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No one told me Pomni would look so happy so soon.
A cutie
She really is
Wait until she finds out she's an AI homunculus and the woman she's an engram of has no idea a clone of her 25 year old self is eternally suffering.
We just got married, that's why
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She's finding sanctuary
She's not finding happiness.
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She's craving Big Gummigoo Cock
She looks like a massive slut
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what do you expect she works at waffle house
>Jax's wagie arc if it took place at Waffle House
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I think it would be hot if the characters had Barbie anatomy
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Would Ragatha sit on your face if you ask her to?
She’d be thoroughly disgusted at the suggestion. And then comedic circumstances would force her unwillingly on to your face in a comical yet traumatising fashion
The Dutchman must have a captain.
They do. Their clothes are part of their character models and can't be removed.
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In a contest of who can fuck over their prisoners the most who would win? Caine or AM?
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The TADC crew wouldn't last five minutes in a room with AM.
Caine wouldn't last five minutes in a room with the IHNMAIMS cast.
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I saw her up at a local mall. She didn't look happy.
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They all have Barbie anatomy.

Technically their clothes can all be changed (except Pomni's hat), but I don't think they can do it themselves.
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Caine can't even last 5min with his own cast he has to send them away everyday on some random quest
We know Zooble changes their own parts everyday at least
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She is.
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She most definitely isn't, but that won't stop everyone else
>Caine wouldn't last five minutes in a room with the IHNMAIMS cast.
Go on
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>"Hello and WELCOME to the AMAZING DIGITAL- Uh. The amazing digital... um. Does he always do that?"
>The camera pans; Benny is violently tearing into a piece of brightly colored wall, a trail of drool following him around
>"Oh I'll get him!" Ellen says
>"Excellent, now as I was saying - oh! The Amazing Digital Circus is a place for all ages - please stop taking of your pants, my melanized friend!"
>Caine forcefully turns the attention to someone else
>"L-Let's not focus on that, why don't you introduce yourself, mister..."
>"Nimdok! I don't remember, but did I happen to use the name randomizing slot machine for you?"
>"By my hand, Jews died on the operating table by the dozen."
>Caine opens his jaws to speak, when there's suddenly a blood curdling scream and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor
>Gorrister has a torn off piece of a set of monkey bars rammed through his scalp and out his eye
>Ted, who is standing over him covered in blood, looks forward expressionlessly
>"I'm the only sane man here," he says
>He kicks Gorrister
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Literally best girl
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I believe someone was looking for these

Kinda hate but love that office au can just be reskined The Office if you squint just right
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Gangle should get more masks, as a treat
Gangle is the tallest girl and it doesn't feel right
>character who holds herself so she seems far smaller than everyone else
>is actually big and menacing when drawn to full height
Has anyone drawn any crossovers with Reboot?
Thanks for finding the image.
He was taken too soon
Woah put some clothes on Kinger he might turn me gay
neither of these ships make sense
can someone genuinely explain why people ship these? jax is just an asshole, there's no lovable qualities there. caine is both not real and too retarded to date anyone
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well it's possible
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>neither of these ships make sense
It's not about making sense, silly anon. It's about having fun
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>there's no lovable qualities there

As a ride-or-die Bunnydollfag, Jax is
>Forward and aggressive
>Sarcastic and playful in a way that's charming
>Is hateful in a way that can be spun into a "No one's allowed to bully you but me" dynamic
>Is spiteful and misanthropic in a way that conveys self esteem; he knows he's worth enough that he doesn't have to take shit from anyone
>Has a really sexy voice which compliments his personality well
>Is the most conventionally appealing design of the main cast along with Ragatha, being perfectly symmetrical and having a basically human shape
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The only clown is dead, no one is being horny for clowns

jesters are a whole different breed anyway
he puts a bug in ragatha's room despite her hating them
>caine is too retarded to date anyone
That's pretty much the best part and the reason I ship it lmao
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I literally said him being a bully was one of his upsides, dummy.
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>Hyperenthusiastic Autistic BF
I'd love Caine if he wasn't literally picrel
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Who dis and how does he compare to the ultimate silly guy
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Freakshow vers. of these two just does something to me
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>In a contest of who can fuck over their prisoners the most who would win? Caine or AM?
I know something that would troll both Caine and AM.
>>Is spiteful and misanthropic in a way that conveys self esteem
Jax is clearly unable to take what he dishes out. Fuck, he just seems thin-skinned in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CbLo0YO1QQ level.
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Thin-skinned can be attractive.
Conveys a level of danger if on an otherwise confident, capable person.
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Hopefully she gets better before getting worse, mentally
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Isn't that already the case?
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Ragatha has a lil bit of an hourglass figure, I'm glad they at least gave her that.
Coincidence or reference?
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>no, you can't hold my dick while i pee
she’s so sassy
this is twisted in a kino way.
I want Caine to RAPE Pomni!
She has had a taste of hope and community, even in her loss she feels she can count on (mostly) everyone else to not let her fall the dark path as well

Only time and the next episodes will prove her right or wrong for trusting the others
No anon, they are made for pure consensual married couple secks
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Caine with a mustache
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I want to rape pomni
woah I need the sauce.
M1nty on rule34 (xxx)
They are for R A P E
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Cant really hate it, really fits him but I prefer the og style anyways

(Now og Caine with a moustache? Tha would be funny)
So is this the freakshow AU artist, or a fanartist of the AU
I imagne the latter because I didn't expect an AU creator to have the balls to do just straight up rape art
I want to rape all the digital circus girls. Overstimulate Gangle's lower ribbon until she cries...Forcibly impregnate Ragatha like the mommy doll she is... Overpower Pomni and fill her up like a bavarian creme doughnut...
That is indeed the freakshow artist. I can't for the life of me remember where I screenshoted that unfortunately.
Debased and cumfilled
I respect this artist deeply.
what about zooble
I want to be raped by freakshow Caine. Imagine how harsh and unforgiving he'd be...
Fanartist of the AU, as far as I'm aware the original artist isn't really into anyone showing them nsfw of their au (which, understandable)
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Zooble's not a girl.
I'd rip off every limb and be so rough that'd I'd break her until she's a crying begging mess, no matter how long it takes.
BASED and same
her too.
I remember in an ao3 picture dump they posted like 10 NSFW images, none were rape but some were of the freakshow au.
you shan't corrupt our bitchy bitches, satan
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I want to get cow Ragatha pregnant and use her milk for my coffee.
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He is taken anon, they even signed digital papers
Yeah the artist says it's just vanilla and consensual ( even if a bit freaky given the AU), which i really enjoy ngl
Pretty sure the IHNMAIMS cast would love Caine in comparison
I want freakshow Caine to rape Ragatha while she's flailing around and begging for him to stop. I want him to strangle her until she's barely moving and give her a black eye when she spits in his face.
I wonder where they keep all their freaky stuff.
bunnydoll's not my favourite ship ever but it is objectively superior to yurishit
team up to fight that one AI that just wants to makes paperclips.
There should be more art of Jax having a harem of all the TADC girls. Harshly bullying and correcting them at every chance he gets...
I like this thread :)
Yeah I wonder...

cough cough https:// archiveofourown org/ works/ 52923190/ chapters/ 133872082
>I know something that would troll both Caine and AM.
The Absolute Solver makes its way into the Digital Circus.

How bad do things get?
They always upload to the a03 account, most of their porn is there it's always updated now and then. You should check back.
Bubble has strong "little minion character in some Super Sentai/Power Rangers seasons that's main job is to rez the monster of the week as a giant" vibes to me. Anyone else get that feeling?
that and cubebot and spherebot (I don’t remember there names) from sonic.
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>How bad do things get?
Very bad. Instead of a colorful, overstimulating wacky digital hell the Circus becomes an actual digital hell with digital flesh monstrosities and the torment on the characters is much more targetted and intentional rather than accidental.
Caine is very nom-chalant about it and just tries to convince everyone that everything is fine and this is completely normal. While Jax is getting violently eaten (with actual gore) barely out of frame.
I want there to be more art of Pomni and Ragatha naked with their Barbie anatomy
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>While Jax is getting violently eaten (with actual gore) barely out of frame
I see this as an absolute win
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Caine ends up driving the Solver off by aggressively being unable to understand any of its GLaDOS-style petulant insults.
>"CONSIDER THIS YOUR BIGGEST (and most likely final) ADVENTURE!"
i think Caine would just instantly zap the gore into cotton candy because it's violating the content warnings.
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Holy shit i love
kek to both of these.

This is a really good fanfic idea, actually. But it's one I'd probably have to wait until Murder Drones episode 8 and more episodes of Digital Circus release in order to see more of the Solver and the TADC characters.
I fucking love this artist, and I love that this artist loves Jax
>i think Caine would just instantly zap the gore into cotton candy
I'm pretty sure that Caine can't handle things that are incomprehensible to him, he's pretty rudimentary as far as AI go in terms of adapting to things he doesn't get. The Solver and its supernatural fuckery is an out of context problem for Caine that he can't just snap away. Just like how Abstractions are an out of context problem he can't just fix. And unlike Abstractions, the Solver isn't a mindless monster but a malicious, very intelligent, very sadistic entity.

The key would be using the Humans against the Solver. Maybe set the Abstractions loose against it too, unless it can corrupt them too and turn them into worse monsters. Then uh.. fuck.
I want to violently headpat pommi.
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>Made her first real connection with a smart NPC that had an exsistential crisis
>Also finding out that performers hold funerals for those recently abstracted, making her learn that they actually care about each other
And this is after said NPC is unceramoniously killed by Caine. There's much darkness, but some light.
Pomni's realization was that despite the gang's desensitized outlook on their shared crisis, they're all in the same boat, and forgot its been tough for all of them.
Caine can't alter people's minds. Either he genuinely can't or he's standing by company orders not to, but either way he isn't. Deleting eldritch meat doesn't require altering minds.
If he can't control minds, does that include dreams? If not, could the gang theoretically train themselves to have wet dreams like you can irl?
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Like Molly Coddle, she can comfort anyone!
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Sketch of Ragatha being friendly, will finish later.
God I hope I run into some noncon. I think I'd nut for an entire week.
good shit anon
Nice stuff anon! If you made that eye a perfect oval and little bigger I'd cum.
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Men disgust me (even drawn men) EXCEPT for Caine. I can even see his dick without cringing. Why? How is he so cute? HOW IS A PAIR OF DENTURES WITH DISEMBODIED EYES THIS CUTE?!
Dout it, at least not from sm baby. I don't think their into that dispite the canon AU relationship being freakshow pomni and Cain dispise eachother.
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Mental illness.
Not that I'm judging, we're on the looney bin, after all.
>Mentally stable
>a schizophrenic and a bipolar
I’d vote for them

should be right here anon >>144535940 (i don't remember the chapter it is in but should be carnival au related iirc)
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I have had several odd hear me outs through out my life but idk what is with this guy that I just fucking love, maybe its the voice, the charisma, maybe im projecting current fan interpretation heavily but shit i love this idiot
But.. what about >>144535510
That would be very nice
he's gonna come back.
corpse bride pomni is cute
guessing Jax would be the antagonist
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Autism calls upon autism
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At least they are honest and true to their shortcomings
Ehhh this looks like play fighting at best. The fact Pomini was even willing catch him off guard means she's having fun. As someone who's gone through sm baby's art and fics the best you'll get is dubious consent. They're played like on and off exes who secretly deeply care about the other (albeit for vastly different reasons).

Sm baby described thier relationship as Caine seeing Pomni as a doll plaything he favors over the others at the circus. Pomni while reluctant over this at times dosen't really fight his advances. The sex in one of her fanfics was actually initiated by pomni. On the grounds that she, misses human pleasures. Sm baby dosen't give her Caine's any sort of sexual gratification thru sex, rather its seen by them as favors he's doing Pomni. Freakshow Caine likes having control over Pomni thus he enjoys the intercourse from a dominant master handing out treats to a submissive POV. Hope this makes sense lol. You kinda have to keep up with sm baby to fully get it.
Regretful consent (and power dynamics, which is hot af)
Supposedly, in the Eastern European Jewish folktale that The Corpse Bride was inspired by, the groom and the dead (either unmarried or died on her wedding day, depending on the version of the story) woman whose finger he put the ring on while practicing his vows after mistaking her hand for a branch, realizing they're at an impasse over whether or not they're married now, decide to ask a judge to see what the law says. The judge confirms that marriages between the living and the dead aren't things that exist and aren't legally binding, and upon this report the dead woman keels back over on the spot.
kek that's sad
I like the Tim Burton version more.
I wish Jax was more fucking expressive in the final product of tadc. He's so expressive in the fan art and even in his concept art but alas his expressions are still kept pretty minimal. If they were cool they'd animate the ears along with his feelings more. I'm a big fan of the fanart that shows Jax leaning into the rabbit persona i.e. turning his ears without turning around to ease drop.
We have only had 2 episodes and some merch to see their whole range of expressions so far, but I believe as the series goes we might get more out of their models
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We know we will get to see how the other characters have evolved since their arrival to the circus and maybe see what comes next to them but will we ever see what Caine's deal is? He is an AI and is in charge of the whole clown hell but he is also a character trapped within his own world as much as the others

also I need to redraw this with him and bubble or something idk (given we don't have an Abel, so far)
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>Deleting eldritch meat doesn't require altering minds.
Caine can't alter minds, you are right. And whether that's because he literally just can't or because it's against his programming, we don't know.

However, Caine also is just incapable of comprehending things. He's not an adaptive AI. He has his programming, his regimen, and what he is actually capable of comprehending and thus doing.
Caine can not comprehend the concept of "leaving" or an "exit". He freezes up at the thought and he also crashes doing other things too. He can come up with visual representations of something he doesn't get, but he can't do them properly. I don't really see any reason why Caine would be able to comprehend an entity like the Absolute Solver. It's way beyond what he's supposed to deal with as an AI. Especially if the Solver uses him as a host, since Caine is an AI.
So again I don't think this is something Caine could just snap his fingers and fix - the Solver's entire thing revolves around twisting its AI host and the Circus would be gradually getting more fucked the more serious the process of possession gets. So I think the Humans in the Circus would need to be the one to intervene.
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If nudity and sex were allowed in the circus would anyone have any problem staying there?
>Goose is only interested in men
>No good m/m ships
Fuck you hag
Sex gets boring after a while - it’s not a macguffin you can just get your hands on and suddenly all your problems in life go away. It’s just a part of your required daily/weekly mental health intake after a certain point.
>t. Knower

BUT, it would make people take a lot more time to abstract, since as is they’re deprived of one of their fundamental Maslowian needs
I honestly don't like Pomni very much anymore. She's too much of a drama queen.
after while probably, hell if you gave regular people immortality life would be fundamentally after long enough. however, if they did have sex id live there in a heartbeat. regular life sucks
*fundamentally DULL
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>get sent to Digital Sisyphisian Hell
>be attacked by the shambling corpse of the guy who came before you on your first day
>have the first friend you find literally fucking explode in front of your eyes
>"man, what a drama queen"
Yeah, pretty much.
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Was she happier back then?
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Anyone feels like drawing this but with Pomni as the stick figure and Ragatha as Mirko?
This is my fetish.
>Russian name
>Plot twist "she" is a muscular, bald, russian man with a VR headset

Genderbender with clowns
Always amuses me when shit like this and Deltarune have such long timeframes between episodes/chapters that the hyperfixated fanbases just make wild amounts of AUs and shit just to stay in the worlds at all times
>Jax is actually a tall woman named Christina who's married to a little beardy Jewish man
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It's really fascinating watching artists thread how much they can extend the characters beyond the canon depictions but still keep it safe/compliant to canon enough so it doesn't become a thing of it's own that other fans drop out

Honestly only time will tell which aus will be memorable to stand fandom rot and be remembered fondly
Guessing probably Fight Club, Carnival and Freakshow at this point.
the ones with the best art, thats it.
au quality matters very little if it has pretty pictures.
Fight Club has been updating? I thought there wasn't much else after the poster and some spare art

Carnival is the one I'm more up to date as the artist has been updating recently and they have done extra work on the side which is nice. Freakshow is ver much carried by being one of the first to work with the horror concept and carnivals artist. Others I've been keeping an eye out for is the harlequin one (mostly because it has stupid amounts of world building and also my fave ship) and monster labs (because the art is nice)
What harlequin? I haven’t seen that au.
Why is she wearing one of those weird food court hats?
It's a bootleg.
>Tomar if you were trapped in the Digital Circus, what would you do?
>Tomar, what if you found out your world is a simulation and all of your memories are fake? Would you say something?
>Tomar, what if you walked into Heaven and God struck you down where you stood?
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https://www.tumblr.com /tadc-harlequin-au/ 754799734237134848/ the-marvelous-mechanical-harlequin-au? source=share

It's very derivative and really stretches canon but is pretty good imo
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that zooble is really clever
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She can have a little treat, as a treat
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I gots an AU: finding a way to fit permutations of the characters into the Samurai Jack universe. All of the AI characters are robots, but otherwise it's a pretty intuitive fit.
>Pomni is a jesterlike alien who's an accountant at some company that does business with Aku; she lives in absolute fucking terror of Aku, like, even moreso than is the norm for Aku's world, after he murdered her gatorbot fiancé on a whim
>Caine is Pomni's boss, who likes calling employees into his office and asking them vaguely threatening questions as he eats fruit whole in one bite ("Pomni, are you afraid? Do you have fear in your life, Pomni? Pomni, are you a risk taker?")
>Jax is one of those guys Aku hires to kill the summoorai, and the whole conflict with him plays out like a Looney Tunes short mixed with normal Samurai Jack fights
>Gangle is this terrified, put upon little ribbony character that Jax drags along with him, who ultimately helps Jack defeat her cruel master by revealing to the samurai that the one thing Jax fears is corn

I can also easily kajigger Murder Drones characters to fit into Samurai Jack.
Why does Ragatha make me feel so warm and nice?
This sounds cool but it's just completely different characters at this point
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I like on-model Pomni
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cant wait for episode 3 in august
hopefully kinger comes by the thread
Has August been confirmed?
thats what goose announced but back when only epiosde 1 was out
>start of episode 3
>Pomni nowhere to be found
>"Pomni seems to be late from her lunch break...well looks like she'll be skipping the adventure today! Hopefully she'll be back soon enough!"
>Doesn't appear for the rest of the episode
>episode 4 has scattered missing posters around the tent
>Following episodes she's still missing but they just make idle chat about it

Holy SHIT she finally got her sandwich!
BunnyDoll just massively activates my boner for seeing two people of the opposite gender who fucking despise each other to do a funny and have rough hatesex

also it might have to do with the fact that both Raggs and Jax have the closest humanlike bodies in the circus, so they are the most compatible people to "normal" copulation
Glitch is being quiet this month...too quiet
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You just explained why I love Alastor, too. I love these two tumblr sexymen so much, god damn it
Who can be considered the most intelligent member of the cast, autism and artificialness aside
I could hear this in his voice
Ive seen tags in fics that say how it's just appropriate to use caps lock for his dialogue kek I do see why
bogos binted
>”HEY POMNI did you get those photos printed?”
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do you think Pomni is fluent in Tagalog?
It's mandatory for all Caine dialogue to be caps lock (unless he speaks at a lower tone) like >>144536267
I like Ragatha's hips
I hold the idea that she's semi-fluent in a bunch of fictional languages and tech-y terms not because those are her hobbies or anything, she just learned by way of always lurking niche forums during spare job hours
I think the issue with comparing it to an 'exit' or 'leaving' is the nature of it. He can't conceive what is outside of his domain, but he has absolute control over what is inside of it. The nature of an exit is entirely based on that which he cannot control, so he can't control it. It's the same angle with the cast, their minds (probably) exist outside the circus, so he can't alter them.
He could not alter the solver for whatever part remains outside the circus and surrounding areas, but whatever happens inside he'd have control over.
Make an edit of this where her neck stretches out while her limbs shorten, so she's just standing awkwardly at her failed suicide attempt.
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i like ragatha's everything
Is this something from Glitch Inn?
She's very cute and pretty
Nah just a youtube short
>awww pomnomnom eating
>ohhh look at that big bite awww
>i hope nothing happens to her before she--- NOOOOOOO!
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Because she's cute, motherly, and warm inside and out! It's like being held and comforted by a living pillow...
I want to BELIEVE...
I love the left Ragatha
Canon adjacent Ragatha will always be superior.
She's the only one in the circus that actually has hips
You are precisely right. Caine has has absolute control over the Digital Circus as his domain. This is the entire problem.
The Solver is not just some virus attacking a program, the Digital Circus. It is the will and influence of a third party Entity manifesting within an AI host. Caine is an AI, and the problem isn't that the Circus is being directly corrupted but that Caine is - and the stronger the Solver's influence becomes the worse it gets for the Circus. The AI host can't just snap their fingers and fix themselves - especially Caine considering how one-track minded he is in regards to his proramming as the Circus' ringmaster.

Just like how a demon possessing a human is an attack on the soul, it's pretty much the same thing in regards to the Solver and AI. It's not so much hacking as it is esoteric supernatural shit.
Hence why the terms "Possession" and "Excorcize" are used in relevance to the Solver, because it's more of a digital demon than a regular program.

This is why I think it's more interesting that the humans in the Circus would need to be the ones to try and stop the Solver. Caine would have no idea what to do, just like he doesn't know what to do regarding an exit. It's completely out of his ability to come up with a solution for, he can't just delete it. What is there to delete? It gradually manifests within a host until the host is nothing but a vessel for the Solver and its influence. Caine is not just going to know how to Excorcize himself. He's going to be clueless and just act like nothing is wrong - he's an unadaptive Dumb AI constrained by his programming.
The Solver takes over drones because there's some bullshit going on with their cores that makes them potentially open to it if the safeties on their cores fail. C&A's systems seem to be regular computer technology that doesn't involve whatever quantum flux bullshit that the Solver can enter through.
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so is this show actually good or is it another FOTM thing that people will get tired of and forget about (but still draw porn for) after a while?
Well, the second episode managed to pull crazy numbers ~7 months after the first. Make of that what you will
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if the next episode is as not-kid friendly as goose says it is then it wouldn't surprise me if views sharply declined, much of the success of the pilot was because of the youtube algorithm recommending it to everyone and kids clicking on it. It'll still be popular but the view counts won't be as huge.
The solver corrupting Caine would be an interesting way to take a story on it, but the problem is that's not how the Solver works.
From what we've seen from the droids who can use the solver, it doesn't corrupt their sense of self, it takes over the body at most. Uzi's mom had to change bodies but she was mentally the same person, and when Uzi lost control it wasn't who she was that was corrupted, it was closer it taking control of her body.
Caine doesn't have a body to take over, he's entirely digital like the circus.
If anything, that might boost the view count. Barring an age restriction (which... come on), kids love watching the edgiest shit they can find within reach. Look at Happy Tree Friends in its heyday.
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We don't actually know that. All we know for certain is that the Solver manifests in AI, and that Drone cores contain their AI. Anything beyond that, such as whether or not it is something about the Cores themselves that allows the Absolute Solver to make its way through or whether it's something broadly attributed to all sufficiently advanced AI that is specifically "damaged" through the process of returning from a death-state which allows the Solver to make its way in through a viable host, is speculation based on the implication that JCJensen In Space were messing with things they REALLY didn't fully understand.

Sorry, I don't want to get too off-topic. This isn't actually very relevant to what we're talking about in this scenario. Murder Drones and Amazing Digital Circus don't take place in the same universe (uh.. probably). We're just assuming that the Solver shows up to make the Circus more of a digital hell than it was before, because it's fun to think about the scenario and how the characters deal with it. All I'm saying is that based on what we know Caine can't just snap his fingers and deal with it. It's down to the humans to come up with a solution and beat the Solver at it's game.
(I really want to write about this.)
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Ragatha is so damn cute
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pomni is cute. CUTE!
>Wagatha in the background
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This is wrong actually. Nori, the drone who 'switched bodies', had her physical body destroyed by a murder drone. That new body she is in is actually her core. Because she is a Solver host, her AI core is able to function on its own without her body. The only reason why she retains her sense of self is because, as Episode 7 shows, Nori was excorcized from the Solver's possession because she was hit by the Crucifix Patch.
Yes it is how the Solver works. The Solver does not just hijack a host's body. The Solver gradually completely overtakes the AI of the host until they are no longer themselves, replaced by the will of the Solver. We already 100% know that the Solver manifests within the AI of the host, and its influence slowly grows until the host is completely gone. Just like what happened with Cyn. Cyn is gone, completely possessed by the Absolute Solver. Uzi is only "herself" because she hasn't been completely taken yet. Each time she has been possessed, the case of possession has gotten worse and worse. It absolutely is a case of the host eventually no longer being themselves and just an extention of the Solver - it's not just the Solver taking over the body while the host's mind is intact.
Nori can no longer be possessed by the Solver because she was hit with the Crucifix Patch. Uzi is still vulnerable, hence why she continues to be possessed and it's gotten worse.

Caine does not have a physical body, but that's no reason to assume his AI is not a viable host for this scenario. Like I said in >>144553290 this isn't actually that relevant and we should just assume for the sake of the scenario that the Solver does show up.
I just wanted to correct you because you got some things wrong.
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posting some of the art from the oldest threads i could find
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>From what we've seen from the droids who can use the solver, it doesn't corrupt their sense of self, it takes over the body at most
uh, anon this isn't right

quote from episode 6 regarding the Solver and its host
>"I need you to choose the universe over one little drone. Before she's not herself anymore."
the entire point of the Solver is that it does in fact eventually completely overwrite the hosts' AI which in the case of a robot is basically their soul
it's not just body-snatching, the Solver shows up within the AI and possesses them like in demonic possession
picrel is what was shown to represent the Solver manifesting within the AI of a host
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I'm surprised Pomni doesn't use Cricket, Boost, or Metro
In demonic possession, it's not a demon corrupting someone's soul but taking control and inhabiting the body. That's why a demon can be exorcised, because the soul is still pure. Corruption would imply a tainting of the soul.
Do we actually know that for sure about Cyn? It seems that the show hasn't gone into the drone she was before, or at least not made a good distinction between her and the solver.
Also, that take over is kind of what I mean when I say take's over the body. It replaces the AI, acting as a take over instead of a corruption. A corruption would be a mixture of the two, which doesn't seem like a proper description of what happens when it's 100% just the solver there. Maybe consume would be a better word?
She's so perfect
I love how they draw his facial expression/thelines under his eyes

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