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You would defend your goblin wife, right?

I would stop her from getting into a fist fight.
Why would someone marry a goblin?
I dunno. Cause they represent 20% of the US population??
I like fat goblins.
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The elf is a tavern worker. I'd say my goblin wide has achieved a higher station than she has.
She's a tavern worker. I could probably pay her to let my wife peg her for her transgressions.
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Sir would you please sit down.
>It's just green midget with pointy ear
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Yes, you've described a goblin.
What is her age:?
goblin pussy gobbling up your cock
Couldn't even post a picture?
1 minute and 37 seconds
The elf is 500 years old. The goblin is 8.
they allow underage elfs to work there? in what kind of tavern did they took that poor old, old goblin woman
Finally. Someone actually took a goblin and made her an honest pet.
Best goblins actually have some savage, inhuman features instead of just being green halflings.
Yeah, give those bitches long pointy noses too so I can fap
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>the goblin lifespan is so fast that she'll probably be dead before dessert.
Goblins reach adulthood at 8 and can live up to 60 years old
Despite the goblin girl meme I can't actually name any significant goblin girls in anything, they're just a bunch of random images. There's no big comic or game or anything that has a goblin girl. Where did this meme even come from?
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Nott yes I know she wasn't really a goblin but for awhile she was AND canonically had big tits.
It started in CoC(no, the other CoC) and exploded after WoW released goblins as a playable race with cute new female goblin models.
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How many times must you be educated anon?
i would join my wife in the upcoming fist fight
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When did goblins start being seen as marriage worthy?
>tfw recognized both bottom left images
bros am
am i too far gone?
I hate that goblins became the new shortstack race to get lewded and not kobolds
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point and laugh at the scalie lmao
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Eat shit furfag.
While the history and emergence of the goblin girl has been documented, the lack of an iconic tentpole goblin girl is pretty notable.
No. Halflings are inherently superior to gobliggers and deserve priority acces to human cock
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I suppose it depends on how mainstream you demand your gobs to be. Trizi has been around for a long ass time, but I'm not sure I would consider her super popular.
I don't think characters created specifically for pornography fit the bill.
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That's fair.
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The closest one to mainstream I can think of is Greta from Gremlins, but I would not consider her that well known
Or a goblin for that matter.
I'm pretty sure I seen this guy do a number of Warhammer fantasy art images but are these two images Warhammer fantasy?
Flick does do a lot of Warhammer stuff but he maintains his own sort of nebulous fantasy setting where a lot of his characters exist.
So yes or no?
It's been theorized before that goblins took over the shortstack movement and made it their own because it's too easy for weirdos to insist that halfing/dwarf women are the same thing as lolicon. A green lady with big ears and sharp teeth has enough distinction to drive that away.
>patreon watermark
man you are retarded
She's not tall she's just for proportion like a human.
Yeah, that's tall for a goblin retard
I think I know the dark elf picture this is basically tracing but it's too lewd for a blue board
No you haven't seen the episode of The Simpsons where Moe dated a midget the midget was proportion like a normal person despite her height.

If my goblin wife doesn't pull out a switchblade and shank the knife-ears then she's clearly not my goblin wife.
Am I wrong for finding the dark elves cuter?

Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori It's an adult type anime it does have 4 episodes but they're all censored subtitle.
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Most DnD goblins after a certain point actually have vaguely "Catlike" features for whatever reason, probably trying to kinda bridge the old animalistic looking ones and the more gremlin look with the fact that cats are often vicious little spazzes or something, as well as trying to keep the big noses and make it less like they were just "scowly, sometimes wrinkly, elves in various colors and heights"
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I choose sophisticated goblin princess wife.
Around the time people realized the implicitly high sex drive+low standards and ease of access [they live in basically any given cave in job lots] as well as canonically ability to crossbreed in a way that's actually pretty desirable [half-goblins in Krynn for example are actually pretty cracked and have been a race of basically kinda jacked Han Solos since like 2nd edition] and the fact that they tend to be depicted as basically being clannish and basically just vaguely trad-fem, vaguely nasty bitch in the early days in the few depictions they did have that laid some of the groundwork for insane punk tinker/breedslut goblins later on.
Nah my goblin wife would beat that elf's ass.
I inform the knife eared harlot that hers is a dying race and if she wants to hurry it along I can lend my sword.
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I draw stuff where elves and goblins get along. ~
the only good goblin girls are the ones who dont look like short green elves
What about furry goblin like creatures?
kys furfag
I like them well breed

When they stared to give the male rapes fantasy to the females.

>a lone peasants walking in the forest gathering herbs
>You hear a noise and look up only to be surrounded by thirsty female goblins
>You heard the stories but never thought they were real
>there is a missing person poster of you in the tavern wall
>Adventures telling stories of female goblins kidnapping male and making them their husbands
Most of them don't have citizenship though and just live in roaming homeless packs.
What's the downward arrow briefcase image supposed to be? Also strange to see a thread like this on /co/ and not /tg/, god I miss the days when there were fun threads on /tg/.
Hope you like futa, queer.

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