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It's been a while since we had thread like this.
Here’s hoping we get some cute OC
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Why are you guys thirsty for her?
Yo tengo esperanza de que hagan un revival del comic
The pic that started it all
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It's not "capitan", It's "Capitana"
Prove it.
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I would like some Capitana Twerking
I take shitty doodles requests.
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Colonel Megaton showing her breasts if you may
Maybe Captain Galaxia complaining about her supehero outfit having shrunk in the laundry?
La lechuza being spanked
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Captain Galaxia beating down some poor fool
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What did she see?
This please >>144539092
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Who has the pic of her with a churro? It was on a litter box but I know one of you saved it.
This (and every other) thread.
Delivering soon
Eh, I tried.

And I thank you for your service. Nice stuff!
How about her (galaxia) in nothing but a slightly opened trench coat? You can add stuff like a choker, stockings, or whatever but the trenchcoat is nice.
Wow, nice work sir, thank you very much!
I really like the bush
Oh, I remember it, let me see if I can find it
The pastry, or is that some piece of clothing I've never heard of? Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing it, too.
Found it! I've saved pretty much every pic from these threads so I was pretty confident this one was in my files too.
Thanks anon, I was >>144549406
Funny thing, I was thinking about a different pic
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Heck, if you've got a second churro pic, I'd love to see it.
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OH BOY~! Another Galaxia thread? Sign me up!
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I wish that was me.
Cool. Since you managed to save stuff can you upload the OC made here onto the new /co/ booru?
I can certainly get a start on that. There really needs to be more than just one Captain Galaxia pic on there.
Excellent. Be sure to link the post in the thread they were posted in.
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Still have the pic of her asking for someone to touch her muscles, only for anon to touch her chest (and her by pissed about it)? I loved that pic.
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Yes! Thank you.
Sorry, I can't find it, maybe I didn't save it, fuck

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