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Post them!
my beloved
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>Maddie schizo in the first post
Thread ruined, delete it at this point.
yes, yes and yes please
I love Leah and her voice, I couldn't believe she was voiced by the same voice actress who played Bobby Hill in the King of the Hill. Freakin' nuts, man.
>Oh, and we like women - Jarvis Cocker, 1994
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This thread... it calls to me...
I want to give Hilda a brother or sister.
I want to make Hilda an orphan.
draw Johanna sucking dudes off in an alleyway
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Their not that stack.
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in freud we trust
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>tfw seeing canon naked hilda but not canon naked johanna
It's not fair, bros. Johanna deserves some canon nudity as well.
Johanna's unironically the only reason I go into milf threads. I'm sad her show is over.
Isn't that creator self insert?
Johannafags are the reason Freud is still brought up
Freud theories are largely discredited.
If so, I hope it makes him uncomfortable how many people want to give Hilda a sibling.
Is this a Transfomers comic and what is that thing?
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Right. She’s more stacked.
Nice try but there's no bust size canon wise.
She was cute as fuck when she was enjoying herself on the holiday
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and hot
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More suburban mom yoga please
David can join in again
No they aren’t. Are you stupid?
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Here you go bro
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Freud was just a mentally ill freak that people gave WAY too much credit.
As opposed to?
Psychoanalysis is the basis of the entire practice and field, from armchair therapists to MK Ultra.
The only people who believe there’s any discredit to his name are uneducated smoothbrains. I understand which field you belong in.
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Most of his ideas still have a lot of truth to them even if they've been refined and tweaked
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Redditors think they know about any of his work because they read a reddit post or something saying “we asked 300 people in a study if they would fuck their mom and they said no” and “did you know freud took COCAINE??? *tw*”
Freudfags are so fucking annoying.
Nice fan art.
Because he lost an internet argument about a subject he knows nothing about, and now he’s butthurt that “duuhh, ummm, buuhh did you know he was an irohan who didn’t know his mom?” is not a critique of his findings or methodology (which is employed universally in every psychological field to this day, including by the us government in ait)
>older women
You mean women your own age.
It's a sad sad day you realize you're older than the parents on Rugrats
No i mean like 10-15 years older than me
Why does Deedee dress and act like a 60 year old woman?
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The last time David came to their house Johanna grounded him
Footjob combo
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My favorite
I can smell this image.
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Single mothers are the best
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His writings are still read for their literary value but as a psychologist he’s completely useless. Ask any psychologist
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I want some multi-generational fun.
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any requests with Johanna or Leah? picrel is my art
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An artist did positive pregnancy pics for the girls but didn't do Leah, could you do one?
for my cute libby, i would take responsability.
I don't know why people have this delusional belief that a crucial contributor to a field can't have wrong perspectives within that field and if they do they're a hack. It's like everyone always thinks they're at the end of history.
Do troll joanna hugging normal hilda
Johanna wearing a bathrobe or nightgown. Something cute and comfy.
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The hottest milf
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Leah stacking books nude
An anon hugging Leah resting his head on her breasts.
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> my child is DEAD
> I don't want to GRIEVE
> I want to FUCK
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I once brought up how I thought MILFs were hot as fuck in my discord group and all our female members reacted with disgust/disbelief.

Why are women like this??? They made it sound like I told them im a child molestor or something, not that I'd be down with dating someone as old as their mom.
Psychology will never be a real science.
Pic related with Leah, glistening wet skin, wet hair slicked back, string bikini.
Don't go to discord.
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Lingerie or Bra and Panties Leah with Scratch's ghoulish ghost hands about to grab handfuls of milf tiddy.
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If you just brought it up randomly, then their response makes sense. They're just reacting negatively because of the subject change shift.

If the subject of "what's your type?", then it depends. Some of them may have mis-interpreted what you said as if you're into fucking 70 year old grannies in the nursing home. Instead of what you and I know what you were referring to.

Of course, it's also likely that they've been convinced by [insert influence here] that all men are supposed to like or actually only like young women 18-24, as if that's the pinnacle of beauty.
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Need paypig milf
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What kind of shitty group is that? MILFs are popular in several groups I'm in. Especially Johanna.
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here you go
nah. took a cursory look at his work on the booru, seems like he's a good drawfag.
Awesome, but make sure to make her breasts bigger for the other drawings please.
cheesecake semi nude pinup of Leah with her legs crossed and holding a open book to cover her bare chest.
Not OR but that's really good work.
Johanna doing yoga in bikni
pregnant Johanna?

>captcha: ggkys
Source: reddit, and your ass
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trying to figure out how magi does nipple pokies in his art. don't mind me.
thank ya
cause shes a jew
>If you just brought it up randomly
it wasn't.
The discussion was about celebrities we would fuck and it segued into older women like 30s range not even that old and they all treat me like I said I fuck animals or something. The male members expectedly didn't really gaf, it was just the femoids in the VC that over reacted.
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Nice, Libby is going to be a big sister! Good job.
Requesting this
With Leah holding turnips over her nips.
Johanna dancing in a skirt made of grass and a bra made of string and seashells
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hugging is a bit more for the time i have but i was kind of curious with the idea of how johanna would look as a troll
Nice, but can you do one for Johanna as a deerfox?
Oooo, love how Leah looks here. Thank you!
fuck yeah, this is going in the folder
And a daughter!
Draw them drunk and venting to an Anon about their deadbeat exes and how he's better than both of them
they're just coping, because they aren't sure if they'll turn into milfs
Source Jonathan Haidt. Why don’t you give me a source that’s not someone’s substack.
Jonathan Haidt agrees with Freud’s theories on maternal sexuality and rhe Oedipus Complex.
So i was right, then. You have no source.
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What the fuck was her problem?
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It literally took god's work to set the woman straight
>stacking books
huh? you mean holding a stack of books?
she was really sporty cute in this episode
I mean putting books into shelves.
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Ritualposters are cancer.
You become what you hate
Johanna flashing her tiddies
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Actually it's "Madelineschizo" and you're right, he should stick to his self-cointainment /aco/ thread
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>be 19 when start browsing 4chan
>love older ladies because of highschool crush on lady gym teacher
>in the 2020s MILFs are the big thing
>now almost 40 years old and MILFs are just women my age
I guess I'm just bitter there was no tinder for cougar hunting when I was young
Same, but I got lucky for awhile.

When I was in my early 20's, I started dating a woman 10 years older than me. She was pretty hot (nice breasts, but no ass), but she had an idiot son and still hung around with her ex-husband for support. She was also poor and messy, so she ended up being reliant on me, despite me only having a part-time job at the time.

Dated for like five years. It never occurred to me to take nudey pics of her. Damn I miss those tits.
I just wanted to add that I'm now dating a woman who is 10 years younger than me... and ironically, she has no tits. At all. When I'm groping her, unless I'm looking, I struggle to find her nips because there's no mound to her.

...I really miss my milf. We only broke up because she was so insecure and constantly accused me of cheating, which I never did.
Murder drones
Johanna's sweaty cheeks. Yes, this is pretty fantastic.
Actually you could just do that if it's easier.
Sweet and messy Leah. This one is really cute. Was it a recent one?
yeah, I think a week or two ago. There was another MILF thread and I threw out a simple idea with ref for Leah cooling off with a ice pop.
>Why does Deedee dress and act like a 60 year old woman?
Because she's an exagerrated cartoon stereotype. The characters on Rugrats were not actually real people.

Requesting (YOU) being there in the next miss /co/, drawing and giving your support to Johanna
I'm cheating against her again :)
>Why does Deedee dress and act like a 60 year old woman?
You simply don't realize how our concept of relative age has changed over the past 40 years. To boomers, who could comfortably afford to live and retire on a single minimum wage, life basically was over at 30. By then you were married, had a kid or three, a comfy management job at the factory you'd been working at since 16, and settled into a rut until you were carted off to a nursing home and died.

Now that living day-to-day life can barely happen on minimum wage, perceptions are shifting. 30 year olds are refusing to give up their youthful identity because they're being deprived the benefits of adulthood. Modern generations realize "The American Dream" is just a ponzi scheme and they don't want to play along. There's no benefit in LARPing is a boring-ass grandpa who just wants to read the paper and grill, or sit in a rocking chair and knit, so they're not gonna do it.
Don’t do it anon! You’ll upset Omniman and Benson will fire you!
Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex; a crucial stage in the normal developmental process. Sigmund Freud introduced the concept in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899). The term derives from the Theban hero Oedipus of Greek legend, who unknowingly slew his father and married his mother; its female analogue, the Electra complex, is named for another mythological figure, who helped slay her mother.
Did someone call Eddie Puss?
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Beach with your daughter - pic rel
Beach with your daughter’s boyfriend - https://files.catbox.moe/k75ugk.jpeg
Louisa Elliot, my beloved bitchy MILF.
Murder Drones, she doesn't show up for long though.
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here you go
not the type of thing i enjoy on this Mongolian basket weaving forum
these are sum great Johanna anon, thank ye
Holy mother of god the wet hair is driving me crazy
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This Canadian maple syrup slurping site might be a forsaken wasteland, but we all have to do our part anon!
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I love Leah
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Not OR but thank you greatly anon, this is lovely. I especially like the kinda realistic curve of her breast, her droopy-eyes expression and the water you drew her standing in beneath
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Needs correction.
I was thinking more of her usual outfit and bra but the effort here gives its fruits. Thank you.
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OR here, Leah looks fantastic! Really love how she's drawn here. Excellent bikini pinup drawfriend, Thank you very much!
Libby why are you so excited seeing that?
an insert of Dana's mom.
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Nah Dana apparently has a good relationship with her mom but has admitted to base Odalia on some republican aunts of her. Why do that and also make her so hot is beyond me.
God I need those soft soles on my face so bad
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Based, made for pampering
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Reminder that the average /co/ user is the same age or older than these "MILFs", so they're not "older women" for you anymore, old man.
I'm 36 and women in their 40's and 50's are, retard
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Doesn't matter. Milfs are still hot.
Shame how little art there is of Amity x Camila.
But it's good though
Libby is very close with her mom.
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I want to see Camila being sweet and motherly to all of the girls - Luz, Vee, Amity, even Willow. All of them deserve to be doted on by a cute MILF.
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I wish this cute MILF was real so she could dote me
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I love milfs so much bros. I current gf is a yoga/fitness instructor 20 years my senior.
Those arent milfs theyre fossils.
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I love the variants they did with this one
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And the original
Yukari Yakumo is 32 years old.
Who are they?
touhous you goddamned newfag, there's an entire board for them

goddamned newfags I swear to God
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Wow fanart where the girl is actually thinner than she canonically is.
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liked it enough to finish it. hope this is alright
An unexpected idea for Johanna but one that is fun and surprisingly cute. Good stuff anon. You have a page or something?
>twig censored
I think it will be cute and funny idea if you can do Johanna as an anthro deerfox and putting censored Twig there.
been thinking about it. people say tumblr's userbase has improved a bit since they moved to xitter but i have my doubts, instagram is a joke. maybe bluesky but don't remember if they opened registration or not. the one main thing i hate about xitter is the bot problem, past a certain point i just blow a gasket.
It's tricky. I'd usually suggest Baraag since it's open to pretty much anything but that site requires a bit of a round about way to joining after they locked registration about a year ago. Pixiv isn't bad but you have to change a few settings to claim to be in Japan for it to work fully after a terms of service change a while back. Right now the main options seem to be those two and Twitter, but if bots get you annoyed then that's not going to work well since they infest at all levels. I'd probably suggest Pixiv as a start.
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i'll try xitter next week i guess. maybe pixiv but yeah, those setting changes need to be done. maybe take up meditation
bots aren't really a problem if you aren't using hashtags or certain key words
I've been posting there for about 5 years and I can count the number of bots that pestered my DMs or my comments in my hands
Um no sweaty, based mollusk fixed the bot problem.
Thanks drawanon
Now I want all of them to fight in a battle royale to claim the one that looks like he fucks older women

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