?
What the fuck is this request?
Are those really the best quality refs you could find?
Kek, I didn't expect you to actually deliver.
Wow these all suck
That was a joke what i said
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Requesting Irma mutating into a gator gal and Leatherhead finding her attractive.
Requesting Leatherhead eating Irma alive.
A drawthread request.
File: gwen stripper scenario.jpg (1.38 MB, 1432x2256)
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Requesting Gwen as the dancer in this scenario
Requesting Irma eating Leatherhead alive
File: Devil D and Turok.jpg (1.43 MB, 2136x1470)
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Requesting Turok in a mix of Native and tacticool gear fighting a bunch of creatures with Devil Dinosaur.
The horse of *whatever* can be more implied.
That's gross, you need to deep fry alligator.
File: Request.png (690 KB, 500x1242)
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Fuck it!
Requesting Bimm giving her creator the finger
You can use a png pic of Kyle Carrozza
File: ylva ashei.jpg (1.72 MB, 2173x1636)
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Requesting Ylva dressed like Ashei
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Requesting gator Irma eating him.
counter request. Mikes being buck broken by Gwen cock
File: Pandora Hulk.jpg (307 KB, 1440x1325)
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Requesting Pandora hulking out over her inferior complexes like the bottom comic panels
Kek! Thx for this drawfren
Requesting colors for this sketch of Pacifica in her golf outfit.
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Requesting Gator Mutant Kim Wexler eating Huel.
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Requesting a comic cover page of Snake Eyes in civilian clothing in shadow but showing his tattoo with a clenched fist and standing in front of the 80's Coba Kai dojo.
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Requesting, a beach picture with 1950's Clark Kent buried partially in the sand,
his torso exposed is the upper part of a "sand mermaid" With Lois Lane and Roberta Lee (who looks a bit intimidated by Lois.)
Roberta's suit is based on Super Lass's costume.
Delivery. I prefer Yuuzhan Vong women myself but Twi'leks are good too. I'll color it later.
>Yuuzhan Vong
Oh nice, I'm holding on for this one
File: get out.png (819 KB, 1893x1000)
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Requesting a redraw of this pic but with Luz and a gun shaped Stringbean instead
File: Match made in Despondos.png (1.25 MB, 1527x1142)
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Requesting Prince Keldor courting Light Spinner.
>not Canon
>"It's an imaginary story."
>"Aren't they all?"
Requesting Connie wearing a front-zipper swimsuit like this, getting Steven to zip it. Or unzip it, your call.
File: bossfrogendorsement.png (1.49 MB, 2094x847)
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Requesting Mr. Boss endorsing Mr. Frog like the Savage Dragon Obama endorsement comic.
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requesting to draw both abbie and lana getting netorare'd by their own teachers

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