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All of them.
maus' creator is hecking jewish???
>an autobiographical history book about the holocaust has a jewish writer
Learn what periods and commas are, you fucking retard.
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bigfoot is a kike?!
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So is the guy who's pic you used.
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No when was this established that's fucking hilarious
I know this is a /pol/ schizographic but I legitimately don't know how you could look at something like this and think anything other than "wow, based Jews!" Unless you REALLY hate comics or something.
/pol/tards are constantly in a state of utter misery. They feel no happiness or enjoyment about anything, it's all about making other people feel worse by comparison. They can't allow themselves to like anything because it could be tainted by 'da jooz'.
Gee Phil
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Why is there so much more Jewish representation in media despite the fact they are such a minute portion of the population? Muslims have little to no representation despite making up 2 Billion people on this planet compared to 16 Million Jews
There are more Jews in America than Muslims. Also America has been a heavily philosemitic nation since basically its inception.
because Western Entertainment was seen historically as a low class endeavor and relegated to non Christians, they established a power base in that industry and lucked out that it eventually blew up. Same with banking, Usury was a no go with the Chruistian princes so they kept pet jews for banking and they ended up being the go to guys for it when it became profitable. you want Mohammedist representatiom, go to a mohemmadist country
There's only half as many Muslims in america as there are Jews.
>because Western Entertainment was seen historically as a low class endeavor and relegated to non Christians
I hate historical revisionists so much bros
I hate ESLs.
Harley's Massive Jiggly Khazar Milkers
does melissa still have her man problem?
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Mario triple-dips on Pascal's wager.
How many Jews do you think you see in the average TV show?Because I count one Jew for every 20 non-jews characters in most kinds of TV shows. not to mention America has like nearly half the world's Jewish population which I am quite positive is nowhere near close to the percentage of Christians or Muslim worldwide population being representative in America . not to mention a lot of where most TV shows are filmed or actually said actually have a higher percentage of Jews than Jewish characters they have in the program but no see more than two Jews in a TV so and you feel like they're being over representative which is somehow a conspiracy made by them which somehow equals violence is acceptable against them.Even if most of them are basically Jewish jokes just so up for a single sOoh have you also never seen little Moss going to Prairies ?


Do you not know comic books was such an appealing aspects for Jews back when they first came out?It was because they were discriminated against just for being Jewish and will often treat it as first class citizens. looked up the guy who was hanged in prison and whose mother was whenever found when his criminal was found to have serious flaws but people wouldn't let the legal system and actual law determine his guilt or innocent.
Johnny is gay???
>Jewish "hero"
>a literal golem
bravo Nolan
If you actually look at golems in the religion of Judaism there's nothing inherently evil about them.The Fantastic Four thing was made by two Jewish people who did not have any issues themselves with this giant rock guy as a member of the team. I don't think he was originally intended to be Jewish like that was probably made multiple years after he became well known but he was made by just people to begin with.LLike most of the big name superheroes mainstream audiences actually know now.
Isn't Peter Parker jewish?
No despite what some people will yell at you on the internet Jewish offers and creators do not make every character they possibly can Jewish. in fact I'm pretty sure you look as protagonists created by Jews and what percentage of them are Jewish I think it would be less than like 10 even out of the comic book superhero industry.
I think that's his nephew aka Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman's son,
>invent capeshit
Reddit is down the hall
Supposedly it was a typo, it was corrected to "killer" in reprints.
>Why is there so much more Jewish representation in media despite the fact they are such a minute portion of the population?
Because they got the low paying media jobs when they immigrated from Europe and worked their way up through the industry during the last century.
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>Harley's Massive Jiggly Khazar Milkers
Canonical Massive Jiggly Khazar Milkers.
>Whassamatta? Why can't a guy wid a highly mutated rock skin birth defect be Jewish? Y' sayin' Rabbi Sacks got a problem wi' da disabled? Just cause I was too difficult to circumscise, don't mean jack shit!
Did someone say Khazar milkers?
>THE Golem of Prague wasn't evil, he just got so bored he went on a rampage out of boredom. Golems are actually very nice people, and considering that my wife's office has just had 'Golms are made of p0o" sprayed on her office door again by some kind of bigot I would really, really love it if you went down there and told her what you thought as she'll probably put a flaming arrow in your head
Why are you even on this board faggot
>Johnny is gay???
Anon, he's been flaming since the 1960s.
Only the version in the Spiderverse movies.
WASPs considered popular entertainment lowbrow and sinful but they didn't care if Jews, blacks, and Italians did it so they came to dominate the business.
>If you actually look at golems in the religion of Judaism
...you would know they aren't a part of the religion? Golems aren't part of Torah or any version of Talmud. They don't feature in rituals or any folklore outside of the single very speciffic legend from Prague that mostly gained traction among gentiles. You might as well that Black Widow is a part of germanic paganism because of Thor in Avengers. If you don't know shit about dick, don't claim to be an expert.
"We only control everything because we were OPPRESSED!"
the khazar literally can't bear not being seen as the victim at all times.
Except that Jews don't control everything and never did control everything they got into these positions of power because it wasn't as easy to openly discriminate against them such as the black people but being representative in things like fictional media by having one side character out of every 20 Other Side characters and all the protagonist does not mean by any measurement that they are controlling the media. it's in the Middle East with Jews are openly discriminated against by the government.And why are you talking about the Russians you do know us and Russia are nowhere near the same country where nowhere near the same history?
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i assume you can look up the names at the top yourself.
>And why are you talking about the Russians
noone talked about russians.
Is you evidence name in one rich guy part of a collaboration company who owns multiple smaller companies with big public names people know?You do know just because one guy at one rank for the company happens to be Jewish doesn't mean the Jewish people hide mind control that company, yes ?Or are these just businessmen who owns some stock in the company and somehow to Jewish people mean the both of these Jews magically have control of the same company together in your eyes just because of two Jews with some stock in it?Not to mention in that last image you got Disney twice and Marvel and people on this website are completely aware get Marvel is owned by Disney now.
can hardly comprehend what you are trying to convey.
the 6 companies own 90% of USA media. the owners of those companies are all jews.
>the 6 companies own 90% of USA media.
Nor real

There are thousands of completely separate methods of media most of which cannot be controlled by the single person who owns the company at the top case in point No One controls everything being being Say on YouTube as long as it's legal it can pretty much stay up there. Aso I question if English is your first language and if you're actually taught professional English because you're not using capitals at the beginning of your sentence. Not like weird we forgotten ones but it seems consistent like your keyboard doesn't even have a way to do capital. Which might mean your actually from an authoritarian country with no freedom for the master to talk online who want to influence how others see their own country like go after your juice so we can go out to them all across the Middle East ourselves without consequences.
I wonder if JIDF are still active on the site
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I'm pretty sure they will never active on this website and no someone defending Israel's legal right to exist does not mean make somebody a member.
I sold all my Comics because of the Jewish Zionist influence. The USA is run by Jews you stupid Americans. You do nothing but serve your Jewish overlords' interests. Your children die in wars abroad because the Kikes command it. You will never be free. Fuck Israel Free Palestine.
wtf jews are based????
Do you want to be banned for a week?And why you even on this phone if you destroy comic books? And where are you actually?
your bad english gives it away
>Falcon (presumably) listed as being the most notable superhero created by Lee without Kirby alongside Strange, Daredevil and Spider-Man
... That can't be. What about Captain Marvel? Hawkeye? Flash Thompson? Stripperella?
Give what a way? You think I'm Israel for some reason because I acknowledge illegally International recognize State get my home country at Canada and most of the world recognize likes to exist does have the right to exist.Just because I forgot to delete one mistaken would?
holy ESL what are you even trying to say
calm down Avi
And I noticed this is coming from someone not using a proper Capital At the beginning of his sentence nor a period whatsoever but use ESL in capitals that makes me question legitimately if you're even from an English speaking free country. scratch that I don't care if your phone in English speaking country but what I do care about if you're faking you are English first language while not having the ability to capitalize with anyone who should be fluent in English should be able to do on the keyboard so I'm thinking your a government media warrior from under for a authoritarian country.

Hey look another non-capital at the beginning of a sentence and no period. And you seem to be very anti-semitic I wanted those are connected as you accuse anyone who defends Jews are not being evil incarnate of being Israeli because for some reason anyone who's not antisemite has to be some sort of Jewish person in your eyes.
either this is really advanced trolling or you are legit retarded
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You're calling me an outdated term for mentally handicapped because I know this you don't use a capital at the beginning of your sentence even after it's been pointed out multiple times? Along with the fact you don't use periods? People have called me government agents for significantly less evidence than this when I'm have never worked for any government agency in my life.And you don't seem to have an counter argument besides name calling and insults. And your name calling is a matter of childhood by calling me insulting things without any actual reasoning to back it up.
Besides we're supposed to be talking about Jewish characters not Jews on the international World stage .
what the FUCK are you talking about
>/pol/tards are constantly in a state of utter misery. They feel no happiness or enjoyment about anything, it's all about making other people feel worse by comparison
Again with this projection? People with observational skills aren't all sad sacks with no lives, dumbass. I feel pretty fine. Not my fault I'm just not a mindless shill for a religon that takes more from countries than it ever gives back.
You're so happy and that's why racist are known to be such murderers at the drop of a hat?How happy do you think Alex Jones is with his company
He went into were no jew has gone before
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Hard working, blue collar job with little pay?
Are you implying there's no such thing as an average blue collar Jewish person in America.Because that happen to be what most Jews in America happened to be.
>this retard has never seen Fiddler on the Roof
That one guy sponsored by the bank in watchmen
"The story centers on Tevye, a milkman in the village of Anatevka, who attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon his family's lives."

and hopefully never will. sounds like something any other ethnicity or religion would be cancelled for.
No keeping your traditions of your culture is not something people get canceled for? It's a regular thing that happens in America all the time and even why cultural traditions and religions keep those to the modern day. And no being a white supremacist is not a cultural tradition .
jews didn't invent anything. "capeshit" admittedly came from The Scarlet Pimpernel, and potentially other stuff on this list:

early Batman books were not just inspired by, but literally had tracing from The Shadow comics.
>jews didn't invent anything.
Do you know about nuclear power or the atom bomb do you know about the science done by Thomas Edison? Do you actually think there's no such thing as a Jewish inventor because you can't contribute to society in your world because something something they're the devil incarnate? also who is Spider-Man Daredevil Superman do you think just because someone else contributed to the creation of the superhero as a genre Jews contributed nothing if they want the first step in all of it?
"The story centers on Cletus, a milkman in the village of Texas, who attempts to maintain his WASP religious and cultural traditions as outside influences (like jews, muslims, blacks, mexicans, atheists) encroach upon his family's lives."

yeah, doesn't sound like something to be cancelled for.
What are his wasp traditions? And what does that even supposed to mean? is it the client gets in the way with first degree murder by having police officers members obey the grand wizard instead of the law?Is it the gym clothes he's trying to stop? is he magically outnumbered by various minorities despite being a white in a state where white are definitely the majority by a long shot ? And this concept of cancel culture has never really been half as powerful as the people complaining about it says it is? I mean it took a lawsuit and just being an ass for refusing to pay in order to take down his company.
>Bitch don't know what a simple joke is
Has the flak you been getting cause of Israel's terrible handing of Palestine really eroding your sense of humor?
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>*sigh* "I'm not getting a single tip am I?"
Maybe Hamas should have been the last person in the Palestinian should have put in charge of the Gaza Strip after being given what could have been Independence and a way to move forward in the police process by Israel. iInstead of backstabbing
breaking every agreement they signed the moment it the moment they are able to without suffering immediate consequences and trying to destroy Israel. I feel for the Palestinians but they never should have give Hamas any power to decide to do anything for the people as a group in the Gaza Strip.
honestly not easy to decypher what you are writing. WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestants

a content centered around a WASP protecting his family's identity and culture from outside influences would be called racist and xenophobic. or even just a white or christian person in general attempting that.

>If you just had laid down and taken it goy. Now look what you made me do!

not that anon but come the fuck on man. not even kikes themselves laid down and ate shit when they got getthoed. and yes they still got fucked by the SS
I'm not saying they should commit ethnic cleansing in as we all but what I'm saying is Hamas has been trying to do it since they took over Gaza and the Palestinians there never should have let them get into power and also I'm not Jewish. The Palestinians are not being actively cleansing the Gaza Strip they're being used as human seals by genocidal terrorist group Hamas who's found in Charter says we're going to commit ethnic cleansing in Israel and then internationally. Not to mention throughout most of this so-called ethnic cleansing the Palestinian population has been shooting up like a locket at an unsustainable level before the current conflict begun they don't need to lay down and die they need to lay down trying to kill everyone in Israel and get rid of Hamas.
stupid fucking kikes
It's about him learning to accept his daughters turning away from tradition.
You know, Ben is based on Jack Kirby who was technically 'jewish' but he was a bible thumping Christian and Hannakah is an anti-christ holiday. Jack would not approve, tho maybe not intended as an insult.
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Yeah, jews who leave their shitty religion behind, abandon their stupid use of the black clothing and weird hat for everything they do are based, they can still celebrate their religious days all they want, the only moment they turn from being imbeciles into based guys is when they embrace a normal life without spitting for every little interaction with anyone else.

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