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>nu-darkwing duck
That just a fucking April from TNMT 2023 movie
This looks an example character from a page in a TRPG exactly three people on earth have played.
seth rogen is the executive producer
AI generated slop but if you say it's official /co/ will take the bait because it's an opportunity to say slurs.
>Implying we need an "opportunity" for that
Newfag detected.
on a real casting website uploaded in 2023
This website name is sketchy as shit and the agency it's referring to hasn't existed under that name for 4 years, before the reveal was even made, and went defunct in 2024. They rebranded to A3 in 2020 and used the website a3artistsagency.com that got taken down after going defunct as shown by their linkedin
Nice larp, however.
real, though
also proof this site has existed for awhile
This is for a show called Ducky Appleyard. It has nothing to do with Darkwing Duck.
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Was Unca Dinna gonna be in it?
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Unfortunately, i can back up that this is very real
Why all the typos? At least it seems to be consistently replacing "ti" and "tt" with different letters/symbols. Is this some kind of security thing?
based leaker

nothing based, nothing leaked. that's some obvious bullshit. fucking "8duck", really?
I can't tell if you're intentionally being oblivious or if you're just dumb
Because chatGPT.
If this is real post the animatic or finished animation test

I’m not sure what to make of this, since you could use AI to make these pictures these days pretty easily.

The main issue is with this whole idiotic idea is that Darkwing had a canon adopted daughter, Gosalyn, who would be easy as fuck to make the new, POC feminist female young main character instead of Darkwing if that’s what you wanted to do (she’s adopted and a duck and her voice actress is dead, so make her whatever “race”).

By the time you’ve leapfrogged over even the “next generation” of characters in the show that existed, what the point of even making it DWD, let alone “accurate,” if it’s just about some generic self-insert OC?
You’re right about that.

It’s also not set in St. Canard but on some far-off future swampland inhabited by monsters where they’re trying to save the Universe or something.

As much as the Ducktales reboot was a change by making DWD a tv show and a bunch of the characters actors, this almost seems even further off.
how is there gonna be old man Darkwing without a young milf Gosalyn
She shows up in one of those pictures as an adult if it’s real and not AI. It just doesn’t make any sense to me why they wouldn’t just make Gosalyn the center of a reboot if they wanted the main character to be female. She already is a headstrong female character who wants to be a superhero and has her dad Darkwing as her mentor. The Latina one from the Ducktales reboot was even really well received outside of here.

Instead the rest of this “leak” looks like some generic new series like Amphibia with a duck and then DWD is grafted on, I mean how does this look like a Batman parody which is the heart of og DWD? Along with other superhero parodies, but that doesn’t look like Gotham.
Is this the Rogen version? What’s with all the swear words?
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Sean Tretta worked on Picard. Makes since why this is weird depressing bullshit lol
I feel like about the only thing I can believe is that this was a scrapped Seth Rogan version where Darkwing Duck was completely redone to just be a Seth Rogan self insert who smokes tons of weed and rants about atheism and the new Disney execs mandated they add a new “diverse” little girl to be Seth Rogan duck’s sidekick because they have no fucking idea what the original was or that it was about him having Gosalyn as his sidekick (along with Launchpad) already.
It got taken down, any archive?
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This seems too recent to be scrapped. The casting document dates back exactly a year around the same time the "duckie" name was leaked on the disinsider
and the script in the second pdf isn't even a year old. Way too recent
Thats ick
What’s the point of Darkwing Duck with NO Gosalyn and no Launchpad where none of the Fearsome Five or Negaduck of the other villains were ever real but just the paranoid delusions of some old guy who lived in a swamp called “Draco” Mallard, and Darkwing Duck was never real, and he was never Darkwing Duck? Superhero show with no superhero or supervillains?
The link was taken down before I could read the full thing, so there may be an answer or resolution to all of this, but it was wiped before I could read post page 5.
It's bad OCR from being scanned from another document, is my guess
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I'll repost the pages
If this is real and happening, it seems like the best case scenario is one where eventually they learn that Darkwing Duck was real and that was some kind of scheme, but until then we’re stuck in some brand new mundane AU with none of the original characters except Drake, no Darkwing Duck, a weird replacement goldfish for Gosalyn while she’s become a mom estranged from her dad, no real St. Canard but a swamp instead, etc. And worst case scenario he really is just a crazy QAnon Trump supporter and the whole original series was what, a delusion, and all the villains and Launchpad were never real.
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Okay, I’ll bite, if the whole idea is that they’re just skipping dimensions, why doesn’t this cross Darkwing’s mind since he travels to the Negaverse which is an alternate universe before.
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why does this person say “shit” so much. makes you sound not confident in your work.
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>btw this is from the original series
Holy cringe
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now the test script
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Is it professional to just reference a movie scene in a pitch document?
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References and comparisons are very common I'm pretty sure. I remember in the leaked Hailey's On It bible they literally portrayed the scientist from the future as a female Rick from Rick and Morty. It helps get the point across
…it’s supposed to be heartwarming that negaduck stole DWs life and cucked him?
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So is there some fucking reason they can’t spell “narcissist” or “narcissism” a single fucking time

>Morgana from the original show just marries Negaduck and I guess Negaduck becomes Gosalyn’s dad despite having tried consistently to murder them for years and we’re encouraged to see that as a good thing so Drake can just be Duckie’s dad now

That’s fucking creepy dude
>the bad guys are edgy evil fucked up Minnie Mouse and edgy Goofy and evil Donald and Pluto

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Yeah wtf
Negaduck is p much just a purely evil psychopath in the original and while they can change that and redeem him sure (it’s a fucking Disney cartoon) I don’t know how to feel about something where he’s just permanently taken over the original Darkwing’s life and we’re meant to see that as a good thing

I mean Darkwing seems like he’s being treated as an asshole and a “narcisssttt” for coping badly with being sent to a different dimension but that Gosalyn isn’t really his daughter and those people aren’t his loved ones and he’s not their real Drake either. Also they’re not the characters we the audience know either then apparently.
I’m confused. Where is the Drake in this world then? It seems weird we’re supposed to accept that this is his “home” now when these aren’t his original friends/family besides launchpad
Yeah but also fuck this, the heart of the original series was Darkwing and Gosalyn’s relationship, but this isn’t Gosalyn. This is some new AU Gosalyn and she doesn’t even act like Gosalyn. The whole story is about Darkwing and a new OC Duckie and Darkwing never sees actual Gosalyn from the show ever again and neither do we.

All this shit, the original Darkwing Duck was not just about Darkwing Duck, there was a whole cast of characters we got attached to and now apparently everyone we came to know and love is in some other dimension and we and Darkwing are expected to be just fine with that. For an edgy series like Rick and Morty that’s even supposed to be unsettling and edgy and unhappy.
>Le heckin Mickey and Friends… BUT EVIL
There is an absolute zero percent chance if this is real that this Darkwing show will ever come out. Disney would never let “Mickey Goofy etc are evil” even in an alternate universe to happen
This is Pibby but with a company who wouldn’t allow even a pilot for that
>darkwing duck loses his ego and becomes humble
what is with all these people trying to humanize cartoon characters? where is the fun in darkwing if he’s not an egotistical prick? this reminds me of the gex cartoon that was scrapped where he was supposed to become a “fleshed out” character who didn’t make catchphrases anymore.
Well, it's probably still in development unless some insider anon can confirm if it's been cancelled or not. Disney let that Chip n Dale 2022 movie happen after all and they can just request changes to parts of the story they don't like
There seems to be some sort of fetish thing going on with Darkwing specifically having his ego forced out of him by a girl
Even with Ducktales when Drake had no real ego we had that infamous Gosalyn tweet
Is this Rogen’s or is Sean Tretta doing his own pitch?
Please keep these “people” far the fuck away from Talespin and Figment
The “evil edgy Mickey is the big evil villain” does sound like Pibby and like a big joke

Dude weed lol

Darkwing Duck routinely gets to the point of sacrificing himself (I mean, being willing too), swallowing his pride, putting his ego aside and all of that other shit at the end of each episode.

Like a lot of syndication shows at the time, the whole continuity just resets to the status quo at the end of each ep so they can be aired in any order or picked up or dropped wherever, so there’s no movement or development for the most part aside from a handful of minor things like the Simpsons etc. and mostly nothing changes. How do people not get this.

It’s not particularly a problem that this “moral” happens again but the much bigger problem here for Darkwing is that he’s trapped in a totally different dimension away from his actual family friends and life WTF!?!?! It’s an extremely real complaint that has nothing at all to do with his fucking ego
Talespin would be about a retired Baloo who is miserable now and gets a new crop of diverse animals to operate the business
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assuming this tweet is accurate, timeline seems to be
>Ducktales Reboot creators pitch Darkwing reboot, gets rejected
>Seth pitches Darkwing reboot, gets rejected
>latest pitch of the reboot is from Sean
It’s a problem when you’re implying to keep with it the entire next season. But yeah, the other dimension shit is weird. Another anon brought it up already but we’re supposed to be happy Negaduck is good and feels loved now even though he stole Darkwing’s life?
If shit like a full pitch bible leaks = it’s never coming out
I heard it was cancelled on threads before and if that document that leaks the entire plot is legit it’s never coming out
Don’t forget that he married Rebecca but they got divorced
So the Universe unravels when you meet yourself from another dimension but not when Darkwing fights his archenemy Negaduck from the series who is an evil him from another dimension.

I’m glad this script at least mentions Negaduck because it’s so easy to imagine this being just the same with no mention of probably Darkwing’s most iconic enemy being an alternate version of himself from an alternate dimension so props to them. But the fact this evil him takes over the original Darkwing’s life in the original series show and universe and Darkwing is shown as the one with a problem and as an asshole if he’s not happy about it is so fucking weird. Yeah I totally trust Negaduck.

Also what happened to the Drake Darkwing replaced? If he comes back and wants his actual family back will Darkwing tell him to fuck off too and then he’ll be the asshole if he doesn’t?
What makes dark reboots like this cringe but something like, I don’t know, Joker 2019 enjoyable?
joker 2019 isn’t trying to inject itself into canon

1. Joker 2019 is an Elseworlds story, not someone claiming to do a sequel or revival and then fucking the actual characters over. Of course obnoxious fans will bitch anyway but really if someone is just trying to say they’re just doing the one thousandth spin on a general concept and not claiming they’re the actual characters the bar is way way lower to me, it’s okay if they have very little in common besides some minor details as inspiration.

2. The Joker has been edgy though granted on and off since the very beginning and this is a fucking lighthearted Disney gag cartoon. It’s edgy “when you really think about it” so it isn’t in other words. It’s about a superhero duck and is funny and heartwarming and not political or topical but parodies comics and superheroes.
I like how people jumped on it calling it fake because it looked AI generated. As if fucking DISNEY wouldn't reduce themselves to using AI...
Oh, I would also have to say that even the “dark” episodes of the of like Darkwarrior Duck don’t end on something like Darkwing never gets to see his Gosalyn or other friends or family besides launchpad again while Negaduck replaces him in the of universe and it’s shown as a happy ending, that’d be like the evil future where he’s an evil fascist in Darkwarrior Duck never gets undone but he learns a lesson so it is shown as a happy ending.

I think an ending where DARKWING dies but original Gosalyn from the of Universe lives on would even be more fitting for the tone of the original as a bittersweet ending anyway. She’s just gone and the show doesn’t even really acknowledge it.
It’s more the AI combined with the insanely off grammatical errors (sometimes just being random gibberish) and at times nonsensical sentences of the original that are having people think this is AI generated
it being on a real casting website basically confirms its legitimacy
so wait are these leaks from Rogan's pitch or Sean's pitch?
Duckie is presumably something different
If /co/ hates it then it means is good like the Recess reboot

Negaduck actually did have Darkwing’s support system in the Negaverse including a nice Gosalyn who was more loving and nicer than Darkwing’s Gosalyn but was Negaduck was still evil.

Morgana has faced off against Negaduck before, she knows who he is and that he’s impersonated Darkwing, Negaduck has hit on Morgana to manipulate her and she’s punched him in the face in response.

It’s kind of strange to focus this on their brand new quirky female character they’ve totally gutted the two female characters of the original series. Morgana fought Negaduck and had an arc (to the limited extent any character really did in this series) about becoming a superhero and starting a new legitimate business after being an evil businesswoman before but now she’s just banging the bad guy she used to fight. Gosalyn was a total tomboy athlete and funny comic nerd with a bunch of hero secret identities but now she’s a harried housewife and mother who’s barely in it and seems to have no real personality. The “girlboss” that missed the comedy aspect of Gosalyn (Tad Stones mentioned that OG Gosalyn was based off of Calvin from “Calvin & Hobbes”) missed her weirder imaginative side but this seems like a step down even from that.

I feel like this isn’t the only thing I’ve seen into propping up a new diverse female OC and kind of beating up the male characters on the surface but if you take five seconds to look what it did to the female characters who were actually in some cases really feminist, groundbreaking, diverse, etc. is a ton worse and it’s just so odd.

No it is still by Rogen's studio, Sean is just the showrunner like The Boys, Invincible and TMNT having different people in charge but Point Grey Pictures still being involved and Seth only credited as producer

> But it was purely borne out of, like, an afternoon we spent together, you know? And so it’s all borne out of our interests. Ninja Turtles is something I loved as a kid. We have a lot more things like that that we’re working on, this Darkwing Duck show and things like that.

Why have Darkwing be commentary on qanon people if he ends up being completely right
The unprofessionalism only adds to its credibility.
I don’t know that and Elon Musk and also evil versions of Mickey Donald and the gang being the bad guys is so confusing. It partly feels like wanting to make Qanon, Elon Musk, and even corporations like Disney suddenly the villain to be curren and topical but in a totally incoherent and tone deaf way.

Like in Wish, the new protagonist in a young female racial minority somehow although she is a duck? It would have been easy to do that with an existing character, Gosalyn, and the Ducktales reboot even did that with her. But that’s not enough, we need a brand new diverse female character with purple hair, and now Darkwing is an evil Qanon Republican uncle. What?
How cringe
Looks like a 2008 OC bio i'd find on deviantart more like
Molly would be an ace pilot flying the Seaduck and Don Karnage would be in a gay relationship with Shere Khan.
I never got the point of a reboot of an old nostalgic property that adds politics or stuff that's meant to make you feel bad. Isn't the entire point of nostalgia to take you back to a time when you were young and happy?
Seth Rogan being involved in anything should be a instant boycott.
Last part is based and should happen though
Don Karnage was always a fucking fruitcake, who are you kidding?
I was supposedly given Leaked Art of Gosalyn from the Seth Rogan version that clashes with this pitch
I hate this version too, but I'm surprised that this is a totally different version you guys have. Anyone have anymore info on what this was?
Unlike most people here, I don’t mind them deciding that Don Karnage is gay or some shit, it would not exactly be surprising.

What I do hate is this pattern of deciding that all of the old male characters that you loved are evil Republicans who are all Trump stand-ins, plus they’re pathetic losers who must be destroyed by brand new self inserts of nepobaby writers or executives but as these idealized versions of themselves that are flawless girlboss poor working class lgbtqbbqaaaiii++++ ladiezz with vitiligo and heterochromia who are immigrants and wtf instead of whiny rich het white cis fucks like they are in real life. What the fuck is this shit?

It seems to be true even if the male characters originally were pretty progressive and there were actually female characters and diverse characters in the original properties but people have no interest in that and instead want to do a “Men Bad” strawman about the GOP/Trump with unrecognizable punching bags on one side and their brand new Mary Sue OCs on the other. Darkwing Duck = Qanon?! WTF? He’s skeptical of conspiracy shit when it comes up in the original show even when it is true. I hope there isn’t some plot where he rants about how strong women are terrible only the get proven wrong by purple haired Mary Sue like he wasn’t proud of his daughter. Ok to be fair that part is me getting mad at nothing so far, but the Qanon and Elon Musk stuff seems very cringe, and again I would be all for Latina Gosalyn and gay DW and LP unlike the vast majority of people here.
See but I don’t hate it, at least it’s fucking Gosalyn. It’s the difference between the imperfect and the totally off. I have some nitpicks with Spicy Latinx Gosalyn sure but that is a goddamn masterpiece compared to this shit. Maybe if instead of supposedly being a sequel the version with Duckie or whatever the fuck was a hard reboot.
>Unlike most people here, I don’t mind them deciding that Don Karnage is gay or some shit
I think most people will be fine with any other character being gay as long as Becky and Baloo started dating and stayed together
>X was a product of its time and thus bad
>Our X is a product of our time and thus good
i went to a wax museum a little while ago and they had seth rogen there. i thought "who comes to a place like this to see seth rogen?" and then my question was immediately answered when two dyke girls walked up and started being enamored by it and talking about one of his movies. this character design appeals to his crowd.
Why is it so hard to reboot Darkwing Dark?
The question you should be asking is, "Why is it so hard for Disney to make anything that isn't god-awful in current year?"
Okay, but redesign Gosalyn herself to look like that and make her Dads Darkwing and Launchpad two homos, and you’ll get eyerolls except that you end up with something…shockingly not that different from the original series, which was about Darkwing living with Launchpad and bonding with Gosalyn, a spunky dykey little girl. Yeah it’s in a cringey way but it’s just not that far off base in the Ducktales 2017 version of that was wildly popular with exactly the crowd you’re talking about.

Why the fuck change it so much with new characters and instead of being superheroes fighting supervillains now they’re bargain bin Amphibia from the swamp with none of the cast and they fight le evil Mickey Mouse & friends plus Elon Musk so that it might as well be a new franchise when you could lean just slightly a different way and get the wokeshit they want while still being in line with the original premise more or less.
This script is like “the characters could DIE SO EDGY!!!!” over and over again but in the original Taurus Bulba murdered Gosalyn’s grandfather Bushroot murdered two scientists in his first appearance Megavolt got the death penalty twice I don’t know why they think people didn’t die in the original show.
People who watched the show did
The people who make the scripts for these reboots never watch the original show. They get their information from reading the show’s wiki pages
depends on the time. a lot of shit from the 50s sucked because of how hard conformity was pushed. the backlash to that in the 60s lead to the most massive art revolution in modern history.
That isn't something chatGPT does you fucking retarded nigger
So people can feel like they're watching something "mature" with characters they recognize
This was so awful I’m astounded that a man wrote it
I don’t see how or why someone whining about their pet causes and feelings of the moment instead of something timeless is necessarily “mature” and I don’t care which “tribe” or whatever dumbass political idea it is. Whether it’s Mr. Birchum or a preachy “liberal” show about why Poochy the rappin dog should totally recycle to the extreme (but played straight) it still seems childish and stupid not mature.

Let’s say Darkwing dealt with being a single father or Gosalyn coped with trauma, both would make sense for the characters, but these things are out of nowhere instead.
Actually thinking back the DWD BOOM! comics had more mature and serious storylines that still fit the original and made sense for the characters. More than anything this feels like the person who wrote it wasn’t very familiar with the show, I feel like that’s a running theme with mediocre reboots, but why make them if the original creative team isn’t involved and the new team isn’t Meagan’s or something?
Shit fucking autocorrect meant to type “if the new team isn’t mega fans or something” god damn it

Can you reupload the PDF please?
Literally the fucking Zone Cops from Archie Sonic.
There's so many references to other properties in the pitch. Do people have so little faith in themselves or the audience that they feel the need to make such connections to get the idea across or do they just have difficulty thinking outside of pop culture? It comes off as so cynical.
Don't know how much more of this shit we have to go through for people to see Ducktales 2017 was nowhere as bad as you made it out
I didn't hate the pitch, but it's not something I would want for more Darkwing Duck. Just have it close to the original show with new villains and if they want to do some story arcs, go ahead. The multiverse stuff is so overdone, at most, the concept should only be done for a special outside of Negaduck and the Negaverse.
Well, firstly, Mickey isn't included in the group, and secondly, they're alternate versions of them, so that would probably be the loophole.
I'm really starting to wonder if this leak was a way of cancelling the project
these are concept arts by Irineo Maramba. She stopped working for Disney in 2020 so these are presumably from the older version.
More like it was cancelled so they are ok posting the leak
If it was still going no one would dare post this. Heard it was cancelled before
here's a reupload of everything
Why does every reboot have to play the "haha the old MC is a washed up loser!" angle
Projection of their own lives.
The Fairly Oddparents reboot being the big exception, of course.
Because they are rebooting all the old shows, and the protagonists in those are either white and/or men.
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Darkwing Duck creator Tad Stones did an AMA earlier this month on reddit and mentions that very recently the writer's room was 'disbanded' for the reboot.

Not sure if that means this entire concept was scrapped or not, but it's probably the latest on where the reboot is at.
Either they're starting over from scratch again or they're done with season 1.

Speaking of Tad, apparently he's doing all the covers for an upcoming Darkwing Duck comic.
So if the new pitch is from late-2023 then they either spent the entirety of this year writing the first season or trying to make the story not shit. Which means full show could possibly come out by 2025-2026?
The Animation Guild's contract is expiring in a couple weeks and they're talking about striking. Depending on how that pans out, could be longer. Unless they bring the work to other countries.
I don't know why people are still calling this fake when the thread already established earlier the casting document is on a legitimate casting agency website that's been uploading stuff since 2015. Even the AI art excuse is flimsy at best because there's a lot of detail and coherence in the art and hardly any errors. Not to mention the designs are consistent between images and the fact that creating a fake 25-page pitch bible with a industry standard script in it would just be absolutely insane
“Disbanded” makes is sound more to me like this was scrapped, do they really use “disbanded” for a show that’s still actually running? If this was actually going to air, why would they have disbanded before knowing how it will perform?
I don't think the writers would just stick around when they're done. It basically means they moved onto the next stage of production. If the show was actually cancelled I imagine someone on the team would tell the creator about it
Is the original DWD worth watching

Is very funny how Disney TVA lied to former DuckTales 17 members who are still at the studio with the reboot being canceled
I don’t exactly mind some Multiverse shit, although it is played out as fuck and suspiciously like the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie, but I do hate this shit, because of some ways it’s the same as the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie:

1. Chip and Dale are washed up losers who need to get their mojo back and so is Darkwing.

2. Neither the RR movie or this reboot are set in the actual setting of the reboot. I just think this reboot is worse personally. The RR movie is basically an AU. This is a sequel where the actual family and characters from the original franchise dissolve in the background to no fanfare.

3. Kids at the time also watched DWD to see Launchpad, Gosalyn, Megavolt, Steelbeak, and shit and now none of them are in this, a shitty version of Darkwing himself is the only character in common. Sort of like the rest of the Rescue Rangers only had cameos in the movie.

Disinsider article mentioned that "production would start on August 2023" so yeah they finished writting and mapping the entire 10-episode season now they likely on storyboards and desings
I’ve never heard people use the term disbanded just to say the show is in another stage of production especially when a writer’s room might come back for a season 2 and 3 just because they’re not meeting at the moment though?

Them scrapping this and going back to square one wouldn’t mean “cancelled,” it looks like they have a bunch of possible pitches and presumably most or all are scrapped.
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is milf Gosalyn really such a bad thing though?
The Recess reboot made them way too successful, it felt unbelievable. Even TJ became a billionaire.
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Beacuse kids need to know what is real life....
Is it actually supposed to be a good thing Negaduck stole Darkwing’s life just because he learned to love?
You say that, but he was a billionaire.
Absolutely not, but a Gosalyn who is not the Gosalyn from the original series but a Doppelgänger from a different universe who doesn’t have original Gosalyn’s personality, history, or background and who is barely even in this show really sucks for a fan like me, who likes, well, Gosalyn and watched the show for her as much as for Darkwing.

Tad Stones said the original show was about their father daughter relationship.

It looks like the actual Gosalyn doesn’t appear and the fact that Darkwing doesn’t mourn or miss her, his real daughter, is fucking weird.

The Concept art is too well done to be a fake leak (or AI)
I don’t see the point in doing this with Darkwing. Not only is it a massive cliche, but Darkwing on the show is already a “washed up loser” of sorts who never gets any respect or recognition, he just rises to the occasion anyway when he has to, because he has to do it.

Also the Darkwing in this series is a “loser” because his evil twin has stolen his life and he’s trapped in another dimension with a bunch of strangers and will never see his family or friends again and people told him he was insane for years, that’s an actual problem.
Tad Stones didn’t mention anything about storyboards or production just that the writer’s room was disbanded. I have only ever heard people say that when a project was cancelled before.
I honestly have a hard time seeing Negaduck turning good or being chill. As this anon pointed out >>144542539, a "support system" wouldn't change Negaduck. I also remember an episode where he got repulsed and freaked out from cute and cuddly shit. It would take something really major to flip Negaduck's current mindset. But I doubt they cared since the pitch also made a jab at the "Nega" concept.
Not really. I can see Gosalyn becoming a more responsible adult after getting kids of her own.
The degree of coherency in the detail, composition etc. is completely beyond any public AI
>It looks like the actual Gosalyn doesn’t appear and the fact that Darkwing doesn’t mourn or miss her, his real daughter, is fucking weird.
Because she was basically replaced by the new character Duckie.
Bold of them to state that in the first fucking page.
would losing the original darkwing not change him? I could see the reboot trying to do a "even though they were enemies they felt depressed/lacking purpose when they were separated" thing like megamind but I wouldn't know because I never did watch the original series
I always figured Negaduck would just make everything a dystopia like the Negaverse if Darkwing wasn't around.
I get the feeling Sean never actually watched the show. I'd take Angones' pitch over the others - at least he knows what he's doing with the show.
The thing is that it's not. Darkwing Duck of old can 100% work today. "Batman but more comedic" can't really go wrong. Just make it have slightly more lorefaggotry and have longer villain arcs and fags will flock to it.
>I get the feeling Sean never actually watched the show.

Did the "It's NEGADUCK, Darkwing Duck's evil Doppelganger and arch nemesis from an evil opposite negative universe called... the NEGAVERSE - btw, this is an actual character and place from the original series." from the Pitch Document clue you in?
This. Darkwing Duck should be the easiest show to reboot or continue.
Everyone ignored the recent straightforward, traditional reboots while continuously talking about horrible subversive shit like She-ra, Velma, Rescue Rangers, He-Man, etc that intentionally tries to piss you off so now every reboot is going for outrage bait
It's supposed to be a point of reference to get a better gist of the characters and scenarios for the suits and the people working on the show. This stuff is not supposed to be public.
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>It's another "hero is washed up and needs a younger plucky female "sidekick to step in for him and pass the torch to"
For FUCKS sakes
Well, according to the pitch, they would've not had Darkwing retire and be replaced by the end at the very least.
This is closer to the pitch's core problem. If the show were about rekindling Gosalyn and Darkwing's relationship and show that even adults still need their parents, it could work. Maybe it wouldn't be perfect, but the Gosalyn and Darkwing daughter-father bond is the heart of the show. Gosalyn had a falling out with her father, and Duckie (wouldn't it be easier to make her Gosalyn's daughter?) could seek out her grandfather and the three bond as a family.

Now that I think of it, you could do something with Darkwing, Gosalyn, and Duckie akin to what DuckTales 2017 did with Scrooge, Donald, and the triplets...
But anon, what you’re not getting is that that doesn’t matter, this milf Gosalyn is NOT that Gosalyn and we have no idea at all what this Gosalyn was like as a child.

OG Gosalyn’s granddad was murdered by supervillain Taurus Bulba and saved by superhero Darkwing Duck, she spent her entire childhood going on superhero adventures with Darkwing Duck and even had her own superhero identities like The Crimson Quackette and of course The Quivering Quack.

The whole script goes out of its way to establish that no supervillains or superheroes or Darkwing Duck ever existed in this new universe, so this new Gosalyn never had all of the major events of her life or her relationships with others, in fact, why is she even with Darkwing in this universe if he was never Darkwing and there was no Taurus Bulba, what happened to her actual dad Drake, what happened to our Gosalyn? You never find out.

This Gosalyn is a brand new character with a totally new and different backstory who never had the same personality or relationship with Darkwing.
See that pitch makes sense, and without this particular stupid Multiverse shit where it’s established that original Gosalyn is still running around but Darkwing seemingly happily left her to be unknowingly adopted by Negaduck (WTF) and I guess she’s too stupid to ever notice this despite having fought Negaduck who has previously tried to impersonate her dad for years and Darkwing doesn’t give enough of a shit to ever say goodbye or ever let her know what happened or to be careful just in case Negaduck is still kind of evil (which he totally would be forever if this actually happened).
>There's people ITT that shat on Ducktales Darkwing
The whole pitch is based on second-hand knowledge of the show with no attachment to the characters and their relationships.
The irony is that plenty of fans in the 1990s would have been perfectly happy to see Darkwing retire and pass the torch to his daughter Gosalyn as Quiverwing in a sequel because it does seem like a natural progression this feels like the person doesn’t remember the show very well or something instead. The Quivering spinoff idea got discussed approvingly online in the fandom a lot back in the 1990s.
Negaduck had a very loving supportive and kind version of Gosalyn as a loving daughter in the Negaverse as well as his own Launchpad and the Muddlefoots and that wasn’t enough. If this script happened in the original show Negaduck would sapily pretend to be a changed duck and then when Darkwing and Morgana stepped out of the room Negaduck would laugh maniacally about the “suckers” and go back to his several decades’ long plot to destroy St. Canard because he’s done that before like in My Valentines Ghoul, where he tried to date Morgana and claimed to have reformed and become a good person.

I’m not even saying it’s not possible but since he’s tried to pull this as a con before it would definitely take some convincing that he’s not just bsing them again and would be better as a multi episode character arc for him or something.
Yes I admit it I am sorry. Mostly I thought rebooting was really easy, the tv show background seemed to complicate things when all you would have to do is reboot the exact same premise but now Gosalyn has an iPhone and you spend more time making fun of MCU franchise shit than Batman, how hard could it possibly be to do that? It seems so easy to do a lazy but great job. But DT 2017 is light years better than this, wow.
I think the main strength of DT 2017 over this is Angones really is obviously a huge DWD fan.

Even then I feel like even if I just knew about DWD from three minutes on Wikipedia though I would just reboot the series pretty much exactly as it was. The premise to make fun of superheroes is still right there and that never gets old.
The big issue with Negaduck is I don't think he really had any positive or sympathetic traits in the original show. He was a flat out evil counterpart. Making him change his ways defeats that whole purpose. He's Darkwing Duck, but bad.
Oddly enough, I'd say that this pitch has similar problems to DT17's ultimate issue. It goes way too hard on the Deep Lore and Complex Narrative when, ultimately, a much simpler and straightforward storyline would work better.
Why waste time with over-the-top arcs about multiverses and clone-science experiments when it's much easier to tell a simple story?

Consider: Gosalyn is a frustrated detective who cares deeply about St Canard, but the justice system is miserably broken. She's alienated herself from her father due to a falling out over a tragic accident. Duckie, Gosalyn's daughter, has a romanticized perception of her grandfather from the little pieces of information that she can find and what little her mom tells her. When she seeks out her grandpa, she finds that he was never as great as she once believed. However she thinks that he could be the very person that her mom needs to help right the wrongs of the city. (Gosalyn playing a Commissioner Gordon-type role would be a fun twist.)
Anyone find it bizarre how part of the premise is that you can't meet your alt dimension self or else it will threaten the fabric of the multiverse, but then treat it like that rule doesn't apply between Darkwing and Negaduck even though they are literally dimensional counterparts of each other?

It's like someone started out writing the first part as the rule, but then found out that Darkwing DOES have an actual counterpart from another dimension in the show and had to write around that.
Plus, you can make complex evil characters without having to make them secretly good or sympathetic in some way. I don't know why they felt the need to go against his one personality trait: being evil. Maybe I'm biased but I like him that way.
>something about how meeting negaduck doesn't threaten the fabric of reality because he's not an alternate darkwing, he's NEGADUCK

What? Did they even watch the show?
Negaduck was clearly created to be the evil twin. He was supposed to be just evil. Like, fuck, there was a scene where he licked his lips hungrily at the promise of eating bones. Maybe you could add more depth for why he's a villainous version of Darkwing, but turning him good just makes him simply Darkwing Duck, not NEGAduck. But this is just another example of people wanting to make every villain sympathetic or redeemed because they think that is depth.
I'm doubting. It's set up a whole multiverse thing and rules, yet made a odd exception between Darkwing and Negaduck even though they are dimensional counterparts. Wanna have the cake and eat it too. Unless they were planning to reveal some special connection between the two universes that had the rule not apply; like every Darkwing universe has its own Negaverse.
No, I adore your pitch and I agree. This whole plot just with Duckie as Gosalyn’s daughter and Gosalyn as actual Gosalyn instead of an alternate Gosalun works perfectly and I think it fixes every single problem that I have with this pitch while simplifying it and again you can even pretty much still do all of the beats of this pitch just fine, I don’t know why they didn’t do something more like your idea.
Nta, but the answers are obvious: Subversion and baiting people with the original show's characters by going "Will they appear in this next season? Keep watching to find out!"
I also find the name Duckie to be weird. I know we have characters with the last name Duck, but Donald was made before we really had an established universe and he was just a duck on a farm. They sort of just had to roll with it after that. Now, having a character named Duckie is like being named Humanie. Not a huge issue, I just thought it was weird.
obviously not
I don’t mind and even like redeemed villains but Negaduck’s whole schtick a bit uniquely really is being pure flat evil fore pretty much no reason because before the retcom his concept was JUST being Darkwing’s bad side stripped out by Megavolt’s Tron Splitter with zero capacity even to do good, he wasn’t a full person. They then retconned him to be an alternate universe version of Darkwing who was pure evil but kep his personality the same and him having a flat evil personality was his whole appeal and the reason for his popularity.
I don’t totally hate a redemption arc idea here but it’d be a hell of a thing and definitely not handwaved that we trust Negaduck to be so good that we’re actually happy his stole Darkwing’s life when he was a generic cliche mass murdering psychotic dictator who tried to kill everyone in St. Canard himself included solely for the giggles because cartoonishly evil torturer evil guy was his only personality.
It really reads like they wrote the whole thing having only barely heard of Darkwing Duck and just assuming that alternate dimensions and counterparts were a BRAND NEW IDEA to this franchise and its characters and then at the last minute they found out that pretty much the show’s main villain and maybe it’s most popular character is an alternate version of Darkwing from an alternate dimension and then they were like shit fuck better shoehorn Negaduck in but we’re also still too lazy to change anything to account for it.
It also just ends up making him simply Darkwing, but with a deeper voice. Like, what's the point after that?
The (now uncanon) BOOM Ducktales crossover ending with a 'Negaduck is secretly lonely' revelation was such bullshit.
Lol, I never read the comics, but they did that?
Nah I kinda liked it. He can be evil and lonely. He's still human, after all. I mean the hit him with the truth stuff was bull but I like the intricacy it adds to the character. If I wanted mindless entertainment with a bunch of 1d characters, I'd watch a Twitch stream.
Wouldn't be shocked that they didn't assume he was an evil counterpart from another dimension, since it wasn't revealed until episode 35 of the show, and before then you are already given a heavy impression of what Darkwing Duck is like.
I always wanted to know what Negaduck was like as Drake Mallard, since he seemed to be in his villain alter ego 24/7, unlike Darkwing who we've seen as his regular identity as Drake with a home life.
I don't know why they get people who aren't already fans of the show to write the reboot. Thinking about Seth's pitch fills me with dread.
I always saw Negaduck as someone who was just bored. He clearly could spend better use of his time in his own dimension, but would rather harass Darkwing's with petty crimes.
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Predict their bad futures
/co/ hated like one or two things at most about the Recess reboot and it's always about blacked Spinelli and/or dead Mikey.
Will they bring back his own gas gun as a toy?
Tad's a good sport about it, all things considering.
Baloo is divorced and there’s climate change commentary or something.

They’ll actually decently respect Kim.
Fair but spending an afternoon researching the show would reveal Darkwing’s “main enemy” of sorts who led the Fearsome Five was Negaduck an alternate universe counterpart of Darwing from an alternate dimension called the Negaverse solely from the wikis?
It can, but I don't think reading a wiki would do show you're working on justice. You'd have to watch it to really "get it".
What are the best Darkwing eps for a noobie
So I guess all the stuff posted here is scrapped and won’t make it to production
Baloo is a divorced Republican who supports segregation and is against Civil Rights, maybe he’s homeless. A spunky girlboss and her diverse queer pilots put him in his place.

Kim is still a girlboss but a spunky queer girl with vitiligo still buts her in her place, but with lots of mutual respect. She is divorced though because Ron is a washed up fat loser and a Republican who loves Trump. Kim learns she doesn’t need men and cuts Ron off, he dies a homeless alcoholic.
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I think some changes will be made for the final product of this and the Recess reboot, reminder that the Gravity Falls and Star Vs bibles had shit that didn't happen on the show.

Even the DuckTales 17 bible had changes for the final version
A lot of the problems with this seem pretty fundamental. Gravity Falls remained almost the same when it went into test animation.
Thank god.

I actually quite like Jim Starling / Negaduck by Angones. Especially if he'd end up with the same fully evil - no chance at redemption - personality as the original Negaduck. It's a fun character and the backstory only adds to that. It doesn't even make him sympathetic because he's an ass the whole time. And he's insane.
I still think the first ep “Darkly Dawns the Duck” holds up great. People used to love the Negaduck background episode “Life, the Negaverse, and Everything.”

I like the Twin Peaks parody “Twin Beaks” but maybe that’s just for TP fans?
Oh also “Fungus Amongus” “Duck Blind” “Time and Punishment” what was the Splatter phoenix one “Brush with Oblivion”?
Are they evil? They just sound like they're policing dimensional travel because it's dangerous.
I wonder if the lack of Mickey and Daisy means that they're dead so they can have a motivation and a tragic backstory.
>he says, "Let's get dangerous," which will be the first time we hear him say it, all season.
Surf Dracula
I think the funny thing is if I was writing an “actual” Darkwing Duck story, I would just have the evil Minnie and Donald etc. but Negaverse Minnie and NegaGoofy and so on. The Boom comics actually had multiverse dimension hopping arcs with tons of alternate Darkwings parodying contemporary things and the Boom comics weren’t perfect but they definitely felt right and spot on compared to this.

With some slight tweaks something with regular adult Gosalyn estranged and her daughter Duckie who can just be this character. Maybe Launchpad disappeared and Gos blames Darkwing? They hop dimensions and NegaMinnie comes after them. Could see that in the actual Boom comics and it’d be great.
I'd actually watch Darkwing Beyond if it was like actual Beyond.
Mickey not being present is likely just Disney barring him like always.
I know, and Daisy not being present is cause she's probably the most expendable of the group, but I wonder if they'd give an in-universe reason for their absences, the others are described as having seen some shit, what if that is losing Mickey and Daisy?
It probably just means they've seen some fucked up alternate universes.
Maybe, but losing a loved one definitely feels like the type of backstory they'd give to this type of characters.
If the leaker is still in this thread, can you leak the oswald pitch bible?

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