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Previous thread: >>144513289
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Happy to see cutes again without scrolling past celebrity body horror.
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>colored-pencil sketch of adult Vanellope Von Schweetz sitting at a tropical beach bar,harsh sunlight,wearing an blue\white corset (lace) Dirndl with loose white laces,shallow depth of field,Heineken beer bottle being poured on her lips,wet lips,laughing,hands combing her messy curly hair with a lot of volume,brown eyes,small oval sunglasses with red lenses,subtle make-up,glossy dark pink lipstick,perspiration,foam in,between chest,happy
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I fucking love this stupid little unicorn it made up.
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Want to go for a ride /co/
why is she so beautiful
This girl's adorable
Migrate to the other thread this one is probably gonna get deleted by janny
Migrate to this thread, the other one is probably gonna be deleted by janny
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Is this the new thread or the other one?
Both are, simple as
question is, can we keep this one alive until the other one ends
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curvy princess kawaii bombshell bunny, soft vibrant glowing colors, heartwarming, baroque, natural spring, splashing water, stepping into ankle high water, plus size
i have a feeling the bing AI hates when you prompt it for the character to be just sitting down lol. how do I word it to get her sitting on the couch consistently without the bot drawing porn and subsequently denying my requests?
post a prompt so others can fix it
so far ive been using variations of

Marceline abadeer the vampire singing karaoke alone in a neon lit room with a glass of red wine and a large couch. wearing a long and flowing, black sequin cocktail dress with heels. illustration, heartwarming, tall, not short

And it's been making some alright stuff, sometimes exactly the pose I want, but the moment I put reclining, sitting, relaxing, etc. it constantly rejects the prompt
huh. i've been wrestling with this for the past half hour. i'm not having much progress. gotta go to bed, i'll try again tomorrow
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I say this.
Ok, I repurprosed my old club prompt for this. It really dislikes the word "couch". It works better with "chaise" or "sofa".

> illustration,handdrawn,wide perspective, Marceline abadeer the vampire(very tall),in a opulent ballroom,hazy,neon firefl,party atmosphere,sitting,looking at the camera, pensive,hands on karaoke microphone, singing, relaxed stretch, a streak of light illuminating her face,shot from the side,wearing black dress.elegant long dark hair,red lipstick,sparkly tiara in hair,hand on chin, glittery make-up, red wine, blurry background, colorful lights,comfy chaise
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I'm thinking about an idea for Halloween, but I have some doubts.

Do you know if Bing recognize the characters from Goosebumps? To be precisely, the Haunted Mask?
What is stopping you from just trying this out yourself on Bing?
Absolutely nothing, I just want to know if anyone has already tried it by any chance. Bing doesn't know all character in sci-fi's history after all.
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nice, works pretty good when i use some of the stuff from your prompt, but when I try to get a sequin dress or neon lights, the thing rejects it again lol
Retard OP made another thread
Also it just stopped drawing her in an adventure time-esque style even though neither prompt gave a reference to it.
Yeah, neon has been dog city for a while. That's why I pair it with something the filters like (fireflies or something of the sort), and add "colorful lights" at the end.
Weird that a color throws it off
It seems to associate "neon" with sexier scenarios. Back in October when people were testing stuff out, you would discover very quickly that throwing "neonlit" into a prompt would lewd it up immediately.
who are these even meant to be?
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Random sluts

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