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Think their Earth got destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths?
who knows?
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Their earth was listed as one of the few that survived the last comic crisis shitshow iirc
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Well, according to Dark Crisis, DCSHG takes place on Earth-96 in the DC Multiverse. Not sure what this implies tho...
Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying
A universe remarkably like it probably got destroyed, but this one still exists. A crisis doesn't really destroy a universe, it creates a universe where that universe dies, as contradictory as that sounds. It's the XKCD "15 competing standards" problem
my wife is still alive kino
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Shame MarkandFlops never got to finish this before the show got canned
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I don't ship it but feathers-ruffled's KaraBabs stuff is pretty based

Season 2 confirmed that she wants the Aqualad from Garth
Platonic KaraBabs is pretty cute. Some World's Finest stuff.
Shut up fag
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Yeah they're quite aesthetic together, aren't they? They're very visually pleasing. Short, spunky, and redheaded paired with big, buff, and blonde. It looks nice.
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sequel hope: restored
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Redhead + Blonde is just nice
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Very aesthetic duo
Diana burrito
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I understand you are lewding the jess but why the big boobs?
>Sticc from the waist up
>Thicc from the waist down
I love my Bong-body wife
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faust was a genius giving the green girl a pear body
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The lewdest boobs for the lewdest girl.
made for paizuri
Theyre gonna steal his seed and theres nothing the girls can do about it.
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Dominant tomboy x submissive genki mmmmm
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I ship it
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Too bad she doesn’t stand a chance I mean she didn’t even bring doughnuts.
They are cute together to be honest
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They're probably dead because their last thing was the TTG crossover.
Cute sluts
why is happening with this recent fad with rose in these threads? not a complain
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I'm glad someone liked my mucking around with the models enough to save it.
They’re teenagers bro.
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I guess she just took a while for people to notice her. Hope it keeps up, she's hot
Don't call them that
Where is the trilogy mega?
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Zee would say "sisirc treva" and literally everything would be okay
Zee should say "xes evah" to all anons
*”em hitw xes evah”
Based Zee making sure every anon enjoys himself.
Was the art of Diana in gala dress having a standoff against another gal (Barbi) in similar dress was ever finished and posted?
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I wish
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Thighs that could suffocate…

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