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On this date five years ago, Alan Moore's final comic was published. Alan Moore left comics five years ago. He will never return.
And nothing of value was lost.
He's Amanda Hisward
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His last comic work is still to be published this Fall.
Wish they'd do a new printing of the Tempest collection, it was clearly made from low dpi files, it's pixelated as fuck.
I don't think that one quite counts as a comic book.
I heard him talk about this in an interview once, if i remember correctly it's just an illustrated how-to book modeled after 1950s science books.
Sorely missed. All-in-all, probably my favorite comic book writer.
I distinctly remember reading an excerpt of a kinda semi-autobiographical book by Moore.
Like he is the main character and narrates his routine, but he does fantasy wizard shit like walk on the sea and stuff. Anyone know what i’m talking about?
Wait, isnt Clorine a dangerous poison gas?
Yeah, you need a fume hood for that shit.
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>Wish they'd do a new printing of the Tempest collection, it was clearly made from low dpi files, it's pixelated as fuck.
can you show me an example of this, I'm paging through my spanish Planeta Comic copy and it looks perfectly fine from here
Go read his short story collection, it's great.
>Dossier Negro
Jesus Christ, Moore.
There are comics included in it
You do know how languages work, right?
Alan Moore can't escape capeshit no matter how hard he tries. I watched his film The Show from 2020 and even that had capeshit characters.
I think it's called Jerusalem but I might be wrong.
it was intentional
50's kids were built different
zoom zooms wouldn't get it
>be Alan Moore
>become the most celebrated comic writer of the last 40 years
>Hollywood wants to adapt your comics onto the big screen and television
>refuse to collaborate with them because of how they have mishandled and misinterpreted your work
>ask them to remove your name off the credits to their films
>also refuse all royalty checks from them
Now do you understand why he has much better morals as a creator than Gaiman?
Today it would be required.

You mean they had no resporatory systems?
He was too good at it.
>Alan Moore left comics five years ago. He will never return.
He never should have started writing them in the first place.
The ongoing collapse of the comic book industry is in many ways his fault.
By bringing that deconstructionist crap into the mainstream. Moore, Miller, Gaiman, Wagner, Morrison and a few others are as much responsible for what comics are today as modern incompetent editors, if not more. Without shit like Watchmen, TDKR, Sandman, etc, comics would still be selling in the 250,000-500,000 range, they'd still be fun.
Prove it.
Fun? Like what?
you might be thinking about this strip, only it was written by Neil Gaiman as a joke
>Bluh bluh bluh muh silver age boomer nostalgia
Stop whining.
Like the comics of the 60s and 70s. There were some great dark stories back then, but the writers didn't feel the need to shit, piss and spit on their characters like Moore/Miller/Morrison and their followers did in the 80s and 90s.
Yes it was exactly this, thank you
The only thing the Brits caused was making pencillers realize that making up plots for their comics just for hacks like Roy Thomas and Marv Wolfman to fill the balloons with gibberish and claim credit for it was an outrageous scam. American comics were doomed to sink into obscurity regardless because the biggest companies in the business are filled with petty, greedy morons and lazy assholes.
Thats funny.
> Roy Thomas and Marv Wolfman to fill the balloons with gibberish
So they did a Stan Lee?
He hasn't written anything worth reading since 2003.

And stop obsessing over Alan Moore. I hate how this board thinks he's like "the protagonist of comics" or whatever.
The "deconstruction" bit comes from illiterate americans who don't know what that is. Watchmen is superheroes played straight. The thing is that superheroes, like baseball or basketball, only make sense to americans. Watchmen is how the rest of the world sees them.
The magic of the 60s was lost because of corporate greed and strongarming. Creators like Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Jim Steranko left Marvel over this shit (and why Kirby left DC and Marvel again in the 70s), not because Alan Moore was going to write comics in the 80s.
The Brits came and made things fun and good again (along with Miller and a few others), but the big two rubbed their hands.
He’s the wise old mentor who is always right and probably would’ve saved the day himself if he wasn’t so old
That's nonsense.
that should've been obvious when Gaiman wrote those mercenary comics for Marvel because he desperately wanted to get his hands on the Miracleman rights
Providence was good
Providence from 2017 was good. The Nemo Trilogy before that was good.
Promethea and Tom Strong from ABC ran up to 2006, and those were good.
>The thing is that superheroes, like baseball or basketball, only make sense to americans.
but the Japanese love baseball
>Alan Moore left comics five years ago when his last comic book was published
>insufferable /co/mblr faggot lies through his rotten teeth and says that a paperback book is a comic book
Classy as always.
Agree to disagree, then. 80s and 90s comics are way more fun to me than 60s and 70s comics.
Unfortunately, he's the GOAT.
If there were many better writers, I'd talk about them more.
That's cool. Can he now also retire from complaining about comic books as well?
I want you to tell me the last time he complained about comics, which comic he was complaining about, and the exact date it was reported
He will as soon as you stop complaining about him complaining about comics.
That's up to the people that interview him. They're the ones that bring it up all the time.

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