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Upload images of edits or requests for edits. Get high quality screencaps for edit requests here:

Request for edits to be made by giving a description of what you'd like to be edited for a supplied screenshot, and reply to requests when making a delivery.

Previous thread:
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Requesting big breasts for Leela
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Requesting Thyme here have some huge knockers, really stretching her chest guard thing to it's limit, and if feasible, showing off considerable cleavage.
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Requesting iris with big boobs and cleavage
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Requesting both Rosemary and Sage be given huge breasts, with Rosemary having slightly larger breasts than Sage. I think the best case scenario for an edit here would have Sage's arms redrawn/edited to have her hands in her lap to leave more room for her chest and cleavage to show, but I'm not sure if that would be particularly hard to pull off.
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Requesting Sage here be given some real large tits, maybe head sized, or very slightly smaller. Maybe to differentiate this one from the other one to have much more cleavage showing, possibly the edge of her areolas or something maybe? Might explain the expression on her face that way.
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Requesting Sage here be given some real large tits, maybe head sized, or very slightly smaller.
I appreciate your moving my requests over from the previous thread, anon, but I wanted to avoid frontloading things too much at the start of the thread with requests from just one show. I was thinking of posting these again later as the thread goes on, if it lasts long enough for that.
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Requesting naked edit of Kara, except for a thong
My bad then
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posting the guide for anyone who wants to try their hand at it
No worries! I can handle posting my screencaps in the future. Do you have any other shows that you want to see edits for besides this one, anon?
Any further tips for the sizing? I did it once but when I changed it back the quality got shittier
Do you have examples of your previous editing? Might make it easier to explain with specific things to address.
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Not at all. I tried it once and went wrong so I never attempted that step again.
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Requesting Camila with huge tits
Holy fucking shit, anon, it feels like you're able to keep pumping out absolute gems. You even made an alt for this one, that's awesome!! Plus, now every main High Guardian Spice girl has been given a big busty edit. These make me so happy, thank you so so much, anon! I hope you're enjoying making these edits, too!!
delicious brown booba...
Thank ya, appreciate the kind words. I do have fun with these, they're a fun little distraction from some other stuff I work on. I did the first girl, and then after I did the second I figured I might as well round out the cast and do them all. Just so none would be left out.
No worries, and really glad to hear you have a fun time with these, makes me happy to hear you have a good time with the making of these stellar pieces. Love that you managed to complete the set, too, you really managed to bring a really nice look to the characters, my own horny biases aside. If you're ever up for editing them again in the future, I've got a screenshot of them all in swimsuits that'd look rad with your enhancements. I hope the other stuff that you work on is going well, too! Original art, I'm guessing?
anon what the fuck it's been less than an hour since the original image was posted earlier you are fucking cracked man
Ah, well, maybe it's a layer thing? You need to make sure you're only affecting the quality of one layer when you edit stuff, and it should be the a layer separate from the rest of the screenshot.
Not that cracked. The prompt was from the thread made before this one. And it took a little bit.

Feel free to post it and maybe I or another anon will bite and take a crack at it. Can't make any promises, as I might just wana do another Ongezllig edit or might not have the time. Your right, it is art, but it's Commission stuff, so I can't sleep or rest on that for too long.
The only time I've ever had any issues when resizing a pic for editing is when it's a small jpg. Only then has resizing affected the image quality in any noticeable way. Anything 1920x1080+ or png, and the effect of resizing the pic seems to be negligible at worst
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requesring a bigger butt on amethyst with cum on it

(also if u can make her face smug thatd be awesome but not required)
That's fair, I guess I can post it, I just didn't want to sound too greedy with edits from you or other anons. Would seem kind of rude, I guess? If you actually did wanna take a crack at it though then that'd be super awesome, been absolutely LOVING your edits so far.

Requesting the High Guardian Spice girls here all be given serious chest enhancements to their swimsuits. Huge tits that are practically pouring out of their outfits and/or stretching them a great deal.
oh ok well even if you didn't finish it in a really short time you should still feel very good about the art, it's very nice :)
Oh and I forgot to say, hope the commission stuff is going well too! It makes sense you were doing the Ongezellig edits, some of them looked pretty similar to the HGS ones in terms of style (and boob preferences, heh).
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roo momma boobies or roobies if you will
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Posting an Ongezellig album again.

Images WITHOUT edits:

Images without edits are open to being edited, and edits would be very appreciated. I've gathered new screenshots for editing, which I will reply to this post with during the thread.
do you specifically want the edits to be huge boobs?
Those are the kinds of edits that I enjoy the most, by a lot. I think things like outfit changes can be fun too, but what I like most personally are big boob edits. Some slight ass or thigh enhancement can also be nice when it is doable for the picture, too. Why, what did you have in mind?
look up your request on desuarchive.org because you already have it
Who is she supposed to be dressed like, exactly?
a fan comic sadness
requesting much bigger boobs for "Lady Steve" here
Point me towards it because otherwise I can't find it
S M H, https://e-hentai.org/g/2377048/d21a122641/
What does that have to do with my request?
Anon, thank you for delivering the busty Lapis

sorry tagged you by mistake, but because the image file is different from probably the original image, I can't find the already edited image
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Formally requesting many extra pounds of pure joy and dreams to be added to these four gals onto their chest region as they pursue their ride about town advocating for a very cute airhead.
The show doesn't have many bodyshots so most edits would be naked bodies, bikinis or breast expansion, over thick thighs or futa bulges
A busty elf with fat tits, all is right with the world
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can someone do her even more sexy?
I wanted to ask here, if its not allowed I will move over to the AI specific thread but I wanted to ask how AI edits are made like in this post: >>144474122
>Do you have any other shows that you want to see edits for besides this one, anon?
Winx club
Go to /aco/ and look up their cdsg threads.
They take the input image and use a method called inpainting. They define a region of the input image and the program reconfigures pixels according the original image and the model/prompt you use.
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I'd like to see Francine here with some head-sized boobs. Perhaps even an erection on Steve.
Thank you anon
Request: Pearl is jealous, help her out.
this would be a edit of a edit.
she would be like this pearl
Any amethyst edits with big boobies and cleavage?
I think you meant to reply to >>144528559
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Maya looks so cute, even when she's nervous. Maybe it's because of that that she looks cute?
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This is what Maya would look like if you told her she wasn't from Brebant but from Boob-ant. Please don't make her feel bad like this.
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It feels like it would be dangerous for someone as top heavy as Coco to be leaning out of the window like that...
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I don't know if it's really appropriate for her to show off this much skin at the library, but she's very polite so I think people are willing to look past it for her.
Are there more PB edits like this?
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requesting thicker thighs and bigger tits
Well, yea.
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Any ideas for this? Is webm edit possible or just better quality gif or pic? I saw a few under wear edits in previous threads but this doesn't really have any art or edits somehow
Requesting huge tiddies.
more HGS edits based based based
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Request give her a sling bikini with significantly big boobs jus with the nipples just being covered by the sling bikini.Franchise tenchy milio character Ayeka
go back to one the anime boards
Seconding this but with shenis too.
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Woah, talk about laying your necessities bare
exquisite taste
Please what?
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black orb near the yellow hair and a brown dot near the blue hair? also the pink girl's eyebrow looks messed up. not trying to be mean anon just wanted to let you know
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How I miss these things I will never know. The eyebrows apart of the OG pic. Not a whole lot I can do there.
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first time doing edits
i forgot the blush fuckkk
>look it up on desuarchive
>it’s not even NSFW
Why janitors delete?
this is nice anon and i think you were going for something good, maybe the anon here >>144538201 can give you some pointers since they seem really good at editing the characters
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i want to say first i'm actually autistic so if you don't want to hear details i noticed then don't read the rest, your drawing is really good and my observations aren't worth anything

i attached a pic of what i noticed between the before and after, i wanted to show what i meant by the eyebrow plus the hand of the blue girl looked weird for one of her fingers. also i think that the yellow hair girl has a bit too much boob for her body size and we can't see her crouch like in the not edit version but that is an opinion

i really like your drawing anon it is good, i just sperg out when noticing smaller details and it sometimes makes watching cartoons unfun for me. in the original pic of this i noticed the blue girl had a messed up hand and the red haired girl had a weird arm, but your boob edit covered up the weird arm so you actually made the picture objectively better in that way :)
you fucking know why
your shading technique is super good as well as your lines. do you use gimp cause im mainly using krita for practice
more like High Guardian BASED, this is literally all Crunchyroll had to do to save the show, don't they know how anime works??
Not gonna lie, these takes on the gems have me mixed since it doesn't fit their personalities really, but it's also somehow sexy
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No problem man. Gave it another go.
I use Paint Tool Sai. If your using Krita for practice you just need to ..well...practice. Use different brushes and see how they look, see which ones you like, that kind of thing.
thank you for those changes, they look nicer. i wanted to show you some other things i noticed so i tried my hand at doing some modifications using the different versions you posted here, if you flip between the images you can see some of the things that stood out to me (thing on red hair girl's leg, under yellow hair armpit, bit of the blue hair boob)


also while doing this i tried to mess with the yellow hair girls boobs to show what i meant by showing her leg, this is just a shitty edit but i wanted to show you how lowering her boob size just a bit to show more leg helps it look a bit better i think


this is all just opinions from someone who doesn't do art, but i just wanted to let you know because i really really like your work so far anon
Real nice edits, it's cool that the different girls have slightly different chest sizes too. It's a small but nice detail.
It's cool. I think I made the changes you were talking about? This will be my last edit of the pic just so the whole thread isn't clogged down by one pic being tweeked with over and over again.

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yeah, that's looking alright to me, thanks for being patient with my suggestions, youre a real editing hero anon :)
NTA who requested that, but that looks nice! I actually like your edit change more than the original one.
I get the feeling that all these girls would float very well in these waters
Hey there, I don't mean this question in a rude way, but have you done much drawing outside of doing edits? As for a first time edit, I think this was a good attempt!
AAAAAAH, oh my gosh this turned out great! Original requester here and I wanted to say that I saw the edit(s) you did and I LOVE them so much! This is so so good, I love how all the chests turned out and how they're really stretching their swimsuits really tight, everything is so well done. You even did extra details to make the picture look better, like adding a bit of extra splash to the water around Rosemary to account for how her extra boobage would cause more water to splash. Like, I seriously cannot overstate how much cumulative little details like that go a long way. I want to keep gushing about this but I don't want to bug you, so I just want to say THANK YOU anon, this is so awesome!
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Creative choice turning the seashell necklace into a choker
Jackie's character if she were GOOD

Also I thought you edited her ass to be bigger too anon but nope, she just has a naturally huge ass like that, they were really cooking with her character design
Coco, my beloved...
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That rocks, thank you very much!
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Lovely edit tho I think the right tit should've lean to the right instead of going down like that
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Boobs should be bigger
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Requesting a sweaty after-sex edit
Request Gave the girl significantly bigger boobs and a skimpier outfit and do something to like imply their implant the two of them are planning a” fun session soon. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fast forward the boy is a descending of Casey and April that girl in Alien who works at the company he legally owns as some sort of tech divide designer I think it's been years since I've seen it.
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do the same with this one please
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It makes sense that the Owl House would have some serious hooters
You may be right. I'll have to take another look later tonight. I always try and line up the breasts with the position of the torso. In the original pic you can see that her torso is at an angle as she leans against the bench and I sketched out my edit according to that angle. In my edit that torso gets covered up with boobage, so I can see why it might look odd
If you're the anon who requested the first one then at least thank the editor for their work, show a little gratitude
No shit, right? It's almost all gimmie gimmie and no thank you, thank you.
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that's other anon, not me
The edit was great, but who asked for it was some other anon
Ah, I see, my bad. I didn't see a reply thanking the person for their edit so I just assumed you were the same person immediately asking for another edit.
why can't big brown titty be shoved into my face...

This picture sparks joy.
Amity must be realizing at this point that this future awaits her with Luz, assuming Luz doesn't get even BIGGER than this
OR here. Fantastic execution.
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Sasha pointing at something lewd on the chalkboard while wearing something skimpy.
Was the Big Hero 6 cartoon actually worth watching? I thought the designs looked cute enough, but I wasn't a huge fan of the movie.
First season and a half yes. Second half got lame then season 3 shifted the format into a real terrible territory. Stan Lee kicks butt in it.
Oh, that's always disappointing when a show goes downhill. What was wrong with the second half of the second season and the third season? Also, what do you mean by Stan Lee kicks butt in it?
The main villain of Season 2 is dealt with halfway through the season, and everything just kind of meanders directionlessly after that.
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All points to Luz being sticc for the rest of her life. Amity will have to pull the extra work for both.
No, most alleged screenshots of the show going around are actually massively editing down the chests of the female cast in the show, they're pretty much all ridiculously stacked. Even Amity in your pic is being greatly downplayed in the chest area.
Amity made a crazy good investment with Luz
Her father must be proud
>file name
kek, good edit
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Requesting her in this attire
You should find some good screenshots of that show then, and post them to have people make edits.
Why must you continue to make me horny for characters from this show?
Delicious, great stuff
First season set up one villain and they were compelling second season set someone up and they got beat halfway through and then the rest was building one guy up but he got beat and we kind of finished with a different villain who was whatever. Third season the format changed from half hour episodes to two 10 minute episodes where the bad guy was this real lame robot they kept being unable to beat.

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