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What do these three characters have in common?
I would say porn staples, but Vicky really doesn't get that much.
attracting coomer autists that can't let go
They're overrated?
My dick in their mouths
They're women.
They like young boys
I'm really trying to think of one but the only thing that all 3 share is hair color and that's a stretch
What do these three characters have in common?
rotten attitudes
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i want to stick my dick in all of them

partially closed eyebrows
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How come you're allowed to get away with drawing porn of Gwen?
they appear to be redheads wearing green, sir
Self-inserters love them.
we need an "autistic nonsensical starter pack" starter pack
shes not 12 her parents just wished for her to look 12 forever
Red heads which have a lot of responsibility.
Thanks for clarifying and making it not creepy at all, Julia Vickerman.
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They make a good fusion.
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They made some pretty alright fusions.
Kino, say do you have an artist name so I can submit this to the booru?
like everything else good on /co/ that pic is ancient, baka
This and Ankha and Isabelle
sbpb /thread and all that
Seriously I never liked any of them, especially Vicky.
What's the final fusion's personality. If it wasn't for the Vicky mix I feel she'd be the ultimate babysitter but that Vicky in her means she's got viscous mean streak in her.
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the way her hand's positioned i just assumed kindly vocal fried cool chick with big sis energy who'll give you a handjob and whisper in your ear about how nasty it is that it turns you on.

Not that I've thought about it much or anything.
the curtains match the drapes?
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they bring satisfaction to those who have good taste
2/3 lauren(?)
Friendships with younger boys
They fuck the mc shota cock
Pretty much what >>144532881 said, the sorta cool, older sis who will toy with your heart and your dick, leaving you confused but wanting more
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Dick aside she looks like one of those cold bullies who has to put up a tough facade and one-up others
but technically her meanness should only be 1/3 of her personality
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As I recall the old threads, the general thought was that it took Frankie and Wendy's combined coolness to counterbalance Vicky's meanness, making the fusion one of those "fun to hang around with even though she teases you and gets you in trouble" girls.
That its their fault I have a thing for cool redheads who are older than me.
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I love redheaded white babes with cute freckles, hell yeah.
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well pokemon girls are legally adults in pokemon world
I always laugh at this post, it's literally saying: ''why are you drawing popular characters instead of my obscure waifus!!!''
they all have straight shots fetishes
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Vicky is the odd one out, since the other two are both versions of Lauren Faust.
Other than that, it's mostly superficial. Older redhead girl that looks after a young brown haired boy in a hat.
I really want to see an image of either Frankie or Wendy chasing around Mac or Dipper around with a chainsaw and just going "Wow that really is fun".
actually the GF bitch is the odd one, frankie and and the other cunt were voiced by delisle
Brunet shotas
Vicky is inspired by Faust as well. Hartmen lusted after her in clown college or wherever these people went to school.
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You know full well that's not what they meant when they said that.
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They owe me sex
>lusted after her
They are 3 people's view of Lauren Faust.
Hartman sees her as a bully.
McCracken sees her as a flawed but good person.
Hirsch sees her as perfect but out of his league.
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Two of them are based on the same woman

Source for Vicki?
I know that artist...am I cooked?
Mike Inel is pretty internet-famous
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Is there a word for the specific niche these three fit?
Cartoon redhead
shota trainers
sexual fanatasy for cucked incel manchildren
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>What do these three characters have in common?
They fuck shotas
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They need correction.
a dollup of snark
FBI watchlist status
the Roman Catholic faith
attachment disorder of some form
a hidden stash of some comfort food
fear of anything spicier than a bell pepper
Pathetic losers who self insert as the MCs who think they’ll fuck those girls.
While those are nice, I kind of wish more artist drew her as the tall flat girl she is instead of slapping big melons on her all the time.
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Why did God put me on this planet to suffer through my formative years without a genki nee-san to sleep with?
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Everytime you shoot rope to Vickie, Frankie and Wendy, you give Faust life energy ala Succubus.
not pictured: Frankie waking up first and sneaking a kiss on Mac while he's asleep. Mac's only subconsciously aware he felt something.
Awwww (I self-insert myself as Mac)
Or it could be saying that all porn artists are lazy and pander to the shittiest low test calarts taste imaginable.
Redheads. Although Frankie and Wendy are both based on Lauren Faust.
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>bunch of brainlet buzzwords
5/6 of those toons have nothing to even do with calarts. Your idea of "taste" is negligible.
>all porn artists
It wasn't calling out all artists, though. Just the hacks.
I'm not familiar with the cum to life force exchange rate but the innumerable nuts I've devoted to Frankie since '08 should amount to a few extra years at least.
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Mac is the one who steals kisses thinking she's asleep (she isn't)
>Frankie keeps insisting Mac sit with her to watch romance movies (they do this in the series)
>mentions to him how romantic she thinks it is when the boy kisses the girl while she’s asleep
>coincedentally “takes a nap” there soon after
she also has to fake snore with exaggerated puckered lips
kek, the spirit of jailbait.
Vicky isnt as fuckable
Jackie Lynn Thomas too
how's the homosexuality going for you?
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I don't see Dipper needing to be tied down and gagged to go with Wendy. Should've been doing what Mac is doing and lapdog after her.
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Vicky’s the horniest for her boy out of the three, like she’s tried to seduce Timmy a few times
>episode where Timmy ages up and Vicky forces him against his will to date her
>episode where Vicky begs Timmy to help her acting career then tries making out with him
>episode where Vicky’s babysitting friends leave her so she becomes obsessed with Timmy as her only companion
>deleted episode where Timmy learns to dance and Vicky goes gaga in love for him, sabotaging his chances with Trixie
>scattered jokes how Vicky is just as fixated on Timmy as her sister is, but obsessed with bullying him. Like their shared room being littered with pictures of him on both sides
The Vicky dna means you trade a vicious meanstreak for her being secretly obsessed with you
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Please. I've beat milk out of my peepee to Lauren Faust before too.
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Wendy brings the hanging-outitude, Frankie brings the sweet tender romance, and Vicky brings the furniture-shattering sex. It's a good mix.
I'm sorry, but I never liked this ship, probably my least favorite of the redhead woman x brown-haired shota trio.
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>saying this on a coomer website
simple buddy!
they have shota husbands!
They won’t fuck you.

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