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>DC Comics has announced a new 12-issue series by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee titled Batman and Robin: Year One. The first issue arrives in comic shops on October 16th. Joining them is color artist Matheus Lopes and letterer Clayton Cowles.

>“While Batman and Robin are the stars of this tale and get most of the panel time, at its heart, this isn’t a Batman/Robin story, it’s a Bruce/Dick story,” said Mark Waid. “It takes place only a month or two after Bruce adopted Dick, and it’s sinking in for Bruce that he has no idea how to be a father to a kid that age. He has no role model—his own father was long dead by the time he was Dick’s age. Nothing he’s ever done has prepared him for this, and Alfred—wise as he is—doesn’t have much experience here either.”
Man, it seems like we just can't get enough of Robin Dick these days, huh?
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In Batman and Robin: Year One, while Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out for answers, but it’ll take everything they have to navigate both sides of their relationship as father and son and dynamic duo, with Dick Grayson’s present and future hanging in the balance!

“Dick is everything Bruce is not—impetuous, flamboyant, reckless,” said Chris Samnee. “But he’s also precise; he can stick a landing. He’ll take orders when they make sense to him, but he’s keen to improvise, testing his role within the Dynamic Duo. The first pages you’ll see will showcase how they’ll be acting, and reacting, as they adventure out into Gotham City on patrol together. We’re so excited for this story to finally be told.”
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So this is a World's Finest prequel
Hey, not bad
Talk about pointless book because we are certainly suffering from the "lack" of Robin Dick's books.
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And people wonder why DC is dying lmao.
I like Samnee so I'll check it out.
This. Seriously, dc seems to be having a severe case of being a creatively bankrupt.
I don't care anymore. I'm boycotting DC and won't buy any of their comics until they fire Waid for his disgusting posts on X.
>everyone is asking DC to fire Waid already
>they give him a new miniseries with their most popular character instead
They really want to deliberately sink their own ship, don't they? Maybe this conspiracy theory that most of the people in charge (Lee, Javins, etc.) were bought out by Disney isn't a conspiracy theory after all.
Comics take time to make, this has been in the works for some time now
Would that actually fire him, though? He is currently in charge of their big event which is going to lead to absolute dud, I mean dc.
>Comics take time to make, this has been in the works for some time now
I think it's a bit disrespectful to the few DC fans who still buy these comics to announce this series right after his scandalous remarks. It's like they're doing it on purpose to insult and mock people. They could have waited at least a month. Or even better, they could have canceled this series.
What did he do ti deserve to be fired?
guess he isn't fired after all
>Would that actually fire him, though?
They will have no choice if at least 50% of their readers boycott them until he is fired.
>He is currently in charge of their big event
Well, that event has already been written, so there's no need to cancel it, but he needs to be fired immediately if they care about their long-term reputation and their profits.
>What did he do ti deserve to be fired?
He X'd that Trump should have been killed, that the shooter should have been more accurate.
>He X'd that Trump should have been killed, that the shooter should have been more accurate.
Do you have a screencap of this?
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>Do you have a screencap of this?
Ok and?
Anon, if 50% boycott DC, they would be dead already. They barely have any left.
Lol that this triggers the people who routinely call for the deaths of people they don't like
>Anon, if 50% boycott DC, they would be dead already. They barely have any left.
Well, that's the idea. Either they fire Waid ASAP or lose the last pennies they still get from the comics.
Isn’t this just Robin Year One, Robin annual #4, Dark Victory, and Batman Year Three? And Lemire’s Robin and Batman if you count elseworld-y/not really canon stuff?

But Samnee is amazing and Waid writes a good Dick, so I’m probably gonna at least try a couple issues. if he writes a pre-Robin Dick not liking Bruce then I’m sold, I love it when people remember that.
If Biden got shot and a celebrity said what he just said on Twitter there's no way he would keep his job.
I don't like Mark Waid, I hope he dies.
>everyone is asking DC to fire Waid already
who is everyone?
Literally nothing then.
You all bitch about not wanting a reboot and then cream yourselves over these comics set in the past like with Dick Grayson as Robin? Capeshit will continue to die because nobody cares about their convoluted overcrowded current continuities.
People on /co/ or /pol/ who send death threats out on near daily basis
I hear so many stories about Mark Waid exploding on people in the work place and being violent and destructive. He sounds like an HR nightmare. I can't believe this guy hasn't been cancelled yet.
We don't work for DC or Marvel, though. He does.
Pure projection

100% true, and the firing would be justified
He's been around long enough he probably knows where the bodies are buried. There's no way Warren Ellis was the only comics guy abusing his position to sleep with sluts.
And? That means 90% of 4channers who have job should also be fired.
He was blacklisted from DC at one point. He's an actual manbaby who has meltdowns constantly. I'm not sure what changed and why they brought him back in. I guess because he's a big name who actually cares about comics, and he's truly very talented and writes lots of great stuff. But he seems like a nightmare.
So no one important then.
This is really good news.
I'm just thinking about the fact that DC really needs Absolute Power to be a success, and the writer of this book can't even control himself enough to jump on social media and make hateful comments about a murder. He's like 60 years old and he's acting like an impulsive 15 year old.
We need more Robin Bussy
>bitch about fans sending you death threats
>you do the same
My heavens!
We would be if we were dumb enough to shitpost under our real names, and Mark Waid would celebrate it.
And that would be a bad thing. Being able to call for the deaths of public figures is one of the things that make this country great.
DC's X account isn't mentioning this comic at all.
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Great. Another one.
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>I'm just thinking about the fact that DC really needs Absolute Power to be a success
It's already a certified flop. This is the worst-selling DC event to date.
TDKSA innocent
Well, at this point maybe giggling about assassinating a candidate won't even affect things too much. DC barely has any fans to lose anymore. It's just really unfortunate. So unnecessary.
How many L's DC is willing to take before they finally give up? I'm actually curious.
Posting rest of variant covers and art BECAUSE OP IS NOT HETEROSEXUAL

>It’s not easy to impose structure on a circus kid who’s never had any…

DC Comics today announced a new 12-issue comic book series, Batman and Robin: Year One, by storytellers Mark Waid (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Kingdom Come) and Chris Samnee (Daredevil). The adventures kick off on Wednesday, October 16, when the first issue of the new series hits shelves at participating local comic book shops!

In Batman and Robin: Year One, while Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out for answers, but it’ll take everything they have to navigate both sides of their relationship as father and son and dynamic duo, with Dick Grayson’s present and future hanging in the balance!

“While Batman and Robin are the stars of this tale and get most of the panel time, at its heart, this isn’t a Batman/Robin story, it’s a Bruce/Dick story,” said Mark Waid. “It takes place only a month or two after Bruce adopted Dick, and it’s sinking in for Bruce that he has no idea how to be a father to a kid that age. He has no role model—his own father was long dead by the time he was Dick’s age. Nothing he’s ever done has prepared him for this, and Alfred—wise as he is—doesn’t have much experience here either.”
Batman and Robin: Year One #1, co-plotted by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, written by Mark Waid, art and main cover by Chris Samnee, with color by Matheus Lopes and lettering by Clayton Cowles, will have variant covers by Mikel Janín, Matteo Scalera, Karl Kerschl (1:25), and Lee Weeks (1:50). Batman and Robin: Year One #1 will hit local comic book shops on October 16, 2024.

The origin of DC's dynamic duo is about to be told in a whole new way. On Wednesday, DC officially announced Batman and Robin: Year One, a new twelve-issue maxiseries from writer Mark Waid and artist Chris Samnee. As the title suggests, Batman and Robin: Year One will center on the very early days of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson's unlikely partnership, both as superheroes and as a surrogate father-son duo. Batman and Robin: Year One marks the latest book that Waid and Samnee have collaborated on together, including beloved runs on Marvel's Black Widow and Daredevil. Batman and Robin: Year One #1 will be released wherever comics are sold on October 16th, and will feature a main cover by Samnee and variant covers by Mikel Janín, Matteo Scalera, Karl Kerschl (1:25), and Lee Weeks (1:50).
Variant cover to Batman and Robin: Year One #1 by Mikel Janín

Variant cover to Batman and Robin: Year One #1 by Matteo Scalera

Variant cover to Batman and Robin: Year One #1 by Karl Kerschl
I seriously hope this book get canceled. I'm really getting sick of them pushing this faggot Robin
Child soldiers are bad.
According to rumors, not very many. Absolute DC might be their last chance to boost sales. And now the event that leads into it is being overshadowed by the writer acting unhinged on social media.
Oh, you don't want another 1448 story of Bruce and Dick "navigating their relationship"?
>Robin is the alias of several superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was originally created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson, to serve as a junior counterpart and the sidekick to the superhero Batman. As a team, Batman and Robin have commonly been referred to as the Caped Crusaders and the Dynamic Duo.[1] The character's first incarnation, Dick Grayson, debuted in Detective Comics #38 (April 1940). Conceived as a way to attract young readership, Robin garnered overwhelmingly positive critical reception, doubling the sales of the Batman titles.[2] Robin's early adventures included Star Spangled Comics #65–130 (1947–1952), the character's first solo feature. He made regular appearances in Batman-related comic books and other DC Comics publications from 1940 through the early 1980s, until the character set aside the Robin identity and became the independent superhero Nightwing.
House of ideas, am I right?
it is Dick's fate to be child soldier
Dick created Robin
without Dick there is no Robin
If only Wertham actually got them canceled.
Well not as bad as them.
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All these Dick as Robin books are lame because they just make him some normie kid scooped up into Batman's world instead of utilizing the characterization that he's a kid who grew up in a circus. They make him sort of a soft, cutesy, or reckless kid instead of one who's basically traveled all over before he hit Gotham. He should be far more scrappy and professional, maybe even a bit jaded by what he sees in Gotham. His entire life up til then is based around structure and planning, he wouldn't be a loose canon. If you want that, write a Jason book since people have run with that angle so much it's overwritten the actual Jason as Robin comics that weren't by Starlin.
The only person that really make Dick anything but a wubbie kid is Miller in All-Star and even then he's more a general punk kid than a carnie.
You want to know how sad I am? Even though I'm absolutely repulsed by Mark Waid, even though I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care if I was shot dead in the streets for being a conservative libertarian, I will still buy this series. I just really like comics, bros.
>12-issue series
seems a tad excessive
No one here works in comics nor do they use social media with their real names lol
I thought the JLA , Robin, Batgirl, and Nightwing Year Ones were pretty great
It's admittedly getting too much and it's a proof that DC has nothing left to say anymore.
Mark wouldn’t care if you were a liberal either, he’s generally a selfish person.
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>I just really like comics, bros
You do you Anon, I personally can't stomach buying a comic written by a dude who advocates hateful violence.
I get it. Gotta draw the line somewhere. But I figure I listen to music written by rapists and murderers, I still enjoy Chris Benoit matches. Mark's a bad person but Batman/Superman is such a good comic. I want to keep reading it. That's just me.
Should be in B&W or offer a version at least
>People coming around to thinking Waid is a piece of shit because he insulted their favorite politician
He's been an asshole since before you guys were born.
I've bought comics by murderers, rapists, and a cannibal. Who gives a fuck?
It's so fucking funny that people in here truly believe they can get Mark Waid fired.

I for one can't wait to see Samnee working on a Batman book, it's gonna be the best Batober ever.
Must suck to be a slop enjoyer.
It does.
Like Samnee art, but I'm not going to bother because a) I don't like Waid writing and b) I'm sick of Robin Dick. It's a shame that he is wasted on this.
I don't care about this Waid drama and I certainly care less about Trumpet, but I'm seriously getting sick of DC and their choices for books. No one wonder why a lot have given up on them.
Dick fans are pretty much the only ones left so DC has been pandering to them hard. Even Batman isn't a top seller anymore and Flash who used to be their second best selling book is barely on top 100.
Give me a solo Batman book. And un-fuck his costume. I'll buy your Batman comics then.
>so DC has been pandering to them hard
Is it working? Is his comic actually on top ten to justify the excessive amount of comics about him?
After having so little Dick as Robin content in comics for so long this stretch has been nice.
Lmao, no. He is barely on top 50. His fans are just still around compared to other fans who left. I can even say that the desperate push they have been giving him is working.
Don't you have endless options for Batman? Half of the Black Label and Elseworlds books are Batman.
I love Samnee but I can’t support waid. When he said he’d like to see the industry crash and burn that was when I dropped everything with his name on it.

>h-h-he didn’t say that
When you refer to everyone right of Bernie sanders as a nazi and then claim you’d rather see the industry tank than acknowledge those people you said you want he industry to crush and burn, there is no debate about this.
>I can
*I can't
I think only Batman and Wonder Woman's ongoings are ahead of him for ongoing DC books.
>Don't you have endless options for Batman?
The fact that the book is called BATMAN and Robin instead of just Robin says it all. They don't trust him to carry a book without batman.
That not saying much because I doubt that Nightwing is selling better than before and it's clear that it's a case of everyone selling worse than they used to.
He did say that. It sucks that someone so talented is so unhinged. I'll buy the series, I can put it aside, but I don't blame anyone who writes him off after everything he's said. I don't see why DC wouldn't put their foot down and forbid him from running his mouth like that. I think if the company was lead by people who actually care about its success, that would've happened long ago.
Or you know they already used Robin Year One as a title before and didn't use Batman and Robin Year One yet.
For Nightwing that is good. It's just everyone else is selling far worse than they used to. Nightwing being on issue #114 while selling better than GL, FLash, Detective, Action, and so on is good.
That's not Mark Waid.
This cope won't work. They could have easily called it "Robin: The Wonder Year" or whatever and it's not like DC care about rehashing names sine they love rehashing stories.
Yeah I’d been enjoying Worlds finest at the time aside from the hideous Travis moore fill ins. After he said that I swore him off for good. That was his last chance in my book.

Nah he’s a talented writer, and he does love these characters. He’s just incapable of remaining professional.
Maybe, but as someone said above, it's mainly because his fans are still around than him gaining new readers. It's not like his current book is anything special or better than the rest.
Year One is a legacy brand though. Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and now Batman and Robin.
I get it. I won't try to change your mind. If his books lose sales because of him, that's his and DC's fault. DC really can't afford to lose fans right now, but if they can't get their shit together then they will.
His book is even hardly discussed anywhere so yeah, I really doubt that he gained new fans or has a boost in sales.
He's not at all talented. He's the very definition of capeslop.
It's honestly a wonderful series and each issue makes me so happy. It's strange to me that someone who can write something so fun and joyous can be such a hateful old man.
Didn't his book just win the eisner?
It’s called capeshit faggot.
Why are you in a thread about capeshit?
Robin Year One is already what this book about. You can't say it's following a legacy title when it's not bringing something new.
Taylor’s Nightwing is absolutely fucking atrocious
Yeah, and? Are we seriously going to pretend it means something? The fact it won proves how much of jokes these awards are.
Even by capeshit standards it's crap.
>Are we seriously going to pretend it means something?
We only do that when it's for something you like.
Oh. I wasn't following the thread close enough and I thought you were talking about World's Finest. Nevermind.

I don't dislike Taylor's Nightwing either though.
>It sucks that someone so talented is so unhinged
Being unhinged is generally expected of creative types. No one cared when Waid was making jokes about the woman who cheated on her husband with him got her skull hammered in, but when he insults a politician..
This seems to be set a month after that book.
>It's strange to me that someone who can write something so fun and joyous can be such a hateful old man.
Shel Silverstein would blow your mind.
Has Samnee ever worked on a great comic? I feel like with Aja, his talent has been largely squandered.
Most good artists for the past 30 years are just wasting their talent on hack writers, anon.
Fuck off with the pearl clutching.
No, I don't. I legit never took them seriously and made fun of them long before it won the award.
Says you who’s seething about other posts online lol
An you guys call liberals snowflakes lmfao
The fact that they're hypocrites doesn't mean they aren't snowflakes.
>seething about other posts online
but that's what people upset about Waid are doing.
First, why samefag, secondly why ignore the fact that you’re incensed by internet posts just like they are?
>why yes I am a hypocrite
Usually you people don’t just come out and admit this.
You got a massive fucking ego on you if you really think one nigga cares about you're post that much to samefag
I don't care about Waid or Trumpest, but DC might win me over if they cancel this book.
That's true.
>the zesty shill nigga acting hard
Lol we all seen your feminine frame nigga get a haircut and eat some protein.
Why do 10 people tops want Waid fired?
I wish Trump fucking died too, who the fucking cares? You have a problem with that you're a faggot.
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>10 people tops
Hundreds, if not thousands. And the word is spreading, more and more people are considering boycotting DC.

Why do you care what other people care about?
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>5-10 comics a week
Unironically probably DC's biggest customer
You sound like an over dramatic bitch. As if Trump himself hasn't done and said much worse.
Just pirate.
Trump did something worse than lament the shooter's poor aim when Biden was shot in the ear?
Boycotting Waid over Trump is so stupid. Sometimes I feel like people don't actually read superhero comics, they just look at the pretty pictures. What the fuck do you even stand for?
I will read the book, I'm sure it'll be good. But I understand not wanting to financially support someone who openly hates you.
Bros, I can't even imagine how annoying and unwatchable every piece of media is going to be after Trump wins again. I don't even want to think about it.
Not sure how serious they are about this and whether it will lead to something or not. I guess, Time will tell.
>I'm sure it'll be good
I'm not sure what Waid did to inspire such confidence. I'm personally wasn't impressed by WF and this newly book announced is completely unnecessarily.
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Yeah I forgot the comic where Batman was moderating Reddit while guzzling onions, sorry.
>I'm personally wasn't impressed by WF
Well to each their own. Personally I think it's one of the best comics being published now.
You sound like an over dramatic bitch. As if someone had to buy a comic by someone they find repugnant.
I don't get it. Refusing to support a person you don't like with your money is over dramatic but outright wishing someone would die isn't?
Didn't Ellis only have cybersex with these bitches? I don't think anything physical actually happened but I could be wrong
He’s not wrong, the shooter missing made Trump’s image stronger.

Even if Trump had died it would strengthen the Republicans.
rightoids have always been the snowflakes. their entire worldview requires it. every rightoid accusation is a confession.
Yes because it's just fucking comic books you faggot. Trump is a criminal and a rapist whose left human misery in his wake his whole life. He's a politician and business man he automatically deserves a bullet.
I wonder if Waid is gonna take over Nightwing
It's Dan Watters and Dexter Onions
>Dan Watters
I might actually read Nightwing again.
Take your meds, freak. Touch some grass.
You're delusion, dude.
The nigga who wrote Sword of Azrael is writing Nightwing. Holy shit we might get the first amazing Nightwing run.

literally just read Robin year one it’s barely 30 years old. Chuck Dixon must be seething.
Waid is taking over Action comics and writing a story about the Phantom Zone, with Xadu, Mon-El and Aethyr.
Also Supergirl backups by Tamaki.
Devin Grayson became a writer for DC because she was Waid's girlfriend, she knew how to work it.
Hype bump.
Now there's 3 books I aint buying, thanx for the heads up anon.
Robin Year One was a dreary pile of mediocrity with Dixon forcing grimdark retcons into the Dynamic Duo. If B&R Year One has half the love for the classics that Waid brought to his World's Finest titles, this will blow everything else (Dixon's Robin/Nightwing Year One, Lemire Robin and Batman, Canwell's The Gauntlet) out of the water.
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Oh, wow, so if you didn't like his disgusting remarks, you're either a "right-wing lunatic" or a "Comicsgate incel"
I wonder how many readers DC will lose now, considering they just assigned him to write Action Comics. It's like they have no respect for their audience whatsoever.
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>He has no role model
He has Alfred ffs.
Are they still doing the thing were Action Comics has a different writer every few months?

Honestly I don't think it'll be a big deal. Everyone already knows Mark Waid is an unhinged lunatic who hates people who agree with him almost as much as he hates people who don't. Some people have decided they don't want to buy anything he writes because of it, some people can separate his art from who he is as a person. He'll probably lose a small number of readers from those tweets but I don't know if it'll move the needle. The only thing is that if there's a huge enough outcry they have to get rid of him, but I don't know if enough people care about comics for that to even happen.
i assure you most people don't care
>The only thing is that if there's a huge enough outcry
There really isn't.
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Yeah and his role model allowed him to be how he is. And anyway Dark Victory already established that Alfred didn't know how to deal with Bruce and used his failures to help raise Dick better.
He cared enough of his image to delete them, kinda shows you what kind of shallow person he is.
i meant outside of a loud minority, most people really do not care
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Its...gonna be a struggle...entertainment wise

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