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ITT: Cartoon creators who are good people
Steven Hillenberg raped and killed a girl in 1990
I’m starting to think none of them are.
The creators of Rugrats are jewish.
Making this sort of baseless claims is never a good idea. If some bad shit comes to light you'll end up looking like a retard.
One of these things is not like the other
what an astounding revelation
>Alex Hirsch
How do we tell xir?
Considering the age gap discourse lately, Hirsch's probably on thin ice too
low quality twitter bait
Daron nefcy is crazy but she seems cool and not sure any of the fight rumors are true
>alex hirsch and klasky-csupo
>good people
i thought they were european or russian
gabor is hungarian, but the rugrats family is implied to be russian jews if I remember right
Craig McCraken and Genndy Tartakovsky
John K.
Jews can be good people
No, I don't think they can.
Yeah, ask people who worked on Inside Job how good of a boss Alex Hirsch was
trips of truth
Isn't Hirsch being a piece of shit who preyed on college-age girls basically an open secret at this point? He was also best friends with Justin Roiland at the exact same time Roiland was trying to fuck underage girls.
>preyed on college-age girls
Oh no those 20 year olds surely aren't old enough to consent!
Kill yourself
I'm not sure they can be good and I'm not sure they can be people. So I'm pretty skeptical.
Using clout from your parasocial twitter fanbase to fuck interns at your workplace is obviously fucked up fag, I bet you ran defense on Justin Roiland getting outed for trying to fuck a 15 year old too.
what would they say?
Alex Hirsch does not fucking belong here, I'm so tired of zoomers worshipping the ground he walks on.
>famous people aren't allowed to have sex
>"I bet you're le pedo!!!!!"
Go back to twitter/reddit.
So far, only William Shatner makes that statement true. Once he's gone, that's it.
wasnt he a huge spreader of STD in the animator circle?
Oh no…not an older person hooking up with a younger person. You guys would seriously not survive most clubs/bars.
I can't wait for this week to be over and everyone move on to the next thing
>being successful means there's a le hecking power imbalance any time you talk to a normal woman
I guess women should focus on going for broke men with 0 social prestige, since they apparently lose their agency whenever they interact with any mildly famous guy.
This. Women literally chase successful men. It's not "grooming" or "being taken advantage of, it's fucking female nature.
Isn't William Shatner kind of an arrogant prick?
First based post in this entire thread.
You would be right
>not sure any of the fight rumors are true
Ethnically sure. But if you stay in after being exposed to it?
Alex Hirsch seems like a virtue signaling cunt
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Matt Groening
Didn't he blame Tara Strong for somebody dying?
That makes him a great person
David Feiss bd Maxwell atoms unironically
Seth McFarlane
Any cartoonist animator that’s not from America
Danny Antonucci he’s the Mr T of animation
>preyed on college-age girls
worse than kyle
whatever helps them climb up the ladder
The whole Maccababy episode never tipped you off?
I honestly think it's astonishing that nothing came out about Alex when Justin was cancelled.
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uhh, bros?
Never met him
Never met them
Don't know him
Fine but annoying
Weird but cool
Who am I missing? Everybody in animation is just a normal person for the most part, if not a little more autistic on average
>Your Favorite Animator
This guys' days are numbered. He's covering up for something
I thought of some more
Cool, but cringe online
Never met them
>John K
Extremely annoying
Chill boomer, also dating Primos showrunner
He was gone by the time I started working
this is true
don't care but Rugrats is ugly and they look like nasty people
the clock is ticking for Alex
This is the dumbest controversy.
At this point why don’t you faggots make a list of people who someone is allowed to date given their age, race, job, income bracket, religion, etc.
Nerdy dude makes a popular thing and hot adult college girls suddenly want to fuck him so he let’s them. The horror.
Find me evidence that he fucked any interns.
And if you’re thinking about that video where the one chick talked about him doing the trundle Stan voice, she wasn’t his intern nor did she ever claim she was.
…because he would have almost certainly been outed had there been anything there to out.
Any specific stories?
really feels like people just set themselves up for disappointment by putting people on a pedestal
When shit comes out about Colaleo, literally nobody will be surprised.
Matt went on a drunken twitter rant about how he wanted to beat up white people but couldn't because of his weak asian genetics. Full Josh Luna tier psycho shit.
Danny Antonucci
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This asshole can't make up his mind
Or fucking NOBODY is a "good person", and literally every person you know has done something that would get them cancelled on Twitter.
JG Quintel
>surprised that people who draw mostly children over and over again for a living turn out to be creepos
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Ralph Bakshi
Source? I can't find it anywhere.
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I think the vast majority of Cartoon showrunners are legitimately good people. there are only a fraction as many outings as other industries. at worst they might be pricks sometimes but they aren't bad people.Muto's worst crime is being a hack writer

unless ive missed some, in the past 10 years there haven't even been 10 creators who are full on awful people:
>Carozza or whoever

picrel is at least right here despite the fence sitting
I believe it's a Gilbert Gottfried joke;
I've only been around they once or twice, but I have close friends who worked on She-ra and absolutely nobody likes her or her wife. Even most of the LGBTs don't get along with them. Mostly it's that they both came from rich families and had agents before getting into the industry, Molly paid to be on Forbes 30 under 30. Basic She-ra reports are that ND was a terrible leader and so man-hating that it actually became a discrimination issue. Both of them act entitled and childish on any project they're on. Also they gets a lot of shit for only hanging out with white people.
Zach Hadel
Bill and Bob seem too dull to have any serious skeletons
>Alex Hirsch
So how long until a sexual assault or child trafficking case is brought against each of these people?
Storyboard anon?
How’s the TikTok cartoon going?
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It’s a joke, you dweebs.
I'm not a storyboard artist but I think I know who you're talking about

He slept around with adult women but that's really it. I don't think there was ever really any evidence of any of those chicks losing work because of him.. in fact, from what I've heard, none of them got work after the #metoo accusation kek
Sleeping with adult women wasn’t the problem. Promising them jobs, promotions or opportunities in exchange for sexual favors was, as was using his position to punish people who turned him down.
>alex hirsch
>good person
>4chan is the “misogynist” by saying women are brain dead
>retarded women say theyre not
>claim to lose agency when a hot guy shows up and is a manager of a business
I would say retrard, but this sounds like a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too
Or Canada
Oy vey
He hates mable and dipper ships. It could be
A) he hates peoples playing with HIS toys
B) he actually sucks
Anyone who engages in shipping should be sent to hard labor camps
>rich families

How rich?
Where's Daron Nefcy?
Behaving differently is enough for twitter troons to cancel you
pen ward seems like a cool dude
NTA, but I think the power imbalance only exists if they are your boss or vice versa. Bosses shouldn’t fuck their staff.
>Promising them jobs, promotions or opportunities in exchange for sexual favors was, as was using his position to punish people who turned him down.

That never happened, though. Savino was accused because "he was office was dimly lit"
I mean what sort of moron would believe Chris Savino of all people held that sort of power? Especially before Loud House? lmao
>he was office was dimly lit
The intelligence of Savino apologists on full display.

>testified that Savino talked at length about busty nurses and their colleague’s breasts in his darkened office in 2014 as she felt compelled to be polite to him out of concern for her career.
>What she wrote was vague — she had never told anyone but her therapist the details before. She described a powerful showrunner and his dimly lit office;

Because his office was too scary and gave them the ick.
FInally, more people talking about it. It's insane how much that fuck got away with.
>Steven Hillenburg
You mean Steven Spielberg. How do you get the two mixed up?
>Failing at a business startup =/= Scamming, ergo why he didn't go to fucking prison
You are aware that him and his wife endorsed and promoted other scams, right? Like the people that offered services of "praying autism away" and "praying cancer away". What does the Bible have to say about that?
How does Klasky Csupo, John K, Jim Jinkins, Joe Murray, Craig Bartlett even outlive Hillenburg when those shows weren’t even as big as the Sponge?
I'll make this easy for you. The creators that shout the loudest about grooming, pedos, and certain kinds of politics are the creators who have something to hide. Gaiman and this loser are only the latest examples.
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Skyler Page
People are bringing him up again after the Carrozza incident, lumping him in with all the sick fucks. And when you look up what actually happened it just tells the sad story of one of the youngest cartoon creators having their lives absolutely ruined by unchecked BPD.
>The real Jeff: "Skyler is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for mental illness. Specifically a form of Bipolar 1 that results in prolonged psychotic episodes, not sleeping for days, and erratic, sometimes frightening behavior that mimics schizophrenia. On the same day the assault happened, Skyler also walked through the streets shirtless screaming at cops. I saw him try to smoke cigarettes through his nose and drink days old olive juice. He popped in and out of different characters, and answered questions with riddles. And the next day, when me and another close friend drove him to the hospital to get him treatment, I sat with him for hours in the Emergency Room as he sat strapped to a bed singing They Might Be Giants songs and talking like a cowboy. I don’t know if he was cognizant enough to see that I was crying. It was one of the saddest things I’d ever seen. Here in front of me, was a guy I had known extremely well, but was obviously “not home”. When I talked to the doctor and learned more about his specific illness, and that he would be coping with it for the rest of his life, it broke my heart. Again, here was someone who was like a brother to me, and I just got told he may never be the same again."
The assault in question, the one that news media and the industry twisted into him being an omega turborapist, was him poking a girl's thigh with a light-up ET finger glove during a psychotic episode.
>William Shatner
you mean the guy who ruined songs like this?
Csupó is not jew, Klasky said characters were based on her "jewish relatives" but it was never officially confirmed if she is one.
>unstable mentality ill showrunner
There's a bit more dirt on him than you describe, IIRC he actually was supposed to be tried on various counts of sexual harassment on multiple women but after he issued an apology owning up to the bullshit people just dropped it cuz he already was fired
The guy wasn't suited to work in the first place. He shouldn't be around others if he's liable to have a mental break down or make others uncomfortable with how unpredictable his behavior is. Hopefully he got the help he needs.
I don't even care when I find out some autist nerd guy gets into power and does shit like this. He honestly deserves it and those bitches are gonna fuck a million guys anyways so what does it matter. Don't hate the player hate the game.
>Alex Hirsch
lol zoomers are still dick sucking him after the Roiland bs and the text leaks? At least post JG Quintel or something
>after the Roiland bs and the text leaks?
as it turns out, Roiland is not Hirsch in a mask. Who would have thought?
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shit, maybe I forgive you Butch
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"I tend to say to my crew, nowadays a bit more often, that this is OUR movie. Not MY movie. We make it together, and i don't just say it in a positive sense, but it's like this because they also give their own to it, and i'm just an accepting committe now, but when we look back at content, i sometimes find myself dumbly smiling... like a... i'm enjoying it like a watching child. And this is a very big thing, an aptitude which i thank you all for." (About being the director of Toldi)

"What i do gladly is not "work", to me."

"Actually, basically this is a Superman story. A 19th century Superman story. Now after 4 million hollywood-styled Superman story was created, how can this be made in a way that people don't wave it off as some knock-off Superman story? I have to conjure it in a way that it touches -especially children- who watch it, and who don't even understand half of the text." (About Toldi. Later it got compared to Dragon Ball instead)

"I think the nice would be if i died while working" (Actually happened)

"I started my career - my BIG career - with Johnny Corncob, and to end it with Toldi would be a *gives two thumbs up* such a thing" (Both famous hungarian writings)

"To try to express realistic human behavior in animation has limitations. Such attempts in serious animation are often absurdly ridiculous. Why would one imitate reality? Just leave it to living actors! Earthbound reality is not for animation. Animation is a stylized, fantastic world."

"The struggle itself is the joy."

"Only naive people believe in progress, while there is only change, not progress. (...) Something is gone, something new comes, and in return something from the old, something good must be sacrificed."
>Matt Groening (Simpsons, Futurama)
>Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy, American Dad)
Micah Wright for being a lefty retard who had committed a stolen valor felony
Not even Craig Barlett, Peter Hannan, Mitch Schauer, Butch Hartman, Rob Renzetti, Steve Odenkirk, Eric Robles or the duo that created ATLA could even beat the Sponge
So is Alex Hirsch, IIRC.
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Can they be bad people though? They never seem to be responsible for anything bad somehow
Chris Chan
Andrew Dobson
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Remember only one has a board here

This guy crows to the heavens about what a "nice guy" he is. He's got some stinky-ass corpses in his closet.
And he’d be right
someone post the photo of alex hirsch with ethan klein and a body in the background discretly out frame in a dark room with closed windows
Spielberg just comes across as a very preachy individual with Peter Pan syndrome which explains why most of his works tend to be too childish and retarded.

Hillenburg was a chill individual that had much love and dedication for marine biology and cartooning
small white penis
Atoms is a marxist douchebag
sounds like bull
Didn't Arlene get really upset about Angelica?
Romans 3:23-24.
That's the best version of Rocket Man.
>he supports Trump
Oh, so he's either stupid or evil.
Didi's folks are Eastern European Jews.

Most non-Jewish Americans have no idea who the Maccabees were. That story isn't in the Protestant version of the Bible.
Well it checks a lot actually. I still like she-ra and all but meh, I couldn' t really dislike or like ND as a person. They Always felt like the type of person that is out of reach and I can't relate. Its not like people i've met that are like chill/dont give a fuck about what others think of them. Thanks for the info have a good day/night.
If Hillenburg is so good, why is he dead?
>are you a good person anon?
>is anybody here a "good person"?
>what is better – to be born good, or to overcome your bad nature through great effort?
>what is the scale between a "good person" vs a "bad person"?
>what would it take to make a "good person" go "bad"?
>could a "bad person" redeem themself to be "good"?
>if you were to become a cartoon creator, would you be considered a "good person" or a "bad person"?
mercy kill to stop him from having to see his show get further mutilated by greedy suits
I agree it’s definitely not ideal. But I also don’t think every hook up between a boss and an employee is inherently predatory. Diluting every interaction to person with power vs person without power is just so mind numbingly unproductive.
Gabor Csupo is pure Magyar stock
A good person is someone I agree with. A bad person is someone I don't agree with.
There are quite some Jewish oriented sites that says he is born to them
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her name was Mary Kay Bergman you uncultured swine
At first glance, yes, but prepare to be shocked by looking at his blogs
Mark Waid is a good person! He protects women.
Alex Hirsch doesn't give me "good person" vibes.
I need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I'm a good person, and I need you to tell me that I'm good.
I know they’re not really a show creator, but what’s Sage Cotugno like?
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Some things about Csupó i translated from hungarian (Like i did with Jankovics that noone seems to care about)

-Started his animation career at Pannónia studio, and worked on classics like Mézga Family (As inbetweener).

-When hungarian Rófusz Ferenc won an Oscar for his short film, Csupó was the one to make the first photo of his with the award. (This one:https://www.valaszonline.hu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/rofusz_la.1981-474x675.jpg)

-Later, after they dined with their friends, they returned to Csupó's home, and the window open. It was obvious someones broke into the house, so they ran inside to fight with the burglars, who by the time were already gone. The arriving cops argued with them for this decision, Rófusz noted that if he didn't bring the Oscar to eat, they might have taken it too.

-According to Ternovszky Béla (Director of Cat City, etc) Csupó likely left because he would have had to wait to realize his own ideas at Pannónia instead of working for others.

"In my young days i didn't care about anything, just music, film, and bubblegum"

"When i watched 101 Dalmatians. It enchanted me. I liked very much to draw, but my drawings were just still images on paper. It's magic got me, that they can move. At 11-12 years age i decided that i would like to be an animator."

-He recalls that animation courses didn't really exist anywhere yet, his only chance was getting into Pannónia under the hands of the big masters.

"They looked at me like a crazy european artist. I didn't want to mimic the american style. I didn't fit into the american cartoon industry."

-Abroad, he got his first job at Hanna-Barbera studio, working on Scooby-Doo: "It wasn't my favourite style, but it helped me learn the basics."

-About Simpson Family: "We animated it, we colored it, which caused problems too. They wanted to strangle me, throw me out the window, because it was really not to the producer's liking"

-Dr. Riviera is based on him.
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I will leave this here.
Whatever Augie
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Keffals scammed your incel ass out of $100,000, spent it all on crack, and never apologized
But enough about the contents of your anus
>he supports biden
So you must be stupid and evil
Do you hurt anyone?
Do you steal their work?
Do you enjoy it?
What else do you do while you're there?
Are you a good person?
Do you steal your work through sacred spaces? Where man and God dance along the edge of the world? Who taught you that?
ok Birchy
You'll die there as many of your friends have, just as helpless as your victims.

Watching you respond to death tells me you're not human.
That seems to back up the rumors I've heard about first season of She-ra being shitshow due to Stevenson. It was so bad to the point the producers had put Stevenson on leave with pay and bring in another director, Chuck Austen.
Maybe they can. But they aren't.
>"errrmmmmmm you don't KNOW what goes on behind the scenes, the HORROR..."
>No I won't name names or details I just wanna shit-stir without putting my career in jeopardy
Hate these kinda faggots like you wouldn't believe
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>Killed 6 million innocent people who just happen to be Jewish.
>Got called out by FDR for it during the 1936 Olympics, resulted in Germany's Coke supply being taken away from them, resulting in the creation of Fanta.
>Also killed another 6 million people who were disable, LGBTQ+, Romanians, black/POC and political rivals, these people America didn't care about, because they didn't run Hollywood.
>Sent millions of solders to Russia only to have them freeze to death making a easy Soviet vicary by doing absolutely nothing.
>Spent all day snorking crack instead on leading his army.
Yea the guy was a monster.
>resulting in the creation of Fanta
That alone makes all of WW2 worth it
The Fanta you drink was created in Italy in 1955, this Fanta was made with fruit scraps and was made as a soup thinner, not a soda.
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Gabor Csupo
>Mezga Family
>The Simpsons
>The Wild Thornberrys
The man that started the trend of animated family sitcom format
No that was Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera.
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no, he was just an inbetweener on Mézga Family, although he might have transferred some ideas from it into The Simps. Mézga Family actually descends from Gusztáv, who even has a cameo in the show.
Jesus was the only one.
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They are from Brasil, but the only ones i would put my hand on the fire to protect. You all from USA don't know, but those guys were animating even before the internet and made a LOT of people learn to draw at the time. Both are like > 50, almot 60 and were creating some newgrounds level shit like babies exploding and kids being beaten.
Care to explain in detail?stories?
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Their stuff isn't that great today, but they sure had a nice run.
What do you mean? There have been groups like Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism for decades now.
The dyke who wouldn’t stop sperging about men online was miserable to work with? Well color me shock.
>zoomers think Alex is actually a good person
baka kill anyone under 25, seriously

Joke that might be true.
I know Didi's parents are Ashkenazi.
She told Disney to fuck off, that's based in my book and you're probably a simp for the Mouse
Alex pissed in bins and left them for the cleaners to empty, apparantly.
Genndy is just as bad as the others for how he ended Primal
Who cares if they're good people or not? Are you planning to be their friend or something?
Also one of them does nfts now
She, like every artist, has bizarre fetishes. Thesr include, but are not limited to, as far as we know at least, amputees, cuckquean, exhibitionism, transvestites, and pubescent girls coming into their sexuality.
>Alex Hirsch
>good person
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I am Marxist and I side with Marx on this one - Jews can only be good if they abandon their cultural identity and stop being Jews altogether.
i like how everyone is conveniently ignoring Jankovics.
guy has been working on cartoons for most of his life and died during that too, got fucked over by communist censors and lack of funding but kept doing it for the art and message, taught animation not just in Hungary, but inspired the likes of Genndy Tartakovsky, Craig McCracken and Cartoon Saloon, mastered the medium and didn't even take as much credit, in the adaptations the source work is always credited first, and he refuses his works to be considered only his when it was made by a team. always created cartoons for the education purpose and message.
why did you "ITT:" in the OP if you don't care about what others are posting? this thread is just complaining about creators instead of what it started with.
The pooping was /co/'s embellishment
'liking' someone else's art does not mean she's getting off on it. A lot of times, artists just do it to support other artists.
>good people

Good lord. Stop putting people on pedestals. The people you like can have bad days. The people you hate can have good days. Humans are complex.
I genuinely don't know why anyone would be friends with him. Like, even as a mutual I'd watch my back around him.
bein the first doesnt mean it was good lol.
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all she does is make good cartoons and support her wife and her shows.
who? Matt?
Most artists have zero fetishes, just as a heads up.
>high effort digits ignored in favor of manchild posting
many such cases
Sage Cotugno seems cool, I admire their ability to juggle being a director and running a multiyear webcomic on-time. More of a /co/ creator than cartoon creator so far, but if they ever get a show greenlit they'd probably count.
Jon Stewart's good too
Don't forget Angie Vondra.
This user is stupid as fuck, shit like this is just putting pressure and a bigger target on these animators backs
Go away /pol/
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the creators of this movie made it from almost zero funding, AND then immediately made the movie online for free. AND they made the movie just so a shitty moneygrab sequel doesn't become the first CGI movie of their country.
most people in this thread are simply just ones who never did something notoriously shitty.
I’m pretty sure Alex hirsch was mainly a weirdo who shits at his desk at Disney and fucked a ton of girls in college. I’m pretty sure he fucked Dana terrace and Daron Nefcy which I’m pretty sure is how they got their jobs
No turns out he’s sort of a dick what with his racist jokes and pedophilic ones too, that and literally hanging out with shadman
No one is really good.
Grown ass adults who watch cartoons can't understand that. They have childish minds.
> fucked a ton of girls in college
Doubtful. The guy is an ugly dweeb.
Girls in art college don’t look that much better to be honest. Any guy would probably get what they can fr. Alex hirsch is definitely a known slut much like how nefcy is.
>Angie Vondra
Ironically enough, Alex and Kyle go way way back. They met each other on DeviantArt 20 years ago
I don't know the guy but he is probably pretty based if what you say is true. Wish he gets more recognition from others.
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yep so innocent and pure
Henry Kissinger was the exception, not the rule.
He killed one of his ex wives in '74.
doesn't surprise me, I've never seen a picture of him where he doesn't look like he hit a blunt an hour before
She always seemed like her appearance and her social media presence makes her look more mean than she actually is. She seems motivated and is from the East Coast, so I imagine she's more chill than your average animation professional.
Her husband is chill, so I imagine she's chill too.
Even if his TikToks are annoying sometimes, he seems like he'd be a cool guy to get a drink with
I imagined bad, but not awful so I'm a little surprised.
I imagine his social media is mostly for show for the Mexican fans, but that's more a theory than anything else.
In my mind, he's permanently living in some fictional city somewhere between New York and Seattle. Him living in Los Angeles almost doesn't seem to make sense in my mind, but I guess that means he did a good job making Hillwood
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>Cartoon creators who are good people
Anon, I'm not sure if you heard the news but...
I would actually want to hang out with him, he seems cool
when will Enceladus V actually have a good thread again? I've only seen a few recently but they never seem to pick up any traction.
i'm 100% certain that at least alex could be forgiven, all the other stuff...yeah. And Matt with his stuff of liking artists drawing suggestive stuff of his underage character is messed up. Didn't he also have some people for staff draw lewd of some of the girls?
He made an entire episode of Gravity Falls where his proxy is beaten by girls to apologize for giving the geeky Asian lady an STI. Yeah, he gives women herpes but he also gives them jobs. Like Maxwell Atoms before him, he feels this his job to give others a shot like he was given one.
Yeah, it was one trams storyboard member called Alex, he got canceled so hard and two other popular Amphibia artists too who does NSFW art.
The Grimternationale
he died of exhaustion from carrying a whole network
> who shits at his desk
The allegation was that he pissed in the garbage can, not shit. I don’t know why /co/ keeps trying to knock it up a notch. Piss is gross enough. No need to embellish.
And he fucked one girl who was college aged.
The more and more he hear about this stuff, the more I think there could be a better world without this kind of crap
Real talk though, what % of Hollywood is made up of actual good people? Covid and the election really put a light on celebs and their shit opinions.
Joyless faggot
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Rebecca sugar is literally a mr rogers type of person. Worst thing she ever did was post on this hole of a site
Case in point, RS is just a kind and authentic person
Here it is. Your (You)
Thanks anon, I appreciate it :)
Honestly I’m surprised no one has mentioned Sugar yet
I think most of the major Hollywood people who are actually good are a very small percentage, which the majority of them burning out and hiding away once they reach a certain level of fame.
Ben Bocqulet is the only good person in the cartoon industry he never had controversies he's nice and chill irl and he keeps to himself and the fact he made the best cartoon as well known as Gumball.
So...I can't go into animation and hollywood without people finding out how much of a manwhore I am or being able to do CNC with lesbians.
Will being a sexual degenerate who ends up doing drugs and at orgies but never mix this with work be a hindrance?

Like if they find me balls deep in a MILF at a convention that's trying to get an autograph for her kid will that affect my work?
Plus he's euro and not a amerimutt
some quotes of him were posted here:

if you don't know him, here is a guide:
>ITT: Cartoon fans who are bad people
It's a combination of Frequency Illusion and Confirmation Bias.
There are hundreds of thousands of people involved in the Hollywood machine, but you don't hear about most of them because nobody is writing an article about someone who does their job well and doesn't harass people.
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I remember when it first made the rounds an industryanon said that faust was pretty bad too
holy based
John K was just annoying, I heard he was a nightmare to work with. There was even an episode of Ren and Stimpy ribbing on him
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You don’t have to keep telling yourselvs that your personal favorite artists are perfect human beings, she’s never gunna be your tradwife
why does everything have to be so black and white?
I don't have a boner for Nefcy and have only watched the first season of Star vs. Simply pointing out that anons are jumping to conclusions does not mean that I think she's perfect. It means I'm calling out poor logic.
Man carried the DCAU on his back and when he died it all went to shit.
Sugar was never the problem, it was the people she hangs out with
Alex Hirsch definitely has herpes?
Despite their jewishness
> his social media is mostly for show for the Mexican fans
He unironically used Latinx and blocked anyone who rejected it.
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/co/ is full of people who love to gossip and embellish things along the way.
I'll believe it when someone can provide an actual source. As far as I can tell, people started saying this because "Dude, you can tell".
story? I heard she totalled her production role in she ra and chuck fucking austen had to rein it in
Really? That's good to know.
Put me in the screencap
Okay bro. I asked a question for the sole purpose of hearing certain information like "This is bullshit." or "That's what they say. Source: [twitter/etc.]"

I'm not an unduly credulous person.
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>Alex Hirsch
yes, and I answered by telling you that the people who are saying that have no sources and are likely making shit up. What's the problem?
Yeah the Skyler Page thing was just kind of tragic IMO. Last I heard he was still working under the industry under a pseudonym. Good for him if so.
He didn’t like “suggestive art of underage characters”, he liked a drawing of a girl blushing while looking at a fucking frog.
>that mimics schizophrenia
bipolar is part of the schizo spectrum
sugar drew gay shota. depending how twitter feels that day that could be either nothing or really bad.
>guy has been working on cartoons for most of his life and died during that too, got fucked over by communist censors and lack of funding but kept doing it for the art and message, taught animation not just in Hungary, but inspired the likes of Genndy Tartakovsky, Craig McCracken and Cartoon Saloon, mastered the medium and didn't even take as much credit, in the adaptations the source work is always credited first, and he refuses his works to be considered only his when it was made by a team. always created cartoons for the education purpose and message.
>why did you "ITT:" in the OP if you don't care about what others are posting? this thread is just complaining about creators instead of what it started with.
because this is specifically about the post AT generation of US artists. Nobody here knows about old animation or foreigners.
naw, I get nerdy about the eastern european shit too, but this anon is being annoying as fuck about it. It's like they just learned about Jankovics and now want to make it everyone else's problem.
it's not like Whiskey/bourbon. They're two different diagnosis.
He was a clear sex pest that couldn't act professional at work for years and it kicked him in the ass. The dozens of allegations that stretch back to 2007 are just that, allegations with no proof outside testimonys that line up well. But with the amount of damage the moment has done to his career you'd think he'd at least sue or challenge them to court or in some other way if he was completely innocent and the allegations were all fake stories. Instead he completely bent the knee and apologized.
Based klasky csupo
> a bunch of shit they did in thier off time
They're adults, they can do that outside work. Hirsh is on thin ice for his shitty connections. But outside the trash pissing shit (wich was forever ago now) he doesn't have enough dirt outside being annoyingly woke sometimes.
>alex hirsch
He's absolutely got some skeletons in his closet, I still think those photos that came out a few years ago are weird as fuck. Either way he's a complete cunt regardless.
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Van Partible
>despises men
>troons out into a man
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>Took over Hayao Miyazaki's unit at Telecom once he left for Topcraft to do Nausicaa.
>Always innovated when he was in charge of Telecom.
>Never has sex until after he was married.
>Never cheated on his wife.
>Has 2 sons.
>His brother Junichi is one of the 3 creators of Pokémon, his brother is also one of the men in charge of it too.
>Always made sure all of his characters had baloney in their slacks.
>Is the main reason why 80s TV Disney and 90s Warner Bros is excellent.
Yea, this guy is as pure as they come.
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That person is now dead (car accident), has been dead for years now, just as a heads up.
Luke has been trying to dox Rebecca with her eene porn for years now. Oddly enough nobody cared.
Gummi Bears, DuckTales'87, The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs are /co/.
wait a fucking minute is this famicom
Nigga, have you even read his Wikipedia page? Those two aren't even related, Junichi Masuda has a sister, why are you making fanfiction of real people get the hell out of here with that shit!
neo puritanism
Those links say relative, at most "grandmother's cousin", says nothing about Yuki Kaneko being Junichi's and Toshihiko's sister.

But Junichi and Toshihiko are brothers, it's why Toshihiko is able to take very low paying work (mainly doing storyboards on Pierrot's Boruto) as he leaches off of his brother's Pokémon money.
>Faust is just a terrible boss who disregards and disrespects her colleagues
>her opportunities basically disappear afterwards
You're telling me it's not because she just happens to be a woman and the industry hates girl cartoons?
Well IIRC the reason she stepped away from DCSHG was because Craig FINALLY managed to knock her up and they'd been trying for a long while.
>I still think those photos that came out a few years ago
which ones? the one from the basement party?
"Masuda's parents are from Fukuoka Prefecture and he has a younger sister. Yuki Kaneko, a voice actress from the same prefecture, is a relative (granddaughter of a cousin and grandniece of a cousin)[9][10]."

There's literally nothing on them online about them being brothers. Is it because they have the last name and they're both old Asian men? Stop making fanfiction of real people dude. Your TMS autism is already enough but this is just creepy.
Toshihiko's Japanese Wiki page is incomplete mind you, but they are brothers.
Junichi's page however says nothing about a sister however.
I think it's because they have the first names. Japan has this weird thing where last names come first and the first names are last. Also gotta remember Japanese read from right to left. Unless they changed it.
Books and manga are right to left but the words themselves in said books and manga are left to right.
>alex hirsh
fucking zoomers
Yeah I did check for that. But if you look at both Masuda's social media and interviews and search up the given/first names, you'll find literally nothing.
This is just weird fanfiction of real people who just so happen to have the last name. I used to tune out his autism but now this is getting offputting.
not stopping Jews got us to this point in history where people who can't sustain civilization are replacing those who can
>Alex "The Hacklet" Hirsch
>good person
I like that everyone got to see Alex learn what jews are.
That was fun.
If it was incomplete, then surely other sites such as the Bulbapedia would've mentioned it by now. Those people know everything, and yet over there there's nothing.
Quit making fanfiction of real people.
Says nothing of the sort.
>Alex Hirsch look cute to me
Am I the only one?
go away dana
15 isn't college, 15 is a minor.
What do you mean?
ND was sure a mess, though some of the staffers were like the catty mean girl club themselves. Seemed like a dumpster fire that got lucky.
> I answered
>by telling you that the people who are saying that have no sources
You fell short of actually doing that.
When she was a teen BTW! The same age as the Ed boys
This is because of the Kyle thing right?
John K's best pal
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She also drew /ss/ while working on Adventure Time
Marceline is mentally a teenager. Sugar beats the allegations yet again
Proof? I thought she was an adult? Although I guess anyone could upload anything at anytime and claim in was done years ago tru or not.
Tell that to the judge
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She was 20 when she drew those
Got a source for Alex sleeping with a minor?
I think they're good for their people.
I think Anon if you ever find a nice Jew, you'd be the best explorer in the world.
The Hell are you talking about?
>sex pest
Gay term.
If you watch cartoons for children, you're either autistic or a pedo. Or both.
NTA but the only confirmed thing we know about Alex is the one girl who was 19 at the time and an art student.
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>forced feminized Zach Callison in real time
>good person
It's like saying that all white people are worms that need to be destroyed
Maybe you'll rot like the Rhodesians
How are whites better than Jews? It's just that you were thrown off the pedestal and now you hate being treated the same way you treated non-whites, now you're cattle for Jews, that's fair
He died long after the main DCAU ended. Nobody can tell if the latter stuff is even canon to the animated verse or not.
Celebrities are like Schrödinger's cat, they are groomers and at the same time they're not until proved
Go away Zach
Shouldn't you be looking for a job Dana?
checked and based
So both were childish and retarded
twitter can excuse gay /ss/ but not drawing an ugly n- i mean gem
This. Funny how he wasn't brought up with the other wholesome animators.
how is the gravity falls guy there? he almost got a bunch of people killed for trespassing
It is retarded but remember Gaiman dating younger women got him in trouble after touting progressive views. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what does him in the end.
Anons actually bringing nuance in. You think at this point people learn rather than get their heart broken over an image they built up in their heads.
Crazy bitch /co/ worships because she drew Frankie fucking Mac and openly fantasized about fucking her brother.
He made a cartoon people grew up with and has views that align with their own.
By twitter standards, he's practically jesus.
Sabrina pls
Rebecca is in a legitimate cult.
yes. And despite what anons tend to say, she was not an intern at his studio, she did not work for him, and there were never any allegations that he promised her any sort of jobs in return for sex (either directly or implicitly).
The biggest reveal of that retarded video she made was that Hirsch is a cringey nerd sometimes which is a surprise to nobody.
Says nothing of the sort.
>he almost got a bunch of people killed for trespassing
does /co/ actually worship her or does she just spend tons of time online trying to create a buzz for herself via anonymous message boards and sock puppet accounts?

I'm convinced that the number of people who actually give a shit about Vee are vastly overestimated. (especially the ones who seem to get really emotionally involved about 'defending' her).
Nico is such a massive suck-up that I'm waiting for the day when he has a bunch of, "HE'S ACTUALLY SUPER TOXIC LIKE BUTCH HARTMAN" reveals come out.
*towards fellow Jews
I can't believe retards like you exist
Threadly reminder that there is objectively nothing wrong with shipping and drawing "underage" characters that are conceived, written, drawn and voiced by adults and are meant to be projected on and related to
This is why Industrycuck is based. He understands cartoons.
>are meant to be projected on and related to
By children mostly.
>Threadly reminder that there is objectively nothing wrong with shipping
*if you're a teenage girl, legitimately no cringe there
Fuck anti-shippers, here is my list
>Dipper Pines x Maddie Fenton
>Steven Universe x Ann Possible
>Marco Diaz x Drew Saturday
>Finn the Human x Helen Parr
>Lincoln Loud x Susan Long
He did nothing wrong
>Dana Terrance
Dumb twittard
See I can't relate to the dads but I can relate to the boys much more and so I self insert as them when I think about moms. And there's nothing wrong with that unless you're a dad fag or neopuritan.
Who would KO or Morty be paired up with?
I think Priyanka Maheswaran would be a good fit for KO. Morty can be with Moon Butterfly.
>Not Danny x Maddie
>Not Jim and Tim x Ann
>Not Zak x Drew
>Not Dash x Helen
>Not Jake x Susan
Only a weirdo wants Danny in Danny Phantom porn/shipping.
It's not about the main protagonist nigga. Having someone overcoming their father is a huge deal so to be more relatable to the audience it has to be the son.
Where we at on James Possible x Kim Possible or Jack Fenton x Jazz Fenton?
That's just sick dude.
Jesus and I thought the trooning thing was just a joke...
How many industryfags are in here?
He's not real.
That sounds gay. Plus characters like Dipper and Steven are easier to project on to.
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c'mon anon, >>144533360 >>144537178 and I are waiting for your explanation
He has a racist and sexist streak.
>Danny x Jazz
>Kim x Tweebs
Brother sister teams for the win
>sex pests are forgiven
>drawings are…le bad!
I believe so, the ones where you can clearly see some kid passed out in another room. I'm not going to go as far as saying it was some diddler thing, but it's still fucking weird that someone brought along a very young kid to some adult drinking party.
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>alex good people
I know being polite is not the same of being good but still..
Alex actually made a good cartoon. There's a difference.
This 4chan, people can’t imagine something not being fetishized
Oh no two fictional blobs that barely resemble human beings making out with each other. This is literally the most heinous thing ever
This but unironically. Zach warned us about this.
Hey Rebecca.
rebecca sugar should draw more shota porn i think that would be really fucking funny considering the audience she deliberately and knowingly cultivated
She'd be the new kale.
Also mel brooks
>By children mostly
the people writing these characters are adults who are often self-inserting, so it's not inconceivable that other adults could relate to aspects of these characters as well.
Craig McCracken said something along the lines of how it's impossible to figure out what will resonate with a child when you are not one yourself. All you can do is write something (appropriate) that will resonate with you and hope that it connects with them too. He was specifically talking about jokes/humor, but I think the same goes for creating relatable/insertable characters.
The worst writing tends to come from adults who try to write down to a child's level.
Other than being a bit outspoken on Twitter, she really hasn't done anything problematic. She's since heavily curtailed her social media posting too.
I think both her and Hirsch were caught up in this weird sense of obligation to use their "platform" to influence positive change (insofar as they understood what that means). Both seem to have realized how fart-sniffy this was and stopped doing it.
But you now know that anons here have no sources for why they say Alex has herpes, right?
>the people writing these characters are adults who are often self-inserting
Not every writer self inserts as their characters. A lot do but not all.
Can someone blackpill me on why Jews are bad?
>The worst writing tends to come from adults who try to write down to a child's level.
The 90s and 00s in a nutshell.
Nah hes another unfunny late night trump derangement syndrome hack
You can't just drop that bombshell without citing sources or something.
to add though, an ADULT frog/toad
>neo puritanism
I've got a point
and I can't believe the idea of 4chan exists in the first place, yet here we are with people such as you.
Yeah no I don't forgive anyone who is a sex pest, yet how do I know alex himself is one?
How many women and nonwhite people does he have on his shows anon?
>you can clearly see some kid passed out in another room
There's a person passed out, but it's impossible to determine any sort of age. You are the first person I've heard of referring to that individual as a 'kid'.
It's far more likely it's a friend of a similar age who got drunk and passed out. It's pretty common at parties for young 20-something year olds.
They're good with money and tend to be richer on average than everyone else.
That's it.
Dude his first show have one of the main characters be a girl and made her mom really hard what are you saying
>Dean in Leeds
i missed this detail before
is this a veiled threat directed at a specific troll? did he actually find the troll's identity or was he trolled into thinking he was being trolled by some random british dude?
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I needed that positivity thanks
How crushed would you be if they didn't turn out to be good people?
That wasn't as much blackpill as much as orangepilled.
I just can't believe that a Jew by default is rich just because they're part of some religion. Might as well say all Christians are rich since they have formed tightly connected communities over God
'self insert' may be the wrong word since that may imply an overt avatar of sorts, but writers tend to write from experience. If a character is experiencing heartbreak or difficulty with a specific task etc, writers tend to draw from their own experience to understand how a character might think and feel in a specific moment. Characters may not be overt stand-ins for the writer, but a part of the writer is in every one of those characters.

It's the reason why it's common advice to aspiring writers that they need to get out into the world and gain real experiences. Some writers do just fabricate characters and stories from absolutely nothing, but a lot of that writing fails to resonate very strongly with people.
I'm talking about behind the scenes anon. Notice how his show's credits have mostly white guys as the writers and artists?
Seething about Jews is just that: seething.
The absolute worst thing about Jews is that they have a nepotistic streak, but so does literally every minority. See: Irish cops only hiring other Irish-Americans as cops.
The true ultimate blackpill is there is no grand global conspiracy and sometimes bad things just happen for no reason
And this is why Industrycuck is the most based poster. He gets what cartoons are all about.
>Some writers do just fabricate characters and stories from absolutely nothing, but a lot of that writing fails to resonate very strongly with people.
Again, see the 90s and 00s. None of those formed a lasting emotional impact with the audience.
It's an oddly arbitrary group of people to hate.
>>144546878 is partially correct in the reason why people may distrust the stereotype, but it's funny that the same dislike and prejudice against Jewish people is what created that financial disparity to begin with. A few hundred years ago, Jews were not alllowed to work in a lot of industries so they found work in the places they could...money lending and entertainment.
watch out anon, you're going to bring out the turbospergs who think entertainment was always a prestige industry and that actors weren't widely considered to be sinful ne'er-do-wells until some time in the 19th century
You're at least as bad
A trend I've noticed recently is people taking this advice to the other extreme and basically turn their show into their own trauma dump. There has to be balance, like as stated life experience informing actions of a character.
How do you know that's him? Seems too coherent.
When was he ever not coherent?
His obsession with eleutheromania and his nonsensical rambling about how it's the root of all social ills come to mind.
None of them are fitting in his closet once he's done.
Chris also had sex with his own mother and is currently claiming to be the Second Coming.
I think the joke is that both of those cartoonists are not good people.
cool but i don't really give a fuck a think
pearl clutchers like you are insufferable and i can't imagine how anyone could stand to have a dialogue with you other than the same sycophant apes who stay relegated to their echo chambers
>t. can't handle his favorite animator being called out
I don't know if industrycuck is a specific person, but I'm not that guy.
He is a specific guy and jannies tend to ban people for talking about him.
The short version is that he's gay, Filipino, once shit himself at the movie theater to get out of watching Beavis and Butthead Do America, loves Rebecca Sugar, and hates Genndy Tartakovsky.
He also has an obsession with Dipper fucking cartoon moms and making their husbands watch, which is pretty weird since he's gay.
Jannies don't ban me please I'm simply educating this anon.
Probably just a few simps here.
Wasn't saying you were, I was saying you summed up Industrycuck's philosophy on fiction.
Supposedly he's bi/pan but I wouldn't put it past him if he found Dipper hot and self inserts as the moms.
A lot of chicks go after their bosses though.
Never underestimate the people who want to be the little boy.
Based, not gonna lie
>and basically turn their show into their own trauma dump
Sure. As they say, everything in moderation including moderation. Writing from life experience and basing characters on aspects of yourself is not a sure-fire win. While I have no problem with 'representation' in shows (whether it's character traits, or situational circumstances), I think some people make THAT the end goal and lose sight of the fact that they're supposed to be entertaining.

Feel free to draw from traumatic experiences, but if you're not far enough away from it that you can understand that experience both objectively and subjectively yet, then maybe it's best to let that specific experience ferment a little longer. While you do need to get close to a story to write it well, sometimes topics are a little too close.
This is true and ironically explains why shipping and porn stories are so shit; the worst parts which are most common are pushed by people with no life experience outside of the media they consume.
My Dad said the same thing yesterday
....are you my Dad?
Thanks for the rundown. I've seen the name tossed around quite a bit, but never really knew what was up.
I'm not him, but I do work in creative industries (often animation, but I'm not an animator). It's always fun seeing the conspiracy theories people have here about how stuff works behind the scenes.

Gotcha. My take (and apparently his) is not particularly unique. Writing from experience tends to be suggested way more than "just make shit up". A lot of writers tend to start doing the latter, but only find their footing when they realize the secret to writing engaging resonant shit is doing the former.
>A lot of chicks go after their bosses though
yeah, and it should be up to the boss to understand that it would be inappropriate to reciprocate. Fucking sucks if it would otherwise be a good thing, I know, but it honestly puts both parties in a bad situation. It's the reason why most HR departments have strict rules about that.
>Writing from experience tends to be suggested way more than "just make shit up". A lot of writers tend to start doing the latter, but only find their footing when they realize the secret to writing engaging resonant shit is doing the former.
This is why capeshit and action cartoons are dead and buried. Making shit up doesn't work, people want something real like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe.
You know the above comment about trauma dumps goes the other way right? Just because something has little to no life experience doesn't mean it's inherently bad or can't resonate with you. You're really going to write off something like Justice League Unlimited like that?
>I'm not him, but I do work in creative industries
iirc, he never actually got into the industry beyond an internship. It's part of why he's so bitter about Genndy, I think, because he sees Genndy as emblematic of the boomer animators who he thinks keep people like him from getting jobs.
He also has spammed his pitch here and it wasn't very good, so it's easy to see why he didn't get in.
naw, you can write stories about an alien/human hybrid adventuring through space hunting for magical herbs to create a potion that will revive a long-dead savior. You don't have to have actually done that to write about it, but drawing from life experience to inform aspects of the characters will help make that story feel much more real.

If one of the characters is a rookie, the writer can understand what it's like to be thrust into a new job with little to no training. There's a desire to make a name for yourself so you don't have to be "the new guy". You want your new coworkers to like and respect you, but you also don't want to overstep your boundaries, so you may be constantly questioning yourself as to what is appropriate. Is it better to pretend you know things and figure it out on your own or ask for help and risk looking like a complete idiot? Is it better to be part of the conversation or shut up and listen? Maybe there was a specific exchange you had with an assistant manager that was embarrassing that you can use for the story.
90s and 00s never got this. That's why crap like actions cartoons failed because they never did stuff like this.
Making something feel more real doesn't make it good and there is no secret to writing. You have to find what works for you rather than chase some instant win formula. Now stop shitting on 90s and 00s cartoons already.
Samurai Jack and Avatar still hold up better than Steven Universe.
do you have autism? serious question
Okay Genndy
>He also has spammed his pitch here and it wasn't very good, so it's easy to see why he didn't get in
Most people don't start with a pitch. It's usually a good idea to start in grunt positions and learn the ropes as you work your way up. In creative industries, your job is to be able to keep coming up with ideas (or drawings, or line reads, or sounds, or whatever). People like to blame writers and animators and actors for everything they hate about a show here, but the reality is that creative work is a lot like any office job. You have a boss who wants specific things and it's your job to create that for them. You can try to make an argument that an idea you have might be better, but most of the time you just keep making edits until they finally accept your fucking work and you can move onto the next thing. There's not a whole lot of autonomy and everything needs to be signed off on. Sometimes that means you need to make something that you know is really fucking stupid but it's not your job to fix that. Like any other gig, everyone is usually smarter than the boss, but the people who move up are the ones who can manage to not make them feel like a dumbass.
Dunno what 'industrycuck's' issue was, but if he's like a lot of people, he couldn't put the ego aside and learn how to be a teammate. It's fine, but if he had learned to play ball, maybe he'd be developing his own show by now (and would understand how fucking annoying it is when you've finally worked your way up to producing your own idea and some inexperienced intern is constantly shitting on your vision).
>but if he's like a lot of people, he couldn't put the ego aside and learn how to be a teammate.
Yeah, that's the impression I got. He's clearly autistic, and he was raised by the television, and like a lot of poorly-socialized autistic people he doesn't seem to understand other people at all.
He wrote an autobiography comic that you can find in the archive if you really want some insight into his mind. Might have to do some digging to turn it up, though.
If I happen to come across it I'd read it, but I really don't care so much as to want to dig through the archives to find it. (I also don't expect you to find it for me).
No need to wait. Here's his pitch thread:
And here's his autobiography:
god, I legit forgot how insane his pitch was
I remembered that it was a bad pitch but I completely forgot that it was for a show called Diabetes Girl about a girl whose only character trait is that she has diabetes.
yikes. At least give her something to aspire to.
She's living with type 1 diabetes yet always dreamed of being on the Great British Bakeoff.
Or, perhaps less on-the-nose:
She wants to become popular and gain the attention of <name of crush>, however, her struggles with type 1 diabetes provide some unusual challenges. Despite this, she always finds a way to overcome the odds and won't let that stop her attempt to climb the social ladder and become the most popular girl in school.
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The answer is absolutely yes.
Especially since he named all four of the villains after protagonists of 00's action series.

Actually, now I'm starting to think >>144548023 >>144547897 was him.
I knew that before I read your comment.
Because he only knows why guys as the writers and artists, the only woman I think he ever worked with besides the occasional voice actor, is Lauren and Lynne Naylor
Yeah and the guy just hits so low, him and Chris too
A lot of people thought it was a child because of the proportions, either that or a midget. I can't find the photos but it was probably harder to tell than I remembered.
Wait why did he have to shit himself to leave the theater? Why couldn't he just walk out?
>ITT: Cartoon creators who are good people
>Alex hirsch
Based taste!
Fuck Disney! Fuck crunch culture!
>The creators of Rugrats are jewish
Woah jewish people are cool! They are very creative!
>Alex Hirsch being asshole because... He hate Donald Trump!
Lmao seething chuds
0.00001 disneybucks have been deposited in your account
do you think he deleted the picture because he's talking about dating Dana or he kept it because he's flipping off the star?
I guarantee you Hirsch is gonna get caught with something one of these days. Gravity Falls nostalgia can't protect him forever.
Freddy Got Fingered is practically a documentary about the average animator
Define "good person"
t. Jewish Internet Defense Force (it's a real thing, not a joke)
They are evil by nature, they admit so in their religious texts (which are all about treating other people badly, even other jews) and many problems around the world can be traced back to jewish groups.
The manlet is a "good" guy? What the fuck are they smoking there? What kind of faggot would think that?
back to your internment camp >>>/pol/
Why didn't you tell that to the others, you hypocritical asswipe?
Alex Hirsch is an ass
Why did kyle do it lads? Do you think he and Andrew Dickman are still friends?
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There fags, enjoy and save it, this is from 6 years ago
>Why did kyle do it lads?
Because he's turned on by little kids.
God, I'm glad they don't have an Israel to flee to anymore.
Yeah, the one at the background, you can barely see an arm and a leg and a small portion of torso, looks like a kid laying down who managed to sleep due to being used to adults drink partying
Faust is a perfectionist and takes her work very seriously, so she doesn't get along with people who clown around or have no passion for the project. She would have HATED working with the Adventure Time crew or Justin Roiland but would have little to no issue working with Bruce Timm or John K. (putting aside their "sexism").
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Serious non-/pol/ /his/answer:

To begin with the Romans thought Jews were lazy because they wouldn't work one out of every seven days in accordance with their dumb calendar. Despite what stormwipes will tell you anti-semitism at this point wasn't about Jews being "subversive", just lazy and also not worshipping the Roman emperors as gods because they only acknowledged the existence of a single deity to the exclusion of all others which was weird. Later Christianity started, which was literally a Jewish sect initially and wasn't really adversarial with other Jews outside of angry theological debates but as Christianity took over Jews who wouldn't convert were accused of deicide (but not the Romans, for some reason). Also Christians were prohibited from charging any interest at all by the Catholic church because of strict usury laws. But that's how economics work so Jews were literally made to work as bankers as they were exempt from those rules for the same reasons they couldn't own land, join guilds, or live outside of ghettoes. And so while most medieval Jews lived in poverty due to the aforementioned restrictions some become very wealthy as money lenders. Eventually the Catholic church relaxed the rules governing usury so Christians could become rich bankers too but by then the stereotype of the covetous Jew had already taken hold. Later still people stopped hating Jews for being "Christ killers" but then Darwin introduced the world to the concept of natural selection making eugenics the hot new thing so now Jews were hated for being racially inferior. Also around this time some Russians plagiarized a satirical French novel called "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu", replaced the titular characters with "the Jews", and published it as "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", the purported Jewish masterplan to rule the world.

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Are you forgetting?
Important to remember that Christian bankers did engage in usury, they just used loopholes. Essentially, they had large "late fees," but the expectation was that you would pay back your loan late. If you didn't, you went on a list and no one in Europe would loan you more money.
Jewish bankers were allowed to simply charge interest directly.
Also, the Romans had some issues with the Jews due to their refusal to worship Roman gods, but generally respected them due to the age of their religion and their culture's deeply-held respect for the rule of law. Circumcision was an issue for Jews who immigrated to Greece, however, as public nudity was ordinary for Greek men but showing the head of the penis in public was considered disgusting and uncivilized, so some Greco-Jewish men resorted to stretching the remnants of their foreskin until it grew back.
>Darwin introduced the world to the concept of natural selection making eugenics the hot new thing so now Jews were hated for being racially inferior
Source: your ass. Can safely disregard everything else after reading this.
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Also when motion pictures started some wealthy Jewish families in the US were quick to get in on the action and establish hollywood. While Jewish nepotism is not actually a conspiracy anymore than when anyone else does it now anti-semites were accusing Jews of controlling the media in addition to finance. Oh and Israel is created by Britain hereabouts which the US immediately becomes very friendly with, along with Saudi Arabia because America wanted to counter Britain's dominance in the middle east and its control of Iran's oil (at this time no one had found oil in Saudi Arabia yet but the US was betting on it being there). So for some reason Israelis having an outside influence in US politics is bad but not the Saudis. Like after 9/11 the Bush administration had 24 of Bin Laden's own extended family living in the US immediately flown back to Saudi Arabia without even sitting one of them down for questioning. Because not pissing the Saudi government off was more important than getting answers as the rubble was still smoldering at ground zero.

Anyway ultimately conspiracy theories are a security blanket. The underlying premise is that all the evil in the world is being carefully controlled. Now you just have to reveal the man behind the curtain to solve all of the world's problems. It puts the conspiracy theorist in control. Jews are the oldest and most reliable scapegoat.
Israel is a bad ally, but the Saudis are so much worse it's unreal. I wish /pol/ cared half as much about the Saudis as they do about Israelis.
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Europeans had already had a stick up their ass about whose race was better than whose but Darwin absolutely put it foremost in everyone's minds. Racism is an older concept, eugenics wasn't.
>The underlying premise is that all the evil in the world is being carefully controlled. Now you just have to reveal the man behind the curtain to solve all of the world's problems.
>It puts the conspiracy theorist in control.
Ad hominem.
>Jews are the oldest and most reliable scapegoat
A scapegoat gets undeserved blame. Jews are called out for things they really do or have done, as everyone should be.
you have to go back
>Jews are called out for things they really do or have done
What, doing the paperwork for an inherently exploitative system that they came into by way of circumstance?
You fucks have a goddamned sticky about logical fallacies and you still can't get them right. How is that a strawman? You people want Trump or Musk to "name the Jew" so you can have your revolution and redo the holocaust. And what's ad hominem about pointing out that conspiracy theories but the conspiracy theorist in the driver's seat? You're not helpless amidst chaos anymore, YOU supposedly have the power to change everything by dropping enough redpills. That's what you get out of your schizophrenic ramblings.

>Jews are called out for things they really do or have done

You people still cite the Protocols as a genuine document despite it being exposed as a fabrication in 1921.
>doing the paperwork
NOBODY hates good workers.
>inherently exploitative system
No man-made system *has* to be exploitative, it's made so by the people maintaining it.
>that they came into by way of circumstance?
That is also a lie and you know it.
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Stop reddit spacing and indent your goddamned posts.
>Jews conspired to trick the Pope into outlawing usury for Christians
>Jews conspired to trick the Pope into forcing them to live in walled ghettos
>Jews conspired to be poor peasants for nearly all of recorded history
sounds logical to me, buddy
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You know, like people have literally always done on 4chan.
Man am I glad it wasn't Stephen Hillenburg
Oh good, I'm not crazy. I've been writing my posts this way since 2009 and couldn't understand why schizos were accusing me of reddit spacing.

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