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10 days remain. How will you celebrate with your Primos once it comes out?
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Playing GTA 4
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Cute Nellie Feet!
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New interview!

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>"diverse" cartoon
into the trash it goes

Grow up
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>Gordita doesn't wear sandals
I plan on making lots of cute art of these girls once the show comes out
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>/co/ gaslights themselves into liking this latinx calarts slop because twitterfags hate it
No you fucking stupid faggot. Those are paid shills posters. Very probably pajeets.
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I hope you do. We can use some
imagine the smell when she takes off her socks thofore
When did cartoons get diverse
Captain Planet?????
Natasha seem awkward asf here
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Wouldn't something like Encanto or Coco make more sense?
Movie ends with
>"But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the "new." The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The "new" needs friends."
*3 minutes later*
>Oye Primos!

Sasuga Disney. Going for the fee fees
By not watching it
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>How will you celebrate with your Primos once it comes out?
Probably making more Gordita pics or choosing a different prima.
I need more of the fat loli.
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Tater is american.
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Based. I wonder how they would do Tabi or Nellie, it seems like AI just has favor for Gordita
And Remy is a french rat
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No no, that was me, I just trained a lora for her so far because she's my favorite. Kinda want to do either Tater or Flaquita now.
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Those feet and that pic are literally perfect. Yeah, those two sound good I think
I hope this cartoon fails lmao
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beach episode? I need to see bib's sticc body.
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Me too. I hope she's bottom heavy out of nowhere, show seems based enough to do that. Either way, any delicious brown navel would be good
I'm sure we'll get one.
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Or at least a broken fire hydrant or hose water slide episode
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I dunno why people attack the art style so hard. It's not that different from Gravity Fall's
I live in California and this is a pretty accurate depiction of latinx culture, I don't understand the hate.
There is your answer
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Because Californian Latinos are gigantic faggots and an embarrassment for regular Latinos in the rest of the Southwest.
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I wish poster count was still visible
For what purpose?
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Mmm, Delicious! Girls need their milk
New clip from IMDb:
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>11 months of editing and they still didn't fix the double eyebrows in the first song

Anyone else fucking sick of the "round teeth" in western cartoons? I feel I see it waaaaay too often these days.
What's that white girl doing there? Is she adopted?
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Only Star vs has done it and made it work. Literally ever other style that does it people just correct it in fanart anyways so I don't know why they do it
I mean, besides the fact there's a legion of people who have a stick up their ass about "every western cartoon looks like Gravity Falls"...?
Why do all their names en in -ita? Is the new wacky suffix?
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She's from the "white" side of the family. Their parents haven't been seen yet and they arrived by motorcycle
Why DID Star vs not bother me then? Youre right it did make it work somehow, was it in combination with some other aspect of it's art style?
"Ita" is a female ened pronoun in Spanish, yes
It's because of an artstyle with soft colors, round and curvy shapes and a general small town/magical setting. You never see very rigged, dark and corporate structures in the show so it's very obviously teen girl doodle inspired. It's "goofy" charming and normal teeth would have stuck out more as odd. Other shows just do it to seem silly without thinking if it fits the world or tone or not
But how is it possible for her to be white? If one of Tater's parents sister married a white man the child wouldn't look that white.
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Albinism. Plus, she probably comes from Tater's Dad's side of the family. He's Irish and shares the same name as her brother Cousin Bud

Holy shit they basically told "fuck you" to the Youtubers ironically
holy fuck this perfect.

I think they will save it for a marathon of all three on September due Hispanic Heritage Month with a full announcement of La Familia Avenunez on that month
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>In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, , the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations.
Why the fuck did she let Buela talk she wouldn't shut the fuck up
Just random draw
Mexicans can be anywhere from midnight black to crystal white and the most extremes are rare with a very unlikely chance of coming out like that.
Standard brown and light brown are more likely
Good optics. This is her first time talking about the show and they want Spanish audience philanthropy sympathy. Natasha has already had 2 interviews this week
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DTVA got them on check
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So far Primos has had restrain, but an hispanic show led by the new Proud Family writers will be a different deal entirely. Get ready for the racist argentinean neighbours and lectures about spanish colonization practices
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why did they have to make them so cute.
why the hell did he get rid of it?
Nobody brings up Gravity Falls when criticising Primos

Why he didn't defend Primos? he defended High Guardian Spice and Velma only for the latter to blew up in his face.

White and black people can't have an opinion on Chicano media. That's racist. Same thing with Roundtable
To celebrate, I will be assassinating everyone involved in the creation of this show.
Jesus Christ, man.
By watching the loud house again
By not watching it and remaining estranged from them
I like that the only people who are trying to shill defend this are very open pedophiles who will fap to anything that's said to be an underage brown girl in a cartoon.
That's all you need to know about Primos. It has no actual fans and never will have any.

ToonrificTariq and The Wacky Dehli tried on Twitter but where attacked by spics
>Flip phones in 2024


Show takes place on the late 90s/Early 2000s
I think it was assumed that it takes place in the early 2000s. The mom is in her late 30s or 40s and has a photo as a kid from 1973.
What did Tariq say? Keep an open mind?
>Neither does Lotlot
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>tater holding smartphone

dunno about that.
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It's a floating timeline where they never age
Dilate and join the 41%

You burned down an entire rainforest making that
>Every episode the birthmark is on a different sister, it's never mentioned
>Katz Cafe AGAIN
Can we have an episode where the Primos visit a shelter and one of them befriends a kitten only to be told that entire collection of cats is being put down and as they leave an oven is being lit
Mystery Inc through the ages
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Like, Gordita becomes a robot!

Nah have Tater make a shelter for cats with a flyer having a small text saying "don't tell Ginger from Canada"
And then the unibrow keeps eating them when no ones looking
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i just know you're a latinx
I love this shit so fucking much, I wish more artists added this detail to their art.
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>Praises Natasha
>Praises Angela
>Nothing about Myrna, voice of the main character
She has been excluded from everything outside the actual show so far. She got Pariah'd
She was at the private launch party iirc, but yeah. In public nobody is acknowledging her
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Great artist
Don't care
Not watching
Myrna is a puta
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Yep. Hope he does more later, considering his sparce posting around here the fact that he's done a few is quite nice of him
It's okay, Mr. Beast plants a gorillion trees a day. We'll be fine.
It really should have been Katz Cafe instead
She lost
It's paid shills, they try to pretend people like this crap
The two most hated girls
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But, also the funniest
Chacha is obvious, but aside from the name nobody seemed to have any hatred towards Cookita.
but I like ugly ducklings
It's less than 5 trannies samefagging
Is this the new fake Spanish culture show? When are we going to get shows like Mucha Lucha and El Tigre again?
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>Hay que limpiar, hay que limpiar Clean it all up

Cope harder nigger
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>If it wasn't for Tater, I don't know what I'd do

Muh feels
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Worth it.
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This is sick! (Awesome)
Is that an SML reference?
Reference to every one of those Aethos FNF mods
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What the heck is aethos anyways? Qrd?
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Segundo antes de disaster

Who is her fav soccer player?

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