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What elements of design, story, vibe or colors indicate that the cartoon was created by a woman/female?
There's no difference these days. The only style that exists now is "low budget/no effort".
Female character who is written like Peggy Hill would write a female character
The original Frankenstein book starts with a mention of the story of a man whose fiancee falls in love with another man, but the guy not only is not mad about that, he pays the wedding of the fiancee with the other guy (if i remember correctly, he leaves her all his money before becoming a sailor) and leaves her with no hard feelings. This kind of wish fullfillment can only be achieved by women, even in literary classics.
More effort went into your post than the last 7 Cartoon Network series combined.
OP is a woman/female
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i do believe Vivziepop's art style can tell you all the checkboxes about female character design/traits

>slick facial expressions
>tall, even viv's "manlet" characters such as Moxxie, Rusty or Damian are often drawn like they could tower you in size.
>LGBT of some sorts, of course "seeing members of the opposite sex make out" is not exclusive to women, if the "male lesbian attraction" trope is anything to go by. but it pales in comparison to the lengths female fujoshi-isms could go.
>extremely niche taste
>in touch with their feminine side, even when they're not. if a character is extremely masculine, they'll have one or two feminine traits that they fixate on.

>Mary Shelly was doing fujoshit in 1818
i stand proven.
Op is this >>144543016 true?
If so why haven't you married me yet?
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Why you think so?
Not being funny
Ive never seen an example of pic related
My god I really HATE woman/female/womale/feman/thefemalespecies
Hey look! It's the cat with a cake made of peppermint!
I don't know what you mean. Women like Inside Out 2, Spiderman, and Disney. They also like Toon in With Me cause Bill has adult skills.
Women wanna fuck Tom Hollands Peter Parker=/=Women like Spider-man.
Why do you keep making these posts?
When instead of relishing in awkward, sad or scary moments, all the characters just quip endlessly to defuse any tension. Saw it skyrocket on Rick & Morty and it's so lame. If your conceit is nothing matters well I'm going to stop caring.
That's actually what internet cartoons used to be. Complete fear of anything sincere: happy/wholesome or sad. Have to hide behind 7 levels or irony (or as you said quips).
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when gay
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I'm speaking as a foid, but from what I've seen, women tend to lean towards cuter things. Girls like woobifying characters they like or drawing them in cute outfits. You don't really get focus on stuff like that from men
dead internet theory
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When the writing starts feeling like a fanfic version of the characters who bend over backwards to do cutesy UwU activities together that act as shipping bait, that's clear female influence.

You can directly see it in something like how Amphibia's cast interacts with each other compared to The Owl House. That isn't saying having ANY romance or a love interest = written by a woman, but when way too many interactions feel like you wish they were a couple.

Oh, Willow is doing Hunter's hair, awww! Look at that, Amethyst and Peridot fell on top of each! Ho-ho, Lapis and Peridot are suddenly best friends despite not having anything in common-- cuuuutee! Look, Hunter and Luz are holding hands while talking about their feelings, they're so perfect for each other even though Luz is already with Amity! Ha-ha, Marco and Hekapoo TOTALLY have chemistry even though when you write their personalities on paper, they don't at all!
Yeah this is true. When you've been in female-oriented fandoms long enough you start to notice the distracting fanfic trope interactions they like to add to media. I like it when creators are self indulgent but someone needs to reign them in sometimes.
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What if I Hate Fairyland was made by a woman?
Lack of immature "bro" humor, dude stuff feels like a frat, like guys hanging out. Jokes like putting ketchup packets on the toilet seats or pissing off tough guys in a bar. "Bromance" isn't actually romance, it's just stuff we do that we think is retarded and funny. Women will take that and make men alarmingly gay, stronger focus on relationship drama and doing touchy-feely things that guys don't really do. A lot of REALLY close eye contact.

Soft colors and contrasts- pastel pinks, purples, and blues- are always a pretty clear giveaway too. Men gravitate towards neutral colors and earth tones- I think of the background paintings on Ren and Stimpy and Samurai Jack. Strong, grounded colors. Angles in all the right places. We used to make our men look chiseled and cool or ugly and weird, and we were proud of it, dammit! Women will accentuate things that we never focus on- the ass, the neck, the cheekbones. We go for strong, meaty hands or rugged jawlines.

Other odd, but obvious differences- more physical conflict in men-based stories. Crime-filled warehouses, high-tech facilities, rain-drenched enemy battlefields. Women prefer lush fantasy settings. They love monsters that make them feel vulnerable- killers that can sweep them off their feet. We want to kill monsters and get the babe at the end of the story.

Nowadays you don't see this kind of stuff anymore because there are no hit cartoons for boys. I guarantee you though that you make a kickass action cartoon or a comedy with insane conflict (not some Lightyear "grounded drama" bullshit) and men will come back running.

That, or hot women. Everybody loves hot women.
"Confusing brotherhood for eros" has been a trademark of the female mindset for so long, Greek philosophers wrote about it.

They also tend to chalk all male behavior to a lack of kindness and tact instead of cold calculating choices and rational motivations. They write men to be incredibly emotional and choleric, and when they mean them to be likable, that turns them into massive crybaby bitches. They take the passion but leave the boldness that completes masculinity out, so you get characters that are "precious little cinnamon buns" and not real dudes.
Hello, femanon.
Shed be a girl boss instead of the super girl failure she is.
Nah im a gay guy
There is no tell, it's always faggots who want to feel like they're really IN THE KNOW on how everything works but it's all bullshit. Remember how everyone believed for years that Zone was a girl?
Nobody believed zone was a girl except retards who wanted to ERP with the anime avatar. Female pornographers dont really hide it, look at DimWitDog.
>used to be
But that would be if IHF was created in current year by a woman, what about 2015 IHF made by a woman?
Would it still be the same?
if the women look like men, it was drawn by a woman
if the men look like women, it was drawn by a man
I see way more of that from male writers though.
Could be that they're trying to pander to fujos/female fans but still
If you genuinely believed zone was a woman you're slow
No, Gertrude would be a lesbian and it will ends she gets out from Fairyland to be a normal person, and marry Happy or Cloudia or Meg or anyone, i mean an LGBT ending since the comic is from 2015 and Gert already looks like a feminista, color hair and smells like shit, unless it was writted by a normal woman
>drawn more doll like with more detailed makeup and hair, blush on cheeks
>large hands on men
>height difference exaggerated and emphasized
>age gap romance
Prolonged focus on "insecurity" as the main driving force behind (usually male) villains.
used to be soft color transitions and melodrama, but frankly >>144542685
just look at the hair. you can always tell which artists live in fear of the norwood reaper and which do not
>Greek philosophers wrote about it.
Tell Me more..
Maybe other way around?
Go on…
Usually you can tell an artist is a female or underage if they refuse to draw bald people normally and give them a tumor resembling hair instead.
they like to draw male villains
/co/ cannot stop talking about her.
The example
>Ha-ha, Marco and Hekapoo TOTALLY have chemistry even though when you write their personalities on paper, they don't at all!
Alright everything in your post was correct except for this. And I’m not even a Markapoo shipper
Visually, girls like
>cute shit
>pretty shit
>excessive detail in clothes
>round shapes or twiggy shapes
>excessive detail in eyes
>prominent pecs
>big heads
And they never go all-out with musculature. No appreciation whatsoever for the details of peak physique.
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The fucking riddler from the batman
But they DON'T really have anything in common. The whole reason they enjoy each other's company is because Marco had an off-screen character arc where he completely changed as a person. If you actually write down what Marco's personality is and key traits that make him "Marco" on paper then line it up with Hekapoo, there's no real reason for these two to get along as well as they do. If anything, he should be massively pissed at Hekapoo and treat her as a source of rage.
Medieval philosophers also wrote on this. I could have sworn that it was mentioned in the Malleus Maleficarum, but it was another document whose name escaped me that said the same thing: "women don't understand platonic friendship and will always view it through the lens of sexual attraction" Up to you whether you believe that or not, but fujos, the female media critics who normalized reading male bonding and macho heroes as "homoerotic," and /r/SapphoAndHerFriend don't exactly make a good argument against it
You just posted Stolitz

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