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why was the marra one of the only villains-of-the-week to get a victory over her?
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She had an army of Marras
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For me it's Kelly
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kelly and twintails?
was twintails their leader?
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Because she was cartoon original and not in the comic, most of the content with Hilda's friends was cartoon original since they're basically cameos only in the comic, the comic only focus on Hilda and her mom
that's why so many anons hated the giant movie because it changed so much from the comic, plus the last season was entirely cartoon original
>that's why so many anons hated the giant movie because it changed so much from the comic
i dont know who told you that, but the movie was one of the best things to come out of hilda
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Nah I think Kelly was. Twintails was second in command which also made her cuter.
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>Smallest Marra, likely the youngest
Kelly was a new marra, not part of the main group. Most likely there wasn't really a lead Marra, but Kelly had the right kind of personality to take charge once she joined.
Probably team captain on her field hockey team now.
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>Even Twintails timeskip height is below that of some of her peers before the timeskip
Now give source.
Is he making her cum from headpats?
>kelly joins a sports team
>spends less and less time with the marra
>twintails gets increasingly irritated at her more frequent disappearances from the group
>she starts making fun of kelly whenever she can, trying her best to get kellys attention
>kelly gets more and more distant because of it, and starts to spend more time at practice, which causes twintails to get even more aggressive
>kelly starts to think twintails actually hates her and starts avoiding her
>twintails confronts kelly in a fit of anger asking why she doesnt want to hang out with the marra anymore
>kelly, who is now fed up with her, says that maybe she is outgrowing the marra and she might want to be normal for a change
>she expects twintails to be outraged but instead she is on the verge of tears
>twintails starts sobbing about how she has been afraid this whole time that kelly was going to outgrow her and move on and leave her alone
>kelly listens to her and starts tearing up as well and hugs twintails telling her she is so sorry that she left her out
>twintails can only barely apologize for being such a menace, though trying and failing to sound like its not a big deal
>after a while they start kissing, too lost in the catharsis
>they exit the room, still putting their clothes back on and smiling
>kelly makes a joke about how twintails doesnt need to worry about being outgrown now that she is a woman
>twintails playfully bumps kellys shoulder before they both leave the school
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The marra should have had more appearances.
where they get fucked by older white men.
That would be a terrific addition to the story
>mara girls try to mess with an adult man.

>he uses all their cunnies
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Yes, both at the same time
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they can have each other, david gets hilda
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My shit appears here bros feelsgoodman
the power of cuteness
David is gay.
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Drawfren from our threads, VDK. He’s cool
I think it’s more just getting bodily contact from him at all
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David is gonna fuck every girl in Trollberg, starting with Frida.
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*eats cutely*
Any requests?
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Mignola’s spot-on, Hilda’s setting is its best feature for how Luke made it feel. Makes me just want to see more about what else exists in that world, because so much does
Hilda beating up Trevor
>what if Hilda and Frida were Stacy girls obsessed with their phones?
>frida: my mom is like super annoying.
>hilda: oh yeah?
>frida: yes, she is bothering me to clean my room.
>hilda: omg, I understand, my mom is the same, bitch.
>Frida: I know! I told her "bitch, my room cleans itself"
>hilda: that's how it's done, bitch.
>frida: you understand me, I love you, bitch.
>hilda: I love you too, bitch.
Sounds like the end result of Frida casting a spell to make the two of them popular at school only for it to backfire and alter their memories and personalities forcing David and Twig to go on a quest to talk to the witches before it becomes permanent
Hilda done by Disney
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hilda pulling david by the tie, taking him for adventure
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David trying to kabedon hilda
But instead of looking smooth he looks goofy and hilda is trying not to laugh
Alternate universe where Hilda becomes a marra post series
I want to see her give off a cryptid vibe
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Hilda would never become like that
(she’s gonna be a stoner, homegrown style)
As well as original stuff I’d wanna see Hilda adapt norwegian poems and arthurian myth. Go as far as Orlando Furioso even
>Hilda rides a Hippogriff to the dark side of the moon to find something she lost
Also Hilda world is 100% a flat earth with an ice wall and jotunheim outside it
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Hilda is too short.
>Hey David, Frida, check out these magic mushrooms Woodman traded me. Wanna try them?
Doesnt that make it easier to try and trap her that way?
Not that david could ever show any dominance over a menace like hilda regardless of height
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Hilda is just the right height!

does he have more artwork? or an archive where one can find all of them??
>hilda prides herself as a tiny terror
>but secretly hates it when people call her short
>eventually asks david if he thinks she should be taller
>david just scoops her up in a hug and says she is already the perfect size
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Hilda in this outfit.
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is not is not is not is not is not
Hmm well here https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/97297799 and here https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/co.desu.meta/filename/Vdk/page/1/ i suppose
Twintails kissing David.
And if you take nsfw requests, Louise and Eugene having underwater sex.
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There was a thing in the magical creatures book claiming Deerfoxes like Twig only become companions to great adventurers and explorers and discoverers
I imagine an adult Hilda would become like a delver in Made in Abyss: ventures deep out into folklore wastelands on an expedition, discovers a single new amazing civilisation or artifacts or land, retreats back to human territory to share her discoveries. Repeat again in 6 months.
That’s how classical explorers used to traverse the world, actually. Would take a long time and be an incredibly grueling ordeal to discover a new landmass or bring home a new invention they found on the other side of the globe, so they devote their entire lives to the pursuit of it hoping they’ll be succesful
How did you even find this?
No bucket is required.
Requesting (YOU) being there in the next miss /co/, drawing and giving your support to Hilda
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teenage hilda doing like Riley, trying to look cute
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>Check AO3
>No David/Kaisa fics
How comes?
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>ywn be a cute child around Hilda's age
>ywn be disciplined by mommy Johanna
Like how david's mom is just cool with it kek, she probably expected worse.
Fantasy/knight au hilda and david
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If all my son’s friends were girls i’d understand this is inevitable with at least one of them
Anthology books of Hilda at different ages
Highschool discovering more Nordic myths
Volunteering for an expedition to the Antarctic equivalent in their world at college-age
Becoming professional/lifelong explorer in her 20s
Moving back to her old cottage at 30
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highschool Hilda going out with Johanna on her first hunting trip
ends with her stuffing a wendigo head
But being ok with them being alone in room together after knowing they are crushing is a bit crazy lol. That's how you get another hilda, David's mom
since Nightmare Spirit was Hilda getting more than she could handle because she couldn't admit she was scared, and David saving her for the first time. I guess as their first bonding story so they could lean on eachother more going forward
Apparently from Luke the comics were originally going to cover the Fairy Plot of S3, but the show could cover more of it
for reference: Luke's referring to a panel from 'The Stone Forest' book, where Johanna gets creeped out by a Hill that looks like a Fairy Mound and doesn't let Hilda go near it
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David likes older ladies
you niggas are not ready for fem Trevor...
too normal
Hilda’s first hunt is to bag a Gloson (giant white boar with razor sharp spikes on its back, that also breathes fire). It’s bad for the woods so hunting it helps the wildlife
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Alternate universe where Hilda becomes a woodman in mountain king
She’s just the same except very rude. Turns out all woodmans are like that
>Woodman eats elves, apparently
That explains why he could see them without signing anything. Maybe they only bet cards when he’s full. like lions and zebras that drink at the same watering hole
David is for men.
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I still need to make a long haired version of her, but I'm still very fond of this one
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Trevor at 11: Damn I hate girls
Trevor at 13: Damn Hilda kinda pretty...
Idea for an episode. Hilda gets another time travel macguffin this time sending her to the future. Hilda finds out she's married to Trevor. Trevor is also a lot more calm.
Share when you do, i think she’d look great with long hair (and put David next to her for scale kek)
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already started with Frida
Target Species in Hilda?
Stollenwurms/Tatzelwurms would be perfect for that
>Half Cat Half Dragon with bristles on its back that exhales knock out gas
>cats are an invasive species that destroy the fauna chain of wherever they go, and the stollenwurm gives birth to litters if not hunted
>stories about hunting them exist
Plus a dragon with cat limbs/a cat head just seems like something out of Hilda. Like the merlions in trollberg
Oh I certainly will! And I already have them together XD adult Louise is there because I'm using them as height reference for adult Trevor
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a hilda thread at last
i don't even know why I look forward to a Hilda thread popping up in the catalog as much as I do, I just do
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because Hilda’s the best, it’s perfectly understandable anon
this is so incredibly hot.
please long haired version.
maybe with a "twintail" but in a long braid?
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>thats the bad future
>in the good future, she settles down in tofoten with david
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Hilda’s too adventureheaded to care about boys or be affected by hormones
When she feels warm and fuzzy and fluttery whenever David’s grabbing her somewhere it’s because she’s just really excited to go exploring with him
imagine. she's endured hundreds of scares. each one more extreme than the previous. every time her daughter comes on tops and Hilda's behavior gets normalized. she hates being the bad guy. she doesn't want to be standing in Hilda's way. time after time she loosens her rules. maybe it's ok to come home after dusk. maybe it's fine she had a run in with a troll. maybe it's all fine. then one day, she gets a call. Hilda's not coming back. and it's her fault
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Easy to understand why she wouldn’t want Hilda to go pursuing these things with how seriously she takes it when Hilda almost dies (which is every episode). The baby troll in Mountain King feels shitty when it’s there basically mocking her that her daughter has gotten kidnapped, she can’t do shit to get her back and now here’s a hideous monster in her place ruining your home
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hilda wants someone who can keep up with her when they are out adventuring
she also needs someone who will jump in and save her when she goes too far
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>when Hilda almost dies (which is every episode)
take a drink from your mug every time Hilda escapes a second from death
Such is the life of an adventurer
the fairy genes compel Hilda to seek the wilderness, it’s not (entirely) Johanna’s fault.
I gotta resit the finale to remember Johanna’s childhood. It must be even worse thinking your daughter might dissapear in the woods if she remembers that happening to her Mum and Dad in the past
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Are troll posts allowed?
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she fears nothing but two-wheeled vehicles
There are no enough Eugene fanart out there.

no, not counting that self inserting ship guy
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Speaking of Riley, this scene but with S3 Hilda.
she loves fish
I guess I shall be thankful I don't know who that is.
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