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The Avengers #16
Avengers Academy #3
Avengers United #40
Avengers Academy #4
Avengers United #41
Phoenix #1?
Spider-Woman #9

Last week's thread: >>144435682
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SDCC stuff.
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captain ocean > captain marvel
Why doesn't Carol just turn Kamala into a skinsuit? Honest question.
Kamala's more likely to turn into a suit and force Carol to wear her.
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Kamala is shoving that villain into her vagina.
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>Champions disbanded behind the scenes
>Kamala relegated to the doomed D-lister X-men book
She really is dead...
>you must wear me, carol
>it's the only way
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>Spider-Woman #9
Since there's nothing else to post.
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Jess about to adopt like seven Avenger kids.
Did they also give her implants like they did Jessica.
Presumably simultaneous with Kl'rt being the Superior Carol Danvers.
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>Carol wouldn't hire me to teach at the new Avengers Academy, so I'll just start my own with these mentally damaged young Hydra sleeper agents who will turn out perfectly fine like I did
Super-Skrull becomes Carol
Carol is forced to become Kamala
Kamala is now Carol's super-disguise
Lauri-Ell becomes Monica
Monica becomes Phyla (616)
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Jess showing Viper that she can also be weird about force-adopting HYDRA babies.
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Which part?
what's Carol's current status quo?
Leader of the Avengers, headmaster of Avengers Academy, nega-bands bonded to lesbian cat burglar
the last number I've read was 139, how's her hate-trust relationship with Rogue?
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Mostly the same as it was then, i.e. they're basically best friends but would never say that they're best friends
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She's not even dead
Ok seriously do they have bigger plans for that girl Ghost rider her abscess from this is strange
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See you for Jesstime
>Cut from BNW
It'sssss over snakebros.
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The suitanons all dead?
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>Carol acquired her 7th sense together with her Binary powers
vidya fanfic, but I'm glad someone remembered it anyway
A couple earlier
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Back to lazy Carolfag era.
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dead kamala
dead monica
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Monica was never alive to begin with but Mutie 'Mala is a true tragedy.
>Monica was never alive to begin with
It's a true tragedy that Mark Gruenwald's autism drove Roger Stern away from marvel for over a decade. They wrote Monica out almost immediately after he left and then she just appeared whenever they needed to publish a book titled "Captain marvel" to retain the copyright. They really really didn't want anything to do with her at all which is also why Warren Ellis was allowed to grab her for NextWave and turn her into a joke character for another decade... And now the damage is done.
A solid 90-95% of social media mentions of Monica are just people mad that Carol exists
>Avengers Academy #4
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Rhodey breakup confirmed
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>A solid 90-95% of social media mentions of Monica are just people mad that Carol exists
Carol was shafted even harder and for even longer than Monica so that's kind of a bad take. Carol would still be a random background space hero if Busiek and Perez hadn't INSISTED on dragging her back to earth and getting permission from the X-office to get her out of the Starjammers.
what the fuck is this. this is unreadable
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>boy, I hope Headmaster Danvers is handling that emergency all right
Is this new by Hawkgirl? What on earth is happening, I can't follow the text.
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>Is this new by Hawkgirl?
>What on earth is happening,
I believe Warwolf Carol is helping Spider-Woman wear a(n artificial) Scarlet Witch suit.
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So are those warwolf wanda and jessica too then?
I think the only Warwolf is Carol.
Oh so Wanda and Jess are okay with warwolf? I feel I missed a lot of Hawkgirl lore.
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I'm not a strong reader
Say what you will about Hawkgirl's english 'Wanda always forgets she is stupidly sexy' is an all-timer footnote.
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Hawkgirl is a native English speaker tho
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I want Hawkgirl to come back
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It's only been a couple weeks
That's too long
Two universes, two ugly redesigns.
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It just needed to be her old bomber jacket. >>144542990
It looks way too much like a marching band uniform.
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>Hawkgirl lore
there is a method to the madness...
Warwolf moonlights as Carol and wants others to try suiting at least once. Likes having fun masquerading, even if it cannot play the part well ...thinking about trying it myself one time even if it looks bad, I'm interested. If I ever draw Carol (ever), it is always the warwolf unless otherwise stated.
Jess already does disguising but is now trying a method more "convincing" due to improved technology.
Wanda tolerates and is intrigued about Jess and the warwolf's the behaviour. Acts as a bystander, but makes sure anytime she has a "twin", helps them play the part better.
Rogue had retired from her suiting, giving her Carolsuit to the warwolf. Enjoyed the times she had it and is happy there are others that enjoy her strange fetish.
Is the real Carol around? Maybe.
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Jesstime never ever
That's very convoluted for just a fetish pic. So I guess Carol's just dead then.
Jesstime now.
I'm sure she's off wearing a Mystiquesuit somewhere.
>I'm sure she's off wearing a Mystiquesuit somewhere.
Or a Verankesuit
Final issue next.
>literally beating her with a stick
Lucky Disney has the Terminator rights now.
Alternatively for suitposters: SNATCHER reference.
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Reminder that Icemaster was created by Frank Miller for a Hostess Fruit Pie ad.
Cool game wish I could play it
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I think the twist will be that Green Mamba isn't the real Gerry, but either someone brainwashed to think he is or some kind of aged up evil clone.
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Doing sexy roleplay with the actual Veranke, right.
She'll probably just dump them on David.
and/or Carol at AA.
What an unfortunate acronym for her.
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>Carol finds out about the warwolf wannabe who wants to be her
>she's secretly gotten tired of being the big-name goody-goody hero
>she meets the warwolf imposter and offers it a deal
>she'll let the warwolf be Carol Danvers if it gets her a new identity
>warwolf considers and after a few days returns to Carol with either a Mystique suit or a Veranke suit
>Carol decides to not ask where the wolf got it and puts it on
>when she seals up she discovers the suit comes with the morphing powers of the original
>Carol is more than happy with the arrangement and gives the warwolf her blessing
>soon "Carol" and "Mystique"/"Veranke" are making out furiously

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