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tushie tuesday
Brap sniff tootsday
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The great debate.
A is surgeon
B is natural
nothing to debate here

B is for people who love FAT, not asses, or beauty
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A is more aesthetically pleasing.
If you can't appreciate both, you don't actually love asses.
>Rose Quartz vs Garnet
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i dont care if its A, B, C, or D as long it uses my face as its chair.
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All 10+ results on desuarchive

I hope a black guy caves your skull in with a cinderblock
Jon always had some back in his baby back where the baby's got a back in the back by the backed baby's back baby got back in the back by the backed baby
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I prefer both, but A does have a fuller look? B actually looks somewhat softer and more plump because the fat droops down and widens out compared to A where it's all round and firm
These threads feel like they're dying off
Maybe because it's the same shit being posted again.
t. lazy
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>that bulge
uhhh that does not look like a female bulge
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>smacking that thing as hard as you can and counting the seconds it takes for the whole thing to stop jiggling
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They both look gross, but these threads were lost to fatfags a long time ago, so of course the only options they can think of are two greasy flavors of obesity.
It's crazy how these threads are just allowed.
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Any particular reason why you think they shouldn't be?

his self-righteousness.
This thread fucking sucks, you're a few steps away from being a diaperfag or a fartfag with this garbage art
They actually aren't but deleting them and moving them doesn't dissuade anyone.
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When people draw super big buttons and stick waists it just looks like a big penis
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I don't like when theyre perfect spheres it reminds me of those shitty mspaint circle tool vore images
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Where is this from?
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God Bless Cake
Really sick of his tranny arc and wish he'd go back to drawing more of his other characters.
I am a lover of both….
No more questions
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Artist or found on threads?
Man if only there was like an artist's signature on the pic that might be helpful.
Obviously both are fine, but B is better.
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Nobody fapped to this character
you on the other hand posted a great tushie pic
oh wait
How new?
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Ya got shit taste
>she just used to be absurdly tall (yet still human)
>now she's just a giant
I love seeing a girl's fat butt crack hang out
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But that's where poopie comes from
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You're bald.
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>I purposefully came into a thread with a topic I don't like
>now I am mad and will post irrelevant things to derail said thread
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I love this slut...
The problem is the board is full of these threads that would be better on another, designated board.
If it were just one or two threads, I doubt people would give a shit.
What do they smell like?
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Ah yes, can't let the /co/ cheese cake get in the way of the thinly disguised ragebait, lolcows, and AIslop.
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I just did!
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And how many exciting and original threads have you made dear anon?
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I'll eat and fuck both any day of the week.
God I miss my latina fwb
>thinly disguised ragebait, lolcows, and AIslop
All part of the same rot as this thread.
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Just how these characters generally tend to "evolve" over time. I mean look at cake's Cassie.
That as it may be, you can still make your own threads and even say "please, no lewds"
I fuckin love how smutty Shad draws
I did actually. I think it was last month, but I'm probably going to do it again now that she's in front of me.
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You can literally get both based on angle
This is why 2D is supposed to correct the shortcomings of reality. Both exist, just not at the same exact time in space.
If mods were smart they'd just make these kind of threads "hidden" on the catalog so the people that stayed just have their containment thread and it wouldn't even blip on their radar that these coomers was being ignored by the rest of the board.

Everyone wins.
3 tons of ass!
A. Any fat chick can have a fat ass, roundness is the real measure of a great ass.
I never understood this esl meme
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whats? I don't know what this thread is, but I think I can post pic related
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>Wilhamena thread died before I could post this
A is nice, but i need to start drswing B aswell, cause B is nice too
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Ok, someone of you take this giant asses thing a little too far.
That butt crack puddle, its the fountain of life for sure…
You can personally do that yourself though. Filters exist.
So many that you're still here.
But the quality of the board would flow better if it was automatic.
The quality of your pegging would improve if you used lube.
NTA, but I have about 150 filters in place. The type of faggot that makes these threads slips through constantly by using generic terms or odd spelling, akin to a spammer.
Fucks sake, ignore the shit poster!
You are a shit poster.
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Okay. Honest question. What do you prefer when it comes to the asses of robot bitches?

Soft synthetic ass material to replicate the meat of a human woman, or a metallic perfectly shaped backplate with the robotic joints visible?
Both are pretty hot
Artist is Ghastlypann.
Girl is J from Murder Drones.
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>complain that /aco/ is unusable because it's basically western /d/ and "discussion" is nonexistent
>bring that exact same shit to /co/
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Why is BE fairly ubiquitous, yet ass expansion is very rare?
You got it backwards. /aco/ is western /d/ because of /co/ having very /d/-esque tastes.
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All these women fart with these asses....
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You'd rather they fart with something else?
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Marion's big booty.
Where is she from?
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Hot off the press.
Partridge Family 2200 A.D.
That bend in the roof is coming out of her paycheck.
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>#1 country on TailBlazer's patreon is Brazil

Can't make this shit up.
the world needs more animated Ladybug R34 that isnt alienshit
Does this count as butt? The way she’s laying it’s hard to tell. But winx has a few butt “jokes” and the is dub says booty a lot. One of this characters spells is even called electric booty kick

>she turns around and looks at the damage her hips & ass did just walking through the office
no that's not readable
Only thing that bugs me is these threads are spared while Funbag Fridays get nuked. Either enforce the rules equally or don't bother.

climb in you high chair and put your bib on, because i'm going to spoon fed you: noblood is the artist.
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m8 these threads get nuked just as much as the Funbag threads. Gone are the days of stability, it's a complete crapshoot on which janny you're dealing with. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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Nah, these threads get nuked just as often. You can even check the archives if you want proof. Really it feels like treading over a minefield no matter what, either thread can go off at any point.
Artist or found on thread?
Thanks for giving me a stroke PAL.
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Hot J ass...
False premise. It's not directly about the ass itself, but the relationship of the ass with the hips and thighs. While B does a poor job, A has little or no relationship whatsoever, so B wins by default.
God I hope so
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Purple lol. Bloom literally moons the screen one episode
Assuming they fix it. An ass like that will bring in customers all on it's own, and that dent is free advertising.
I asked people why they don't just post on /aco/ so that their posts/threads don't get deleted.
They said that /aco/ turned into western /d/, and they don't want to see degenerate shit, and there's no discussion, which turns out means there aren't many guys sharing their detailed sexual fantasies with other men.
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>this thread
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