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Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jimbo
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Don't care, Needs more Lois ass
stop dodging filters, asswipe
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Lois lane "Hey Kara, I know we didn't get off on the best foot so I wanted to give you a present. Some earth shirts."
>draw a Venezuelan
>call it a Korean
You are pathetic.
gae monke
its actualled KRYPED propaganda, since jimmy is getting KRIPPLED
kys blacked tripfag
I liked the show discussion more when Kara didn't exist and brownoid coomers didn't make endless threats about her and Jimmy
They're making threats? That's terrible! What threats are they making?
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jimmy's one of the good ones
Your joke doesn't work when every single thread is morons screaming about white genocide.
who can say no to a face like that?
>Jimmy x Kara
Dude, grab a comic.
they made a cool Brainiac design just to job him in 4 episodes
>fag telling others to leave the Internet because the mean people post something he doesn't like
Like, have you considered you're the one who should leave the Internet instead? I mean, you don't like what you see, if you leave, you won't have to see it again. These posts will never cease to please, so please, kindly leave, snowflake.
You mean the comics that have better ships for both characters?
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It needs more Lois teasing Clark or just kinda reverse romcom situation where Lois walks in on Clark changing or something.
we don't know that
he could upload himself into a usb at the last second
Preview for next episode
I said forced blacked propaganda. There was no reason to make Jimmy black.
Or seething about the pairing existing instead
you're the one wanting a safespace on fucking 4chan.
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Sorry too busy noticing other things.
They cut evil Lara? Maybe because of the leaks
Which one
Or plans changed.
There's only so many 'evil from Krypton' villains you need.
Why did they race-swap Jimmy?
There can't be too many roles for red-haired male actors, and red haired men are, like 1-3% of the USA's population. Seems backwards to take roles away from a minority to give to another minority. They should have made Superman black, brown--hair is common.
Evil Lara was virtual and Brainiac's doing
>Builds up Lex as a threat all season.
>The payoff is him getting double fisted by Brainiac, anticlimactically
What a shame...

Also, All of the villains being Krypton tech based seem to all go against the "comfy" vibe the show initially pitched itself as; everything feels so militaristic. Like no villain here has an origin story, they all got their hands on tech and used it for petty reasons or is just one of Waller's Lackeys. There are no sillier villains or stories either; No Toyman, No Prankster, No Jimmy Olsen turning into a giant turtle or Lois Lane turning herself black. The only exception was Mr. Mxy but his episode was too relied on tech and military.

This softer Clark needed a softer tone/story, anything but Task Force X and Kryptonian Empire; seriously.
who is gonna sex first?

...then mallah
How would Mallah fuck what amounts to a metal sphere?
>Lois & Clark's first time memory
>>Jimmy x Kara
At least it's not as dumb as some of her other pairings (Power Boy, Brainiac 5, Comet, etc.).
What's wrong with brainny ? He comes off as a egotistical narcy type at first but then you find out he's a calm calculated caring dude. He can be a mirror reflection of Kara's own personality if written given the chance. you can do so much more with them as characters than this boring shit regular human and super human pver played crap.
Dude, what? I was giving him shit for posting threats when he meant threads. Keep your retarded dogshit to yourself.
>switching goals
Like clockwork.
>Not only he seethes at black but also to brown
Sucks to be you.
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Please don't feed the trolls. Just report them for racism and move on.
Ironically, Lois and Jimmy should be the one mating and kara and clark should be mating. Yeah, he's black but he has more genetically in common with lois and even the damn gorilla than he does that blonde alien freak
bedroom eyes
This was Evil Lara this episode. They just put her in with Braniac.
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All Kara's are beautiful <3
I finally caught up with the latest episode and I have a question:

Have any of the worlds Brainiac has tried to conquer so far, just, surrendered and joined his empire? I’d figure there should be at least one, but it seems like every world he’s been to has been nuked. Is there a catch 22 where if a planet DOES surrender, then he deems them too weak for his empire and then nukes them anyway?
People can just dye their hair.
They tried making Mallah and Brain goofy and it just made the writers fall in love with them and turn them into good guys.
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Do big asses run in the House in El? Or is Kara a special case?
Maybe they are miniaturized somewhere in his collections.

My question is, why show the Lanterns if they wont be part of the story later?
So that fans can say: “Hey, a green lantern! Neat!”
Because usually if you're destroying or conquering a planet, you'd expect a green lantern to intervene?
Why does this show look like ass compared to your average anime? Is it the lines, color choice or lack of detailed designs?
where the fuck did you get this from? whats the damn episode?
It's actually pretty standard to the average anime. It's got more animated budget then the low budget Iruma-kun. You do have to remember not everything is Demon Hunter and the like.
He said it’s from the next one. Either anon’s uncle works for nintendo or some crew member posted it on twitter.
you mean flat colours? yeah. but its wholesome so i cant fukin care less. nice to see that we've put an end to the "clark does nuclear after lois's death" phase. that was cringe
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American storyboards and keyframes suck ass compared to what top tier animes put out.
A low budget anime that isn't focused on action will look pretty similar usually.
Also a lot of the problem comes from Americans drawing Americans as weeb caricatures, instead of how Japanese people usually depict Americans.
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Fat Fuck Elf is probably one of the lowest budget anime of the season and its drawings still look higher quality
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The Fable is pretty cheap and I'm having fun with it because it relies more on comedy and character writing than animating it really good.
Feels like a 2000s anime that got left on a backburner and forgotten about for two decades.
Fat elf is only like 11 minutes and episode. That one girl harem anime has even lower budget.
Why are you guys getting mad this is a show about other races coming to love and accept their white saviors
They needed another director for this. Ig it was up to me, whenever someone is talking I would just have the frame be a big belly or an ass.
>Everyone in my family is aryan
>out shopping with my sister in the mall to get a gift for our mom
>Walk by a 5'3 Jewess with a huge nose
>"Did you see the Jewish American princess?"
>sister tells me to knock it off
>As we're leaving, walk by an old gypsy woman, looks absolutely horrid
>As soon she's out of ear shot
>"Aren't you glad you have blonde hair and blue eyes now?"
Does the rainbow flag also supports incest?
It seems that Braniac destroyed surrending worlds anyway since none of those could offer whatever it was the he's looking for. Kara remembers hanging around worlds of the empire and having friends there, those are either memories fabricated by Braniac or she got to spend time there before Braniac flipped her genocide switch and memory wiped her.
Anyone that unironically says this is an incel cuck lmao
>surrender to the kryptonian empire!
>thank you for your contribution.
and then he proceeds to vaporize the planet anyway
shapely posteriors are just a sign of being in good health. that's why men and women love them
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>Makes chuds seethe by making Lois a paki instead of a latina
>Makes chuds seethe by making a white blonde woman fall for the BBC
>makes chuds seethe because Superman isn't toxically masculine

This is the most powerful, shitposty show I have ever seen. I respect it. If the chuds could do something like this when they made "The New Norm" then maybe more people would be impressed by their side of the political coin.
She's not Paki, she's Korean.
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I'd understand if jimmy was full ooga booga
but he's a fine upstanding young man that happens to be sufficiently melanin endowed
Frame rate is janky, and art style is very very budget looking. Characters actively look like bad western artists that can't copy anime properly because it's not founded on eastern sensibilities.

The show would work better being something more like Avatar if they weren't going to go in on proper anime approach.
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>instead of how Japanese people usually depict Americans.
Ironically, Japs just draw Americans the same way they draw Japs these days.
>Shit that never happened for 500, Alex
NTA, but I found these on the Superman Homepage review for the episode.
It's almost like anime isn't authentically racial, it's just an artstyle like western cartoon characters.
I mean, anime is racial in the sense that it just means a cartoon made by the Japanese, in the same way aeni is a cartoon made by Koreans, and donghua is a cartoon made by the Chinese.
None of these were ever defined by their artstyle, merely by where they're from and who made them.
That mostly happens when the Americans in question are relevant to the plot. If they're just background or one scene characters they're drawn like a gaijin caricature.
I can tell this is from Sonic X isn't it?
That’d be a dick move, but it’s kinda funny. Exactly the sort of thing an evil computer would do.

Reminds me of that scene in the second season of Primal, where there was a peaceful tribe that gave a huge tribute of goods to the conquering queen when she came to attack them. And then she razed their village anyway.
I find mukokuseki to be a cope honestly.
Does Brainiac even know what it is Brainiac is looking for? It seems like he’s dissatisfied with anything less than an exact replica of Krypton.
Yes Rico, plap.
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the kicker is there's no nefarious agenda at play at all. It's simply just the showrunners thinking "these two would be cute for each other"

just the nature of how traversal modern society is makes people of different backgrounds more likely to pair up
I don't like the JimmyXKara thing, but that's because I though this Jimmy was gay.
Not even in a cringe shipping way, I just looked at the way he acted and talked and though "oh yeah, that's how these shows present gay people."
So that fact he's not, gave me whiplash.
Because you thought gay behavior = wants to suck dick?
You basically just admitted you thought tomboys are dykes because they don't act girly. Congrats, you played yourself. Faggy men are still men, they just aren't toxically roided chad brained. We called them sissies for a reason. They weren't straigt up men fuckers, just not masculine enough.
There is always an agenda in SJW shows.
Not that anon, but I have seen raging progressives say the exact same type of shit, like "We all know C-3PO is the gayest fucker in those movies", and it's really fucking baffling how stereotyping like that has basically become okay again.
What's SJW about MAWS again? The main hero is still white and one of the main villain's that hates him is a fat black woman. Is black Jimmy and Kara that much of sin to you people?
Raceswapped Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen is very SJW. Also dragging in a Flash villain into a Superman show and genderswapping them to give a really lame version of Livewire a lesbian girlfriend.
>Raceswapped Lois Lane
It was ok when people thought she was latina.
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Clark lacks male energy
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Turning Livewire from a mean-spirited attention whore into a bland villain is also very SJW
It's an elseworld with a different approach on Lois and Jimmy and no one but Rouges fans care about Heatwave and most would rather have Captain Cold; sure, buff dyke heatwave and livewire sucks but they don't paint them as heroes, only criminals who helped the good guys for once.
In all fairness, 90's of Livewire has always looked hot and blue, so I can give them points for doing something different just wish it was executed better.
Unironically yes. Because that's not how a Korean looks.
>no one but Rouges fans care about Heatwave
I care about the show's failure to write a Superman show with Superman characters without bringing in characters from other DC stables. The Suicide Squad doesn't belong in a Superman show.
Cartoons are not real people.
There's a huge variety of looks.
On the topic of women looking Korean, has there been any thing animated related that has someone looking Korean without them looking like a racial stereotype?

I can agree with using Superman Characters more but DC forcing Suicide Squad isn't a MAWS problem since DC is working hard to make them MCU popular after Justice League tanked in theaters.
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no traitors here, only keeping brainiac awake with her furious bean flicking
>This. This is where my hapa babies come from.
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Is it bad that I shipped these two?
>Brainiac telling Kara he can correct the genetic bottleneck and DNA warping with technology.
Then why the fuck does her design look Latina other than the Korean slave labor being fucking lazy and reusing character designs from some other show
She' doesn't look like a Latina either outside of her being tan.
She looks anime. People do not look anime irl.
Being tan means being Latinx in western media. What is the point of coding if you're going to get it wrong
At this point, I want all americans bombed. I'm tired of this color coded brainwashing shit they've let themselves get into.
You realize koreans can look tan right?
You're retarded. Touch grass.
There is nothing wrong with being white or black. Kara doesn't like Jimmy because he's black, she likes him because he's sweet, funny, and interesting. It wouldn't make a difference to her if he was white, or a difference to him if she was black. Stop watching porn and rotting your brain.
Anybody "can" look tan (except the Irish) but being tan isn't something that anyone associates with Koreans as an ethnic group.
It is forced because shes falling for him too fast and also Clark is so much hotter
>isn't something that anyone associates with Koreans as an ethnic group.
So you just want one look in one media to brainwash people that everyone just looks the same. Get the fuck out the USA and meet people. I've seen black guys with light brown skin being confused as Japanese by Japanese people. No one is monolith.
Yes but you see the mentally ill liberals who make this shit want you to think she likes him because hes chocolate so other gen alpha white girls can get started sucking off black boys on the playground
Eh, it's not forced, that's literally how Lois fell for Clark, they were just as fast.

Pacing is the show's overall problem.
How do you know if Kara had any guy from other planets be nice to her before she got her memory wiped out and went genocide mode? For all we know she might've had a crush on a Hawkman before Thanagar was wiped out.

You have problems if that's the first thing you think that the only reason Kara likes Jimmy is because he's black.
>How do you know if Kara had any guy from other planets be nice to her before she got her memory wiped out and went genocide mode?
I mean, does that matter? They are likely dead.
If you wanna considering to "too lucky" she got with the human minority, that could basically be said for any single source of media that fantasies how great Earth is. Most stories has zero reason to have Earth not get BTFO'd.
Exactly which is why >>144550446 is more of the point is stuff is going too fast even if you argue that Kara experiences things she never had in other worlds and Lois and Clark always being a thing.
No. We need monoliths. It's easier.
Plus look at all the people who stopped caring about the show when they said Luz was Korean.
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Is jimmy an architect?

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