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Fire and Life Incarnate!

Also in this thread: What does the future hold for Tony and Emma? AND BLOOD HUNT PRESENTS - Spotlight on Laura Kinney: Wolverine!

Comics in this thread:
>Phoenix #1
>Invincible Iron Man #20
>X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney, The Wolverine
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Bump if you're reading.
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You know I actually wanted this series to be narrated by Jean and not by someone else but okay.
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bump let's see how Phillips's second attempt at a cosmic book goes, her first was rather shit
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There she is!
no interest in Aaron's Narmor book OP?
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Well I do suspect that we might get a follow-up on whatever she wrote in Cosmic Ghost Rider (I didn't read it).
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Considered it, but I decided not to. Just far too disconnected and has more to do with Aaron's Avengers run if anything.
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Nova is also here, back from his coma. He got better.
>Opening up with an edgy atheist rant
Bold move there cotton.
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no explanation?
regular ol comic book bullshit
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>I didn't read it
neither did most people the only she can really follow up on trying to explain the OC she created that replaced Frank as Cosmic Ghost Rider some how
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Scott is also here, back on Earth in the Sentinel Factory.
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Breevort really going for the obscure characters here
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>"Jean is and always has been the Phoenix."
And yet this series does not continue the legacy numbering of her previous solos.
here bby
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>"...Can you understand my language?"
At this point there is no need for a translator since majority of aliens can speak English.
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Hey look, the Black Order! And Corsair is also there, I guess.
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Ah. We return to this again.
Apparently Brevoort has stated that all new #1's (aside from miniseries I suspect) are going to have a QR-code page, which is...certainly a choice.
But this will be the last time you'll be seeing this as starting from next week with NYX I'll be just replacing this QR-page with the real page instead.
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Note from Phillips.
Oh hey, Supergiant's alive again. I guess she revived at some point since their last appearance in the Star mini.
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And our QR-code page shows us...things to come!

And now for Invincible Iron Man.
rare to see the Black Order without Black Swan on the team but I guess she has been spoken for in Hickman's GODS series
why bother to do this on the digital version of these books?
Alright, this is it. Final issue!
Bottom left panel swiped from House of M, a couple others look suspect as well.
an oddly large amount of Thor Villians in this book
>why bother to do this on the digital version of these books?
Probably because a) they're lazy and b) this is fuck with those that acquire their digital copies early
this is to fuck with those that acquire their digital copies early as well*
Yeah, what did happen to him after Tony hit him with the Iron Coffin? Well...
There he is. Just stuck on Arakko now.
Hey that's not very nice
so he's just been put into a box for when someone wants to use him again for either X-men or Iron Man
tale as old as time
Ten bucks that he escapes that place without confessing anything.
Rate the cover
>"Suit's even made of metal."
so what happens when a random Arroko Mutant gets curious about this apparently impenetrable building that is just somewhere on Mars?
>"The leaders of Russia are working to re-form the Soviet Union as we speak"
Could have left the review without trashing the place you know.
Okay, now for the moment you've been waiting for.
I don't think Duggans ever had a great grasp of Geo-politics and probably considers what Putin doing in trying to bring back the USSR
Presumably the glass is see through so they can see the fucker

And Iron Man is keeping an empty drone armor there so it could give out a warning or put up a sign

Presumably he'll also need to either arrange for regular shipments of food and water for Feilong, and it would be a lot cheaper to buy from the Arrakkii than to send a supply ship every month, so maybe they already know and are under contract
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But on the upside, you're rich again!
don't think he needs to eat or drink
he blasted sunfire on phobos without a care for the vacuum
Water can all just be recycled from Feilong's own piss but Food would be an important factor
Hi Bats
>"What's next on your agenda?"
Probably getting that miniseries that was solicited and then swiftly removed published, I guess.
hopefully, she didn't keep him in that position for too long it would be pretty bad for his posture otherwise
>>"The leaders of Russia are working to re-form the Soviet Union as we speak"
Considering the next page I'm pretty sure this is just supposed to be Dynamo coping.
That's not enough, too much would get lost in the recycling process
Well, have fun Tony.
considering that Mini was all about her having the Mandarin Rings I would guess that isn't the case, the ending of Krakoa being sped up must have made it unfeasible for whatever reason but I'm not sure why Duggan felt the need to remove them anyway when it's not like he gave them to her in the first place(it was Cantwell that did that)
>West Coast Avengers is happening
Final note from Duggan.
And that's it for this run of Iron Man, as well as for its time in this thread. Very weird timeline we're living in where an entire Iron Man run ended up becoming an X-Book. Anyways, good luck to Spencer Ackerman on helming the next run.

And now for X-Men: Blood Hunt.
We've reached the last one-shot of our Blood Hunt feature. Coincidentally, this one is also written by Stephanie Phillips as well.
so this takes place pre-Dario's death in Thor then?
I'm guessing this new WCA team going to be announced at SDCC then
No these guys just happen to be ugly.
Duggan's Iron man was probably weirdly enough his best X-Book because I feel he really struggles with team books. And also he vibes very hard with snarky, smarmy characters so writing Tony and Emma seemed much more his thing. But man even so this dragged so fucking bad, I can't even imagine how this must be a slog to read in trade.
Gotta do what your dad does and give them the snikt.
the Iron Man armour design is an interesting choice to go for just after the super sleek Mysterium suit from this run/Blood Hunt
Nooo what did they do to Gabby?
>"...hoping that by consuming mutant blood, they might gain some additional powers..."
Err. I don't remember that being a thing.
That's not a mutant, that's just Xarus.
He also debuted in Curse of the Mutants, but I'm pretty sure he's only here because he and Laura were both in X-Terminators.
And yes, he's actually meant to still be in the Vampire Nation so I'm not sure how he suddenly ended up in New York.
>"Xarus didn't choose to be a vampire"
No but he's still wanted to be the next Lord of the Vampires.
I guess because they can plausibly fight in Phoenix's weight class?
So anon said a week ago was true, She wanted to stay, but editorial faggotry and per Apocalypse mini, she still feels guilty for what happened in krakoa and her literal adoptive daughters death, and now that chuck is gone, she wants to help people again and find redemption in it.
And that she still loves Tony, but again, Editorial speaks higher and status quo faggotry must go on
it's what the main Jobber team in Blood Hunt are doing to Thor for most of the issues
>"Making sure mutant blood is safe for them to consume."
You could have just told them that you turned Jubilee before and that they have nothing to fear.
Wait it actually works? Does Xarus then have Jubilee's powers?
Oh. He might.
I guess
..so now what? Does he join the X-Men or something?
Next week: NYX #1, Wolverine: Blood Hunt #4, Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII #3.
And that's it! If you liked these, support your LCS or whatever.
How considerate of Emma to give Tony a couple years worth of antagonists
one of them is already dead though
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Since jubes powers creates minisuns
He is now capable of it

Seeing that this is before blood hunt and heir of apocalypse, and that Doom is about to become the new sorcerer supreme, Tombstone is going to jail and Fisk is taking command again per Daredevil, and Shang-Chi is joining the avengers.
Is a nothingburger
>No Carol yet
But soon
>Shang-Chi is joining the avengers.
which one do you think is Shang-chi?
Emma stole money from the triads in that page.
and this is before the new run and before Blood Hunt and the new #1 comics
All in that page was dealt with
Oh no. The Phoenix issue was fun
gillen's iron man vs malekith redux
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there is that tease at the end of Gillans run where Malikith adopts a weird Cuthulu baby that was created by a cult using Extremis and I don't think that has ever been addressed since
damn nigga how you remember shit like that
But Shang-Chi isn't in that panel of the Triads
I would love that. I loved that run with ten rings + malekith.
idk I just retain useless information easily just how my brain works, It's good for pub quizzes I guess.
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I thought it was a good idea

But it felt like Gillen ran out of steam part way through and didn't want to bother creating new characters, costumes or designs for most of the new Mandarins so he just threw like half of them to D-Listers and fast forwarded to the finale
Is Emma Frost in everything?
Wait, so Kingpin just gave Emma all the Hellfire Club’s money? Seems weirdly generous.
Read the next page
This proved that Emma now loves Stark, not for money but for him being himself and she finding someone better than scott in him.
If anything, just have tony sending the money back to her claiming that her new mansion needs classrooms.

This is literally something good that happened for once for both Tony and Emma, until the Status Quo spoke higher.
Now Watch pepper coming back from whatever happened to her during Orchis thanks to ackerman
What did you expect, Phoenix villains? It's not like Jean has rogues and it's hard to get people that can challenge phoenix wank. I'd be surprise if the Black Order is actually a threat.
I don't think Black Swan herself actually appeared outside of references. Just Black Swans the group.
Fisk is only doing stuff in daredevil because he's posessed by Matt's greed
Yeah. Doesn't really roll off the tongue.
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Bros I hate status quo shit so much
"The" Black Swan wasn't in G.O.D.S from what I can recall. The last time I saw her was in the Star mini where she hung out with the Black Order on earth. She seems to have been replaced by Supergiant here.

Are they even going to fight? Might just be cover bait.
I thought that guy was dead, when did he come back?
>that atheist rant
people who bitch about Christianity are ignorant about all other religions and don't realize it's the fucking easiest mode of all of them.
No other religion offers salvation on its terms (believe in the deity and regret your sins)
Kathy Griffin/10
True as it can be ...
good to know Duggan’s as big a fan of that Ultimates Iron Patriot football page as we are.
>I've heard death by black hole happens quickly
Dumbass has no understanding of relativity.
once upon a time, when Remender was writing Captain America, it ended up being Uncanny Avengers spin-off as well
whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm glad this marriage is over
I feel that these threads are probably going to be desolate in the upcoming months
She will never score with you CVCKSUMMERS
Jean will cheat your ass with Nova
calm down, retard
>Wait it actually works
maybe they did some magic/occult science with the blood
>Taking countries by force to regain territory the lose post collapse.
>Reforming the Soviet Union
I guess that's a take.
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Hey, here's an interview with Carmen Carnero about Exceptional X-Men. I'll post it along the character profiles of the new mutants that were revealed yesterday.

>AIPT: To start, how long have you been working on this project? I’m always curious to find out these things can take months, if not years!

Carmen Carnero: I imagine that planning a relaunch of this scale takes a lot of time, you know, setting up teams, planning the release order, etc, but for me it started at the end of last year when I was doing a couple of issues of Amazing Spider-Man.

I got the pitch with the first issues and character descriptions, loved it, took the job and soon after that I started working on the character designs since we had some time until I finished what I had pending, and once that was done I started on the first issue a little bit into this year.

>AIPT: Is there a particular character that you’ve grown to love drawing most after drawing a few issues now?

CC: I know it sounds typical, but I really enjoy the whole team because each one has its own developments and moments that I like to draw. To mention some of these moments, I would go with Emma’s fabulous introduction, Kitty’s scenes of anxiety/doubt due to where we pick up her story, and all the kids’ introductions which are super relatable.
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>AIPT: Which character did you THINK you’d love drawing the most?

CC: Well, Trista (Bronze) is the first to appear and you see in the lettered preview where she is not allowed to enter a kpop concert with her friends and suffers an altercation with a security guard and discovers her power at that moment.

Then you start to find out Trista’s adorable personality through her interactions with Kitty and you’ll fall in love with her, she’s such a huggable character. She gives me A LOT of opportunity to play when it comes to drawing.

>AIPT: You’ve worked with a whole bunch of excellent writers! How has working with Eve L. Ewing so far?

CC: It’s true that I look back and it’s amazing how many talented writers I’ve had the opportunity to work with, and each one has their own style.

Eve manages to make me believe I’m in Chicago when I read a script, it’s always full of references and gets you into the situation (which is appreciated for someone who doesn’t live in the USA). But where I think she is brilliant is in character development and especially the teenagers, our series is very character-focused and that gives you a lot of insight into how each character would react to certain situations. I love how Eve resolves these types of situations and I feel very lucky with the team we have made!
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>AIPT: Do you have a favorite X-Man? It doesn’t have to be in this book!

CC: Every time I’m asked this question I answer something different and I feel like I have to choose between several people I love very much. As of today and not taking into account that I have the best characters in our series… it would be between Nightcrawler, Rogue, or Laura although I’m sad to leave out several like Magik, Iceman, Jean, Wolverine… very difficult to choose one!

>AIPT: If your series was a song, what would it be and why?

CC: Very difficult question because there is an incredibly different mix of ingredients in our series. Depending on who I draw, I play one type of music or another:

• With Kitty I like to play the acoustic songs of Foo Fighters’ In Your Honor because all she wants is calm
• With Emma very powerful soundtracks/classical music.
• With Trista (Bronze) in my head keeps playing Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal because she is both a steamroller and tender.
• Alex (Axo) already has a playlist made by Eve where there is a lot of punk and especially the band Axolotes Mexicanos.
• Thao (Melee) is very impulsive. I see her listening to powerful R&B female singers like Janelle Monáe, maybe? I think it is a very subjective thing and each person will find something different in reading this series.

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Oh and the solicit for issue #2.

>Kate Pryde’s continued attempts at living a normal, non-mutant life go laughably wrong as she finds herself in the middle of a brawl started by a couple of headstrong teens with remarkable abilities – which, of course, they’re terrible at controlling. She’s sworn off being anybody’s teacher, mentor, professor, sensei or anything that reminds her of her old life. But will the White Queen force her hand?
>literally named trans
Tran is a common Vietnamese last name
you have issues with a ton of viets?
I guess. Does it matter?
as a matter of fact, yes
Spencer Akerman? Who?
It's fun to see Laura and Gabby again
he is a journalist,really liked Krakoa, wrote an article about Iron Man in 2008.
Chill Duggan, you and Zeb Wells must give up these cuck fetishes.
What happened to him over the last few years with the muties? Last I remember, one of the horsemen seemingly killed him.
he was in a Coma in X-men Red by the end only kept alive by the Nova Force, I guess Ewing a a story there but he will just write Absolute GL as his Nova book now
that's literally it
NTR SEX with Phoenix NOW
Ngl I only read for Nova and it was eeeh. Not worth taking him out of the coma but with rumors of Ewing writing Green Lantern I doubt anyone cares about Rich that much to have him as anything as a supporting character.
That was a very kino arc when I was ten years younger with a brighter soul
Carmen is a cute
i know duggan is just playing this straight because he's a dummy about politics but there's something darkly funny about an american monument to a corrupt, authoritarian ethnostate that falsely claims it went down fighting fascism

marvel's version of a victims of communism memorial
>one guy's costume is just cardboard boxes with Iron Man painted on
lmao Laura's shitty new costume
>gets brought back after more than 25 years as a generic Russia Bad villain who attacks Tony like a random jobber
Thanks, Duggan.
6/10, Half of the issue is narrated by a nobody. The art sometimes is shitty, Richard Rider jobs again. The Marvel Way since 2016, writers wank a female character to death and male characters' usual jobs.
Good, Phillips does some research, on the vibe of Simonson's, and how these authors painted Scott and Jean on earlier X-Factor issues.
>Half of the issue is narrated by a nobody
In fairness, it reads like he may be an ongoing supporting character for the book, or at least it's opening storyline.

>The Marvel Way since 2016, writers wank a female character to death and male characters' usual jobs.
It's the first issue of a heroine solo book, making the lead character look better than everyone else in the first issue is basic cape comics 101. Solo books where the title character jobs in #1 don't tend to last.
Please let it be better than the garbage Thompson wrote
Please let it have Hawkeye as a non-joke
You have good points, nobody wants to pay a comic book to the main character jobs except for Spider-Man fans.
I'm not saying a hero should never lose, you can't do comebacks or rematches if you don't have losses, but whether if it's a character's debut appearance or the relaunch of a long-established character, you absolutely shouldn't open an #1 with the hero losing and looking weak, nor getting overshadowed by other supporting characters or guest stars in their own book. That #1 is your best hope for hooking readers and making them want to keep reading about the title character, it should show them at their best.
I honestly was surprised by the pages with Scott and how Marvel wants to distance female characters from husbands and boyfriends like MJ and Peter, now MJ has her own powers.
I like the black order, they’re a fun bunch of edgy goobers.
Spider-Man and MJ is a uniquely weird situation where almost everyone within Marvel seems to hate the pairing, but they know they can't get rid of MJ, they've tried enough times and enough different ways, so they're just trolling the fans while stringing them along with occasional moments of false hope amidst years of one or both of them dating other people in pairings nobody really cares about except the writer. There's not really anything comparable with anyone else at Marvel except Scarlet Witch and Vision, who've been going through something similar for even longer.

With Jean here, it's possible Marvel actually listened to fans and saw getting her away from the rest of the X-Men and away from being someone's love interest would give her more of a chance to shine, but it's also possible that they know the fandom is divided between Scott/Jean and Scott/Emma shippers and Jean being out in space buys time while they decided what they want to do.
Me too, I warmed up to them over time
it's so fucking retarded to have atheism in Marvel, they fucking know death, Gods, and an afterlife are flat out a thing
in a universe where you can pick up a hammer and gain the powers of a "god," where some random guy can get bombarded with radiation and become something beyond even that, the notion of worshipping such entities is obscene
They grew on me hen they started portraying them as a murderous family of malcontents instead of just a bunch of disposable goons.
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Yeah apparently he has been swiping from Coipel

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