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I miss transformers
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How the fuck has there not been a series that stars an all female or at least majority femme Autobot team? Hasbro has to know of waifu power by now.
beast wars was the only transformers show I gave a shit about
There's still comics ongoing atm so there's nothing to miss.
Lickety-Split a cute. CUTE!
My first response to the Overwatch Transformers crossover was "Damn, Transformers must be falling on hard times".
Would not fucking sell. That's the problem. And they haven't invented enough worthwhile females in this franchise much less to have a team.
Why? Transformers crosses over with fucking everything, and has been for ages.
What I would give to have a series focus on the resistance on cybertron and /be good/
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Not gonna like, I actually kinda dig that Arcee design. Odd that her eyes don't glow, but still.
They fucked up her face.
>And they haven't invented enough worthwhile females in this franchise much less to have a team.
you can easily make two teams of 5:

>the leader
>the warrior
>the medic
Red Alert (Animated style)
>the weak brainy one
>the strong one

>the leader
>the warrior
>the inventor
>the sneaky one
Nightbird (Transformer style, not human-made robot style)
>the fuck up
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Would the Torchbearer's have worked out better if they weren't vomit colored?

No, the japanese deceptifem recolors aren't much better.
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Seriously, why aren't her eyes solid blue? Just makes it look like Illari is doing a cosplay.

Also, this whole thing doesn't make me want to play Overwatch(make a campaign mode, and I'll joke about it), it just makes me annoyed that there aren't any proper Transformers games right now.
Why the fuck would you give the Arcee skin to Sojourn? Almost any other female hero would have been a better choice. Shit, you could have given it to Ash and had Bob look like Kup or Springer.
>No, the japanese deceptifem recolors aren't much better.
First of all, you're wrong. Those colors are awesome.

Second of all, your pic has the Torchbearers in the correct, non-vomit colors. It's the toy that fucked up the colors.
I think they would've worked better if they started out being written by Mairghread Scott. She actually gave them fun personalities, and showed Pyra Magna as being much more centered and reasonable.

As for the colors, they probably should've been mostly one of those colors, with the other being smaller accents. Like, all seafoam, but with red lines.

The Torchbearers are perfectly fine concept, but they had a really bad first impression.
>Not Nautila, or Chromia, or Moonracer, or Firestar, or Overdrive, or Airazor, or even Transmute.
>Fucking Glyph

Also, I was going to give you points for including Animated Red Alert but then I noticed your villain team doesn't include Slipstream or Thunderblast so fuck you.
Weren't the colors decided on via fanpoll?

I know that's why there's two of the same body/helicopters at least.
Glyph cute
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They were, and then the toy fucked up both the shades and the proportions. That image you replied to is closer to the winning vote than the toy.
Honestly if you have to resort to even one genderbend you already kinda proved their point.
>fucked up the proportions

All the figures were retools of existing figures, what did you honestly expect?
Transformers is a series for BOYS primarily, while female Transformers can exist, they've always just kinda been tokens so the series isn't too gay/sexist.
also if i NEEDED an originally female Autobot medic character I could just go with Velocity.
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Oi. Glyph a cute. You will show this precious little archaeology nerd some respect.
There's been a bunch.
The right color given the right amount of spread instead of being switched with a secondary color.
The winning vote for Victorion's colors were:
>mainly vivid teal
>secondarily dull red and grey
The released toy was:
>mainly vivid red
>secondarily dull teal
>tertiarily grey
"proportions" simply means the ratio of components within the whole.
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Speaking as a boy, I was always annoyed that these toy shows aimed at me didn't have more girls in them. Maybe I'm some kind of weird anomalous entity, a guy who actually likes women. Guess who my favorite Beast Wars character is.
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A shame Velocity never got a figure. Even Nautica got a half-assed retool from a male bot.
>Guess who my favorite Beast Wars character is.
If it isn't Dinobot then your opinion is worthless.
There's like, three notable female characters. Making a whole team and centering the story on them would be both challenging and risky.
Toys of girl TFs don't sell. Shrimple as that.
Right, and boys don't collect My Little Ponys.
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>winning colors (photoshopped)
>winning colors but in the reversed layout the actual toy released as (photoshopped)
>the actual toy
Elita-1 (She is now)
Nautica (barely makes it)
Solus Prime
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>tfw have Airazor, T30 Chromia, MP Arcee, Override and planning on snagging Strongarm and the Nemesis titan.
>There's like, three notable female characters.
That's not true, but whatever.

>Making a whole team and centering the story on them would be both challenging and risky.
Also not true. Presumably it would still be Bots vs Cons(because Hasbro is so uncreative they tried to copyright other people's ideas), so there's no challenge or risk.
you're shrimply incorrect
>T30 Chromia,

good on you, her Siege and Legacy figures suck.
>Presumably it would still [main concept of the franchise] (because [random thing brought up out of nowhere with no explanation as though we should already be aware of it])
buddy, come on. you can do better than that.
I'm saying like on par with Soundwave. Most Transformer stuff has more well known characters on the front. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it would be harder to do. Not at all impossible.
Her siege figure sucked, yes, her legacy figure is... fine, it just shouldn't have been Chromia.
It would be good on me if her fucking left leg stayed on its ball joint.
Still, not a bad alt mode.
It's still crazy to me that Airachnid is in Transformers One.
Is it really? She's probably the most well known female Decepticon.
>>Presumably it would still [main concept of the franchise]
... You should probably clarify how this is somehow wrong before you get labeled a troll.

>(because [random thing brought up out of nowhere with no explanation as though we should already be aware of it])
Oh you don't remember that D&D thing where Hasbro basically tried to assert dominion over the rules of make-believe?
I misremembered her as actually turning into a spider.
If that's the case then how come I was the first one to mention her in this thread? Checkmate atheist.
You're thinking of Blackarachnia. Airachnid is actually pretty niche.
Shit, you guys are right. What doesn't help is how similar both characters are too.

Maybe now she can get a decent toy.
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I wouldn't get my hopes up.
That's the B-line, B-line toys are always ass.
>... You should probably clarify how this is somehow wrong
I wasn't saying it was wrong, you fucking idiot.
>Oh you don't remember
No, I don't. Because to remember something I need to know about it in the first place. Not everyone follows the same things you do. Not everyone has the same internal context you do. Also, that has nothing to do with Transformers.

Judging by her toy, she will be a spiderformer in this incarnation. She turned into a spider in IDW1 and IDW2 as well.

Thats the kiddy line, that never counts. I mean in SS.
Well I still wouldn't get my hopes up.
The Studio Series has never been a guarantee of quality. Never forget Shatter.
The only similarities they have are "is spidery" and "is girl". Airachnid is more similar to Tarantulas than BA.
If I had a nickel for every time Airachnid unexpectedly played a prominent role in something, I'd have three nickels.
I think it makes sense actually, if they're trying to stick to a more "traditional" take on Transformers, Airachnid is the one female Decepticon that makes the most sense to bring back.
Jet Shatter was good. Car Shatter had the issues.
>black arcee
My rage at blizzard's faggotry went from the Budos, to Akuma Shogun, Devil Hulk to now Pelinal levels of rage in one second.
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>I wasn't saying it was wrong, you fucking idiot.
Then why did you get so mad?

No, but they've done some great stuff.
you have misunderstood the situation and you are getting clownishly upset at your misunderstanding
Except she turns into a helicopter, not a spider, her robot mode just has Spider-like attributes. Making her a triple changer might be peculiar, maybe a Horricon but that would also mean she'd have to be a headmaster.
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So... what aspect does Slipstream represent?
Starscream's contempt for others.
what the fuck happened to Windblade?
>Except she turns into a helicopter, not a spider
Not always.
>her robot mode just has Spider-like attributes
>Making her a triple changer might be peculiar
She's already been one.
>maybe a Horricon
You can be a beast/vehicle triplechanger without being a Horrorcon.
>but that would also mean she'd have to be a headmaster.
No, it doesn't.
Or for himself. Either way, everything she says is an insult.
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... Well, fuck. That makes sense.
Hasbro expected her to join the same heights as Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron and Starscream. That didn't happen, now they're refocusing on Elita.
Slipstream is a tsundere and yandere.
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This >>144532799. She didn't really go anywhere, and has, as per her real life origins, become a staple character. She's still around, being a cutie patootie.
They didn't "expect her" to, she was literally made to be a main cast member for the franchise as a celebration for the brand's 30th anniversary. That was the point of her. And she was, for a long time. But cast inclusions are not consistent for even the classic characters. She's simply not in anything for the moment.
Should Windblade always be a cityspeaker?
Besides this >>144532807 Hasbro's retarded mismanagement with her spoke higher
In cartoons she was one thing, in IDW she, Starscream and Bee carried the entire comic til the end while people hated trannycee, the literal manipulative evil executive bitch that elita was, and mainly Optimus.
Her characterization was one thing that carried her in the comic, while in animation was all over the place.

Hasbro doesnt know how to manage their IP, not only them but also Takara in Japan.

Yes but also someone who has a past with Bee and Starscream before the war, as TC and Skywarp
IDW did that well but hasbro seems to fear another case of a villain becoming the most Tragic character in history and later the one who redeemed himself with sheer willpower and Power of Friendship.
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She was in Cyberverse though, so it's not like they've been sleeping on her or anything.

Depends on how prominent Titans are in whichever series she's in. RiD didn't really have them, so it was unnecessary to have her be a cityspeaker.
what the fuck are you babbling about
She was in IDW2, too.
>She was in Cyberverse though
...yes anon, that's an example of what i was talking about. do you want a cookie?
Uh, speak for yourself, mate. IDW Arcee was great once they started course correcting on Furman's bullshit.
Cyberverse was really the last chance for Windblade. I'm not sure it worked out for the better despite her obstensibly being the star character.

She wasn't prominent in IDW2 though.

And Last Bot Standing. As a cameo.

And now she's in the newest Japan manga.
Cyberverse was very weird in that it marketed Bumblebee as being the main character but after season 1 he really got shoved aside.
Because Japan loves her as Starscream's romantic interest of all things.

No kidding?
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I thought that was just a tumblr thing, not real?
MieKun got me into watching G1, it's been weeks since I first decided dip my toes into transformers thanks to him
Dude, have you SEEN Animated Red Alert? Her design is fucking great. I'd let her take my temperature any way she wanted, if you catch my drift. Are you picking up what I'm laying down? Are you seeing what I'm getting at? Are you on board? Do you grok it?

I'm saying I would fuck the ambulance.
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I really like the fact Mairghread Scott went out of her way to try and kill this ship by confirming Windblade and Chromia were meant to be sisters, not lovers, based on her own relationship with her sisters.
in what way would it being a tumblr thing not be real
do you think tumblr is a simulation
>like on par with Soundwave

So just Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starsceam, and Megatron.
a tumblr-style fandom exists in a bubble and it transcending cultural boundaries feels like a bad idea.
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I had an idea for an AU where its rule 63 of the G1 story with the diaclone characters lead by Delta Magnus
I think they more meant it's merely isolated to the fandom in that corner of the web.
Same sort of deal here, where there's stuff you'd only find on this Vietnamese cave painting board.
We'll eventually get a Transformers show with an all-female main cast.
But they'll all be teenagers going to Transformers High School.
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Hasbro pushed that in their social media, takara had fans too, and every girl in japan wants to have sex with Starscream, so why not give the perfect japanese woman for him so they can self insert in their "i can fix him" fantasies?
Plus she pretty much wears a crown so case closed.

It took a loli to make Armada Starscream to change sides, and it took thunderblast to do the same.
>Hasbro pushed that in their social media,
yes they did that years ago in their fb page
/co/ kekked about it
I don't want Starscream to have a love interest.
He shouldn't be happy, not like that at least.
Blame IDW for making him the character of their comic run twice.
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They should bring back Kiss Players as hardcore loli hentai
Akshually Megatron wanted free gibs while Orion just wanted to go the fuck home that day.
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>They should bring back Kiss Players as 'Literally She' YA series
Because girls want boy robots
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Their love is real and you can't convince me otherwise.
Fujos should fuck off and die.
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>All female autobot + decepticon team
>All male human cast
Oh yeah, im thinkin this can work
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I know Decepticons are all about strength and tend to dislike humans because of how weak they are, but I would love it more if Decepticons form relationships with people more often like Autobots tend to do. Like imagine Shockwave making illicit networks with human scienists and having a sense of camaraderie over a shared sense of scholarship or Knock Out being part of the illegal street racing scene. I don't want it to be framed as good, but it'll help develop of sense of dimension.
Nah, they were boring as shit. At least the Japanese versions made them fun.
Oh hey, its Christine
You are approaching this from the wrong direction that person wanted.
How many Autobot relations started because as posing as an Earth vehicle? Lies about shape are the natural part of life for Transformers.
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They are. The new guy who took over Hasbro kind of fucked up everything and lost them shittons of money
I don't remember much about Armada but I vaguely recall something about Starscream and some of the kid characters..
>>the medic
>Red Alert (Animated style
Why not Minerva from Masterforce? Same colors and I'm sure she was the team medic in that show.

TF is the one line they have thats still doing okay, last I heard. And I guess GI Joe, at least those Classified toys.
I wanted that yellow Optimus Prime so much as a kid. I loved weird repaints and all the weird universe repaints. I still have this guy and a bunch of others and its one of my favourite toys. Probably because it was actually continuation to Beast Wars and Machines and the same Primal.
Minerva was human.
Red Alert has a cooler look.
The only reason you want Minerva is likely because Red Alert wasn't the first Red Alert, but in that case being a human originally is a detriment to Minerva.
>Maybe I'm some kind of weird anomalous entity, a guy who actually likes women
Want a special sticker anon?
>So... what aspect does Slipstream represent?
Being a joke that gets run into the ground.
I stopped watching transformers movies after bayverse fucked it into the ground. This is really cute though. I'm conflicted.
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No way Porches look so much cooler
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Im gay and love Blackaracha and Hexidecimal. (I cant not associate all Mainframe cgi shows from eachother.) Big tits are like straight guys liking big muscle dudes I guess???
Fuck that. Where's my dommy mommy Shatter?
In the ghetto like the other movie OCs.
Maximals/beast formers are stupid
Why would the robots turn into animals? The whole appeal is cars, tanks and planes
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the in-universe reason is that they need the forms to avoid going into stasis lock from the ridiculous amount of energon in prehistoric earth
the real reason is that robots with animal kibble just look really cool
your opinions are not universal
In the 90s animals were popular and they just did a toyline with a bunch of cars/tanks/jets that bombed.
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Grimlock was awesome
Crazy times we live in.
As much as I would want that, we must understand that Transformers is a boy-focused show. It can attract girls too, but it primarily targets boys. If they were to make something like that, they might have to focus on something different which would alienate girls and boys. I say to do something you described but the data shows that Hasbro has no balls.
This. Boys want boy robots, and girls want boy robots. That leaves us in the dust with the few robots that are women.
Beasts are much cooler than most vehicles
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This is a queen insecticon we made together, her name is Hive Mind. She's a termite
This isn't tf related anymore.
i remember seeing someone ship bumblebee with windblade
does that make starscream a cuck
People ship a lot of things.
>In cartoons she was one thing, in IDW she, Starscream and Bee carried the entire comic til the end while people hated trannycee, the literal manipulative evil executive bitch that elita was, and mainly Optimus.

I didn't hate IDW Optimus, I hated how he was constantly abused, disrespected and forced into situations where he had no choice but to make evil choices like abandoning Jazz to GI Joe.
Comic books are full of forced drama.
The universe shitting on Optimus, both physically and emotionally, is just comics tradition
>Why the fuck would you give the Arcee skin to Sojourn?
That's Illari though.
Why didn't they use Sunstorm for her base?
Yes but that's unrelated.
My guess is that Blizzard wanted characters that were immediately noticeable to get the normalfag attention, or Hasbro didn't want to lend the rights to specific characters.

I mean, if you think about it logically, Megatron, Prime, Arcee, and Bumblebee are all widely known. And apparently there was talks for a Starscream Pharah, Soundwave Lucio, and a Unicron skin for Hammond, but for some reason they never happened. When it comes right down to it, but Hasbro and Blizzard are both pieces of shit, so there's hundreds of reasons why they didn't bother too much with this collab.
Would she copulate with Arnie in this form?
Car only
If DJW didn't want it run into the ground he would have just fucking answered it. We know there's an actual answer he just refuses to fucking tell anyone even after all this time and yet gets pissy when people ask him.
>my strange addiction
Why not?
You... know DJW has been dead for years now, right?
Now I want to see The Car as a transformer
Shit I guess he is. Dunno how I missed that.
>Heart attack
Okay, that checks out.
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>Boys want boy robots, and girls want boy robots.
Decepticons are justified in their hatred of humans.
Our worthless species makes no damn sense.
>How the fuck has there not been a series that stars an all female or at least majority femme Autobot team?
It's been 40 years and the number of female transformers I could name without being a tfwiki diving botcon going turbonerd is like... less than 20.
And none of them pop as hard as Megatron and Op.
>I didn't hate IDW Optimus, I hated how he was constantly abused, disrespected and forced into situations where he had no choice but to make evil choices like abandoning Jazz to GI Joe.
IDW1 Optimus was a deconstruction of the character decades after he was firmly established as "Robot Superman" or "Robot Jesus" by the fanbase and how a character given that reputation could NEVER live up to those idealistic expectations
>Soundwave Lucio
>Not Blaster or Jazz Lucio.
Hasbro and Blizzard deserve each other in hell.
>toy-based franchise
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male is superior
female is inferior
>t. ancient marketing executive who has never actually met another human being
Waifus > Your delusions.
Are you confused on who Christine is?
Transformers:Kiss Players
Although it was Japan-exclusive
Probably for the best, honestly
I do not know a single female transformers fan who is not also a Fujo
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Wanting a mostly female Transformers toyline is about as retarded as wanting a fashion doll toyline that's mostly male. It just won't sell.
I hate fujos so much.
>toy based
Don't act like the Baymovies aren't the only reason this shit still exists. This is a turn off your brain and consoom franchise.
Nigga. The last all female, girl targeted toy based Hasbro franchise got turned into Gr15 and a containment board. You car robot niggas need ventilators to stay alive. give it up.
I mean I kinda can see It working especially as a spin-off show
Here is a pitch for this idea
>5 young fembots who love fashion land on earth and get mistaken as autobots
>A scientist woman provides shelter and whatever the fembots need in exchange of protection however she is very busy so she leaves her son and daughter in charge of teaching the fembots about earth
Aren't a lot of the designers for girl-targeted fashion dolls men to begin with?
Kinda surprised they didn't have Slipstream show up in Prime.
I got two ideas for a female-centric TF series:

TF show for young girls
> Teenage girls hiding and befriending female Autobots
> Low stakes that mix SoL and adventure
> Decepticons, as well as minor human villains, for conflict
> Cameos for classic characters like OP, Bee, Megs and Screamers

TF harem
> Autobot team befriends a human shota and chill with him when not fighting Decepticons
> Every bot and con that appears is female and they all want to marry the shota

Which sounds best?
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I might be one of the only people who likes this toy. I do wonder if she'd look better with a darker red and more of a camo green though, I get why people didn't like the tomato/mint deco.
First probably would be the better show, but Saber Marionette C sounds funnier.
I agree with Anon the First one is perfect for a girl show mean the Second option could be funny
I imagine the Autobot team leader getting annoyed trying to find a way to deal with this situation because this one fucking Human Boy keeps attracting female cybertronians both allies and enemies
Go for it.
> Low stakes
You let the fate of the fucking universe hang in the balance as these plucky young girls face life and death on the fucking galactic battlefield or you go fuck yourself, coward.

"What if She-Ra wuz cars" pitchin' bitch ass nigga.
Nah, it is better when the Decepticons just try to take over hydroelectric dams and the biggest threat to safety they pose isn't their weapons so much as collateral from reckless plans.
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Me too
>What if She-Ra
Neither the old or new She-ra show were low stakes
Also amusingly enough Larry Ditilio was a main writer on She-ra and went onto be one of the lead BW writers.
How many people were killed off in it?
>Don't act like the Baymovies aren't the only reason this shit still exists.
Don't act like you were in the fandom before 07. Transformers was in no way in risk of dying since 2002. The only major fumble after G2 was Beast Machines.
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In the modern show? There's a few on both sides. In the older one, no one major although deaths alone aren't the marker of stakes. These are ultimately kid's shows.
The old fandom is fucking worthless. About as alive as any other millennial franchise.
I was watching vhs tapes of G1 in the 80s you child, this shit was dead in the water by the turn of the millennium.
It has nothing to do with that, TF in general remained stable and would've been fine without the movie. If anything the movies have left it worse off because the franchise became dependent on them and once they collapsed it took away a pillar they were foolishly leaning on.
Leaning on G1 is no better, either really. Genwunners kicked and screamed about BW and Armada in those eras but they were necessary for the franchise to sell in their eras.
>this shit was dead in the water by the turn of the millennium.
Because you were a jaded Gen Xer who didn't realize that kids still bought toys.
BW sold well
Robots in Disguise sold well
Armada sold well
Animated would've happened regardless of the movie
There was media for 11 solid years of media before the movie.
>These are ultimately kid's shows.
So is MS Gundam
According to what sales figures?
Mobile Suit Gundam would not have been allowed to air as a syndicated cartoon in America without heavy editing.
Good thing cartoons don't air on syndicated television in America anymore. It's all news and talk shows all the time.
The ones shown at botcon and word from Hasbro employees who were upfront when it wasn't selling as well.
>he isn't actually going to post sales figures
Who would be the main female Autobot? Elita-1? Arcee? Someone more obscure or completely new?
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>Someone more obscure
I vote for Rosanna(Animated) cuz come on a pink popstar is a perfect fit for the main role
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>5 young fembots
Gonna stop you there.
1. Let's just make them 5 magic whatevers instead of something tech-based. Girls like magic over tech.
2. Stop thinking with your dick.
3. Your dick can't pay the bills for a huge flop like that.
Spoken like a 1960s marketer.
getting slides from decade old conventions isn't as easy as you think.
But the fact that it had conventions and new shows throughout the 2000's tells you it was far healthier than you imagine.
Isn't her thing that she's really a Decepticon spy?
I'd go with a bunch of OCs/nameslaps, like Rescue Bots did.
Prospects of Hasbro being a multimedia company died with Goldner. Paramount fucked them over and their bread and butter is toys.
Don't tell that to Chris Cocks. According to him, Hasbro is no longer a toy company.
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To be more mordern:
That premise skews too old. Dumb it down and make it for toddlers.
You could make her thing that she is bad at being evil and ends up turning fully good
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Then you just need to remove the violent scenes.
Why did you think I was thinking with my dick? did the word "young" really trigger something in you? The whole point was a group of fashionists become reluctant heroes I said young because older cybertronians would not care about fashion
>Let's just make them 5 magic whatevers instead of something tech-based. Girls like magic over tech.
So... You want a generic magical girl show?
Also Anon your pic doesn't help your point
The Car being bri'ish would explain why it killed all those people out of nowhere
The word "fembot" was the giveaway, troon.
Type-B frame Cybertronians then?
Cute and canon.
I think these three cured my arachnophobia
What’s that?
No she's the literal spawn of unicron.
Ignoring that Unicron doesn't exist in Animated because the ones making it thought rehashing him would have been lame, you are thinking of the Sparkbots as the Unicron-created trio from KP.
at least two of those are men

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