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Why are people so scared to make comics? It seems a lot of artists would rather sit on a pitch bible for years rather than just making a 15-page comic just to get the idea out there. I see this as a common habit. Many of these pitch bibles are tailor-made for episodic cartoon pitches, so it's not as if the idea is "too grand" to do themselves or something.
Because it's hard, they want a team of story boarder to do all the heavy lifting for them
Indie's big now, so it's the best time to get this shit made.
No one reads comics
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Yeah but many of them are ALSO not animating a pilot. It's also not super viable to try and do an animated series on your own, as evident by Monkey Wrench and Sublo & Tangy. At least an artist who hunkers down with their free time get reasonably get out a simple comic within 1 - 2 months. Or hell, one page every two weeks. Maybe even just a 4-panel webcomic. That's gotta be better than NOT making an animated show because your Kickstarter failed, right?
After seeing his Hard Water pitch. I wonder what other ideas he's been sitting on all this time.
Honestly the silly part is that dubbed comics can get as many views as indie animations. Literally all you need to do is hire decent VAs, make sure your comic looks appealing and then upload it, people will watch it. Animatics also get a lot of views
I think a lot of animators don't consider comics because they don't see any comics in their style outside of tie-ins people write off as cash grabs.
The scope of western comics(Europe included) at a glance looks very limited so certain styles
>realistic/semi-realistic superhero/ licensed action/sci-fi
>sort of cartoony superheroes
>crude looking, wonky indy stuff
>scholastic soft looking, inoffensive stuff
Scott Pilgrim is probably the most popular cartoony indy comic and it's really the only popular example of one with such a style.
Then you have webcomics which people see as dead, or webtoons, which is dominated by that korean anime style.
Maybe go to Scholastic to get a graphic novel made.
So more of this? https://youtu.be/YcchrgJgryo?si=D09xtWVj5XvyZK3g
Nobody reads comics anymore.
People talk a lot about the "next big indie cartoon", nobody cared when Lackadaisy was just a webcomic, or if Hazbin Hotel was part of Vivziepop's Zoophobia webcomic or TADC was just a comic.
For Becky Primm, specifically, a lot of the humor is physical and complimented with sound. So a comic wouldn't compliment the story as well as animation.
Did you know the creator of My Life as A Teenage Robot is writing a children's book series now?
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I don't know, even something like EEnE can translate into an entertaining comic. If that didn't exist as a cartoon and I couldn't hear the voices in my head, I would still read one of the comic issues and go, "Hey, I like these cartoons, they're pretty wacky".

Ideally, a cartoon should be able to work even in storyboard form, right? So shouldn't it also be able to translate into a comic? A good Billy & Mandy episode translated 1:1 as a comic should still be funny; the voice actors can elevate the material, but it's rare that they're 100% the reason why it's funny.
People make shitty comics all the time. Nobody reads them.
Prestige, fame, etc. Making a comic well takes some skill, but any moderately talented artist can make something passable that reads clearly and communicates it's story. However, publishing a comic won't make big, rich, important people care about you unless the comic is a huge fucking hit and they want to buy the rights for pocket change to turn into a terrible netflix show.

It's like how every "big name" video game writer wishes they were actually working for hollywood. They crave attention and validation from the people they perceive as being the most important people in the world. Maybe they want to rub dicks with celebrities and executives or maybe they just think that hollywood is the highest peak of achievement a creator can reach, but either way it's that retarded perspective, more than anything else, that stops faggots from just finishing their fucking project in an attainable form, instead of endlessly shopping around a mediocre pitch bible or script.
What are you smokin?

We got a webcomic sequel to the live action Mario Bros movie.
We got Jim Henson script for Tale of Sand and Rod Serling's screenplay of Planet of the Apes.
And tons of real independant shit like Where Wolf
coming from an actual creator making something right now, I COULD make a comic (infact, early on I did adapt some of my story into a comic by drawing some pages) but I much prefer making an animation. It's harder, but it really pays off and feels more accomplishing when I get some part of the animation done over just drawing and coloring in some panels. I technically sat on my pitch a year before getting any progress done though. The main issue being I had college classes in the way and I just didn't feel my standalone pitch was worth showcasing.
No one cares about any of that shit. Maybe like 3 boomers, but they don’t count.
This. Matter of fact, animation might be more complicated to pull off, but it’s easier to communicate whatever you want with your audience, more so than a bunch of stilted drawings. VAs and pacing carry your material more so than you can possibly imagine.

I don’t know if I’m coping right now because I’m too much of a hack to turn my comic ideas into an actual cartoon, but making an actually interesting composition will always be more remarkable than some chopped garbo that was overdone or puppet-rigged. Plus the reader fills in the gap with the voices and sound effects, so it’s somehow more immersive. The only thing that truly bothers me is the soundtrack, but I can always upload it on my way separately.

One last word : making an actual indie comic (not some webtoons shit) is as punk rock as you can get in 2024. Fuck the system, fuck social media, fuck normies, fuck customer expectations…I swear they don’t even know what they want
Animation is a much bigger investment but the payoff is that much higher. I prefer comics but I know firsthand that it's got a harder time to interest people.
Dammit, I meant editing instead of pacing
But still my point stands
Dude have you tired makeing a comic? Shits hard. You ether have to hire someone on your budget of whatever you make at the Chucky cheese or do all the hard work yourself. I am freinds with a lot of comic artists and god it's not fun most days.
Much more appealing to have financial backing via some company. Can't even sell a comic idea unless you have most of the work done so it's somehow less nightmareish than makeing a webcomic and giving up on chapter 3
I think it's fair that people may not want to "settle" for a different medium than the one they want to make. The differences may be what someone likes about one. It also tends to be obvious when someone is just treating comics like a stepping stone for their Hollywood script or what have you, which relates to the fact that making a comic requires some different skills than animating or making a pitch bible.
I know right especially when you can use the comic as a proof of concept
Because to them publishing a comic either means putting out floppies which only reaches a limited audience or putting out one graphic novel and hoping it somehow sells enough to get a sequel.
You're absolutely delutional...
and I'm 100% down with it, I'm drawing my shitty comic rn and I hope you finish yours. wagmi bruh
I'm afraid of fucking it up and making the ideas is the fun part anyways. So I'm a lazy bitch.
I loved that short
One piece is one of the biggest manga in Japan and it still stands today. You are a fucking retard if you think just “stilted drawings” hinder story telling when one piece has been deriving off that for years with the anime just being based on it to be flashy and to gain a shit ton of profit due to high viewership.

What I’m saying is the anime or cartoons are shit without its base.
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One word: Backgrounds.
You do not know how painful it is to do a solid background. Not a great one, or a pretty good one, just a decent one. Because you not only have to draw it good one time, you have to draw it good OVER and OVER again. The reason you keep seeing school and forest comics is because it's easier than most other backgrounds, and even then those are tricky if you keep doing them at different angles. Sure, maybe you can cheat and just have boring wallpaper with plain doors, but then people will start calling you out for making it all look "flat":
If everyone in the world could be okay with characters talking in colored backgrounds with barely any scenery, then maybe you'd have a point. But most people, understandably, want to see the places where the action takes place.
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>but then people will start calling you out for making it all look "flat":
Hasn't stopped most of European comics.
why not just make stylized backgrounds then. BFDI literally reuses assets and people love it
It's sort of an unspoken rule of thumb about entertainment: there's a sliding scale of "respectability, engagement, and mainstream success" in media. At the lowest end, you have text only, with unofficial fanfiction or maybe blogs at the absolute lowest possible reach. Then you have light novels and picture-heavy stories, which add a bit of multimedia to it. Then audiobooks. Then comics, which are now basically pure visual media and thus more "engaging" (webcomics are still below published comics)
It's only when you get to multimedia like audiovisual comics and especially animation that audience engagement really starts kicking in and you start being taken "seriously" in terms of discussion, and then of course you get to bigger budget animation/live action and finally movies (and maybe video games).

Comics don't get anywhere near as much engagement as cartoons do, even when comics were more mainstream. Think about it: why is it that a book can be a bestseller, selling millions upon millions, but it's only until it gets a shitty movie adaptation that people start "seriously" discussing it and engaging with it?
Hunger Games was a massive success when it released, but it didn't become a phenomenon until the movie. My uncle was stationed in Okinawa Japan (being serious about this, not a "uncle works for Nintendo" joke) in the mid 80s and he remembers Toriyama being huge for Dr Slump, but Dragonball was "only" a comic-tier success until the TV show started airing.
It's just a cold hard fact that if you really want to "make" it, you have to go for multimedia products. Comics, even when they're really huge, always feel smaller.
Should also stress, it's nothing to do with the amount of effort put into it either. One person can create a shitty low-effort cartoon or even an AIslop cartoon, and that psychological effect in our brains will still be more engaged by it than if he made a comic. I don't have the psychology expertise to explain why this happens, but I know there have been some studies done showing this is the case, something about immersion and the amount of information your brain perceives in a moment.
It's funny that people could reasonably perceive that, like 'I don't see a comic out there that's not in my style' and reason from that deduction that comics are just too penned in to a small subset of styles. Surely you could look within as an animator and see the shocking homogenisation within Western animation
Speaking as a person that's seen what happened to discourse with the arrival of Invincible secondaries, Frieren secondaries, Dungeon Meshi secondaries etc etc I think I'd rather just stick to making comics. I mean, ultimately you can sell out and make something broad and shallow to grasp out for a wider audience, but all you get is a wide crowd of broad and shallow people
Well, all the humor in Becky Prim is how she says "It's Beckay".
They’re different disciplines. Not everyone actually wants to make a comic.
It’s like asking why a game developer wouldn’t write a book. Some are happy to tell their story that way, but many are more interested in just making a game.
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The Disney TVA leak from January confirmed that he's retooling "Hard Water" as a kids show..... why waste that concept and throw what made the pitch special for the Disney Channel?
Post that kyle carozza tweet.
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Most game devs can make a full product virtually on their own and actually make money from it.
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Facebook post
if he made comics I would of paid for them. Bro lost because he didn't even try
how do you make money
Market your finished product i guess
Patreon, merch
He'd make about as much money from animation as he would streaming games
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>I'm not gonna toil away making them into graphic novels for no money!
>Instead, I'll toil away making them into pitch bibles and animatics for no money!
>Actually, scratch that, I'm going to SPEND money to hire voice actors to make my vision come true!
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does comics make THAT little money for artists?
What's even more punk rock is doing your own printing and logistics but you can't always sustain that.
I think the real problem is they don't realize that a studio isn't necessary. If the Becky Primm animatic had maybe two or three more drawings per pose/shot it would just be a limited animation series. I really think that's the key.
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Why can non-artists figure out how to utilize their time and skill better than actual artists? Do you get too scared to do things "simply" the more skilled you become or something? Do talented artists think that anything less than Richard Williams isn't impressive?
Webcomics are a dead medium and no amount of praying or bitching is going to bring it back. It's easier to just learn blender and make stuff with SFM.
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That'd be sad if true, especially since it seems like we're able to get more original ADULT cartoons than kids cartoons these days. The latter is almost always reboots. Karl Hadrika shouldn't be so quick to give up on his more mature vision for Hardwater. I would looove for more cartoony adult animation led by actual cartoonists.
>why waste that concept and throw what made the pitch special for the Disney Channel?


Not scraping by on patreon money, but a salary most people can only dream of
[driving a bus full of screaming kids towards the Grand Canyon] You see those guys only failed because they didn't want it enough, but I'm different. They failed because they're not me, and that's why I'm going to succeed where they di
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In your pic, though, those are rare examples. Not everyone is a Big Mouth. Most people are a Tuca & Bertie or an Agent Elvis. Even Craig McCracken says he needs to keep periodically pitching shows to keep the lights on. I have no idea what kind of deal he has with PPG, but considering it's a pretty big merch machine, I'm going to assume not a great one-- and that's probably standard for most showrunners. How people like Alex Hirsch or Pen Ward end up with good contracts when their colleagues don't, I haven't a clue.
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The American comic scene is practically a media industry version of a second class citizen. Comics have no visibility in any consumer outlets outside of the LCS hell they put themselves in and every other outlet has been colonized by manga. It’s unironically easier to make a video game and publish it to Steam than to make a successful comic in America.

Disney Channel literally became the only network who still accepts original ideas, Hadrika worked on Tangled, Paul Rudish Mickey Mouse and Monsters At Work so his resume seemed to impress the mouse excs.
what would drive people to actually want to read a comic over watching a pilot? not alot of people even read anymore
Exactly, Ive some pretty cool stuff where a YTer for a decent voice cut, use some editing tricks to simulate motion for certain scenes and for a moment I legitimately forgot I was essentially watching a PowerPoint. I think more people could sell their shit if they made motion comics and made people buy the paper back to see the story unfold.
Because they don't want to lose it to the company they're pitching it for?
The problem is getting people to buy a comic, webtoons are proof zoomies will consume bottom of the barrel slop by the gallon...if it's free
Well considering Becky Prim got rejected like 9 years ago I don't think he has to worry about that
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Making a comic is just a soul sucking endeavour.
Nobody fucking reads comics to begin with. It's a hard profession to live off. And most of the time you're just a hired grunt to work on a pre-existing IP.

At least in japan you 1) get absolute creative freedom; and 2) lots of people are gonna see your work. Millions of people would be willing to be underpaid and overworked if that's the reward they got. But in america you don't even get that, it's just so unrewarding.
The american comics industry has always been poorly managed and the higher ups have always been cynical out of touch bastards that worship the IP over the hardworking individuals who bring them to life.
The reason why manga is kicking the ass of american comic books is because publishers place importance on authors, not on IPs.
Manga is a creative driven industry. Western comic books are an IP driven industry.
So what do you do if you want to make something creative? Make a cartoon.
Because only 0.00001% of comic creators in 20XX make a profit at all. Comics are a dead medium unless it's made in Japan or you cater to a really niche category like "red-headed MtF (often wearing glasses) praising the LGBT as the norm, stomping on strawmen in literally every comic".
The only audience for comics right now is Japan and the weebs.
Even in the Big Dogs, the only reason comics sometimes make a profit is because they offload 100% of the costs and risk to LCS across the country, but even that's drying up.
>comics don't sell worth crap
>the few people who pretend to read comics are nitpicky cunts who WILL harass you forever for the slightest reason
>the medium overall as less than no respect
Not worth it.
This is certainly much more sustainable. Voiced comics on YouTube and tiktok can get crazy views.

This is true but the thing about having a comic is that having something completed can give you a boost when negotiating adaptation rights.

Turning one’s story into a VN is another route to consider. People will actually buy them too.
Do you guys not read credits? Monkey Wrench has a big team behind it. Zeurel is spearheading it but he’s not “making it on his own”.
Sounds like a bunch of people here are glue sniffers or intentionally disingenuous. Being perpetually stuck under the algorithmic thumb of biases and hoping it'll somehow pick you won't do you any favours, either.
the sovlless filter themselves, let nature run it's course
>Western comic books are an IP driven industry.
Japan's the same way, dude.
Blender does 2D too so there's no excuse. Unreal's an option too.
Only for IPs created in the 60s and 70s. Osamu Tezuka and Go Nagai stories are retold by different authors all the time.
But Dragon Ball? One Piece? Baki? JoJo? Every modern manga start and ends with the author.

You never hear about "different eras of writers" with One Piece, the whole thing is just known as Oda's work. You can bring up editors but they only have so much power in the end and ultimately the author is still steering the ship.
It's very different. Japan is curb stomping america for a reason.
Too much effort for literally no payoff. Nobody gives a fuck about comics. Normies will ramble on and on about the MCU, but if you actually mention the source material, they'll give you a dirty look like you just took a shit on the floor. The medium itself has been irreparably stigmatized.
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>CG comics
That's been tried, and look how that it turned out.
>B-but tech has gotten a thousand times better since then!
Doesn't matter. Nobody will EVER give it a chance because the masses have been taught that 3D models bad.
Making comics is a pain in the ass. I did like one page and I’ve been on hiatus for six months, before that I had been on hiatus for 32 years. And the funny thing is, the only difference between someone who can draw and someone who can’t, is that the guy who can draw actually puts the basic work into learning how to. Most people in the world directly choose not to draw because they can already tell it’s a huge pain in the ass
>just making a 15-page comic
Not enough for the common creator. Everyone wants to make a huge franchise with many parts and merch.
okay, glueies. So you're also just lazy.
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He should just make a web series
Yes. Absolutely. It’s a whole career worth of work, making a comic
There are a ton of western comics that work the same way that nobody reads.
>Nobody will EVER give it a chance because the masses have been taught that 3D models bad.
The masses don't read comics.
Because comics are for nerds.
No one said anything bout CG comics. Blender and Unreal's for cost cutting animation.
They should talk to Glitch then or start something similar.
I wonder how many people call themselves aspiring animators who balk at the idea of doing comics. "Aw man it's so much work, look at all these pages and panels I have to do, all this repetitive input surely can't be the ideal way of expressing myself! Still really want that cartoon though"
Exactly. And they aren't even capable of perceiving the contradiction. Hollywood's brainwashing is too strong.

You seem to have forgotten that people get pissed off over Poser models. Literally ANY means of making a comic that isn't ~traditional~ hand drawn scribbles is considered unacceptable.
"I want a corporation to pay me to direct a team of storyboard artists which are then sent to the overseas animators who have to draw 8-24 frames a second, can't handle any more work than that."
Unsolicited submissions are like winning the lottery anyway. The most reliable way of getting your own cartoon is working your way up the artist>director>showrunner ladder like almost everyone else does.
>You seem to have forgotten that people get pissed off over Poser models. Literally ANY means of making a comic that isn't ~traditional~ hand drawn scribbles is considered unacceptable
Learn some reading comprehension, dumbass. I wasn't talking about comics, but animation.
This is a thread about why comics are fucked, tard breath.
it's a pretty proven fact that there is a curve people fall on where at a certain level of ability you are good enough at something while being really unconfident about it. most artists are not at the level of the best of the best, so naturally they all find themselves in that same part of the curve.
the cost of production to monetary gain ratio is still miles better with comics, even if kept very niche. You might think cartoons are successful because you participate in fandoms, but they lose money most of the time nowadays
No it isn't. At all.
Trying to get into comics is a bit difficult since it's basically all nepo gatekeepers at this point because there were no prior gatekeepers turn of the millennium. Self publishing is a literal financial loss and publishers aren't willing to give a lot people the time of day even if they have a full comic ready to go.
most artists like you are lazy point blank. Just no patience for anything that doesn't give immediate result. I make 10 pages bi-weekly, and commissions on the side, the european norm, and my comic is growing steady little by little. I'm tired of artists that spend no more than 1 hour drawing a day, and it's just fanart for quick likes
He should just make porn of Becky and her fat friend
It's Juggalette, yes.
Sure, though it takes the time and work of a whole second job, and that’s worth something
comics are unironically the lowest the only thing lower are Web comics
Your comics maybe. Manga is out there killing it
I meant trying to manage the production on his own rather than animating it on his own. I gave MW and S&T as two different examples: One that has a traditional pipeline and is very costly and one that is done by mostly one dude who does it in his free time. Both end up taking ages to come out so neither method really works for an indie animation production.

I mean, someone COULD go the cheap puppet route like Homestar Runner and get it done much faster, but few people want to do that.

>especially since it seems like we're able to get more original ADULT cartoons than kids cartoons these days.

Yeah but they are shit, this likely got approved over Hard Water- After seeing this i'd prefer to see that shark and dolphin waifu at a poster on Disneyland

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Some cartoon concepts are envisioned as fully animated projects, Becky Prim most likely being an example. The creator has an animation background, and frankly I think his style lends itself to the medium perfectly, so I'm all in favour of him selling a show at some point. The fact it hasn't happened already is baffling
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Ooh the dolphin lifeguard has a name?
*pays for comics
Name aleast 3 of them or fuck off
Monstress, Saga, Sex Criminals.
Image released a ranking of their top selling books for last month and their top books were the Energon Universe licensed stuff, not their creator-owned books.
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>but all you get is a wide crowd of broad and shallow people
Also a bed to comfortably sleep in at night~
>Also a bed
That's true
>to comfortably sleep in
That depends on how long you can distract the intrusive thoughts for
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What I'm doing is making a bunch of different webcomic series and seeing which one gets picked up first
If you've proven you can do a series, mutliple even, longterm and each series has their own group of readers then the chances of it getting picked up or more easily able to shop around increases

Mangakas get away with white backgrounds so this isn't actually a real problem
You just make an establishing shot of the area, a few panels with simplified backgrounds and then you stop doing that and plant white backgrounds around for a while until you have to do it all again
people love it because the background is a reference
>Make a bunch of stupid bland ideas with no concept besides a description
>Could more easily sell the idea if he were to make a comic showing off what an episode would be like
>Instead he doodles them a little and then makes another stupid bland idea and maybe this one gets a shitty pilot episode

Well he's in prison now so any chance of that ever happening is long gone
>Only for IPs created in the 60s and 70s. Osamu Tezuka and Go Nagai stories are retold by different authors all the time.
>But Dragon Ball? One Piece? Baki? JoJo? Every modern manga start and ends with the author.
Just give it time. They aren't letting Dragon Ball die with Toriyama. Notice how the IPs you mentioned as being retold were from the 60's/70's, and the others are 80's onward? why do you think that is? Within time, the ones that rights holders see potential in will be milked.
>But Dragon Ball? One Piece? Baki? JoJo? Every modern manga start and ends with the author.

>Dragon Ball GT was Toei with miminal contribution from Toriyama and Toyoda is the new guy that's been helming the manga while Toriyama gave him notes
>One Piece is still ongoing because it's too much of a money-maker for anyone to drop it
>Baki has multiple spin-offs being written and drawn by other people and is still ongoing because Itagaki keeps taking breaks
>JoJo is allowed to keep going because Araki has tenure

The moment One piece, Baki and JoJo end they're open to be rebooted or continued like what happened with Dragon ball GT
Japan isn't an exception
Killing itself maybe.
I hate backgrounds
>nobody cared when Lackadaisy was just a webcomic
nigger lackadaisy has been such a webcomic cultural staple it stopped being mentioned because its the golden fucking standard
>nobody cared when Lackadaisy was just a webcomic
I lost interest when it became an animation.
Beats me. I have no idea why hobbyists are able to upload new cartoons to Newgrounds and Youtube every single day, yet prospective & aspiring creators and showrunners are unable to spend a few months making a proof of concept animated short for their show. Must be laziness.
>Japan isn't an exception
Never was.
Why are webcomics such a gatekeep-y medium? Where is anyone supposed to hear about this?
This. Gag a day comics get posted everywhere but I literally never see story based comics posted on social media anywhere.
Story based comics are less shareable. Also, page a week/day is a really weird way to read. Imagine watching a TV episode in 5 minute chunks every two days. That is how reading a story based webcomic feels.
Even with modern CG software, it would be a waste of time. Creating a 3D model is so time extensive, that just drawing it would always be faster.
Currently doing a story-based webcomic myself and yeah it's pretty tough marketing it nowadays. The only solace I get is when the chapters are finished there's a surge of readership compared to week by week updates. I thought about just going with full chapter uploads but the amount of time it takes to make just means it'll be less posted for like months.

If you're gonna do a story-based comic just go indie. You could do it in webcomics but you'll have to double your effort via making stuff that's shareable for social media, you'll basically just be doing two comics at that point.

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