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Bump if you're reading.
Now for the backup story.
And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
Someone please tell Tom "Twelve-Year-Old" King he really needs to learn how to actually use swear words well, even if they're censored. The way he uses them is incredibly cringe.
This book doesn't match what happened in Absolute Power at all, what the hell?
This lizzie girl probably won't take off. She doesn't even have a relationship with her supposed mother or any of the WW characters. It has been almost a year and she only connected to a bat character.
She's getting a second special reprinting her stories again soon
I'm pretty sure it because DC is trying to push her, not necessarily because there's a "demand".
Damian confirmed for liking blonds
It wouldn't surprise me if King's phoning it in since he's being forced to pause his shadow government conspiracy storyline in order to prop up Waid's shadow government conspiracy storyline...

Wonder Woman #12
Wonder Woman #12 Cover B Julian Totino Tedesco Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #12 Cover C Tony S. Daniel Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #12 Cover D Guillem March Swimsuit Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #12 Cover E Mikel Janín Resistance Card Stock VariantCover E Mikel Janín Resistance Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #12 Cover F 1:25 Jorge Fornés Card Stock Variant
MEET WONDER WOMAN'S NEW SIDEKICK… ROBIN?! WITH ART BY SUPERSTAR TONY S. DANIEL! Meet the new dynamic duo! Wonder Woman teams up with the unlikeliest of allies, Robin, on a top secret mission to save their fellow heroes. Will Damian and Diana's quest to break into Waller's Gamorra supermax prison be a successful one? Or is it all part of a more elaborate trap for Wonder Woman and her new sidekick?

Wonder Woman #13
Wonder Woman #13 Cover B Phil Jimenez Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #13 Cover C Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #13 Cover D Nicola Scott Artist Spotlight Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #13 Cover E 1:25 Gleb Melnikov Card Stock Variant
Gamorra found! Wonder Woman and Robin have finally located Amanda Waller’s super jail holding the powerless heroes they once fought alongside. Can the new dynamic duo break them out before they become trapped themselves? An undercover ally may hold the key to everything!

Wonder Woman #11 Cover B Julian Totino Tedesco Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #11 Cover C Tony S. Daniel Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #11 Cover D José Luis García-López Artist Spotlight Wraparound Card Stock Variant
Wonder Woman #11 Cover E 1:25 Jeff Spokes Card Stock Variant
>Arms not pinned to the sides
>No gag
I'm going to miss DID now that I finally put it off life support.
I like the back ups, the art is actually really nice. Lowkey better than the main story desu. Sucks King has to pause his story to prop up Waid's shitty story.
Not making Lizzie Diana's real daughter really makes a blight on these light-fun hearted stories stories.
David the artist of this comic?
hehe, monkey
Its funny to see minors Billy and Mary hang out with Major degenerate John Constantine.
I recall the books of magic had a line like "Sometimes the Spectre is the most powerful being in creation, sometimes he's another guy with a cape". Guess it must be the will of the Presence that he doesnt snap his fingers and send Waller and all her Amazos to Gehenna.
What a plot twist King
Who knew Tony S. Daniel would be an improvement?
That the linc in Philadelphia, I know that outline anywere.
This should have just been it's own book.
Fuck me, King can write fun books.
Isn't Mary an adult now?
And basically a mother to the foster kids?
Still salty they took away my twins.
Blame Johns
this is my real problem with having all these magical heroes in one place like this. jobbing and dumb writing is unavoidable.
Waid fixed that, the shazam rangers are gone and have throw away powers based on other Fawcett shit.
Now the Captain says Shazam and turn back even without meaning it.
And Billy and Mary are twins.
>King can write fun books
lol no
Nice butt

Bunp,.I like the monke y
But of course

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