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>The world is changing — and Destro means to come out on top! But with Cobra Commander breathing down his neck and mercenaries Xamot and Tomax seeking to dethrone him as the world’s premier weapons manufacturer, he'll have to survive the future in order to build it.
No Powerglide's girlfriend, no purchase.

Also, bump.
Support your local comic store!
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Destro #2 Cover B Riley Rossmo Variant
Destro #2 Cover C 1:10 Nikola Čižmešija Connecting Variant
Destro #2 Cover D 1:25 Jeff Spokes Variant
Destro #2 Cover E 1:50 Yasmine Putri Variant

Destro #3
Destro #3 Cover B Karl Kerschl Variant
Destro #3 Cover C 1:10 Nikola Čižmešija Connecting Variant
Destro #3 Cover D 1:25 Mico Suayan Variant
Destro #3 Cover E 1:50 Eric Canete Variant
Stranded in the mountains without any weapons, Destro must survive the Chameleon’s wrath. But who is the Chameleon? And why do they want Laird Destro dead?

Destro #4
Destro #4 Cover B Siya Oum Variant
Destro #4 Cover C 1:10 Nikola Čižmešija Connecting Variant
Destro #4 Cover D 1:25 Travis Moore Variant
Destro #4 Cover E 1:50 Homare Variant

Destro’s kill list:

Anyone who gets in his way.
So if the twins didn’t attack Darklonia, who did?

Who set up Destro and Xamot & Tomax to kill each other?
Fuck's sake.
IS Transformers out too?

>No Powerglide's girlfriend, no purchase.
This is a good comic and I'm still going to buy it, but not gonna lie, that is a major disappointment, hope she shows up somewhere soon and Powerglide gets introduced.
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So, i was watching Kinnikuman to keep in line with the new series, and Look who i found at the crowd during the Akuma Shogun vs Kinnikuman fight.
Who would be cheering for?
I really feel like the GIJ side of all this is suffering from not having the toylines updated in 30 years. They looked goofy then but now they look like goofy takes on the vehicles of the 80s. Plus you can just build nuclear bombs, the nuclear material isn't worth having after 12 years for the tritium and twice that for plutonium; they're just deadly junk, and any credible weapons manufacturer would know that.
>Who set up Destro and Xamot & Tomax to kill each other?
Probably Cobra Commander, as part of some plot to bring their operations all under his control.

Anyone seen Hama's GI Joe issue this week? I'm hyped but also confused.
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>That cover
Put him in the pimp suit you cowards
The Cobras are Devil Choujin shills, Commander Cobra is probably a Perfect moron.
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Looks like that's Chameleon on the cover of G.I. Joe #1, I guess she's taking the Baroness' place in Cobra while Baroness is apart of G.I. Joe. I wonder if they're still going to be related to one another like in the past?
damn, why is she facing the reader in >>144543026, that's a fucking war crime

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