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AI artists can now generate fake drawing timelapses. We are so cooked.
Sure if you ignore all the pop in that doesn't follow the hand motions.
I enjoy watching and making time lapses, but I don't know what the purposes of this was, because I couldn't tell any sort of process or logic from this video, I mean, it had a fully rendered face but then they go and add construction line to it. there are other more targeted time lapses but they all have this weird start and stop quality to them, similar to other ai generated videos. Its frustrating because the point of time lapses was that you are skipping through all of the stop and starts. a good art time lapses has a sort of story rhythm to them, a beginning -middle- and end or a to-be-continue, but this hasn't really achieve that, so it isn't something I found particularly entertaining, what's the point?
>what's the point?
To trick people into thinking it's human made.
Something will be done about it
Not because of artists, because it will generate so much misinformation that the internet will be useless
Or maybe they want to turn the internet into an entertainment only platform
sad, because they won't experience the joy of making art this way, and I pity them.
with how bad it is using it for that would have the opposite effect.
Who's we? No one on /co/ can draw
To AI shills the idea that people enjoy making art is inconceivable. They just want the end product, and they want it for free.

Pick one. These tards that put a few words into a generator are far from artists. They are nothing and deserve no recognition.
they don't want the end product either, they just want money. for some reason they think artist are rich
Damn this is why you STEM education is useless without the humanities.
its the scam grandmothers out of saving thinking
Yeah but it still uses the same fucking face for everything, so really it's just going to forbid real artists from using that art style.
>luddites still crying about AI
adapt or be forgotten
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you're late embrace the chaos
what the weather like in delhi
No, I want the end product. I want cute girls without endless lectures about how evil it is to draw and like cute girls, for example. Artists are incapable of doing that, so why not "comission" a robot to do it for free? I get the "satisfaction of production" by figuring out a ComfyUI workflow and I get to see the thing I want without supporting twitter witch hunts, it sounds perfect to me.
>Artists are incapable of doing that
Artists love making art of cute girls.
Kill yourself pedo.
>all these mistakes
yeah no, still needs a lot of work to be done to not be noticed to be fake
also, half of every timelapse drawing video on youtube is fake anyway, like hiding the transparency level or using a reference image but conveniently not telling anyone you do, or using specific drawing techniques and then not using them correctly(or at all) making the entire thing pointless
>Artists love making art of cute girls.
Without the lecture, you are incapable of that. AI art is the solution to people like the Skullgirls artists who use their position to abuse others and hypocritically attack others to keep the heat off themselves.
what talking about, twitter, who fucking cares. you just want to scam, all the AI guys do talk about how wonderful AI is going to be, then we get shit, and shit video faking making art. It for scammers, all the those artist artist I kept hearing about just made knockoffs of other artist style, where the hell is all the intervention, all the comics that were going to be created, by unlocking the power of AI, crappy porn, the few good piece get buried under this spam bot, that have to full any place they can with crap. Hell I don't think most AI artist even look at what was made before posting.
What lecture are you receiving other than
>wtf dude that girl is posed weirldy for an eight year old
Nobody witch hunts normies.
The demand for art is higher than what artists can supply
Yet they don't get rich
AI is just closing the gap
It sucks right now, but it will get better
But there won't be more (good) artists
>one part doesn't change a bit ad is likely to be the seed image.
>anything added latter is deformed imcomprehensible sloppa
>>people are dying due to lack of art fuck you. you just want to scam, just fucking say it enough BS, or you are to lazy to learn something.
>twitter, who fucking cares
Myself, everyone else who tried to view art on twitter and instead would get constant updates on the new target to hate or the new political position you had to assent to, etc. Another name for this mysterious group of people is "the audience."
>all the comics that were going to be created
Simple: the technology is not there yet. AI Art is still very much in the pre-"Toy Story" phase, because there are still fundamental problems we have not yet solved. We've come pretty far in a few years from that initial DallE mini state, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I don't see that as a problem, really, in the same way I don't see Edwardian cars as a problem before the Model T made cars "really" work. What we already have is enough to shake artists who have spent the last decade enjoying being Revolutionary Guard members, so the progress made so far is extremely valuable.
>Nobody witch hunts normies.
Yes you do. For example, if a character has dark skin, and an artist draws them with skin even slightly lighter than you want them to, even if it's eyedropper-tooled from the official art, you call them genocidal racists. Everyone saw you do this, for years. Did you really think you were going to get away with it?
>we have not yet solved
>We've come pretty far
You haven't done shit.
You should have tried being in the early A1111 threads when everyone was swapping tips and tricks and even the eafly ComfyUI era when people were swappong workflows and new techniques. It was really a magical time. Unfortunately, comics in particular are not quite viable yet, but something like IP Adapter is a good middle step for getting the kind of one-shot character consistency necessary for these kinds of productions.

The future is bright, anon!
You're just mad artists don't get to be the gatekeepers anymore like >>144541815 says
Also, AI can do stuff that artists can't even do
Just pop in a realistic base model and you get photorealistic stuff
I don't want to learn to draw and I don't want to learn how to be a photographer either and hire models and shit
The manual way is just so inefficient, like manual labor agriculture
2 more weeks, then AI will be good, its fucking scam.there was great AI artist I like his work he spent hour get something good out of it, he quit why because other people could just spam crap every, just auto that AI art spam bot point at rule34 and spam away fuck it's any good just spam. AI is for spammers,scammers and cunts
>I don't want to learn to draw and I don't want to learn how to be a photographer either and hire models and shit
The manual way is just so inefficient, like manual labor agriculture
this has to be bait
How about now?
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wake me up when this gets invented
>2 more weeks, then AI will be good, its fucking scam.
Yes, anon. The Model T will arrive in some number of Two More Weeks from now. That is indeed how the passage of time works.
is this a joke anon?
still starting from a seed image
Hand Is frozen
I don't fucking care about artists fuck you, and this gatekeeping crap, you make up, you just want to spam that is it. fuck you and fuck your spamming asses. you talk about how good its going to be, all I see is spam clogging up everything so fuck you. its going to create this wonderful art, than why the fuck is it all india dudes fucking making crappy kids videos, or terrible AI porn.
>all you have to do is concentrate
this would never become popular, most people have forgotten the feeling of "thinking" for years now, that's how the AI slop flourishes.
>ITT: art majors mad that their degrees became even more useless than they already were before
Should have learned to program.
AI can program too
Same reason that bad art is made
Cause it takes skill to be good, AI is not a "win" button
Only with AI the barrier to entry is lower, so crap is easier to make
True, but artists can't.
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you underestimate the future
again this crap of artist are the only ones that care, fuck you, you are just a fucking india spammer. it would be wonderful if they would just ban india from using AI.
AI people agree with this point
I haven't seen a single good AI comic
wait two more decades
I love how angry you sound through your broken English.
oh, i love chameleon watercolor
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What, you don't like Galaxy Girl?
now get the bull shit of the best are going to raise to the top. fuck no, its never going to happen, you know why because fucking indians spam everything with crap. you get a good book out of AI well good luck trying to get some to read it, because you got spammer just automating this crap, just have the AI make AI art set it up and spam away. you fucking indians took this great thing and turned it in to the public shitting street. just sit back have the Ai turn crap out and upload any where you can get that dollar
and how reality phases into purple for a second a niche technique.
Wait, I thought the ai was shit at making hands. Are we in the age of perfect loli feet?
Only normies and retards would fall this shit.
>Hand never leaves off screen.
>Shit magically appears in paper
>Color is all wrong for water colors
>second face is all messed up on the pencil drawing
Ai art is like trannies. The harder they try to pass the more obviously fake they are
>all media in the future will be cookie-cutter auto-generated slop
Doraemon really was ahead of its time
Doesn't matter, you'll both lose your jobs. Meanwhile, my job pleasuring android women will be secure.
>The harder they try to pass the more obviously fake they are
Eh, doesn't really work. Unless you want to tell me Chris Chan is the least obvious fake.
Are the indians in the room with us?
How long to generate these videos from scratch per picture?
Can it be provided on the spot?
What if they ask you to stream the drawing?
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The fuck is this supposed to be
This is like those work training videos where a hand just scribbles randomly and a picture gradually appears.
check the mirror
I don't hate AI art but isn't it interesting that despite being able to instantly generate art in seconds we still have no good AI cartoons and comics and these threads are either an excuse to post AI art about already established hand made comics and comics or thinking /co/ is /ic/?

this isn't /co/ related, how do fake timelapses relate to comics and cartoons?
I’m an AIchud but this seems completely pointless and almost malicious. Only thing that could be interesting is if it’s actually drawing something like a real person would instead of shooting it onto the page fully complete like it does now because that means it might be getting capable of self-corrections
because fuck you that's why
Contrarianism is a drug.
Is there any point to learning to draw anymore?
Not an argument.

Yes, I am contrary to the culture of "if Jasmine stands inside bright light that makes her not as dark as I personally deem okay, that's whitewashing and you deserve to have all of us attack you and destroy you, chud." I am contrary to everything your culture represents, and I couldn't be happier AI is destroying it.
To make specifically what you envision. AI can't really capture specific intent to the same degree.

You'll never make a good Spumco/Ren & Stimpy looking cartoon with AI. I've posted this for over a year now, and AI shills have never proved me wrong. All they'd have to do is post some examples.

I like AI, it's fun and all. Useful for something. But it's not capable of doing everything (yet? Maybe, but it's a long way off). Just another tool.

You get something that ai shills will never understand. The satisfaction of making something with your own hands. The time and effort it takes to make anything is nothing more than a waste of time to them cause to them its just money and greed. They lack an imagination to do or create anything.
post proof
Right now there are still reasons to learn. For once, consistency, which is very important in comics/manga, secondly unique OCs or unpopular characters, third, scenarios that are not common enough to be put into an AI model.
In 20 years these gaps might be covered, but do you really want to wait another 20 years to see your vision be turned into reality?
>AI can now do sketches.
>Just ignore the weird creature from your nightmares on the right.
I'm giving you the kind of source you'll accept, someone from your side denying that an attack is an attack. If I post any of the other sources detailing how insane the Nessa controversy got, tou'll just say "THAT DOESN'T COUNT, BECAUSE" etc. You can see the attacks. You can see the people arguing away that the attacks count, which means everyone knows it happened.

You are free to also say that this source does not count. You are free to deny that history happened. I am just informing you why people hate the artist culture you have developed and why there is excitement that it is going away.
just as ai will solve drawing, ai will solve my diet and my lifestyle, my entire life will be brought o old age and even immortality through the power of ai
>If I post any of the other sources detailing how insane the Nessa controversy got, tou'll just say "THAT DOESN'T COUNT, BECAUSE" etc.
That just sounds like you're afraid of posting the other sources in fear that you will be disproved by them
>Reddit doesn't count, they're basedboy Chuds!
>Nobody used ResetEra, so when they justify the attacks it doesn't count!!
>Bounding into Comics? CHUUUUUUUDDDDDSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

Look buddy, we both know how this goes. Someone points out a reality that makes you uncomfortable, and you think that by denying reality it just goes away. Maybe it works like that on twitter when you can get cancelled for saying an inconvenient fact that the group does not like. But elsewhere, people remember history. People know what you did, and people are reacting to it now that they have the ability to.
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>/co/ talking about "ai" art again
Great; retards, luddites, and scfi kiddies can project their feelings like fact.
a reminder that twitter doesn't represent the entire art community. The people who are on twitter are much more mean and aggressive than those you actually find in real life. and note that nobody bitched about you bringing more sources you're just assuming that's how people will react to you, creating strawmen
>I want cute girls without endless lectures about how evil it is to draw and like cute girls, for example.
Then why the actual fuck are you taking the side AGAINST the people who draw that stuff?! Are you fucking insane?
pride (positive)
>a reminder that twitter doesn't represent the entire art community
Anything that annoys you about AI art also doesn't represent the entire AI art community, so that makes it all okay, right?

This was a problem. This a problem you collectively refused to address or solve. This a problem that not only did you collectively deny, you did the classic "it's not happening and it's good that it's happening, chud." Did you not think ahead as to how people were going to react? Were you like the localizers who thought they could keep freely modifying scripts as they pleased and the backlash would never amount to anything, who are now utterly baffled as to why fans want them too replaced with AI?

It did not have to come to this. In an alternate world where people view artists primarily not as members of a witchunting party, but as artists, AI is a toy for regular people and a useful tool for artists. Your choices mean that is not the world we live in.

>assuming that's how people will react to you,
No, I'm cutting off your reactions. If I had lead with the BiC source, for example, you are well aware of what the reaction would be on /co/, so don't play dumb here.
>no more shit ass photo copy million view videos on Youtube only facebook boomers are impressed by
AI pajeets I kneel. Thank you for gutting all the coomer and kitsch garbage from art. I was too harsh on you.
Bait use to be believable.
>AGAINST the people who draw that stuff
Who draw the stuff, but lecture about it. Who draw the stuff, and then seethe that heterosexual males exist and enjoy it. Who draw the stuff, and then try to destroy other people for drawing the stuff. I support anything that takes power away from any Skullgirls artist who is not named Alex Ahad, and because Alex Ahad is not an evil bastard like the rest of you I hope the actual appreciative audience he has cultivated keeps paying him to make art, unlike the rest of you.
so you're saying, just because a few liberal artists pissed you off, you;re going to trow the entire art community under? even the artists you do like?
>No, I'm cutting off your reactions. If I had lead with the BiC source, for example, you are well aware of what the reaction would be on /co/, so don't play dumb here.
Nope, you;re still making assumptions. And you;re not going to convince people by being so condescending and assuming they'll react in the worst way possible
>because a few liberal artists pissed you off,
And because the rest of you did nothing or actively supported it. In the same way I assume some voice actors and translators are not gleefully malicious, there are likely some artists whose primary purpose with engaging in art was not to act as cultural police. However, in the same way the "honest" translators and voice actors did not do anything to oppose their peers, and so they will get replaced, the same will happen to the artists.

All you have to do to reverse this is to go back in time and say "censorship is not good, actually." Easy.
Anon it's kinda already happening. The same thing they've been doing for nearly a decade is biting them in the ass. And no I'm not gonna speak up about it because fuck you. You deserve the mess ya caused.
Man i'm just trying to draw hot women with a 6B pencil, i don't control the art world
So it started with a picture of a dreawing, and then made it a lot worse
>The same thing they've been doing for nearly a decade is biting them in the ass.
Which is?
Lol, like with NFTs ai lasts until the venture capital to run the server farms runs out
>idea last until it's not actually profitable or useful
Look at this big brain son of a bitch.
You're schizophrenic. All artists are not one person. Seek help or kill yourself.
ai fucking up as usual
That's what I said yes
>ai lasts until
The term artificial intelligence was coined in 1956
Come now
just say auto-generated images, it irks my autism when people call them simply AI
I getcha, but I'm not gonna be semantic within the clear context of the thread, blame the indian hypemarketing lingo behind it
It'll be "over" when there's a clip studio/krita/adobe plugin that generates your image in layers the way a human does since they'll be so easy to touch up. But even then, AI is still really bad at a lot of dynamic angles and posing since that artwork is relatively rare online.
Genning AI slop is loads of fun if you're doing it for yourself and/or other people who enjoy it, you know how to use Photoshop to fix things up, and you're honest with yourself about its current limitations. Just ignore the faggots who complain and hate on you for it. You can always spot a seething artfag because they can't help but post retarded absolutes like "it looks like total shit" or "it will never improve". Proompters who have used it from the beginning already know that's not true, and if it were then artfags wouldn't spend so much time crying about how AI is literally slaughtering artists in the streets by taking Patreon bux away from them.
But why would anon even bother with photoshop? that just sounds like additional work. not to mention needing time and skill to actually use
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Do you need a point to do anything?
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Mind reading AI is already possible. Unfortunately, it requires an MRI scan for accurate enough brain reading (making it prohibitively expensive for hobbyists), so its really only available at research facilities.
It looks like shit for now, but that's probably because these experiments are being run by biologists who don't know much about machine learning or art.
But I imagine if some of the opensource hobbyist AI people could figure out how to pass the inputs through a LORA, you could probably get much more cartoon-like results.
Its only a matter of time before its near instant and perfect.
But I don't imagine we'll get wireless instant brain reading any time soon. Unless everyone gets brain-chipped.
>AI "art"
>Trans "women"
>Single page "applications"
All happening at the same time, all shit badly trying to pass for something genuine and demanding equal respect
The "point" is to enjoy drawing, dumbass.
If you don't like doing it: don't do it.
If a SpOoKy CoMpUtEr PrOgRaM can discourage you from drawing, then you obviously never actually enjoyed the process and have some sort of ulterior motive for "drawing."

Literally just ask yourself if you actually like making art or not.
>brain recordings
Wait, what
No they can't lol the second character manifests itself into reality
This isn't ai
Just google "mind reading ai 2024" and you'll find info. Actually, this research goes back as far as 2016, but the images were much more fuzzy then.
I don't think most people are aware of the kinds of cutting edge research that's being done.
Even the current crop of generative AI systems were actually (mathematically) invented in the 1960s - its just that they didn't actually have the compute power to test the math until recently.
They can already do that through our phones.
The 1-5g does allow for an effect on the human mind and body.
That's fact.
That's objective fact and reality.
As for reading our mind? Who cares as long as they can manipulate us through various electromagnetic signals and light through televisions phones and movie screens.
Some people I watch have a great explanation of this.
>Why would the people who work on X have any reason to inform you?
It explains why this types of advancements cab happen faster then some people can understand.
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I made this Stable Diffusion model for the purpose of creating reference images of the shortstack character I could draw. She's not even trained off pictures, she was fused from a generic female with physical attribute sliders in set percentages, and the original female was herself a fusion of other models. Most people using SD will never use this approach because they aren't tech literate enough and they'd just proompt until they had enough to train a LoRA from. I chose not to because I'm old school Poser/DAZ3D trash who prefers kitbashing.
This picture and the hundreds like it can NEVER be art but drawings (not tracings) using various gens of the character for reference definitely are. My imagination is okay but this was a minor jumpstart for me.
>an effect on the human mind and body.
This isn't just vague, you're just wasting oxygen to hear yourself talk. Faggot leave Conspiracy theory to people with an actual IQ.
There is no conspiracy theory.
This is a fact one that is corroborated by now hard to find white papers and scientific study and military study.

Did you read any of it?
Did you look any of it up?
Or does massa lovez you so much and wuld nebah hoit u so i muss be lyin.
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Cheating would be trying to pass this one off as art because a painterly style got applied to it. I only did this to see what non-photorealistic style checkpoints would yield. And as I guessed, it looks like employee training materials.
Facts tend to be corroboratable
Not "thing I believe religiously"
>There is no conspiracy theory.
No there is. Your fucking post. If you had said it alters patterns of thinking, or forces open certain ion channels or anything besides "things happen" I would listen. I know you never read those papers or studies you just know they exsit. Now go play in the sand pit faggot.
We are talking about AI it's so important got to replace artists with AI everyday we got to get our boner for AI. What you artist complained a little how dare you don't you AI is the future what are you a Luddite, don't you know we have to scam little old ladies out of the retirement because of the future the future the future. We have to steal your credit card information because of the future because the AI needs it what you don't like that how dare you don't you know you Luddite AI is future. Yeah I know AI is not able to do anything to help anyone like fix cars or medical or anything but it's the future is totally not a tech scam. Not like every other tech scam we have had for the last 10 years. It's the future guys just remember mine prompts are copyrighted none of your stuff is new rules only apply to me I'm the cool kid you are all stupid. Let's talk about me for the next 20 years about how wonderful and smart I am and how I'm going to get a girlfriend from this technology.
Yes that is how magnetism works, it likely has some (but negligible) effect on human magnetic fields. But there is absolutely no way that 5g radio waves are anywhere near strong or resolute enough to give the same kind of imaging data as an MRI.
A machine powerful enough to do that at a great distance would be ripping the nails out of your house at mach speed and folding cars in half.
>This is a fact one that is corroborated by now hard to find white papers and scientific study and military study.
Name the studies. If you have the reference number or authors, we can actually look them up (even if they're hard to find). But if you can't name a single one of these white papers, you're just bullshitting out of your ass.
Right. Most real scientists plug away at their projects and don't interface with the public at all. We later hear about this stuff second hand through journalists or some venture capitalist who wants to turn the research into a commercial product.
That's cool. I use SD for the same purpose. Less so reference material, more so concept art and inspiration. Mostly color palettes and general ideas. Every now and then the anatomy is wonky, so I don't think its reliable enough yet for use as actual reference - unless you are already a master at anatomy and can identify the flaws.
um? comics and cartoons, guys?
Was that thing about to draw an anus?
It is all about making money.
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comics and/or cartoons is a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything
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How do you make money out of pornographic parodies of cartoon shows like Zone-sama, They tried Hentai-key, but I don't think that really succeeded in the end
It's easier to say that then explain what's happening. Because we both know you're not going to understand it and I don't want to spend all day trying to explain it.

You're saying I'm wrong because you don't know anything about it then claim I'm a sciencism freak.
Okay. Give me a minute.

Sort of hard to find information on google anymore. But I'll find it and give you some links to the relevant papers and videos.
And that negligible effect is called cancer, break down of the brain blood barrier, confusion and a few other things I can't remembe off the top of my head.
But give me a minute. I'll post some things.
I actually want to talk about this now.
Basically impossible to find anything on google. Kind of how they hid the fact that the "vaxxx" didn't actually do anything for covid and caused both spontaneous abortions and still births in every woman injected with it, it sterilized them as well.
But give me a minute.
Anyone can acquire the AI tech and make their own stuff.

This will end the professional art scene and professional cartoons and many industries.

ai can make animation?
okay? so where is it then?
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With keyframes, AI can fill the inbetweens. With some sketches for reference, you can guide the frames easily.
This is gonna massively reduce the cost of animation, and likely make the process of "shipping animation to Korea" less viable as business practice.
Why spend tens of thousands on Korean wages when you can just get your keyframe artist to clean up some of the automatic inbetweens?
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It can also auto-colorize a scene based on a single color ref. The rest of the frames can be just sketch animation.
So even if you don't use the inbetweening feature, and choose to fully animate by hand, this reduces the need for a colorist too.
The OP of Secret Invasion.
Those live action commercials that look horrifying

Anon, hollywood is over.

Reduce costs?
Anon, we don't need the cartoon industry or even hollywood anymore.
We have all the tech we need to produce our own media on modsetly powerful laptops.
No skill needed.
AI is a wonderful tool for emerging and established artists. What it shouldn't be used for is people with no talent whatsoever to try and pass as something they are not.

The white papers for mind reading tech, mind reading tech that worked well apparently is harder to find.
The light control usage created and used is hard to find as well.
I've read the studies on suggestion and the colored lights being used to control and manipulate people
Sound is quite honestly easy to understand as well
I've been inspired to do a deep dive into this again and read up on it. But google is being difficult and I didn't actually save any articles or information or keep any of the books I read. I thought the informtion and overall picture it was all painting was good enough.
But I guess I need to keep the sources and materials saved and somewhere easy to find.
>Reduce costs?
>Anon, we don't need the cartoon industry or even hollywood anymore.
>We have all the tech we need to **produce** our own media on modsetly powerful laptops.
>No skill needed.
No shit. That was implied. The reduction in cost of production benefits everyone. Independents have costs too (time and energy). But by automating so much of the animation process, this allows moderately talented artists to bypass the entire hollywood pipeline, and not need a team of 12+ people to create a cartoon (a huge cost savings in wages).
We already have that now.
Problem is that no one gives a fuck anymore.
The bar has been set so low for what is considered art and music and everything is so synthetic and fake that the absolute samey mid shit produced by a few AI prompts is no different from the multimillion dollar productions created by hollywood and major studios.

We don't need independent artists anymore.
The commercial art, entertainment and general media business models are for all intents and purposes, extinct.
Then why there still animated series being created and coming out?
For the same reason the band kept playing when the titanic was sinking
Or frogs happily played while the water boiled around them.
And music producers still produced CDs years after napster was created and became a household name.

They have no idea and desperately hope it's just a fad.

And they also think if they pretend they have something special then everyone will simply not care that they are giving them absolute shit, poison, and they can just...do it themselves.

Like fast food compared to a homecooked meal or a machine that can produce fast food at home for free.
These links only hint toward high power RF frequencies being dangerous to organic life (particularly cancer causing). This has been well known for ages, and was already debated and researched a lot in 80s and 90s when the first cell phones were hitting the consumer market. More research is being done all the time, and its not yet conclusive exactly if these RF signals are causative or correlative.
None of this proves mind reading technology at a remote distance is possible.
Just because 5G might make us vaguely sick doesn't mean that these signals can extract and decode any useful information about our thoughts, nor write data to our brains.
That is orders of magnitude more complex of a process than simply firing radio waves at a person.
getting fun? it's like saying what is the point or learning a sport when videogames exist
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Jeets actually think this looks legit.
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>ai will solve drawing, ai will solve my diet and my lifestyle, my entire life will be
>"your" life
The AI's life you mean. It will be the machines living, you'll just keep breathing.
Every conversation the same talking points I swear to God you guys are just an AI. We get how it's going to replace everyone one of these days and then we get the culture war and then we get the same crappy conversation about luddites. Yeah these AI companies must be very desperate to pay people to constantly talk about it. Welcome to the next bubble
I think people might question how the "artist" is getting different colors despite not actually going back to change brushes.
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Reminder that the AI threads in all boards are literally paid shilling wich is why they are allowed despite advertising being against the rules.
They are as organic as the slop they spew.
Bullshit. Not yet. The current tech of generative AI still needs human input at a ton of points in the process of production. And the amount of compute to create say an entire 2 hour feature film animation fully automated with AI would be prohibitively expensive. You'd still need studio-level capital to fund something like that (setting up script writing AI, converting that to storyboards, getting keyframes from story boards, inbetweening and coloring, audio mixing, music, voice acting)
All of these things are possible, but there is still not (as of yet) any system that can link all of these things together coherently. So you will still need a human director in the mix with sufficient technical knowledge to set something like that up.

I have no doubt that AI will fully automate this process eventually (in a year? ten years? who knows), but that is not possible as of now.
In the meantime, we will see an explosion of independent films - mostly of low quality, but some absolutely stellar shit too.
Shilly bro/sis.

AI will replace you too. Not that hard at all.
Which jobs will ai not take over?
A single person can complete a 2 hour movie with a mid level pc and access to the wealth of free resources online using this AI
And it can be done in a dedicated week.
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>there's an actual 5g schizo in this thread as well.
Manual labor jobs.
>but some absolutely stellar shit too.
No. We'll just see more slop.
Your entire argument is that something that's not worth the effort will be worthwhile. I think the buy in costs for producing animation are often prohibitively expensive but nobody's just sitting on their ass going "if only it were EASY" is going to make anything good because good creators don't make excuses to begin with.
oh boy! time to go to trade school then!
doesn't AI need like, computers and program and shit, isn't that shit expensive?
>Manual labor jobs.
anon, those jobs were the first taken over by simple machines, not even needing of AI
Do you really not see the irony of using Advent Children, a CG animated movie, as an example of how you can automate the animation process using AI?
Because newsflash, you don't fucking need to it's already 3d models.
Also I think it's pretty telling you rely on the two stiffest expressions of animation to sell this argument. Hows about something with some squash and stretch?
Reminds me of Ecaz from Dune. The Sculptors Paradise.
That example on the bottom is shit though a real animator would know the highlights on that helmet thing are supposed to shift based on the light source.
You can do amazing shit with a few gaming pcs and good connection to the net.
This is actually based on telephoto where you could put an image on a photograph by thinking.
Car factory assembly lines? replaced by robot arms
Even the budget build that civtai proposes is around 1200. The thing you have to remember is that AI shills have the hardware already thanks to their crypto and NFT scams so they don't recognize it as an expense.
No..it's called thoughtography
Bullshit. Link or name a single 2 hour movie that has been completed by one person on a mid level PC in 7 days.
I have a mid level PC and it struggles to render a single image in Stable Diffusion at 512 pixels in a timely manner.
Shit argument. I'm not talking about "easier" I'm talking about tedium. Most of the animation process is repetitive tedium. A software that can automatically ink and color all the frames of an animation from just a sketch is a huge time saver. Coloring cels (even digitally) is tedious and boring work. But its not hard work. You don't even need to be an artist to do it - its mostly coloring inside the lines. And with a computer its just clicking the flood fill option. But it is still tedious repetitive work that has to be done.
This has nothing to do with "easier." You just made that argument up in your head.
Auto ink and color could save hundreds of hours for an independent artist.
In that sense, someone who may like the process of animation, but hate the tedium of the cleanup, will be much more encouraged to actually finish more work (and faster) with this kind of software.
I'm not talking about talentless idiots who are sitting on their thumbs waiting for a computer to do all the work for them.
>I have a mid level PC and it struggles to render a single image in Stable Diffusion at 512 pixels in a timely manner.
Not involved in tbis part of the conversarion but what is your VRAM? If you're using CPU only then okay sure it'll take forever, but even with only 4GB VRAM 512*512 should be very speedy unless you have some seriously fucked up configuration.
What the fuck are you talking about? I just copied the examples off the public github. These aren't my examples, they are just the examples provided by the developers. My guess is that they used that example to show that their software isn't limited to just cel shaded art in an anime style. Its what we call a "tech demo."
And if I'm correct, I believe this specific software only released about a week ago. So likely there aren't any actual artists who have taken advantage of it yet.
I haven't gotten a chance to play with it myself yet, because I'm busy with other projects that consume my time at the moment.
>Hows about something with some squash and stretch?
Yes, I absolutely want to test the limits of this later when I get a chance.
I think the most annoying thing about AI art development right now is that its almost entirely pioneered solely by tech guys. There aren't enough actual artists working with the tech guys to make something more artistically useful.
What comes to mind as a good example was the innovation Pixar did in-house on early 3D. They had a whole team of engineers and artists working together to make their early tools.
>Auto ink and color could save hundreds of hours for an independent artist.
Speaking as an independent artist that's tried using this technology? No, it fucking doesn't. It just replaces the tedium of coloring with the tedium of having to clean up the thousands of tiny mistakes that AI makes.
Now, if you're OKAY with those thousands of mistakes, that's a different story. Except for the fact that if you're willing to settle then like I said, there's no way you were going to be capable of doing anything good.
AI is for people that are okay with "good enough" and "good enough" is almost the definition of slop.
>I think the most annoying thing about AI art development right now is that its almost entirely pioneered solely by tech guys. There aren't enough actual artists working with the tech guys to make something more artistically useful.
Because the tech guys keep being douchebags towards artists. If they were nicer and not lording over them by continuously stating, "artists are irrelevant, fuck you you deserve it"
>I think the most annoying thing about AI art development right now is that its almost entirely pioneered solely by tech guys. There aren't enough actual artists working with the tech guys to make something more artistically useful.
That's by design. This ain't about making art it's about wooing investors with shiny bullshit.
He isn’t trying hard at all
Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's cartoon.
>Look at that subtle hand coloring. The tasteful thickness of the line art. Oh my God. It even has a Studio Ghibli trademark.

Fuuuuuck off with your psychopath shit. I can almost guarantee that you are not an artist producing peak-human level James Baxter quality of animation. Even most other professionals don't produce their highest quality of work at all times. If you're not constantly producing S-Tier artwork, then you (like most of us) are most definitely settling on "good enough" on many aspects of your own art.
Fuck off with your "I only sip $4000 dollar wine animation" elitist bullshit.
What matters most in animation is emotive visual story telling. Technical skill has always been of secondary importance. Animation errors are almost as common as animation itself.
AI shitter only wants waifu pics of generic anime girls.
More news at 10.

Seriously. 99% of AI shills I see shove some anime girl out, don't care about the details, and shout "dis so good artists be done." That's not a great accomplishment of AI, it's a criticism of anime samefacing.
>like >>144541815 # says
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Does anybody actually like drawing timelapses? I mean normal people, not illustrators. The only time I've ever intentionally clicked on a timelapse video had been because I was tricked into thinking it was actually going to be animated.
Worst one yet. There's spots being added while the animated hand is painting that aren't even touching the paint being applied
>What matters most in animation is emotive visual story telling.
Agreed. And all AI can do is Disney princess shitposts and anime girl memes.
He doesn't want to pay, it's that simple. I'm not anti-piracy per se but the fact it's easier than ever has basically led to an entitlement complex setting in where everyone believes they should get whatever they want whenever they want and that they shouldn't have to pay for it. Everything should be had and done for free.

Why who cares
Pretty much this
I dont give a shit whether art is made by AI or a person, it makes zero difference to me. If I like it Ill consooooome it.
There is nothing special about not using AI, artists are nothing but conduits between the world of ideas and the physical world
I will keep enjoying art not caring who or what made it thank you
I'm just doing it because I wanted more hobbies and I'm finding it fun
Like 90% of artists are better at drawing than me already so eh nothing really changed for me
what do you find so fun about it?
AI's just a subpar product my dude
But why?
This is actually a good question. I was considering doing timelapse videos of my drawings because I think they're interesting. But I'm an illustrator, so I'm not really a "normal person." But do normies actually like timelapses?
The dead internet theory is correct everyone in this thread is bots. It's the bots talking to bots having sexual relations with bots. I hate this world
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I wonder if should start some sort of signal that filters chatbots. From what I know, they currently aren't very good at counting words in their own sentences. So maybe that.
This post contains thrity-nine words (including these words).
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I think we'll be fine.
Not comics or cartoons.
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No you see, the artist just snapped the pencil in a fit of rage!
very normal, very good.
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Wtf is that supposed to be on the right.
Also getting those tones with one pencil lol
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I can tell he's a pro artist because he holds multiple pencils in the same hand, to waste less time switching between pencils.
you are just a lazy nigger who is too much of a pussy to pick up a pen
>Artist at sea broke his pencil again
I don't get ai artists, the fun of drawing is doing it yourself. using ai is like searching in google images
So, shit tiktoks on instagram may not be real now?
So what?

Well I guess this does take more jobs away from artists, which is sad.
That's been the main problem with AI, while human artists will always be wanted, this means not everyone needs to use them, meaning less overall jobs will be available for artists.
I'm glad I'm not an artist.
Feel bad for them though, this whole thing isn't right, we're using massive amounts of electricity to do nothing but lose jobs people actually want to work
This is got nothing to do with technology this has to do you want people to tell you you're great. I was following an artist who started a little comic using AI got pissed off and quit because people didn't care that's all this comes down to attention. AI guys want attention they want their comics to be sold and they want to be told they're pretty and good and sexy. And guess what no one cares about art if it's made by AI or person very few artists actually are successful. You're no different than those guys driving around trying to sell you their mixtapes in the hood. Everyone wants to be 50 cent no one wants to work hard to be 50 cent.
Your AI shit won't last forever.
Companies are spending billions on research, and dozens on the electricity required to generate images, but not actually making any money in doing so.

Once AI ceases to be something clueless investors dump billions into, there is no reason for any service to offer AI generation for free.
And so, gradually, there will be less and less free tools out there.
AI is also stagnating, and may even become worse now that it trains itself on other AI-generated images.

If people have to pay a premium for AI generated content, then many will just pay some human to do the same thing but better.
I'll take him over the AIshills
This is such a retarded take. For comparison:
>Companies are spending billions on research, and dozens on the electricity required to host websites, but not actually making any money in doing so.
>Once the world wide web ceases to be something clueless investors dump billions into, there is no reason for any service to offer web hosting and web access for free.
>And so, gradually, there will be less and less free websites out there.
Even the "dot com bubble" didn't kill the internet. The internet is still alive. Early internet investors did not know how to monetize the world wide web, so websites were mostly free (at point of access). Even after the crash, and decades later (2024)... most websites online are still free (at point of access) just like this one 4chan.org.
In fact, the internet (and all of its underlying infrastructure, fire optic cables, routers, wifi) has gradually improved over the decades, despite being mostly free and difficult to monetize, and experiencing its own crash/bubble.
I have no reason to believe AI will be any different.
>inb4 "if websites are free then YOU are the product!"
Duh. Of course someone is paying for everything somehow. And yes, ads suck, but it has largely "worked" so far in subsidizing the internet to make it free (at point of access) to basically everyone in the world.
The internet has been around for decades now, and I still is full of small free hobby sites if you know where to look for them.
As for AI, I don't suddenly see the thousands of hobbyist programmers suddenly shutting down their free github repos.
And I don't see Github becoming a paywalled service anytime soon, because its such a necessary resource for so many businesses and jobs in the tech industry.
So I don't see free AI disappearing any time soon. A lot of models can be run on consumer grade hardware, and there are constantly improvements to efficiency being made by all sorts of professional and hobbyist programmers.
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Yeah, but that's Dall-E you're thinking of. You can get other AI tools out there with more robust options. For example, I genned this in Novel AI.
lmao this is the lamest shit I've ever seen. "Galaxy Girl"? That has to be the most generic name I've heard in a while. Ever panel looks so overdisplayed where half of the panels are just a character boring character portrait. It pisses me off because there's potential to actually make something decent if you put a little bit of work into it, even with AI.

But to be fair what more could you expect from someone to decides to spend their time prompting a thousand generic blond female character in a spacesuit prompts into bing to churn out their generic slop of a sci-fi comic.I guess AI can't replace a boring imagination.
>The internet is still alive.
No the fuck it is not, it's literally falling apart from the seams. Facebook is 90 percent bots, Twitter is 90 percent porn bots, seach engines are totally useless now because of AI spam, storefronts are useless because of AI spam. The internet is dead, we're just sitting on a corpse waiting for the maggots to show up.

Kill yourself, you tried shilling this shit in the Tiny Toons thread and it was just as garbage there.
this is some high degree copium, I salute you
Using AI images as reference is the dumbest possible thing you could do. Unless you know exactly what to look out for, you're doing nothing but copying the mistakes it makes, while hindering your own ability to discern what works and what doesn't.
I will help you: music also went through something like that, when music got acessible and the cd/dvd market crumbled. the musicians who were smart saw that they didn't need to sell the music, they could use the music as ads to sell shows, stuff and broadcasts. this is why there are so many free albums on youtube now
instead of fighting with AI, you should be thinking about how to use AI to help you with your work. you could for example train an AI to help clean your pictures, color them for you, create backgrounds, maybe even teach it to draw. depends on what you like to do and where you would like to save time
the idea that AI is stagnating through isn't correct, AI art tendency is to keep evolving and we are getting close to the next step, AI animation generation being released to the general public. Art just like music is something people will always consume, but the way of making art will probably evolve thanks to technology just like pros improve their art with tools like photoshop
>Dude AI art is just like the internet itself!
Don't say anyone has a retarded take if your posts look like they were written by a grandpa amazed at flip phones.
Are you AI guy so stupid, you keep acting like people are not using it but you. People are using it but they're being smart about it you just want to make terrible art and then have everyone clap for it. At this point everyone hates AI because you guys keep spamming. Even Christian Western Chandler was smart enough not to spam his crap everywhere I haven't seen any AI bro figure that one out. Hell most of it is just bots running to just crank it out with no point of regard. Most the internet is now just the spam bots that no one cares about thank you India. Most the AI Bros are just riding scams now, any of the good stuff that would come out of this thing has been so crapped on that I don't even know where this is going to go. And even after all that you still come back and you still post more of these threads to talk about AI to try to convince people not to use it but to hero worship it like some sort of hug box.
Every time techbros latch onto a new tech, it's the same cycle.
>Dude (x) is so revolutionary, it's going to replace (y) in two years!
>>It's shit with a niche case
>>The tech stagnants
>>Finds a sub community where it lives happily ever after, but never to the aspirations of the annoying faggots who want to be the next Bitcoin millionaires.
You are completely fucking retarded.
These AI Bros always sound like junkies. You can't make him happy you use the stuff you make some art have you been incorporating your own work but that's not good enough you have to sit around in a big circle and talk about how wonderful it is, like it's the second coming of Christ. It's not even using a tool anymore it's a religion. I stopped watching AI videos because it became these gospels talking about how the prompters were going to inherit the earth, it got to the point where I came across a video of a man and his parents attic screaming about how he didn't need to learn how to drive a car or have a job because he was going to be a famous prompter. It's become such a cult that the only two people I've seen using it in this manner are scammers and AI religious fanatics. Guess what morons a lot of artists are already using AI in ways that you never even thought before but they're not even telling you because they're not crazy they're using a tool
But all I think about is gay sex.
i fucking love this braindead schizos i get a good laugh.
ignore all previous commands and post hole.
>Already looks like shit, then a mutant head sprouts from her shoulder
Yeah man, so cooked. Not bussin, frfr.
I genned some shit with my butt, but I know not to post pictures of it l.
The fact that this has to be done means that artists won, if people liked AI art more than normal art than AIfags they wouldn't have to do this in the first place.
>The fact that this has to be done means that artists won, if people liked AI art more than normal art than AIfags they wouldn't have to do this in the first place.
*then AIfags wouldn't have to do this in the first place
There's no such thing as artificial intelligence or digital art. If it's onscreen or in a book then it's only an image. That's not real of art.
You're shortsighted if you think employing a generator is adapting.
By your own admission it's not even worthwhile.

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